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  • The main city of the Hanseatic Union. The emergence and flourishing of the Hanseatic Union. Main city Ganza

    The main city of the Hanseatic Union. The emergence and flourishing of the Hanseatic Union. Main city Ganza

    Using the Internet, prepare a message about the Hanseatic Union. Think of what international organizations today are solved by the tasks that have stood before the Hanseatic Union during its existence.


    Hanseatic Union, Ganza, also Hansey (it. Deutsche Hanse or Düdesche Hanse, Dr.-V.-him. Hansa - Literally "Group", "Union", Lat. Hansa Teutonica) - Political and Economic Union, which united almost 300 trading The cities of North-Western Europe from the middle of the XII to the middle of the XVII centuries. The date of the occurrence of Hansees cannot be accurately defined because it is not based on a specific document. The Hanseatic Union developed gradually, as trading expands along the shores of the Baltic and Northern Seas.

    The cause of the formation of the Hanseatic Union was the growth of the population of the territories of the north elba as a result of migration, the emergence of new cities and independent communes and increase due to the need for goods and the growth of trade. Hansa began to form from the XII century as an alliance of merchants, then as an alliance of merchant guilds and by the end of the XIII century as a union of cities. The Hanseatic Union included cities that have autonomous urban administration ("City Council", Town Hall) and its own laws.

    For generating general rules And the laws of the Hanseatic Union. Representatives of cities regularly gathered at the congresses in Lübeck. Hanseatic merchants and companies used certain rights and privileges.

    In the Neanzean cities there were representative offices of Hanza - offices. Such foreign offices of Hanza were in Bergen, London and Bruges. At the most eastern end of the Ganza trading system, a office was founded in Novgorod (Peterhof), where European goods (wine, fabrics) were sold and penc, wax, honey, wood, skins and fur were purchased.

    Nowadays, the tasks that have stood in front of the Hanseatic Union during its existence, international organizations are solved: UN, various economic unions (SCO, OPEC, BRIC, etc.)

    Hanseatic Soyuz, Hanza, Lubek Ganza or German Ganza - Sinonyms, names of the same association. The word "Hanza" comes from the German "HANSE", which means the union, association.

    Hanseatic Soyuz In the XIII-XVII centuries, there was a union of free cities Hermann Empire and cities inhabited by German citizens. Hanseatic Soyuz It was created to protect the merchants from the power of the feudal and from the pirated arbitrariness.

    Ganza was formed in the XII century as an alliance of merchants, then as an alliance of merchant guilds, and already in the XIII century - as the Union of Cities. The first mention of Ganze refers to 1358.

    Over the next century, German cities have achieved a dominant position in trade in the Baltic Sea, and the city Lubeck He became the center of maritime trade, which was bound by the country around the Baltic and Northern Seas.

    At different time periods, members of the Hanseatic Union were more than two hundred and small cities, which were mostly located in the Baltic and Northern Seas basin. To cities, former members Hanseatic Union, Tresented: Berlin, Branderburg, Bremen, Wismar, Hamburg, Cologne, Kiel, Wroclaw, Dortmund, Königsberg (Kaliningrad), Memel (Klaipeda), Lubeck, Krakow, Riga, Magdeburg, Münster, Sprout, Revel (Tallinn) and others.

    To generate general rules and laws Representatives of cities Hanseatic Union regularly gathered at the congress in Lübeck.

    The branches and representative offices of Hanza also existed in the Neanzean cities, the main ones can be considered London, Brugge, Bergen and Novgorod. Also known offices were in Copenhagen, Stockholm and Kovnas (Kaunas).

    Interestingly, now Lubeck, Hamburg, Bremen, Rostock, Wismar, Stralsund, Anklam, Graphswald and Demmin in their official names retain title "Hanseatic City". For example, Freie Und Hansestadt Bremen free hanseatic city Bremen.. Therefore, government license plates in these cities start with Latin letters H.. For example, HB. - "Hansestadt Bremen".

    I visited some hanseatic cities. They are unusually beautiful and "kindly". They are hung in the spirit of merchant adventureness and enterprise. Perhaps it is in a distant past that the prerequisites for the formation of the famous "German character" and as a result of the economic prosperity and stability of modern Germany.

    In general, delving in history Hanseatic Union Involuntarily think about what it is probably he was the peculiar prototype of the modern European Union. And for this thought, the question arises: "Does the modern European Union, will the same test of centuries, as in due time, Hanseysky? Or weak?! "

    The German trade union, which for many centuries has controlled most of the trade transactions with London, the Grand Novgorod, Riga, and also signed trade documents on behalf of the Roman merchant empire with special conditions for each German city - as you already guessed, it will be about Hanseatic Union whose history is set forth in the article.

    Brief historical certificate

    In the history of mankind there are not so many examples that demonstrate voluntary and mutually beneficial unions concluded between countries or corporations. But it should be noted that in many of them there was a human carry and greed. Consequently, such unions were short-lived. Any violation of arrangements or interests has always led to collapse, but the history of the Hanseatic Union is not similar to everyone else.

    This union is a community of cities that were crucial power in Northern Europe and equal partners of sovereign countries, but it should be noted that interests settlementswhich were entered in Ganza, too different. And not in all cases, economic cooperation became military or political. The value of the Hanseatic Union is impossible to overestimate, since it was this phenomenon in the global economy that laid the foundations of international trade.

    How did the trade union

    Let us turn to the study of the issue of the emergence and flourishing of the trade association. The creation of the Hanseatic Union belongs to 1267. This was the response of European merchants for the fragmentation of European states in the Middle Ages. This political phenomenon was very risky for business. The trading routes were wrapped in robbers and pirates, and all the goods that could save and bring to shopping counters, princes, church and specific rulers have high taxes. Everyone wanted to get started at the expense of the merchant. Consequently, the robbery established by law has flourished. The absurd trading rules allowed to impose a penalty for the inappropriate depth of a pot or color of the fabric. But it is worth noting that Germany, using maritime trading paths, has achieved certain success in development at the beginning of the XI century. The King of Saxony provided the German merchants with good advantages in London.

    In 1143, the city of Lübeck was founded - the heart of the Hanseatic Union in the future. Soon the sovereign gave way to Lübeck, who became an imperial city. His power recognized all the provinces of Northern Germany. Another later, the merchant Union of Lübeck acquired trade privileges in many states.

    In 1158, the imperial city quickly achieved a heyard, as he came to the Baltic Sea with trade, and then the German trading company was founded on the Gotland Island. Gotland had a good location in the sea. Thus, in its ports included ships so that the commands could relax, and the ship will put in order.

    100 years later, namely in 1241, Lubeck and Hamburg trading unions concluded a deal to protect trade routes running between the Baltic and Nordic seas. So in 1256 the first trading group of seaside cities was formed.

    Cities of Hanseatic Union

    In 1267 there is a single union of cities that were part of Ganza:

    • Lubeck;
    • Hamburg;
    • Bremen;
    • Koln;
    • Gdansk;
    • Riga;
    • Lüneburg;
    • Wismar;
    • Rostock and others.

    It is known that in the year of the foundation of the Hanseatic Union, it was consisted of up to 70 cities. The participants of the Union decided that all representative affairs would lead Lübeck, since his senators and burgomars were considered more capable to manage trade affairs. In addition, it was this city that took on its balance the costs of protecting ships.

    Pros and cons

    The leaders of the Hanseatic Union very skillfully used positive circumstances in order to take trade affairs on their hands on the North and Baltic seas. They skillfully made a monopoly from him. Thus, they have the opportunity at their discretion to establish the cost of goods, as well as they sought to gain an effect in countries where there was interest to them, as well as various privileges. For example, the right to freely organize colonies and trade; The right to purchase houses and courtyards with the submission of jurisdiction.

    There were such cases when experienced, politically talented and prudent leaders of the Union skillfully used weak parties and the difficult situation of neighboring countries. They indirectly or directly put the state into a dependent position in order to achieve the necessary results.

    Expansion of the Union. Three main blocks

    Despite all the manipulations with which the burgomistra and senators were industrialed, the composition of the Hanseatic Union was steadily expanded. Now the other cities began to enter it:

    • Amsterdam;
    • Berlin;
    • Hamburg;
    • Frankfurt;
    • Bremen;
    • Koln;
    • Hanover;
    • Koenigsberg;
    • Danzig;
    • Memel;
    • Yuriev;
    • Narva;
    • Stockholm;
    • Waves;
    • Pomorie and other cities.

    Union has become big. The newly joined cities had to be divided into groups. Now all cities who were part of Ganza were conditionally divided into three districts:

    1. Eastern: Lübeck Land, Hamburg, Shattin, etc.
    2. Western: Cologne, Dortmund, Groningen.
    3. Baltic provinces.

    Exception from the Union

    Another effective technique to keep trading partners in the Union. The thing is that seaside, as well as various cities scattered from the Gulf of Finland to Germany, to keep in a single union was unusually difficult. After all, the interests of partners were very different, and only a common interest could serve as a binding element. The only means to keep the partner was the exception to it. It entailed the prohibition by the rest of the Union members to have any cases with the city-exile, which inevitably led to the cessation of various relationships with him.

    However, such power did not exist in the Union that would follow these instructions. Various claims and complaints brought only during the congresses of the Allied cities that were collected from the occasion. Representatives from each city came to these congresses, whose interests wished this. With port cities, the exclusion method was very effective. For example, in 1355, German Bremen declared a desire for extraction. As a result, with huge losses came out of the Union, and three years later expressed a desire to enter it back.

    Additional ideas Hanza

    The founders of the Union flexibly responded to time calls. They very quickly and actively expanded the effect. And after a few centuries after the foundation, it consisted of almost two hundred cities. The development of Ganza was facilitated by a single monetary system, equality of native languages, as well as equal rights of residents of the cities of this Union.

    It is noteworthy that the ganzians distributed the ideas about a healthy lifestyle. They actively introduced the business etiquette represented by them. Opened clubs, where merchants exchanged experience and business ideas, and also distributed various production technologies for products and goods. Schools for beginner artisans who have opened in the territory of the Hanseatic Union are popular. It is believed that for medieval Europe it was innovation. Many researchers note that Hanza has formed a civilized image of modern Europe, which we are now observing with you.

    Trade relations with Rus

    This type of relationship began in the XIV century. The Hanseatic Union and his relationship with Russia went to benefit everyone. From the Russian lands exported the fur and wax, skin, silk, flax, skin skins, and Russian merchants purchased mostly salt and tissue. Most often they bought a canvas, atlas, cloth and velvet.

    Hanseatic offices were in two Russian cities - in Novgorod and Pskov. The overseas merchants were very interested in wax. The thing is that the Europeans did not know how to produce it in the right amount and quality. And the Catholics have been made to sculpt from this material that part of the body that is amazed by the ailment. Trade of weapons and non-ferrous metals has always been considered a stumbling block in trading relations. The Hanseatic Union was advantageously selling weapons into Russian lands, and the Livonian Order was afraid of the growth of the power of Slavs. As a result, it hindered this process. But, as you guessed, commercial interest most often tried over the interests of Levon. For example, a trading deal was witnessed, when in 1396 the merchants from Revel imported into Pskov and Novgorod weapons in barrels from under fish.


    Of course, it was time when the Hanseatic Union began to lose its domination over the cities of Europe. It began in the XVI century. Russia and Spain came out of the Union. Gansa has repeatedly tried to establish relations with these states, but all attempts were unsuccessful, and the war that lasted for 30 years, ruined the remains of German power on the sea. The collapse of the Union is a long process that requires separate consideration.

    IN modern history Humanity There is a new Hanseatic Union called the European Union. The experience of Hanza for a long time remained unclaimed, and the Baltic region today develops very dynamically and is appreciated by the fact that it is in these lands that everything is necessary for the mutually beneficial relations of the European Union and Russia. Experts and economists believe that the new Hanseatic Union contributes to the development of relations between Russia with the Baltic countries.


    In world history there are not so many examples of voluntary and mutually beneficial unions concluded between states or any corporations. In addition, in the overwhelming majority the basis for them was a carriastic and greed. And, as a result, they turned out to be very short-lived. Any violation of interests in such an alliance invariably led to his collapse. That is the most rare lessons in our day, such rare samples of long-term and solid coalitions are becoming increasing, where all actions have been subordinated to the ideas of cooperation and development as the Hanseatic Shopping Union.

    This community of cities has become one of the most important forces in Northern Europe and an equal partner of sovereign states. However, since the interests of the cities entering Ganza were too different, economic cooperation was not always switched to political and military. However, the indisputable merit of this union was that he laid the foundations of international trade.

    The political relevance of the topic studied is that the history of the existence of the Hanseatic Union, his experience, mistakes and achievements are very instructed not only for historians, but also for modern politicians. Much of what raised him, and then overthow in oblivion, repeated in newest Story Europe. Sometimes the continent's country in their desire to create a solid alliance and achieve, therefore, the benefits on the world arena, they make the same miscalculation as the Hanseatic merchants many centuries ago.

    The aim of the work is to describe the history of the most powerful medieval trade union of Europe. Tasks - consider the causes of the Hanseatic Shopping Union, its activities during the heyday (XIII-XVI century), as well as the causes of decay.

    The emergence and flourishing of the Hanseatic Union

    The formation of Hanza, which refers to 1267 was the answer to European merchants on the challenges of the Middle Ages. The fragmented Europe was a very risky field for business. The trading routes hosted pirates and robbers, and the fact that it was possible to protect from them and take to the counters, he was taxed by the princes of the Church and the specific rulers. Everyone wanted to get started at the expense of entrepreneurs, and the regulated robbery flourished. Ruled up to the absurd rule allowed to take fines for the "not that" depth of a clay pot or a width of a piece of fabric.

    Despite all this, German maritime trade has already achieved significant development in those days; Already in the 9th century, this trafficking was carried out with England, the Nordic states and with Russia, and it was always produced on armed commercial vessels. About 1000 years old, the Saxon King Element gave the German merchants to significant advantages in London; His example was subsequently followed by Wilhelm the conqueror.

    In 1143, the city of Lubeck was founded by Count Shaumbombian. Subsequently, Count Shaumbombian lost the city of Henry Leru, and when the latter was declared, Lubeck became an imperial city. Lübeck's power was recognized by all cities of northern Germany and in a century before the official design of Ganza, the merchants of this city has already received trade privileges in many countries.

    In 1158, the city of Lubeck, who quickly reached a brilliant heyday due to the reinforced development of trade in the Baltic Sea, founded the German trading company in Visby, on Gotland Island; This city was approximately half the way between the grass and the Neva, Zundom and the Riga Bay, the Bolt and Lake Mellar, and thanks to this Regulation, as well as the fact that in those days, due to the imperfection of the navigation, the ships avoided long transitions, they began to enter it All ships, and thus he gained great importance.

    In 1241, merchant unions of Lübeck and Hamburg cities entered into an agreement for joint protection of the trading route, which connecting the Baltic Sea with the North. In 1256, the first association of a group of seaside cities - Lubek, Hamburg, Luneburg, Wismar, Rostock was formed. Finally, the Unified Union of Hanseatic Cities - Hamburg, Bremen, Cologne, Gdansk (Danziga), Riga and others (at first the number of cities reached 70) - I took it in 1267. The representative office was entrusted to the main city of Union - Luccurically voluntarily, since his burgomistra and Senators were considered the most capable of doing business, and at the same time this city took over the costs of the maintenance of warships.

    Ganza leaders very skillfully used favorable circumstances to pick up trading on the Baltic and North seas in their hands, make their monopoly from her, and thus get the opportunity to install prices for goods at their own discretion; In addition, they tried to acquire in states where it was of interest to them, possibly large privileges, such as the right to freely arrange colonies and produce trade, exemption from taxes on goods, from post-place taxes, the right to acquire houses and yard places, with representing them extraterritoriality and their own jurisdiction. The efforts of these most part were successful even before the foundation of the Union. Current, experienced and possessed not only by trade, but also political talents Commercial heads of the Union, perfectly knew how to use weak parties or the difficult position of neighboring states; In this case, they did not miss the case indirectly (by supporting the enemies of this state) or even directly (by way or an open war) to put these states into a difficult situation in order to force well-known concessions. Thus, Liege and Amsterdam, Hannover and Cologne, Göttingen and Kiel, Bremen and Hamburg, Wismar and Berlin, Frankfurt and Hattin (now Szczecin), Danzig (Gdansk), and Königsberg (Kaliningrad), Memel (Kaliningrad), Memel (Kaliningrad), were gradually joined ) And Riga, Perry (Pärnu) and Yuriev (Derpt, or Tartu), Stockholm and Narva. In the Slavic cities of Volin, that in the mouth of Oder (Odra) and at the current Polish Pomorie, in Kolberg (Kolobrzeg), in Latvian Vengspils (Window) there were large Hanseatic factors that lively bought local goods and, to the overall benefit, sold bridal. Hanseatic office appeared in Brugge, London, Novgorod and Roer (Tallinn).

    Everything hanseatic cities The union was divided into three districts:

    1) Eastern, Venndskaya area to which Lubeck, Hamburg, Rostock, Wismar and Pomeranian cities - Stralsund, Greifswald, Ankles, Stetin, Kolberg, and others.

    2) Western Frisian-Dutch District, which included Cologne and Westphalian cities - the Sest, Dortmund, Groningen, and others.

    3) And finally, the Third District, consisted of Visby and cities lying in the Baltic provinces, such as Riga, etc.

    The offices that Hanza held in different countries, were fortified points, and their security guaranteed the highest power: veche, princes, kings. And yet, the city who came to the Union was removed from each other and often separated from those who did not belong to the Union, but often even hostile possessions. True, these city mostly were free imperial cities, but, nevertheless, in their decisions, they often were depending on the rulers of the surrounding country, and these rulers were not always located in favor of Hanza, and even on the contrary, often related to It is unfriendly and even hostile, of course, in addition to those cases when they needed her help. Independence, wealth and power of cities that were concentrated by the religious, scientific and artistic life of the country, and to which her population was stood in Belm in the eye of these princes.

    Hold down the city's union, seaside and internal, scattered on the space from the Finnish bay to the shelda, and from the sea shore to Middle Germany, it was very difficult, since the interests of these cities were very different, and meaning the only connection between them could serve Only common interests; There was only one forced remedy at the disposal of the Union - an exception from it (Verhasung), which entailed the reversion to all members of the Union to have any cases with an excluded city and should have been held to stop all sorts of interchange with him; However, the police authority, which would have observed this, did not exist. Complaints and complaints could be applied only in the congresses of the Union Cities, which was collected from the case of the case that were representatives from all cities whose interests were required. In any case, against the port cities, an exception from the Union was very effective; So it was for example in 1355 with Bremen, which from the very beginning showed the desire for extraction, and who was forced to be, as a result of enormous losses, after three years, ask again to adopt it into the union.

    Ganza sets its goal to the organization of mediation trade between the East, West and the North of Europe in the Baltic and North Seas. Trade conditions there were unusually complex. The prices of goods as a whole remained quite low, therefore the incomes of merchants at the beginning of the existence of the Union were modest. To reduce the cost of minimum, the merchants themselves performed the functions of the sailors. Actually merchants with their servants and made up the crew of the vessel, whose captain was elected from more experienced travelers. If the ship does not tolerate collapse and safely came to the destination, it was possible to start bargaining.

    The first overall congress of the cities of the Hanseatic Union took place in Lübeck in 1367. The elected Ganzetag (the peculiar parliament of the Union) spread laws in the form of a letter absorbing the spirit of the time reflecting the customs and precedents. The supreme authority in Ganze was the general-sized congress, who considered trade and relationships with foreign states. In the intervals between the Congresses of the current affairs, RAT (city council) of Lübeck was led.

    I flexibly responding to challenges of time, Hansees quickly expanded their influence, and soon almost two hundred cities considered themselves members of the Union. Ganza's growth was facilitated by the equality of native languages \u200b\u200band the general German, the use of a single monetary system, residents of the city of Hanseatic Union had equal rights within the Union.

    The Hanseatic Union was conceived and created by trading persons, but under this word should not intelligence merchants in our adopted sense of the word, but only large wholesale merchants; Retail traders who offered their products on the streets, and which correspond to the owners of modern retail stores, as well as artisans, could not be recorded in merchant guilds.

    When the merchant became Hanseyz, then he received a lot of privileges with release from several local taxes. In each large city In Hanseatic Sloboda, a medieval entrepreneur could receive any information necessary for him: on the actions of competitors, trade, benefits and restrictions in this city. The Hanseatic Union has created an effective system of lobbying his interests and even built a network of industrial espionage.

    Hansees promoted a healthy lifestyle, introduced ideas about business ethics, created clubs for the exchange of business operations, distributed goods manufacturing technologies. They opened schools for beginner artisans and merchants. It was a real innovation for medieval Europe, which was immersed in chaos. In fact, Ganza unformed the civilizational prototype of the European, which we know now. The Hanseatic Union did not have a constitution or its own bureaucratic bureaucraticity, nor the common treasury, and the laws on which the community was also provided with only a meeting of the literacy varying with the time of customs and precedents.

    All the work and behavior of the Hansees were strictly regulated - from how to train remursions and hire a qualified master to production technology, trading ethics and prices themselves. But feeling own dignity And they did not change the measures: in clubs who were overwhelmed by the city of the Hanseatic Union, they often endured a reprimand to the one who had shit plates on the floor, grasped for the knife, drank "Yersh", played a bone. The ukrizn was subjected to young people, "... who drinks extra, beats the glass, burns and jumps from the barrel on the barrel." And betraying - it was also considered "not in our opinion." With condemnation, there is a contemporary about the merchant, who laid ten guilders to the dispute, which year will not be combed. Whether he won the bet or lost, we will never know.

    In addition to strictly regulated rules, a large number of cities in the composition and their free imperial position, the secret of the Hanseatic prosperity was the lowest possible mass transport. To this day, Launberg serf Count Launberg has been operating between the 1391 and 1398 years between the 991 and 1398 years, though, since then the in-depth and advanced. It allows you to make much cut off the distance between the Northern Sea and Baltic. At one time, he came to replace the old TV path from Lubeck to Hamburg, which for the first time and made it costly favorable transportation of bulk and other bulk goods from of Eastern Europe in western. So in the Hanseatic era on the canal flowed Eastern European food and raw materials - Polish grain and flour, herring of Baltic fishermen, Swedish forest and iron, Russian candle wax and fur. And towards them - salt, mined near Lüneburg, Rhine wine and pottery, piles of woolen and linen fabrics from England and the Netherlands, odorous grain fat, from the distant northern islands.

    In the zenith of its glory of the XIV-XV centuries, the Hanseatic Union, this peculiar merchant federal republic was not weaker than any European monarchy. If necessary, it could apply and force, declare a recalcitable trade blockade. But he still resorted to war in the rarest cases. However, when Danish King Valdemar IV in 1367 attacked the Hanseatic base of Wisby and began to threaten all the Baltic Commerce, the Union decided to apply the weapon yet.

    Gathering in Gracewald, representatives of the cities decided to turn their merchant schooners in martial vehicles. Genuine floating wooden fortresses came out in the sea - high platforms were rushed on the nose and the stern, from which it is so convenient to reflect the attack on the abortion of the enemy.

    The first battle of the Hansees lost, but in the end the fleet of merchants Ganza took Copenhagen from the battle, plundered him, and the king was forced to sign the Diemetic Treatise on the world in 1370.

    Very few examples in world history, when voluntary unions existed for a long time. As soon as the balance was violated in the interests of the participants, discontent, squabbles immediately began, and, as a result, the collapse of the association. Those rare examples when this did not happen, and the Union existed successfully for a long time, should be a role model and incentive to study the balance of interests. This reference can be the Hanseatic Union - the Union of Cities of Northern Europe. He existed and developed approximately four centuries against the background of wars, destroying, to generate states and other solarms.

    Where did he come from?

    No one will remember the history of the origin of his name now, but it is clear that it originated thanks to a certain unification with common goals.

    The union did not appear so much, this was facilitated by the long decades of intact work, which did not bring due results. So there were thoughts on the need for unity for the general benefit. The Hanseatic Union became the first trade and economic association. Merchant units did not have a decent power to create favorable and unsafe conditions for trade. Thought and thefts behind the territory of the defensive border were the usual thing at that time, and merchants faced with enormous difficulties.

    Traders especially risked in other towns, as everywhere had their own rules, sometimes very tough. Violation of the rules threatened with big losses. There was also a competitive struggle, no one wanted to give up their positions and lose profits.

    The issue of sales acquired all the large size, and the merchants did not have anything else, how to conclude peace agreements. Although they were temporary, but going to another city, the merchant did not feel in such a danger.

    External factors also made their own adjustments. Pirates were a huge danger, because it was almost impossible to cope with them alone.

    The rulers of cities came to such a decision that we need to protect the sea from the invaders with general efforts and share spending from attacks in equal shares. The first agreement on the protection of the territories was signed by Lyubotele and Cologne in 1241. After 15 years, Sprip and Lüneburg entered the Union.

    After a couple of decades, Lübeck was already strong enough and openly spoke of his demands. Ganza was able to open the sales offices about in London. It became one of the first steps to the huge increase in the Union. Now the Hanseatic Union will not only monitor the entire trading sphere, establishing its rules, but also have an impact in the political area. Many cities could not withstand the power of the union and simply surrendered.

    Union of merchants

    Now merchants could enjoy power. Another confirmation of their relics was the signing of the agreement in 1299, which is now a sailboat of a merchant, which is not part of Ganza, will not be serviced. This forced even opponents of the Union to join the union.

    In 1367, the number of participants was already about eighty. All the Offers of the Hanseatic Union were strengthened by the general rules that were defended by the local authorities in a foreign land. Own possessions were to unite the main goal and jealously worried. All the deeds of competitors were carefully tracked, and the measures were taken immediately.

    The loss of the influence of Hanza was provoked by the state of fragmentation, which contained Germany. At first it played a positive role for the possibility of association, but with the development of the Moscow state, and then England went to the detriment of the Hanseatic Union. Also led to a violation of the functioning of the Union and the lag of the North-East Europe.

    Despite all the flaws, the Hanseatic Union is still remembered, and many memos are preserved about it, which will forever remain in world history.