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  • Scary facts about Chernobyl read. Scary stories and mystical stories. Chernobyl catastrophe: how it was

    Scary facts about Chernobyl read. Scary stories and mystical stories. Chernobyl catastrophe: how it was

    Animals left Chernobyl before the catastrophe, because they knew that the portal would soon open ...

    The largest nuclear catastrophe in the history of mankind occurred on April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl NPP. The explosion of the fourth reactor caused a slow and painful death of more than 200 thousand people, and the total number of victims, according to various estimates, is 3-4 million inhabitants of the entire disaster zone. It is still enveloped by a variety of secrets and legends - strange precursors and consequences ...


    Some details of PE stopped stored in the strictest mystery only after decades after those terrible events. And we are not only about the true number of victims, but also the incidents that preceded them. Back in January, four months before the accident, within a radius of 30 kilometers from the site of the coming explosion there is not a single pet. Pets first began to behave strangely - they fell their heads about the wall, became aggressive, oral and rushed around the apartment.

    In the newspaper "Young Ukraine" in February of the same year, a small article was published that all pets were strangely disappeared. They fled, and this incident has written off to the massive disease. All pillars in Chernobyl were walked by ads about remuneration for the found pets, but none of them were discovered. It turns out that thousands of animals come out of their homes at once on their own desire, prefabricating trouble?

    Chernobyl nuclear power plant - portal in hell?

    One of the participants in the events in Chernobyl, Lydia Arkhangelskaya, a few years ago published his memories from visiting the catastrophe zone. She admitted that he had not seen during the work there was not a single living being, except for people. Lydia said:

    "Even the crows did not circulate. It was horrified. Before bedtime, we often discussed what happened to the NPP in fact - we were not believed that scientists were the culprits. They spoke differently - as if scientists opened the entrance to hell and the real evil had broken into Earth from the underworld. Local residents said that the next day after the accident saw the Devil's face. "

    Aliens - enemies or assistants?

    Eyewitnesses liquidators also talked about strange objects in the sky, similar to flying plates. The Soviet Ufologist Vladimir Azhazha was sure that the aliens put her hand to what had happened in Chernobyl. Shortly before death in 2009, he gave an interview:

    "I personally interviewed more than a hundred people who saw UFOs and on the eve of what happened in Chernobyl, and on the night of the catastrophe, and even a week later. In total, four types of unidentified flying facilities were observed in the Chernoby zone. These are traditional "plates" of disc-shaped form with a dome from above, cigars, luminous and constantly changing color balls and triangles. I want to believe that the alien mind still came to help us. "

    Following him, they rushed to collect stories of witnesses and other paranormal specialists. Valery Kratakhville, a scientist from the Gostomel, gathered and analyzed the testimony of witnesses who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe, with whom he did not have time to talk his predecessor. Many of them saw fiery balls, "floating" in the sky over the reactor. Yes, and after 1986, UFO was often seen over Chernobyl. However, they did not want to go on direct contact with the man.

    Vegetables mutants

    After the catastrophe, rumors of zombies, mutating animals and people glowing in the dark began to spread quickly. No one was able to confirm their existence, but there were evidence that there are vegetables of unprecedented sizes.

    The soil around Chernobyl was pointed enough, so she, like a sponge, absorbed radioactive cesium and strontium. These extremely dangerous metals played the role of Superurbani. People used them in food and infected with a deadly disease that changed not only their body, but also consciousness ...

    Currently, the series "Chernobyl" from HBO is at the peak of popularity and the whole world finally found out what happened at the Chernobyl NPP. The audience were amazed at how fast radiation spreads with people and everyone alive, which becomes on her way and now they want to know more. We collected 20 frightening facts about Chernobyl for you, which will help more learn about the explosion at the Chernobyl NPP.

    It is difficult to estimate, but the final mortality from the Chernobyl accident can be from 4,000 to 90,000 people.

    This number will include two immediate deaths from the initial explosion, 29 deaths from acute radiation disease in the following months and thousands that may die in the future for reasons associated with radiation.

    Vasily Ignatenko, one of the first firefighters participating in the elimination of the catastrophe (appeared as a character of the series "Chernobyl"), suffered a terrible slow two-week death from radiation irradiation

    At the funeral of Ignatenko, his body was so swollen and deformed that his shoes and clothes were no longer suitable for him

    In the photo Wife Ignatenko Lyudmila.

    Doctors defined those who received a large dose of radiation in the "nuclear tan". Their skin was brown, even under clothes

    As a result of radiophobia in Europe after the Chernobyl accident, about 100,000-200,000 abortions were produced

    Radiophobia is a complex of nervous somatic mental and physiological disorders, sometimes difficult to treat, expressed in the fear of various sources of ionizing (radiation) and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (radio).

    The territory around Chernobyl became known as the Red Forest due to all the dead trees

    The high dose of absorbed radiation led to the death of trees and staining them into a brown-red color, which occurred within 30 minutes after the explosion. During work on deactivation of the territory, the forest was demolished by bulldozers and buried.

    Chernobyl, Pripyat (neighboring city with a large number of residents) and many neighborhood are now known as an alienation zone

    And there can not live.

    Despite the fact that the zone of alienation is still guarded by the Ukrainian military and still very radioactive, thousands of people illegally returned to their homes

    It is estimated that 130-150 people live there. Many of them are older women who still work on Earth.

    And life in the zone of alienation of gloomy

    There are no schools or hospitals, and definitely there is unsafe live there, because this place is still radioactively.

    Residents were not allowed to take pets with them during evacuation in 1986

    And, as in the series, detachments were sent there to kill animals.

    But in the forests of Chernobyl and in the zone of alienation, hundreds of homeless dogs still survive

    They are descendants of those who stayed in Pripyat and survived.

    Unfortunately, due to radiation, these dogs significantly reduces the life expectancy

    Few of them live for more than 6 years.

    But you can visit the exclusion zone - in fact, thousands of people did it.

    Travel agencies reported 40% of jumps in reservation of day trips from the moment the release of the TV series from HBO.

    Things you can see in Pripyat today include a school dining room filled with discharged gas masks lying on the floor

    Or these mysterious dolls that are neatly decomposed on the beds in Chernobyl

    But, as they say, this is a statement.

    But schoolbooks in Pripyat the most real

    Many children write about their plans for the summer.

    There are even terrible drawings that appeared on different buildings.

    And abandoned park in Pripyat, which looks very ghostly

    In Ukraine, in the first five years after the catastrophe, the incidence of cancer among children increased by more than 90%

    And during the first 20 years after the accident in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, about 5,000 cases of thyroid cancer among people under 18 were registered.

    Over the 4th power unit, where the accident occurred was the shelter to prevent the further distribution of radioactive dust

    In February 2013, several concrete panels were collapsed at the Chernobyl NPP. The shelter itself was not affected, and at the level of radiation on the Chernobyl, this incident did not affect. However, concerns appeared that the shelter itself could collapse like this roof.

    The accident at the Chernobyl NPP is the most powerful technogenic catastrophe on Earth. Her negative consequences for nature and people are difficult to overestimate. Echoes of that terrible accident mankind feels even now - after almost 30 years after the explosion at the nuclear power plant.

    Radiation, like from 500 atomic bombs

    50 million Curi is such a common yield of radioactive materials. This scale is equal to the consequences of the explosion of 500 atomic bombs, which in 1945 reset the Americans on Hiroshima. A column of smoke from combustion products reached several meters of height. 90% of the Chernoby nuclear fuel turned out to be in the Earth's atmosphere.

    Firefighters heroes

    The fire at the nuclear power plant was quenched by more than 100 firefighters from Pripyat's satellite city. It was these people who had to take over the greatest dose of radiation. According to Soviet data, 31 people died during fire elimination.

    Atomic flame

    The fire is inspired by helicopters. From them, sand and clay were discharged to the reactor, and still special mixtures for extinguishing and preventing the chain reaction. Then no one knew that all these actions perhaps even more increased the temperature of the flaming reactor. Certain with fire completely managed only on May 9.

    Immediately after the accident

    Most of the residents of Pripyaty learned about the accident only by the middle of the day on April 26. While people lived for the same life, radiation spread with a lightning speed with wind.

    Zone defeat

    The total area of \u200b\u200bthe infected Ukrainian territory is 50 thousand square kilometers in 12 regions of the country. In addition, the Chernobyl disaster made 150 thousand square kilometers around the station unfavorable.

    Ghost town

    The entire population of Pripyat, 47,500 people, had to leave the city the next day after the accident. But about 300 inhabitants wanted to return home after a month later. The territory where they settled, then called the alienation zone. To people living on this land, no relatives were allowed for 20 years.

    Sacrifice of the accident

    250 thousand people have been evacuated by the end of 1986 from the alienation zone around the Chernobyl. But the exact number of victims of a terrible technogenic accident is still unknown. According to various sources, it is from several thousand to 100 thousand people.

    The first killed from radial illness

    The radial disease was found in 134 present at the emergency block in the first day after the explosion. During the month, 28 of them died.

    Radioactive irradiation

    In total, 8.4 million inhabitants came under radioactive irradiation - not only Ukraine, but also Belarus and Russia.

    Killed from the explosion

    The unambiguous amount of victims of the explosion are still unknown. In accordance with different sources, it is from 4 to 10 thousand people.

    Who liquidated?

    About 600 thousand people took part in the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe from all over the USSR.


    There is still an acute question about non-proliferation of radiation. For this, over the 4th power unit are going to build a new sarcophagus. Money for the construction pledged donor countries. In particular, Canada promised to allocate $ 7 million for this purpose.

    Will another Chernobyl be?

    To this day, 11 Chernobyl type rectors operate in the Russian Federation: 4 blocks on the Leningrad and Kursk and 3 blocks at the Smolensk NPP. But over the past 20 years, such changes contributed to their work, which exclude the possibility of repetition of the disaster. Analogous experts are adhered to similar opinions.

    Chernobyl - Tourist Mecca

    In recent years, the abandoned city of Pripyat and the reactor turned into a kind of mecca for extremal tourists. Travelers in this zone accompany the so-called stalkers. Offer look at abandoned residential buildings, schools, hotels. But the sarcophague itself and thousands of vehicles abandoned at the site can be contemplated only at a distance. Freight machines, armored equipment and helicopters are so strongly infected with radiation that it is still risky to approach them. Also tourists are waiting for a meeting with the self-movies - the elderly residents of the villages located in the exclusion zone. These people returned to their land, contrary to the ban of the authorities and managed to adapt in the new conditions. The cost of the excursion is about 350 dollars.

    New life

    Some time after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, two blocks continued to work. They were served several hundred workers and engineers. For them, as well as for other employees of the nuclear power plant, deprived of work and housing after an accident, the authorities were forced to build new city - Slavutich. Now it is the youngest settlement in Ukraine. A favorite joke of his inhabitants is the phrase: "Life is beautiful, but very short!".

    On the night of April 26, 1986 there was an explosion at the Chernobyl NPP, the radioactive cloud covered dozens of countries - the wind spread it to a huge territory.

    The approximate number of victims reaches four thousand people. These are not only liquidators of the catastrophe, but also those who died by irradiation. About 600 thousand people took part in the elimination of the consequences of the accident, including Uzbekistan.

    Video in TAS-IX

    After the tragedy, more than 30 years have passed, but the events of those days are still terrified. "NTV" gathered nine stories, each of whom could become a plot for the film. Alas, all this happened in fact.

    Nuclear tan

    One of the terrible will accept the time - people with a "nuclear tan". Those who were not lucky to grab a large dose of radiation, wondered why the skin suddenly became brown, even under clothes. The body was already damaged by intense radiation. Not everyone guessing the danger: on the day of the accident, many were allegedly sunk on the roofs and on the river near the NPP, and the Sun increased the effect of radiation.

    From the story of the eyewitness: "Our neighbor, Metellaev, watches in eleven climb on the roof and lay there in smelters to sunbathe. Then she came down once, says the tan today perfectly sticks! And it's too much that I missed a hundred grams. In addition, the roof is perfectly visible, as the reactor is burning there ... And in the air at that time it was already up to a thousand milliber per hour. And plutonium, and cesium, and strontium. And Ioda-131! But we did not know that then! In the evening, a neighbor, he sunbathe on the roof, began severe vomiting, and he was taken to his medical unit, then further - in Kiev. And anyway, no one worried: probably overheated man. It happens…"

    Doctors who took the first irradiated, precisely on the "nuclear tan" determined the most affected.

    Invisible death

    Chernobyl accident caught all the surprises. No one knew how to react to the disaster of this scale. The authorities not only hid the full information, but they themselves were not capable of rapidly and adequately assess the situation. The country did not exist a system that would have tracked in real time information about the radiation background in extensive territories.

    Therefore, in the first days after the accident, people already in the zone of defeat have not yet known about the danger.

    From the story of the eyewitness: "April 26 in Pripyat was the day like a day. I woke up early: warm sun bunnies on the floor, in the windows of a blue sky. The soul is good! I went to the balcony to smoke. The street is already full of guys, the kids are playing in the sand, the elders chase on bicycles. For dinner, the mood has become even fun. And the air began to feel sharper. Metal is not metal in the air ... something is flat, as if you hold the battery from the alarm clock. "
    From the story of the eyewitness: "A group of neighboring boys went on bikes on the bridge, where the emergency unit was visible from: they wanted to see what the station burns there. All these children then had a heavy radiation disease. "

    The first brief official report on PE was transferred on April 28. As Mikhail Gorbachev explained, the festive May Day demonstrations in Kiev and other cities decided not to cancel due to the fact that the leadership of the country did not possess a "full picture of what happened" and feared panic. People with balls and cloves walked under radioactive rain. Only on May 14, the country learned about the true scale of the catastrophe.

    The death of the first firefighters

    The seriousness of the emergency on the fourth power unit did not know the firefighters that were the first to return to the challenge. They had no idea that smoke rising above the burning reactor is extremely dangerous.

    They walked to death, not understanding that. The power of radiation from the debris from the active zone was about 1000 x-ray per hour with a deadly dose of 50. Poor firefighters almost immediately, but they wrote off it on the smoke and high temperature, no one thought about radiation. But then they began to lose consciousness.

    When the first group of victims delivered the first group of victims, they had a very strong "nuclear tan", swelling and burns, vomiting, weakness. Almost all the first liquidators died. Horoev had to be buried in the sealed coffins under concrete slabs - their bodies were so radioactive.

    Ploy in the reactor zhero

    Immediately after the explosion, NPP workers still did not understand what exactly happened. It was necessary to find the place of emergency and evaluate destruction. Two engineers were sent to the reactor hall. I do not know about the danger, they approached the explosion site and saw how the red and blue fire beats out of the cavity of the destroyed reactor. There were no respirators or protective clothing on people, but they would not help - radiation reached 30 thousand x-rays per hour. From him, the eyelids burned, the throat, intercepted the breath.

    A few minutes later they returned to the control room, but were already tanned, as if the month was roasted on the beach. Both soon died in the hospital. But their story is that there is no more reactor, they did not believe first. And only then it became clear that the reactor is useless to cool - it is necessary to extinguish what remains of it.

    Remove graphite for 40 seconds

    When the fourth power unit exploded, pieces of nuclear fuel and graphite from the reactor scattered around the district. The part fell on the roof of the machine room, on the third power unit. These fragments had a shipped radiation level. In some places, no more than 40 seconds could work - otherwise death. The technique did not stand such radiation and failed. And people, replacing each other, shovels scores from the roof graphite.

    From the story of the eyewitness: "We opened a view of the 4th power unit on top. The spectacle was incredible! Understand the power unit soared! It looked as if all the air trembled over him. And the smell was so ... as ozone smelled. As if in the medkabababinet after quartzing. It's unexplainable".
    Three heroes saved the world of life

    A few days after the explosion, it turned out that the active zone of the destroyed reactor was still melting and slowly burns the concrete slab. And under it there is a huge reservoir with water. If the flow of molten metal was in touch with it, there would be a gigantic radioactive explosion - there were tens of tons of nuclear fuel in the air. The consequences are difficult to imagine, but experts believe that most of Europe would be infected, whole cities would die.

    At any cost, it was necessary to get to the shut-off valves and open them. Three diver volunteered: Alexey Ananenko, Valery Barplan and Boris Baranov. They knew that it would cost them their lives, but still went to the reactor - knee-deep in radioactive water - and dried the pool. All about what they asked before going to death is to take care of families after their death.

    None of the heroes after his mission survived. They buried them in tightly sealed zinc coffins.

    "Chernobyl Angels"

    One of the most difficult missions on the Chernobia went to pilots. They had to put out hot graphite rods inside the reactor. Helicopters made hundreds of flights over the active zone and dropped thousands of lead bags, sand, clay, dolomite and boron. The pilots hung over the reactor at an altitude of only 200 meters. And on the bottom I beat the heat and rose a cone of radioactive smoke.

    At the same time, neither helicopters nor people inside there were due protection and accessories for the discharge of cargo. They defended themselves as they could - in the cabin wounded the floor, wrapped their seats. Many pilots rushed after two or three departures, tormented cough, and the taste of rusty iron was felt.

    From the story of the eyewitness: "Many skin acquired an unhealthy tan - these were the first signs of radiation sickness. I can say one thing: I did not feel anything, only very much fatigue. I wanted to sleep all the time. "
    From the story of the eyewitness: "I emphasize all the time that it was not an order. But the voluntary decision is difficult to call. In Chernigov, we were built and told us that an accident occurred at the Chernobyl NPP that the wind goes to Kiev, and there were old people and children. And they suggested those who do not want to participate in a rescue operation, fail. For combat officers, this is prohibited reception. Of course, no one came out. "

    The pilots who were quenched by the reactor were called "Chernobyl Angels." They managed to suppress the main focus of radiation infection. After the liquidation of the fire in the reactor could already be proceeding for work on Earth.

    Cemetery of fountain equipment

    A lot of equipment was brought to Chernobyl - she very quickly gained radiation and failed. It was impossible to work on such. Abandoned cars were collected in special sumps. Some samples "glowed" at the forefront level - for example, a German radio-controlled crane, which was collected from the "Filters-blot" reactor. And those helicopters that hang over the emergency reactor, absorbing the deadly doses of radiation. As well as irradiated buses, trucks, fire trucks, fast, sides, excavators - they were left to rust in the cemeteries of dead equipment.

    It is not known that they were going to do with her later, but Marauders got to cars. They pulled the engines first, and then accessories and enclosures. Spare parts were sold later on the car market. Much went on scrap metal. These landfasts hit their sizes, but over time, almost the entire fountain technique "evaporated" - no one stopped deadly radiation.

    Redhead forest

    One of the most mysterious and terrible places of the zone is a redhead forest. Once he was ordinary pine, divided the nuclear power plant and the city of Pripyat. Tourists went on it, the locals gathered mushrooms and berries. On the night of the accident, this forest was the first to take on a radioactive blow - it was covered with a cloud of a destroyed reactor. The wind blew in the direction of Pripyat, and if it were not for this living barrier, the city would be a terrible radiation dose.

    Dozens of hectares of forests as a sponge absorbed radioactive dust: the pines have a more dense crown than the deciduous trees, and they worked as a filter. The level of radiation was just a monstrous - 5000-10000 glad. From such a deadly emitting of the needles and branches acquired a rusty-redhead. So the forest and got his nickname. There were rumors that at night the radioactive trees of the Red Forest glowed, but there are no reliable information on this score.

    From the story of the eyewitness: "My sneakers were" Adidas ", in Tver made. I played in them on football. So I went to the Promise station in these slippers through the "Redhead Forest" to shorten the path. After Chernobyl, the ball chased another year in them, and then academician a friend asked sneakers to measure the subject of radiation. And did not return ... they were concreted. "

    The Red Forest was decided to destroy - he was too dangerous. After all, dead dry trees could flash at any time - and radiation would again be in the air. The trees of spill and burned in the ground. Later, new pines were planted at this place, but not all were accustomed - the level of radiation here is still too high.

    It is forbidden to be in this area - dangerous to life.

    Chernobyl-1. Effects

    Sergey, where do snapshots of children mutants come from, who went around all the newspapers?

    Sabersky: "130,000 people were dropped out of the zone. Many Chernobyls still live in separate areas, keep it alienately. Many, and not having a new place, washed down. Vodka today is cheaper than Borjomi ... This is a serious social problem. Two years ago, our doctors said that mutations were taken from alcoholism, smoking, and not from the consequences of radiation. Children's house near Kiev, where children with various deviations were photographed, there was a Chernobyl accident. With regard to health problems - 3.2 million people so far We also live on the territory infected in one degree or another, of which 700,000 are children. At the liquidators of the accident of various diseases 2.8 times more than the average, and the "Chernobyl" parents have sick children are born 3.6 times more often ... And mutations are all Relative. Take, say, trees - there are in the area of \u200b\u200bthe place where the needles of the pines were twice as long, the infected mushrooms were, but, in general, not very big ...

    What do you say about people who make their way to picnics in the zone? They say if the tent is not broken on the burial grounds, it is not fatal ...

    Death doses of radiation in the zone is not left, or places are protected. But nevertheless, it may be bad. You will inspire, say, radioactive particle. It will fall into the lungs. 5 centimeters of pulmonary fabric are dismissed, it goes down below, and so on. There will be a cancer tumor, intestinal cancer, but you never know ... here, when we sit in the room in Chernobyl, it's still nothing. And on the street - this is how the wind will undergo.

    And why the territory of the exclusion zone did not clean up to the end? What did these 130 billion dollars left from 86th to 2000, besides the benefits of the victim?

    Cesium spots are scattered for tens of kilometers. Do you suggest to harde the whole forest? For all Chernobyl, it seems like it ended, as if it no longer exists. Each time a policy change and policies change ... And the infected materials continue to take care. In Polesie, I talked with the local population, I say: "Why do you warm my health, climb into the zone?" And they: "There were a collective farm here, there was a job. And now there is no work. Here I sell this metal, and there will be a bread of bread ..." Maybe if you turn the zone into the reserve with the appropriate guards, people do not get here ...

    And for what, by the way, are you so "stalker" do not love?

    I love Strugatsky very much, but "Stalker" is, sorry, fantasy of an unbalanced person ....

    Andrei Serdyuk, the former Minister of Health, now - Director of the Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the AMN of Ukraine, after the accident, spoke of the need to evacuate Kiev. "Today it's hard to say that then did it right, and what - no. It was the most serious radioactive catastrophe in the history of mankind, and God forbid it to be the last. Even in Hiroshima, more people died from the explosion itself, from temperature, from the explosive wave. , not from radiation, and Chernobyl is hundreds of Hirosim. Kiev is still lucky - in the first days the wind from the station blew to Belarus.

    And yet...

    In May 1986, I was postponed on the table of Minister of Health every day. Here are these reports. Here, please: May 1, 100 people were already hospitalized with radiation disease, on May 2, the radioactive background in Kiev was 1100 microentergen per hour, a hundred times higher than the norm. And during the May Day demonstration on Khreshchatyk, the dosimeter showed 3000 microentergen per hour. Water, milk - in all radiation background was higher than the norm. At the same time, we had to collect this information on grains, because Moscow, breaking the zone, told that everything is in order. Norwegians, Swedes, Finns transferred information about a radioactive background, and we practically did not know anything. Today it is difficult to say that then it was right and that wrong. There was little sense from dosimeters - the weather changed, and the measurements could become irrelevant in a few minutes. We took blood from evacuated from the zone, tested people for the presence of radiation sickness. The symptoms of the victims of the radiation did not coincide with the textbooks described in the textbooks, the dosimeters broke, so today no one can say with accuracy which doses of radiation we then received.

    It seems I am a doctor, but we were then such fools. After the accident, when we went to the zone to check the situation, we came out there on the road to eat, laid out sandwiches on the hood of the car ... everything around was infected, the glazing of iron stood in the mouth, but the sun shone, the weather was wonderful, Moscow just reported In a few months, the fourth power unit will be restored and the construction of new power units will be completed at the station. People drank just a few kilometers from the station. Only then, when they realized how seriously the territory was infected - they began to evict them further ...

    In those days, a plan for the evacuation of Kiev was discussed. We tried to somehow appreciate what was happening, to make a forecast for the further spread of the radiation - so that in Moscow to decide how to evacuate the three million city. Basically, of course, the participants of the Commission tried to soften the forecasts. Academician Ilyin, a leading scientist in the field of radioactive security, told me then: "What I saw in Chernobyl will not dream of the most terrible dreams." And on May 7, when at 11 nights had to take this decision, after endless Chernivik rewriting, the recommendations were printed: "The radioactive background in Kiev is dangerous," and the bottom of the hand was attributed: "Not very ..." Perspective evacuate a huge The city was then no less terrible ... maybe Americans with a catastrophe of such scales and would have decided to evacuate the population. We also preferred to simply overstate the radioactive norm.

    And yet, on May 15 from Kiev, over 650,000 children were taken out of Kiev - at the beginning - for 45 days, then - for two months. These most of them were delivered from those doses of radiation that adults received. But even four and a half months, the radioactive background in Kiev was 4-5 times higher than the norm.

    What is the tragedy of Chernobyl? The fact that young people were sent there, some of whom were killed, some of them were disabled. The only thing that was lucky then Ukraine is that the accident occurred in the times of the Soviet Union, because no country would have done independently with such a catastrophe. About 900 thousand liquidators are scattered throughout the CIS today. If Ukraine had to fight this on their own, we would simply buried all the younger generation.

    Liquidators who were repatriated to Israel should require compensation not from Israel, but from Russia, because it was responsible for this experiment. Today, when there is no USSR, we are not in the best position in Ukraine than your liquidators ...

    It is believed that hundreds of thousands of people suffered not from radiation, but from stress.

    Peaceful health is no less important factor. Millions live in stressful state for 17 years, in constant fear of children's health, and most of the "Chernobyl residents" really suffer from vegetative-vascular diseases, disorders of the nervous system.

    Professor Ivan Eloc, head of the laboratory of radioecology of the scientific center of radiation medicine:

    "According to the IAEA, if there is no radiation pollution and there are no problems ... But this is not the case - people live in constant depression, in Apathia, with a feeling of doom. And we do not know how to deal with it. What you can say a young girl which is afraid to give birth to children, and says: "I don't know how long I have to live"? Add to this still political instability, a serious economic situation - all this in aggregate affects the physical and moral state of people. Today, when it comes to rehabilitation Infected lands, you need to think about how to build plants there, so that people do not suffer from unemployment. If you remove some stress factors, the risk that the effects of radiation will occur, are less. Then we did not know that in stress It is necessary to pay no less attention than the radiation itself. It is necessary to fear radiation and its consequences - this is a normal human reaction. And when such a catastrophe occurs, it turns out that we have created dangerous technologies, being absolutely no Special cope with their possible consequences. This is a enchanted circle. Without atomic energy, we cannot raise the standard of living, "Let's say, today 50% of energy Ukraine receives from 4 existing NPPs. But atomic technologies are not for the poor, because waste recycling requires tens of billions of dollars.

    How do you assess the situation today?

    Today the population is divided into two parts: those who do not want to hear more about it, they want to earn and live. This category of me, as a specialist, does not bother me because they look to the future. The second half says: "You always lied to us, I do not believe you," so even if you give them 10 professors, they will still prefer to wind each other with rumors ... Sometimes we meet with people who are afraid to eat vegetables From your garden - we have to eat strawberries in front of them, drinking milk, - so that they believe that it is not dangerous. It is necessary to change the method of explanatory work with the population, but it requires costs, but there is no money.

    Why was the population after an accident forbidden to sell Geiger counters?

    Elk: "People bought the devices themselves, in the black market. The batteries soon ended, or they broke, and people did not know what to do with them. In order for it to be an effective - the counter must be qualitative, measurements should do specialists."

    Are there any ways and, most importantly, the reason, to deal with Radiophobia?

    Logic does not always help. Somehow came to me the chairman of the collective farm, and he says: "My wife wants to move away from Chernobyl, and I have a job, a house ... what to do?" I honestly said that where he was going to go, a natural radioactive background above, but if his wife becomes easier from this - let him go. And he eventually moved. Today, even the word "Chernobyl" is irritating, fear. Non-atomic settlements in general, but specifically the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    The station was closed, but in fact it will continue to close for a long time.

    Naturally, people received the main dose in the first days after the accident, but its consequences will get to our children. Moscow needed this experiment, and we all became His hostages. Today, each inhabitant of Ukraine accounted for 1.5 cubic meters of radioactive waste, in addition to the natural radioactive background. In addition to Chernobyl, there are enough problems - radiation is running from uranium mines, plus the waste of metallurgy, coal mines acting atomic power plants ... After three years, Russia will begin to return to us recycled nuclear fuel. Plutonium half-life - tens of thousands of years, who will remember one hundred years, where did they burn? The dose will decrease with time, but it will not disappear. Swedes buried it as deeply as possible, Russia is far away, and we have directly under the side.

    It is believed that in Ukraine 3.5 million residents received an additional dose of radiation, of which - 1.3 million children. 17 years later - how did the accident really affected the health of people?

    Everyone is afraid of mutants, but just talk about it early - there must be several generations for this. A calves with two heads anywhere in the world are born. Only 14 deaths are added annually 14 deaths to standard mortality rates only in Kiev after an accident. It seems to be on 3 million people numbers are not so terrible - but these 14 extra tragedies could not be ... This is a grand and terrible experiment on people to which the time of time begins to treat with an unforgivable frivolity, as something that "has already passed". But the radionuclides will not go anywhere throughout the tens of thousands of years, and radioactive substances emissions continue from cracks in the sarcophagus.

    The consequences of the accident suffered 2216 settlements, and despite the fact that Kiev does not apply to their number, - 69984 children in Kiev suffer from increasing the thyroid gland. In the first days in the air there was a lot of radioactive iodine, which is a hundred percent digested by blood, and reaches the thyroid gland. In children, thyroid gland is 10 times less, and they received the same dose. In addition, their main nutrition is dairy products ... The grass was then radioactive, and the cow eats 50 kilograms of grass in the day ... Children will live longer than we, so and the chances of getting cancer are higher than that of a person who Subjected to radiation in adulthood. Until the 86th cases of thyroid cancer in children could be counted on the fingers, and now there are 2371 such cases, including 36 children who were born after the accident.

    There is a radiation medicine center, in the middle of Kiev hangs the scoreboard indicating the radioactive background ... What, in fact, do not do today?

    Serdyuk: "The observation of this today is less intense than it should have been.

    Those who were children during the accident will now have their own families, children are born ... The problem is that since the state is poor, it can not always ensure the normal prevention of these diseases, even then. When we know what to do.

    By the way. Your opinion about "radioactive tourism"?

    Elk: When I was in Sweden, I saw at one of the nuclear power plants near the pools, where the fuel assemblies cooled, the excursion of schoolchildren. They observed a Chenkovo \u200b\u200bglow there, the level of radiation was measured, something was calculated ... it struck me. I think that if such things do - not for the sake of money, but in explanatory purposes. After all, in the end, some sites in the Chernobyl zone cleaner than Kiev ...

    Chernobyl-2. Marauders

    30-kilometer zone of alienation (100 kilometers from Kiev, if in a straight line), - the concept is quite conditional.

    And what, - I ask naively on the PPC dyatyat, - on this side zabora radiation ends?

    Naturally, they are responsible with a serious species. - barbed wire perfectly restrains radioactive particles ...

    However, Chernobyl on Earth is dealt not so much of the elements as the two-legged themselves.

    The logic of the state is simple: risking the life of several thousand zone workers is considered justified, since the damage to the possible propagation of the radiotides is incomplicable above. And the zone workers themselves are not so difficult to convince to work in this damned place - the risk of cancer is somewhat ephemenen, but the allowance for salary is quite tangible. Judge for yourself: the surcharge of 300 hryvnia, when in Ukraine a police officer receives up to 400 hryvnia. SERVICE YEAR - one to five, 15 days you at work, 15 - at home, and not the 86th already on the courtyard, it seems not so dangerous ... while in other regions of the police lacks for a complete set of personnel 10 people and more, in every company, protecting the alienation zone, there is not enough maximum of 4 people.

    However, not only honest hard workers are already earned at the zone. In addition to employees of 19 enterprises operating in the area of \u200b\u200benterprises and 3000 official "tourists", attending annually at a nuclear power plant, each month in the zone come across polishing marauders.

    The perimeter of the zone is 377 kilometers (73 - in Ukraine, 204 - in Belarus), the main roads block the PPC, the zone itself patrols five mouth police officers. But with an area of \u200b\u200b1672 kilometers, a dilapidated fence, places are completely absent (EDAK kilometers) - all precautions are not able to stop the marauders, removed to drain something from the abandoned apartments of Pripyati or settles of radioactive equipment, so Chernobyl alone little It spreads around the world - if not in the form of radioactive particles flying in the wind, so at least in the form of an exported from the zone of an infected metal, the New Year trees caught in pripyat fish, etc. Since the beginning of the year, 38 illegally penetrating there were already detained in the zone.

    "The roads are blocked, but people come with a horse with a cart, or shipped the infected metal into Sanki," explains Yuri Tarasenko, head of the Chernobyl NPP of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev. - And those who take it without checking in paragraphs. Metal reception - irresponsible people, but the main thing is that there was more weight, more money ... "

    Neither patrol nor the statistics of cancer diseases do not scare away lovers of adrenaline picnics in the 30-kilometer zone. Some attracted the legends about Chernobyl sacks with a small whale and piglets with kopytsy like the baby's pens, and someone goes "on the case", try to remove a couple of doors from cars on a sump radioactive technique. From afar, Rossoha does not differ from the usual cemetery of old cars.

    Come on a couple of dozen meters - and goosebumps will start to get into the back, Aki Rocky Horses. On a huge field closed by barbed wire, there are neat rows of thousands of cars. A number of fire trucks, a row of BTR, bulldozers, buses, minibuses, private machines, helicopters, a small plane, - over 2000 units of equipment that participated in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

    Those cars, which, after the work "Phonii", almost like the fourth block were buried in the burial ground in Buryakovka. But the metal with open sump slowly trying to "implement" - cut, take to decontamination, and sell. The scandals raised by the discovery of the "dirty" metal outside the zone forced the administration to prohibit private enterprises with scrap metal, and shifting responsibility to the state-enterprise "Complex". Nevertheless, judging by the number of missing doors in Machines on Rossoch, poverty or greed defeat fear. "Metal Thieves", crashing in other parts of Ukraine when trying to cut wires from electric pillars, got to Chernobyl.

    Even with one of the helicopters, from which the firefighters were quenched in the early days of a burning reactor, and to which no one in her mind would not approach, someone managed to cut the blades.

    10-15% of the edged property exhausted from the zone by bypass routes - radioactively. Since the phenomenon has long been massive, the Prosecutor of the Priestsky district of Sergey Dobrek work has enough. He himself, by the way, leads an extremely healthy lifestyle: in the morning, at any temperature, runs to swim in the river. "Radiation in small doses is even useful, - he argues. - It's like cold water to be losing - the same shock for the body. If I work here, breathing with this air for four years, and in the summer, say, hot - so why not swim in Pripyat? " Then, a little seriously, adds: "It is clear that it doesn't get better from this, but if all the time you have been afraid of radiation, it is impossible to work. Anyway, the reaction inside the sarcophagus continues, and these emissions are settled here in the form of radioactive dust ..."

    Since the abandoned property in the zone does not belong to anyone, to judge the marauders carrying the "Peaceful atom to each house" zone only for the removal from the zone of infected equipment, which is considered an environmental crime.

    What about the burial grounds, which, speak, no one remembers where they buried?

    The burial grounds were built immediately after the accident, without experience in this area, without suitable equipment. ... There are major burial grounds with clay strengthening, but there are also about 800 boots, where the soil and the forest burned out on the spot, and simply put the sign: "Radioactively". Today, experts track whether there is no movement of radioactive particles so that they do not get into the river. There is also a problem with the tampony of artesian wells. They are in zone 359, and until now, only 168 began to be composed, and from there radi cliffs can get into groundwater ... "

    And in addition to environmental crimes? ...

    There is now a big deal about the unauthorized use of funds for the Chernobyl. And so, domestic crimes ... Last year there were two murders in the zone: someone from the self-movies shot another of the gun. And another time in the cemetery, the body of the homeless was found - some kind of Shaka tried to steal metal, something was not shared, and one strangled ...

    Why are they still in the zone?

    According to our laws, they can only take it out of here, give a fine ... But the fine will pay them anyway, but bring them out of here - they still return ...

    I begin to torment Tarasenko again: "They say, the criminals are hidden in Pripyati. Your five mouths do not catch them there?"

    "It's not so difficult to penetrate the zone, and it is even easier to hide in it," he says. - 72 settlements were evacuated, thousands of empty houses are now in the zone.

    There were local residents who received a conviction before or after the accident, served, returned - and the city is empty ... well, and went to some village - mushrooms, the fish is ... "

    And why do you yourself do not wear a geiger meger?

    "Yes, I'm afraid of radiation," he smiles. - Each drives are smiling (shows the icon, inside the tablets, which at the end of the month are checked, and if the dose obtained during this time exceeds the norm - they are evacuated from the zone). Our guys are also evacuated by fish, Which catch here ... if there are no bones and nothing.

    Check. Naturally, the presence of radioactivity. Different varieties of fish in different radiation perceive. Here, let's say, caught fish on 70 Beckeriels - ate, it is considered clean. And 150 - it is impossible.

    And in ordinary fish, not from pripyat, how many of these most beckels?

    I do not know...

    Around the Watched village of Chernobyl - Forests, at night, the daughtered wolves are in the night, but for the closed zone of Chernobyl 30-kilometers quite live - today there are about 11,000 people there, people in the jackets of protective color, and at night in the center of Chernobyl are burning residential windows houses, and in the stores of alcohol men, cheerfully stick to the saleswoman ... but it is in the center.

    "When I went home for the first time, my subordinates say:" You are careful - there are boars run there, "he remembers Tarasenko. - I thought they were joked, then looked - and the truth of the boars run through the streets, have already expanded the entire police station Garden ... After a normal city, the feeling, of course, is terrible. At night, when I go to my apartment, in this dead silence, somehow it is not clear why there are no light in the windows on these streets, there are no people. How do you think I work here, I go home ... And where did everyone else be treated? "

    Chernobyl-3. Chaps

    Inside the 30-kilometer zone is a 10-kilometer portion of the greatest pollution, in the center of which is the Chernobyl nuclear power plant named after Lenin. On the checkpoint at the entrance to the 10-kilometer zone - two frozen police workers, nearby - a bunch of boards, divorce the fire ... during the day it looks yet anywhere. And at night - an empty foggy road, and feel like each cage is compressed, so as not to miss the invisible poison. Judging by the shield on the road, we drove the village of Kopach. Through a kilometer and a half - a second shield, crossed by a red feature - Skolitsa village of Kopach.

    A few fruit trees stick out in the midst of empty. There is no village himself - it was demolished and buried right there, under the "green lawn" - so that the fire in empty houses would not spread the radioactive dust on them.

    From the pipe boiler room at the station cheerfully goes smoke, light burns in the windows. Normal working station. Only cranes near the unfinished 5th and 6th block, from the planned 12, stick out with terrible skeletons in the Black Sky - for 17 years. The fourth Chernobyl Block, at which an accident occurred was launched in 1984, and managed to work for only 2 years.

    Station workers consider this to be a political decision, at a minimum because CHAES is the only station in Ukraine, which could produce plutonium for the production of an atomic bomb. Atomic energy is profitable any other than 500 times, so the station workers are used to living "humanly." After the closure of the power unit, the station turned from the donor to the energy consumer, and constantly turns out to be in debt.

    "After the accident, the fourth block failed," explains Irina Kovbich. - In the 91st year there was a fire in the second block, and he was also closed. In 1996, despite the fact that its life was 30 years old, under the pressure of countries " The first block was closed. We stayed with one working third block, which was our salvation. And in 2000 closed it, because the West wanted to enter the 21st century "without Chernobyl danger." And we have laughed in dependency state budget, that is, actually without livelihoods and with an outstretched hand. Even one working unit has given the opportunity to provide Slavutich, pay for the work of specialists. We received a salary in time, contained kindergartens, gyms ... And last year in Slavutych in the summer for the first time There were no hot water for several months. "

    In the morning, the inhabitants of Slavutich are thousands of station workers, changing into the same green and blue jackets, go to work. After the accident, when it also seemed that the consequences of the accident would be able to eliminate over a few months, the city of atomic workers were built for employees of the station all the Allied republics, in their capitals and names of the city. Restroed there and children's kindergarten "Yantarik-2". To prevent the development of the city, Slavutych was declared an offshore zone. The city itself is clean, but the forest is around - contaminated by radiation. Now, after the dismissal of half workers of the station, Slavutych begins little to grave to christmas.

    But in fact, in fact, all Ukraine lives.

    Yes, but we are not accustomed to this. If we always lived well, why lower the standard of living? And the West said to us: "This president signed a decree on the closure of the station." Just do we first do, and then think.

    Do you want to say that people should have continued to work on an infected area?

    Anyway, with our life, this station will not be closed. The atomic station is not a textile factory that closed, hung on the door of the castle, and left. It is necessary to remove all radioactive substances, turn off all systems ... The second block is already empty, in the first and third there are still radioactive fuel.

    And how much time does it take to extract it?

    First you need to build two factory - for the processing of liquid and solid radioactive waste. You need to build a repository for them. The construction of the HATT-2, may end by 2006 - it is expensive, and it is necessary to ensure maximum building safety. At the station itself, various systems are gradually being contacted, all the time people continue to dismiss. But closing work will continue for 100 years ... It will continue here all the time work until it turns into a secure object. Hatt-1 is designed for 40 years. Then you have to build a new storage. At first, the station was closed, and only now a plan is compiled, what to do with it next.

    The absurdity is that due to the closure of all the power units, the station will become a less safe place, because the money will not be enough. We believe that the closure of the third BOK was an erroneous decision, because it was equipped with the most modern systems of insoles, and we could safely continue to earn money on the station closure - without a loss. But they needed to put Ukraine to her knees, and instead of producing electricity, the station now only consumes it. When our electricity debt reached 2.4 million hryvnia, we threatened it to disable it. For an electrician who takes employees from Slavutich to the Chernobyl, the station owed 5.5 million hryvnia, and we reduced the number of cars - from 12 to 10 ".

    Sorry for the annoying, but why do you have no protective suits at the station?

    At the station constantly carry out deactivatsi, and nevertheless, not even in the most "heavy" sites, the radioactive background here is 8 times higher than in the same Kiev.

    For employees of atomic objects, the norm is another, 2 Santisizer per year. Today is not 86, if the subordinate received an increased dose - the authorities are borne by criminal liability. We have a special meal ... and what, in Chernobyl, is treated with alcohol? Here you can't come to work under the degree, there is another discipline. And in general, what is radiation? Here you are, flying to Ukraine, received a dose of irradiation, which is our three-day norm at the station. In brick houses there is radiation, and nothing. Radiation on all acts in different ways. For some, small doses can be dangerous, and I have been working here for 15 years, and nothing. 4 years ago, we came here to shoot the French channel, so they were still on the PPC dyatki dressed in protective suits with gloves, like aliens, and they had a special case in a special case ... so they all went around the zone. For people, it was such a circus here ... somehow a delegation came from Gomel, so one girl looked at me with square eyes. I said in the end: "I did not imagine that you are here .. So look." I asked her: "And you thought, we are here everything with three hands?"

    However, the place to work, agree, is not the most pleasant.

    I arrived at the station after an accident from Moscow, following my husband, and I do not regret at all. We immediately got an apartment, a good salary, while many of my classmates did not fit in Moscow. And I hope to work here to retirement. The average salary here is 1500 hryvnia.

    "I know people from Pripyat, who remained there for a day, - and a bunch of children had a bunch of children," adds Semen Stein, head of the station information department. "Here I am a Jew, I live in Slavutic, I work here for 15 years, and I feel great. With us There are no hysterics. Radio fleshmia has long experienced long. There are specialists who know what we are talking about. The main thing is not to climb where it is not necessary. Yes, in general, everything is not necessary - there is no place, there are no places there. Where the radiation cracks are above - 4.5 x-ray.

    Sarcophag himself, I must say, looks more than unpleasant.

    The gigantic concrete structure erected over the exploded reactor is covered by the rusted sheets, and somewhere where the cracked cracks can be detected by the naked eye.

    The building of the fourth block is surrounded by a double fence with barbed wire, cameras, and armed guard. The sarcophag himself, which is called the "most dangerous building in the world," is already in operation for 16 years. Part of its design was built directly on the ruins of the fourth block. The sarcophag itself is not sealed, and the rainwater flows inside through the openings between the sheets of iron, in the cracks, falling into the destroyed reactor and causing new chemical reactions. These cracks in the sarcophagus are about 100 square meters. In addition to 200 tons of radioactive fuel remaining in the reactor itself, about 4 tons of radioactive dust accumulated inside the sarcophagus, which continues to slowly leak through the cracks outward. "Souls" of special solutions are nourished down, but nevertheless, small leaks continue. In relatively safe places of sarcophagus, teams of 12 people are replaced, who perform work on the pressing of dust, are observed for indicators of sensors installed inside the sarcophagus, the truth is not where it would be necessary, and where they managed to establish ...

    "The Sarcophagian building is designed for 30 years of operation, but the problem is that we have no control over what is happening inside by chemical processes," explains Valentina Oderenitsa, deputy head of the Cherniga Information Department. - Sarcophague needs to be strengthened at 15 different points, but while we managed to Make only in two places. In some places, radiation is so high that there is even in protective suits and not for a short time - 3500 x-ray per hour.

    Previously, fuel-containing masses were a monolith, like lava, but over time, under the influence of chemical processes, they turn into dust. Part of the structures is kept on the building of the block, and they are trembling. Even a three-point earthquake may have enough to ensure that the building collapses, and the cloud of radioactive dust rose. "

    It is said that even if this happens, because there is no fire, such a cloud will not go beyond the zone.

    "It's hard to predict anything here, because we do not know what is happening inside the reactor. If less than 10% of the fuel, which was thrown into the explosion from the reactor, rising into the air, managed to pollute thousands of square kilometers - it's hard to say what happens with the remaining 90% ... "

    Instead of trying to patch the old sarcophagus, the project "Shelter-2" was approved - a gigantic arch of steel or titanium, which will be erected above the sarcophagus. The cost of the arch is about 768 million dollars, and 28 countries will perform as sponsors, including Israel. The design of the project employs English, French, American and Ukrainian engineers, and its construction should be completed by 2007. The new shelter will be calculated for 100 years, and its goal is not to give radioactive particles to leave the shelter, up to their final extraction from the collaps of the fourth block and complete deactivation of the territory.

    Why, in fact, did not start it yet?

    Well, ... first the tender passes, preparatory work is underway in parallel. Even such elementary things like a decontamination booths for 1500 people, and not at 40 ... "

    PR Station is raised at the level - in the special hall they will show you a film about the explosion of the reactor (the operator who removed from the helicopter the smoking reactor, long ago, is no longer alive), show the mock of the sarcophagus and an unfinished station. And if your san deserves, even spend in a special suit on a tour of the relatively safe sarcophagus places so that you get your dose of 40 millisyver. By the way, about 3,000 people - politicians, students, foreign specialists attend the station every year.

    Is this radioactive tourism?

    "We don't call it. Just there are citizens of different countries who have the right to know what is happening here."

    At this stage, the opinions about the Chernobia were divided into directly opposite: some believe that the station no longer represents any danger, most of the victims suffered in fact from radiophobia, and not from radiation, and by inflaming panic the Government of Ukraine simply kicked money from the West. Others believe that it is precisely opposite, people relate to Chernobyl, while the real consequences of the long-term exposure of radiation in small doses will begin to manifest much later - the peak of cancer will be at the 20s of the current century, and the lack of a third head is still Does not mean the absence of mutations at the cell level. To date, about 12% of the state budget of Ukraine takes about 12% of the state budget of Ukraine, to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl accident (including liquidators benefits, various studies, concern for immigrants).

    Chernobyl-4. Pripyat

    On the roads of the road leading to Pripyat, they smear there and Sym shields with a radiation "propeller".

    The Ruppiest railways of the railway was buried "Red Forest" - those four square kilometers of pines, whose needles after the accident on the fourth block in a matter of hours under the influence of radiation changed the color from green on the red. Even today, the background there is such that rare cars of workers zone pass along this road at high speed and tightly closed windows. On the other side of the road, young pines have already been crushed, over which the ugly building of the "sarcophagus" is tested at a distance of a couple of kilometers.

    On some buildings still bloody slogans of the Commands, but terrible, inapproprible silence, reigning in this dead city, makes the heart shrinks sadly. An abandoned city, formerly the prosperous inhabitants of the atomic, looks worse than the collapsed villages. There, the rotting wooden houses somehow fit into the general background of the post-Soviet destroyer in the villages, and look not as an example of "natural" concrete multi-storey buildings over the dead city of "Chertovoy Wheel" with cheerful yellow cabins. Before the construction of a nuclear power plant and Pripyat, this area was poor, with rare villages. The reactor breathed life into him, he took her away.

    Huge, slightly slim inscriptions on buildings are still taking visitors to the cafe, in the furniture store, the hotel "Polesie", the Palace of Culture - visitors who are not coming for 17 years. Glazed windows of apartments are still tightly closed by the owners who feared the infected wind. Neat courtyards with children's slides and swings were sacred in the groves of young trees, and on the poison of the snow, red rose berries. Sometimes the former residents of Pripyat find it difficult to find their home, looping in the car on the roads, the part of which is already littered with Bessel, and the reflex signal of emptiness.

    From open entrances pulls the smell of mold. Entrance to the first entrance of the house number 11 on Kurchatov Street covers the tree that has grown straight from the grating of the drain.

    Going his rigid branches, passing inside. The plaster is sat down from the walls, from some pipe, that is unknown in which year, water flows.

    Some apartments are tightly closed on the key, the doors of others open the lamb - at first the owners visited them, then the Marauders who did not even stop radiation for poverty. Standard layout, standard furniture, on the floor scattered shoes, clothes, books ... In one of the apartments there is a broken piano ...

    Some apartments have been preserved as if people disappeared from there to the manual of some angry magic shelf. And now the branches of the trees all the bolder tapping in the windows, threatened to break the glasses and break into the house.

    The gate of the kindergarten "Amberik" is hospitably open. Little wooden tables and chairs scattered around the room, wooden cubes dust in drawers, on the shelves - wooden pyramids ...

    Under the quotation of Krupskaya: "We have to raise healthy and strong children," sit in an embrace on children's lockers orphaned and polished doll and a teddy bear. Nearby - small gas masks covered with a thick layer of dust.

    Before the accident, the station and their families lived in Pripyati. A few days after the accident, when the radiation background on the streets of the city reached an hour and a half per hour, 1,000 times more than the norm, 47 thousand inhabitants were evacuated from the city. In addition to one, which, according to the legend, stirred by the plant "Jupiter", relied in alcohol, and recruited evacuation ...

    Sometimes in abandoned apartments find the criminals. Maybe that's why the police officers at the entrance to the city - instead of protective suits - body armor ..

    Stepping on the boulevards of this city of ghosts, unwittingly climb bad thoughts that this is how the last person will feel on the ground, walking around the empty city, bypassing the frozen building cranes, slugging slogans on the walls, empty phone booths and blue spruce sticking on the boulevards Among the wild young sworn, like a crystal palace in slums. After 10 years, the vegetation will finally swallow the world, the world will change, and this city will remain a terrible sprinkling monument that, with meaningless signs to the dead streets.

    On a blank street, a dog in the direction of my dog. "Damn," I think, and I add the go, remembering one of the Chernobyl tents about how the wolf devouched the dog on the rippled.

    At the first dog from one of the courtyards, another such an animal of uncertain color was emerged, and leisurely threw after the first. However. They led themselves quite friendly. As it turned out, the Muha dog together with Mother's Murka lives on the PPC from Pripyat, and 9 small puppies are hoarse behind the barbed wire, which the station workers will be happy ...

    And they ... normal? - With a praise, I assume that in such a place, nine little puppies could well be ... Well, let's say, one unreasonable large puppy ...

    Quite, - the guards are nodding.

    "Does the city really remain empty?" - I ask Sergey Sabresky. - Crook somehow ... "

    And you count, how much will it cost to compare it with the Earth. In 87-88, the city was deactivated, and not only with radiation was the problem.

    At the same time, 45 thousand people were taken out in 3 hours. People, leaving, as they thought, for a couple of days, left full refrigerators, dogs and cats locked in apartments ... And when the apartments opened a few months later - you can imagine what was there. Later, people allowed to take something from less "dirty" areas after checking the radiation ... The first area suffered more than anyone - he will have the windows directly at the station ... In the 86th, the city decided to maintain "warm" for the winter continued to heat at home. Then the heating was turned off, the pipes were flooded, in all houses the water supply is currently flowing ... As a result, something will have to do with the city. But it is impossible to live here.

    So why do people work here?

    Specialists have another radiation rate. It is not so difficult to get into the zone - as soon as the fence was restored, there were 5 new brands. Just everyone knows what he risks.

    Chernobyl-5. Chernobyl settlers

    In addition to the workers of the zone, 410 more people live for barbed wire - from those who did not fit there, where they were evicted after the accident on the Chernobyl, and returned to their homes. Of the 72 evacuated villages came to life 12, although if there is life after death, apparently, in this world it looks like this. Most of the sumps are old men and not waiting for the promised apartments in normal areas. It is possible that someone easier to wait until the problem disappears by itself, and judging by the frequency of the storms of old people in the zone, is not such an insane hypothesis. There are no children there. The only girl born in Chernobyl, after long scandals and threats to social services to take a child, was taken out of the zone. The girl, by the way, was born quite healthy.

    In one of the collapsible villages in the blackened wooden house, Anna and Mikhail Evchenko live 65 years old. In the courtyard of the house we are encountered a huge black Vaska with an unexpected claim for these places on the Persian Cat. In the Saraich, covered with an old blanket, the Evchenko hold a cow with two calves, "Piglets of the Files" and geese. After the accident, according to them, they were moved to "Cardboard Domishko" with a flowing roof 60 kilometers from Kiev.

    "On April 26, when the accident occurred, we were at home," says Anna Ivanovna. - On May 3, we came to evaluate us, they told only the most necessary. And people have a farm, livestock. Animals were not allowed to take, even cats. All The village crackled, people walked down the street, rushed ... Someone was the power of fiber, it was worse than war ... I don't want to remember it. And in the house where we were moved, we were overwhelmed, we went to work on sugar Plant ... But the winter was painted harsh ... "

    Despite their complaints, they did not find places and did not find places, and together with 170 families, already in 1987 they returned to their village, deciding to wait until the housing for them would be accurate. Over time, someone got an apartment in the city, someone died, someone took someone, someone went to the nursing home. Evchenko and 25 more old people remained in the village.

    The zone was then closed, how did you get going to enter?

    Closed? Yes, the police helped us in the courtyard to shrug. I started working as a cleaner in Chernobyl. On the passing of the dosimeter rang like a hare ...

    "I then worked as a bulldozer in Chernobyl," adds grandfather Mikhail. "After the accident, all sorts deputies arrived after the accident. And now there is no business to us. Everything falls apart ... Our generation somehow got the war, and Chernobyl ... ours. - That life is already over, and the children who came to it, sorry. Waiting for apartments, but it can be seen, and do not wait ... "

    To make a conversation about their farm, somehow awkwardly in a place where even such innocent fairy tales, as "planted grandfather, the repkah rose big-prehend ..." - not very comfortable.

    You drink cow's milk, which is a radioactive grass, take water from the well, eat vegetables from the garden ... The consequences are felt?

    "Yes, everyone here who lives, the head constantly hurts, the pressure is high," says Anna. "Whether from radiation, or from old age. They come here sometimes, measurements do .. somehow even the Japanese or the Chinese came, the soil was frozen. ... they said, radiation within the norm. But we are not even at home because of this radiation of clothes do not remove. There is no life here. True, when we call an ambulance, she comes .... Now this is two weeks sit without bread. Sometimes they come to us by car, sell Stridoroga, for one and a half rubles ... Cat Won was yelling. "

    Children live them in Belarus, come rarely. "Now, between us, the border held the border, who knew that it would be so. The eldest son somehow wanted to take me home, and he was not allowed to drive to the zone, they said:" Wheels are shooting ". So I went on foot kilometers 8 ...

    If everything is so bad, after the 87th left you did not try from here?

    "But where are we going to go? We didn't give anything, with the same. The apartment is normal someone, maybe he took away. Five families have moved to Berezan, and we stayed. Gas bridge in cylinders, electricity is, TV, newspapers bring ... Children occasionally visit. When the grandson was small, he came here in the summer of vigor, now it does not come ... "


    At first, the Zube Stepan was brought to the zone, one of the 13 people remaining in Ukraine. The spouse is not lucky, as a result of unsuccessful challenges, the bison stepan remained in proud loneliness. For a while walked through the forests and pass brought to the cows zone. Then I'm dead. But 24 Przhevalsky's horses, brought to the zone with Stepan, broke up and now there is a whole tobun - 41 horse. (Damn, photography of Przhevalsky horses somewhere ... I will find it - Zakin .. :-))

    In general, since the Chernobyl accident, when it became clear that the zone would be infected with at least a few centuries, dozens of various projects have been put forward on the theme of its future over the past 17 years. Starting from the idea to bring the criminals there, and ending with the scientific project of cultivation in the zone of animals in order to observe the long-term impact of radiation on various types of living organisms. The intended projects include breeding pigs, since it was proved that if they feed on pure feed - they are not radioactive.

    There was a plan to turn the Chernobyl zone into the repository of spent nuclear fuel, where radioactive waste from all four working nuclear power plants of Ukraine will be brought, and even for money - from all over Russia. But Sergey Sabersky is more impressed by the plan for the transformation of the zone of alienation into a unique, the largest reserve of Ukraine.

    "Tired of 17 years to engage in nuclear waste," he says. "I want something to have grown something here. There was a project to plant the entire zone by forests, because the trees do not give the wind to spread the radionuclides. Here you can grow boars, because in other places of Ukraine are normal. The forests were already destroyed. From a geographical point of view, this is a unique reserve. At the mouth of Pripyat there are places for spawning ...

    Sergey Yuryevich, you don't seem somewhat cynical to you - first urge the territory, and then give it to animals, because a person can no longer live there?

    The idea is cynical, but constructive is the only place that a person will not take animals. Most nuclear power plants were built in beautiful places, in rivers, so that there was water for cooling the reactor.

    And yet - the reserve with radioactive stains?

    There are less infected areas in the zone, say, on the periphery of the 30-kilometer zone. Maybe thanks to the enhanced protection of the zone, it will be possible to protect rare animals from poachers.

    In the 86th year, there was a plan of the territory bordering the face, to turn into a "green lawn" - just to bury the infected ground in the same place where he lay. From the large-scale embodiment of this idea, they refused due to the risk that the groundwater would reveal the boots and distribute radiation on. There are many projects, but I don't want to invest in tomorrow.

    Sergey Sabersky, which is occupied by the post of deputy head of the Administration of the Alienation Zone and the Unconditional Disclinment Zone, came to the Chernobyia in 1986. At the time when he received a telegram with an order "to go to the decontamination work of the 3rd and 4th blocks of the Chernobyl NPP," the savers just prepared for the protection of his doctoral dissertation in the Ural Polytech. Arriving on the Chernobia for several days, he remained in the zone for 17 years.

    "We needed to finish the construction of" sarcophagus "to the sweeping term. In the first years, we did not do anything in the first years, it was a real war. The family refused to come here, and now my daughter has already finished the university. Many then collapsed families. But I could not throw a job in the middle, although I had such an opportunity. Then there was no entirely of this four-story piles of papers (shows the table on the dumped papers).

    Of the 15 people who worked with me on the roof, were alive only 5. And I, although I had to work in the fields per 1000 Bar, still alive. In general, each body perceives radiation in different ways, some argue that it is more dangerous radiation in small doses. Many of those who worked on the construction of sarcophagus, today are disabled. Although even then there was already a category of people who traveled to the zone for receiving allowances. And some of those who really suffered, they say that walking behind these benefits - below their dignity, although they feel bad. "

    Do not regret that you stayed here?

    Sometimes I regret. But you will not kill fate. Most people are temporarily. Like any normal person, they earn a living here, and seek quickly from here to get out. And there is another category - those who lived here before the accident, specialists from the station, for which the zone is their lives of their life. Here is still 95% of the time takes work.

    Not everything outside the zone is thinking about what you are doing here. No feeling that you just forgot here?

    No, because no one makes us be here. Obviously, outside the zone our work is not appreciated. And you can find a job with a salary of 450 hryvnia - about 100 dollars. But someone needs to do this work, and I'm afraid, even our grandchildren will not bring to see this zone open. What do people do here? Work on the fact that radiation does not apply further. On the "lighthouse", where in 1957 there was an explosion of waste fuel warehouses, and the cooling system did not work, the work continues to this day. The breakdown of plutonium lasts tens of thousands of years. So talking about what people will be able to go back here live - unreal.

    And yet - 11,000 people in a closed zone?

    There are constantly reductions at the station, but about 4,000 people still work there, they are maintained by the maintenance of existing facilities, they are preparing a station to closure. Reactors stopped, now the process of removal from operation. In the first stage, radioactive fuel will be removed, and it is possible to cross it in the storage of spent nuclear fuel, which is still built. Build plants for the processing of liquid and solid spent fuel.

    Prepare for the construction of a second shelter over the sarcophagus. Money has not yet been translated, there are only 20 countries guarantees ...

    It is said that in the 86th infected land and the forest was buried on an ambulance hand, and today they will not remember the sense, where these grainners are.

    In the zone there is about 800 boots, where the radioactive soil is swapped, the forest demolished at home ... In the 86th infected houses, the woods broke the military equipment, digged trenches up to two meters deep, and fell asleep there. Near the river, I did not make sense of sand in the sand, so the radioactive sand was simply poured on top of the soil, and fastened with latex. 10% of these grainners will have to be reburied - there is such a project "Vector" - while we are talking about 500 thousand cubic meters of infected materials.

    The problem is that in the absence of a budget, it is necessary to draw up a list of priorities, and not all, but only completely urgent things. On the old road, on which you drove, there is still a radiation - on trees, grass ... But now the most dangerous place in the zone is a petroleum, because the local boots are located next to Yanovsky Zaton. They are fencepred off with dam, but still, if the particles fall into the water ... over these years, we have already reburied several boots. If there were money, everything else would also be urgent. But no money - it means it is tolerant ... "Red Forest is buried in 25 trenches, and I would suggest to do in each of them a couple of wells with sensors, and implement local monitoring. But for the approval of each such idea, the conclusion of experts is needed, and sometimes it takes more money than on the implementation of the project itself. The fire station also works ... In the 92nd there were several fires in 5 different sections of the zone ... So it is impossible to throw this place on the arbitrary of fate.

    What participation in this takes Belarus?

    We have a joint commission where the flood problems are underway. Basically, radioactive particles are moving on water. And 30% are created on the territory of Belarus, in the Polesian Radio Economic Reserve. They have no burial grounds for the disposal of radioactive substances. They are mainly engaged in monitoring and protection of the zone.

    Recently, self-movies were prescribed to Ivankovo, because in the zone itself it is forbidden, even though they live here. So the administration actually expired with their existence?

    It is mostly about the old men, which lived by the river .. They lived in these caravans, where they were moved, and they returned here ... they have tried to evict them many times, even through the prosecutor's office - but they were returning. Now we take their products, send "ambulance" if that ... there is nothing cynical than to call the Chernobyl accident with a grand social, chemical experiment ... When people with children come here on the anniversary of the accident here, where they lived ... Every year we take on the funeral of the people of the people who lived here, and want them here and buried ...

    You are specialists, and quite aware of what is radiation. Nevertheless, you calmly climb around the zone without special vehicles ...

    What did you want us to go to the gas masks here? People work here, and not walk. There are places - they are not so much, - where they work in protective suits, a limited amount of time - up to 4 hours, then sanitation are undergoing ... if their drives show that they have irradiated over normal - they are evacuated from the zone. You get used to you, you know where you can walk, and where it is impossible. In the 86th, when I went to the roof of the sarcophagus, and physically felt the radiation, the smell of ozone, strange such a wind, were all existential thoughts, and now it is already routine.

    Continuation from the end. Chernobyl-7.

    The third toast, which usually drinks for those present here, is drunk in the zone for firefighters, trying to put out a burning reactor, and died from radiation sickness. Their bodies were exported for funerals to Moscow.

    "Yes, I do not drink ..."

    "Come on, drink ... It helps from radiation. What are you laughing? Those who drank alcohol in the first days remained alive ..."

    Unlike the "elite" - employees of the nuclear power plant itself, other employees of the zone are often saved from radiation in the old manner - alcohol. The means is controversial, because in order for it to be effective, it is necessary to consume alcohol in such quantities that chronic alcoholism is guaranteed. Perhaps, in all my life I did not have to consume alcohol in such quantities, as for these three days "Chernobyl resort". The problem is only that when you go out to the street, and it seems that in the throat again will finish from radiation, hops will volatile instantly.

    On the third day in Chernobyl I gave up. The place is robbed in such a depression that it disappears the desire to guess, from what the head cracked - from the radiation of Lee, from looping on the collapsing villages and infected forests, from conversations with the inhabitants of the zone, who believe that they are still lucky they work there , and ready to risk your health for the sake of the salary for salary, from the attack of radiophobia, - or just from fatigue.

    "Delivered," I thought, and bravely drank my teeth in the kitlet, sincerely, it was made that it was not made from Chernobyl cows. Next, fried fish was flattened, - again, at the rate of the fact that this is not the very fish that is caught aside in Pripyat fishermen. Well, in the evening, of course, in the Chernobyl hotel, where we were on two floors of a person three, I climbed into a shower under a jet of water with an unknown chemical composition. In the end, as long as a person can live in such a voltage in this damned place, where wolves eat at night at rushing dogs in the city, and wild boars are drunk by a fishing garden at the local police department?

    On the way back on the checkpoint, the police officer bypass with a dosimeter our car. A couple of times a dosimeter begins to yell so that my feet from fear instantly dragged to the ground.

    "Yes, do not worry," he calms down. "This is what he gains a sample, and when he is silent," he measures ... you see - there are no deviations from the norm. " When climbing on a metal dosimeter into human growth and putting hands on the lattice panels on the side, I observe with relief, as the inscription "Pure" lights up on the scoreboard.

    So what does it mean? What am I not irradiated?

    No, it means that you now have no radioactive particles. I hope, he unexpectedly smiles, "you are not disappointed." And that is, the people here - as a dosimeter shall be sorted, go to him like heroes ...

    At the entrance to Ivankovo \u200b\u200blies at the intersection of a giant egg. Who demolished him, the locals do not know. They say this egg is a symbol of the future. Maybe something else is being born here ...

    Chernobyl tents. I start from the end ... it would be so fun.

    Part of the eighth, is dedicated to HGR

    Once in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current zone of the alienation stood 18 churches (and 6 synagogues, for those interested). One of the Chernobyl legends says that at the beginning of the last century, the villages ran in the villages, showed on the church, and sentenced it: "This will destroy this, and this burns .. but this one will stand." Most churches were indeed destroyed in the 30s of the last century, two more burned after the Chernobyl accident. Only one church remained - the Holy Ilinsky temple in the Vakhten village of Chernobyl. On Sundays, self-surroundings from the surrounding villages are brought to her service, and the parishioners are slowly trying to restore it in all the Reds of the 18th century.

    70-Lented Joseph Frantseich Brah Monthly, with his own hands, he finished Golden Machovka. When you meet, it suddenly turns about the conversation about Israel: "We are all here for Israel. Maybe, now that Arafat appointed this new prime minister, you will be easier. Know that we are supporting you in Chernobyl."

    "You know, people call us such an offensive word -" Moodos ", as if we came to someone else's here," the Nadezhda Skonvenko (50), the hall of the Chernobyl Church, who lives in the neighborhood, speaks with an offense. - But in fact it After all, our homes. We are the real patriots of this land, and by what we live here, we did much more than all the liquidators combined. We believe that this land will still bloom, and its revival will begin with this church.

    We are trying to survive from here by all ways. A couple of years ago he passed on the cars, set fire to the village ... Someone had burned at home, they went to live in other houses, but did not leave ... We live here, grow vegetables in the garden, eat them - and nothing. One woman here, almost 40 years old, was born a healthy girl here. Someone lives on science, and someone - faith. "

    How do you returned here?

    I saw a fire from the window at home at the station. Helped evacuate people from Pripyat. And herself remained here. I was a teacher, I tried to instill love for my land. If we do not leave here, then who? This land can be revived only by love. In the 86th we were in such a shock, did not know what to do, where to go. And I, as many, then came to this church, not understanding even the elementary words of prayer. But as he let go ... And I stayed here.

    Ieria Nikolai Yakushin, the former Chernobylov, comes from Kiev with his mother for several days a week to the service. "Of course, there is, but there are miracles," he says. - For example, in the church itself, the radiation level is lower than in my Kiev apartment. And on the altar, the radiation is zero. And all the icons have been preserved, although there were attempts to hack the church. ..

    Still, God saves his holy place. And last year, Vladyka allowed us to enter the relics of the Pechersky Againappish, which heals the hopeless patients. Chernobyl land is also amazed by hopeless ailment. But we believe in miracles. "

    Nicholas's father has another dream - to establish a historical museum in Chernobyl.

    "You can not imagine what there are amazing places here," he says, turning the cards. - Old-desired skete, the ancient ruins, mounds ... "Having heard him, draws pictures of the revival of Chernobyl, and his enthusiasm is infectious that he wants to grab his shovel And run on excavations. For a couple of minutes, it is forgotten that the chance to dig in the zone the burial ground of radioactive waste is much higher than any Kurgan ...