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  • OGE in English year. Demonstration options for the English language. How is the preparation for GIA

    OGE in English year. Demonstration options for the English language. How is the preparation for GIA
    • the scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work of 2020 in the mark on a five-point scale;
    • the scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the examination work of 2019 in the mark on a five-point scale;
    • the scale of recalculation of the primary score for the execution of the 2018 examination work in the mark on a five-point scale;
    • the transaction scale of the primary score for the execution of the 2017 examination work in the mark on a five-point scale;
    • the transaction scale of the primary score for the implementation of the examination work of 2016 in the mark on a five-point scale;
    • the transaction scale of the primary score for the execution of the examination work of 2015 in the mark on a five-point scale;
    • the transaction scale of the primary score for the execution of the examination work of 2014 in the mark on a five-point scale;
    • the transaction scale of the primary score for the execution of the 2013 examination work in the mark on a five-point scale.

    Changes in the demonstration options of OGE in English

    IN demonstration version of OGE 2015 by english language The structure of the option has changed:

      Numbering The tasks began through All over the option without alphabetic designations A, B, C.

      Changed the response recording form in tasks with a response choice: the answer needs to record numbers with the number of the correct answer (and not to circle a circle).

    IN demonstration of OGE 2016 in English Compared to the 2015 Demonstration Option there was no change in the written partthe oral part was given in accordance with the oral part of the EGE in English in the 11th grade.

    IN demonstration options OGE 2017 - 2019 in English Compared to a demonstration option for 2016 there were no changes.

    IN demo version of Augta 2020 in English Compared to the 2019 demonstration option, the following were made. changes:

    • In section 2 ( "Tasks for reading"):

        it was changed Task 9.: OGE participants need to be determined in which of the six written texts contains an answer to the proposed question (there is one extra question in the task). for completing the task - 6 points;

        reduced text of reading to the tasks to determine the compliance of the statement to the read text;

        reduced to 7 number of tasks On the definition of compliance with the statement to the read text (corresponds to / does not comply with / in the text, it is not said). Maximum number of points for performing tasks 10-16 - 7 points.

    • In section 5 ( "Tasks for speaking"):

        in task 3. (Creation of a coherent monologue statement) added one aspect. In this regard, the relevant change were made in the criteria for estimating the task (In the criterion "Solution of the Communicative Task"). The maximum number of points for the execution of the task 3 has not changed.

    On 26 and 27 May 2017, Russian nine-graders will show how they learned to read, listen, write and speak English.

    Before we affect the topic of answers, we clarify what OGE is. Abbreviation means "the main state exam" He is not the only one, there is another HBE - the state graduation exam. He is given to those guys who are trained in closed schools or have some health restrictions. GWE is radically different from OGE. It does not have a test component: it is a traditional ticket exam. Ogue, in essence, this is an exam, only for the ninth classes. It is checked all the content of the subject, the tasks are presented through a strictly organized system, the examiner does not see the examiner. Both exams belong to the state final certification (GIA), so we will talk about GIA (OGE).

    Changes in OGE 2017 in English

    Foreign language and, in particular, English is one of the few items that has been subjected to some changes this year. They, however, insignificant and concern only the oral part. So, to file your voice is not in two tasks, but in three, and it will be necessary to say not to the "living" examiner, but a computer through a headset. From here, the changed number of tasks is 36 - and the total time of the exam is 135 minutes (120 minutes per writing part and 15 per oral).

    The written part consists of classic sections: audition, reading, written speech and knowledge of vocabulary with grammar. Almost all tasks will require only a brief response: either numbers / numbers corresponding to the correct answer / response, or numbers, words, phrases. Only one task in the written part will require a deployed response - a personal letter for 100-120 words.

    The following forms of questions will meet:

    • with the choice of the correct answer (or several correct answers);
    • to establish conformity between the elements of two sets;
    • to fill the passes in the text by bringing the specified form of the word into the corresponding grammatical norm.

    Answers to OGE 2017 in English

    There are no ready-made answers. There are a bunch of fraudsters who traded lime responses to the lime "original" kima 2017, but there are no real kima 2017. You drive into a search engine: "Answers to OGE 26 and 27, 2017" - and see many sites, groups in social networks, seducing nine-graduaters ready answers and real philators of 2017, but you understand that these suggestions are nothing but sell Do not?

    Download the key to solving all tests right now!

    If you are haunted by the uncertainty that you will handle the OGE in English, take two things. First - use the remaining time as soon as rational. If possible, immerse yourself in the linguistic environment abroad or in the private school of your city. We will not be able to create a partially such environment itself, sticking on things in the house leaves with english words, more often communicating with friends, tutoring. And the second - remember, the world will not collapse because you will not surrender the exam. Yes, it is likely that you will not surrender. So what? Allow this opportunity, and fear will leave, and success, on the contrary, will get closer.

    OGE in 2017

    OGE hand over 14 subjects. In addition to English from languages, you can also hand over German, French or Spanish. From the other items you can choose physics, chemistry, biology, literature, geography, history, social studies, computer science. Well, of course, mandatory exams: in mathematics and Russian.

    Articles on responses to other subjects:

    • Answers to OGE in Spanish (26 and 27 May 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in French (26 and 27 May 2017)
    • Answers to OGE in German (26 and 27 May 2017)
    • Answers to

    OGE 2017 English 10 Gudkov's training options

    M.: 20. 1 6. - 112 p.

    To the attention of graduates of 9 classes of general education organizations is offered tutorial To prepare for the basic state exam (OGE) in English, which contains 10 options for examination. Each option includes the tasks of different types and the level of complexity in all sections of the English language course, the knowledge of which is checked within the OGE. Significant in volume, the Bank of Examination Materials provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastering the knowledge, skills and skills. At the end of the book, answers are answered for self-test for all tasks and criteria for estimating tasks for writing and speaking.

    Format: PDF.

    The size: 4.6 MB


    Preface 4.
    Written part 5.
    Option 1 5.
    Section 1. Jobs on audition. five
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 6

    and vocabulary 9.
    Section 4. Task by letter 10
    Option 2 11.
    Section 1. Jobs on audition. eleven
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 12
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 15.
    Section 4. Task by letter. . . . sixteen
    Option 3 17.
    Section 1. Jobs for listening ... 17
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 18
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 20.
    Section 4. Task by letter 22
    Option 4 23.
    Section 1. Jobs for listening ... 23
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 24
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 27.
    Section 4. Task by letter 28
    Option 5 29.
    Section 1. Jobs for listening ... 29
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 30
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 33.
    Section 4. Task by letter 34
    Option 6 35.
    Section 1. Jobs for listening ... 35
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 36
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 39.
    Section 4. Task by letter 40
    Option 7 41.
    Section 1. Jobs for listening ... 41
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 42
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 45.
    Section 4. Task by letter 46
    Option 8 47.
    Section 1. Jobs for listening ... 47
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 48
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 51.
    Section 4. Task by letter 52
    Option 9 53.
    Section 1. Jobs on audition ... 53
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 54
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 57.
    Section 4. Task by letter 58
    Option 10 59.
    Section 1. Jobs for listening ... 59
    Section 2. Reading Tasks 59
    Section 3. Tasks for grammar
    and vocabulary 60.
    Section 4. Task by letter 63
    Oral 65.
    Attachment 1.
    Texts of audio records to the section "Auditting" and oral part 75
    Appendix 2. Answers to tasks 95
    Appendix 3. The procedure for assessing examination works 102
    Appendix 4. Criteria for estimating the task 33
    "Personal letter" 103
    Appendix 5. Criteria for estimating the execution of tasks of the oral part 105
    Literature 107.

    The purpose of this manual is to help students of 9 classes in the shortest possible time to prepare for the English language exam in the form of the main state exam (OGE). It can also be useful to teachers who will find the necessary material to work in the lessons.
    The collection presents typical training options for examination work, which can be used as a practical material to prepare for the exam. The manual is focused on adapting to test technologies of control taking into account their new format and content.
    In accordance with the demonstration oGE version Training options consist of a written and oral part. The written part of the work consists of four partitions ("tasks for auditing", "reading tasks", "tasks for grammar and vocabulary", "task in writing"), including 33 tasks.
    Section 1 ("Tasks for Audit") contains 8 tasks from which the first two are to establish conformity and 6 tasks with a choice of one correct response from the three proposed. The recommended time to execute the section is 30 minutes.
    Section 2 ("Tasks for reading") contains 9 tasks, one of which is on setting compliance and 8 tasks with a choice of one correct response from the three proposed. The recommended time to execute the section is 30 minutes.
    Section 3 ("tasks for grammar and vocabulary") contains 15 tasks with a brief response. The recommended time to execute the section is 30 minutes.
    Section 4 ("Task in Letter") represents a small written job (writing a personal letter). The recommended time to execute the section is 30 minutes.
    The total time of the written part of the exam is 120 minutes.
    The oral part includes 3 tasks.
    Task 1 provides for reading out loud of a small text of a popular science character. Time to prepare is 1.5 minutes.
    In the task 2, it is proposed to take part in the conditional dialogue-questioning: to answer six of the issues of the telephone survey in audio recordings.
    In task 3 it is necessary to build a coherent monologue statement on a specific topic based on the plan. Time to prepare is 1.5 minutes.
    The total response time of one participant of OGE (including training time) is 15 minutes.

    Read the text. Determine which of the allegations given 10- 17 correspond to the content of the text (1 - True)which do not match (2 - False) and what the text does not say, that is, on the basis of the text it is impossible to give a positive or negative answer (3 - Not stated). In the response field, write down one digit that matches the correct answer number.

    Christmas Tree Memories.

    My name is ted. I Grew Up in the 50s, But My Childhood Memories Are Still Alive. The Most Pleasant of Them Is The Family Christmas Tree. Besides My Mum and Dad, There Were Five Children in the Family. We all Took Part in Decorating The Christmas Tree, One Way or Another. IT WAS A Special Time for Me As Dad Took Us for a Trip to the Winter Forest.

    The Experience Was Special As Only Boys Were Allowed to Go to the Countryside to Pick Out the Tree. AT THE AGE OF FIVE I FELT PROUD TO BE IN A MAN'S ADVENTURE. I REMEMBER WALKING THROUGH THE Forest with Dad Looking for The Perfect, Large Tree. We Had a Tall Ceiling In The Living Room, SO A Small Tree Did Not Look Right There.

    At the Age of Five, Even a Small Tree Seemed Great to Me. To Measure A Tree I Raised My Hands Above My Head and Looking Up. If I Could Reach The Top of The Tree I Thought It Was Big Enough. Dad, However, Always Chose The Perfect Tree Very Carefully.

    ONCE HE HAD MADE HIS CHOICE, HE TOOK OUT AN AXE TO CUT DOWN THE TREE. I Wanted To Help My Dad and Brothers, But The Always Told Me to Stand Back. When the Cutting Began, I Tried to Hold The Tree Up. I Was Afraid The Tree Would Fall On Them and I Felt Strong Enough to Hold It.

    After the Tree Was Down We Be IT to the Car and Went Back Home. I don't Remember How We Got That Large Tree Through The Door, But It Was Always Right. Then Dad Got The Tree to Stand Up and We Could Start The Decorating. The Tree, The Boxes with Decorations and a Tall Ladder Took Up the Whole Room.

    All The Family Took Part As Mum Gave Everyone A Task. I HAD TO PASS THE Decorations. What I Liked Best About The Christmas Tree Were the Lights. WHEN EVERYBODY ELSE HAD LEFT I STAYED IN THE ROOM AND WATCHED THE LIGHTS TRAVELING UP AND DOWN THE CHRISTMAS TREE.

    Dad Had One More Special Job That Day. MUM TOOK HER FAVOURITE ORNAMENT, A LIGHTED ANGEL, Which She Had Got As A Present From Her Family. Dad Climbed The Angel At The Top of the Christmas Tree. When i Looked at the Angel, I Thought Santa Was Close to My House.

    EveryOne, and the Decorated Shining Tree, Was Ready to Celebrate Christmas. IT Was So Big That It Nearly Touched The Ceiling. I Felt I Was A Small Part of a Big Adventure. The Last Few Years We Lived in That House The Trips to the Forest with dad ceased. We Bought An Artificial Tree Instead.

    Ted's Family Had A Tradition of Decorating The Christmas Tree Together.