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  • Why you can't live on Venus. Was there life on young Venus? Rotation around its own axis

    Why you can't live on Venus.  Was there life on young Venus?  Rotation around its own axis

    Life came to Earth from the morning star

    V last years attention of curious and smart people all over the world chained to Mars due to the fact that the Curiosity rover crawls on its surface and transfers from there unique information, fantastically interesting images of the surface and a lot of useful and important things. Against this background, interest in other planets of the solar system, for example, Venus, somehow weakened. And, meanwhile, she, as some researchers believe, is our ancestral home. About two billion years later, the Morning Star had water: rivers, oceans, lakes, even swamps and puddles. This guess of scientists about water was confirmed by information from the Venus Express probe.

  • Planet Venus b was inhabited

    This means that life could well exist on Venus, which then migrated to .

    Some researchers are inclined to think that life on the planet has survived to this day in the form of extremophile microorganisms (which feel confident in an extremely dangerous and aggressive environment), or thrives in the thick clouds of Venus, where conditions are quite suitable for the simplest.

    It is interesting

    Non-crater relief forms of Venus are named in honor of mythical, fairytale and legendary women: the heights are given the names of the goddesses of different nations, the lows of the relief - other characters from various mythologies

    And not only

    Even more daring assumptions were made by Russian scientists, saying that life on Venus thrives not only in the form.

    In the images obtained from the probe, they saw much larger organisms.

    Although opponents disagree, answering that there is nothing definite in the photographs, only what the researchers would like to see.

    In fact, it's hard to believe even on a planet named after the goddess of love.

    It is interesting

    Maya called Venus - the planet Noh Ek - "Great Star", or Shush Ek - "Star of the Wasp" and believed that Venus personifies the god Kukulkan

    The force of gravity on the planet Venus

    There is no place for love on the surface today.

    There, rather, hell, as it was imagined by the believers in the Middle Ages.

    All conditions have been created for a yellowish-white color on the planet: an acid shower, a steam room (on the surface, the temperature goes off scale for half a thousand degrees).

    Characteristics of the planet Venus

    • Weight: 4.87 * 1024 kg (0.815 earth)
    • Diameter at equator: 12,102 km
    • Axis tilt: 177.36 °
    • Density: 5.24 g / cm3
    • Average surface temperature: +465 ° С
    • Orbital period (days): 244 days (retrograde)
    • Distance from (average): 0.72 AU e. or 108 million km
    • Orbit around the Sun (year): 225 days
    • Orbital speed: 35 km / s
    • Orbital eccentricity: e = 0.0068
    • Orbital inclination to ecliptic: i = 3.86 °
    • Free fall acceleration: 8.87m / s2
    • Atmosphere: carbon dioxide (96%), nitrogen (3.4%)
    • Satellites: no

    It is interesting

    In the Soviet film "Planet of Storms," ​​Venus is depicted as a world seething with life. The fauna of Venus resembles terrestrial fauna in the Mesozoic era

    What is the planet Venus made of?

    Internal structure

    • The structure of the second planet from the Sun is similar to the structure of other planets: crust, mantle, core.
    • The liquid core of Venus contains a lot of iron, and its radius is 3,200 km.
    • The crust is 20 km thick, and the mantle is molten matter.
    • It is strange that with such a nucleus, there is practically no magnetic field.
    • The upper atmosphere is almost one hundred percent hydrogen.
    • There are a lot on the planet, more than one and a half thousand of them have been recorded today. Most of them are active.
    • Volcanic activity indicates the activity of the interior of Venus, which is walled up under thick layers of basalt shell.

    Features of the planet Venus

    Rotation around its own axis

    The character of this eccentric planet is not easy. It is also expressed in her willfulness.

    Solar systems rotate on their axis from west to east. Uranus and Venus are the exception to this rule.

    They rotate in the opposite direction: from east to west. This kind of rotation is called retrograde.

    The planet makes a complete revolution around its axis in 243 days.

    It is interesting

    In many of R. Heinlein's novels, Venus is depicted as a gloomy swampy world, reminiscent of the Amazon valley during the rainy season. The planet is inhabited by intelligent inhabitants that resemble dragons or seals.

    Venus is the brightest of the planets

    Planet Venus in the starry sky

    Finding Venus in the sky is very easy.

    In terms of the brightness of the glow, it is the third celestial body after the Sun and the Moon. In the form of a small white dot in the sky, it can sometimes be seen during the day.

    Many watched as the first star lights up in the still light sky at dusk - this is Venus. As the dawn fades, Venus flares up brighter.

    And when it envelops the Earth in a dense fabric and a whole host of stars appears in the sky, our star stands out among them. True, it does not shine for long, it comes in an hour or two.

    The second star from the Sun can be easily seen with ordinary field glasses, and people with good eyesight can see the sickle of Venus with the naked eye.

    This happens because sometimes it approaches the Earth at a very close distance. In addition, the morning star is comparatively large, slightly smaller than the Earth.

    The light of Venus is so bright that when there is no sun or moon in the sky, it causes objects to cast shadows.

    It is interesting

    The planet Venus is very fond of rock musicians. One of the albums by Wings (Paul McCartney) is called Venus and Mars. Rammstein's song "Morgenstern" is dedicated to this planet. One of Boney M.'s albums is called "Night Flight to Venus", Lady Gaga's first promotional single is called "Venus"

    VIDEO: Planet Venus. Amazing facts

    1. Venus is closest to the Earth of all other planets in the solar system.
    2. Scientists call the morning star the sister of our Earth.
    3. Earth and Venus are similar in size.
    4. The geophysical position of the two planets is different.
    5. The internal structure of the planet is not fully known.
    6. To date, it is not possible to carry out seismic sounding of the depths of the planet.
    7. Scientists are exploring the surface of Venus and the space around it using radio signals.
    8. Venus is much younger than Earth, about 500 million years old.
    9. the planet was established by scientists using nuclear methods.
    10. We managed to obtain samples of the Venusian soil.
    11. Scientific studies of these samples were carried out in terrestrial laboratories.
    12. No terrestrial counterparts were found in the samples, despite the similarity of the two planets.
    13. Both the Earth and Venus are individual in their geological composition.
    14. The Venusian diameter is 12,100 km. For comparison, the diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km.
    15. The close values ​​of the diameters of the two planets are due to gravitational laws.
    16. The average density of the rocks present on the planet is less than the average density of the Earth's rocks.
    17. The planetary mass of Venus is 80% of the mass of the Earth.
    18. Small weight relative to the Earth also reduces gravity.
    19. If you have a desire to fly to Venus, then it is not necessary to lose weight before the trip.
    20. You will weigh less on a neighboring planet.
    21. The planets of the solar system rotate on their axis from west to east. Uranus and Venus are the exception to this rule. They rotate in the opposite direction: from east to west.
    22. Venusian Day is the blue dream of workaholics who are always upset that there are only 24 hours in a day.
    23. And the day lasts longer than a year. True. A day on the planet lasts longer than its own year.
    24. those who sing Venus count the day as a year.
    25. The lyrics are close to the truth. The rotation of the planet around its own axis takes 243 Earth days.
    26. Venus makes a voyage around the Sun in 225 Earth days.
    27. The dazzling light of Venus imparts solar radiation when reflected from the surface of the planet.
    28. Venus is the brightest star in the night sky.
    29. Close to Earth, the planet looks like a thin crescent.
    30. At the moments when Venus moves away to the maximum distance from our planet, its light dims and becomes not so bright.
    31. Away from Earth, Venus no longer looks like a crescent, but takes on a round shape.
    32. The higher cosmic forces have established a strict order: each planet must have its own retinue. However, Mercury and Venus are not so honored.
    33. Venus does not have a single satellite.
    34. Dense vortex clouds cover Venus in a thick layer.
    35. Because of these clouds, huge craters and rock formations on the surface of Venus are not visible.
    36. The clouds of the romantic planet are composed of toxic sulfuric acid.
    37. The romantic rains that fall on Venus are from the same substance. An umbrella won't help.
    38. At chemical reactions acids are formed in the clouds of Venus.
    39. The planet's atmosphere contains the most various substances: lead, zinc and even diamonds.
    40. Therefore, when going there on an excursion, leave your jewelry at home.
    41. Otherwise, the insidious planet will dissolve them in its acids.
    42. Clouds need four Earth days to fly around the planet Venus.
    43. The atmosphere of Venus is made up of virtually one carbon dioxide.
    44. Its content reaches 96 percent.
    45. This is what causes the greenhouse effect on the planet.
    46. There are three known plateaus located on the surface of the planet.
    47. Researchers found them using radars.
    48. The most mysterious, mysterious and unusual plateau is "Ishtar Land".
    49. By earthly standards, the "Land of Ishtar" plateau is simply enormous.
    50. It is larger than the territory of the United States.
    51. The basis of the foundations on the planet is volcanic lava.
    52. Almost all geological objects of Venus consist of it.
    53. Due to the super-high temperatures, lava cools very slowly.
    54. It cools down over millions of Earth geological years.
    55. Venus has a huge number of volcanoes.
    56. It is volcanic processes that are an important component in the formation of the Venusian landscape.
    57. What is impossible on Earth, on Venus, is in the order of things.
    58. For example, the length of the lava river is thousands of kilometers.
    59. Scientists observe these streams of fire with the help of radars.
    60. People are used to thinking that deserts are the kingdom of sand. Not on Venus.
    61. The deserts of Venus are mostly rocks.
    62. For many years, scientists believed that Venus was humid.
    63. It was assumed the presence of huge plots of employment.
    64. That is why they expected to find life there, because the swamps are the most suitable place for its origin and prosperity.
    65. Reality disappointed. After studying the data, only lifeless plateaus were found on the planet.
    66. When going to Venus on a business trip, do not forget that water there is more expensive than gold.
    67. On the surface itself, you can find only rocky dehydrated deserts.
    68. The climate on Venus is not for romantics and not even for extreme lovers.
    69. At a temperature of plus half a thousand degrees Celsius, you don't really get a tan.
    70. Scientists believe that there was water here in time immemorial.
    71. Today, due to the high temperature, of course, there is no water left.
    72. Geologists believe that water on Venus disappeared 300 million years ago.
    73. The water has evaporated due to increased solar activity.
    74. Such over heat does not allow the hope that life will be found on Venus. In any case, in the form in which we are accustomed to perceive it.
    75. 85 kilograms per square centimeter is the pressure on the planet's surface.
    76. The planet's atmosphere is as thick and dense as water on Earth.
    77. Walking on the surface of Venus will be like walking on a river bed.
    78. on the planet represent a serious danger to humans.
    79. Even a light breeze on Venus is like a storm on Earth.
    80. This breeze will carry you away as easily as a feather and throw you onto lifeless rocks.
    81. The Soviet spacecraft Venera-8 was the first to land on Venus.
    82. In 1990, the American spacecraft Magellan was sent to Venus for exploration.
    83. Based on the results of the work of "Magellan" topographic map surface of the planet Venus.
    84. What was the first planet the first astronauts saw through the window? First - Earth, then - Venus.
    85. There is no magnetic field on Venus.
    86. Seismologists put it this way: "You cannot ring Venus."
    87. The Venusian core is liquid.
    88. It is smaller than the earthly one.
    89. Scientists have paid attention to the ideal forms of Venus.
    90. Our planet is flattened at the poles, and the shape of the morning star is a perfect sphere.
    91. Being on the surface of Venus, because of the dense cloud curtain, it is impossible to see either the Earth or even the Sun.
    92. The low rotation speed of Venus leads to its warming up.
    93. There are no seasons on Venus.
    94. The informational component of the physical fields of Venus has not been found.
    95. In terms of the brightness of the glow, Venus is the third celestial body after the Sun and the Moon.
    96. The light of Venus is so bright that when there is no Sun in the sky and, it makes objects cast shadows.
    97. There is a theory that life came to Earth from Venus.
    98. Some scientists suggest that life on Venus survived in the form of extremophile microorganisms.
    99. Free fall acceleration on Venus: 8.87 m / s2.
    100. The distance from Venus to the Sun is 108 million km.
  • While studying Venus, scientists discovered such unique phenomena as super rotation and lightning. Lightning is one of the signs of life, since thanks to it there is a separation of discharges, as well as lightning is a necessary stage in the formation of new microelements. Is there life on Venus?

    The most powerful hurricanes of Venus

    The Venera-Express research apparatus also found out that the winds on the surface of Venus move at a tremendous speed (60 times faster than the speed of rotation of the planet around its axis). These hurricanes at the poles whip the atmosphere into giant cyclones. These abnormal winds were called super rotation.

    On Earth, the wind speed roughly coincides with the rotation speed of the planet, why is everything different on Venus? It's all about the density of clouds, the thickness of which reaches 19 km, so not all the energy of the sun reaches the surface of the planet. The energy of the Sun is trapped in the upper layers of dense clouds, and makes these clouds move at a tremendous speed. For Venus, winds with a speed of more than 320 km / h are quite common.

    Water and lightning on Venus

    In 2006, electromagnetic flares were also detected in the atmosphere. These were signs of lightning. On Earth, thunderstorms are caused by water, but on Venus there is no water. It turned out that lightning is formed due to clouds of sulfuric acid from volcanic eruptions. The winds give these clouds energy, so lightning appears on Venus. Lightning is an element of life, as particles are separated during this process.

    It was also discovered that the volcanoes on Venus are still active. it important discovery since in Solar system there are not many places where there is volcanic activity. This further confirms that Venus is still living planet and there may even be life in one form or another.

    Most of the planet Venus is covered with solidified lava, why are there so many? On Earth, volcanoes are located along tectonic plates, accumulated energy comes out through these faults, thereby cooling the Earth. On Venus, there are no tectonic plates, the crust is solid. When there was not enough space in the crust, Venus seemed to boil, a planetary volcanic eruption occurred, thereby destroying rocks and forming a new landscape.

    Scientists also found out that in some places on Venus there are rocks that could only form in water. And these rocks are much older than those volcanic rocks that now cover most of the planet's surface. This means that there were oceans and seas on Venus.

    Is there life on Venus?

    If there was water and lightning on Venus, then life once existed there, is it there now? The spacecraft has studied the surface of the planet using ultraviolet light. It turned out that there are ultraviolet light absorbers on the planet. If microorganisms exist in an acidic and hot environment like the Yellowstone Geyser, then microorganisms were able to adapt to similar conditions on Venus!

    Scientists suggest that life is not adapted to Venus due to atmospheric pressure and high temperature, but at a distance of 48 km. from the surface the temperature is only 80 degrees. If life began on Venus, then when the water evaporated, the microbes evaporated along with the steam.

    If terrestrial lichens survive without water with the help of water vapor, then microbes can exist in hot acidic steam.

    Research shows that microbes can live in more than just the upper atmosphere. And theoretically, Venus might have life in hot acid clouds.

    Tatiana Zimina. According to ESA and IKI RAN.

    A snapshot of Venus in the ultraviolet range (wavelength 0.365 microns), taken from a distance of 30,000 km using a camera installed on the European spacecraft Venera-Express. The photo shows dark and light areas associated with unknown

    Billions of years ago, Venus likely had significantly more water than it does now. The European spacecraft Venera Express, which has been operating in Venusian orbit since April 2006, has confirmed that the planet has lost large amounts of water in the past.

    Venus and Earth are counted externally similar planets- they have approximately the same size, gravity and are very similar in basic chemical composition. This allows us to assume that in the past on Venus, as well as on Earth, there were oceans, which means there could be life. Today, the planet is heated to 460 ° C, and water is present only in its atmosphere and in such small quantities that if it condenses on the planetary surface, it forms a layer only 3 cm thick.

    Why did Venus lose her water? According to astrophysicists, once, from about 500 million to 4 billion years from the birth of the planet, under the influence of the ultraviolet rays of the Sun, water molecules disintegrated into atoms - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and were carried away, probably by the solar wind, into the interplanetary space. After all, Venus, in contrast to Earth, does not magnetic field, which could protect it from the solar wind - a stream of charged particles that freely bombard the upper atmosphere of the "blue" planet, carrying away ions from it.

    Experiments carried out with the Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA), installed on board the European spacecraft, have shown that there are indeed huge losses of hydrogen and oxygen on the night side of Venus, and in the ratio, characteristic of water molecules. The rate of "exit" of these atoms was measured. At the same time, as experiments have shown, the upper layers of the planet's atmosphere contain an increased amount of deuterium, which, being a heavier atom in comparison with hydrogen, breaks out of the planet's embrace with less ease.

    According to Colin Wilson of the University of Oxford (UK), experimental data indicate that Venus had a lot of water in the past. However, this still does not mean that there were oceans on its surface.

    Eric Chassfier from the University of Paris-South (France) developed a mathematical model according to which water on Venus was mainly present in its atmosphere and existed only in the earliest stages of the planet's development, when it was in a molten state. After the disintegrated water molecules escaped into space, the temperature dropped, which probably led to the solidification of the planet's surface. That is, according to this model, there have never been any oceans on Venus. True, even if Chassfier's model turns out to be correct, this does not exclude the possibility that water could be delivered to the planet by comets after its surface has become solid. This water could become a habitat for living organisms.

    The goal of the European mission "Venus-Express" is to study the evolution of the atmosphere of Venus and the volatiles it contains: how they appeared and how they interacted with the surface, as well as how the atmosphere interacts with the solar wind. In addition, it was assumed that during the experiments, volcanic and seismic activity on the planet.

    The equipment of the European spacecraft includes several scientific instruments created with the participation of Russian scientists from IKI RAS and NPO. Lavochkin. It is a high-resolution spectrometer and universal spectrometer (SPICAV-SOIR) designed to study the vertical structure of the atmosphere, temperature profiles, clouds and small atmospheric components. And also a planetary Fourier spectrometer, designed for optical analysis of the atmosphere and the study of its thermal structure (the device turned out to be inoperative).

    Note that Venus is the main object of research of Russian planetary scientists, a total of 16 spacecraft the Venera series and two Vega vehicles with landing modules and balloon stations. Thanks to measurements taken from the Soviet descent and landing space stations in the 1970s and 1980s, a basic model of the atmosphere of Venus was built.

    Currently under development Russian project"Venus-D" (the letter "d" means "long-lived") for further study of the chemical composition of the atmosphere, surface and clarification of the same question: where did the water disappear from the planet?

    The main difference between the landing apparatus of the new Russian space complex- relatively long (several days) performance of its scientific equipment under high temperature and pressure conditions. (The landing craft of the previous Venusian stations worked on the planet for no more than an hour and a half.) The mission will include an orbital block, a descent vehicle and a flotilla of balloons that will fly at altitudes from 35 to 60 km and from which the surface will be surveyed. The launch of the spacecraft is planned for the end of 2016.

    Many researchers argue that life once existed on Venus - but as a result of natural or cosmic cataclysms, the extremely high temperature on the planet's surface destroyed all or almost all plants and organisms. Scientists are asking questions: what could have happened? And does not a similar fate await our Earth?

    Sister of the Earth

    What do we even know about Venus? A lot - and almost nothing.

    After 1983, the descent of spacecraft to the surface of Venus was not carried out (several American ships flew past it on their way to Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury and transmitted data clarifying the composition of the atmosphere). But the study of the second planet from the Sun was not interrupted. Rather, on the contrary - quite recently, Russian scientists have confirmed that they have been actively working for 30 years, systematizing all the data obtained.

    In 2012, Leonid Ksanfomality, chief researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, announced that life exists not only in the atmosphere, but also on the surface of Venus! This conclusion can be made after many years of studying the images transmitted by the descent vehicles in 1975 and 1982. They were processed using the latest equipment, removing all possible interference.

    According to Leonid Ksanfomality, the objects "disk", "scorpion", "black flap", "owl" and others are living creatures that, due to the landing of the module, left this habitat, and then returned back. Not all experts agree with this hypothesis, but no one has yet proposed other logical explanations (other than interference or hardware failure). To clarify the question of the existence of life on this planet will help the flight of the Russian apparatus "Venera-D", the launch of which is scheduled for 2026. It will not be long to wait for the grand opening.

    The more we learn new things about Venus, the more new problems arise. Here is one of them: how to explain such a significant difference in chemical composition atmospheres of neighboring planets - Earth and Venus?

    Millions of years ago, the atmosphere of our planet was also abundantly saturated with carbon dioxide released from the earth's interior during volcanic eruptions. But with the appearance of plants on Earth, carbon dioxide was more and more associated, since it was used to form the plant mass. The high content of free carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus, apparently, indicates that there has never been organic life like Earth. Consequently, the abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a neighboring planet is a completely natural phenomenon. And the fact that Venus has a very high temperature is also no coincidence.

    The excessively high temperature on the planet is explained by the so-called greenhouse effect. The physical essence of this phenomenon is that the surface of Venus, heated by the sun's rays, gives off energy in the infrared (thermal) range. But the dense carbon dioxide Venusian atmosphere, and even with a small admixture of water vapor, is almost completely opaque to infrared rays. As a result, excess heat accumulates - a greenhouse effect is created, as a result of which the surface of the planet and the surrounding atmosphere are heated.

    The high temperature also caused other features of the unusual world of Venus. As is known, at a temperature of 374 ° C, the so-called critical state occurs for water, when it completely transforms into steam, regardless of the value of atmospheric pressure. Consequently, open reservoirs on Venus could be located only in high latitudes (not lower than 60 parallels), where the temperature does not reach a critical value. Therefore, it could be assumed that the polar "caps" of Venus, in contrast to the terrestrial and Martian ones, are ... hot seas! From the rest of the very hot Venusian surface, the water must have evaporated by all means.

    It is now well established that there are no water basins on Venus. And there is too little water vapor in the planet's atmosphere. The question is: where did the water disappear to? What is the reason for such a strong dehydration of the Venusian atmosphere?

    Academician Alexander Pavlovich Vinogradov explained the disappearance of water from the atmosphere of Venus by an enhanced (due to the planet's proximity to the Sun) photochemical process. As a result, the evaporated water decomposed into its constituent elements: oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen oxidized rocks, and light hydrogen atoms escaped from the atmosphere into interplanetary space. Moreover, the dispersion of hydrogen on Venus is favored by a somewhat lower gravity than on Earth and a high temperature. All this should inevitably lead the planet to "drying out".

    And yet, the decomposition of water vapor under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation could not lead to such a strong drying of the Venusian atmosphere. Say what you like, but the question of the disappearance of water on Venus remains a big mystery to us.
    Venus's lack of a noticeable intrinsic magnetic field is fully consistent with its very slow rotation. Even if the core of Venus is similar to the Earth's core, the planet's rotation speed is too low for internal currents to arise in its core that can generate a magnetic field.

    The structure of the interior of Venus, apparently, is similar to the structure of the Earth. But the power of the heat flow coming from the depths of Venus corresponds approximately to the values ​​that are noted on Earth in volcanic regions.

    Comparison of Venus with Earth would be incomplete if we did not touch upon the question of the possibility of life on this planet, our neighbor. The biggest obstacle to life on Venus is the extremely high temperature. Yes and Atmosphere pressure cannot be discarded. It is easy to say that living things on the Venusian surface must constantly experience 90 atmospheres! Not every deep-sea bathyscaphe is in such difficult conditions as everything that can be at the bottom of the air ocean of Venus, consisting of compressed carbon dioxide. English scientist Bernard Lovell characterizes natural conditions planets: "On Venus, a hot, poisonous and inhospitable environment awaits aliens."

    And yet we have no right to completely exclude the possibility of life on this planet. It is known that with distance from the surface of Venus, atmospheric pressure drops and temperature decreases, decreasing by about 8 ° C with each kilometer of altitude. So, at the main peak of the Maxwell Mountains, the temperature should be almost 100 ° C lower than at the foot. However, here it continues to remain high and is about 300 ° C.

    Until recently, it was believed that at such a temperature, life, even the simplest, becomes completely impossible. But let's not rush to such a categorical conclusion. Let's remember at least what is at the bottom The Pacific in the region of the Galapagos Islands, hot springs with a temperature of 300 ° C were discovered. And what is surprising: living microorganisms were found in these sources. Why not admit that life in its most primitive form can even be on Venus? Of course, not on the hot surface of the planet, but in those layers of the Venusian atmosphere where the physical conditions are close to that of the earth, that is, where the temperature is +20 "C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. On Venus, such conditions developed somewhere at an altitude of about 50 km above But here's how to get rid of excess carbon dioxide and enrich the Venusian atmosphere with oxygen, how to eliminate the greenhouse effect?

    The American astronomer Carl Sagan (1934-1996) believed that a radical restructuring of the atmosphere of Venus and ridding the planet of the greenhouse effect is a very real thing. This requires only one thing: to establish photosynthesis. And in the atmosphere of Venus there is everything necessary for the production of photosynthesis on the widest scale: carbon dioxide, water vapor, sunlight. Therefore, in the upper, relatively cool layers of the Venusian atmosphere, the scientist suggested throwing the rapidly multiplying alga - chlorella using spacecraft. It will cleanse the atmosphere of excess carbon dioxide and replenish it with oxygen. Deprived of carbon dioxide, the atmosphere will no longer be a trap for solar energy. When the greenhouse effect weakens, the temperature will decrease, water vapor will condense into water, which will pour abundantly onto the cooling surface of the planet. This will further reduce the greenhouse effect, and then conditions favorable for the development of flora and fauna will appear on Venus. Over time, the climate of an inhospitable planet will change so much that it may become suitable for human habitation.