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  • How to add language to iphone. How to install Russian language on iPhone. How to remove keyboard language from iPhone and iPad

    How to add language to iphone.  How to install Russian language on iPhone.  How to remove keyboard language from iPhone and iPad

    Many new Apple technology owners face various problems when using their gadgets. Often they have a question about how to change the language on an iPhone. This can happen due to an incorrect or accidentally selected unfamiliar language. In fact, there is nothing difficult about it. During the initial setup of the device, the operating system asks the user what exactly he would like to install. This can be changed in the future using the machine settings. In some cases, changing the parameter can be difficult. For example, if the system is installed in Chinese, then it is very difficult to find the necessary menu item, since there will be hieroglyphs everywhere. Below we will tell you more about how to change the language on an iPhone.

    How to change?

    In order to change the language in the Apple technology menu, you first need to go to the "Settings" menu. To do this, scroll down the desktop and find the parameter icon in the form of a gear.

    After that, you need to open the "General" menu item. Finding it is also not difficult. you need to select a section with a picture that repeats the picture of the "Settings" menu - a white gear on a gray background.

    Next, you should enter the section with the language selection parameters. In the interface in Russian, it is called "Language and Region". In order to see it, you need to find the iTunes Wi-Fi item, the desired setting is one line higher, it should be opened.

    The next step for those who do not know how to change the language on an iPhone is to select the topmost section.

    A list of all available languages ​​will already be shown here, after selecting which you must click on the button in the upper right corner of the display.

    How to translate "iPhone 5" or iPad into Russian?

    The translation system is approximately the same as the previous one. To switch "iPhone 5" or iPad into Russian, you need to go to the phone settings and, after finding the appropriate icon, click on it.

    After opening the above item, you should go to the basic settings. The section will be marked with exactly the same icon - a gear on a white background.

    The next step for those who do not know how to put Russian on the iPhone and iPad will be the choice of the language itself from the window that opens. Then you need to click on the item on the right side at the top of the display.

    Just as in the first option, the gadget will reboot and a secondary login will be required.


    There is nothing difficult in changing the settings on Apple devices. Following this instruction, the question of how to change the language on an iPhone will no longer arise.

    Whether you are a multilingual Apple user or just not familiar with foreign languages, you will surely change your keyboard language from time to time. Switching the keyboard language in iOS is really quite simple, we will tell you step by step how to change the language (Russian, English, Ukrainian and others) of the keyboard on iPhone and iPad.

    At the very beginning, you need to include the language you need in the list of layouts. This will allow you to use foreign languages without completely changing the iOS language.

    You can add, customize or remove language keyboards at any time by following these steps:

    Open the Settings app, then go to General and Keyboard.

    If the phone is on Chinese then first.

    Here's how to change the keyboard language on iPhone and iPad

    Select "Keyboards" and click "Add a new keyboard" - then click on the alternative language keyboard you need to add it to the list of iOS keyboard layouts, after which you can quickly change to it when you type.

    Suppose that you have already added at least one alternative language keyboard (for example French), you can simply use the standard keyboard or use the Emoji keyboard, and when you need the French layout, switch by clicking on the globe.

    Note that in newer versions of iOS, when you have more than one alternate keyboard language enabled, the familiar Emoji emoji icon on the keyboard is disabled due to the Globe icon and must be held down to select Emoji.

    How to change the keyboard language on iPhone and iPad?

    Once you've enabled at least one keyboard of a different language in your iOS settings, you can quickly and easily switch between keyboard languages ​​by following these steps:

    1. Go to where you can access the virtual keyboard on the screen.

    2. Press and hold the globe icon to open the keyboard languages ​​menu.

    3. Select an alternative language to switch to.

    4. The selected keyboard language is immediately activated.

    Please note that you must press and hold the globe icon to open the alternate language options. By simply tapping the globe icon, usually a quick tap will simply switch to the Emoji keys.


    You can quickly switch or change the keyboard language in iOS at any time by following the same steps, adding the language to the list of layouts and selecting on the keyboard using the globe icon. You can do this any time the keyboard is visible on the Apple device.

    Mac users have a similar way to switch keyboard language using the icon on the taskbar.

    How to remove keyboard language from iPhone and iPad?

    Want to remove an alternate language from your iPhone or iPad keyboard that you no longer need? You may be speaking multiple languages ​​or learning new language and think it's helpful. Or perhaps you've found a new language in your keyboard that you've never used and want to remove it?

    Any languages ​​added to the keyboard appear below the small globe icon on the keyboard of the iOS device, allowing you to quickly change the keyboard language. But if you don't want a certain language to appear on this list, then you need to remove it from your iPhone or iPad.

    If you have other languages ​​added that you wish to remove from your iPhone or iPad, then read on to learn how to remove keyboard languages ​​from any iOS device.

    Oh, besides just deleting different keyboard layouts, you can also use this method to remove Emoji keyboard or third party keyboards. If for some reason you don't like the ones on iOS, or just want to delete them.

    How to remove unnecessary languages ​​on iPhone and iPad?

    Note that you must have more than one language keyboard layout to be able to remove it, you also have the option to remove your primary language keyboard from iOS.

    See how to do it:

    1. Open the Settings app and go to General, then Keyboard, and then Keyboards.

    2. In the list of keyboards, swipe to the left of the keyboard you want to remove. *

    3. Click the Delete button.

    Here's how to remove keyboard on iPhone and iPad!

    Repeat the steps for other language keyboards you want to remove.

    V Everyday life For most iPhone or iPad users, the Russian and English keyboards are enough for virtual communication, which are standard for Russian-speaking users by default. With the release of iOS 8, developers software got the opportunity to create their own keyboard options for the iPhone or iPad, which could later be used to enter any data in all kinds of applications. Be that as it may, hitherto inconspicuous, but playing an important role virtual keyboard iOS has garnered attention. Therefore, if you are interested in setting up the keyboard of an apple device, disabling Emoji, activating the keyboard in another language, or even adding an alternative keyboard, this instruction is for you.

    How to customize the keyboard on an iPhone or iPad

    Removing the keyboard

    Ideally, for a comfortable work with your smartphone or tablet, the list of active keyboards should not be overloaded with unnecessary, unused or extremely rarely used keyboards. This saves time switching between them when entering any data.

    In iOS 8, the previously inactive Emoji keyboard, which provides access to a huge selection of emojis and other miscellaneous pictures, was added to the general list of supported by default keyboards. The inclusion of "Emoji" in the list of active by default keyboards caused an ambiguous reaction among users: someone was pleasantly surprised to find this on their device, and someone hastened to get into the settings in the hope of finding the coveted button that sends "Emoji" back to an inactive state ...

    To edit the list, including disabling the Emoji keyboard, go to Settings> General> Keyboard> Keyboards... Here, by clicking on the "Change" button, you can remove any more irrelevant keyboard or get rid of unnecessary emoticons offered by "Emoji".

    Adding a keyboard

    IOS has a wide variety of keyboards that support text input in many languages ​​of the world, including Asian and right-to-left languages. To activate one of these keyboards, you need to go to Settings> General> Keyboard> Keyboards and tap on the "New Keyboards" button. In the proposed list, find the language you are interested in and tap on its name, after which the keyboard that supports the language you specified will be added to the general list of active ones.

    Other settings

    In the "Keyboards" section, iPhone or iPad owners can find a lot of interesting things. For example, here you can expand the list of abbreviations by adding words you use frequently to speed up your typing. For example, if you enter the phrase "and so on" into the list by assigning the abbreviation "etc." to it, then when you enter "etc." the abbreviation will be automatically replaced by the full phrase.

    Here you can also disable auto-writing, auto-correction, predictive text input, which offers options for the endings of words and phrases, a split keyboard, spelling and a shortcut key that inserts a period with a space if you quickly double-tap the Space bar.

    How to add an alternative keyboard to iPhone or iPad

    As already mentioned, iOS 8 gave developers the opportunity to create alternative keyboards for the iPhone or iPad, and developers did not hesitate to use it. Already in the App Store, there are applications designed to replenish the list of existing keyboards of an apple device with new, sometimes all original, alternative solutions.

    Want to improve your typing speed? Then take a look at Fleksy, Swype, Minuum, TouchPal and other alternative keyboards, a brief overview of which can be found here -. Or maybe you want to diversify the communication with animated pictures and short videos - a free application to help you.

    However, simply downloading the program from the App Store will not be enough, you need to connect an alternative keyboard in the settings of your device.

    First, you need to visit the App Store and download the alternative keyboard you are interested in on your device. Next we go to Settings> General> Keyboard> Keyboards> New Keyboards where we look for the name of your freshly installed program and tap on it, after which the alternative keyboard will be activated. To check, open, for example, iMessage and, using the button in the form of a globe, switch keyboards until the one that was installed appears.

    If you did not find the answer to your question or something did not work out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our

    You bought an iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 7, iPhone 4, iPhone 5s, iPhone 4s, iPhone 8, iPhone 6s, or iPhone 10, and is it in a foreign language?

    No problem. You are in the right place at the right time! All you have to do is take five minutes of your time and follow the instructions below.

    You will learn how to change the iPhone language and how to change other important settings such as the default keyboard layout language for iOS and other keyboard related.

    Most modern smartphone users do not fully recognize them, but focus on the most basic functions, forgetting about others.

    Whatever your specific needs - whatever language you're going to change to iPhone, you're sure to find a way to achieve the desired effect.

    If you want to change it, the first step you need to take is to go to your iOS settings (by clicking the gray gear icon found on the home screen) and select the "General" section from the menu that appears.

    Then go to the Language & Region tab and click on the iPhone Language menu. Then select the one you want and click the "Finish" button in the upper right corner.

    As you can see in the picture above, I chose Chinese. After confirmation, the picture changed to a black screen, with the word "Language Setting" in Chinese, and then Chinese appeared a few seconds later.

    Everything seems to be good, but a problem arises if the phone is originally in Chinese. How then can we change from Chinese to Russian, because we cannot read in it. I'll show you in pictures and I think you'll figure it out.

    In the same way, according to the pictures, you can change from Korean to Russian and all other hard-to-read ones.

    How to change the language on an iPhone from Korean or Chinese to Russian

    So, we are guided by the icons. First, Settings -> General -> Language and Region.

    Now: iphone language -> Russian -> Done -> Done.

    If everything is done as in the pictures, then in a few seconds your iOS will change to Russian.

    In addition to the system menu, applications will also be automatically transferred to your native language(although some allow you to choose which to use regardless of the system language).

    How to change the language on the iPhone keyboard

    You can quickly change the keyboard language by clicking on the "Globe" icon on the keyboard itself (press and hold).

    Only for this this language must be in it. If it does not exist, then we will add it now. To do this, go to the "Settings" menu and in the menu that appears, select "General" -> "Keyboard"> "Keyboards".

    Now, at the very bottom, click "New Keyboards", select the required language (for example, I choose Ukrainian). That's it, now there is a new language in your keyboard.

    How to quickly put a full stop on an iPhone keyboard

    Ultimately, this feature is enabled, but you don't have to go to "numbers" to get a full stop.

    Only as quickly as possible - you just need to double-press the spacebar while recording. This will give you a full stop without switching to the numeric keypad.

    Yes, you can put a point by pressing the "123" key, but then you need to return to the starting position.

    How to quickly delete text on iPhone

    All of the above tricks will help you write, but sometimes a lot of writing needs to be deleted - sent to the trash.

    Of course, you can delete the text manually, but it's better to use a very convenient gesture. Just shake your phone and a message will appear asking you to delete all text.

    Hopefully some of you have found this recording an interesting source of new tricks. I think it's worth taking advantage of the "benefits" offered by the company with the bitten apple logo.

    Of course, if you know of any other interesting features, write about it in the comments to the post. For my part, I promise to post more tips in the future. See you! Good luck!

    The iOS operating system is fraught with the fact that you can learn some of the subtleties only when you experience them yourself. The seemingly harmless setting of Japanese emoji turned out to be an interesting experience for me with languages ​​on the iPhone.

    After installation, where there is no support for the Russian language, I expected its interface to be on English language... What was my surprise when all the menus of the program were written in hieroglyphs. I tried to reinstall the application, even change the store to the American one and download from there - it did not help.

    At the same time, in other applications everything was fine: the Russian interface alternated with English (where there was no Russian). For the answer, I went to the main settings - the "Language and Region" section. There is such a subsection as "preferred language order". It looked like this to me: Russian, Japanese, German, English. Therefore, if the application did not support Russian, it automatically displayed the second priority language - Japanese.

    The order of the languages ​​can be easily changed in the Edit menu, so I soon used the English-language application without the need to reinstall the program. Since many iPhone owners prefer to rearrange the languages ​​on their smartphone in the process of learning new languages ​​(so to speak, so that there is always a reminder in front of their eyes), keep in mind.