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  • Cheerful tests on intelligence with trim. "14 signs that you are an educator" - a comic test for educators Interesting fast test for teachers

    Cheerful tests on intelligence with trim.

    The main perpetrators of the celebration are teachers. For them, various rooms, games and contests are performed. Bright and cheerful leading praise dignity pedagogical compositionAnd the lion will familiarize themselves with a horoscope for each sign of the zodiac. The trocurement of the final and a warm benevolent atmosphere will remember this holiday for a long time.

    Purpose: Creation of a festive atmosphere, upbringing a valid attitude towards the teacher's work.


    The hall is decorated with various posters with congratulations, wall newspapers. For scenery scene, you can use multicolored and paper flowers. For teachers, places on the front row are highlighted - they are the main ones.

    Required props:

    • Projector And the computer to view the interview.
    • Thing In the chest for the game "Guess the subject".
    • 20 cards With words and magnetic board for the game "Memory."
    • Goldfish By the number of teachers.


    • Leaders: Dressed in festive and bright outfit.
    • Required mane, tail with tassel, dark orange pants and turtleneck. You can sew fluffy cuffs on the same shade.
    • Other participants Also dressed bright and festive.

    Preliminary work

    Prepare rooms for congratulations (poems, dance - Waltz, songs); Prepare a video - Interview with teachers "My first steps".

    Event flow

    Teachers are searched on the front rows in the hall to the music. Coming two leading.

    Lead 1: Hello, dear teachers!

    Lead 2: Good afternoon, our dear mentors!

    Lead 1: Today we gathered in this festive decorated room to celebrate the next event.

    Lead 2: Not just an event, but a major event! After all, we will celebrate our mentors - favorite teachers!

    Lead 1: You light asterisks, find talents in each student. And today we will light up for you!

    He is a student with a poem about teachers.

    Lead 2: Of course, your talents, dear teachers, not read. Everyone has their own highlight, its own feature that allows us to love and respect you.

    Lead 1: And you are the most stringent and fair! Academic year Recently began, and we have already managed to pretty to believe, earning the detached "fives".

    Lead 2: But in no case do not reproach you for it! After all, we understand that who does not work, he does not eat, that is, it does not get the necessary knowledge!

    Lead 1: In gratefulness for care and attention, the entire student team of the school decided to enable our beloved teachers to relax, recharge the vigor and a good mood for the whole year.

    Lead 2: However, you will also have to work well today to "earn" good mood And get the lion's share of our attention!

    Lead 1: Do not be afraid, we will not give lion. After all, he can eat you! What will we then do without you - our amazing mentors?

    Lead 2. (dreamily): If only to sleep longer, you will hang on the Internet more often, and no lessons ...

    Lead 1: Do not even hope! From Rono will send others, and new teachers are akin to aliens - first need contact to establish to understand what they want. Do we need this fruit?

    Lead 2: Of course not! So we are you, such relatives and loved ones, we will protect against all the misfortunes. And no lions in our hall!

    It includes a student in a suit of a lion.

    Lead 1: Oh oh oh! What is that? Rather, who are you?

    (proudly): I am a lion! King of beasts! Head of the zodiac horoscope! Isn't it visible?

    Lead 2. (Grozno): And why did you, the head of the animal state, pleased? Did you really have little ditch in your forest and you decided to hunt us?

    (frightened): No, no, in no case! I do not eat alive organisms - I am from the zodiac! I heard you have a great event.

    Lead 1: That's right, today we celebrate the day of the teacher. And here, in the first row, the perpetrators of the celebration (indicates).

    In this case, I would like to transfer small wishes from my colleagues - zodiac signs (reads comic wishes to teachers of various zodiac signs).

    Lead 2: Thanks for the wishes and compiled forecast.

    It's nice to please the people who benefit. Well, what, it remains to say goodbye - I am waiting for my heavenly friends. See you! (Runs away).

    Lead 1: So unexpected, but how nice. Not only we consider our teachers worthy.

    Lead 2: True, but congratulations do not end up - still ahead! Congratulate our favorite teachers dreams of our school's vocal team.

    Song sounds - congratulations on the execution of school students.

    Lead 1: Our teachers, so wise and experienced, sometime just as we now went to school and received grades.

    Lead 2: Dreamed that someday would grow and become teachers.

    Lead 1: And the dream came true: you are teachers! Tell me, what were your first sensations at the beginning of the activity? What good luck or failures have fed you at first?

    Interview "My first steps". You can interview teachers in advance and show ready-made video, but you can spend a survey and during the event.

    Lead 2: Let's compose a fairy tale about our mentors.

    Lead 1: Our teachers are creative and gifted personality, what is not a fairy tale about them, but you have to write a poem!

    Lead 2: Well, I'm not a poet, I can not verses. Therefore, still a fairy tale - but so light so that it has become warm on her soul.

    Lead 1: It would be great!

    Lead 2: So, in a light-rated forest ...

    Lead 1: On the light-rated glade ...

    Lead 2: There is a light-raised house, called school.

    Lead 1: And in that house there are bright-raged people ...

    Lead 2: With a light-ledged soul ...

    Lead 1: And learn light-rapid guys to everything bright, kind and beautiful!

    Lead 2: And from such a light-raised relationship around is constantly light.

    Lead 1: The original "light" fairy tale turned out. I wonder if there are many single words from the word "light"?

    Lead 2: Let's ask our teachers to call them, and consider themselves?

    Teachers call single-handed words: light, light, bright, brilliant and so on.

    Lead 1: How many words were formed from the word "light"!

    Lead 2: But light is a science! After all, it says: "Learning is light, and nonsense - darkness."

    Lead 1: For sure! And our teachers lead us to the light. For this we give you, expensive teachers another gift - dance.

    Students of senior classes dance waltz. On the last checkout you can invite teachers.

    Test joke is intended for teachers. The test can be applied on pedsovets or other pedagogical events. The test is perfected and is designed not so much for diagnosis, how much to create a dynamic and liberated atmosphere. He raises the revival of teachers, gives the event a more dynamic character. Despite a perfection character, he still contains a diagnostic moment and can be used as the beginning of a conversation about pedagogical competences or team professionalism.



    Timofeev T. N.

    Test joke for teachers "Fairy tale lies, yes in it hint ..."

    Test joke is intended for teachers. The test can be applied on pedal tracks or other pedagogical events. The test is perfected and is designed not so much for diagnosis, how much to create a dynamic and liberated atmosphere. He raises the revival of teachers, gives the event a more dynamic character. Despite a perfection character, he still contains a diagnostic moment and can be used as the beginning of a conversation about pedagogical competences or team professionalism. Conducting is usually accompanied by jog comments and laughter. The procedure for conducting a demonstration of slides and suggests teachers to choose a hero of a fairy tale, which is most likely. Naturally, the female half of the collective chooses female heroes, and male chooses male heroes. After the procedure of choice, the interpretation of the hero is read through which is detected pedagogical features Those who chose this hero fairy tale.



    Princess has high claims to life and to students. As any princess, she can be shaken and inconsistent. The princess requires respect and will not tolerate familiarity. She does not immediately converge with children, but later their relationship becomes very strong. Usually princesses reach a high position in society. The princess has high life claims, they are not satisfied with small. And by this they are interested in their disciples. Your strong side is to be ambitious. You can teach your disciples to be successful, weissious. You can teach children to realize your life plans, you can show them the way to success.


    Cinderella is very miles, consumed, they understand the feelings of other people well. This is your strong side as a teacher. Acts of children are clear to you, you understand them well and you can explain their behavior. You are very insightful and indulgent to children and you can forgive much. They trust you immensely. Cinderella is very hardworking and diligent. To the same diligence they can teach children. Cinderella Optimists, not afraid of life difficulties, will always support weak. Their lessons are the lessons of good and hardworking. Teaching your example is your strong side as a teacher.


    Such teachers are committed to their work, they see high goals in pedagogical work, these are very purposeful people. Such a teacher can teach children to nobility, perseverance and serving people, to service high goals. They are attractive as one-piece and purposeful people, ready to always come to the aid to those who need it. They are interested in children with their sequence and purposefulness. Their lessons are thought out, structural, they easily create a clear learning structure. And children in this structure are easily and everything is clear. Logic - your pedagogical horse.


    Mermaid is very romantic nature. She is very predicted with her ideals. The world is beautiful for her and filled with love. Such a grace of perception of the world Mermaid can transfer to children. She can teach them to be tolerant, can teach them to see beautiful. The little mermaid can teach admire the sunrise and see thousands of paints that others are not able to see. Her lessons are calm and measured. Mermaids manage to look into children's eyes and consider it more important than unbearable lessons. Romantic nature, they can turn any lesson in the manifold of paints. This is their strength as teachers.


    The nobility of actions, a little resistance, the ability to respond for their actions and words. All these qualities are very attractive for children. Such a teacher is able to teach to be a strong responsible for itself and others. His lessons are calm, consistent, he does not pronounce many words, but all words are meaningful and deliberate. It easily highlights the main thing and does not exchange for trifles. Such a teacher is deprived of sentimentality, but not devoid of logic and thoughtfulness. Measure on evaluation, but they are always fair.


    The immediacy and positive is the motto of the life of Pinocchio. Such teachers are optimistic, they are very sociable, very attractive for children. They do not tolerate the routine, so their lessons are solid improvisation, which they always succeed. Optimism and cheerfulness are their strength. They hardly withstand the routine of filling the papers and magazines, may forget the little things. For this, their colleagues are often criticized. But children with them are always wondering, because this man is not logical, but so attractive. They are able to teach children to optimism and positive relationships with people. Despite some inconsistency, Pinocchio can embody large life projects. After all, in a fairy tale, making a lot of stupid actions, in the end, he comes out the winner.

    IVAN TSAREVICH - a mixture of romance and nobility. Such a teacher is sensitive, sentimental and at the same time confident and courageous. As a class teacher, he is a great sample of male behavior and good male education. Expressing his opinion or reading out the student, he does not fall to rudeness, but his position will not be szyble. Children respect and draw it to him. His lessons are thought out, he is carefully prepared for each lesson, picks up a lot additional material. He has a good speech, well, how else - because he is the royal son.


    With such a teacher is not boring. He is improviser. It will not reproduce boring material from the textbook, and turn it into a fun adventure or draw. Such a teacher is unpredictable and often not consistent. Mickey Mouse is difficult to fit into the framework and norms of behavior - may not fulfill the elementary requirements of the administration - during not to pass reports, etc. But in contrast to many adults, he is able to feel and understand childhood, he did not part with him, he He moved him to his adult life. Lack of discipline he compensates for its openness and immediacy. Children are emotionally tied to such a teacher and remember his lessons for many years. In his lessons, children are liberated and free, the teacher knows how to create partnerships with children.

    Questions, the data below, ask personnel agencies to their candidates to determine their mental abilities. Try to do it and you. Thus, you not only appreciate the mental potential of your colleagues, but also lift the mood to all those present.

    These questions allow you to know whether the tested memory is good, whether they do not tend to find too complex solutions simple tasksand whether they have the ability to take into account the consequences of previous actions when making important decisions And learn from your own mistakes.

    Question 1.

    How to put the rhino in the refrigerator?

    Question 2.

    How to put mammoth in the refrigerator?

    Question 3.

    The king of animals convened all animals to the meeting, which was all but one. Who did not appear at the meeting?

    Question 4.

    You need to twist across the river in which the irrelevant number of crocodiles lives. How do you cross the river?


    You can voice the correct option immediately after receiving the answer, or read them after the participants nominate their versions on all questions.

    Reply to the 1st question

    Open the refrigerator, put the rhino in it, close the refrigerator.

    Answer to the 2nd question

    Incorrect answer: open the fridge, put the mammoth in it, close the refrigerator.

    The correct answer is: open the fridge, get the rhino from it, put the mammoth in it, close the refrigerator.

    Answer to the 3rd question

    This is a mammoth, since he was in the refrigerator at that time.

    Answer to the 4th question

    Of course, climb, because all the crocodiles at the meeting of the king of the beast.

    Test "Where to identify employee?"

    This test is often used when driving. For this potential employee, lead to a room in which, except for the table and a pair of chairs, there is nothing, they ask him to wait some time, then go and appear only in a couple of hours. If a person really needs this work, he will not leave anywhere. The question is what he will be engaged in the expectation of the interlocutor. And depending on this, it is determined by this or that company's division.

    Of course, to lock in an empty room of the employee to find out whether it was correctly sent to work in that department, you do not need. It is enough to choose a few volunteers, distribute them pencils and printed on separate sheets of pastime options and describe them with approximately such words: "Imagine that you came to get to our company to work. You met the secretary, spent on the room with white walls, in which there are only 2 chairs and the table from the furniture, and asked to wait a few minutes, and he disappeared for almost 2 hours. You really want to work in our company, so you will be patient and wait. To brighten the wait, you will choose one of the 11 options described on the leaves, and enter it with a pencil. " Ask for all tested signs, then collect them and announce the results.

    Preparation options

    1. Establish the table on the details.

    3. I will start to hum, and at the same time gesticulates strongly.

    4. I will talk to furniture.

    5. I will not waste time with a gift and take a little.

    6. I will write a letter in which I will express everything that I think about the current situation.

    7. I will keep full calm and not even turning to look at the one who enters the room.

    8. I will be nervous, but I will try to convince myself that everything is not so bad.

    9. I will try to play with my glasses.

    10. I will deal with the study of furniture defects.

    11. I will try to repair a broken chair.


    If the test chose the first option, the place is in the area of \u200b\u200bresearch and information.

    If the test chosen the second option, it will best manifest itself in the finance department.

    If the test chose the third option, send it to the reference department.

    If the test chose the fourth option, the most suitable place for it is the personnel department.

    If the test chose the fifth option, it is a born manager.

    If the test selected the sixth option, arrange it to work in the technical documentation department.

    If the test selected the seventh option, the company will only win if it will work in the security service.

    If the test selected the eighth option, send it to the marketing department.

    If the test chosen the ninth version, trust it with the software.

    If the test chose the tenth version, the supply department for it is a native element.

    If the test chose the eleventh version, no one better cope with the sales issues.

    Test "Leaning to Professions"

    This comic test can be suggested to pass those who doubt the correctness of the choice of their profession. Before you set one single question, distribute pencils and leaves with the options for answering it and ask you to sign them and check the answer that, in their opinion, is correct. Then collect leaves and announce the results.

    How much will it be 2 x 2?

    Options for answers

    2. The response depends on the units of measurement.

    3. 99 (70 - us; 25 - you; 4 - on the cashier).

    4. And how much do you need?

    5. Group sex do not offer.

    6. As a rule, 4.

    7. From 5 to 7.

    8. I do not consider it necessary to answer stupid questions.

    Deciphering answers

    1. Teacher

    2. Programmer

    3. Financial Director

    4. Accountant

    5. Secretary Refherent

    6. Economist

    8. Manager

    Test "Chief or Subordinate?"

    Invite your colleagues to pass the test and find out who in your team is more - chiefs or subordinates.

    To do this, you will need pencils and sheets of paper with approvals printed on them. Test participants must select answer options and calculate the number of scores scored. Then announce the results. Perhaps they will make the bosses to reconsider the personnel policy of their company.

    1. For everything that happens in my life, I am responsible.

    B. I do not know.

    2. Problems in my life would be much less if people around me would change their attitude towards me.

    B. I do not know.

    3. By nature, I am not a person action, I prefer to reflect on the causes of my misses, and not take concrete steps to correct them.

    B. I do not know.

    4. Often it comes to my mind that my life proceeds under the "unfortunate star."

    B. I do not know.

    5. Drug addicts and alcoholics themselves are to blame for rolling on the very bottom of life.

    B. I do not know.

    6. Reflecting on your life, I came to the conclusion: for what happens to me, they are responsible for whose influence my character was formed.

    B. I do not know.

    7. I prefer your sores to treat my own long proven ways.

    8. I do not know.

    8. In the fact that women become bitch and worthless creatures, as a rule, are not to blame for themselves, but those who surround them.

    B. I do not know.

    9. From any situation you can always find an output.

    V. I do not know.

    10. I am grateful to those who never refuse to help me, and always try to make something pleasant to them.

    B. I do not know.

    11. Reflecting on those who came the initiator of the conflict, I always start with myself.

    B. I do not know.

    12. I believe in adoption: if the black cat will move the road - do not wait for nothing good.

    B. I do not know.

    13. Every adult man in any life situation Must be strong and able to respond for their own actions.

    B. I do not know.

    14. I have a lot of flaws, but this is not a reason to treat me biased.

    B. I do not know.

    15. If not in my power to influence the outcome of the case, I usually labeled with it, considering that the next time I am lucky much more.

    B. I do not know.


    What to calculate the number of scored points, suggest test participants for each answer "Yes" to questions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and for each answer "No" for questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 , 14, 15 Candle 10 points, and for the answers I do not know. - 5 points.

    More than 116 points.

    Of course, you are the boss. If you still do not take a responsible post, this is a big mistake from your boss. You have such qualities as honesty, independence, principle, hardworking and determination. You are peculiar to professionalism, the ability to find a way to people and organizational abilities.

    From 96 to 115 points.

    Chief you or subordinate? It all depends on the situation. You can and manage, if you see in this any benefit, and obey, if you think it will be better for you to hide in the shadow for you.

    Less than 95 points.

    You are used to sailing downstream. Being a supervisor is not your meager. It is much easier to carry out someone's orders than to take the initiative in your own hands and carry responsibility for this. However, everyone chooses its path, because if there are bosses, there must be subordinates.

    Test "How many years will you need to become a millionaire?"

    This comic test suggests one of your colleagues. At the wall, attach Watman with such text:

    Your wage: ____________________ rubles.

    Estimated wage growth per year: ____________________% every year.

    How many rubles you can postpone annually: ____________________ rubles.

    Tested should mark figures with a marker. As soon as he does this, announce the result.


    According to your annual income, you have a chance to earn:

    1 million - after 83 years.

    10 million - after 138 years.

    100 million in 169 years.

    1 billion - after 215 years.

    10 billion - after 271 years.

    And you can compete Bill Gates not earlier than ... 307 years. We wish you Siberian health and longevity to live to this significant event.

    Test "Do you have a chance to become a space tourist?"

    To carry out this test, you do not need many participants. Ask your colleagues who dreams of looking at Earth from Cosmos. Wishing to make a distant journey, ask only 2 questions, calculate the scope of points scored by them and announce the results.

    1. Do you complain about your health?

    A. Thank God, no (1 point).

    B. Sometimes it happens (0 points).

    2. Do you have 30 million dollars on your bank account?

    A. Of course (1 point).

    B. Alas and ah (0 points).


    2 points.

    I sincerely congratulate you! You can become one of the first applicants for a space tourist in Rocket!

    Less than 2 points.

    Do not despair! You do not have a reason for the disorder, because on our planet you can tear off!

    Test "Your attitude to the world of art"

    Some days later listen to music, others themselves prefer to sing, others can and in the ordinary to see beauty, the fourth themselves do it, the fifth there is no business to some kind of art. What category your colleagues belong to, will help to solve this test. Distribute to testing pencils and questionnaires with questions and ask them to answer them honestly.

    1. What do you think do these words, "nuance" and "tone" differ in their meaning?

    2. Your apartment has long required cosmetic repairs. Can you not pay attention to it and live as if you have full order?

    3. Do you like to draw?

    4. Do you choose clothes, focusing on the latest fashion trends?

    5. Can you say with full confidence who Velasquez, Nuriyev and Gaudi were?

    6. Do you hardly disassemble your own handwriting?

    7. Do you choose the things of one color gamut?

    8. Do you often visit museums?

    9. Making a walk by car, will you stop to admire the94 walking sun?

    10. Have you noticed a habit of drawing geometric figures at the moments of thought?

    11. Can I call you a frequenter of exhibitions and art salons?

    12. Do you like to walk through the native city?

    13. Do you like loneliness?

    14. Are people who love to read verses in the company are surprised?

    15. Do you listen to music only to have fun?

    16. Are you able to remember some landscape in detail?

    17. Do you think that sea stones are very beautiful?

    18. Do you like to meet and communicate with new people?

    19. Do you like poems?

    20. Do you have a desire to decorate the walls of your own apartment?

    21. Do you often change your image?

    22. Do you like to rearrange the furniture?

    23. Have you ever been trying to compose a song?


    To find out the amount of points, ask for each answer "Yes" to questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 21, 11, 12, 20, 21, 21, 23, 24 Add 1 point to ourselves, and for the answer "no" - for questions 2, 6, 10, 14, 15, 18.

    More than 16 points.

    You can say about you that you are an artistic nature, you have a feeling of beautiful. Your life is surrounded by art objects in which you are well versed.

    From 8 to 16 points.

    Of course, you know how to appreciate the beautiful, but you can live without it. If you are offered to make a choice between the picture and the new model of the computer, you will choose the second option.

    Less than 8 points.

    If you have chosen creative profession, I made a big mistake. You do not understand a person who has admitted to admire the beautiful sunset or the clock of the Great Master in front of the masterpiece. In life, you appreciate only such things that can bring real benefits, and not all sorts of trinkets, even if very beautiful.

    Test "Do you have a chance to become a leading talk show?"

    Many of us dream in childhood become famous, working on television, keep some popular TV shows. But, as a rule, dreams remain dreams, and we choose a completely different profession. However, it is always interesting to know whether we can be a television. The answer to this question can be obtained by passing this test. But it is necessary to take it with a sense of humor. It is desirable that the presenter read the questions and options for answering out loud, and the tested noted the appropriate version on the paper sheet, and then calculated the amount of scored points.

    1. You can not get anywhere, but the appearance for the television star is its business card, so each applicant must pass the so-called face control. Carefully remember on yourself, if possible, use the mirror, and make sure that you have a pair of the upper and lower extremities, eyes and ears, the mouth one and it is full of teeth, the nose is also in a single instance. So, do you have any of the listed?

    A. If I was not mistaken in counting, everything is in place (2 points).

    B. does not reach some of the exorns (1 point).

    B. I, among other things, also piercing in the navel (0 points).

    2. Do you have a habit of interrupting your interlocutor?

    A. Yes, why listen to some nonsense, it is better to listen smart man, that is me (2 points).

    B. No, the feeling of decency does not allow (1 point).

    B. Would be my will, I would interrupted everyone, only there is no automaton (do not be afraid, I have such a joke) (0 points).

    3. Do you shout every 2 minutes: "Applause, please!"?

    A. If it is required in the course of the program, I will try (2 points).

    B. Spectators and know when applauding, so the ability to scream "Applause!" Not useful (1 point).

    B. Yes, but only then, it is really necessary (0 points).

    4. Imagine that your program is live, suddenly all microphones turned off. Will you can cope without acoustic equipment, shut up guests sitting in the studio, viewers and musical accompaniment?

    B. I absolutely can not shout and it is not capable of talking on elevated colors, so I completely disappear without a microphone (1 point).

    V. Maximum, for which I am capable, is a loud whisper (0 points).

    5. Do you like to bring the details of your personal life in a person who got acquainted quite recently?

    A. Of course, it is very interesting (2 points)!

    B. I would very much like, but somehow uncomfortable (1 point).

    B. Who can it be interesting (0 points)?


    More than 8 points.You clearly have a talent. You should try to become a local television.

    Less than 7 points.Why do you need to become someone leading some talk show? You and with us well!

    Test "Can you entrust you to lead an important meeting?"

    This is a comic test, therefore, the tested should have a sense of humor. Participants distribute clean sheets of paper and pencils so that they can record their answers and fix the amount of points.

    1. Do you suffer from spontaneous twitching eyes, ears, mouth, hands or legs?

    A. I did not notice this (2 points).

    B. All the time twitching ears and wink, but only to cheer others (1 point).

    B. Well, occasionally with hands and legs ... Hook left, Hook right. I was engaged in my youth boxing (0 points).

    2. Will you zaica?

    A. God was prevailing (2 points).

    B. Yes, but only half (1 point).

    B. I'm not, but those who hear me, I do not know (0 points).

    3. Do you pronounce all the letters of the alphabet?

    A. Yes, and not only letters, but also numbers (2 points).

    B. Solid I. soft signs I prohibit perfectly, with the rest there are some problems (1 point).

    B. I better write a phonogram of my speech (0 points).

    4. Imagine that you need to read the text that is replete with complex terms and speech turns. As a workout, try to unsubscribe: "The weather has grinding!". How many times have you got drunk before pronounce this phrase?

    A. None times (2 points).

    5. Do you suffer meteorism?

    A. I did not notice this (2 points).

    B. Sometimes I suffer, like everyone else, but I keep yourself in your hands (1 point).

    B. I do not accept anything, but so that it does not happen to terrible, put on the sound-absorbing diaper (0 points)

    6. Imagine that during the meeting, you saw the edge of the eye that the mouse runs to you under the table. How do you react?

    A. Yes, at least a hippiect! I pretend that nothing happens (2 points).

    B. Riding legs higher (1 point).

    B. I will try to catch it imperceptibly (0 points).


    More than 10 points.

    You will definitely handle such a challenge as negotiating. The bosses present here will take it into account.

    From 6 to 9 points.

    You can entrust the meeting, but only for a short /

    Less than 5 points.

    Of course, you can arrange and hold a meeting, but only for one person - yourself!

    Test "Is your boss monster?"

    If your boss has a sense of humor and understands any jokes, you can spend the following test.

    Distribute to the participants with clean sheets of paper and handles so that they can mark the options for their answers.

    Your task is to read questions and answers to them.


    1. My boss ...

    A. Man.

    B. Woman.

    B. Difficult question.

    G. Something average.

    2. My boss prefers clothes ...

    A. Fashionable.

    B. Classic.

    B. Visited Fashion.


    3. My boss smells ...

    A. Nice.

    G. It is difficult to say than.

    4. My boss ...

    A. Soft.

    B. Nothing so.

    B. Strict, but very honest and fair.

    In the word, the beast!

    5. My boss is explicitly ...

    A. Clear and concise.

    B. Insecificent.

    B. As a sacrificed scientist.

    And who does he listen to him?!

    6. When the boss is angry ...

    A. Quickly comes to itself and cools.

    B. It is for a long time.

    B. Splashes and sprinkles foam.

    G. Makes going to work on the weekend.

    7. My boss eats ...

    A. As a brought up man.

    B. Fauvaya, not embarrassed.

    8. As if the week before this was hungry.

    R ... And at the same time yells on everyone who gets at hand.

    8. You hinted the boss that it would be nice to raise the salary, he ...

    A. agrees with you.

    B. becomes sad and pretends to be very busy.

    B. Translates the conversation to another topic.

    G. is very angry.

    9. During the Lunch Break ...

    A. Ships snack.

    B. Playing computer games.

    B. Owning with a careful inspection of its office.

    10. When I accidentally meet the boss outside the work, he ...

    A. Engaged in Shopping

    B. walks with his family.

    B. Pluts in search of something along the catches and yards.

    G. Carefully observes the girls passing by passing by.

    11. My boss from all drinks prefers most of all ...

    A. Green or black tea.

    B. Liquid of uncertain color, odor and taste.

    B. Blood his subordinates.

    12. At the boss ...

    A. thick chapels.

    B. Liquid hairs.

    B. Hands covered with thick hair.

    G. Hairy feet, which are visible when he sits down.

    13. When the boss communicates with me ...

    A. Says politely and restrained.

    B. is angry and snigchit.

    B. Heavy covers.

    G. yells in all the throat.

    14. Boss's eyes ...

    A. Good and affectionate.

    B. spiny and cold.

    B. On Call.

    G. like a beast.


    Most answers A.

    You are definitely lucky. There are no such bosses in the afternoon with fire. You need to love this and cherish.

    Most answers B.

    You can not say that your boss is the limit of dreams. But it happens and worse. Remember the saying: "Well where we are not!".

    Most of the answers in and g

    If you believe your answers to questions, your boss is not different as the most real monster! He is so terrible and evil, which light has not yet dial. If he is in your eyes eating a piece of raw meat, know, it's time for you to think about finding new work. But actually remember that this test is a joke!

    Test "Is everything in order with your head?"

    To carry out this test, distribute clean sheets of paper and handles to all participants. You will need to read questions, and the rest - write answers. Their correctness can be checked on the table. The more coincidences, the better the tests are tested.

    1. How much do you think about the birthdays of a woman?

    2. What do you think I do not move from the place, but all the time it rises, then goes away?

    3. What color is the Bear, if it walks under the window of the house, which has 4 walls overlooking the south.

    4. In the room opened the window, under it on the floor lie shards and water spilled. Completing the picture of the dead yohan. Who is Yohan and why she died?

    5. In Russian, there is a word that is always read incorrectly. Write this word.

    6. Why does a woman living in Krasnodar, can not be buried to the east of the Kama River?

    7. Two played checkers. Everyone played 7 parties, and everyone won the same number of times. How could this happen?

    8. Divide 20 per 1 / s, add 10 and write the result resulting.

    9. If you give 5 paintings from 7, how many paintings do you have?

    10. What number of animals to your ark took Moses?

    11. P. russian laws Can a man conclude a legitimate marriage with his sister of his widow?

    12. You fell into a dark room, in which I hardly discovered a candle, kerosene lamp and a wood-burning furnace. You have only one match in your pocket. What will you light first?

    13. The doctor prescribed you 3 pills that need to take every 30 minutes. How long will it take to apply drugs?

    14. The collective farmer had 17 rams. All but 9, stolen. How many rams left the collective farmer?

    15. Count how many Ras digit 8 occurs in the interval from 1 to 100?

    16. 10 candles are burning, 3 of them went out. How many candles will remain?

    17. Brick has a weight of 1 kg and another Polkirpich. How much will weigh 1 brick?

    18. One archaeologist found a coin dated 40 G. BC. e. Could it really be?

    19. The stick must be divided into 12 parts. How many times do you need to cut off from it?

    20. The man lay down at 8 o'clock in the evening, and he started his mechanical alarm clock at 10 am. How many hours will you succeed to sleep?

    21. On the feet of 10 fingers. How many of them are 10 legs?

    23. One months are completed by the 30th, and some 31st. What month is the 29th month?

    24. Father and son hit an accident. Father died, and the son was in the hospital. An anesthesiologist entered the ward to him and said: "This is my son!". Could it really be?


    Participants who scored more than 12 correct answers may proudly say that they are fine with their head!

    Test "Are you chimpanzees or orangutan?"

    This little test will cheer any company. If you follow the logic of Charles Darwin, we all once happened from the monkeys. But what exactly? This test will help find the answer to this question.

    1. Your height ...

    A. Like uncle steppe.

    B. Middle.

    B. I did not leave the sprout.

    2. Your skin ...

    B. Double.

    B. Under the layer of dirt is not visible.

    3. Are your ears big?

    A. Rather, so what is not.

    B. Ears like ears.

    B. Miniature!

    4. Usually you prefer to be ...

    A. Among people.

    B. in proud loneliness.

    B. In the company only selected.

    5. Your favorite dishes ...

    A. From meat.

    B. From vegetables and fruits.

    B. Different.


    Most answers A.

    You none other than chimpanzees, very pretty and cute monkey!

    Most answers b and V.

    You are the most real orangutan, but already quite civilized.

    Test "Who you were in last Life

    To spend this small test, distribute the paper sheets on which they will mark the options for answers. At the end of testing, make counting results.

    1. Are you blonde (ka)?

    A. Certainly!

    B. No, not blonde (ka).

    B. It all depends on the mood.

    2. Do you like to wear decorations?

    B. I do not need it at all.

    B. When as.

    3. You love when ...

    B. Many chocolate.

    4. Do you like to be the center of attention?

    A. And who may not like it?!

    B. Human adorns modesty, so I prefer not to stand out.

    B. According to circumstances

    5. Do you like when you take care?

    A. Definitely like!

    B. No, I prefer to do everything yourself.

    B. Finding who cares.

    6. Do you love to lead others?

    A. Yes, it's so nice!

    B. No, it is not in my character.

    B. I dream about it

    7. Do you answer the proposal of the hands and hearts by reciprocating a dark-skinned person?

    A. Yes, it is worth trying.

    B. hardly.

    B. It's hard to answer such difficult question, you need to weigh everything carefully.

    8. Do you love to do housekeeper?

    A. Not royal is a thing.

    B. Yes, of course.

    B. I do not have such a farm.


    Most answers A.

    You were lucky or not, but in the past life you were the leader of a numerous African tribe. A little-a lot you had 13 wives (husbands), a dozen kabanov and jewelry chest. You have lived 90 years.

    The reason for your death has fallen from the sky a meteorite.

    Most options B and V.

    You can envy. In the past life you were a beautiful royal penguin living in Antarctica. For your long life, you have acquired a numerous offspring (79 children) who are fruitful and reproduced to this day.

    In order for everyone to find out a lot of interesting things about yourself, it is enough to give answers to just 3 questions. Write on the posters the name of animals and colors, which are spent in the test, and write questions. Answers to them participants must fix on paper. After completing the tasks, write the results.

    1. Place the following animals in order depending on your sympathy for them.

    A. Cow.

    B. Horse.

    B. Monkey.

    2. Subscribe quick definition Next words.

    D. dog.

    3. What person is associated with your flowers listed below?

    B. yellow.

    B. Green.

    G. Red.

    D. Orange.


    The first question is responsible for the placement of priorities in a person's life.

    Cow is a career.

    The horse is a family.

    Monkey is money.

    Sheep is love.

    Tiger is pride.

    The definitions of these words describe and express attitude:

    Coffee - to love.

    Cat - to a friend or partner.

    Rat - to the enemy.

    Ocean - to his own life.

    The dog is to yourself.

    As for colors, they mean the following.

    White - this man is your faithful friend.

    Yellow is a person who will always remember you.

    Green is a person whom you will never forget.

    Red is a man you truly love.

    Test "Circles"

    For this test you will need Watmans, marksters and an unlimited number of participants. By your team, they must start performing the task each on their sheet of paper.

    1. Draw a small circle in the center of the sheet.

    2. Through the center of the circle to hold the lines that go beyond its limits and the dividing sheet into 4 sectors.

    3. In each of the sectors of the sectors, write on one of the letters: L, P, R, S.

    4. Outside the 1st Circle draw the 2nd.

    5. In each of the 4 sectors of the new circle, write one of the numbers: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    6. Outside the 2nd Circle, draw the 3rd and in its sectors to write 1 animal in its sectors (you can also fit insects, fish or birds).

    7. Outside the 3rd circle, draw the 4th and new sectors to write on 1 character line (for example, honesty, capriciousness, etc.).

    8. Draw the last circle similarly to the previous and in the sectors formed to enter the proverb, winged phrase etc.


    1st round

    L.means "love."

    Pmeans "bed".

    Rmeans "work".

    FROMmeans "family."

    2nd Circle

    In this circle and figures in it, it can be judged about the priorities of a person against love, beds, families and work.

    3rd and 4th circles

    They need to be analyzed simultaneously. They give the detailed characteristics of the person who wrote and drawn. First read the character line, after which the animal, and then look at which sector is the resulting phrase. The result is very ridiculous for example, the miser moose in bed, a boring hedgehog in love, honest mare in work, etc.

    5th round

    The phrases of this circle characterize a person in love, bed, family and at work. For example, the bed - "Seven One are not waiting", love - "without a work of a pond do not pull out and fish from the pond" and so on.

    Test "Magic Mathematics"

    It is very short, but this is no less interesting and funny test joke. It is enough to hold it only to give to all those present several tasks.

    1. Make any number from 2 to 9.

    2. Multiply it to 9.

    3. Figures of the resulting double digit number folds each other.

    4. On the first letter of the resulting number, make a European country.

    5. For the third letter of the name of this country, come up with an animal.


    And now ask the question: "Everyone was sanging? And where did you get that rhinos live in Denmark? "

    Test "Ban"

    Based on what part of the body begins to wash a man first of all, one can judge some of the features of its character. Test participants, ask only one question: "While in a bath, soul or bath, where do you start to wash?".

    Options for answers


    You can not say that you combine many talents in yourself. Their absence compensates for your hardworking, the desire to disinterestedly help others, reliability and decency. For this you are very valued and loved, but, however, not such love, whatever you wanted.


    You, as they say, a man of business. Purpose, straightness, honesty and principle - these are the qualities that characterize you to the fullest. Your motto is always just ahead. However, in its path, you often meet misunderstanding, and it is very annoying. You use the signs of attention from the representatives of the opposite sex.


    The most important thing in life for you - material well-being, the rest, in your opinion, is nonsense. There is only one person you truly love, and that you yourself.

    You are absolutely not interested in what others think about you. But you have a lot of advantages, thanks to which you are not sitting alone.

    Intimate parts of the body

    Shyness - this is what distinguishes you from the rest. In communication with the surrounding you lack confidence and courage. Because of this, you have practically no friends and problems in your personal life. However, everything is in your hands. If you want to change something in your life, you will do it. How? You can only answer this.


    Bad luck pursue you on the heels. For whatever you take, everything ends either crying or nothing. Hence the problems with the opposite sex. However, you are not hopeless. Declare yourself that you are the coolest and lucky person in the world, stop believing in bad signs and listen to the advice of others, and then the black band will end in your life.

    Another part of the body

    Every person has a raisin, but it is so deep in you that it is not visible. To notice you, you need to do something extraordinary, perhaps take part in the filming of a popular current show.

    Test "Guess the riddle"

    In childhood, we gladly guess the riddles, but with age interest in this genre disappears, and sorry. After all, the mystery is a wonderful way to have time and develop a figurative thinking. And in the form of test they can become entertaining game. Read the questions and options before the gathered. Tested must choose the correct answer.

    1. The body is wooden, clothes torn, does not eat, does not drink, the garden is wake.

    A. Pinocchio.

    B. Ogorodnik.

    B. scarecrow.

    2. In the seas and rivers live, but often flies across the sky, and how to bother her to fly, falls on the ground again.

    A. Pelican.

    V. Airplane amphibian.

    3. Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves.

    A. Girl engaged in graffiti.

    4. He puffs like a steam locomotive, it is important to keep his nose, stand, cooping, will be invited to get drunk.

    B. Neighbor pensioner.

    B. Kettle.

    5. The people live under water, go backwards.

    A. Divers.

    B. Water and his servants.

    6. New Sudena, and all in holes.

    A. A shotgun.

    B. Empty head.

    7. In the school bag, I lie like you learn, I will say.

    A. Mobile.

    B. Petition to parents.

    8. Diary.


    All the answers are correct.

    This suggests that the team is distinguished by intelligence and intelligence.

    Half of the correct answers.

    This result is also not bad. Not yet lost and much can be cleaned with stubborn labor.

    Less than half of the correct answers.

    Here is a riddle, so a mystery. What are those present with their head?

    Test "Guess the Gangup-2"

    This test, like the previous one, offers to guess Russian folk riddles. Of the two answer options, the tests must choose one.

    The table with the correct answers is placed below. According to the test results, you can judge the intelligence of your colleagues and their ability to think abstractly.

    1. Zailnet call,

    Duck grinks,

    Get kids

    To one uterus.

    A. Talking bell.

    B. Chef calls to dinner.

    2. Two sisters suffer

    In the camork is hooked

    You do not dare.

    A. Shutters window.

    B. Podoloki.

    3. Mother fat,

    Daughter Krasnova,

    Son Hraber

    Under the skies left.

    A. Oven, fire, smoke.

    B. Province, her daughter and the Son-pilot.

    4. Under the city near Bryansky,

    Under the oak under the royal

    Two eagles eroy

    One egg indoor.

    A. Wedding.

    B. Capture.

    5. Near me

    Stand white doves.

    B. Two sisters.

    6. It is hard,

    Hanging weakly

    Near them smoothly,

    Everyone has the tackle

    They also have a sole.

    A. Nuts, shell, teeth.

    B. Pig and Acorns.

    7. knocking, rattling, spinning,

    No one is afraid

    Considers his age

    He himself is not a person.

    A. Kukushka.

    8. Standing Most.

    Seven miles

    On a pillar bridge

    On a column color

    In full light.

    A. Great post.

    B. Bridge with traffic light.

    9. Two stand

    Two lie

    Fifth walks

    The sixth leads.

    A. Playing hide and seek.

    B. Door with pendants.

    10. Leave on the output,

    Hit in bilberda

    Usting the king in Moscow,

    Wake the king in Lithuania,

    Dead man in the ground

    Iguene in the cell,

    Small child in the cradle.

    A. Zing church.

    B. Solovy Robber

    11. Two end,

    Two rings

    In the middle of a nail.

    A. Scissors.

    B. Crossed swords hang on the wall.

    12. Pilk runs,

    Gold back,

    Linen tails.

    A. Needle with thread.

    B. Shilo and threads.

    13. I will make a riddle,

    Brooch for a garden

    In the year

    Godukovka grove.

    14. She went from OVIN,

    Overlooking the hay along the road.

    B. Drunk man.

    15. Different, different

    Male Makhnushka,

    Pusha Belo Gollye.

    A. Vargo.

    B. Husband drove his wife from home.

    16. It is the ass,


    One hundred on him rhizak.

    17. On a wide yard,

    On a smooth field

    Stand four popes

    Under one hat.

    A. Bamia.

    18. Four four,

    Two raops,

    Seventh Vertun,

    Two glass in it.

    A. Cow.

    19. Nag himself,

    Shirt in the sinus;

    Belo Bel,

    Babes are red.

    B. Match.

    20. Hands without legs

    Not small blocks up will crawl.

    A. Pairs Water.

    21. It is an EPOFEA,

    Subscribed short.

    22. Around three crows on the choirs;

    One says:

    I feel good in winter

    Other - in my summer good,

    And the third is always good.

    A. Horse, cow, boat.

    B. Snow Maiden, Thumbelina, Baba Yaga

    23. Under the cell, under the notch,

    There is a barrel with a trick lard.

    A. Boiler with water.

    B. Dusting bucket.

    24. One to twelve gave birth,

    And twelve seven spawned,

    Four from seven has grown.

    B. Large father.

    25. It is Ivin

    All in blesses.

    A. Mutovina.

    B. Suchrocheted log.

    26. There is neither a man nor Baba, neither bending nor the pie.

    B. Hermaphrod.

    27. Little yes bent

    The whole house sees.

    B. Old man with a key.

    28. Sits Baba on the ridges,

    All clothing in payments.

    Who will look

    That will cry.

    A. Green onions.

    29. Little yes bent

    The whole meadow went around.

    A. Gorbun.

    30. Tormar

    Heart will be out

    Let drink

    Will talk.

    B. Feather Putty.

    31. It is an old man over the river,

    Does not drink yourself, others will sweat;

    Water pours neither mouth

    Neither ladle, but bits.

    A. Barrel with a crane.

    B. Well.

    32. Host Miron,

    Fully the head of Raven.

    B. Bugago.

    33. Blackly split,

    Oskomina takes.

    A. Grechikha.

    B. Seeds.

    34. Mila, a chamole,

    His eyes narrowed

    Even sin, at least two,

    And death wants death.

    B. Old woman looked a porn movie.

    35. Chernidka, little,

    Light Millenka.

    A. Raisyn.

    B. Cherryukha.

    36. Water will be born

    On fire grows up

    With the mother will be seen

    Scream again.

    A. Sol. B. sugar.

    37. Five sheep stack up,

    Five sheeps away run away.

    A. Len hide.

    B. Sheep and Wolf.

    38. Do not bake, do not chew

    Do not swallow, but all tasty eat.

    B. Lavral leaf.

    39. Screams without language,

    Sings without throat,

    Glad and worst

    And the heart does not feel.

    A. Bell.

    B. Tape recorder.

    40. It goes to the bathing chamber,

    It turns out red.

    B. Shakhtar.

    41. goes without legs

    Sleeves without hands,

    Mouth without speech.

    A. Gossip.

    42. Round, little

    All cute.

    A. Happiness.

    B. Money.

    43. acutely, some

    Touching - PCC.

    44. I sit on the terme

    Mala like a mouse

    Red, like blood,

    Delicious like honey.

    A. Cherry. B. Ryabina.

    45. Lives without a body,

    Speaks without language

    No one sees him,

    And everyone hears.

    46. \u200b\u200bSits barber on the willars,

    Dressed in a bugger

    Who will go,

    Of that collee.

    A. Roshovnik.

    47. Neither the body nor the Spirit

    And with wings around,

    To whom to do

    Just tech.

    48. Easy flutters,

    Herself does not know;

    Who will look

    All guides.

    B. Butterfly.

    49. Grew, increased,

    From the bush rose,

    Hand rolled

    On the teeth it was found.

    50. METUE, METU,

    Not let

    Carry, carry,

    I will not carry out.

    A. Water from the well.

    B. Sunlight from the window.

    51. Rides the Horde,

    Oglot one,

    And arcs none.

    A. Rydvan with breathe.

    52. Pike moves,

    The forest is faded

    At that place the city will become.

    A. Peter I and St. Petersburg.

    B. Spit, Grass, Copa Sena.

    53. Four Hodaja,

    Two bodes

    Seventh loavedun.

    B. Cow, legs, horns, tail.

    54. Hood himself,

    And the head with PUD.

    A. Golovastic.

    B. Clean.

    55. Dear Capital

    All souls drink.

    56. Round, yes not a girl,

    With tail, yes no mouse.


    Test "What is your IQ?"

    Now it is very fashionable to undergo testing to clarify the level of intelligence.

    Invite your colleagues to appreciate their mental abilities with this test. To do this, distribute them clean sheets of paper and pencils so that they can fix their answer options to the questions asked.

    Your task is clearly and clearly read the questions and give some time to understand them. At the end of the test, write the results.

    1. Participating in competitions in sports walking, you overtook the opponent going second. What position did you start to occupy?

    A. First.

    B. WORD.

    B. Third.


    D. Similarly impossible.

    B. Only Orthodox.

    G. Only in Christians.

    D. Only among Russian Argentines.

    3. You will again participate in competitions in sports walking and overtook the opponent going on. What position did you come at now?

    A. On the first.

    B. on the second.

    B. On the penultimate.

    G. on the latter.

    D. Similarly impossible.

    4. Piglet - this ...

    A. Pig.

    B. Pig.

    D. Coin.

    5. How many goats ate the wolf?

    A. None.

    B. one.

    G. six.

    D. There was no such thing.

    6. Of the 5-standing glasses on the table, Olya took one, drank tea and put the glass back. How many glasses are left on the table?


    7. A rectangular toaster saw one corner. How many corners from the toaster has become after that?

    8. In the basket there were five cucumbers and eight apples. The girl took one cucumber. How many fruit remains in the basket?

    A. Eight.

    B. thirteen.

    G. Twelve.

    9. Distance between cities A and B 120 km. From the city and in the city B drove the car at a speed of 90 km / h. At the same time, she came from the city to the city and left another car at a speed of 70 km / h. What car will be closer to the city and when they meet?

    A. First.

    B. Two.

    B. At the same distance.

    G. Machines will not meet.

    D. Similarly impossible.

    10. The price of goods first took off by 13%, and then dropped as much interest. What is the price of goods now?

    11. How many times is the number 4 in numbers from 39 to 50?

    A. Ten.

    B. Eleven.

    D. nine.


    The more correct answers to the questions of this test, the higher the level of intelligence.

    Test "Fruit-Berry"

    American psychologists revealed the dependence of the character of a person from berries and fruits that he prefers to eat. They conducted a thorough analysis, which allowed to allocate people by types - such as oranges, pears, apples, strawberries and a cherry, - and give them a rather detailed characteristic.

    To carry out this test, listed fruits and berries write on the poster and hang it in such a way as to be seen by all those present. Ask the gathered, which of these fruits they prefer, and then read the characteristic placed below.

    Characteristics of fruits and berries


    As a rule, oranges are loving nature. They cannot live without constant attention from others, against which they used to stand out by their originality.

    Oranges are literally charged with energy, they are doing something for days, they do not sit on one place in one place.

    As for relations with the opposite sex, they are able to fall in love with one minute, it is pleasant to spend time with the subject of their adoration and also quickly part with him.


    Pears in their nature are big optimists. They quickly and easily converge with people who are in terms of morality and the restless sense of humor of these fruits. With pears, always fun and comfortable. Around them life beats the key. Pears are wonderful friends who will always come to help in a difficult moment.


    Apples are big conservatives. New technical progress is not for them. They prefer their lives to surround antiques or simply old things in which the soul is enclosed. And in relations with people, they adhere to the opinions that an old friend is better than new two.


    Jealousy is a feeling that characterizes strawberries. They like big and noisy companies, cheerful parties and holidays. They are often covered in any company. But if you suddenly, their second half will come to mind with someone to pokoke, the scandal will not be able to power.

    Sweet cherry

    Soul softness and kindness distinguish a human cherry. This is a real philanthropist, capable of genuinely and disinterestedly help others, give them their love and affection. Such people are childish naive and miles, as well as love pranks and surprises.

    Comic Test for Teachers

    "Rip out academic subject»

    Slide number 1.

    Lead 1: Dear teachers! We encrypted your favorite items. Try to solve them in 30 seconds.

    Question # 1. Who has the most indecent subject? (Teachers Answers)

    The answer is simple. This is mathematics. Sorry, but in your subject meets twice the word "mat"( Slide number 2. )

    Lead 2. (makes medals) and reads the poem

    What could be straight, logical,

    What are the numbers of slender rows?

    But became the subject suddenly indecent

    Still doubly - alas, alas!

    This medal is awarded to Mathematics Teachers:Glannova Olga Gennadyevna, Kikot Tamara Petrovna, Vasilovskaya Valentina Nesterovna, Sizotchenko Elena Nikolaevna.

    Lead 1. Question # 2. Who has the most noisy subject? (Teachers Answers) ( Slide number 3. )

    The correct answer isstore.

    Museum and archival dust

    You mowed, no dispute,

    But so stories

    Became a noisy quiet your subject!

    This medal is awarded a history teacher:Lessenok Elena Temurovna.

    Lead 2. Question # 3. Who has the most funny subject? (Teachers Answers) ( Slide number 4. )

    The correct answer isChill mia.

    Eh, knew Dmitry Mendeleev,

    What is busy it's funny ...

    Why not a smell

    While we are not familiar with him!

    This medal is awarded to the Chemistry Teacher:Gorlova Irina Aleksandrovna.

    Lead 1. Question # 3. Who has the most delicious subject? (Teachers Answers) ( Slide number 5. )

    The correct answer is Russian LANGUAGE .

    Five years studied at the institute,

    To teach it.

    Now it is in sour cream sauce ...

    What to do with him? Eat, eat!

    This medal is awarded Russian teachers:Kamenskaya Olga Dmitrievna, Pogorelova Ksenia Andreevna, Lizunova Margarita Viktorovna, Demyanchuk Galina Vladimirovna.

    Lead 2. Question number 4. It turns out that school Program There is a bird. Who teaches him? (Teachers Answers) ( Slide number 6. )

    The correct answer is - this basics of security of lifeD. e.Yatel ost.

    We are all dangers foresaw

    The subject is ashable not to learn.

    And for those who do not agree with us,

    You have to be a stupid bird!

    This medal is awarded the teacher of the Obzh:Wentyuk Anatoly Petrovich.

    Lead 1. Question number 5. Who has the most wonderful thing? (Teachers Answers) ( Slide number 7. )

    The correct answer is thatSTRANGE language.

    He is obligatory and needed

    And very important, no dispute,

    But it turned out to be in practice

    Wonderful and strange your subject!

    This medal is awarded a foreign language teacher:Bushkin Zoya Alekseevna, Kachakova Elena Yuryevna.

    Lead 2. Question number 6. Which of you is the most sporting subject? (Teachers Answers) ( Slide number 8. )

    The correct answer is bioLog. and I. If you read the name behind the backward, then the most sporty term is easily guessed, which sounded from the mouth of every fan in the summer of 2018. This goal!

    The subject was difficult - became sports,

    Wine everything is a game of football.

    We in biology discovered

    Let inside out, the word "goal"!

    This medal is awarded a biology teacher:Fearless Olga Ivanovna.

    Lead 1. Question number 7. Who teaches the most cultural subject? (Teachers Answers) ( Slide number 9. )

    The correct answer is physical education.

    On help to become cultural

    Jumping, gymnastics and running.

    Without physical education uncultured,

    It happens every person!

    The present medal is awarded physical education teacher:Mukhin Vladimir Valerevich.

    Lead 2. Question number 8. The most reading items? (Teachers Answers) ( Slide number 10. )

    The correct answer is physicalIK a and InformatIK but.

    Crying a boy in the office

    Informatics did not pass.

    Everything is playing and ikaet,

    Nothing helps!

    This medal is awarded physics and computer science teachers:Komarov Veronika Sergeyevna, Borzov Natalya Atashevna.

    • Cherry! Let's make a look that you are interested.
    • To Be Taken. Familiar word? Skullcap.
    • Let's like this: I will quickly tell you the topic, then I will do this (it closes the face with his hands on two and opens) and - "Oh, and where are students? No students! "
    • Moscow-City sounds just like Los Astrakhan or Rio de Zhytomyr!
    • Dear rear rows, you should not fight your head about the desk. Still not so bad.
    • The late student comes and does not close the door behind him. 5-second silence, then:
      - Sorry, and you have not seen our doorman?
    • The meaning of education is to hold smart words and then juggling them.
    • Well, as they say, the kid is the owner of his word, so answer your four topics, since I promised.
    • - Valery Alexandrovich, and how do you like my analytical work?
      - Well ... I liked the title.
    • I understand if the lectures were frowning ... But I know that I read well!
    • I don't like that you laugh there so much to tears ... It causes me attacks envy.
    • What is the wonderful pronoun "their"! If it were not for education, it would always be alone!
    • Katanaeva: "How will you solve the test work?"
      Student: "Just like today, - intuitive."
      Katanaeva: "Intuitively in accounting can only be in prison."
    • The sword is the first surgical instrument. Previously, they carried out amputations. The most common was the operations on cutting off the head. Sometimes other parts of the body - as it turns out.
    • You will have problems. This is normal. Where people are always problems there.
    • Meteorology - the science is accurate. Tuben must be kept in the left hand.
    • Read coefficients with curvilinear integrals You can only lunch well.
    • Complex roots can not find everything - few can do it.
    • Another check test work Makes to make sure that some students are trying to make a coup in the history of the state and law.
    • I do not really understand this system with rounding estimates. In my practice, Paul Litra never rounded to a liter.
    • I officially declare that this task is stronger than me!
    • The teacher looks at the student's penalty for a few seconds, on the question:
      - Can tea be stored in this thing?
    • The main bomler of that time was Confucius.
    • The world of useless things is unlimited. And I am proud that I tell you about the most beautiful of them - about differential geometry!
    • - Sorry, and what was the theorem that we proved?
      - Let's start first ... My name is Vladimir Alexandrovich.

    The husband comes from work evil and tired home. Enters the room and sees that his wife stands in one bathrobe, fed. "Well, at least at home everything is in order," he thinks, after which it adds to the back and makes his job.

    After sex, pleased, he enters the kitchen and sees that his wife cooks there. About her:
    - I did not understand what are you doing here?
    - Like what? Dinner cook. Today, my mother came to us, now we will have dinner together ... What are you so surprised?
    "Oh, dear ..." It seems I confused you with her and canceled it in the next room! .. God, what shame! .. What to do? .. Listen, honey, can you go and apologize to her? And then, if I go, I'm just burning from shame! ..
    - Your mom - you apologize!

    The brain collected all the bodies at the meeting and tells them:
    - Our body is aging. All energies are not enough. Therefore, we need to solve the issue with the redistribution of the load. Who has any considerations?
    All are silent. Here the spleen rises and says:
    - We have two lungs. Maybe from one we will refuse?
    The lungs immediately began to be indignant, and the brain says:
    - Not. Lights are oxygen. With one light, we will not shift for a long time. Therefore, we will not get rid of the lungs. More suggestions?
    All are silent. The spleen rises again and says:
    - We have two kidneys. Maybe one is not so needed ...
    The kidneys also began to be indignant, and the brain says:
    - No, spleen. Kidney is a water exchange. It is impossible. Maybe someone besides the spleen there are suggestions?
    Here the member gets up and says:
    - Why do we need a spleen in general? I still do not understand its function. Let's get rid of it.
    The brain is silent. And the spleen boils and begins to shout:
    - Yes of course! That's always! As soon as a member gets up, the brain stops working!

    The wolf runs through the forest and suddenly sees - the hare sits on the hemp and the jamb scores. He him:
    - Hare, what are you, drug addict chtoli? Throw you, let's go better!
    Well, the hare postponed his affairs and ran together with Wolf. They run further together and suddenly see - in the glade fox with a bottle sits. Wolf she:
    - Fox, let's tie up! Run better with us!
    Well fox, too, the bottle assisted towards and joined them. They are running in three, but to meet them a bear. Wolf him:
    - Misha, ran with us! We are here for a healthy lifestyle!
    - Oh, yes, you, Volgar! - The one is responsible - you like glue hungry, so let's drive all animals in the forest!

    Two friends are talking. One says:
    - Now look: there were two bobcones. They were born in the same yard, they studied together in one school. They had a really real Belich friendship! Then they went to one institute together, then they served together in the army, in one part. And when they returned from the army, one Belichonka suddenly appeared nuts. And another, of course, it became a shame, he also wanted a nut. And he, while his friend ran somewhere, took this nuts for a while. Lent, you can say ...
    - Kohl, what are the luckers?! What nuts?! What do you carry? You slept with my wife!

    After 15 years of shared life, her husband and his wife began to cursing in each other. Well, they decided to go to a psychotherapist so that he would at least help them. They came, began to understand. The wife says everything, says, expresses his indignation, complaints and so on. The doctor gets up because of his table, comes to her, presses to himself and a strong kiss interrupts her speech. After that adds to her husband:
    - That's what you need to make it at least three times a week! Do you understand me?
    - Yes, doctor, I understand. On Mondays and Wednesday, I can bring it to you, but on Friday - I have fishing.

    Three children brag about each other, who has a grandfather cooler. One says:
    - My grandfather fought on the tank, he was a tanker. We have even at home even his helmet Tankist hanging!
    The second says:
    - And I had a grandfather in war was an artillers! At home, even the spoil has preserved it and I remember how he told that he shot from guns!
    - And I had a grandfather in the electric troops! - Says the third.
    - What kind of troops are? - Ask two others, - why did you solve it at all?
    - Yes, because I found his helmet in the attic! Two zippers were drawn on it!

    Old things at the end of their lives fall into the cottage. But before that there is still purgatory in the form of a balcony.

    It is you on the Internet there are such brave, and how to say toasts on family feasts, so sit silently and hope that the queue will not happen until you.

    The tablet was invented so that people finally stop sitting on the Internet and began to lie in it.

    I want to score twisters of Corge's puppies to arrange massive Corge.

    ... (calls)
    - Sounds as a challenge.

    I am from the family where you will never understand - whether the rag is dried, or the mother paternal panties have been postponed.

    I hate when you make such a face.
    - What?
    - anyone.

    There are two types of grandmothers. Those that on the light side: tasty fed and love grandchildren. And those that on the dark, instead ride somewhere in the morning with Baulas in public transport.

    When I have a grandson, then one day he will ask:
    - Grandpa, where do you know so much?
    I will answer him:
    - And you google, granddaughters, with mine.

    How to understand that you have already raised? When you receive a message at 11 pm, and respond to it at 7 am.

    Let's smack?
    - Come on.
    - CMO.

    What could be worse than the erroneous phone call at four in the morning?
    - When it is not an error.

    My husband recently got over the piano ...
    - And played on it?
    - No, my husband stole him ...