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  • How to be a brave person. Writing-reasoning whether you need to be bold. Understand what courage is

    How to be a brave person.  Writing-reasoning whether you need to be bold.  Understand what courage is

    Success comes only when you take a bold step forward. Due to indecision, embarrassment, timidity, lack of initiative and cowardice, we miss many good chances. If you were bolder, then everything in life would turn out differently.

    "The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not be afraid of defeat and disaster" Jawaharlal Nehru

    The proverb "Better in the hands of a tit than a crane in the sky" is for weaklings who are not confident in themselves. By being brave, you will achieve whatever you desire. Will you try? Better both a titmouse in hand and a crane in hand! But not otherwise! How to become bold and why?

    Courage makes a person more confident both internally and externally.
    Courage allows you to correctly assess your chances, not diminish them.
    Courage helps you defend your interests.
    Courage provides an opportunity to act, ignoring the possible risks that are always there.
    Courage makes it clear that there are important things to take risks.
    Courage is not given at birth, but everyone can become strong and courageous.

    How to become brave in a fight, brave in dealing with a girl and brave in life? How to stop being afraid, become confident, and be more determined? How to become liberated and even arrogant? Do you want to become a brave self-confident person? The coolest and most daring?

    How to get bold

    Believe in yourself

    "Fortune prefers the brave"

    How to become bold? Believe in yourself. We often give up positions due to the fact that we do not trust ourselves. We do not believe in our capabilities, strengths and prospects. We relax and hesitate to act. We are in a weaker position. We retreat from the girl we like, promising work and interesting opportunities. It's easier to give up, get depressed, and fold in front of new chances. Maybe it's time to trust yourself? Get the courage out of the wide leg? Believe in yourself? You are not worse than the others, and in many ways even better. Go ahead!

    Do not be afraid of change and defeat

    "Fate helps the brave" Poet Ancient Rome Virgil Publius Maron

    How to become bold? Stop being afraid of changes in life. The fear of change pulls us back into the swamp. Courage is not so much the absence of fear as the understanding that there is something more important in life than fear and caution. When you are afraid, then ask yourself who you are: a pitiful coward and a daredevil?

    We are afraid to get acquainted, because then we will have to prove ourselves with better side... Be cheerful, charming, gallant. We are afraid that we will not succeed and everything will end with a broken heart. But this is commonplace cowardice. You might have a great romance or a nice story, but do you back down? It's time to act more courageously.

    Is there an opportunity to try a career in a new place? But you are accustomed to a stable job, even if it is low-paid, hopeless and uninteresting. You are afraid to dream. You do not want to try, but you are afraid of theoretical defeats, which most likely will never happen.

    Don't be afraid to live

    "Brave and courageous people make their own destiny" by Paulo Coelho

    How to become bold? Stop being afraid to live. Look your fear in the eye and get rid of this phobia. Calculate the risk and take action. Celebrate all your victories, albeit small ones. Don't be afraid to take risks. Forget about judgment or gossip. Don't let failures and shortcomings dictate to you. Don't be afraid to live. Be brave.

    Courage is the lot of the mighty of this world. Courage is your shield and sword in modern world... You won't get anywhere without her. Courage lies not only in dreams and plans, but also in actions. Successful people don't give up on opportunities. They are not cowards. Get out of your comfort zone. Move ahead. Challenge yourself and accept it yourself. Be brave.

    Adult life makes tough demands on traffic participants. One of these conditions is the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them, but this is not as easy as it might seem. The need arises to work on oneself, to form correct habits in behavior and thinking, the question arises of how to become more decisive. Courage in life does not mean the absence of fear. Fear is a normal reaction to the unknown, dangerous, new.

    People who are able to continue to move towards the goal, overcoming fears and doubts are considered courageous. Courage is formed in childhood when a child gains a place in a peer group. However, this quality is trainable and develops in adulthood. The main thing on this path is the awareness of the need for development, the study of materials on how to become bolder and more decisive.


    A brave person can be seen immediately, his proud posture and direct gaze indicate that he knows what he wants, is ready to resolutely go towards the goal. Self-confidence permeates every movement of a brave person, there is not a shadow of doubt in his words and actions. This behavior forms his image in the eyes of others, the manner of standing, sitting and communicating give a complete picture of the strength of character.

    Self-esteem is at the heart of determination. If a person is thinking about how to become decisive and self-confident, then he should start with self-esteem. Self-esteem problems have many reasons that will emerge as you progress towards your goal, provoking doubts and an unstable emotional state. Focusing on a goal that is important and desired helps to cope with the barrage of emerging doubts.

    The main thing in working with self-esteem is to form an inner faith in oneself, one's strength, and the correctness of one's actions. Acceptance of one's own importance and uniqueness fosters a mood for active actions to implement cherished ideas. It is necessary to capture and maintain this attitude, for it will help in achieving amazing results.

    Repetition of key messages helps keep you motivated and builds self-confidence. To do this, a list of statements is created that we would like to implement. This list should always be near, before your eyes. From time to time, especially in moments of doubt, one should re-read what has been written, pondering over each word. Realizing the importance of working on yourself will help bring yourself to a new level of perception of yourself and others.

    Identifying Strengths and Ways

    A person, thinking about being brave and decisive, sets specific goals for himself. It is to achieve these goals that he needs courage. In this situation, it is very useful to analyze the set goals in terms of the qualities necessary to achieve. Such an analysis will allow you to form a list of what is worth striving for.

    In addition, a list of obstacles will be formed by itself. Working on negative qualities and correcting them is of tremendous benefit. Observing the daily victory over oneself, a person comes to the understanding that he is capable of great achievements.

    Overcoming fears

    Fear is the most serious test before someone who ponders the question of how to become a decisive person. Fears appear in the role of an inner voice that generates doubts in the mind, fetters physical and mental activity.

    Avoiding fear will not help in overcoming the problem. Avoidance drives the complexes even deeper. The only way out in dealing with fears is to face them and overcome them. If a person overcomes fear several times, then he is no longer afraid of him. Defeating fear builds self-confidence and sows the seeds of leadership thinking.

    The person making a plan for how to become firm and decisive must define a list of their fears. Maximum sincerity in this matter is needed. Memories of missed opportunities, if any, will help to understand fears. It is important not to allow excuses in talking to yourself, then all fears and complexes will appear on the surface. Knowing your enemy in the face, it is much easier to win.

    Accepting defeat as a lesson

    The process of moving towards a goal is not always strewn with laurels. A person who has embarked on the path of changing habits and character must be prepared for minor defeats. Failures test the strength of desire for a goal, train character. Problems arise on the path of everyone, the only difference is in the attitude towards them.

    For those who are thinking about how to become more decisive, it is important to take defeat as a valuable lesson. A decisive person is not someone who did everything easily the first time. Strength of character is visible in the movement towards the goal despite all obstacles. Obstacles must be taken as the natural course of things. After all, no one falls into hysterics that autumn comes after the summer. The change of seasons of the year is perceived as a natural course of things. The same approach is important when confronted with turmoil. Problems need to be solved and move on to the goal.

    Changing your social circle

    Every day a person interacts with dozens of other representatives of society. Even if someone thinks about how to become more decisive, his intentions will clash with the intentions of other people. You need to be prepared for this. Everyone's behavior forms the habit of his environment to perceive him just like that. Changing habitual behavior destroys other people's expectations. Some will like the new status, others will not.

    With a change in oneself, one will have to change and This happens by itself, when people disagree in goals, cease to understand each other.

    When you consciously adjust your personality, it is useful to change your environment yourself. Communication with successful, active, positive and courageous people is the strongest motivating factor. Plus, the people you want to be like are great examples. You should not resort to imitation, but in patterns of behavior and forms of thinking you can find useful ideas for implementation on its path of development.

    It is worth paying attention to the quality component of communication. Expressing your own opinion trains self-confidence. A clearly and loudly voiced opinion makes it clear to others that they have a confident person who is able to defend their point of view.

    New activities

    Broadening one's horizons harmonizes the personality, filling a person with new knowledge and emotions. A person thinking about whether it is worth trying himself in new activities. This will help to reveal strengths, find like-minded people and support. New activities will not only boost your self-confidence, but also guarantee an interesting experience.

    Realizing the potential

    Everyone has a talent, bright abilities. Finding talent is sometimes difficult, but it's a matter of experience. Having realized himself as much as possible, a person gains self-confidence and courage to live by his own rules.

    To find your niche, it is important to remember your favorite activities, the results of which were outstanding. Even if they were not exhibited at exhibitions, they were recognized as worthy. Work in this direction will bring a lot of positive emotions. Plus, when you have the talent, your workouts produce great results that can be a source of pride.

    Doing what you love builds up soothes the mind and emotions. This state is an excellent base for working on correcting deficiencies and developing courage and self-confidence.

    Girls often think about how to become more decisive. The reason is in social stereotypes, peculiarities of upbringing, complexes inspired by adolescence.

    For a girl on the path of developing firmness of character, the following points are important:

    • lack of criticism of oneself and others;
    • development of independence in solving all issues (you should not rely on someone else);
    • keeping a diary where fears and doubts will remain;
    • control over emotions, elimination of nervous manifestations, wasting energy and time;
    • belief in yourself always and everywhere;
    • towards beauty and grooming;
    • variety of roles, lack of fear of previously uncharacteristic behavior.

    The term “courage” has several definitions that are close in meaning, reflecting the essence of the phenomenon:

    • Courage is resistance and control over fear;
    • Ability to make informed decisions despite fears;
    • Courage is a personality trait based on a willingness to protect loved ones, country, religion, etc .;
    • Courage is the ability to take responsibility for something important.

    Courage implies the strength of a person's character. Indecisive and insecure people think about how to become bold. After all, at all times, courage was considered positive feature character and virtue, one of the hallmarks of highly developed human dignity. However, every person knows what fears are - and there is nothing reprehensible in experiencing them. Fear is a natural reaction of the human body, thanks to which the survival of the human race became possible.

    Courage is characterized by the ability to control the feeling of fear, not to allow it to control itself, and to act contrary to the principles.

    The main difference between a brave person is the ability to be brazen and move forward, where most give up, succumbing to panic.

    Key features and functions

    To become bolder and more decisive, you need to understand what qualities distinguish a courageous person and what is needed to educate them in yourself.

    1. A brave person has self-control, knows how to manage emotions, sees the situation clearly and sensibly and makes decisions based on the voice of reason, not feelings.
    2. Overconfidence has a lot to do with courage. Such people know what they want and do not give up in the face of difficulties.
    3. Responsibility and the ability to take responsibility for words and actions are characteristic of outstanding leaders, rulers and public figures. In the minds of people, they have courage.
    4. Courageous people have values ​​in the form of family, environment, country, etc. and are ready to fight for and protect them.
    5. Fears will never stand in the way of a brave person. He will be able to cope with them and achieve his goal and save what is dear and valuable.

    A person with the characteristics listed above is hard to miss. Those people who set themselves the goal of becoming bolder often ask the question: what role does courage play in a person's life?

    • To be brave means to gain faith in your own strength;
    • Courage allows you to be fearless and courageous, not to be ashamed of your personality, not to retreat under the influence of difficulties, not to give in to public opinion;
    • A brave person can remain himself in any situation and not adapt to the desires of others.;
    • Courage allows you to hope for the best, because such a person understands that the future depends on him.

    Developing courage is not an easy task; it requires an investment of psychological energy, time and self-discipline. Psychologists can teach us how to become bolder. However, no method or exercise will work if you don't use it regularly.

    1. Tune in. The mental attitude is the first step in nurturing courage. Scientists have proven that 90% of the result is already embedded in our head in the form of expectations and attitudes, and only the remaining 10% are responsible for skills and abilities. Delineate the concepts - arrogance, decisiveness, courage, courage. Be prepared for long-term work on yourself. In one day you will not become brave man, months or years will pass.
    2. Make a list of actions. These are the things that you did not dare to implement due to lack of courage. Perhaps it will be a trip around the world, or a trip to the rocks, or maybe a parachute jump. If you feel scared, write down your wish, indicating the exact deadline. It is necessary to educate your brain not to look for excuses and develop a clear adherence to plans. Tell me - what will you lose? Every brave person knows that we come to this world once and to indulge our weaknesses is not to live, but to exist. Often women are afraid to realize such dreams due to the fact that still in modern society the desire to be a daring and liberated girl is not welcomed and it is believed that such hobbies are "not a woman's business." A brave woman is rare.
    3. Strive to be more sociable. A brave person is not afraid to speak to a stranger and has a wide social circle. Communication helps to develop communication skills, self-confidence. Looking at others, we understand that fears and complexes are inherent in people, which means that there is nothing wrong with communication. You need to communicate wherever the situation allows: for example, in a store, taxi, airport, etc. Try to work up the courage and meet a new person every day - after a little time, you will stop being shy and will be more talkative.
    4. Change your look. Courageous people are not afraid of change.... Conservatism has long been out of fashion. This applies to both external appearance and internal content. If you were, for example, a shy woman living for your husband and children before, try becoming brave, more relaxed, daring and fearless, or just a little more insolent in your relationships with others. You will notice that the courageous person is respected. Change your hairstyle, clothing style, and route. Try learning to drive or ride a horse, etc. Pay attention to your sense of self - how comfortable is the new look? If so, then you can muster the courage to get others to accept you as a new person.
    5. Take risks. For a brave person, living without risk is boring and monotonous. It is possible to develop courage when you regularly do what our parents and teachers have taught us to fear from childhood. For example, learning rock climbing, speed driving, etc. Fears do not disappear on their own - they must be overcome regularly. Over time, this will become a habit.

    But remember - the risk must be justified!

    Brave people are not suicidal! They are clearly aware of the consequences and take risks by being prepared. Observe the rules and requirements for safety, complete the necessary training, use the help of an instructor.

    1. Don't be afraid to lose. A man is not always born strong, brave and fearless, and a woman is not always born liberated, a little daring and effective. In order to achieve courage, the people we admire have gone through many failures and losses, were forced to learn a lot - however, they did not give up and were able to make others believe in them.

    Treat your defeats philosophically - “you don’t know where you will find, and where you will lose”. If you lose today, you will probably be lucky tomorrow.

    1. Let go of negative expectations. A focus on expecting the worst is the root cause of human fears. A brave person thinks sensibly and understands that in most cases they are groundless. However, getting your brain to work differently is not easy and time consuming. Therefore, if you cannot see a positive result ahead, you should not think about it. Just go for it.
    2. Don't put it off until later. Nothing kills the urge to act like the endless movement of deadlines.... Forget excuses: "I will do it when the child grows up, I will lose weight, change jobs, etc." You need to live here and now, there will be no other time. A brave person realizes his desires as soon as he sees an opportunity.
    3. Brave people believe that life is a game. Be simpler about everything that happens to you. Relax. Try to develop an easy attitude towards life and towards people. It doesn't matter who is in favor today, tomorrow everything will change, a lot will become unimportant.
    4. Keep calm. Don't confuse courage and aggressiveness. A courageous person can allow his personality to be shy, but at the same time he will protect the weak. To be calm means

    How to become bolder, learn to overcome inner fears and lack of self-confidence - each person, sooner or later, asks himself such questions. Courage means that for the sake of a specific goal - to protect oneself, loved ones, vital interests, any obstacles are overcome.

    At the same time, people who are really determined to win do not become reckless at all. Fear is a natural psychological regulator of actions, it is always present, but it does not "blind" the main thing, but only corrects the expediency of certain actions.

    Therefore, courage is characterized precisely by the ability of a person to control the inner feeling of fear, to act contrary to it, in accordance with their own principles and beliefs. The main difference between the courageous people and the main mass of people is the ability to move forward where the rest succumbed to inner fears and surrendered without a fight.

    Characteristics of a brave person

    Distinguishing courage from recklessness is sometimes not so easy. Individual people have an internal regulator of actions - fear, it would seem, is completely absent, they seem to strive at all costs to get the maximum amount of adrenaline. It is difficult to call them daredevils, rather, reckless personalities.

    Character traits inherent in daredevils:

    • a high level of self-control - a clear understanding of the situation as a whole, decisions are made in a balanced manner, without haste;
    • deep inner conviction of one's own righteousness, which helps not to retreat in front of life's difficulties;
    • responsibility - the ability to be responsible for both your words and actions;
    • the ability to defend their own values ​​- family, relatives, friends, homeland;
    • control over their own weaknesses - everyone has internal fears, but in courageous people they only strengthen his abilities, and do not prevent their manifestation.

    Courage, as a priority character trait, allows a person in any difficult life situation to remain yourself, an integral person. Such people do not adjust to the desires and opinions of others, but lead them to their goal.

    Self-development of courage

    Wanting to learn how to become bolder and more confident in themselves, many people simply copy the behavior of those whom they thoughtlessly consider leaders. Often, the behavior of such people is only superficially dominant, but in the depths of their souls they can be flawed, therefore they elevate themselves due to the weakness of others.

    To become truly internally strong personality, there is a lot of work to be done to overcome weakness and uncertainty:

    1. Learn to set correct, realistically achievable goals for yourself. Motivation, in fact, is the main engine of all events taking place around. When a goal inspires for specific actions, for example, going to the movies with a loved one, then the strength and desire to achieve it will always be found.
    2. Fighting your own laziness. After all, it is no secret that in the absence of courage, more often than not, banal laziness is hidden. The habit of shifting active actions to other people can take root so much that at a decisive moment a person simply cannot gather his courage and accomplish a "feat."
    3. Develop your own intuition - everyone has it, however, not everyone listens to it. Whereas it is the intuitive understanding of the situation that allows you to be confident in yourself, in the correctness of your actions. That's why decisions taken will be balanced, quite achievable.
    4. Make friends with your inner self. Really brave people almost always praise themselves rather than scold for failures. After all, everyone has failures. Only some of them learn from them and draw the correct conclusions, so as not to repeat mistakes later. Others constantly “step on the rake”.

    And one more piece of advice on how to become bolder and more decisive is to constantly strive for self-improvement. After all, when a person has something to offer others - valuable knowledge, skills and abilities, then excessive shyness becomes just a "pulling burden to the bottom."

    Considering people's lack of self-confidence from different points of view - depending on what led the person to excessive shyness, shyness, psychologists have developed a set of measures to help overcome internal resistance to everything new in life.

    A careful analysis of the events that occur throughout life with an insecure person allows you to identify those of them that became the turning point. If you "replay" them - to act in a given situation the way a brave person would do, then in the future the acquired skills will help a person to be more confident.

    How to become bolder - there are many such trainings. However, at the heart of each of them is work on the main guiding forces - motivation, attitude to success, overcoming psychological fears, timidity.

    Undoubtedly, the first step on the long road of cultivating courage in oneself is an inner attitude. If a person has already thought out a plan of action, expectations and mood in the head are completely transformed into step by step instructions, this is already 90% of the planned event. The remaining 10% is accounted for by existing skills and abilities. Careful preparation is the key to the success of most courageous actions.

    To understand how to become more courageous, it is recommended to draw up a list of those cases that were not implemented due to inner shyness and indecision. The list can be started from childhood, noting the dates and reasons for the lack of success. As a result, you will get a kind of plan for the inner education of yourself. Having completed all the points, a person will change his lifestyle - from a timid loser he will become a brave catcher of the “blue bird”.

    For those who do not know how to become brave and courageous, experienced people - neighbors, friends, acquaintances, give a heap of a variety of recommendations, from which it is far from always possible to clearly understand what will lead to success.

    However, observing the behavior of people around - what actions, words, gestures help to achieve the best result, will contribute to the work of a person on himself. For example, increased sociability. After all, confident people are not afraid to talk to passers-by - ask for directions, the exact time, they have a wide range of external communication.

    Sociability can manifest itself everywhere and always, it is she who allows you to gradually release from internal shackles, psychological complexes and fears. Coming out of a kind of "snail shell", a person realizes that he has become more confident and strong.

    Changing your lifestyle - giving up conservative habits, will also help to strengthen your inner self-confidence, your own strengths. Courageous people are not afraid of changes in their lives, but they welcome them. New experience expands their horizons, changes the opinion of others - everyone wants to be friends with daring, assertive, liberated people, and not to conflict.

    It helps in the development of the inner "I" and justified risk - carefully calculated, not spontaneous. If you regularly do something that has been a kind of "taboo" since childhood, then life begins to play with new colors. For example, rock climbing, skydiving, traveling around the world. However, the risk must be calculated and safe. This does not at all mean high-speed driving in a car in alcoholic intoxication, or non-observance of safety precautions in hazardous work. Treating life like a game and not being afraid to lose does not at all imply flirting with death.

    Things to Avoid

    Having made the decision that everything in life must be taken into their own hands and begin to act in a new way, more boldly and decisively, a person can make several common mistakes without even noticing them.

    So, on the way to gaining courage, it is better to refuse:

    • from comparisons with other people - you need to focus on yourself yesterday, and try to be more courageous in comparison with yourself in the past, and not with a well-deserved stuntman of the country, for example;
    • from negative expectations - the psychological attitude should be precisely for success, to see the situation as a whole - both its good and bad moments, in order to be able to adopt the former and overcome the latter;
    • from postponing decisive actions - nothing crushes courage more than endless movement of deadlines, for example, an explanation with the leadership, of course, should be thoughtful and reasoned, but carried out when the situation is still fresh in the memory, and not six months later, when no one is and will not remember how it all started;

    A person notices that certain qualities of character help or, conversely, prevent him from living happily. It turns out that at different times they were valued different qualities... When a person was forced to catch mammoths in order to feed themselves, it was important for him to have strength and courage. When a person lives in an era of public opinion as the only enemy that slows down on the path to success, then he needs to have self-confidence and decisiveness.

    To become a successful person, you need to have courage, self-confidence and determination. To have these qualities, you need to start by defining them:

    1. Courage is taking the necessary actions, despite the fact that a person may be intimidated by something in the situation in which he is acting.
    2. - this is a person's conviction that he has all the necessary knowledge and resources to achieve the goal. And if he does not know something or does not know how, then he will be able to develop the necessary skills and obtain the necessary information.
    3. Determination is not only the ability to make decisions in a particular situation, but also the willingness to implement it. The person intends to act in accordance with his decision.

    As you can see, the qualities discussed can really play a useful role in achieving success, no matter how you see it as a person. Each personality has its own desires, which are based on the fact that they want to live a little better than they already have today. The goal is what should improve a person's life, make him happy. You can enjoy what you already have. However, a person will experience more happiness when he achieves what is still his goal.

    Many people have difficulty achieving goals and realizing their desires. And the reason for this is the character traits they possess. When a person is not self-confident, indecisive and fearful, then he will quickly refuse to realize what he wants, so that he simply does not face problems, fears and other unpleasant moments that will unsettle him.

    However, if you want to live happily and be proud of yourself, then you need to be able to achieve goals, which will be facilitated by courage, self-confidence and determination, which we will talk about on the site psychological assistance site.

    How can you become bolder?

    Who said it was bad to be arrogant? Do you really want to continue to be afraid of any little thing that does not even threaten your life? Do you like being insecure? Of course, all these qualities (or rather, their absence) can be attributed to the fact that you have not achieved something in your life. If you had everything that you want, it would cause you to feel calm, which in turn did not allow you to be afraid of anything, not to believe in your own strength, or to let yourself down to other people.

    Be bold, arrogant and confident. If you do not feel it in yourself, then cultivate these feelings. To begin with, often visualize yourself as a person who has achieved all of his goals. It is your own fulfillment that makes you feel bold, fearless, confident, and even a little selfish. Selfishness is good if it manifests itself in not allowing others to make you their slave. Therefore, imagine yourself as a successful person who has everything he wants. This will help you feel empowered and confident.

    In the meantime, do not sit idly by. After all, start reaching your goals. Do everything so that you are a successful person, not only in your dreams, but also in reality. Start gradually realizing your desires. And the first successes will give you confidence that you are doing everything right. Don't be bullied, used, or humiliated by other people. Be bold, arrogant and confident. You have everything for this. But are you ready to confirm your status as a successful person?

    Courage is a quality when you are scared, but your hands continue to do what moves you towards your goal. A person becomes bold not because he is not afraid of anything, but on the contrary, because he is afraid, but at the same time continues to act in the direction of his goal.

    To become bolder, a person just needs to make his goal the most significant for himself. No worries, emotions and other fears should be more important than the goal itself. When you start to be afraid, stop and ask yourself the question: "Purpose or fear - what will win in this case?"

    • If the goal wins, that is, you understand that the main thing in this situation is the goal, then you will begin to act and take actions that should help you achieve it.
    • If fear wins, that is, you understand that fear becomes the main thing in this situation, which engulfs you and forces you to run away, to defend yourself, then realize that these actions will not lead you to your goal. You are giving up on the goal here in order to let your fear be.

    Every person should know that there are no people who are not afraid of anything. Absolutely everyone has some kind of fear. Only there are people who are brave and fearless - they are afraid, but still continue to act in the direction that guarantees them the achievement of their goals.

    How to become bolder and more confident in yourself?

    Many people would like to be confident and have tremendous courage. These qualities allow them to overcome any difficulties that frighten with their presence. Everyone should understand, if he allows his fears and self-doubt to take over, then he refuses to achieve goals. Therefore, you need to develop courage and confidence in yourself. How to do it?

    1. Analyze your own. Do they threaten you with death? If you are afraid of something that does not threaten you with death, then you may not be afraid of them at all. Most people are afraid of the fact that absolutely nothing threatens them. Failure to meet social boundaries or not gaining approval shouldn't be more important than your goals. Understand what you are afraid of and why you are afraid. Understand how petty your fears are.
    2. Be the only person who has the right to criticize or approve of your actions. Don't look back at other people's opinions. They do not like your actions only when they interfere with their own happiness or they envy you. It turns out that other people will do everything so that you are not better than them, or that you do not become happier than them, they can shape their happiness at your expense. Are you ready to be a slave to others? If not, then become the sole judge of your actions.
    3. Record your accomplishments. Moreover, deliberately set some goals for yourself in order to achieve them later and make them your new achievements. Self-confidence and courage are not permanent qualities. A person cannot talk about himself as a confident or courageous individual, if in fact he does not show these qualities. Set goals and be sure to achieve them. Take notes to periodically remind yourself of what you have accomplished. After all, people are accustomed to noticing for themselves only the shortcomings and failures that they have encountered, ignoring the achievements that they also have.
    4. Take risks. Courage is overcoming your own fear, which arises in situations that are unknown to you or you assume that nothing will work out. Take risks, overcome difficulties, then you will develop the necessary qualities in yourself.
    5. Improve your appearance, skills and knowledge. For girls, for self-confidence, advice on improving their appearance is suitable. Surprisingly, when a girl becomes who she wants to see herself, she feels confident. Guys are more guided by their own knowledge and skills. You don't need to know everything and be able to be confident in yourself. However, give yourself your word that you will definitely learn everything or learn, if necessary, in order to achieve your goal.

    To become bolder and more confident in yourself, set a goal that you will definitely achieve - promise yourself this. Then just take action. Take your time, do not chase, do not set a rigid framework, especially in time. Act gradually, systematically, alternately, since not everything is in your power, the world must also have time to rebuild and change under the influence of your actions.

    Give yourself a word that you will go towards your goal and overcome any difficulties. This will give you confidence. You will run into trouble along the way. Do not make them a tragedy and do not take them as a sign that you need to stop or abandon your goal. The trouble needs to be resolved and eliminated.

    How to become bolder and more determined?

    On the way to any goal, a person encounters problems, difficulties and troubles. This is normal, since all these events indicate that a person somewhere does not know something, does not know how, or went in the wrong direction, made the wrong decision. Losers begin to get stuck in their problems, that is, they simply do not deal with their solution. A successful people solve the difficulties that have arisen, which simply require them to apply a little more effort than a person usually makes.

    To become more decisive, you just need to not shift the solution of your questions and problems onto other people. You can ask for an opinion and ask for advice, but the final decision should always be yours.

    Educational norms and social morality make people softer and more indecisive. People prefer to deceive rather than tell the truth, hide their opinions so as not to look strict and principled, not to make final decisions, because they are not sure of their conclusions. All this fosters in a person compliance, which is beneficial not to himself, but to all those who can subjugate an indecisive and weak person to themselves.

    Be bold and arrogant, especially when it comes to your life. Do not let someone decide for you who you love, with whom to be friends, how to dress, what actions to do, what goals to strive for, etc. You live your life, and no one else can do this instead of you. Why should you live the way other people tell you, if not them, but you will experience all the consequences of unsuccessful decisions?

    Do not be afraid. It is better for you to lose a person who cannot come to terms with your love of freedom and determination than to begin to obey him. It is better to be considered a strict person than to be pushed around and use your opportunities for their own selfish purposes. In other words, you, and not someone else, are living your life. Therefore, everything that concerns you, you yourself must boldly and fearlessly decide.

    To make the right decision, which is a common fear for many people that makes them indecisive, follow these guidelines:

    1. Remember your goal. Only it should be a guideline for what actions to take in a particular situation.
    2. Get guidance and advice, but reserve the right to make the final decision.
    3. Rely only on yourself. Any decision should include such a point as "what should you do to solve the problem that has arisen."
    4. Develop the skills you need to solve your problem. If this does not help solve the situation, then resort to the help of other people.

    As a result, how to become more self-confident, more decisive and bolder?

    To develop self-confidence, courage and determination, a person simply has to live his life, allow himself to achieve his goals and not look back at others in anticipation of their approval, praise or other opinion. Allow yourself to be yourself, to live for your own pleasure, to do what is interesting and important for you, and not to live for the sake of strangers. Then you will begin to make decisions on your own, rely only on yourself and overcome all the difficulties that scare you.