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    We are preparing to know. How to prepare for independent testing. We become

    Greetings, dear reader!

    Since you got on this page, you probably are interested in the question: how can you prepare for VNO (zno - Ukr.)? I will not tighten with the retreat for a long time, I will only say that all recommendations described below are my ways to prepare for WNOs that helped me to successfully pass. I handed over 3 exams: ukrainian language and literature, the history of Ukraine and english. Therefore, I will give some tips, how to prepare specifically for these subjects.

    Let's start from the very first and main subject, which was obligatory for delivery in 2016 - Ukrainian language and literature. Without the passage of this item, you will not be allowed to pass the rest and, accordingly, you will not be able to enter the university. Therefore, it is necessary to come seriously to its preparation.

    I will immediately say that my level of knowledge in the Ukrainian language was quite enough to pass it, so - I was not very worried about his passing. The very first thing you have to do is determine your "weak points", that is, find those topics in which you understand the least or where you admit the largest number of errors. This is the first. Second - Be sure to repeat even those themes that you think you know perfect! And please remember, do not need to "tool", it is better to read more, thereby repeating this or that rule, but of course - practice. Listen, read, write to better absorb the material.

    For those who wish to repeat the material passed or has a weak luggage of knowledge in the Ukrainian language, I recommend using the Mova service. DNA Nationalia. With it, you can repeat the accents, phraseological units, anti-bridge, synonyms, paronyms, and also test your knowledge of spelling. Service Mova. DNA Natsії There is an application for Android devices that you can download from Google Play by reference. It is very convenient if there is no printout with the rules next to you or you are away from home.

    So, my scheme of training in the Ukrainian language: we find the topics in which we are poorly understood - we repeat the material passed - we fix the knowledge of the practice (you can even go through the tests of the past years).

    For me personally, preparation for the second part of the exam - ukrainian literature, it was somewhat more complicated (I almost knew anything according to Ukr. lit.). But even in 2 weeks I could learn the authors of the works, their genres, to read the summary content (the main thing is to understand the logic and meaning that the author is trying to convey). Fortunately in the yard of the 21st century and finding information is very simple, the main thing to search. Here are some links that will help you prepare for Ukrainian. Lit.: Real names and pseudonyms, authors and works, works and to whom are devoted to literary genres. Oh yeah, and you should not teach / repeat that it fell, Mons annually makes changes to the list of references that you need to know for the surrender. Here is last year's list of references.

    So, the preparation scheme for the Ukrainian literature: Download pictures, the links to which I left, if possible, print them onto sheets, so that you can repeat from time to time - we find a list of references - every day we try to read at least a few essays (can be reduced, the main thing is to understand) .

    After a week, on May 5, the main session is started in Ukraine. The first graduates will take tests in the Ukrainian language and literature. Natalia Kovtonuk, the teacher of the training center for tests, told how best to prepare for testing in the Ukrainian language.

    Repeating the Ukrainian language program, you need to pay special attention to exclusion from the rules.

    To facilitate memorization, form associations, make up the patter, phrases. Below examples of some of them:

    The rule on the colon can be remembered by the following phrase: "I do not see the reasons! Add an explanation! ". Then you remember that in the non-union sentence, it is before part containing the cause, an explanation or addition is put by a colon.

    The rule on a dash in an infantoy offer is easily remembered by such a phrase: "Time and place compared, and the consequence opposed." And then if the part of the non-union offer contains the value of time, places, comparison, consequences, opposition, then put a dash.

    • Tips How to hand out the sound in literature on "excellent"

    "DAC Wait Fistashki" is a phrase in which all the consonants are deaf.

    "Romo, pour!" - phrase, in which all consonants are sonornal.

    "Budge Gagzzles in Jazz" - a phrase in which all consonants are ringing.

    "De Ti Z'Line?" - Only after these letters it is necessary to write soft sign. And after "P" - only before "O" (svgorodov) and in the words "Gorky", "Zorkin".

    "MAVPA BUF" - after these letters we write apostrophe in Ukrainian words before I, Yu, є, ї.

    "Mavel Buff Kat" Huh "І GUKA Ішака ґA" - After these letters we write apostrophe in foreign language words in front of me, Yu, є, ї.

    "Kіstlivius Pestvius Fallen Loves Schttlivy Speed \u200b\u200bMiscellaneous Tatvivota Tattleship", "Sknarі became Toscino and Vіn soiling SKNTI, I didn't accept the tolerance to Vipusniya" - in these two phrases, exceptions were collected for the rules of simplifying "ST" and "SC".

    "Some of these phrases are taken from textbooks, but most of them made up my students, colleagues or me. Therefore, do not lose time for useless jar, show creativity! So you can remember all exclusion from spelling! "," Natalia Kovtonuk is sure.

    If it happened that you did not prepare in advance and there are too many "white spots" in knowledge, now in preparation for VNO accentuate attention on those sections that are in testing more questions. In particular, from the "Phonetics" section in WNO, only one question, with "Orphoepia", too. Most of the tests from the section "Syntax", "Morphology".

    Also make sure that you know how to write an essay in the format is NNO, because it can be obtained as much as 20 test pointsWhile for the rest questions (their 104) give from 1 to 4 points.

    "Be sure to go through all the tasks of previous years (they are freely available on, - Pedagogue advises. - Do not forget that nervous system Also need rest, and you are positive emotions. After all, friends are also prepared for VNO, why not help each other? Therefore, arrange "Battle" on the knowledge of the characters, putting some short questions.

    On the last evening, before VNO, the teacher advises to relax. "Eat something delicious, hug someone close. It will provide a healthy sleep that is so important before you, "says Natalia. - I am always joking about this when they ask me how I passed the Ukrainian language in the 11th grade and the history of Ukraine for 200 points: a week before the test I fell in love, distracted by a little from everything and repeated the program in a calm mode. If this had not happened, I would simply sleep at midnight before WNO. Therefore, repeat, see love, listen to your favorite music, communicate with friends. "

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    2. - Rydіl site with regional centers of Uzoyao, de Mozhno to contact the contact of a snap-free center.

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    33. - Great online spell. Matches of the professionals of Ukrainian University of Ukraine, on the Syudvniy day, the Nab_lsheskiy zniki Slovenika Ukraїnskoї Movy. Issue to word, meaning, vіdmіnyuvannya, synonymіyu by phraseologist.

    Each Ukrainian graduate dreams of getting a high test on testing, successfully pass the exams. From the preparation, diligence and responsible attitude to the case will depend on the evaluation. High-quality preparations for it should begin long before the moment when exams begin. The student will have to tighten the lagging objects, fill the gaps of knowledge that for any reason have been allowed earlier. Some schoolchildren are engaged in tutoring, add pedagogues, other specialists. Professional teachers They advise not to postpone preparation for upcoming testing for the last days, and in a timely manner to make a bias on bulk, complex disciplines - biology, mathematics, history of Ukraine, geography, Ukrainian language. Most items begin to study in the initial 5 classes. If there are gaps, there are universe of classes, in such situations knowledge is forgotten. As practice shows, in the absence of training schools, it may not be enough.

    Competently planned preparation mode

    Knowing more serious in-depth knowledge, if we compare the estimation with state certification. The optimal regime of classes, which specialists are recommended to adhere to a couple of lessons per week. Compliance with the schedule will help to cope with laziness. Today there is an impressive amount tutorials, materials, virtual resources, collections, thanks to which can be regularly improved knowledge. It is important to pay attention to the specifications of the disciplines. When studying humanitarian items, it is necessary to establish logical links between the events occurring.

    Learn the terms, definitions, formulas are better, if you start from simple concepts, moving to more complex. Potential applicants should be discharged incomprehensible moments, eradicate disagreements. Pupils often find an ally to prepare together. It is much easier to assimilate incomprehensible aspects, rethink information, disassemble the complex moments. An additional bonus will create a brief aspect. You can never succumb to panic mood.

    How to prepare for zno?

    Zno - External independent estimation that takes place in the form of tests and is mandatory for all graduates of schools of Ukraine. It should be given absolutely everything who wishes to enter the higher educational institution. In this article, we will give several effective advice that will help approaches to pass badly on high points, which will ensure passage to the desired university. Well, let's go up!

      Decide who you want to be. To do this, analyze your interests, desires and knowledge. Soberly assess the situation. If you have already chosen several professions, you select universities in which you want to study, talk to students, go for a day open doors Selected universities, read the requirements (they can be found on the main website of the highest educational institution).

      Decide with objects in advance. If you want to pass a test well, you need to choose those three or four subjects that you will take. The Ukrainian language and literature, history / mathematics (2016) are obligatory, because the scores for the first part are transferred to DPA. You can only pass these objects if your university requires that, or choose a few more items. For example, in many higher educational institutions Future teachers require biology, and physicians - chemistry or physics.

      Start preparation in advance. Many believe that "I will start learning a week" - a good option. Of course it will work if you have a phenomenal memory or you are a person who is not just asked for the desk, but all the shut and listened carefully. But those who still did not teach everything and listened (and this is the majority of students), should begin preparation from the 10th grade. Be sure to focus on those items that you need first, and do not forget about simple school items, because the point of the certificate plays the last role in the receipt (in some universities the certificate ratio is 0.1).

      Tutoring. If you are completely all bad with the subject that the university requires, then do not regret money on good tutor. If you live in a small town, then it is much easier, because you can ask the past year applicants, teachers or acquaintances. And already with a tutor discuss how it will take place that it is necessary for him and how much to pay. Do not be afraid to refuse the tutor in time, because it often happens that one thing is told, and in practice another. Many are simply looking for a way to earn money and do not invest the necessary knowledge, therefore it is worth being very attentive and not paying the money "fraudsters".

      Buy / Print Necessary Tutorials, Directories, Special Courses for Preparation. Consign them with teachers or students, what textbooks will be needed. Do not buy a lot, only 2-3+ schools are enough over the past year (you can take the library or download to the computer and print). An excellent solution will buy collections in which there are also tests in except theory.

      Make a graph of training. Distribute everything around the shelves. To do this, print the program ZNO and simply make a graph of self-preparation, so you will be much easier to force yourself to learn and you will see how much you still need to learn.

      Chancellery. Buy all the necessary stationery. Lovers all selected recommend to buy multicolored handles, markers, markers, pencils and stickers, but you can do without it.

      Decide tests. Many tests. Very many tests. Disassemble each option. It will help you fill your hand and become more confident. Be sure to go through the tests of the last years, because it will show your level of knowledge, and so it will be easier for you to see your mistakes and know what to learn.

      Outline. Abstracts - very convenient, because all the material you have learned will be in one place, you will quickly find the necessary topic and can be easily re-read a few days before the test. Read something cognitive according to your subject? Write down what they did not know or what I liked. It is not necessary to conduct abstracts in strict form, these are not school notebooks, here you can draw and highlight with multi-colored handles and pencils, which is prohibited in many schools.

      Watch movies and video lessonsSubscribe to the community to prepare for knowing. Now there are a lot of video lessons in which they are spreading completely all, and sometimes with cognitive additions, material. Often, such a video lasts about 10 minutes, which does not take much time. Different historical films will help to pass a good story and better remember the material. Also, if you are conducting an active social life and can not imagine the day without the Internet - subscribe to special preparation communities. Posts are laid out every day in the form of tests or additional Materials. We look for information on the Internet yourself, because it is very often you can find useful tables or rules that have not seen or did not know.

    Do not be afraid and be confident. Everything will work out if you make efforts. Do not forget that this is just a test, do not be killed because of it and score to everything else.