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  • How to add other languages \u200b\u200bin the keyboard. How to add a language to the Windows Language Panel. We change the basic layout of the default keyboard

    How to add other languages \u200b\u200bin the keyboard. How to add a language to the Windows Language Panel. We change the basic layout of the default keyboard

    By default, setting any operating system whether xp, Vista or Windows 7, you will only have two languages \u200b\u200bin the language panel. This is Russian (RU) and English (EN). But if you need to add some other language, it will not be so difficult to do this.

    Suppose that we need to add to the language panel Ukrainian language. To do this, in order, follow these instructions.

    Step 1 . Go to the Start menu and choose Control Panel. In the window that opens, click on the linklanguage and regional standards.

    Step 2. . In a new window, go to the tab. In block Keyboard and other input languages Click on the buttonChange keyboard...

    Step 3. In a new window Text Input Languages \u200b\u200band Services Go to the tabGeneral and in the section Installed services Click the Add button.

    Step 4. In the window Adding a language input Stretch the runner to the Ukrainian language. Near the wordUkrainian (Ukraine) Press + and expand the list. In parameterKeyboard Check the box in front of the fieldUkrainian . To restore click on the buttonOK .

    Step 5. In chapter Installed services, Ukrainian appeared. To apply all completed settings, click on the button.Apply and then approx.
    (If you want to delete any language, then for this you will need to select it and press the button in the right menuDelete).

    Language panel is an icon in the taskbar, which allows you to quickly change the keyboard layout or input language. When switching language, the keyboard keys in the language panel also reflects the changes that occurred. Sometimes as a result of careless actions or due to the malicious influence of the installed programs, this panel from the desktop disappears and becomes incomprehensible which layout is currently used. Simple instruction below will tell you how to return the disappeared language panel to the place. There are two ways, consider both in more detail.

    To return through the control panel, do the following:


    The second way to return the missing panel is to make edits into the operating system registry. This happens like this:

    Task Scheduler

    In addition to the actions of the programs and the user, the disappearance of the language panel may be due to the fact that the service scheduler service has ceased to work. Therefore, sometimes to restore the language panel is enough for this system service correctly. To run it, do this:

    Usually in most Windows builds there are only two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and English. Naturally, everyone is not enough. It is good that the developers have provided an additional language setting, which is easily implemented. In this article, I will show how to add a language in Windows XP. If you need to solve this issue on Windows 7, then read.

    The only difficulty that may occur is the absence of any specific letters on the keyboard. For example, in Cyrillic Ukrainian or Latin German, letters are found, which are usually not written on the keyboard, at least the main alphabet is complicated from Cyrillic and Latin letters that are in Russian and English. However, these specific letters are exactly there, but they will have to pick up a tyk method if you do not know where exactly they are located. It's not hard. But first you need to add a language to the computer.

    Enable additional language

    In order to add a language on Windows XP, you must click "Start" and select "Control Panel". Then you need to click on the "language and regional standards". (It is assumed that the classic display view in the control panel is included).

    Select the "Languages" tab and click the "More details" button. The "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" window opens. Here we see a list of already added languages \u200b\u200bin Windows XP. To add another one, you must click on "Add". In the "Input Language" list, you need to select the necessary and click on "OK". The selected language should appear in the list of installed. Then click "OK" in all open windows, and then new Language It will be displayed in the language panel at near the bottom. You can switch using the standard SHIFT + ALT keys layout.

    Add additional language

    In order to add languages \u200b\u200bwith Latin or critical letters in Windows XP, there is no need to install additional components.

    Additional features

    In Windows XP, you can add a language that consists not only from Latin or Cyrillic letters. Those who are written on the right left and hieroglyphs are also available. In order to include them, you need to put ticks at the respective items in the "Language and Regional Standards" window.

    Adding additional language capabilities

    To add languages \u200b\u200bin Windows XP to the right left or hieroglyphs, additional components are needed to be installed from the disk with the operating system. To install these components, you need to insert a disk into the drive, put the desired checkboxes (left to right or hieroglyphs) and click "OK". Installation will begin, and then languages \u200b\u200bwill be available.

    Disabling unnecessary languages

    By the way, in the "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" window, you can not only add a language in Windows XP, but also delete extra, if anyone is. You can do it in the same window with a list. installed languagesAlthough you need to "delete", selecting the desired item before that. After that, you need to click "OK" in all open windows.

    We delete languages

    In Russian-language Windows 7, almost always initially only 2 languages \u200b\u200bfor entering text: Russian and english. Often there are situations when at work or schools requires the availability of Ukrainian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese or any other input language, and in your Windows it is missing in the language panel. Nothing terrible, it is easy to fix in minutes. In this article, I will tell you how to add a language in Windows 7 in two ways.

    How to Add Language in Windows 7. First method

    The easiest way to add a new input language through the language panel parameters. To do this, right-click on your current language in the Windows taskbar (as a rule, right below the screen, a little left of time, RU or EN). Select from the "Parameters .." list from the list.

    The "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" window opens, click the "Add" button to the right of your current input languages.

    Scroll through the list and click on [+] next to the desired language, then press [+] opposite the "keyboard" under the selected language, check the desired keyboard layout. Click OK.

    Now when you change the keyboard layout (Alt + Shift, or Ctrl + SHIFT), you will have the ability to enter text in the language you just added to Language windows panel 7.

    How to add a language in Windows 7. The second way

    The second way to add an input language is similar to the first, the only difference is that we will not add a language via the language panel parameters, but through the Windows control panel. Click Start menu -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Clock, Language and Region -\u003eeither start menu -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Language and Regional Standards. In the window that opens, select the "Languages \u200b\u200band Keyboards" tab, click the "Change Keypad .." button.

    The "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" window opens. Further add a language just as written in the first way. I will not repeat. Input languages \u200b\u200bcan be added as much as you like, but I do not recommend too much, otherwise it becomes uncomfortable between them to switch.

    Only two languages \u200b\u200bare available: Russian and English. For most users, this is quite enough. But if you need to enter text in another language (for example, in Ukrainian), then you need to add this language to the language panel. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do. Now we will turn on how to add a language to the language panel.

    And go to the "Clock, Language and Region" section.

    After that you will open the Language and Regional Standards window. Here you need to go to the tab "Languages \u200b\u200band keyboards" and click on the "Change Keyboard" button.

    After that, a small window will appear to add languages \u200b\u200bto the language panel. Here you need to note those languages \u200b\u200byou want to add and click on the "OK" button.

    Other language panel settings and input languages

    In addition to adding a language to the language panel, other settings can be deposited in the "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" window. For example, you can change the default input language. To do this, select the desired language in the drop-down list at the top of the window.

    You can also change the sequence of languages \u200b\u200bin the language panel. To do this, it is necessary to highlight one of the languages \u200b\u200band change the yago position using the Up and Down buttons.

    If you go to the Language Panel tab, you will see the settings that relate directly to the language panel itself. Here you can hide the language panel, secure it on the taskbar or allow to be located in an arbitrary location of the screen. Also here you can enable the transparency of the language panel and turn on the display of additional icons.

    On the last tab, which is called "keypad switch", you can change the logic of the CAPS LOCK mode, as well as change the keyboard key responsible for switching input languages.

    As you can see, the language panel has many different settings, which allows you to configure work with input languages \u200b\u200bas it is convenient to each specific user.