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  • How quickly can you navigate in different situations. Example sentences with the word “oriented. Any event can lead to positive consequences.

    How quickly can you navigate in different situations.  Example sentences with the word “oriented.  Any event can lead to positive consequences.

    Target elective course: professional self-determination of primary school students.


    • To form professionally-oriented skills of primary school students in the professions of local historian, geologist, pilot, sailor, topographer, surveyor, etc.
    • To expand the horizons of students in the educational field "geography".
    • Give information and practical advice orienteering without the use of instruments, without a map, with a map and a compass; by heavenly bodies; in a variety of conditions.
    • To promote the choice of the profile of study at the senior level of education.
    • To carry out a comprehensive career guidance work of an educational institution.

    The elective geography course "We Orient ourselves in Any Situation" was developed for 9th grade students, refers to " network "over-subject vocational guidance courses, is focused on preparing the student of the main school for situations of choosing the direction of further education, contributes to the expansion of the worldview of students. The course is propaedeutic and performs the role of practice-oriented assistance in acquiring personal experience in choosing a profession, training profile, own content of education, assessing one's educational potential from the point of view of an educational perspective. The elective course is designed for a small number of hours (12 hours), which allows students to try themselves in various types activities, in accordance with the profiles offered by a particular school and "resource centers" on the basis of a vocational school and a secondary general education school, as well as to use the personnel potential of "resource centers".
    The elective course “We Orient ourselves in Any Situation” is relevant within the framework of pre-profile education, as it carries a career-oriented load. The development of this elective course reflects the social order for the development of pre-profile education for students in our country, reflected in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: "The concept of development of education for the period up to 2010", "The concept of profile education of students". Orientation skills are necessary for a wide range of professions and for any person in everyday life, especially those who are in an extreme situation. People of a wide variety of professions: geodesists, geographers, topographers, geologists, local historians, tourists, hunters, and, not to mention the army and navy, may find themselves in such conditions when the ability to try on the terrain, find the right direction without a compass and a map can be very great importance. Orientation on the ground is greatly facilitated by sports. Students acquire very important useful skills that they need not only in everyday life, work, hiking, but also to protect the Motherland. Loss of orientation can sometimes lead to serious consequences. The elective course is designed to help students prepare for the exam in geography.

    Requirements for the level of education of students required to study this elective course:

    Students should know: concepts: horizon, azimuth;

    Students should be able to: determine the sides of the horizon and azimuth.

    This elective course can be conducted by teachers of geography, teachers of additional education, teachers of primary, secondary and higher professional education.
    To achieve the goals, it is necessary to use the following teaching methods: problematic, search, dialogue, game, project.
    The program provides for training sessions in different form: lectures, practical exercises, defense of essays, which helps to increase the educational and cognitive motivation of students and the desire to show independence and the desire to show independence and initiative.
    Teaching aids: cards with tasks, tables: "Orientation on the ground by instruments", "Orientation by local features", Expansion of the horizon with height", overhead projector, "Azimuth" slide, handout illustrative material for the initial course of geography, "Starry sky" map , an electronic textbook on the initial course of geography.

    Planned results:

    It is assumed that upon completion of the study of this elective course, students will be able to determine their location without using a compass and a map by celestial bodies, by wind, by memory, by signals, buildings, clocks, using living landmarks (by sunflowers, berries, anthills, lichens, etc.). .d.).

    Educational and thematic plan.

    No. p / p

    Topics, sections

    Number of hours






    1 Introduction
    2 compasses
    3 Azimuth
    4 Landmark types
    5 Orientation without a compass and a map in the forest, steppe, settlements
    6 Special cases of orientation
    7 Determining the sides of the horizon
    8 Orientation on the ground
    10 Orientation by wind, sun, local signs, celestial bodies
    11 Offset. Project protection.
    1. Introduction: The essence of orienteering. The use of orientation by people of different professions. Ancient roots of orientation.
    2. compasses: Compass assignment. Types of compasses. Measuring the directional angle with a compass. Compass rules.
    3. Azimuth: The concept of azimuth. The use of azimuth for orientation on the ground. Determining the azimuth on the map, on the given azimuths, on the ground.
    4. Landmark types: point, line, areal. Landmark orientation.
    5. Orientation without a compass and a map in the forest, steppe, settlements: orientation along the bark of trees, forest clearings, lichens, anthills, mushrooms, berries, grass, ravines and gullies, in settlements by buildings.
    6. Special cases of orientation Key words: living landmarks, memory orientation, artificial landmarks, wind.
    7. Determining the sides of the horizon(laboratory-practical lesson): horizon. Definition of the sides of the horizon. Determining the sides of the horizon according to local features.
    8. Orientation on the ground(laboratory-practical lesson): Determining the sides of the horizon by compass. Procedure for using the compass. Determination of the azimuth in the direction of the main and intermediate sides of the horizon. Walking in azimuth.
    9. Image on drawing directions(laboratory-practical lesson): Image of directions on the terrain plan. Determination of the standing point.
    10. Orientation by wind, sun, local signs, celestial bodies ( laboratory -practical lesson): Wind marks on trees and other objects. Determination of the sides of the horizon by the sun. Orientation along the square of trees, along forest clearings, along lichens, anthills, etc.
    11. Offset. Project protection: Protection of the project in the form of essays, abstracts.

    List of practical works:

    Practical work No. 1

    Topic: Compasses.

    Basis content of training information: Compasses. Type of compasses. Angle measurement. Ray. Circle. Right angle. Protractor. Triangle.

    Basic skills and abilities: skills and abilities to work with a compass, determine directions using a compass.

    Application of the skills and abilities of working with a compass in practical and professional activities.

    I. Fixing the rules for using the compass.

    1. Put the compass on a horizontal surface (or palm)
    2. The pointer must be stationary.

    II. Completing tasks.

    1. Using a compass, determine:
    a) in which direction the windows of your class are facing
    b) the direction in which the classroom door is
    c) in what direction is the class table located from the window
    d) the direction in which your house is located

    III. Practice with cards.

    Practical work No. 2

    Topic: Azimuth.

    Compass. Angle measurement. Ray. Protractor. Azimuth.

    Basic skills and abilities: skills and abilities to determine azimuths.

    Expected learning outcomes: application of knowledge on the determination of azimuths in practical and professional activities.

    Description of practical work:

    The work is done in the classroom.

    I. Rules for using the compass

    1. Orient the compass.
    2. Point the sight at the object.
    3. Produce an azimuth report (i.e. determine the degree distance from 0 0 to the sighted object clockwise.

    II. Task: determine the azimuths in the direction of the main and intermediate sides of the horizon.

    III. Task: determine the azimuths in the direction of the main and intermediate sides of the horizon.

    1. Determine the azimuth of the direction to the south.
    2. What is the azimuth of the southeast direction.
    3. What direction corresponds to azimuth 3150?
    4. What direction corresponds to azimuth 3600?
    5. Determine the bearing of the class's left door frame.
    6. Determine the azimuth of the window binding to their right, located near the teacher's table.
    7. Determine the azimuth of the directions to the last desks of the first, second and third rows.

    Practical work No. 3

    Topic: determination of the sides of the horizon.

    The main content of educational information: Horizon. Definition of the sides of the horizon. Determining the sides of the horizon by plants.

    Basic skills and abilities: skills and abilities to determine the sides of the horizon in various ways.

    Expected learning outcomes: application of knowledge to determine the sides of the horizon in practical and professional activities.

    Description of practical work:

    Fulfillment of the task on the ground.

    1. Answer the questions:

    - What is the horizon?
    What is the horizon to the north? South? East? West?.
    Which side of the horizon is hilly and which side is flat?
    - What is orientation?

    II. Using a compass, determine the sides of the horizon (remember the technique of working with a compass)

    1. Orient the compass.
    2. Determination of directions to objects

    III. Determine the azimuths of the horizon sides and the horizon side by azimuth.

    Azimuth sides of the horizon Azimuth sides of the horizon
    South 0 about
    Northwest 270 about
    Southeast 45 about
    East 220 about

    Practical work No. 4

    Topic: The image of the direction in the drawing.

    The main content of educational information: The image of the direction on the terrain plan. Determination of the standing point.

    Basic skills and abilities: skills and abilities to determine the direction on the terrain plan and depict different directions on the drawing.

    Expected learning outcomes: application of knowledge to determine directions according to the plan in practical and professional activities.

    Description of practical work:

    The work is done in the classroom.

    I. Preparation for practical work

    1. Draw an arrow "N-S" on a piece of paper in the upper left corner.
    2. In the center of the sheet, put a dot, which will be the pole.

    II. Completing tasks

    1. Draw a direction from the point to the north, west, southwest, east, northeast.
    2. Set a point and draw a direction from it corresponding to azimuths 90 o, 180 o, 0 o, 270 o, 135 o.
    3. Put three points side by side in the direction from west to east and from each of them draw lines to the north, northwest, southwest.

    III. Complete the task on the cards.

    Practical work No. 5

    Topic: Location orientation.

    The main content of educational information: Compass. sides of the horizon. Azimuth. Azimuth determination. Walking in azimuth.

    Basic skills and abilities: skills and abilities of determining the sides of the horizon and orientation on the ground.

    Expected learning outcomes: the ability to apply knowledge of determining the sides of the horizon by compass, to move in azimuth on the ground in practical and professional activities.

    Description of practical work:

    Practical work on orientation and determination of azimuths of directions are carried out in the school yard, and then during excursions.
    Walking in azimuths is a very exciting and useful kind of work. It is easy for students to master. In order to quickly acquire the ability and skill of walking in azimuths, you should remember the sequence of actions.
    The teacher writes this on the blackboard as a memo:

    1. Orient the compass.
    2. Determine the azimuth of the direction to the standing point No. 1.
    3. Measure his distance in steps.
    4. Move to the standing point.
    5. Orient the compass.
    6. Determine the azimuth of the direction to the station number 2, etc.
    7. Remember: when moving from one standing point to another, always start by orienting the compass.

    Walking in azimuths should begin in the conditions of the school yard, gradually complicating the tasks.
    At the beginning, you can invite students to walk from the standing point 10-15 steps along the azimuth of 360 o, 90 o, 270 o, etc. Then the tasks become more difficult. For example: after walking 20 steps along the azimuth of 315 o, turn at an angle of 90 o and go 10 steps. Determine the bearing of this direction. In each individual case, the teacher checks the knowledge of the instructions for walking in azimuth.

    Practical work No. 6

    Topic: local orientation.

    The main content of educational information: Determination of the sides of the horizon by the Sun, clocks, tree bark, anthills, lichens, etc.

    Basic skills and abilities: skills and abilities to determine the sides of the horizon in various ways.

    Expected learning outcomes: application of knowledge to determine the sides of the horizon on local grounds in practical and professional activities.

    Description of practical work:

    Practical work is carried out on the ground.

    1. Determine the sides of the horizon on the ground according to local features.
    2. Prepare a story using one of the ways to find the sides of the horizon.

    Interdisciplinary connections

    Intersubject communication with other educational ones is carried out: with history (history of the ancient world), physics (magnetic field, compass), mathematics (concepts: angle, ray, triangle, right angle, circle, units of measurement, protractor), biology (section "Plants and animals” topic “Seasonal changes”), astronomy (constellations), literature (writing a mini essay).

    List of training materials:

    Literature for the teacher:

    1. Aksakalova G.P. Educational and training materials for preparing for the exam. Geography M, Intellect Center, 2005
    2. Gerasimva T.P. Toolkit in geography: 6th grade. M.: Enlightenment, 1998
    3. Kuprin A.M. On the ground on the map. Moscow: Nedra, 1982
    4. Ladilova N.N. Didactic material in physical geography: 6th grade. M .: Education, - 1998
    5. Maksimov N.A. Handout for the initial course of physical geography. A guide for the teacher. M .: Education, - 1984
    6. Roshchin A.N. Location orientation. Kyiv, "VISHA SCHOOL" - 1982
    7. Sirotin V.I. Practical work in geography. M.: ARTI, - 2003
    8. Yurkov P.M. Didactic material on physical geography. M .: Education, - 1990
    9. Elkin G.N. physical geography: 6th grade. Method. Benefit. St. Petersburg. "parity", - 2002

    Literature for students:

    1. Gerasimova T.P. Starting course Geography: Grade 6. Moscow: Bustard, 2004
    2. Kuprin A.M. On the ground and on the map. Moscow: Nedra, 1982
    3. Sukhov V.P. Physical geography: 6th grade. M .: Education, - 2004
    4. Roshchin A.N. Location orientation. Kyiv, "VISHA SCHOOL", - 1982

    There are many situations in which we need outside advice. It can be the most insignificant, at first glance, trifles. But it is always easier to make a decision when someone tells you, points to important points to share personal experience.

    The modern world forces us to regularly solve the most difficult life problems. Many of them are associated with the emergence of negative emotions.

    This section contains psychological advice on how to start enjoying every day you live.

    Society is divided into two categories:

    • Those who use psychology in life.
    • Those who think they don't need it.

    There are many people living on planet Earth. And they are all different. But each of them considers himself worthy of all the best in his life, he wants comfort. Well, that's what psychology is for.

    Why is psychology needed?

    It will be useful to you not only when communicating with loved ones and colleagues, but also in business. For example, a close-knit team works much better and teamwork is better in most cases, and customer focus helps not to lose business ties. The ability to correctly resolve conflicts will save you in more than one life situation.

    Many of us often catch ourselves thinking that failures literally haunt us. Their reasons are obvious, and since childhood everyone knows that life is a complicated thing. So, everything seems to be as it should be. But the fact that the man himself arranged such a "heavenly" existence for himself, few people come to mind. It happens very simply. A negative reaction to any event entails more and more trouble. How then can you get rid of problems? Remember for yourself how many times after the usual quarrel, then everything began to crumble out of hand. All forces were spent on overcoming obstacles, and it was increasingly difficult to cheer yourself up. However, if we recall the periods of life already lived, we can realize that unforeseen and unhappy situations sometimes lead to great successes. So it was possible from the very beginning to think about the good and in a positive way!

    Temporary problems can have a positive impact in the future

    For example, any of us will deeply experience the painful separation from our partner. Depression rolls in, and the world becomes not nice. But the days pass, a new love appears and good mood returns.

    Assess the impact of the event on life path, can only be done over time. This happens almost always. Maybe then you shouldn’t take every trouble as bad luck, but you just need to stop and think carefully. A bad period cannot last forever. Any loss is a new start, and firm confidence in this and in yourself will help to cheer you up and move on lightly. After all, it’s even interesting how fate will “get out” and what else it will cook later.

    Any event can lead to positive consequences.

    The loss of a job can lead to a further successful career, and already in another company, an employee begins to fly like on wings and give everyone his good mood. Theft of a mobile phone will lead to the purchase of a new, better one. Temporary financial difficulties can provide an incentive to seek additional sources of income and develop their own talents. Maybe a good writer or a talented freelancer is sleeping soundly inside. So this is the right time to wake him up. Even a negative situation at work can become an additional motivational incentive for staff. Moreover, experience is learned from each unsuccessful situation, which in the future will help to get rid of problems in a wide variety of areas. And he, as you know, is priceless. It is not for nothing that the Russian people support themselves by the fact that there is no evil without good. Remember this saying more often, it can cheer you up and come to the rescue in difficult times.

    But do not think that a good mood will be a panacea for all ills. No, this is just the first step towards making the world smile back more and more often. We must always remember that we get back exactly what we give. And in order for us to think only positively, all bad sad thoughts should be nipped in the bud, we should smile. Think only about the good, and every day it will become more and more.

    In this section you can find tips on how to act in a given situation.

    The task of this stage is to find out the interests, motives and intentions of the other party and, in turn, to inform about their own intentions and interests. It is necessary to state your vision of the negotiation situation and invite the partner to speak about the general vision of the problem, the circumstances of the negotiation situation, the list of issues under discussion and the principles that could form the basis of the negotiations. By presenting their understanding of the negotiation problem and asking questions, participants start a conversation aimed at identifying the interests of the parties and disagreements about how to achieve them. Both sides state their understanding of approaches to further discussion. For example, “First you need to agree on the main issues, and then move on to the details” or “First, you need to agree on issues on which it is easier to reach an agreement, and leave the more difficult issues for later.” In Game " Railway” (see p. 47) such a common approach might be a mutual desire for the maximum gain of a coalition of two companies.

    An important topic is the identification of the range of issues that each of the parties wants to bring to the negotiations, and the formation of a common idea about the content of the negotiation issues. It is also necessary to determine the degree of priority of certain issues submitted for discussion by the other side, and compare with their own priority scale. Such a comparison allows for additional maneuvers in the negotiating field.

    The success of interaction at this stage is determined by the atmosphere of trust, the completeness of listening and the quality of questions. The task is to get as much information as possible about the facts that the partner operates, about his point of view on these facts, about the degree of validity of his positions. The partner's point of view, reflecting his own interest, inevitably contains a one-sided, self-centered assessment of controversial issues, but at the same time it is presented as an objective truth. With such a one-sided interpretation, it is difficult for the partner to look at the controversial problem more broadly and go beyond his own views on the way to solve it. Therefore, the other side needs to keep the partner's interpretations in focus and fix the difference between the facts presented and the subjective assessments of these facts.

    At the orientation stage, an atmosphere of confidential exchange of information, games with “open cards”, joint activities and shared understanding. Participants should actively attend and listen fully to each other. Therefore, patience and endurance are required from both sides.

    It is important to note that at this stage, the participants are required to give up any intention to expose, challenge, win over to their side, strengthen their position, i.e. the participant in the negotiations must be beyond any bias, since his goal is not to judge, not to evaluate what he heard, but try to understand everything as broadly and deeply as possible.

    To do this, you need to ask questions yourself and, most importantly, answer as detailed as possible. questions asked. When presenting their point of view and answering questions, it is advisable for participants to concentrate on explaining the differences that have arisen in assessments and opinions.

    When choosing the type of questions, preference is given to paraphrasing, open, closed, clarifying questions. Each type of question, as a rule, has its own purpose. In table. 8 shows the possible types of questions, their main purpose and examples of use.

    A correctly formulated question should not be perceived as an intervention of a coercive or attacking type, but as a manifestation of sincere interest, devoid of the slightest bias. Critical questions are not allowed,

    Table 8 Types of questions and the purpose of their use

    Question type

    Purpose of use

    Paraphrasing -

    in the form of a question, repeat the THOUGHTS OR words of the interlocutor

    Feedback, clarification of understanding, request for development of the topic and clarification of motives

    “So, you said you saw a new version of our proposals?”

    Open - begin with the words "WHAT", "HOW", WHY"

    Expressing a benevolent interest in a partner and collecting information

    "What is the main task for you?"

    "Why don't you accept it?"

    Closed - begin with the words "WHAT SPECIFICALLY", "KOEDA", "FOOD"

    Concretization of the stated answer

    "When will it be done?"

    “On what data is your position based?”

    Clarifying - clarify We-statements and impersonal statements, concretize the details

    Clarification of details, personal attitude, identification of contradictions

    “How did this scheme of calculations come about?”

    "How do you personally feel about this?"

    “Who exactly decided this?”

    Direct - imply a single answer ("YES" or "NO")

    Aggravation of contradiction, interception of the initiative, choice of solutions

    "You have already decided?"

    "Can you answer my question now?"

    Alternative -

    There are multiple answers to choose from

    Identification of disagreements, clarification of preference for alternatives

    “Do you prefer the first or second option?”

    Rhetorical - how

    usually do not require a response

    Increasing interest, involvement

    “Would you like to have more profit at a lower cost?”

    hinting, ironic, sarcastic, discriminatory, aggressive and manipulative, demonstrating the intention not to collect Additional information about the problem, but to expose, challenge, emphasize the correctness of one’s position, cause a negative emotional reaction, such as confusion, etc.

    To clarify the position of the partner, one should deepen the topic of the conversation, starting from what has already been said, using the technique of questions such as “paraphrasing” and “redirecting the question”.

    Ultimately, using active listening and empathy, it is necessary to clarify the differences in views on the problem under discussion (as you see it, as the other side sees it based on their interests) and, finally, to achieve a complete perception and understanding of problematic issues by both parties as a whole. If this direction of communication is maintained, then there is a complete awareness of the participants, new angles of discussion of the problem arise, the problem field of the negotiation situation expands and, accordingly, the field of decision-making. An atmosphere of trust and cooperation is being created as a basis for work at the next stage.

    The following errors are most typical for this stage:

    • ? important questions are not asked regarding figures and clarifying details, since the party trusts his egocentric vision of the situation;
    • ? the process of asking questions and listening is quickly curtailed after receiving the first positive or negative answer;
    • ? dominance of one of the parties in asking questions;
    • ? asking questions turns into a discussion in the event of an unexpected or discouraging answer, and the role of the questioner quickly turns into the role of a polemist or critic;
    • ? an attempt to trap questions by manipulating their setting;
    • ? collecting information in an atmosphere of confrontation, by asking questions of a critical, sarcastic, aggressive, manipulative nature; in such an atmosphere, the provision of any information or explanation will be perceived as an attempt to justify one's position.

    If the interaction takes place in an unhealthy environment, the participants treat each other with distrust, their questions become incorrect, they put the other side in a difficult position, which further increases distrust.

    When at this stage an atmosphere of mutual rejection of the goals of the parties arises, and the exchange of views, having barely begun, immediately turns into a discussion or even a dispute, the question should be raised: is it possible to reach an agreement without a minimum of mutually necessary information? And then again emphasize the need for listening in an atmosphere of acceptance by the parties to each other.

    In order to avoid rivalry, the participants need high self-control (you need to listen to things that are difficult to agree with without criticism), patience, good disposition, benevolent focus on what is happening, good command of the technique of asking questions. On the one hand, this is not done impromptu, since the wording of the questions must be prepared in advance. But, on the other hand, clarifying what is being said and formulating new questions is not only acceptable, but also desirable. Engaging in active listening in an atmosphere of "confidence" helps to create the best possible perspective on the negotiation issue.

    The orientation stage is crucial for the further course of the negotiations, since it gives the participants the opportunity to bring together all the available information and clarify their own understanding of the negotiation situation. Listening and asking questions allows you to expand (diverge) the problematic field of the discussed negotiation topics and gain a fresh look at the situation. This makes it possible to clarify what options a party has in a given situation and on what issues it needs to show flexibility.

    The main communication skills that ensure the effectiveness of interaction at the orientation stage are:

    • ? mini-presentation: a statement of one's vision of the situation, interests, points of view, opinions, positions based on facts and arguments understood by the other side;
    • ? interpretation of the vision of the problem and the situation of negotiations, which best meets the interests of its side;
    • ? using questions to clarify the interests, motives and priorities of the other party; questions should perform such functions as obtaining new information, clarifying existing information, targeting the partner’s thoughts and speech to a specific topic or area, transferring the conversation from one negotiation issue to another.

    In conclusion, we list the main results of this stage.

    • 1. Understanding the partner's position: obtaining information about the facts that the partner operates, about his point of view on these facts, about the degree of confidence in his positions.
    • 2. Clarification of the information received to understand the difference in the interpretations of the negotiating parties.
    • 3. Synthesis of the received information into a complete picture, including the vision of both sides.
    • 4. Actualization of problems and negotiation issues of interest to the partner.
    • 5. Informing partners in negotiations about their intentions and interests.

    Enter a word and click "Find Synonyms".

    Sentences with "oriented"

    We found 80 sentences with the word "oriented". See also synonyms for "oriented".
    Meaning of the word

    • Academy of Journalism oriented to the highest achievements of the world in the field of journalism.
    • At the same time, he involuntarily oriented on my colleagues, and at first they didn’t give me more than four points, but it all depended on me.
    • Carefully studying the conditions of the explosion in the gun, Leonardo, in essence, oriented to the previous axiom.
    • If the biographer oriented precisely on them, then he himself takes himself beyond the limits of the scientific field.
    • If in the first years of emigration the thinker oriented mainly for the study of German philosophy, then after 1925
    • Good helpers can only be those who oriented to the junzi ideal.
    • It was clear that he was free oriented in the geography of this area.
    • Good oriented in any situation, quickly finds a profitable enterprise and gets down to business with enviable determination.
    • Buck knows Siberian working conditions very well and quickly oriented in political work, linking it with operational work.
    • Good oriented environment and respond quickly to changes.
    • It is especially important that he oriented to a different audience, in which, in fact, his reputation is affirmed.
    • In her reflections, Olga Anatolyevna oriented on a scientific approach, but it does not fully justify itself here.
    • They knew that he was a man of strict rules and always oriented on youth.
    • Modern Azerbaijan with its demonstrative secularism oriented rather on Turkey than on neighboring Iran.
    • Each of the people oriented for what certain conditions he achieves well-being.
    • This is the only “I” with which I want to find contact, that “I” that does not oriented.
    • Midrash oriented to the simple meaning of this expression and explains what exactly in the behavior of Moshe caused such a strong anger of the Almighty.
    • As I write, the narrative is partly oriented to unexpected coincidences, of which there have been many in my life.
    • Fast oriented in difficult situations and finds the right solution.
    • Anatoly knows how to withstand difficulties, well oriented in any circumstances.
    • However, he did this only for reasons of profit: information, ideas, lectures, what he oriented bad due to lack of education.
    • At the same time, he involuntarily oriented on my colleagues, and at first they didn’t give me more than four points.
    • Without a compass oriented in this endless, snowy space.
    • genius leader oriented rather, assesses the situation more deeply, sees further.
    • He's bad oriented in your new field.
    • Wonderful oriented Stern and in philosophy.
    • The last one is probably fine. oriented up there, and will help Timo navigate.
    • Either he has a quick thought, or he has a good skill, but he oriented
    • She is free oriented in events English history both recent and ancient.
    • Author oriented to the old style, judging by the dating of the entry of the Reds into Yekaterinodar.
    • Basically the company oriented to the foreign market.
    • But Seryoga oriented confidently, and in about twenty minutes we return to the module with a case of vodka.
    • I wondered how the driver at all oriented on a snowy, unmarked road.
    • Skillfully and quickly oriented in the environment.
    • But my father guessed that his majesty was bad oriented in the topic of conversation, but he himself had long been burning with the desire to explain everything to him.
    • In a difficult environment oriented quickly and confidently.
    • Either he has a quick thought, or he has a good skill, but he oriented very fast and thinks instantly.
    • Each goalkeeper chooses the main stance according to his figure, oriented how comfortable it is for him to stand.
    • I was not yet twelve years old, but my mother believed that this was how I would learn endurance and acquire the ability to navigate.
    • After all, I've already learned navigate in his immediate pedigree, answered quickly and clearly.
    • We are taken out into the outside, and we oriented only externally: in other words, we have no reference points.
    • For example, in Petrograd organizationally took shape oriented against the Bolsheviks socialist union working youth (SSRM).
    • Even when I grew up, my relatives flatly refused to go for mushrooms or berries with me, although they knew that I was excellent. oriented on the ground.
    • Zinoviev made a long speech (poorly oriented, like Molotov and Stalin, in agrarian matters).
    • Citizen, I'm bad oriented in a rural landscape.
    • Grandfather, a man educated and well oriented in the military and political events of his time, looked at things more broadly.
    • Unfortunately we oriented for bad samples.
    • Thoroughly navigate in the mood of both camps was necessary above all.
    • Grandmother told her when we were walking around Paris and I once again complained that there was absolutely nothing in it. oriented.
    • We oriented on yourself, on your mind.
    • Just how you feel navigating.
    • I never hid from Berlusconi that oriented Frost's interview with Nixon.
    • More or less oriented in the interweaving of central streets.
    • Fast oriented and turn to the city center.
    • In our struggle for the national and state independence of Ukraine, we oriented only on the own forces of the Ukrainian people.
    • You haven't figured out which target audience navigating what consumers want.
    • The son of a watchmaker, he showed great skill in doing so. navigate in a brilliant aristocratic society.
    • We oriented to life, we are similar to it, we generalize some of its phenomena, but we are not life.
    • We oriented to the standard of the Bolshoi Theater, which was applauded by the whole world.
    • In this continuous and heavily neglected forest area, it was very difficult navigate.
    • We had to move in a very limited space and navigate among many devices and devices.
    • We oriented to increase the share of labor collectives in the property of these enterprises.
    • My schedule is so confusing that I can hardly keep up with it. oriented.
    • But be that as it may, both of them were weak, unprepared, not proactive and incapable of navigate pregnant.
    • I was already in the capital at the competition, well oriented In the underground.
    • Good strategist, easy oriented at a dangerous moment.
    • Classicism, oriented first of all, on the beauty and harmony of the facade, simply could not satisfy such requirements.
    • In other words, I oriented to Daniel in the lions' den, which is to say, I wouldn't refuse if I had to go.
    • I would like to believe that Igor Bulkin is better than all of us oriented in the era Ancient Rus' and who knew the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" by heart, is alive.
    • I don't oriented on theory, but rather on practice.
    • I landed on the Planet of Women, and one trip to the women's shower at Brunswick didn't help much. navigate.
    • At the meetings, I was convinced that it was already good oriented in variants of psychosis and mental disorders, I mature as a psychiatrist.
    • And when I am in the city for the first time, I look at the map, easily transfer it to the area and oriented.
    • Necessary navigate to achieve a balance of economic and spiritual values.
    • Why enter a strange labyrinth world when you are in your own world, in your profession, navigating very weakly.
    • I do not like to change them or go to other addresses, because there is absolutely no oriented.
    • I seem to be fine oriented in this, and he's been abroad before.
    • Firstly, at Pyaterochka we also conducted customer surveys on our own, and secondly, we oriented on what is happening in the West.
    • And in the prices of past years, I no longer oriented.
    • Fyodor Mikhailovich Shukshin was a great military commander (even now I am not in the ranks oriented), most likely in the KGB.

    Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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