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  • Nitrogen and its connections Test online. Test "Nitrogen and its connections"

    Nitrogen and its connections Test online. Test

    1 option

    1. To complete the external energy level A nitrogen atom should be taken: a) 2 electron, b) 3 of the electron, c) 4 of the electron, d) 1 electron.

    2. Structural formula Nitrogen molecules can be depicted: a) n \u003d n b) n - n c) n ≡ n.

    3. What amount to nitrogen metals reacts at room temperature: a) sodium, b) calcium, c) potassium, d) lithium.

    4. Nitrogen in the laboratory is obtained: a) decomposition of ammonium nitrate, b) decomposition of ammonium nitrite, c) distillation of liquid air, d) all the answers are correct.

    5. Nitrogen is the most important biogenic element, because: a) the cells of the body tissues are constructed from proteins, which include nitrogen, b) is contained in the form of nitrates and organic compoundswhich comes with food, c) needed for respiratory and burning processes.

    6. Ammonia molecule has a structure: a) flat, b) pyramidal, c) triangular, d) tetrahedral.

    7. Water solution Ammonia has a medium: a) alkaline, b) acid, c) neutral, d) there is no correct answer.

    8. The interaction of ammonia with a chloride is refers to reactions: a) exchange b) replacement c) compound d) decomposition. Record the equation of this reaction.

    9. Ammonia interacts with heated oxide of copper (II), restoring it to metallic copper. In this case, ammonia is oxidized to: a) nitrogen oxide (V), b) nitrogen oxide (IV), C) nitrogen oxide (II), d) of free nitrogen.

    10. All ammonium salts are equally reacting with a solution: a) silver nitrate, b) sodium hydroxide, c) barium chloride, d) of sulfuric acid.

    11. Which of nitrogen fertilizers has a greater nutrient value: a) NH 4 Cl b) (NH 4) 2 SO 4 c) NH 4 H 2 PO 4 g) NH 4 NO 3.

    12. Type of chemical bond and type of crystal lattice in ammonium chloride: a) covalent communication and ion lattice, b) ion connection and ion lattice, c) covalent polar and ionic bond and ion lattice, d) covalent non-polar and ionic communication and ion lattice.

    13. Title: Name of Substance: Formula Substilics: 1) Summer A) NH 3 * H 2 O 10% Solution 2) Ammonium Seliver B) NH 4 H 2 PO 4 3) Ammophos C) NH 3 * H 2 O 25 % solution 4) ammonia alcohol g) NH 4 NO 3 5) ammonium water D) NH 4 Cl.

    Test on "Nitrogen. Ammonia. Ammonium salts »

    Option 2

    1. The number of electrons at the external level at the nitrogen atom is: a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 g) 6.

    2. The maximum and minimum degree of nitrogen oxidation is respectively equal: a) +6 and -2 b) +5 and -3 c) +4 and -3 g) +5 and -2.

    3. One of the causes of chemical inertness of nitrogen is: a) gaseous aggregate state, b) ductomic molecule, c) the strength of the triple bond between atoms, d) lack allotropic modifications.

    4. Which of the chemical transformations cannot be carried out in one step: a) N 2 → NO b) N 2 → NH 3 c) N 2 → Li 3 n g) N 2 → HNO 3.

    5. Use atmospheric nitrogen by turning it into organiccapable of: a) mammals in the process of breathing; b) the nodule bacteria of leguminous plants; c) green plants in the process of photosynthesis; d) Insects in the process of nutrition.

    6. What a statement wrong:but) chemical ties in ammonia covalent polar; b) ammonia polarna molecule; c) with ammonia molecules formed hydrogen bonds; d) Ammonia molecule has the shape of an equilateral triangle with a nitrogen atom in the center.

    7. Laboratory method obtaining ammonia: a) synthesis of nitrogen and hydrogen; b) the interaction of ammonium chloride with alkali; c) thermal decomposition of ammonium chloride; d) all the answers above are correct.

    8. Is not oxidative-reducing ammonia reaction C: a) oxygen in the presence of a catalyst; b) oxygen in the absence of a catalyst; c) sulfuric acid; d) copper oxide (II). Record the equation of this reaction.

    9. Which of the listed physical properties are characteristic of ammonia: colorless gas (1), without smell (2), soluble in water (3), it is easily liquefied (4), heavier than air (5): a) 1,3,4 b ) 1,2,3 c) 2.3.4 g) 1,3,5 d) 1,3,4,5.

    10. Alkaline medium of an ammonia aqueous solution is explained by the presence in its solution: a) ammonium cations; b) ammonia molecules; c) hydroxide anions; d) hydrogen bonds between ammonia and water molecules.

    11. Ammonium chlorides and potassium differ by: a) color; b) solubility in water; in) aggregate state; d) thermal stability.

    12. Right part of the ionic equation: ... → NH 3 + H 2 O corresponds to the interaction between substances, the formulas: A) NH 4 NO 3 + NaOH b) (NH 4) 2 SO 4 + Ba (OH) 2 V) NH 4 CL + CU (OH) 2 g) NH 3 * H 2 O + HCl.

    13. Relate: Formula Substances: One of the applications: 1) NH 4 HCO 3 a) Soldering; 2) NH 4 NO 3 b) obtaining nitrogen in the laboratory; 3) NH 4 H 2 PO 4 c) dough breakdler; 4) NH 4 Cl d) fertilizers; 5) NH 4 NO 2 d) production of explosives.

    1. The most durable molecule:

    2. Painting phenolphthalein in ammonia solution:

    a) raspberry;

    b) green;

    c) yellow;

    3. The degree of oxidation is +3 at the nitrogen atom in the connection:

    4. With thermal decomposition of copper nitrate (II) formed:

    a) nitrite of copper (II) and 2;

    b) nitrogen oxide (IV) and 2;

    c) copper oxide (II), the brown gas NO 2 and O 2;

    d) copper hydroxide (II), N 2 and 2.

    5. What ion is formed by a donor-acceptor mechanism?

    6. Specify strong electrolytes:

    a) nitric acid;

    b) nitrate acid;

    c) an aqueous solution of ammonia;

    d) ammonium nitrate.

    7. Hydrogen stands out when interacting:

    a) zn + hno 3 (spz.);

    b) Cu + HCl (P-P);

    c) Al + NaOH + H 2 O;

    d) Zn + H 2 SO 4 (RSC);

    e) FE + HNO 3 (conc.).

    8. Make the zinc reaction equation with a very diluted nitric acid, if one of the reaction products is ammonium nitrate. Specify the coefficient facing the oxidizing agent.

    9. Write the reaction equations for the following transformations:

    Give the names of substances A, B, C.

    10. Set the match and make the reaction equation and the electronic balance under the letter BUT.


    1 - r;

    2 - but;

    3 - r;

    4 - in;

    5 - but;

    6 - a, r;

    7 - in, g;

    9. A - NH 3, B - NH 4 NO 3, C - NO,

    2. Install the correspondence between the salt formula and the products formed during the electrolysis of its aqueous solution on graphite electrodes.

    3. Install the correspondence between the metal and the method of its electrolytic production in the industry.

    4. Install the correspondence between the formula of the salt and the products resulting in the electrolysis of its aqueous solution on graphite electrodes.

    5. Install the correspondence between the salt formula and the equation of the process flowing on the graphite anode during the electrolysis of its aqueous solution.

    6. Install the correspondence between the salt formula and the products formed during the electrolysis of its aqueous solution on graphite electrodes.

    7. Install the correspondence between the salt formula and the products formed during the electrolysis of its aqueous solution on graphite electrodes.

    8. Install the correspondence between the metal and the method of its electrolytic production in the industry.

    9. Install the correspondence between the solo formula and the equation of the process flowing on the graphite anode during the electrolysis of its aqueous solution.

    10. Install the correspondence between the formula of the substance and the products that are formed on the inert electrodes as a result of the electrolysis of its aqueous solution.


    Quest Number Answers Quest Number Answers

    Test task on "Nitrogen"

    1. The element of nitrogen is in the periodic system:

    a) in the first group; b) in the third group; c) in the fifth group; d) in the seventh group.

    2. As a simple substance of nitrogen exists: a) in the form of free atoms; b) in the form of a diatomic molecule; c) in the form of a triple molecule.

    4. The most important nitrogen compound with hydrogen has the formula: a) NH; b) NH2, c) NH 3; d) NH 4.

    5. The word "nitrogen" is translated as "lifeless." And what is actually the value of the nitrogen element for living organisms: a) is part of all protein molecules; b) need animals and plants in small quantities (microelement); c) toxic.

    6. Nitrogen is: a) a strong oxidizing agent; b) a strong reducing agent; c) relatively inert, it may show the properties of both the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent.

    7. Hydrogen bond, causing ammonia properties, is formed:

    a) inside one molecule; b) between different molecules.

    8. Ammonia B. chemical reactions Maybe: a) oxidizer; b) reducing agent; c) oxidizing or reducing agent.

    9. What nitrogen oxides from the indicated do not exist: a) n2 o; b) no; c) no 3; d) N 2 O 5; d) N 2 O 7.

    10. What formula corresponds to nitrogenous acid: a) hno; b) hno2; c) hno 3; d) H 2 NO 4.

    11. Nitric acid salts are called: a) nitrides; b) nitrites; c) nitrates

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    Option 1.

      Chemical sign Nitrogen: a) p b) n c) as d) ne

      In the nitrogen molecule, there is: a) double communication b) Single Communication C) Triple Communication

      Molecular nitrogen formula: a) n b) n 2 c) N 3 g) N

      To the physical properties of nitrogen not applicable : a) gas b) without smelling c) poorly dissolved in water d) brown color.

      Nitrogen in compounds can not show the degree of oxidation a) +1 b) -3 c) +6 g) +5

      Nitrogen does not respond to) metals b) phosphorus c) hydrogen d) oxygen

      In the interaction of nitrogen with hydrogen formed a) phosphine b) nitrogen oxide (II) c) methane d) ammonia

      In the interaction of nitrogen with oxygen formed a) nitrogen oxide (II) b) nitrogen oxide (I) c) nitrogen oxide (IV) d) nitrogen oxide (V)

      Nitrogen compounds with metals are called a) nitrites b) nitrides c) nitrates d) ammoniats.

      The degree of oxidation of nitrogen in ammonia a) -3 b) +5 c) +3 g) +2

      Which of the properties not applicable to ammonia: a) gas c) badly soluble in water c) has a sharp smell d) under pressure easily liquefied

      Ammonia solution has a medium: a) acid b) alkaline c) neutral d) weakly acidic

      Ammonia do not interact a) with acids b) with alkalis c) with water d) with oxygen

      When combustion of ammonia, a) nitrogen oxide (II) b) water c) nitrogen g) nitrogen oxide (IV)

      Under the catalytic oxidation of ammonia, in addition to the water, a) nitrogen oxide (II) b) nitrogen oxide (IV) c) nitrogen oxide (III) g) nitrogen oxide (V)

      In the interaction of ammonia with hydrochloric acid, a) ammonia chloride is formed by) ammonium chloride c) ammonium sulfate d) ammonium nitrate

      Ammonia in the laboratory can be obtained by interacting a) ammonium salts with alkali b) ammonium salts with hydrogen acid hydrogen with nitrogen) ammonium salts with other salts.

      Ammonia in industry is obtained by a) ammonium salts with alkali b) ammonium salts with acid hydrogen with nitrogen g) ammonium salts with other salts.

      can not form salts a) acid b) medium c) main

      Ammonium salts can not be obtained a) interaction of ammonia with acids b) interaction of ammonia solution with acids C) by the interaction of ammonium salts with acids d) by the interaction of ammonium salts with alkali.

      What a reaction is high-quality ammonium a) interaction with alkali b) interaction with acids c) interaction with other salts d) water interaction.

      Sign quality reaction The ammonium ion is a) the release of the gas that causes the clouding of lime water b) the release of gas with the smell of ammonia alcohol c) the release of white sediment d) the release of brown gas.

      When heating salts of ammonium occurs a) Water isolation b) decomposition with the release of gases c) evaporation d) change their color.

      With the decomposition of ammonium nitrate, it is formed: a) nitrogen and water b) nitrogen oxide (I) and water c) nitrogen oxide (II) and water d) nitrogen oxide (IV) and water.

      Nitrogen not forms oxide with formula a) no 2 b) no 3 c) no d) n 2 o

      Acid oxide is not a) no 2 b) n 2 o 3 c) N 2 O 5 g) no

      Oxide a) NO 2 b) N 2 O 3 c) N 2 O 5 g) N 2 O

      Nitric acid does not apply to a) liquid b) monostable c) strong oxidizer d) odorless

      The degree of oxidation of nitrogen in nitric acid a) +3 b) +5 c) +1 g) -3

      not formed

      When the interaction of nitric acid with metals is not formed by) Water b) hydrogen B) nitrogen oxide d) salt

      When the interaction of concentrated nitric acid with metals, which are facing in a row of voltage after hydrogen, except for water and salt formed

      When the interaction of dilute nitric acid with copper besides water and salt is formed

    a) nitrogen oxide (II) b) nitrogen oxide (I) c) nitrogen oxide (IV) d) ammonia.

      Nitric acid does not react with a) sulfur oxide (IV) b) sodium hydroxide C) barium oxide d) calcium carbonate.

    Test on "Nitrogen and its connections".

    Option 2.

      Chemical nitrogen sign: a) n b) nb c) ar d) s

      In the nitrogen molecule, there is: a) hydrogen bond b) covalent polar communication c) covalent non-polar communication

      Structural formula of nitrogen: a) n \u003d n b) n≡ n c) n- n d): n ::: n:

      To the physical properties of nitrogen not applicable : a) gas b) with a sharp odor c) poorly dissolved in water d) heavier than air.

      In the air of nitrogen in volume: a) 50% b) 65% c) 78% g) 85%

      Nitrogen in compounds can not show the degree of oxidation a) -1 b) +3 c) +4 g) +5

      Nitrogen at room temperature reacts a) oxygen b) by lithium c) hydrogen d) sodium

      During the interaction of nitrogen with hydrogen hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulfide is formed by hydrogen sulfide (IV) c) of ammonia d) nitrogen oxide (II)

      In the interaction of nitrogen with oxygen formed a) nitrogen oxide (II) b) nitrogen oxide (I) B) nitrogen oxide (IV) d) nitrogen oxide (III)

      Nitrogen compounds with metals are called a) nitrates b) nitrite c) nitrides d) ammonium salts.

      The degree of oxidation of nitrogen in ammonia A) +3 b) +4 V) -3 g) +2

      Which of the properties not applicable to ammonia: a) gas c) well soluble in water c) does not smell d) easier air

      Ammonia solution has a medium: a) acid b) neutral c) alkaline d) weakly alkaline

      Ammonia do not interact a) with oxygen b) with hydrogen B) with water d) with acids

      When burning ammonia form a) nitrogen oxide (V) b) nitrogen oxide (I) c) nitrogen g) water

      With the catalytic oxidation of ammonia, in addition to the water, a) nitrogen oxide (V) b) nitrogen oxide (III) C) nitrogen oxide (IV) g) nitrogen oxide (II)

      When the interaction of ammonia with sulfuric acid is formed by) ammonia chloride b) ammonium chloride c) ammonium sulfate d) ammonium nitrate

      Ammonia in the laboratory can be obtained by interacting a) ammonium chloride with potassium hydroxide b) ammonium sulfate with hydrochloric acid C) hydrogen with nitrogen) ammonium salts with other acids.

      Ammonia in industry is obtained by interacting a) hydrogen with nitrogen b) ammonium chloride with alkali in) ammonium salts with acid hydrogen) ammonium salts with other salts.

      When interacting with ammonia acids can not to form salts a) the main

    b) medium c) sour

      Ammonium salts can not get a) interaction of ammonium salts with alkali b) interaction of ammonia solution with alkalis C) interaction of ammonia solution with acids d) by the interaction of ammonium salts with acids.

      Recognize ammonium salts can be used a) acid b) alkali c) other salt d) water.

      A sign of a high-quality response to ammonium ion is a) the release of gas with the smell of ammonia alcohol gas release b) the release of the gas that causes the clouding of lime water c) the separation of brown gas d) is a white sediment.

      When heating ammonium carbonate not happening

    a) Isolation of water b) carbon dioxide B) ammonia d) Isolation of nitrogen oxide (I).

      With the decomposition of the ammonium nitrite formed:

    a) nitrogen and water b) nitrogen oxide (I) and water c) nitrogen oxide (II) and water d) nitrogen oxide (IV) and water.

      Nitrogen not forms Oxide with formula a) NO 2 b) N 2 O 5 V) NO D) N 2 O 7

      Acid oxide is not a) no 2 b) N 2 O 3 c) N 2 O g) N 2 O 5

      Oxide a) NO b) N 2 O 3 c) N 2 O 5 g) NO 2

      Nitric acid does not apply to a) liquid b) two-axis c) strong oxidizing agent) oxygen-containing

      The degree of oxidation of nitrogen in nitric acid A) -3 b) +5 c) +4 g) +3

      With the decomposition of nitric acid in the light form a) Water b) oxygen c) ammonia d) nitrogen oxide (IV).

      In the interaction of nitric acid with metals is not formed

    a) nitrogen compound b) salt c) water d) hydrogen

      In the interaction of concentrated nitric acid with silver, in addition to the water and the salt), nitrogen oxide (I) b) nitrogen oxide (IV) C) of nitrogen oxide (II) d) ammonia is formed.

      In the interaction of dilute nitric acid with silver, in addition to water and salt is formed

    a) nitrogen oxide (II) b) nitrogen oxide (I) c) nitrogen oxide (IV) d) ammonia.

      Nitric acid does not react with a) phosphorus oxide (V) b) sodium oxide c) barium hydroxide d) sodium carbonate.