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  • Slang expressions with the word chill. Slang expressions with word chill as a word chill translates

    Slang expressions with the word chill. Slang expressions with word chill as a word chill translates


    English slang expressions were completely established in colloquial speech and to understand the interlocutor, you need to know a lot. Today's topic - word chill - as a verb ( cool ), noun ( cold ) adjective ( cold ) - with which many expressions are connected, let's see what. What is slang? The British call him Street Language - the language of the streets, and studying English according to classical textbooks, we are unlikely to get acquainted with slang expressions.

    Slang "Chill" Expressions

    1. Chill Out. "Sometimes people become very excited, angry, inflated and accordingly, it is necessary, what is called Calm Down, and in the street language it sounds Chill Out - calm down.
    Hey, Man, Chill Out! - Listen, man, calm down!

    Google Shortcode.

    2. (Take a) Chill Pill - "Take a cooling tablet" - this phrase is synonymous than the previous one: calm down

    3. Let's Chill! - Another expression that can be said to a close friend. By meaning it is equivalent to Let's Hang Out - Let's pull out, let's go hang away, etc.
    What is you Doing Tonight? Let's Chill! - what do you do in the evening? Let's pull together.

    4. I'm Just Chilling - What do we do when we do work? do nothing, relax, chatting - this is exactly what i'm i'm just chilling, which is equivalent to I'm Relaxing
    What Are you doing? - Nothing, Just Chilling - What are you doing? - Nothing, just hang

    5. HE IS CHILL - Since Chill is a cold, the first thing that comes to mind is that someone is cold, but in fact it means "he cool", you can still say HE Cool - this is another slang expression, quite common.
    John Is Really Chill, He Is The Best - John is truly cool, on- best

    6. I'm Chilly - But this is the opposite, it is literally translated as I'm Cold - I'm cold.
    I'm Chilly, Will You Give Me Something Warm? - I'm cold, you give me something warmer (clothes)

    7. I Felt A Chill. - I had frost ran my skin. Why does this happen? Of course, from fear.
    The Film Was So Scary, That I Felt A Chill - The film was so terrible that I had a born on my skin

    8. Chill Welcome - Cold reception - after such a reception to visit no longer go
    Her Welcome Was So Chill That I Could Hardly Stay An Hour In The House. - Her reception was so cold that I could hardly stay in the house more than an hour

    9. To Chill Smb's Hopes - cool someone hopes
    His Rough Behavior Chilled My Hopes to Make Friends WITH HIM - His rude behavior cooled my hopes to make friends with him.

    10. Chill Somebody to the Bone / Marrow - to scare greatly, to such an extent that blood froze in the veins:
    The Sound of Scraping At the Window Chilled Me to the Bone. - Scratching sound at the window to death scared me.

    May Refer To: Chills That Occur During High Fevers As A Result of Immune Response to Disease Shivering, A Bodily Function in Warm Blooded Animals Cold Chill, A Tingling Feeling, Possibly Accompanied by a shudder, ... ... Wikipedia


    Chill - ist das englische Wort chill für Kältegefühl, Kühle, Frösteln davon abgeleitet umgangssprachlich chillen und chillen # Chill outChill Out ein Album der Musikgruppe The KLF, siehe Chill Out ein Rollenspiel, siehe Chill (Rollenspiel) eine ... ... Deutsch Wikipedia

    chill'i | LY. - Chill | Y "Chihl EE", Adjective, Chill | I | Er, Chill | I | EST, Adverb. -ADJ. 1. UNPLEASANTLY COOL; Rather Cold: »IT IS A Rainy, Chilly Day. You LL Feel Chilly If You Don T Wear A Coat. Synonym (... Useful English Dictionary

    chill | Y. - Chihl EE, Adjective, Chill | I | ER, Chill | I | EST, Adverb. -ADJ. 1. UNPLEASANTLY COOL; Rather Cold: »IT IS A Rainy, Chilly Day. You LL Feel Chilly If You Don T Wear A Coat. Synonym (... Useful English Dictionary

    Chill - (chl), n. 1. A MODERATE BUT DISAGREEABLE DEGREE OF COLD; A ... ...

    Chill-ON. - IST EIN im Sechsten Forschungsrahmenprogramm (FP 6) Der Europäischen Kommission Gefördertes Forschungsprojekt. Ziel Des Projektes IST Die Verbesserung der Sicherheit und Transparenz in der Kühlkette für lebensmittel. Das Forschungsprojekt, An Dem ... Deutsch Wikipedia

    chill - Chill · ER; Chill · I · LY; Chill · I · Ness; Chill; Chill · Ness; Chill · Some; ... english syllables

    Chill - Chill, a. 1. Moderately Cold; tending to cause shivering; Chilly; Raw. Noisome winds, and blasting vapors chill. Milton. 2. AFFECTED by COLD. My Veins Are Chill. Shak. 3. Characterized by Coolness Of ... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary Of ENGLISH

    Chill - Chill (from CCITT High Level Language) The programming language used in telecommunications. He is a high-level language proposed by the International Telecommunication Union. Language adopted as an international standard for ... ... Wikipedia

    chill - VT: To Discourage ESP. Through Fear of Penalty: Have a Chilling Effect on Statutes Which May Chill The Exercise Of ... Free Expression M. H. Redish Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. Chi ... Law Dictionary


    • Direct-Chill Casting of Light Alloys. Science and Technology, John Grandfield. Direct-Chill Casting Is The Major Production Route for Wrought Aluminium and Magnesium Alloys That Are Later Deformed (Rolled, Extruded, Forged) to the Final Products. To Aid in this Process, ...

    English-Russian translation chill

    1. Tʃıl N 1. 1\u003e Cold; Cooling condition

    to take the chill off - to warm up 2\u003e cold; cold weather

    the Chills of Night - Night Cold, Night Freezing

    there is Quite A Chill in The Air this Morning - this morning fresh / cool /

    2. 1\u003e Cold

    to Catch a Chill - Cook 2\u003e Chills, shiver

    chills and Fever - honey. Intermittent fever, malaria

    I Felt A Chill - I have a bun on my skin

    3. chill (in relationships); Coldness, cooler (in circulation)

    4. Cropling effect; disappointment

    to Cast / to Throw / a Chill - cooling the dust; darken

    to Put The Chill (ON) - Amer. sl. a) treat it cold, to crack; b) kill

    the Bad News Cast A Chill Over The Gathering - Sad Message made a heavy impression on the gathered

    a Chill Comes O "Er My Heart - Poet. Cold Fuck me heart

    5. Tech. sharp cooling

    chill Box - Spec. refrigerator

    chill Mould - Metal. Kokil, Items

    2. Tʃıl A 1. (Unpleasant) Cold; jetty

    chill Breeze - Cold Wind

    my Blood Ran Chill - I have blood froze in the veins

    2. Cool, cold, unwriting

    chill Welcome - Cold Reception

    chill Courtesy - Ice Cultitude

    3. Insensible, cold; stale

    chill Penury - Poet. Cool hand need

    4. Overbish

    chill Travelers - Logging Travelers

    3. Tʃıl V 1. 1\u003e Cooling; cool

    to be chilled to the bone - to extend to (brain) bones

    iT Chills My Blood - From this I am filled / Castle / Blood

    to Be Chilled With Terror - Catch off the horror

    nothing Could Chill The Ardour of His Love - Nothing could cool the heat of his love 2\u003e Cooling, freeze (on ice, in the refrigerator)

    to Chill Wines - Cooling Wines

    to Chill Meat - cooling meat 3\u003e cooling, cold

    2. Open; disappoint; bring into despond deprive vigorous

    to Chill SMB. "S Hopes - Cool Whose Hope

    3. RARK. feel chills

    4. Amer. . ignore, neglect

    5. Amer. sl. deny on sale drugs

    6. Metal. 1\u003e harden 2\u003e whiten

    New Big English-Russian Dictionary. Big new English-Russian dictionary. 2012

    • Anglo-Russian Dictionaries
    • Big new English-Russian dictionary

    Even the meaning of the word and the translation of Chill from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian to English in Russian-English dictionaries.

    More Meanings Of this Word and English-Russian, Russian-English Translations for the Word "Chill" in dictionary.

    • Chill - I. Chil Verb (-ED / -ing / -S) Etymology: Middle English Chillen, Chilen, From Chile, Chele Cold (N.), Frost, From Old English ...
    • Chill - - Chillingly, Adv. - Chillness, N. / chil /, n. 1. COLDNESS, ESP. A Moderate But Uncomfortably Penetrating Coldness: ...
      Random House Webster "S Unabidged English Dictionary
    • Chill - I. Chil Noun Etymology: Middle English Chile Chill, Frost, From Old English Ciele; Akin to OLD English Ceald Cold Date: ...
      Merriam-Webster "S Collegiate English Vocabulary
    • Chill - ADJ AFFECTED by COLD. 2. Chill · ADJ DiscouraGing; depression; Dispiriting. 3. Chill · Adj Moderately Cold; tending to cause shivering; Chilly; ...
      Webster English Vocab.
    • Chill - N (BEF. 12C) 1 A: a Sensation ...
      Merriam-Webster English Vocab
    • Chill - / Tʃɪl; Name / Noun, Verb, Adjective ■ Noun 1. [Sing. ] A Feeling Of Being Cold ...
      OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNER "S English Dictionary
    • Chill - I. Chill 1 / TʃɪL / BRE AME NOUN 1. A Feeling Of Coldness: There Was a Slight Chill in ...
      Longman Dictionary of CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH
    • Chill - N., V., & Adj. --n. 1 A An Unpleasant Cold Sensation; LOWERED BODY TEMPERATURE. B a Feverish Cold (Catch a ...
      English main spoke dictionary
    • Chill - N., V., & Adj. n. 1 A An Unpleasant Cold Sensation; LOWERED BODY TEMPERATURE. B a Feverish Cold (Catch a ...
      Concise Oxford English Dictionary
    • Chill - N., V., & Adj. --n. 1. A AN UNPLEASANT COLD SENSATION; LOWERED BODY TEMPERATURE. B a Feverish Cold (Catch a ...
      Oxford English Vocab.
    • Chill - I. Noun Collocations from Other Entries A Cold / Chill Wind ▪ There Was A Cold Wind This Afternoon. A Grim / Sobering / Chilling Reminder ...
      Longman DOCE5 Extras English Vocabulary
    • Chill - I. Noun 1 Coldness Adjective ▪ Biting, Bitter, Deep ▪ COLD, DAMP ▪ Slight ▪ Evening, ...
    • Chill - N. 25b6; Noun A Chill in The Air: Coldness, Chilliness, Coolness, Iciness, Rawness, Bitterness, NIP. HE HAD A CHILL ...
      Concise Oxford Thesaurus English Vocabulary
    • Chill - n. 1 Coldness, Cold, Coolness, Sharpness, Nip We Put On Our Jackets To Ward Off The Chill of the Evening ...
      Oxford Thesaurus English Vocab
    • Chill
      Big English-Russian dictionary
    • Chill - Chill.ogg 1. Tʃıl N 1. 1\u003e Cold; Cooling, chilled condition to Take the Chill OFF - to warm up 2\u003e cold; ...
      Anglo-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - a collection of the best dictionaries
    • Chill - 1) cooling || Cooling (SIA) 2) Neft.-Chem. freeze; Fold 3) kokil; Metal shape 4) refrigerator (foundry) 5) ...
      Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
    • Chill - 1) cooling || Cooling (SIA) 2) Neft.-Chem. freeze; Fold 3) kokil; Metal shape 4) Refrigerator (foundry) 5) beat (cast iron defect) 6) body of the ingot ...
      Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - Rousseau
    • Chill - Chill Sums.1) Cold Cold Chills and Fever - Malaria Catch a Chill - Cold Synia: Cold 2) Cold, Cold Weather To ...
      English-Russian dictionary Tiger
    • Chill - 1. SUT. 1) Cold, Chills Catch a Chill - Collier Chills and Fever - Malaria Syn: Cold 2) Cold, Cold ...
      English-Russian dictionary on general vocabulary
    • Chill - 1. SUT. 1) Cold Catch A Chill - Chatting Chills And Fever - Malaria Syn: Cold 2) Cold, Cold Weather to Take The Chill Off. ...
      English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
    • Chill - 1. _N. 1\u003e cold; to take the chill off - warm up 2\u003e cold, chills; Shivering - Chills and Fever - ...
      English-Russian Dictionary Muller - 24 Editors
    • Chill - 1. N. 1. Cold; to take the chill off - warm up 2. cold, chills; Shivering - Chills and Fever - ...
      Anglo-Russian Dictionary Muller - Editorial Bed
    • Chill - 1. _N. 1\u003e cold; to take the chill off to warm 2\u003e cold, chills; shiver; Chills and Fever malaria; To Catch ...
      Anglo-Russian Dictionary Muller
    • Chill - I N Ame Sl Hey, Toss Me A Chill, Would Ya, Buddy? - Listen, throw me a beer jar, buddy II VI infml ...
      New English-Russian Dictionary of Modern Spoken Vocabulary - Glazunov
    • Chill - I N Ame Sl Hey, Toss Me A Chill, Would Ya, Buddy? - Listen, throw me a jar of beer, buddy II ...
      New English-Russian dictionary of modern conversational vocabulary
    • Chill - Chill N Ame Sl Hey, Toss Me a A Chill, Would Ya, Buddy? Listen, throw me a jar of beer, Chill VI friend ...
      English-Russian new dictionary Modern informal of English language
    • Chill - I Hey, Toss Me A Chill, Would Ya, Buddy? - Listen, throw me a beer jar, buddy II ALL Right Now, ...
      New English-Russian Dictionary of Modern Informal English
    • Chill - 1. SUT. 1) cold, chills and fever ≈ malaria to catch a chill ≈ Chatting Syn: Cold 2) ...
      New large English-Russian dictionary
    • Chill - a. frigid; n. FRIGORE; (Shudder) Frisson. To Catch A ~: refrigidar SE
      English InterLingue Dictionary
    • Chill - Kabugnaw.
      English-visayan vocabulary
    • Chill - I. Noun Etymology: Middle English Chile ~, Frost, From Old English Ciele; Akin to Old English Ceald Cold Date: Before ...
      Explanatory English Dictionary - Merriam Webster
    • Chill - (a.) Discouraging; depression; Dispiriting.
      English WEBSTER dictionary
    • Chill - (a.) Characterized by Coolness Of Manner, Feeling, ETC.; LACKING ENTHUSIASM OR WARMTH; Formal; Distant; AS, A Chill Reception.
      English WEBSTER dictionary
    • Chill - (a.) Affected by Cold.
      English WEBSTER dictionary
    • Chill - (a.) Moderately Cold; tending to cause shivering; Chilly; Raw.
      English WEBSTER dictionary
    • Chill - (n.) The Hardened Part of a Casting, AS The Tread of a Car Wheel.
      English WEBSTER dictionary
    • Chill - (n.) An Iron Mold Or Portion of a Mold, Serving to Cool Rapidly, And So to Harden, The Surface Of ...
      English WEBSTER dictionary
    • Chill - (n.) A Check to Enthusiasm or Warmth of Feeling; Discouragement; AS, A Chill Comes Over An Assembly.
      English WEBSTER dictionary
      English WEBSTER dictionary
    • Chill - (n.) A Moderate But Disagreeable Degree of Cold; A Disagreeable Sensation of Coolness, Accompanied with Shivering.
      English WEBSTER dictionary
    • Chill - (v. T.) To Strike with a chill; to make chilly; to Cause to shiver; TO AFFECT WITH COLD.
    • Chill - (v. T.) To Produce, by Sudden Cooling, A CHANGE OF Crystallization At Or Near The Surface Of, So ...
      Webster "S Revised Unabidged English Dictionary
    • Chill - (v. T.) To check Enthusiasm or Warmth of Feeling Of; to depress; to discourage.
      Webster "S Revised Unabidged English Dictionary