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  • Stop thinking about the bad and learn how to direct your thoughts in the right direction. Stop thinking about bad and learn how to direct your thoughts in the right track must be thought of bad

    Stop thinking about the bad and learn how to direct your thoughts in the right direction. Stop thinking about bad and learn how to direct your thoughts in the right track must be thought of bad

    1. Change body language

    Pay attention to your body when you are covered with negative emotions. Look at your face: the corners of the mouth, forehead naughty. How do you keep your back? Slouch?

    If you have a native attitude of negative thoughts in your head, the body behaves accordingly. And when such thoughts become permanent, it gets used to such a situation. You probably saw people from the mask of contempt or anger on the face, which is preserved in any situation.

    It acts in the opposite direction: the clamping position of the body and the frowning person create not best mood. So, your first step to get rid of bad thoughts will change poses and expressions of the face. Straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Feel where voltage has accumulated in the body, and relax, smile. After a few moments, you will feel that the emotional background is changing.

    2. Discuss your feelings

    Some people tell everyone in a row about their problems and even savor it. Others keep everything in themselves to the last, and then they get a nervous breakdown.

    If you have left some negative emotions that do not pass in any way, try to tell you about this close. Looking into words, you give emotions shape and see them in the desired perspective. After the conversation, you will be surprised how stupid was to worry about the voiced occasion, and the negative will disappear.

    3. Stop thoughts

    If one thousand thoughts sweep in your head in your head, it is difficult to solve something for myself and at least somehow control it. If they hung up on the negative, try only one minute without thinking about anything. By paying attention to what is happening in the head and what thoughts are dominated there, you can change the position.

    4. Change the wording

    Surprisingly, how much of a small change in the wording is changing the tone of the whole phrase or thought. Compare: "I have a difficult period in life, there are problems" and "I have a period of change in life, looking for the best solutions." The source data has not changed, just problems called changes. But who will say that this is not true?

    5. Take care of creativity

    When you attack negative thoughts, you can spend some time on creativity. It works in the same way as a conversation, with the exception that you will not have to get anyone with your problems. You can do anything: Write prose or poems, paint with a pencil or paints. , finally.

    A splash of emotions through creativity is a kind of art therapy that will not only provide discharge, but also raise the mood. Negative thoughts will pass through you, will be in the form and remain in it, and not in your head.

    6. Stroll

    It often seems that our own head is the only source of negative. Most often it is, but it happens differently. If you are surrounded toxic people, for example, in a family where everything is constantly quarreling and accused of each other, or at work, where everything in nerves, half of the negative may be due to their mood.

    If you are not a guru, you can hardly get rid of heavy thoughts, being in such an environment. Therefore, if possible, leave it to calm down. Go to stroll or go somewhere: to the exhibition, in your favorite cafe, in the cinema - it will help to find.

    7. Make a list of thanks

    Sometimes we forget about everything good that is in our life. It seems that there is no exit and on all fronts a complete failure. So, sitting in a cozy and warm apartment, having come from your favorite work, a person may think that his life is a cesspool, and he is a complete loser. And all because of the coincidence of small trouble per day or hanging over the soul of the unfulfilled project.

    To cope with this condition, write down everything good that is in your life, what you are. For example: "I am grateful for my appearance and health," "I am grateful for loving and beloved relatives," "I am grateful for faithful friends."

    Look at the resulting list and make sure: small trouble cannot translate it.

    Sometimes we just looped. On a variety of aspects of life. Our decisions, regrets, feeling own dignity, concerns about the future - we are so often stuck in our own head, that sometimes we feel: there is no way out. We tell how to stop wise and start moving on.

    Why do we zucikli?

    When we talk about too long to think about something, we are talking about several things. On the one hand, a long thinking is when we get into a kind of loop, once at a time scrolling into the same event in my head.

    You analyze what happened, regret what they did or did not, worry about the consequences, etc.

    On the other hand, you can in the same way think about not actions, but decisions. You analyze the decisions you have taken to complete exhaustion, and one day you can walk to the point that you cannot make any decisions at all.

    In any case, we will be wisely when they are dragging on something, and we cannot think about anything else. This deprives forces, mood, energy, will to affairs. BUT final goal Such is: somehow get out of this "thought cycle" and move on.

    1. Act now

    If you looked at something - the best thing you can do is start acting. This does not mean that you should suddenly jump and run something to do, it only means that you need to make a step forward.

    Suppose you plan to move to another city. You can not do it immediately, and therefore sit, just once again scrolling in your head the details of the move.

    And here is important. For example, make a list of where you want to go after moving. Explore housing prices in this city, find out what work is there, and so on. Create a financial plan and designate goals. Make a graph.

    It does not matter what exactly you are doing, you just have to move away from the thought on which they looked around. Creating all these plans and further comparison can help you make a final decision.

    Actually, moving is a simplified example, but it works great in all situations related to your future. In any similar situation, you can draw up an action plan - and feel better. Bob Moorlan, one of the authors of Huffington Post, summarized this idea like this:

    Bob Moorlan / ©

    "The only thing that helps to save the mind from looping is to turn your disturbing thoughts about the future to some efforts and work. Act, do something, and these actions will be able to create a miracle.

    Every time I start worrying about the future, I just get up, I go to my computer and start writing something or work on my book. And if it happened, it happened during the day, in the office, then I begin to record ideas on how to make my job more productive, or how to start working on something truly interesting.

    No matter what business you choose - it should not be easiew that the concentration on solving the problem gave your brain a sufficient impulse to break the vicious circle of looping. "

    From this it follows what to do business is the main cure for looping. We tend to wise, because we are afraid of failure, but as soon as we proceed to the case, fears and doubts are scattered by themselves.

    2. Switch attention to something else

    Sometimes for some reason you cannot start acting, and then the only measure that saves from the "looping" is distraction of the mind. Find yourself a hobby or some other activities that will fully occupy your mind. This will make it possible to forget about your "thinning cycle" for a while, and in the end it will disappear.

    Some people at such moments simply go for a walk. Writer Haruki Murakami in one of his books describes this feeling as "emptiness", and as a medicine from him he uses jogging:

    "I just run. Run into emptiness. Or maybe I have to imagine it differently: I run to gain emptiness. But as it should be expected, sometimes thoughts smell in this void. The person's mind cannot be completely empty. Human emotions are not strong enough and consistent to withstand the vacuum. I mean that all kinds of thoughts and ideas invading my emotions at the moment when I run, remain dependent on emptiness. These are just random thoughts without detention, gathered around emptiness in the center. "

    Of course, exercise is not the only way to distract. For someone, a great way to calm the overloaded brain is meditation. To help cope with anxiety can and completely ordinary things, such as listening to music or any other occupation capable of distracting the mind from disturbing thoughts.

    3. Stop talking about it

    Most of us, facing a difficult decision and cycling on it, ask the councils from others, which is completely natural. But in practice it often means that we are talking about our problem with so many people that in the end we simply cannot but buy. As mentioned earlier, too much "cooks in the kitchen" leads only to the deterioration of the decision-making process. Psychology today can explain what happens in our brain:

    "The human mind hates uncertainty. Uncertainty involves volatility, randomness and danger. When we notice the lack of information, the brain raises the metaphorical flag and says: "Please note! This may be important ... "When the data is missing, we tend to overestimate their meaning. Our mind assumes that if we spend the resources to search for this information, I will solve the task. "

    We all want to receive useful information from others, but at a certain point, this information cease to be useful. When we have a limited amount of information, we can look at it more productively. Psychologists call it "Strategy to take the best":

    "Strategy" take the best "means that you reason exactly as much as you need. Then you stop and do something else. For example, if there are ten parts of the information you need to take a weighted solution, but one of these parts is obviously more important than others, this part will be enough for you to make a choice. Excess details complicates everything and leads to an empty time of time. "

    4. Find out why you looked around

    Sometimes we looped on something simply because we can. We fall into the trap of the cycle, in which we recreate some events at times or try to analyze a certain idea from all possible points of view. After many hours of reflection and sleepless nights, we eventually go into a dead end.

    Psychologists argue that although our brain is programmed on such a "looping", something else can be done about it.

    Here are their definition of the problem:

    "Is it anxiety due to social interactions, because of our self-esteem, our future, our families or because of something else, the cycle that it causes is always exhausted and rarely leads to useful results. Most often we just spend time, hardly reflecting on the events, about your actions, about the actions of other people or about their thoughts. We are many times trying to predict all potential future results, even though most of these scenarios will never come true.

    The biggest problem here about which we constantly remind people: you are not your brain. We often accept mimolet thoughts, motivating, emotional impulses and desires created by our brain, for a clean coin, and from the very beginning we assume that they all should certainly be true. "

    Let's summarize: here is a plan out of four steps to extract from zincholenity:

    • Decide With what exactly causes "looping" (uncertainty, anxiety, etc.);
    • Revision your experience and determine the errors of thinking;
    • Switch attention to the part that is most important;
    • Spend Revaluation of your brain messages taking into account new information.

    Passing four of these steps, you can better understand how much often our brain has no idea what it does. With a slightly removed, you can find out which idea causes "looping", closure the cycle and you can move on.

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    Reading time: 2 min

    How not to think about bad and not cheating yourself if every day is overcome negative thoughts. To manage your thinking, make yourself thinking positively - this is a difficult process, consisting in daily practice in mastering the skill of changes in its mind and consciousness. Undoubtedly, for this requires a discipline of the mind, but having worked on his thinking, really achieve the desired one. Often, an individual arises the question of how to learn to live without thinking about the bad? Psychologists on this account are proposed to think about a minute and realize that the experiences are contrived, even justified and clearly argued, bring great harm. It is possible that a negative event will never happen, and a person in vain isolates itself with negative thinking and can not calm down, without ceasing to think about the bad. So what's the point to be tormented by bad thinks?

    How to learn not to think about the bad?

    Any (negative or positive) launched consciously thought repeated for a certain time a sufficient number of times can turn into a program. Understanding this person can make himself not think about the bad. Since, for example, if many years, the person in his thoughts scrolls that he will always live in poverty, thus, in his own program, it creates a program to fulfill that he does not even need to think. Each person is able to build their future consciously only by the move of their thinking. Working on positive thoughts and forming new templates, a personality can work out a subconscious success program. Realizing this, every personality can help himself, and thus learn not to think about the bad.

    And in order to make it faster, for this it follows a person to imagine that at the moment of his reflection, he spreads the vibrations of the finest essential substance. The human eye is not able to see thoughts just like gas. Thought is a sophisticated configuration of matter. Thoughts having a negative direction would be painted in dark color and were similar to thunderstorm clouds. Happy, clear, positive dooms would be colored light tones and would be close to light, gaseous clouds. When an individual spreads around bad thoughts, it turns into an object for their impact. An annoying or childish thoughts attract such a kind of thought, uniting with them into a powerful conglomerate. As a result, the personality negatively will suffer not only because of their own bad thoughts, but due to the negative doom of others, which will only aggravate the state.

    The longer the individual in such a bed will think, the harder it will be its inner state and position. A person who is in a positive setting and possessing happy thinks will attract a similar point of thought and will feel happier and joyful.

    And yet, how else to convince yourself not to think about the bad, if negative thoughts climb constantly in the head. Domestic dialogue will help to get rid of interfering thoughts, in which personality should ask himself, what exactly is she fear? Often related to loss of career, illness or accident. Most fearlessness is not associated with the real position of things. What is the point of going to lose your career now, if you are a high-class specialist. Why fear Disease if you are healthy? And why should an accident happen to you if you are interested in caution and attentiveness?

    Of course, there is a percentage of unpredictability, and no one will be able to give a guarantee that will always be fine. But is it worth spending life to live in constant fear, experiences and. As they say, there's something to be able to unlock, and most of the problems fisciently solved, and the fact that it is not possible to decide - it is necessary to let go and not worry about this.

    Below are practical and effective advice, how not to think about bad, and think about good:

    - A person is always worth thinking about the present. Pessimistic thoughts are often associated with the past or future. People often think about the missed opportunities and what would happen if they did so, and not otherwise. Return constantly in the past makes the person of unhappy and indecisive. And thoughts about the future and fears associated with this make a person worry. It follows to live hereby, to think today's day, without hunting on the foregoing and do not regret the past;

    - It is impossible to keep everything in yourself, because the inner unrest inevitably lead to a deterioration in health, so it is worth sharing our experiences with loved ones, without closing in yourself;

    - It is not necessary to take negative information coming from the outside world to heart. Of course, the stories about the problems of friends will make worry about them, but it is not worth taking a problem to the heart of other people, and even more so let them in their own soul. Unrest to friends will not help, but to spoil the mood is capable of easily;

    - It is necessary to develop confidence and find in itself what the person is unique, unique and indispensable. It is important to feel your importance and bad thoughts will go away;

    - It is required to learn in any negative situation to look for positive moments and thus change the attitude towards it, for example, parting with your beloved person to perceive, as something necessary, since it was next to the partner, and it is necessary to voice the reasons for ourselves. Realizing his choice, it should be completed with him, because in front of a person the opportunity to meet a more worthy partner in the future;

    - It is important to analyze your thoughts why they come. It often happens that bad thoughts come across a habit, regardless of whether there is a problem or has long been solved;

    - It has been established that bad thoughts attend a person during the period of Nothing and if the person is not occupied by something necessary and important, it was then that various phobias begin to climb into the head;

    - volunteering helps to distract from bad thoughts. A lot of people need help and at the same time do not lose interest in the life and strength of the Spirit. Syroids and disabled, lonely older people - in life they all have difficult problems, but somehow they cope with them without ceasing to enjoy life from simple things. Helping the neighbor, a person may feel the joy that I did something useful;

    - one should put a goal, thinking that most of all want to achieve in life and act in this direction with small chains;

    - To distract and relax perfectly helps listening to your favorite music. Listening to what causes a person to inspire, will help to avoid painful and distract from the bad Duma;

    "Instead of thinking how to relax and do not think about the bad, you should be rejected by the trifles and be grateful fate for every day. After all, the life of a person consists of trifles, so it is important to learn to see them and rejoice in every little thing;

    - physical activity will allow each person to not think about the bad, so simple physical exercises, jogging in the morning, hiking It is not necessary to underestimate. Work on her body will definitely allow us to put thoughts in order;

    - a person should notice a good, not bad, for example, not to focus on its fatigue, and fix his attention on the fact that the day is achieved and then the day will be remembered as successful;

    - Meetings with old friends and new acquaintances, communication will also allow to distract from bad thoughts;

    - Trying to avoid pessimistic people, you can focus on pleasant events and thoughts. Often, depressive people pull their negative thinking, so it will be better to exclude contacts with such people. But bright and positive personalities will help calm down and do not think about the bad.

    - The main thing is to remember that everything in this life passes and life is not infinite, so it may not be worthwing at yourself with thoughts, how not to think about the bad, and send your thinking to a positive direction.

    Psychologists explain the emergence of negative thoughts in man's life by manifestation. Bad thoughts are absolutely normal and natural, so you should simply wait for unpleasant life moments and do not bike on them.

    Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "Plyomed"

    Inside your head there is a negative voice that prevents living? He criticizes, whines, complains and undermines faith in himself. He says that nothing will happen again. The voice demands to be modest, do not risk and not try anything to change life. A negative voice scares different things that even never happen. You never get rid of your inner criticism, but you can curb it and use for your own purposes.

    How to stop thinking about bad and realize yourself?

    1. Invalid perception of errors

    When trouble happens, problems and difficulties appear - fall in spirit. When someone lends us, betrays or strikes - find themselves in a stupor. We do not understand why everything happened so. We begin to be angry and lose everything in your head once. We think about mistakes, revenge, complaining and wind yourself. So we spend a lot of time and strength on what they are fascinated by the troubles. We do not think how to solve them, but we reflect on misfortunes.

    Time and opportunities go until we are mired in negative thinking. This is an incorrect perception of errors. Errors should not drive into depression. They must learn a new way, help find other ways and spur to overcome difficulties.

    2. Search for justice, instead of shaking power

    It's time to accept the fact that the world is unfair. It is impossible to have control over the whole world to establish orders, according to its opinion of justice. Danila Baghrov, in the film "Brother 2", claimed: "Whoever is truth, that stronger!". But it is not. Stop running, demanding truth and justice. Who is stronger is right. So you need to become stronger, and not complain about the injustice of the world.

    3. You yourself choose how to respond to problems

    When you shed coffee on trousers is a random trouble. You can quickly change the pants and go to work, forgetting this small morning trouble. But you can make a whole day only worse. You can go on a girlfriend that has prepared you coffee. You can experience the whole day about your non-historicalness. You can quarrel with colleagues, because of poor mood and morning. But you yourself choose how to react.

    All our troubles are only 20% of the case. The remaining 80% of trouble is our reaction to what is happening. You yourself choose how to respond to all your problems.

    4. Change myself before taking a new height

    We decide to start working better, get up to your feet, change the place of work, do your own business or to establish a personal life. But we make one important mistake, and then suffer. We do not change themselves when we want to achieve a new goal. As a result, "you-old" can not win, unlike "new-you". We go to depression and begin to think negatively.

    New work requires possession foreign language? New post requires new knowledge? Beautiful girls peck on sports guys who are touted tongue? To take a new height you need to become better. At first, change yourself, and then try something more. If you do not work, you are too weak and not ready for it. Pump your skills.

    Stop thinking about bad, load negative thoughts and take a step forward. Really fully fully. Cut your potential.