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    What can be sprinkled into alcohol so that the man threw a drink alcohol. Unusual application of ordinary things in cooking that can be poured into

    Tablets causing vomiting from alcohol help cause a dislike of alcohol-containing products in a patient.

    Stages of elimination of alcohol dependence

    In the process of treating alcoholics, tablets are often used, causing vomiting when drinking alcohol. This method is one of the stages of comprehensive dependence treatment.

    All treatment consists of the following mandatory stages:

    1. the detoxification procedure. Events aimed at eliminating tinsel symptoms are applied and eliminating the body from the state of general poisoning. The duration of the first stage can last from 14 days. In severe cases, it is necessary to remove toxic substances from 3 months;
    2. remissance period implies restorative procedures. It is during this period that the course of drugs that contribute to the elimination of thrust to alcohol-containing drinks is appointed. Special vitamin complexes and drugs are accepted, preventing the development of depressive states, physical examination is carried out. Preparations of the patient preventing the patient are shown;
    3. remissance at the stabilization stage. This stage is aimed at securing existing results. Adaptation therapy is carried out on the socialization of the patient.

    Vomiting as an effective tool from intoxication

    How hard is the person after drinking alcohol, depends on the number of drunk and characteristics of the body. Faster to eliminate hangmel symptoms, if you cause artificial vomiting.

    A person can develop several stages of alcohol poisoning products:

    1. the stage of intoxication at which there is still no threat to a general condition;
    2. poisoning. This is a heavy stage of intoxication, provoking internal failures and pathology;
    3. general intoxication. This poisoning of the whole organism, in which toxic substances come even from internal organs man.

    Applying drugs causing vomiting when drinking alcohol can be removed from the body of ethanol decomposition products, which will have a positive effect on overall well-being.

    It is necessary to cause artificial vomiting at the middle stage of intoxication, while toxic substances did not have time to spread to all internal organs.

    Means helping to cause vomiting

    We will deal with what causes vomiting when taking alcohol. You can use a simple and affordable way. It is enough to click on the root of the tongue with your fingers or a spoon, to begin the vomit attacks. But it is better to use special medication or folk remedies.

    Important: Before creating vomiting, a person needs to drink at least 1 liter of fluid, or a soda solution, amount 1 liter. You can use one of the following means causing vomiting when drinking alcohol:

    • pharmacy herbs that need to be used with certain periodicity;
    • tablets that cause vomiting when taking alcohol. This technique is considered the most acceptable and safe, because the annotation indicates the permissible dosage of the drug.

    To secure the effect of drugs, it is recommended to combine both methods. Sometimes you can add to alcohol drugs, or drink herbal decoctions to secure the effect of treatment.

    Consider in more detail what can be pouring into alcohol to river and

    each method separately helps clean the body from ethanol decay products.

    Tablets causing artificial vomiting

    Narcologists offer to use tablets for vomiting from alcohol, as the most effective method in combating dependence. Special pharmacy drugs act in such a way that after their use of a person begins to be sick immediately, then dizziness may appear.

    What kind of medicine causes vomiting when taking alcohol, the doctor decides. The most popular funds include the following compositions:

    • Clamp. This composition is shown in patients who take an additional dose of alcohol to eliminate tinsel symptoms. The medicine is allowed to be mixed into alcohol to cause vomiting, as it is produced not only in tableted form, but also drops. The composition of the drug does not have taste, colors and odor, so absolutely impaired when adding to alcohol. Can be pouring into alcohol to cause vomiting or add to food;
    • Teturas. Inexpensive remedy for domestic manufacturer, having disulfiram as an active substance;
    • PIDEVIN. As part of a drug preparation, which can be added to alcohol to cause vomiting, not only mandatory disulfiram, but also a whole complex of vitamins. Due to this combined composition, with the help of the drug, toxic substances are faster.

    There are preparations introduced by the patient injectable. This is Tetlong 250 and Esperal. The specialist will determine which pill tablets with vomiting when drinking alcohol is suitable for each specific case.

    Herbs to create vomiting when drunk alcohol

    You can help a person at the chronic stage of the feed with the help of folk remedies. For this purpose, the following herbs are used, causing vomiting from alcohol:

    • lovers. This plant can be found on any subsidence. To prepare the medicinal composition, you will need the root of lovers and 2 laurel leaves. The root must be finely folded, and together with the laurel sheets add to the glass of vodka. The resulting mixture is well mixed and leave to appease in a dark place for 2 weeks. If you pour such a product into a alcohol, then vomiting will almost instantly happen;
    • kojten, or as it is called a vomiting root. Prepare a decoction just. Enough add 1 tbsp. l. Baran on a glass of vodka;
    • bar Baranets. The plant is also able to cause an instant vomit reflex. To prepare the composition causing vomiting, take dried and crushed grass (1 tbsp. L.), Poured a glass of boiling water and put on a small fire. After 20 minutes, the glass of water is added to the brave, not forgetting to stir. It is used several times a day with a hangover, sips. Herbal decoction can be pouring to any drink;
    • thyme. Among the herbs causing vomiting when taking alcohol, thyme is considered the most effective means. The plant is more known as a chamber, and not only helps to get rid of toxic substances, but it effectively removes hangover symptoms. Thyme belongs to the safest folk remedies.

    Another means that helps cause vomiting is coffee. Only in the process of cooking the drink is not sugar, but salt.

    Thyme when treating dependence on alcohol

    In combination with alcohol, thyme causes artificial vomiting. The plant is considered safe to use. It is impossible to use a folk agent only in two cases: during the oncology of the stomach and ulcerative disease.

    If competently use the folk remedy, the thyme with alcohol causes vomiting, and contributes to the rapid removal of ethanol decomposition products from the body.

    Herbal decoction is preparing simply:

    1. the Timyan Grass should be dried and crushed. For cooking, you will need 2 tbsp. l. plants;
    2. the thyme is poured with a glass of boiling water, and coarsened until boiling on slow heat for 5 minutes.

    There are other, equally effective recipes for cooking thyme for a combination with alcohol.

    Decoration from Cabbar

    You can cook a decoction with a chamber and so:

    1. it will take 30 g of the dried plant, which is filled with a liter of just boiling water;
    2. the resulting composition is to pour into a small container, to prevent, withstand for 15 minutes in a water bath;
    3. wait for boiling scum, then strain, and add liter of hot water.

    Take the resulting decoction you need 4 times a day. A single dosage is 60 grams of composition. As soon as the patient drinks a decoction, he immediately gives a drink 20 g of vodka. You can not drink vodka, but only rinse with an alcoholic drink mouth. Such an action should cause almost instant vomiting. The duration of folk treatment is 14 days, or before the emergence of persistent disgust for alcohol-containing drinks.

    It is impossible to use thyme at high blood pressure, failures in the work of the thyroid, peptic ulcer and diabetes mellitus.


    You can prepare the tincture that you need to use for 2 months:

    1. take 3 tbsp. l. dry plant, and poured a glass of boiling water;
    2. the resulting decoction insists an hour, then filter.

    Herbal tincture is accepted 4 times a day. Every time you need to drink 2 h. L. Thyme-based composition. It is impossible to take herbal decoction for more than 2 months.

    Narcologist, psychotherapist, more than 20 years old. The doctor of the highest category.

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    Here you will find effective methods that will make rid of you from alcohol addiction. Contact and we will definitely try to help you.

    How to cause vomiting from alcohol

    Someone begins to drink from grief, someone is just for the company. But as a result, others suffer. In the end, it is necessary to make a decision - to drink or not drink. Not everyone is able to do it yourself. If a person can not get out of the bay, he must come to the rescue.

    Ways to cause vomotion

    Vomiting is the most effective method to bring drunk from the bang and bring it to the feeling. In addition, this measure is needed to provide emergency care.

    How to cause vomiting at an alcoholic? The most elementary method to cause vomiting is known to everyone. To do this, shove the patient with two fingers or a spoon and put pressure on the root. It is better to use a spoon - it is hygienic and safer, because the drinker can not control itself and reflexively try to get rid of the foreign object in the mouth. It is more often used when a person is unconscious. He must lie on the side or stand, lowering his head down. It should be carefully followed by the patient so that it does not choke the vomit's masses.

    There are special medical devices and solutions to call vomiting, but without proper skills you can harm the patient.

    Before trying to cause vomiting, you should offer a person to drink up to 1 liter of a weak soda solution or at least simple water. In this case, the contents of the stomach will die and the patient will be easier to extend it. Before the call procedure, it is necessary to prepare any container (basic, a large pan).

    Also, folk remedies and drug drugs are used to call vomiting, which can be added directly into alcohol.

    1. Medicinal herbs that cause vomiting should be used systematically. Such recipes are more often used to prevent recurrence, after the feed.

    All herbs used to disgust alcohol and call vomiting, poisonous. It is necessary to apply them strictly at recommended doses. Otherwise, you can seriously poison the patient, up to death.

    1. Discractors offer to use another, safer method. In the pharmacy you can choose drops and tablets causing vomiting from alcohol. The main advantage of pharmacy treatment is already selected dosage. Under the instructions, the problems do not occur. Use them easily - just pouring into food or alcohol packaging content. In addition, there are long-acting drugs. After the "sewing" capsules for implantation, an alcoholic will not be able to trigger about the alcohol about a year.

    The method on which treatment is based is called "convention and reflex". Vomiting and the accompanying painful spasms are very unpleasant. If an alcoholic removes the relationship between alcohol intake and vomiting, then the alcohol will seem not so tempting.

    The main disadvantage of such therapy is a gradual decrease in the reaction to the taste and smell when drinking alcohol. Periodically you have to plug the tablets or drink herbs to secure the effect.

    Withdrawal from folk remedies

    With prolonged feed, chronic organism poisoning occurs. Challenge vomiting will clean the body and lead a person to the feeling. Popular medicine for centuries used medicinal herbs to save a person from alcohol addiction. To provoke vomiting and remove an alcoholic from the serpent, you can try such natural methods.

    1. The grass Barnets is often used to treat alcoholism. It has a strong action and quickly shows effect. To prepare a healing beam, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dried and crushed grass. Pour it with a glass of boiling water and put on a weak fire. Let's get bored for 20 minutes, after which you add another glass of hot water, periodically stirred. Several branch sips give drinking drunkard in a state of hangover or alcoholic intoxication. The plan is not combined with alcohol-containing drinks. When taking alcohol, vomiting almost immediately. Such a decoction can be mixed in compote or tea.
    2. When interacting with alcohol, thyme causes vomiting. This grass is more famous called a chamber. It gently removes toxins from the body and removes the symptoms of poisoning. Thyme has practically no side effects and is suitable for safe withdrawal from the binge. Contraindications for receiving are cancer or ulcer of the stomach with their accompanying bleeding. When complying with the dosage, the alcoholic will quickly come out of the binge. Prepare the medicine is very simple. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of dried and crushed grass to pour hot water with a glass and boil on fire. Broth will be ready in a few minutes. 5 tablespoons of the cooled decoction to give an alcoholic, and vomiting will not make himself wait.

    The concentration of active substances in plants depends on the place of growth, the collection time, drying and storage conditions. This must be taken into account when making a natural vomit. It is better to take advantage of drugs purchased in Phytoaptec.

    1. Lovers grows on most country sites. Therefore, if there is no own garden, it can be asked for acquaintances. To prepare a vomit from lovers, the root of the plant and a pair of laurel leaves are needed. The root of finely close and add to a glass of vodka along with a laurel sheet. All this must be thoroughly mixed, cover with a towel or gauze and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. After the first glass of such a "mogon" for 20 minutes the patient will open vomiting. This medicine is used to fix the association alcohol \u003d vomiting, so it is best for one approach to make such a procedure three times.
    2. Vomit root or hooven in the form of a beam causes vomiting. To do this, 1 tablespoon of the beam is added to a glass of vodka.
    3. Simple method to sort and achieve the release of vomit masses is coffee. Only instead of sugar in it must be put salt. Under the action of degrees, a person will not immediately notice the catch, and then it will be too late.
    • Wormwood can cause poisoning - when contacting with alcohol, it turns into a poison, but useful as an increase in total tone.
    • Pion roots calm the nervous system.
    • The gold masculine has antioxidant properties, reduces the damage caused by the body during a long binge.

    Conduct activities to bring out of the feed at home, it is necessary to comprehensively, preferably consulted in advance with a specialist.

    Challenge vomiting with medication preparations

    The drug "Colme" is particularly popular, containing cyanamide. At the first sip of the alcohol-containing drink of a person begins to sick, tear, dizziness begins. This means is safer for the body, if the alcoholic tries to drown out the unpleasant symptoms of the drum dose of alcohol. This drug is produced in the form of tablets and drops. He is absolutely tasteless, Besmeless and does not smell. It can be added to food, and add to beer.

    Before calling vomiting a very drunk person, you need to bring it into a sense. Cold water will be helped with a mint tincture or rubbing the uches to their redness.

    Other popular preparations with a similar effect include disulfiram. Just like the "Collee", they cause unpleasant symptoms. These drugs are greater popularity:

    • "Esperal" is an effective drug of French production;
    • "PIDEVIN" - besides disulfirama, has vitamins, asyin and nicotinamide, helping to get rid of toxins;
    • "Tetlong-250" is a very effective drug, but intramuscularly introduced;
    • "Teturas" is a cheaper analogue of "Espearly" of Russian production.

    Most of these drugs are produced in the form of droplets, tablets and capsules-implants. They are better mixed in food, and not add to vodka. Thus, an alcoholic may not know about treatment.

    What to do after vomiting

    After vomiting usually a significant stem. This is due to a decrease in the concentration of alcohol in the stomach. Of course, until the complete coming into consciousness is still far away, but the beginning is put. After a person rode, you need to comply with simple recommendations so that the recovery time is easier to suffer easier:

    1. After such a forced vomiting it is impossible to eat within 6 hours. The gastrointestinal tract is also needed to restore. It is also undesirable to drink, if the unbearable thirst is tormented, allowably drinking a glass of non-carbonated mineral water. After this time, it is recommended to drink a cup of strong green tea.
    2. Some time after the feed, it is better to hold low-calorie food. Fat, sharp and smoked dishes only worsen the condition of the digestive organs. We recommend fractional meals with small portions.

    If a person was bad, then he is most likely thinking about his condition. If an alcoholic recognizes his illness, then it is necessary to help him get rid of it. For this, there are hospitals, anonymous meetings. Moral care from loved ones is one of the important factors that help refuse alcohol addiction.

    Contraindications for use

    In no case cannot be used by vomiting methods with a state of long-term abstineen syndrome and white hot. At this point, the patient suffers from long, chronic poisoning, vomiting can only aggravate its condition.

    Medicinal herbs also have their own contraindications. Before using them, it is important to learn about any possible negative consequences for an alcoholic. Very often they have an increased heart load. Patients with diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases that have a weak cardiovascular system should be particularly careful. Therapy for the withdrawal of the feed and treatment of alcoholism should be carried out in a specialized hospital under the supervision of a narcologist.

    Be sure to treat alcohol addiction to medical consultation. Recommendations of acquaintances and knowledge, hoped from the Internet, may not help, but only aggravate the situation.

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    All information on is intended only for familiarization and is not instructions for action.

    To obtain medical care, we strongly recommend consulting a doctor.

    Tablets causing vomiting from alcohol: Features of choice and applications

    Tablets causing vomiting from alcohol intake are one of the groups of medicines used in the elimination of alcoholism.

    With proper use and combination with other methods, they help to cope with pathological dependence. In order for the correct effect to be achieved, it is necessary to first become familiar with the peculiarities of the appointment of such funds.

    When treatment, addiction to avoid unwanted consequences, should be carried out under the control of the specialist.

    Pathology and features of her treatment

    Alcoholism is a severe disease based on the occurrence of physical and mental dependence on the use of beverages containing ethyl alcohol (for example, vodka or beer). Among the causes of pathology are distinguished different factors.

    All of them are divided into three main groups:

    • psychological (for example, characteristics of character, depression);
    • social (for example, low level life);
    • physiological (genetic predisposition).

    Abuse of alcoholic beverages is typical of both men and women. Pathological addiction is characterized by the stage of formation. Regardless of the stage of the disease, it must be treated, as alcoholism is not a bad habit, but a strong dependence requiring the intervention of specialists.

    The addiction to alcohol is a pathology, so it is necessary to appeal to a narcologist or to the appropriate medical institution.

    Therapy of the disease includes two main directions:

    1. Aversion treatment. It is shown even in the absence of the consent of the patient. The essence of the method is that drugs are used that affect human reflexes. A similar effect provokes disgust to alcohol.
    2. Psychological impact. Effectively when the alcoholic itself is aware of the presence of addiction.

    Regardless of the direction, the treatment of the disease is carried out under the control of the doctor. After all, independent therapy rarely ends successfully.

    Using tablets

    Preparations that are used in the fight against pathological addiction are divided into different groups. Tablets are more often used.

    They are classified depending on the action.

    Tablets forming disgust for alcoholic beverages. The mechanism of action of the means is based on blocking the oxidation of ethyl alcohol. As a result of the reception of drugs, a person begins to feel discomfort. The caused reaction is manifested in the form of tremor of hands, changes in heartbeat, fear, nausea.

    A person begins to tear, a characteristic reaction to alcohol appears. This group is represented by Espenale, Antethan, Crotenal, Nokzala and other means.

    Preparations that reduce the desire to drink. The group is represented by proper 100, Torpedo, Aquilon.

    Blockers. Includes drugs that oppress the receptors of pleasure involved when driving with alcoholic beverages. In this group, the most popular Vivitrol.

    Preparations that neutralize alcohol. Medicines help reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. The group includes means including vitamins of groups B, enterosorbents (for example, polysorb and white coal), solutions for intravenous droppers.


    Preparations, the reception of which, when using alcohol, causes vomit urge, are divided into two groups depending on the mechanism of exposure. One group includes the means of central action. Among them are distinguished by apomorphine. When used, it will cause vomiting due to the excitation of dopamine receptors.

    Its use is dangerous by the development of collapse and the appearance of visual hallucinations.

    The means is contraindicated at:

    • pathologies of the CNS;
    • severe violations in myocardial work;
    • open form of tuberculosis;
    • the presence of the ulcers of the stomach and the 12rist bowel.

    The second group of drugs is used in order to quickly remove from the gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances or poor-quality foodstuffs (in the case when it is impossible to wash).

    There are other drugs provoking vomiting and a feeling of discomfort from simultaneous admission with alcohol (often mixed them into food and drinks). This group includes tetrars and espersals. These drugs have one active substance in its composition - disulfiram. This component interferes with the splitting of ethyl alcohol, contributing to an increase in its blood level.

    As a result, nausea, dizziness and vomiting appears. Medicines to cause vomiting, you can add to alcohol. In any case, simultaneous reception of the medication and a strong drink will cause the attack of vomiting and deterioration of well-being. Gradually produces disgust for alcohol, man stops drinking.

    Among other means that can provoke vomiting, distinguish: reciprons, tetlong, antabus, lidewin. Before choosing any of them, you should consult with a specialist. Each drug has contraindications. Therefore, if they are uncontrollably to plug or pour into food or drink, you can provoke the development of hazardous complications.

    Other means causing disgust for alcohol

    A special group among drugs causing disgust for alcohol is occupied by means that reduce the desire to drink. They are characterized by an easier action, but are often used in narcologically due to their effectiveness.

    Akamprosat. Chemical composition The means are similar to taurine, which is an amino acid, in a large number of contained in the brain. The medicine is accepted in order to affect the glutamate receptors of the brain section responsible for driving on alcohol. In this case, there is no effect on the hang ham syndrome. The form of the drug is a tablet. They are drinking 3 times a day, drinking water.

    Alcoofinals. The tool refers to a group of biologically active additives. There is no official confirmation of the effectiveness of the drug. It is not in a free sale, some sites are engaged in distribution. The drug is produced in 10 ml bottles. The tool can be mixed in food or drink.

    Clamp. Reception of medicine causes persistent disgust for alcoholic beverages. Can be used to combat the relapses of pathological traction. The main active substance in the composition of the policy is cyanamide. He has no smell and taste.

    Thanks to this, the drug can be added to the food. It is often poured without an alcoholic knowledge. At the same time, it should be ashamed, since the exceeding the permissible amount is dangerous serious complications, up to death.

    With simultaneous use with alcohol, the drug causes nausea, vomiting, migraine, signs of allergies, the appearance of a feeling of anxiety. The colme is taken in an amount of 12 - 25 drops once a day. Among the main advantages, the funds are distinguished by the absence of toxicity, the possibility of using a long time, a quick effect compared to disulfiram-based medicines.

    Various folk methods of struggle are popular with popular in the treatment of alcoholism. For example, the plating a chamber in combination with alcohol causes vomit.

    The grass with regular use gradually forms disgust to alcohol. Any dependency treatment method must be coordinated with a doctor. This will avoid adverse symptoms and hazardous consequences.

    Alcoholic treatment treatment

    In the fight against alcoholism, there are cases when closests have to use drugs in the absence of the desire of the person himself to get rid of dependence. The effectiveness of such therapy remains controversial. After all, the main thing in the fight against the pathological burden is the awareness of the presence of addiction to the use of alcohol.

    Therefore, the use of drugs that cause disgust for alcohol must necessarily be accompanied by a communication with a psychologist. Only an understanding of his own dependence can be the first step on the road of a sober lifestyle.

    The treatment of alcohol addiction will be effective in the case when drugs are combined with psychological work. There are different drugs that, with simultaneous reception with alcoholic beverages, provoke deterioration of well-being.

    Any means causing disgust for alcohol has contraindications. Therefore, before applying, especially without the knowledge of the drinking, you should consult with a narcologist.

    Funds that will help cause alcohol disgust

    For the treatment of alcoholism, the method of forming a disgust to alcohol is often used. As a result of the reception of drugs and herbs, nausea and vomiting occur with any attempt to drink vodka. The method is effective, but rather dangerous, so you first need to know how different means are acting and what they have contraindications.

    How to cause disgust for alcohol

    Treatment of chronic alcoholism begins with observation therapy, in which the patient has disgust for alcohol.

    For this use 3 basic methods:

    1. Reception of medication.
    2. Use of herbs and other folk remedies.
    3. Psychological impact.

    From the point of view of medicine, the most efficient use of drugs. They are produced both in the form of tablets and droplets for internal use and in the form of seeding agents under the skin and solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections. While a person does not drink alcohol, these drugs do not cause unpleasant symptoms.

    If the patient's organism comes with ethanol, the active substances of medicines come into chemical reactions with it. There is acute poisoning, which can lead to dangerous complications, up to death. Therefore, drugs should be applied only for the purpose of the doctor, and with accidental drinking of alcohol coding, it is necessary to remove urgently.

    Folk remedies have a similar effect: when an alcoholic drinks vodka, he has symptoms of poisoning. As a result, he begins to associate drinking alcohol with nausea and vomiting and gradually refuses the addiction.

    To achieve a persistent effect, a comprehensive treatment is required, which is complemented. psychological techniques hypnosis and visual agitation. They are used as part of medical treatment, provided that the patient's desire to get rid of dependence.

    Home therapy without a patient's knowledge is a cardinal method used only when the alcoholic refuses to recognize the problem and no persuasion of close to it do not work. In such cases, relatives take responsibility for complications as a result of self-medication.


    Due to the abuse of alcohol, not only physical, but also mental dependence arises, which is the main complexity in the treatment. A person is experiencing serious health problems, but the thrust for alcohol is so great that common sense is dulled. To force the patient to realize the severity of possible consequences, a disgust for alcohol is formed in his subconscious.

    Alcohol for the body is poison. Initially, the liver successfully neutralizes it, but all the necessary enzymes for this are gradually being excited, and new do not have time to synthesize in sufficient quantities.

    An alcoholic body over time adapts to the constant flow of ethanol, and the symptoms of intoxication disappear. For their restoration, the patient introduces drugs, which under the influence of ethyl alcohol provoke nausea, vomiting, pain in the head. Folk remedies are initially toxic, and in combination with alcohol, they cause signs of acute poisoning.

    In the course of treatment, physical dependence is quickly suppressed in the patient. For some time, he continues to experience psychological craving for vodka, but can not drink it due to strong poisoning. As a result, the person gradually refuses the addiction.

    Folk remedies

    With the help of alone herbs and plants it is impossible to fully cure chronic alcoholism. It is a severe disease that requires the work of several specialists, including narcologist and psychotherapist. Doctors do not deny the benefits of folk remedies in the formation of disgust for alcohol, but insist that they must serve as exclusively to the objectives of supporting therapy for the prevention of disruptions.

    When the patient appears a disgust for alcohol, it will be easier to persuade a hike to a narcologist. Without the help of doctors, it is impossible to avoid relapses: if the breakdown occurs, the alcoholic will go to an even longer binge than before.

    Methods of exposure

    The best effect from treatment is achieved in the case when the patient is aware that he has serious problems with alcohol, and wishes to be treated. If there is no motivation to get rid of dependencies, then the folk remedies are imperceptibly mixed in food and drinking man.

    Herbs that are used to cause disgust for alcohol, often do not smell, so an alcoholic does not recognize about treatment. If the anti-alcohol means are used secretly, the main condition is not to give the patient to learn the truth. It will provoke an outbreak of rage, which can lead to deposits.


    There are many folk recipes intended for the formation of an alcoholic disgust to alcohol. For this purpose, alcohol and aquatic infusions, syrups and even culinary dishes based on certain ingredients are preparing, among which:

    The contents of a glass of alcoholic can be added to the bugs. He will not notice the difference in the taste of the drink, but after its consumption it will feel nauseous and urged to vomit.

    It is necessary to dial several green bedbugs - usually they will settle on forest raspberry. Add them to a glass of vodka, after a couple of hours of insects, remove, and give a drink to drink an alcoholic. Already after the first reception, he will appear to disgust with the alcohol, but for the prevention of relapses, the procedure will be required to be repeated periodically.

    The effect of water tincture based on the coolery is based on the toxic properties of the plant. Scramble dried leaves, score 6 tbsp. l., stir them in 2 glasses of boiling water and insist in a dark corner a couple of weeks.

    Alcoholic can be regularly drinking 100 ml. tincture, then another 100 ml. Vodka. Treatment to repeat until the resistant disgust to the alcohol.

    When the patient is there, he can not drink alcohol, as there will be sharp poisoning. However, subsequently unpleasant symptoms will torment it with any attempt to drink alcohol. The dishes from the navigator should be present on the table until the person will stop abuse of alcohol.

    On video recipes cooking dishes from the mushroom:

    The syrup from the vegetables and the yarrow not only forms disgust for vodka, but also contributes to the restoration of hepatic functions and relieves pain in the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to mix 2 tbsp. l. Plant colors, pour 2 l. Water and boil. Leave in a dark corner for 5 hours, strain and boil again.

    In the finished drink stir 4 tbsp. l. Honey and 6 tbsp. l. Sugar, then strain and bring it to a boil. 2 times a day 25 ml. Syrope need to pour into juices or compote and give to drink their alcoholic.

    A full course of treatment is 9 days. After 1 month it will have to be repeated to secure the result.

    A simple and effective folk remedy for thrust to alcohol - decoction of the Castbar. It should be stirred 3 tbsp. l. Dry herbs in a glass of water, boil and leave for an hour. You need to eat alcoholic with this tool three times a day, pouring 1 tbsp. l. in his drinks.

    Indications and contraindications

    Folk remedies that form disgust disgust to alcohol are shown to treat alcoholism and prophylaxis relapses. It is important to continue phytotherapy, while a person does not fully lose the craving for vodka.

    Since toxic herbs are used, they cannot be given alcoholics, which diagnosed the following diseases:

    • Diabetes.
    • Angina.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Hypertension.
    • Tuberculosis.
    • Peptic disease.
    • Thyroid pathology.

    However, with exceeding the allowable dosage, multiple side effects. In this case, the usual signs of intoxication - headaches, nausea, vomiting - symptoms threatening life:


    Most of the drugs intended for the formation of disgust for alcohol are based on disulfirame. This substance is harmless subject to alcohol abandonment. However, when entering the organism of ethanol, it comes with him in chemical reaction, causing painful symptoms of poisoning.

    After the simultaneous admission of medication and alcohol, these signs are always pronounced. As a result, an alcoholic develops a conditional reflex, which does not allow it to drink either a patch of vodka. Even her smell begins to cause a call from a patient to vytz. This is the reason for which there is a refusal of alcohol.

    There are also analogues of disulfiram - for example, cyanamide. According to the principle of action, these drugs are very similar. However, the effect of cyanomide is less long in time.

    Operating principle

    Disulfiram and its analogues in the human body are converted into minic acid. It suppresses the activity of enzymes required to split ethyl alcohol.

    Since syntheldhydrogenase synthesis is stopped in the liver, highly toxic acetaldehyde, which turns into an alcohol in the body, is not cleaving. Therefore, it is delayed in the blood and deal with it to all organs.

    As a result, after a couple of minutes after drinking alcohol, symptoms of acute intoxication appear:

    • nausea with vomiting;
    • hyperemia;
    • heart rate disorders;
    • dyspnea;
    • respiratory failure;
    • general weakness;
    • chills;
    • trembling in the body;
    • dizziness.

    The same signs appear on the outfit after the feast. However, the severity of symptoms as a result of a disulfiram-like reaction is much stronger than with the usual hangover.

    As a result, the alcoholic begins to be afraid of the alcohol on the subconscious level, not yet aware of the problem. However, soon he begins to understand that he becomes bad after drinking alcohol. This explains the ineffectiveness of secret treatment with drugs: Realizing that he gives some kind of medicine without his knowledge, an alcoholic just starts drinking in another place.


    The largest group of drugs for the formation of disgust for alcohol is based on disulfirama.

    Of these, the most common are the following:

    Esperal, teturas and lidewin are pills that are released from pharmacies by prescription. Their action is based on the disulfiraum, and the Lidewin also contains vitamins of B. Initially, the doctor conducts a so-called alcohol provocation: after taking the drug, the patient gives 40 g. Vodka.

    An alcoholic is experiencing symptoms of intoxication and understands what the alcohol can lead to the encoding. A minus of such treatment is the complexity of maintaining patient motivation to regularly drink tablets. After a short time, he might think that he was cured, and stop taking medicines.

    The algorithm and stopatyl are intended for intravenous injections, and binary - for intravenous and intramuscular. Pricks of the patient can put both doctors in hospital conditions and relatives at home. All suspensions cause ethyl alcohol intolerance.

    Another common preparation for the formation of disgust for alcohol - vivitrol. Its active component is Naltrekson. This substance affects indirect mechanisms for the formation of alcohol dependence, so its effectiveness depends on individual features patient.

    Less often in order to cause alcohol disgust use placebo tablets. They do not interact with ethanol, and the effect of them is achieved exclusively at the expense of hypnosis and suggestion.

    Indications and contraindications

    Preparations based on disulfirama and its analogues are prescribed as part of complex therapy in chronic alcoholism and in order to prevent relapses. To treat treatment, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the patient.

    Disulfiram has a large list of contraindications:

    • Cardiovascular insufficiency in the decompensation stage.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Tuberculosis.
    • Diabetes.
    • Glaucoma.
    • Newith.
    • Peptic disease.
    • Liver failure.
    • Diseases of the kidneys.
    • Blood cancer.
    • Mental diseases.
    • Cramps.
    • Epilepsy.
    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    In addition, disulfiram-based medicines cannot be used during treatment with certain drugs. So, with simultaneous admission with tinidazole, ornidazole, metronidazole and secretions, they can lead to Delirius and confused. The use of disulfiram-based preparations during treatment with isoniazid will provoke behavioral violations and deterioration of coordination.

    Overdose disulfirama can lead to neurological disorders and collaps. Also possible coma.

    On the video about drugs that can cause disgust for alcohol:

    special instructions

    Preparations that form disgust for alcohol are unacceptable to apply without the consent of the patient, they cannot be added or added without its output. If he does not know about treatment and possible complications, he will be able to drink a large amount of alcohol, resulting in severe intoxication.

    If a person has convulsions, intense pain appear after drinking alcohol, consciousness is disturbed, he urgently needs medical care. Without treatment, disability is possible and fatal outcome.

    At the same time, the support of the family is important: alcohol dependence is very strong, cope with it alone is extremely difficult.

    Folk remedies can be used as part of maintenance therapy. However, before applying herbs, it is also better to consult with your doctor.

    Hello to all homemade workers, as well as dacms and gardeners!

    After cleaning the potatoes on household plots, it then often has to be transported from cottages or from the village to the city. As a rule, potatoes are transported in plastic braided bags of this type.

    Usually in such bags, potatoes pour buckets, that is, first impose potatoes in the bucket, and then move into the bag. At the same time, to push the potato bucket into the bag, you need two people - one holds a bag, and the other directly pops up in it potatoes from the bucket.

    However, it often happens that there is no partner near the partner and as a result, to push the potatoes from the bucket into the bag is alone. But just alone this is very uncomfortable. However, there is a very simple technique that can greatly relieve and simplify this business.

    So, in order to facilitate the process of fastening the bag alone, we need, firstly, to shorten the bag, and secondly, to make it tougher so that it stands on Earth or on the floor, like a regular big bucket.

    To do this, you just need to twist half the bag on the wrong one or, in other words, just wrap half the bag out here in this way.

    As a result, the bag will be shorter, and most importantly - it can be significantly tougher and it will be possible to straighten and put it on the floor so that it will be sufficiently steadily standing.

    After that, it is possible to neatly pour the first bucket of potatoes.

    If in the usual way it is difficult to pour the first bucket of potatoes into the bag, then you can use the next reception: put the bag from above on the bucket, and then turn it over. As a result, the potatoes will be in the bag.

    For greater stability of the bag, the potatoes are filled into it can be additionally distributed by hand to the greater perimeter of the bag.

    After we poured the first bucket, our bag, as a rule, becomes very stable and already pour into it the subsequent buckets of potatoes, becomes very easy. Therefore, we pour into the bag the second bucket of potatoes.

    And then, the third and fourth.
    Just at the same time you need not to forget every time, pull up a wrapped part of the bag, so that it becomes higher.

    And so, I am alone and quite easily, poured into the bag already four buckets of potatoes. In this case, the bag is very steadily.

    You can of course pour and more buckets, but in this case I will not do this in this case, otherwise the bag will hardly drag.

    After we poured into the bag the desired number of potatoes buckets, a wrapped upper part can be fully repaid and, for example, tie a bag if necessary. Similarly, you can easily pour other bags.

    By the way, such an appointment with the wrapping of the bag can be successfully used not only for fastening potatoes or other vegetables, but also if you need to pour out any bulk cargo (sand, peat, humid, etc.), And next again there is no partner and no one to hold the bag. Only in this case, I can still advise instead of shovels, use a suitable large scoop, because it will be much more convenient to pour cargo in the bag.

    Well, I'm all! So far and smaller hard work!

    Put 1.

    Put, pour, pour and (talk.) Matter, led. Matter, perfect. (to put 1).

    1. what. Put or pouring, place somewhere. Pour flour into the cheese.

    || what and what. The same in some quantity. Pour flour into the cheese.

    2. what. Speaking, sketch on the surface of something. Pour sand but the path.

    || what and what. The same in some quantity. Pour sand on the track.

    3. Fill with bulk material. Pour a bag of rye.


    Put 1, I smell, pour. impeller. to ripping.


    Put 2, I smell, pour (simple). impeller. to nasp

    • - What and what. Pour all the flour into the chest. Pour salt on the tablecloth. I poured on the table of mint gingerbread. Pour a bag of flour. Pour cereals ...

      Management in Russian

    • - / W / Purchase / in ...

      Dictionary Antonyms

    • - I Nasa / Mix Nasa / Plus, --s / Shuffles and -s / Pie, -Shs / Plit and - Syes / Pyat II Massep / T, Mound / Yu, -P / Eat, ...

      Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    • Dictionary Daly

    • - Pour that where or what, to paint a known number of something, to roll on top, pour into what. Pour bread in the root. Pour sand on the tracks, "be a bulk; | Pour away from ...

      Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    • Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    • - Pour, -Te, -Tees and -pay, -The, -The, -We, -We, are! -Pill; -wood; . 1. What and what. Put or pouring, put it out. Or fill out something. N. Croes in a bag. N. Bag of Crook. 2 ...

      Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    • Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    • - 1. Pour, scatter, pour and pour, led. Matter, perfect. . 1. What. Put or pouring, place somewhere. Pour flour into the cheese. || What and what. The same in some quantity. Pour flour into the cheese. 2 ...

      Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    • - 1. Pour, scatter, pour and pour, led. Matter, perfect. . 1. What. Put or pouring, place somewhere. Pour flour into the cheese. || What and what. The same in some quantity. Pour flour into the cheese. 2 ...

      Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    • Explanatory dictionary Efremova

    • - Pour out us to the owls. Nearby. Redemption. Beat someone, pour someone. II of us`i of owls. Couch. See Put the III of the OSI. Couch. See pouring the II IV to the owls. recess ...

      Explanatory dictionary Efremova

    • - Pour out us to the owls. Nearby. Redemption. Beat someone, pour someone. II of us`i of owls. Couch. See Put the III of the OSI. Couch. See pouring the II IV to the owls. recess ...

      Explanatory dictionary Efremova

    • - 1) pour out, -play; He led. mound; owls. . one. . Fill loose quantities. Pour a bag of rye. □ I saw Parsol poured her stupid her strawberry ...

      Small Academic Dictionary

    • - Us "...

      Russian spelling dictionary

    • - ...

      Shape words

    "Pour" in books


    Author Mazovier Alexander Pavlovich


    From the book a tribal business in service dog breeding Author Mazovier Alexander Pavlovich

    The tail tail helps the dog to control his body during rapid movement. Rotating the tail and thereby carrying the center of gravity, the dog creates the elements of opposition that helps it change the direction and make turns on a quick move. In addition, the tail


    From the book Venice is a fish by Scard Tiziano.

    The tail is further followed by a tiny anthology of texts about Venice. In total, the three most common ways of stay in Venice are described: Venice in the perception of a foreign tourist (Maupassant), a foreign resident (Mainardi) and a native of Venice,


    From the book a circle of communication Author Agamov-Tupitsyn Victor

    The tail with the tail (Alesh Schutenko) I first encountered in St. Petersburg in 1965. We drank vodka in an oblong room, where he lived, refrigerated by their neighbors, smoking the fool, playing on an intricate dude and picked poems. "Man man Wolf, Fox and Bear," -

    Tail, V. I.

    From the book, the fall of the royal regime. Volume 7. Author Schegolev Pavel Eliseevich

    Tail, V.I. Tail, you. Yves. (1879), ChL. II state Duma from Chernig. lips. (Fr. Trudovikov), Cossack, OK. Zemsk. rural. School, studied SERMERN. a business. He was a military writer in St. Petersburg. GL art. headquarters. Ox. Star. Walker in I state. Duma. VII,

    Tail of fire

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    From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 954 (8 2012) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

    13. But the people do not turn to the teaching of it, and does not resort to the Lord Savaof. 14. And the Lord will take off the Lord of Israel's head and tail, palm tree and cane, one day: 15. The elder and notable - this is a head; And the prophet-false tutor is a tail. 16. And the leaders of this people will be misled, and they will die,

    From the book of the Clean Bible. Volume 5. Author Lopukhin Alexander

    13. But the people do not turn to the teaching of it, and does not resort to the Lord Savaof. 14. And the Lord will take off the Lord of Israel's head and tail, palm tree and cane, one day: 15. The elder and notable - this is a head; And the prophet-false tutor is a tail. 16. And the leaders of this people will be misled, and by them

    Sometimes the most familiar things can be used in an unusual way. A selection of useful tips for every day, no one knows in advance which useful life trick or advice will help in a difficult moment. Therefore, it is better to put all useful tips on the piggy bank until they need.

    1. Aspirin: Run 2 tablets in 100 ml of hot water and moisten for 3 hours this solution traces of deodorant on clothing. They will disappear.
    2. Tooth thread: It will help to fix the buttons and buttons, as well as repair umbrellas and backpacks.
    3. Bread: Slice of white bread removes hasty fingerprints from the wall and with non-washable wallpaper.
    4. Ketchup: Clean silver jewelry, if you lower them in a bowl with him for a few minutes, and then clean the old toothbrush.
    5. Hair varnish: will help extend the life of the drawing, especially if it is made pastel.
    6. Colored pencils: Radied stylus will help disguise damage to the wooden floor and furniture.
    7. Freezer: if you put candles in it immediately before use, they will burn longer.
    8. Olive oil in which lemon juice or white wine vinegar is added in a ratio of 1/2 of the total volume of oil, it will help to give shine of polished furniture.
    9. Diapers: guarantee the safety and safe delivery of fragile items in the parcels.
    10. Peanut oil can remove chewing gum From the hair, just to grasp it.
    11. Vodka: If 30 ml of vodka with a pair of droplets of liquid washing dishes and 400 ml of water, you will get a remedy for garden insects.
    12. Yoghurt: 200 ml of live yogurt mix with 200 ml of water and a handful of moss, the resulting mixture to spread everywhere where you want to grow moss.
    13. Cover for lighter - Sew it to one end of your beach towel to keep keys and money in it during the hike on the beach.
    14. Want to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the bag, refrigerator, box, can of any product? Put the unused tea bag there.
    15. Hydrogen peroxide not only heals the wounds, but also displays stains on clothes.
    16. Do not hurry to buy special rags in order to wipe your favorite gadgets! Children's wet wipes are perfectly coping with this task.
    17. Do you want to get rid of ants? Matter more cinnamon in "dangerous places".
    18. Metal objects are perfectly cleaned with toothpaste.
    19. Whether the cutlery in the opposite side of the banana peel. Immediately notice how they grumble.
    20. Honey can replace the antibacterial agent.
    21. Grinding Tablet Aspirin, Observe water and align the place of crew bite. All will pass!
    22. Soda is ideal for cleaning teeth, and especially for their whitening.
    23. Hand cream will give the brilliance of your shoes.
    24. Do you want to sharpen scissors? Speak in half a piece of foil and cut it.
    25. Windows can be washed with paper coffee filters. Then there will be no divorce.
    26. Charcoal will help refresh the air indoors.

    Unusual use of coffee

    Amazing coffee product! Amazing and universal. The taste of this wonderful invigorating drink is familiar to everyone. I found this product application and art. American Karen Eland has become famous, drawing fragrant coffee patterns, Latte-art does not cease to admire coffee drawings, and crafts from coffee beans are becoming increasingly popular. I found my application this product and in everyday life. Drinking a cup of this invigorating drink, do not hurry to throw away the coffee grip, she will still serve. Often the most ordinary products can be used in an unusual way, no exception and coffee.

    1. Insects creatures are extremely stupid and stupid - they do not appreciate this divine drink at all, they don't even endure it in the spirit! Praiseing the dry coffee thickness in the places challenged by ants, you can easily get rid of their neighborhood - they will go to seek the place of quieter. And if you set fire to the used coffee, then you mean coffee thick, such a smack will scare the flies and wasps.
    2. Saves the used coffee and from feline failed. If your satuled pet understands the meaning of the word "toilet" as it is more convenient for him, we can wean the tenant in the wrong place with the help of a coffee ground that needs to be mixed with dried and ground orange leather. Pour this fragrant mixture in secluded places that the cat chose themselves as a toilet, and enjoy the puzzled species of Usatu Chitrygi.
    3. Use coffee thick and as a shampoo from fleas. First, wash your pets with ordinary shampoo from fleas, and after wrench its fur coating mixed with water. Prettyly rinse your favorite and it will not only get rid of fleas, but it will become soft, silky and ... fragrant. With a short-haired dog, such a procedure is easy to do, but if the wool is long, it is necessary to rinse how to rinse.
    4. Coffee used is a good helper in the cleaning of the fireplace or stove. Before you begin to clean the stove or fireplace, you need to sketch the wet coffee thickness, it will save you from the ash dust.
    5. Coffee is an excellent component for Sasha. It is enough to put such a fragrant bag into a closet with clothes or linen, and your things will not only become pleasant to smell, but will be saved from uninvited insects, for example, moths. Prepare such a coffee sachet is easy - it is enough to pour a little freshly fatty coffee into a linen bag.
    6. With the help of coffee, you can remove scratches with dark wooden furniture. To do this, you need a coffee grip to dilute with hot water to the consistency of the cashem and grate it into scratches. Coffee, of course, should be the finest grinding.
    7. Wipe the coffee grounds with glycerol dark leather things, such as handbags or gloves, you can refresh the product and give it a beautiful shine. You can simply wipe the leather surface with a soft cloth or a cotton swab, moistened with very strong coffee.
    8. Sometimes a new leather bag has a sufficiently unpleasant smell. You can get rid of it by sprinkling with handbag with ground coffee and leaving for several hours in this form, and even better for the whole day. Of course, this option is suitable only for handbags from dark skin.
    9. Used coffee is a wonderful fertilizer for plants loving acidic soil. These are pink bushes, azaleas, and rhododendrons, and lilies, as well as many evergreen shrubs. Adjust their coffee grounds, they love it very much.
    10. Coffee wonderfully cleans ashtrays, eliminating an unpleasant smell. Put a little coffee in a dirty ashtray, wipe with a damp cloth and smash.
    11. Coffee not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but does not allow them to mix. This property is used by placing a slightly dried body of coffee in the refrigerator.
    12. In addition, coffee is an excellent dye, with which you can paint almost everything - from the hair to eggs. In the sense, Easter well, and dark hair rinsed our grandmothers with dark hair.

    Unusual use of Coca Cola

    Oddly sounds, Coca Cola drink is really useful, but not our health. No wonder they say that those who drink Coca Cow in considerable quantities, liver as alcoholics - because the active ingredient of the drink is orthophosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.5 and use this acid both for the production of carbonated beverages and for the production of fertilizers and textiles. Spend such experience: Lower a piece of raw meat into a glass with a cola and leave for a day. The result will select all the hunt for the drink - the acid contained in Coca Cola for the meat into something resembling an open wound with Ganger. Imagine what is happening with our stomach!

    1. They say, Coca Cola is able to completely dissolve the nails in just 4 days. I have not tried, but I will surely believe. I was brought to me more than once to hear about the cleaning properties of this drink. Indeed - Coca Cola will not only remove rust, dissolve the chewing, squeezes plumbing, it is also added to the washing powder for efficiency. Here are about these beneficial properties, so to speak, household, and let's talk.
    2. Use Coca Coke to clean the bathroom. With the help of Kola, you clean the 3 main elements of the bathroom: bath, sink and toilet. Pour 1-2 cup beverage in the toilet, close the lid and leave for an hour - death by bacteria! After use the jarschik and clean the toilet as usual. When you finish, just desire and rejoice in the purity of your toilet. In addition, the Cola will eliminate and unpleasant smell. Remove the Cola cola of lime raids and pollution from the sink and bathroom. Apply it directly to the surface and wipe the rag. It also helps to clean the drain pipes from the hair and other garbage accumulating there.
    3. Remove the cola fat with Coca. Wonderful drink. It will help you clean the clothes not only from fat "kitchen" stains, but also from the machine oil if you are blocked by repairing the car. Soak the evacuated things from Coca Cool - pour the drink right on the spot for two hours. The acid contained in the cola separated fat from things and will not paint the clothes on which you apply it. If you delete the oil stain from the surface, first stick to the towel of the surplus oil, but do not try to stain the spot! Then completely pour the stain with the stroke and leave for 8-10 hours. Then it is once again to absorb the remains of the oil with a towel and rinse the spot first with warm water with the addition of a dishwashing agent, and then wash the soap water with a hose.
    4. Another benefit of Coca Cola - it is well laundered tiled floor and rubbing marker traces on the carpet.
    5. Use Coca Cow in your car. For example, instead of a wiper, it is an effective remedy for dust and other mud. Apply an accumulation on the windshield, then wipe it - the pollution is cola. Also Coca Cola is an excellent means to remove corrosion and oxidation on the battery terminals. Apply a drink on problem areas and leave for a while. The acid contained in the coola will cope with corrosion. Removes remove the sponge.
    6. Get rid of rust with Coca Cola. Place the rusty item in the Colate and leave for a day, and drove, wipe the towel. In the same way, you can give the brilliance with old coins. By the way, Coca Cola will bring out an old rusty spot and from clothes. Wet the place where there is a rust, Coca Cool, give fluids for 5-10 minutes to "play" with a stain after dressing clothes.
    7. Use Coke Coke to clean the saucepan from the burnt food. Pour the cola into the pan and bring it to a boil. Carbon dioxide and high temperature will perfectly cope with the task. By the way, pouring Coca Cla to the kettle and boils it, you get rid of scale.
    8. Surprisingly, but among other things, Coca Cola makes the lawn unusually green. Here is a recipe: 1 cup of cola, 1 cup of ammonia and a quarter cup of dishwashing products spray on the grass once a month.
    9. The benefits of Coca Cola for Gardeners. Coca Cola will help get an excellent compost. Sketch the straw, garbage, old leaves and pour the cola to this pile. Once a month turn over, adding water (not so much so that it was not too humid). About a month later, your compost is ready.
    10. Coca-Cola distributors in the USA for 20 years use it to clean the motors of their trucks.
    11. American police are washed off Coke-Cola Blood from the Road: a few minutes - and blood, even dried and entered into asphalt instantly moves away and washed off with water.
    12. In some Asian countries, farmers use Coca-Coke to destroy pests, since it is cheaper than chemicals, and the effect gives the same.

    Unusual use of tea

    Caschu tea? Perhaps ... But do not hurry to throw away the used welding or tea bag in the trash can! No, I'm not about pouring boiling water and drink tea again and again. You already know that products are not only food, so tea is not only a drink. So, on the agenda, the unusual use of tea. Let's see what benefit the use of tea in everyday life can bring.

    1. The most common use of tea bags - as compresses to calm the tired eyes. Extinate tea bags in ice water or just fill with water and leave for some time in the refrigerator. Tea will not only remove the redness and swelling, but also calm the tired eyes.
    2. Tea will help with bruises. Attach freshly, but already cooled black tea bag on the bruised place and the bruise will go much faster. The fact is that in black tea contains tubyl substances that reduce the rality and narrow blood vessels. To achieve a better result, we follow the compress twice a day, leaving for 20 minutes.
    3. Tea can be used as a remedy for solar burns. Wet tea bags will make it easier for pain sunny burnAnd if the whole body burned, take a bath from tea.
    4. Tea and with a razor cuts. A wet tea bag will reduce and calm the sharpening pain from a razor cut.
    5. With acne, it is useful to wash the green tea.
    6. When problems in the oral cavity will also help the tea. Painful ulcers in the mouth can go and themselves, but if you want to speed up the process, soak the tea bag in water, and after bonach it with your teeth. Once on sick places, tea will make pain and speed healing. Similarly, you can also stop the bleeding from the eliminated or lost tooth.
    7. Use tea to refresh your breath. Rinse with strong tea reduces the unpleasant smell of mouth.
    8. Apply tea in the bath, because poured on the stones in the steam room, it will saturate the pairs of herbs smells. Tea herbs Choose depending on the target. If you just want to saturate a steam fragrant steam, choose what you like more, if you want to make it useful for health, you should consider the following: Green tea will improve the skin condition if it has scratches, ulcers or allergic rash. If you want to relax well and remove stress, splash on the bathhouse of tea from chamomile, Valerian root and yellow or black tea.
    9. Tea will help with sweating legs. Do the following procedure before bedtime - lower the foot in the sleeping tea with a warm tea for 10-15, then wipe them with a towel.
    10. Tea perfectly absorbs odors. Use this tea property in order to eliminate the unpleasant odor of the hands after cleaning the fish or garlic. Also, with tea bags, you can deodorize the refrigerator or trash can, simply putting them there. And putting tea bags from lavender or other herbal tea in the pockets of automotive covers, you will get a natural air freshener.
    11. The used dry tea, sprinkled around the bed of a pet, will help get rid of fleas, and smoke from burning tea leaves will scare the bloodthirsty mosquitoes. Does not feed warm feelings to tea and moth. If you do not want such a neighbor in your closet, raise green tea on the shelves. It can be poured into small bags of linen fabric or gauze and spend in cabinets where woolen things are stored.
    12. Tea is an excellent organic fertilizer containing a variety of nutrients. Use sleeping tea to feed plants. Remember that it is impossible to make a wet welding in the soil in large quantities, it can cause the formation of mold and rotting plants. Tea welding should be made to the soil before sowing seeds in the proportion of 0.5 kg of sleep tea for 1Q. m. Soil. The use of tea welding as feeding effectively stimulates the growth of plants.
    13. With the help of sleeping tea, you can return the purity and shine of clothing from dark natural fur. To do this, a slightly wet tea should be evenly poured on the fur, laid out on a flat surface, leave for a few minutes, after which we can safely with a wet brushes with a rigid bristle in the direction of fur growth.
    14. If you are allergic to detergents, tea can be used for washing dishes. Strangely enough sounds, tea really has cleaning properties. Using several re-boiled tea bags, you can remove dirt and fat with mirrors, glass, floors, kitchen countertops and unpainted wooden furniture. Remember that after cleaning you need to wipe the surfaces dry, because tea is a good natural dye.
    15. The coloring properties of the tea will also find use in everyday life. For example, when restoring the color of suede tissue. To do this, make a strong tea. The amount of welding takes depending on the color of the fabric. For light brown fabric, make tea from 1 tablespoon of dry welding at 150 ml of water, if the cloth is dark brown, take 2 tablespoons of tea at 150 ml of boiling water. The color of the resulting tea should be darker than the color of the fabric. Moisten the sponge with the fluent tea and wipe it cleanly suede. Tea apply evenly so that there are no waste. Then the fabric dries well in the sun or in the dryer.
    16. Tea can be used for painting lace and macrame products. Stone tea will give a beautiful beige shade with lace napkins, tablecloths, tablets for tables and products from Macrame. Make it just - fill in a liter of boiling water 2 tablespoons of tea, add 2 teaspoons of salt and approve on slow heat for 2-3 minutes. In the pasty hot tea, place the products you want to paint and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the products in cold water With the addition of vinegar. In this way, you can paint and tights.
    17. Tea will give the beautiful color of Easter eggs. On a liter of water you need about 4 tablespoons of dry tea. Croke eggs should be 10-15 minutes, and so that the shell is better painted, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
    18. Many people know the use of tea as genuine paint for dark hair. To do this, mix rosemary, sage, black tea and let it brew overnight. Perfoliate and carefully stick into your hair. If necessary, to get the desired color, repeat again.
    19. A strong black tea added to the dough, give it a brown shade and makes the products more ruddy.
    20. A mixture of black tea with 2 tablespoons of corn starch will help to remove the structured stripes with dark clothing. Using the sprayer, sprinkle troubled places before going through the iron. If a suit or other clothes began to glove, wipe them with a piece of flannel fabric moistened in a strong black tea. Treated fabric will stop gloss and acquire a fresh and updated look.

    Unusual use of vodka

    At least one method of using vodka is familiar to everyone - inside. But in addition, vodka can bring considerable benefits. Given that vodka is an excellent antiseptic, fat-solvent and preservative, it is widely used in everyday life, replacing many different means.

    1. Vodka has tonic, disinfecting, toning properties. With external use, the vodka has an excellent antipyretic effect - after all, as it is known, with a rapid evaporation of alcohol, cooling the skin surface is cooling. For high temperatures It is recommended to rub the patient with vodka and breasts with vodka, but it's not worth it to wrap it after that, it will prevent the evaporation process.
    2. Vodka will help reduce an allergic reaction after contact with plants such as poison ivy, Oak and Sumy. Often this leads to an unpleasant and long allergic reaction in the form of a rash. To avoid an unpleasant reaction, it is necessary to immediately pour vodka on the skin in such a way that it washed off the oil called "Urushiol", highlightable by these plants.
    3. With small cuts and abrasions, treat the wound with alcohol, it will help to avoid the appearance of irritations and redness.
    4. Vodka can be used as a deodorant for legs. Wiping his feet in the morning and in the evening you get rid of the unpleasant odor - vodka will help to cope with bacteria living around sweat glands, so the smell to distribute will simply have no one.
    5. Compress, richly moistened with vodka, slow down the formation of pus in furunculaes and purulent inflammation.
    6. Vodka cools the wounds during burns, it should be applied immediately after lesion to the fire. On treated with vodka places, bubbles are not formed, moreover, quickly evaporated, alcohol will cool the skin, thereby reducing pain.
    7. With the help of vodka, it is easier to remove the plaster glued to the skin - take your cotton swab into the alcohol and impose it on the plaster, and after a while, remove it. Vodka dissolves glue and wets the skin, which is why the plaster is smoaked easier and not so painful.
    8. When the dental pains rinse with vodka mouth. The gums are plotting some amount and pain is stuck.
    9. Vodka is an excellent means to wipe the breakdown in seriously ill.
    10. Alcohol cleans the skin, removes toxins from hair and stimulates hair growth. Add a cap vodka (about 50ml) into a bottle of shampoo. If you want to get rid of dandruff, stir in a glass of vodka two teaspoons of ground rosemary. Let's breed two days, strain, disperse into the skin of the face and let dry.
    11. Extend the life of the bouquet by adding vodka and sugar to the vase with flowers. Add a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar to water in a flower vase and your colors to hold out and will look fresh longer. Every day change water with all the ingredients listed.
    12. With vodka, it is fairly easy to make shiny chrome, glass and ceramic parts in the bathroom. Water a soft pure cloth with vodka and wipe the cranes and other details in the bathroom.
    13. With the help of the same vodka, you can easily unscrew the rusted bolt, it is enough to pour it alcohol.
    14. Vodka will help to clean the smelting of the seams in the bathrooms and souls. Fill a bottle with a sprinkler with vodka, spray on the smear, wait 5 minutes and wash the water. Alcohol in vodka kills fungi, mold and other microorganisms.
    15. Vodka will help refresh linen. Most people prefer to wear clothes as long as possible. If you fell into a situation where you urgently need to refrete your clothes - use vodka. Just sprinkle a little vodka on clothes and hang it dry in a well-ventilated room. Vodka will kill bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell, and will not be smell when dried.
    16. Use vodka as a means to clean the optical elements from fat stains such as fingerprints and dirt. You can clean photographic optics, and ordinary glasses. It is enough to take a relaxed cloth, drop a bit of vodka so that the fabric becomes damp, but not wet, and wipe the entire surface with straight (not rotational, especially in the case of photo lens) movements.
    17. Removing fingerprints from the crime scene is better to produce the same vodka. In principle, it is enough and just wipe with a cloth, but no one knows what modern dactiloscopia has reached, right? So a few drops on this very rag will even help.
    18. Vodka will extend the life of a secure razor. To do this, it is enough to put the blade for an hour or two in a glass with vodka after shaving - then the blade will not rust at all, why will last longer.
    19. With the help of vodka, you will be able to get rid of the fruit midges kitchen. Mix 30 ml of vodka, 3-4 drops of dishwashing liquid and 400 ml of water. To wipe this mixture where insects live.
    20. If 1 tablespoon of vodka is poured into a yeast dough, the dough gets taste and dries slower.
    21. Vodka will help check the quality of honey. A small amount (at least a tablespoon) honey heat and dissolve in vodka. If the honey is natural - it is completely dissolved if there is a bad quality - a sediment will appear or vodka will become muddy.
    22. Wall helps and cook meat. When the water in which the meat is boiled will boil, remove the foam and add a little vodka to the broth (1 tbsp. A spoon for 500 g. Meat). The taste of unusual "seasoning" practically will not remain, but the meat is painted perfectly.
    23. If you are going to fry something in the batter, add only 1- 2 tbsp into the liquid dough. Spoons of vodka - and you will get a ruddy and crispy crust.
    24. Sprinkle vodka on stains from vomiting, sweeten them with a brush, then wet dry.
    25. Using a piece of the skate, apply vodka on the face as a binder; It clears the skin and narrow the pores.
    26. Fill a half-liter bottle with vodka row and splash on flies, OS and bees, for killing them.
    27. Pour the half a cup of vodka and a half-table of water into a cellophane package and put it in the freezer. Such a bubble with ice with the resulting alien can be used to remove pain and finals.
    28. Fill the jar from the mayonnaise with fresh lavender flowers, pour with vodka, tighten the lid and put in the sun for three days. Strain through the gauze and use the tincture as a medicine with bones and muscles.
    29. Make your own rinse fluid, having stirred nine tablespoons with a ground cinnamon in a glasses of vodka. Perfect. Stir with warm water and get the mouth. Do not swallow.
    30. Dry the cottage on the match in the vodka and touch the herpes several times to herpes so that it is being covered.
    31. If the blister is bursting, pour vodka on it, as a local depleting and disinfection.
    32. To get rid of ear pain, drop a few drops of vodka in the ear. Wait a few minutes, then notice. Vodka will kill bacteria that cause inflammation and ear pain.
    33. Vodka will help to disinfect the burn of jellyfish and remove pain.

    Unusual use of aluminum foil

    It turns out the foil is an excellent assistant, and not only in the kitchen!

    1. Great crust on the cake. To build the edges of homemade cake are not burnt, close them with aluminum foil strips. Foil does not give edges to roast earlier than the whole pie will be twisted.
    2. Original molds for cupcakes. Prepare a cupcake in the form of a toy bears for the birthday, in the form of a heart for the day of St. Valentine or any other form, respectively, the case. To do this, it is enough to give a tolstoy foil sheet, folded twice as well as the desired contour and put inside a large battle.
    3. Cake decoration. Did not under hand a confectionery syringe? Do not matter, roll into a sheet of thick foil into the tube and fill with liquid glaze. Advantage: Won't have to wash the syringe. Having finished the work, just throw a foil.
    4. Saving buns and bread warm. Do you want homemade buns or bread with heat, with heat for lunch or picnic? Before folding the supplies to the basket, wrap the freshly baked products into the napkin, and put down the foil layer. Foil reflects heat, so bread will last warm.
    5. To silver not dark. Keep the sacrous silver on the aluminum foil sheet. For long-term storage, first wrap one thing with cellophane tightly, remove air as much as possible, and then wrap the foil, tightly seal the ends.
    6. Preserving the quality of metal washcloths. You are very annoying that the metallic urine after the first active application, left in the sink, the next day turns into a rusty tangle, suitable perhaps. To avoid rust, wrap the washcloth in the foil and put in the freezer.
    7. Cleaning kitchenware. Do you have a hard sponge? Combate the foil and clean the pan and frying pan.
    8. Effective radiator operation. There is an easy way to get more heat from the old cast iron radiator: Place the heat transferser behind the radiator. To do this, attach a tolly aluminum foil to the cardboard with a brilliant side. The heat from the radiator is reflected in the foil and goes to the room, and not absorbed by the wall behind the radiator. If the radiator is covered on top of the screen, you can attach a sheet of foil and under it.
    9. Oven care. Frequently cooking climbing or casseroles that swap over the edge and dirt bottom of the oven? To avoid this, lay one or two foil sheets at the bottom of the lattice. But do not put foil to the bottom of the oven: it can cause fire.
    10. Production of funnels. Can you find a funnel? Fold twice the long sheet of thick foil and turn the cone. The homemade funnel has an advantage: it can be bent to get to the hard-to-reach holes.
    11. Fastening tenting batteries. Your flashlight, radiotelephone or toy in a child, something and deal turn off? Check the battery mount. Springs, their holding, weaken over time, and the contact is broken. Fold a piece of foil. Insert the folded foil between the battery and the spring.
    12. Acceleration of ironing. During ironing clothes, a significant part of the warmth of the iron is absorbed by the smooth board, forcing you to make several movements to smooth out the folds. You can accelerate the case by putting the aluminum foil sheet under the crying board. The foil reflects heat back to the linen, and the folds are smoothed faster.
    13. Split patches. Patches glued with iron is a simple way to patch out small holes on clothes, but only if they do not stick to the ironing board. So that this does not happen, put a piece of foil under the hole. She will not stick to the patch, and, by finishing the work, you will easily take it.
    14. Iron cleaning. A layer of starch was formed on the okhod's sole, and she starts to pester a cloth? To get rid of layers, wrapping a piece of aluminum foil iron.