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  • Hexagram 53 Love Interpretation. What is a book of change. Communication with higher - orientation in their actions, intentions, thoughts for higher

    Hexagram 53 Love Interpretation. What is a book of change. Communication with higher - orientation in their actions, intentions, thoughts for higher

    In this article you will learn:

    The Book of Changes Andzin is one of the most ancient advisers around the world. It was widespread in the VII-VIII centuries to our era, to be created much earlier. Predictions through a book of change have a strong impact of both philosophy and policies with literature. It also affects various fields of art.

    What is a book change

    This literature is considered one of the most ancient texts of a philosophical nature, the birthplace of which is China. Its basis is the idea of \u200b\u200bchangeability, which stems from observations of people by how the world Changing every second. Thanks to the theory of divination by Izzin, it is possible to track the feasibility of human actions in the desired situation, checking its conformity or dissociation of world processes.

    The legend says that 8 trigms based on future hexagrams were created by the first ruler of China Fu Xi, who had a divine origin and the body of the dragon.

    As an alternative, many people turn to fortunate on the book of the change of Juno, which modern people presented Ancient Rome. The time did not change the fortune telling, and a coin protrudes as a patronage of this system.

    Itszine contains 64 GUAs or symbols in which 6 horizontal bands of the YAO are included, they can report one or another situation, taking into account its development with time. Yao can be solid or interrupted. The first numbers are numbered 9, have white color and are a symbol of light, activity and voltage. The second is indicated by the number 6, they are black and respond to darkness, passivity and compliance.

    During the process of divination on the coins, the hexagram is constructed, then the search for interpretation is carried out, which can be found in one of the sections in the form of aphorism. It is important to listen to what the Izzin will be informed about, and caution are also extremely important. She is able to give a detailed explanation of the current situation with the options for its possible development, and they will influence them to the actions that a person will undertake or will not make.

    Features of interpretation of hexagram

    The Chinese Book of Changes is the most common predictive system in the world, so the question of how to exercise fortune telling remains sharp. For the very divination, it is not necessary to have any secret knowledge, the meaning of hexagrams and interpretation of the aphorisms is simple, but they have their own nuances.

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    For any situation on the pages, development is demonstrated: everything begins with its image presented in thoughts, and ends with its embodiment and completion. Andzin becomes the wise adviser accompanying you and offering various options for the development of the situation.

    During divination, the hexagram folds up and is explained from the bottom up:

    • the lowest abnity shows how the situation was born;
    • the second becomes apotheosis of the development of the internal qualities of a person;
    • the third reports the crisis of the internal situation;
    • the fourth will demonstrate the beginning of the rebirth of the internal process outward;
    • the fifth will take him out as much as possible;
    • the sixth will be the end of the situation and the beginning of its rebirth, during which it will develop in his opposite.

    With an interpretation of hexagrams, Izzin should not be forgotten that the folio is a product of the Chinese philosophy of the past. It is not necessary to explain this fortune telling, from the point of view of a European look at life, will not lead to anything good.

    Basics of interpretation in the image: reference information

    To correctly interpret and guess, there should be 3 coins, paper, pen, table with the value of hexagrams and the book itself.

    During divination, you need to trust intuition and allow to engage in figurative thinking. In each hexagram, the desired meaning is already initially laid, the task of the gadget - find the one that will be answered to the question of interest.

    Everyone who touchs the book of change is possible to take advantage of someone else's interpretation of hexagrams, which may not have any attitude to the current situation, or dedicate to the fortune investment more time, focus on the item of interest and to decipher the figurative response of the aphorisms of the ancient book.

    Interpretation by number: reference information

    Explanation of hexagrams is a rather complicated procedure, even at the beginning and does not seek such an impression. For the correct interpretation of one, which fell during divination, hexagram, should take into account a number of aspects.

    The fortune telling on Izzin is divided into 2 stages:

    • explanation of the image of the hexagram, which fell on the situation;
    • description in the form of hexagram words.

    And if the first option is easy to implement on the Internet, then for the second automatic service is not quite suitable. The simplified version crosses all useful information filed from the experience of the ancient wise men of China and placed in Jeep.

    To increase the informativeness of divination, the hexagram is interpreted independently, for this it is necessary:

    • have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe principles described in the book of Incen;
    • take into account the fact that the information provided has many levels;
    • use the texts from the original source.

    A large number of levels involves the fact that in the original text comments each hexagram describes all available levels of the situation. It is also important to translate the original text of Izzin.

    The interpretation on the book of change always helps to look at the situation from different sides and allow it well. During fortune telling, a person with a book starts to conduct a dialogue. At the same time, not only a person turns to the book, but she asks questions to you guessing. Thanks to the conversation with a book of change, a person begins to better understand himself and navigate in difficult life situations. With the right and most respectful appeal, the Book Andzine can be your reliable friend.

    Modern interpretation.

    Gradual, smooth, adaptable; flowing like water; Marriage of the eldest daughter.

    Shaped row
    Wife goes to her husband. Happiness.
    Favorable resistance.

    This is the time to gradually achieve the goal through adaptability and soft, imperceptible penetration. The sample serves the wedding ceremony of the eldest daughter, which in Ancient China It happened slowly and with many rituals. Do not take the initiative on yourself.

    Wait for proper sign or guidance to move forward. Slow, but steady promotion will lead to success. You will find your real place and achieve genuine skill in your business. Recommend to your own spiritual forces and in touch with Dao to change the position of things.

    Act through the woman and the women's beginning yin. Harmonize your desires, adapt and slowly penetrate into the essence of each situation.

    Associative interpretation.

    1. The watchdog is mounted at a high location. This is in order to try to see things more clearly.
    2. Pot for making medicines stands on Earth. You should adopt preventive measures.
    3. The official climbs the stairs. This means "soar above and above."
    4. Flowering branch lies on the ground. This means "not to pass an interview when admitting to work" or "fall on the exam in an educational institution."
    Form: plant trees at high mountains.
    Symbol: small accumulates until it turns into a large.

    Explanation of hexagram on Wen-Vanu.

    Graduality. Virgo issued married. Luck. The burden is persistent.

    Instructions to interpretation.

    1. This is January hexagram. It is good in spring, summer and autumn and bad in winter.
    2. Jian action is to follow the correct sequence, stand on a solid foundation, to work honestly and make gradual progress.
    3. If the patient, consulting with I-Jing, receives Jian, is a very bad sign.
    4. Your friend who is associated with a large firm is arranged a small order from her to your company. "This is only the beginning," he warns, and indeed, in a year, after many small orders, they decide that you can trust, and reorient most of your supply on you.

    Explanation of individual Yao in Zhou Gun.

    First Yao.
    Initial six. Wild goose gradually approaching the shore. Younger son is a danger. Many conversations. Do not blame.
    1. You go to a dangerous thing. No friends nor relatives support you, and you are going alone, a little concerned, but decisive. Thanks to his personal determination, you win.
    2. The promise was only done - and immediately broken.
    3. Excessive self-confidence can lead to trouble.
    Second Yao.
    Six second. Dick goose gradually approaching the rock. Food and drink peacefully separated. Luck.
    1. On the occasion of the first anniversary of your new undertaking, you arrange dinner for your friends so that they share your happiness in connection with success and success in this matter.
    2. When you build up - still there is still a lot of what you can learn.
    3. If the patient gets it Yao, then its position is very serious.
    Third yao.
    Nine Third. Wild goose flies over a plate location. A person goes away and returns. A woman is pregnant, but she has miscarriages. Failure. It would be good to leave thieves.
    1. Your business is successful, but comes a friend and is trying to draw you into an adventure, which will bring a larger kush "ten times." You weigh all "for" and "against" and realize that you are too bad prepared for this and that if you lose, then go bankrupt. You stay with your former business and focus on making customers to pay bills in a timely manner.
    2. This is a difficult position: no forward or back.
    3. You lose much more than getting.

    Fourth Yao.

    Nine fourth. Wild goose flew to a tree. Maybe find a flat branch. Do not blame.
    1. You and your wife come to the motel, located next to your new job, and discover that there is no places. You are consistent with all the surroundings in search of housing and, finally, find the right room to spend time.
    2. Wild goose chooses a tree to relax. You must choose a right location or faithful leader.
    3. Too late to correct something when the crisis has already broke out.

    Fifth Yao.

    Nine fifth. Wild goose gradually approaches the mountain peak. Three years in a woman will not have a child. In the end, nothing will stop her. Luck.
    1. You get a job in a person with whom many years have been in friendly relations. Now he "holds a distance" and does nothing to encourage your intensive work. A year later, he unexpectedly becomes friendly, and you will learn that one of those who trusted, all the time told bad stories about you, but in the end was evident in lies.
    2. Trees growing on the mountain, cut down, because they are valued as a construction forest. So with a talented person: his abilities can destroy it.
    3. You are always grateful for good and try to repay him doubly.
    Sixth Yao.
    Upper nine. Wild goose approaches high plains. His feathers can be used in sacred dance. Luck.
    1. You retire and give your hobby. You have a healthy old age. Throughout the years you come to visit your old work and learn that you still remember you a kind word.
    2. Your reputation support facts.
    3. You will be famous for the whole country.

    General interpretation in U.Shutskom.

    In the previous strength were accumulated, restored, interpret. They were reported impulse. They were tested in resistance and now they can move freely forward to activities. Therefore, this situation is called the flow.

    It should also be noted that the main image passing through almost all the features is the image of a swan. This is an image of a water poultry, which is harmonized with the name of the hexagram - the flow.

    But in order to understand this aphorism, it is necessary to take into account that this is not indifferent, but has a certain goal, such a goal, as the purpose of the girl get married. Self itself, in order not to move from the right path, you need complete durability.

    Therefore, the main aphorism speaks only: the current. Woman leaves her husband. Happiness. Favorable resistance.

    As an ancient forest, where a thin game of light, textures and shadows occur due to the process measured in centuries and inches - things of durable values \u200b\u200bare developing gradually, at their own pace. The ability to learn from their own experience is one of the greatest treasures of humanity - implies constant, but very gradual progress. The combination of immobility inside and without determining the essence of this process. Good things can germinate quickly, but truly delightful much longer as a beautiful tree on the mountainside.

    The principle of gradual development is also applied to relationships. For love, marriage and other long-term partnerships, the best progress is slow, but stable is quite slow to move in the right direction. The fortified tree has dignity. And since his roots penetrate deeply under the soil, it is not easy to overtake him. Sustainable development of your depths is something that makes it possible for steady long-term progress.

    Interpretation of lines:

    Row 1 (Lower string)

    If you are careful, and persistent, you will have a good position. When the situation is allowed to gradually develop with a good term, obligations can turn into assets.

    You reach the point of rest and security, which is the initial level of success. The path in front seems clear and bright. It is possible to feel right - this is the key to your progress. Time is ideal for expansion, especially in the area of \u200b\u200brelationships.

    Have you ever fallen too far, too high, and turned out to be in a difficult or hostile situation? Perhaps even losing their way? Sometimes we do not allow things to develop quietly, but we go ahead to suddenly be in the fight. In such cases, the first requirement - or be careful - or go down.

    When you find yourself in an awkward position, even if not in your fault, like on a rope, mark a safe place to land and restore balance. Do not worry. You will find your balance again.

    With a rapid movement to heights are usually distinguished from old friends and past partners. Naturally, in such conditions you feel a little lonely, but periods of isolation and care are inevitable in the process of self-development, as a kind of social dream, which makes a possible awakening. Despite the fact that the care period of others may complicate your life during this period of time, you must pass through these times with patience, and not ignore your needs for solitude and concentration. Misunderstanding will be allowed over time, and reconciliation with important people will be achieved.

    Row 6 (top line)

    When gradual development reaches its apogee, higher successful results, this is an excellent example for others. Be faithful to your goals, even if they may seem selfish for others, your success in achieving them will benefit to live around.

    Jiang (current): gradual promotion, slow and non-stop penetration; seeping, the ability to take any form; flexible, pliable, strengthened; flowing like water; Influence. The hieroglyph depicts water and the penetration symbol.

    Wife goes to her husband. Happiness.
    Favorable resistance.

    This is the time to gradually achieve the goal through adaptability and soft, imperceptible penetration. The sample serves the wedding ceremony of the eldest daughter, who in ancient China was slow and with many rituals. Do not take the initiative on yourself. Wait for proper sign or guidance to move forward. Slow, but steady promotion will lead to success. You will find your real place and achieve genuine skill in your business. Recommend to your own spiritual forces and in touch with Dao to change the position of things. Act through the woman and the women's beginning yin. Harmonize your desires, adapt and slowly penetrate into the essence of each situation.

    In the previous strength were accumulated, restored, interpret. They were reported impulse. They were tested in resistance and now they can move freely forward to activities. Therefore, this situation is called the flow. It should also be noted that the main image passing through almost all the features is the image of a swan. This is an image of a water poultry, which is harmonized with the name of the hexagram - the flow. But in order to understand this aphorism, it is necessary to take into account that this is not indifferent, but has a certain goal, such a goal, as the purpose of the girl get married. Self itself, in order not to move from the right path, you need complete durability.

    External I. Inner worlds: Wind (tree) and mountain

    Internal stability creates the basis for gradual exit and penetration into the outside world.

    Gradual promotion contains hidden opportunity Energy accumulation for important affairs.


    The immobility does not last forever. The awareness of this allows you to use the flow.


    The flow means gradual promotion.


    Tree over the mountain. Flow.
    The noble man is in strength and virtue to improve the lowest.

    Hexagram lines

    Line 1.

    At first six

    Swan approaching the shore.
    Small child scary. There will be sense.
    But the bully will not.

    There is a certain duality in the situation. You leave the situation, more familiar to you to meet with an unknown. If you are weak spirit, it can cause fear, but in the end everything will end safely.

    Starting from the first aphorism and further, the text of the "Book of Change" says here about the gradual progress of the swan. By the way, the look of Swan Syun Xun decrypts so: "Swan belongs to the birds of light, but lives in water (attributed to the category of darkness - Yu.C.). When he is on the water, he considers rejection for himself to get to Sushi. When he is on land, he considers joy to get to the water. "

    The dual character of this situation, where the separation of the original point is needed, is expressed here in the form of a swan, which, from a water surface, convenient for it and to which it is adapted, goes ashore into a situation that is less characteristic of it. However, this path arises as necessary. And the "Book of Change" considers only the gradual stages of it. At the first position, the swan is only approaching the shore. Speech to activities may seem terrible, but not a person, full strength. Only a child could scare a big and long road. Therefore, if there is a danger and causes some sense, then ultimately, since the yield is needed here, the situation will unfold well.

    Line 2.

    Six Second

    Swan approaching the rock.
    In food and drink - equilibrium.

    You find an intermediate support. Timely help comes from the outside. Rejoice in life. The path is open.

    Further gradual deployment of forces, expressed in the form of a swan, coming to coastal cliffs, must be primarily built on the harmonious perception of what helps a person and what comes from ambient. Food and drink is that all the time penetrates a person from the outside. And in this support from the outside, the person must mostly show his own balance.

    Line 3.

    Nine Third

    Swan is approaching land.
    Husband will go hiking and not return.
    Wife gets pregnant, but does not carry out.
    Positive to cope with the robber.

    An unfavorable position associated with the crisis. Any wrong step can lead to trouble. The path is closed. To open it, you need to cope with the robber - that is, with what symbolizes the deviation from the right path.

    The third position is scheduled to exit from the inner medium, i.e. From the one that is valid, and translated into images, data in the "Book of Change", - a way out of the water that is so pleased with the swan. Thus, here the swan reaches sushi, he goes to her. But for life on land, it is not adapted in the same way as at first a person coming to activities and coming out of his unchanged rest is not adapted to activities. Therefore, it can, as a threat, to appear in front of a person the wrong development of its path. If a man goes hiking, then the wrong and unfavorable outcome of his enterprise is expressed in the fact that he dies in the campaign and does not return. Ancient Chinese authors "Book of Change" The only purpose of the woman was seen in the continuation of the kind. Therefore, for a woman, an unfavorable outcome is expressed in the image of the possibility of conception, but the impossibility of birth. Such a situation can only lead to action, but in it in the name of embarking out of this situation, it is necessary to cope with all the interfering elements of it, it is necessary to cope with the robber, which symbolizes all deviations from the right path, i.e. from further development.

    Line 4.

    Six fourth

    Swan is approaching trees.
    Maybe he will reach his bitch.
    Hula will not.

    Support is required in action. If you can easily find a sufficiently strong support in a changing atmosphere, everything will end safely.

    Insuitance of a person to action that limits his capabilities here due to the lack of experience, largely leads to the fact that if he passed the previous situation safely, he has not yet met the final charity. Further permission of events may be for it as it may be for him as well and unsuccessfully. Wine everything, of course, his inaccessibility. Swan is not adapted to nesting on the tree, however, maybe he will find a fairly strong bitch, on which he might be presserving. So the acting person can find a sufficiently strong support for its further activities. In the latter case, the situation may turn out safely.

    Line 5.

    Nine fifty

    Swan is approaching the hill.
    Woman will not be pregnant for three years.
    In the end, nothing will overcome her.

    The fifth position, located high in the hexagram, is expressed here in the image of the hill, on which the swan penetrates further. But this position is already so removed from the second and is separated from it a dangerous third position that it is questioned by the fruitfulness. The one who is trying and does not create anything can develop for himself and already in itself and for himself may be strong. This force, however, leads only to the satisfaction of itself, but should not forget about the unproductiveness of it.

    Line 6.

    Upstairs nine

    Swan is approaching land.
    Its feathers can be applied in rituals.

    The situation ends fruitful and favorably. The results of your labor can take advantage of others; You will receive recognition and will enjoy respect. The path is open.

    The sixth position stands in accordance with the third, so here again the image of the sushi appears on which the swan moves. But the goal has already been achieved, it is already possible to achieve the goal to reach a further situation. And the achievement of the goal is expressed in the values \u200b\u200bof this situation. From the point of view of the authors of the "Book of Change", the rite represents the action in which, with a special force, advocate advantage and value. Therefore, if it says here that the swan feathers can be applied in rites, the postolon is indicated here to the final fruitfulness of this situation. At the previous steps, the "Book of Change" warned about closets and non-trickness, because such a closure would be a relapse that has already passed the previous situation and in this sense would be evil. The most important thing is, therefore, here to give the opportunity to take advantage of someone else the results that are obtained by the person who takes place this situation. Fees swan if they were left on himself, would be devoid of any meaning, in addition, which is concluded for the swan itself. They, applicable in ritual, are a symbol of a favorable target.

    Jian means marriage on a young girl and (accompanying it) happiness. Observe durability and justice - good.

    1. An interrupted feature, six, in the first place points to the wild geese, which are gradually approaching the shore. A young official (turned out to be in such a position) is in danger and subjected to attacks; But there will be no troubles.

    2. The interrupted feature, six, in second place indicates geese, which gradually approach the large rocks, where they will be able to eat and get drunk. There will be happiness.

    3. A solid feature, nine, in third place indicates that they gradually approach dry plains. (Also, it means) a husband, which goes on a campaign, from which he will not return, and his wife, who hooked, but will not be able to fade his child. It will be misfortune. (In the position indicated by this feature) resist the robbers - for the benefit.

    4. Chopped, six, in fourth place, indicates geese, which are gradually approaching trees. They will be able to relax on the wide branches. There will be no troubles.

    5. A solid feature, nine, in the fifth place points to geese, which are gradually approaching a high hill. (Also it means) a wife who can not conceive for three years; But in the end, nature will take their own. There will be happiness.

    6. A solid feature, nine, in the sixth place indicates geese, which gradually approach the large altitudes. Feathers can be used to decorate. There will be happiness.

    Comments by J. Leg

    Jianglyph Jian is usually used in the value "gradually", but here it is also associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bpromotion. The significant element of the hieroglyph is a symbol of water; And all in general means gradual promotion, like impregnation with water. In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bpromotion transmits three hexagrams - Jin (35), Sheng (46) and this hexagram Jian, but in each case the shades of the value are different. Jiang is emphasized by promotion. Thus, the topic of this hexagram is the elevation of officials, which is committed gradually and consistently, stage per step, as well as when complying with some other conditions that can be derived from the description of individual features.<…>

    Marriage on a young girl is mentioned in Wen-Wan comments as an example an important eventaccomplished in many stages, starting with the match and ending with the first marriage night. All these stages must be completed in order and in accordance with the rules. The same is the lift of the official for the stairs of the public service.

    Geese from ancient times played an important role in the Chinese wedding ritual, which is probably explained by the mention of them in the comments to a separate feature. The image of migratory birds moving clearly, as it is impossible to be suitable for describing this hexagram. In the 1st draw, they approach the shore, returning from behind the sea. Then it comes in itself about the person presented in this feature; All of the above consistent with the fact that this trait of weak and does not have proper compliance (although it does not follow from it directly), therefore the addressee of this feature is warned of danger.

    In the 2nd Dam, Geese reach the next section of the path - and just as the official rises to the next stage of the career ladder, although it is not mentioned here. This feature of weak, which indicates modesty, but occupies a central position in the triggram and has a proper correspondence in the 5th line, so the omen is favorable.

    The strong 3rd feature occupies no longer central, but the upper position in the lower trigram does not have the appropriate match in the 6th line. Therefore, the man designated by it is inclined to sharp, violent, but unsuccessful actions. He is like a husband who does not care about his wife, or a woman who does not care about his child. But in this situation, its power will ultimately benefit.

    Goose can not grasp the thin branch with their webbed paws, so there are wider, flat branches for relaxing gesies. The weak 4th feature at an even position in itself does not foreshadow success, but since this is the first line in the throng of humility, it is concluded that the man marked by it will not cause troubles.

    The 5th feature is strong and occupies the ruler's place, but here the wife acts as a symbol. The person marked with this hexagram was slandered by enemies (mentioned in the description of the 3rd feature as "robbers") and dishonestly, but in the end he managed to correct the situation. A woman who could not conceive three years old, finally becomes his mother; Happiness comes.

    The addressee of the 6th feature reached the top position in the hexagram. Nowhere to advance, and this feature is not correct. But the man marked by her can still bring the benefit of his country and to justify the good omen, which is symbolically represented in the image of goose feathers that serve as a wedding decoration.

    © The Yî King. Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 16. James Legge, Translator. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1882.
    © Translation from English: Anna Blaise, 2007.