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  • A hidden opportunity. “The wheel connects thirty spokes, but the empty core makes it useful. We sculpt a jug out of clay, but the inner emptiness makes it useful. We build a house out of wood, but the empty space makes it livable. This is how we work

    A hidden opportunity.  “The wheel connects thirty spokes, but the empty core makes it useful.  We sculpt a jug out of clay, but the inner emptiness makes it useful.  We build a house out of wood, but the empty space makes it livable.  This is how we work

    Description of the outer and hidden hexagrams

    In the manifested world.
    Huge, dangerous waves are walking in the boundless blue ocean. It seems that life itself is a continuous series of dangerous situations and problems.
    Directly under the ocean depths, a fire was born at the bottom. Under the yoke of danger, passions flare up on the inner plane and a solution to problems is born.
    It became very bright and clear in the ocean depths, which had not seen light before. An inner illumination comes, it becomes clear that which was previously covered with mystery.
    It was from the bowels of the earth that fiery lava broke to the surface. The illumination that came from the deep plane begins to change the manifested reality.
    Water, when faced with a very powerful fire, immediately turns into clouds of steam. Dangers and problems simply evaporate when you look at them again.
    Where dangerous ocean waves walked yesterday, tomorrow a flame will rage from the depths of the earth. The world, which yesterday seemed like a series of dangerous problems, tomorrow, thanks to a flash of insight, will appear in a completely different light. Everything will become clear and understandable. A new awareness will give rise to very great passions.

    The blaze of a forest fire has covered the very sky! The great heat of emotions and passions caused by dangerous events crowded out everything else from life.
    It became light and clear as never before. A flash of insight made everything clear and understandable.
    From the raging fire, a huge sea was awakened, locked underground. Illumination and emotions awakened something huge and dangerous, hidden in the depths of the subconscious.
    Underground waters rushed to the surface in a stormy stream, extinguishing the fire. The awakened bulk from the depths of the subconscious began to change the world, immediately extinguishing passions and emotions.
    Where the flames of a forest fire used to rage, dangerous sea waves will walk tomorrow. The fire of passions will go out, and all attention will be captured by a new, huge and dangerous facet of reality.

    General description of hexagram No. 63

    In the manifested world, passions flare up under the yoke of obstacles. A very, very powerful (fire evaporates the whole ocean) inner illumination comes, resolving the accumulated dangerous problems. The fire will highlight everything! Everything, literally everything, will become clear and understandable. The realization of such extraordinary power completes a whole stage, the plan of life. This is ABSOLUTE COMPLETION. This is the absolute achievement of the goal with devastation (because it is absolute) and the transition to the next level.

    On the subtle plane, passions and emotions are raging because of the presentiment of great danger. Adhesion to the situation increases (property of fire). This leads to insight, to an understanding of ways to solve problems. However, this clarity will be short-lived. From the depths of the subconscious, something huge and dangerous appears, destroying the emotions and clarity of what is happening. Obstacles and problems will be completely overcome with the help of something huge and very dangerous, which came from the depths of the subconscious. There are no more reasons for passion. It's already over. Everything will be finally resolved. ABSOLUTE COMPLETION comes after dangerous tests with maximum emotional stress for the corresponding situation and ends with complete clarity of what is happening at the level of events, while at the subconscious level, on the contrary, an inexplicable feeling of great danger comes. ABSOLUTE COMPLETION opens the door to the next, no less dangerous and beautiful, facets of reality. This is a transition to a new, unexplored level of the game called "life". This is an absolute achievement of the goal with the transition to the next stage of life with a completely different awareness of everything that is happening.

    ABSOLUTE COMPLETION completely closes the interest in the realized goals and is accompanied by a feeling of DESTRUCTION.

    “How sad: I found what I was looking for, but I don’t need it anymore” - David Mitchell.

    Look at hexagram 63. Below is a solid line, then a broken line, then a solid ... This is an absolute order! This is absolute harmony! All solid and dashed lines of the hexagram are in their places. Such an arrangement testifies to absolute completeness, any movement will only destroy the established order. It's already over! This is the irrevocable and final completion of a whole life stage with its own aspirations, values ​​and realizations.





    CIRCLES OF KARMA - looping of life situations, indicating their incomplete study. ABSOLUTE COMPLETION - allows you to enter the next stage of life and complete the movement along the current CIRCLES OF KARMA.





    Awareness positions:

    1. We are truly happy when we do not strive for any goal. And lofty goals: enlightenment, union with the Supreme, achievement of the state of Love are no exception.

    2. Do not be afraid of emptiness, when there are no goals, in this silence you can hear yourself and God.

    3. There is nothing worse than a state of emptiness. He who has tested will understand! No wonder the scary wish: "So that you were empty!" A person instinctively does everything to avoid inner emptiness.

    4. You cannot be without a goal for a long time. It's so easy to drive yourself crazy. The new goal itself arises in the mind.

    5. If in our life any aspect of it has completely and finally become harmonious, then this means only one thing: we were able to completely accept everything here with love!

    6. "Life suffocates without a goal" - F. M. Dostoevsky.

    7. “I am looking, and I have always looked for a person who would just live” - Sathya Sai Baba.

    8. “Once you've reached your goal, just walk away. This is the way to heaven ", - Lao-Tzu" Tao Te Ching ".

    9. “The wheel connects thirty spokes, but the empty core makes it useful. We sculpt a jug out of clay, but the inner emptiness makes it useful. We are building a house out of wood, but the empty space makes it livable. This is how we work with the dense in order to use the emptiness. ”- Lao Tzu“ Tao Te Ching ”.

    10. “If you want to become whole, allow yourself to fall apart. If you want to get straight, allow yourself to be crooked. If you want to become complete, allow yourself to be empty. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. If you want to receive everything, give everything. ”- Lao Tzu.

    11. “Ultimately, only three things matter: how much we loved, how easy we lived, and how simply we gave up unnecessary things.” - Buddha.

    12. Chinese proverb: “Whoever blames others has a long road ahead of him. The one who blames himself has already gone half the way. The one who does not blame anyone has come to the end. "

    13. “At the end of time there will be only two classes of people: those who once said to God: 'Thy will be done', those to whom God will say: 'It will be done according to your will,'” - CS Lewis.

    13. “Fear of emptiness. This is humanity's darkest, most dangerous secret. Immersed in the collective subconscious of people, it is this fear that makes civilization run, strive, desire, declare war, in fact, do anything other than sit and watch the clouds float in the sky. "- Swami Chaitanya Niyam.

    14. “Whatever your job in life, do it well. A person must do his job so well that the living, the dead and the unborn cannot do it better. ”- Martin Luther King

    15. “Every experience in your life was absolutely necessary to take you to the next place and from there again to the next place and so on up to this point.” - Wayne Dyer.

    16. “We are divine enough to ask and we are important enough to receive.” - Wayne Dyer.

    17. "If you are looking for perfection, you will never be satisfied" - L. N. Tolstoy.

    18. “The past, like the future, is uncertain and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.” - Stephen Hawking.

    19. “For the secret of human existence is not only to live, but in what to live for. Without a firm idea of ​​what he should live for, a person will not agree to live and will sooner destroy himself than remain on earth, even if there were bread all around him ”- Fyodor Dostoevsky“ The Brothers Karamazov ”.

    20. “My main problem is that when everything is over, I continue to live it” - Tim Roth.

    21. "Fate never opens one door without first slamming another" - Victor Hugo. The man who laughs.

    22. “We crave absolutes. They calm us down. But life is infinitely more difficult. ”- Riverdale

    23. "There is nothing absolutely bad in the world, as well as nothing absolutely good" - Anatole France.

    24. "Nature abhors a vacuum" - George Bernard Shaw.

    25. “- For you, karma, - he said, - for me is dharma, but in fact it’s one hell. Emptiness. And in fact there is none, ”- Victor Pelevin. Chapaev and Emptiness.

    26. “If happiness exists in this world, then it should look like an infinite emptiness. Nothingness is when you have nothing and nothing to lose. ”- Bleach.

    27. "There is nothing more powerful and creative than the emptiness that people seek to fill," - Lao Tzu.

    28. "Emptiness can never replace goals ..." - Alexey Pekhov. Mockingbird.

    29. “It looks like someone sees the stars, and someone sees the void between them” - Lois McMaster Bujold. Warrior apprentice.

    30. “It is our emptiness that ravages the world” - Stanislav Jerzy Lec. Unkempt thoughts.

    31. "Whoever hears the music of emptiness owns the melody of life" - Confused in love (Robert Zimmermann wundert sich über die Liebe).

    32. “Thank God, I am free. Oh, how free I am. My soul is a magnificent emptiness. ”- Jean-Paul Sartre. Flies.

    33. "There is nothing richer in its capabilities than emptiness" - Stanislav Lem.

    34. “In life, you should set two goals for yourself. The first goal is to accomplish what you are striving for. The second goal is the ability to rejoice at what has been achieved. Only the wisest representatives of humanity are capable of achieving the second goal. ”- Logan Pearsall Smith.

    35. “We must love life more than the meaning of life” - FM Dostoevsky.

    36. “Very little is required to destroy a person: one has only to convince him that the business he is engaged in is not needed by anyone,” - FM Dostoevsky.

    The symbol is favorable and indicates that the movement towards the goal has already begun for you. You now have the opportunity to carry out your plans.

    You just have to anticipate the dangers and confront the obstacles that arise in the way of the implementation of your plan.

    You need to urgently end all quarrels, even if you have to use the services of a third party to provide mediation. If you have had success in such disputes before, then now do not succumb to the temptation and do not try to repeat it. Consider this advice, listening to it, you will receive the full fulfillment of desires as a reward.

    The period is not favorable for starting new businesses. Do not throw all your efforts into a new direction, you will quickly find that it distracts you from your main goal and will not be successful.

    A specific desire made by you will not be fulfilled immediately, but with some delay.

    For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

    Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 63 Completeness

    If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you to better understand the oracle of ancient China.

    The answer to the question posed is Tszi-tszi - Completion.

    The hieroglyph depicts a person with a bowl who has already started eating, has already started eating.

    Ji (in the sense of "already") - complete, complete. Sign of the past, past tense. Given; what is.

    The hieroglyph depicts the place of the crossing, the ford across the river, where the water flows along a flat bottom.

    Ji (in the sense of "end") - to overcome an obstacle, to cross the river. Bring relief, provide assistance; finish, complete successfully.

    Semantic connections of hexagram 63. Tszi-chi

    Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

    Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the beginning of an action, it has already begun. You are already in the stream of events and are forwarded through it. You have entered the right position, everything around is in the required order, which contributes to the implementation of your plan. This is a favorable situation for you, which gives you the advantage of moving forward positively. Carefully observe the progress of the whole process, through small deeds you can achieve a lot and success.

    The created beginning is already opening the way, but your attempts to finish what you started sooner will only create confusion. Focus your efforts on what is already happening around you; it is necessary to foresee the impending dangers in advance, to think about the problems and to confront them in time. You are already on the right track. Continue to work hard to complete your plans successfully.

    Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

    Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the sixty-third hexagram.

    [To small - accomplishment; firmness is favorable. In the beginning is happiness; at the end - a mess]

    I. At the beginning of the nine.

    Slow down the wheels - wet your tail!

    - There will be no abuse.

    II. Six second.

    The woman will lose the curtain on the chariot. Don't chase! You will receive it in seven days.

    III. Nine third.

    The high ancestor goes on a campaign to the land of demons and in three years will defeat it.

    Nonentities - not to act.

    IV. Six fourth.

    You will get wet! For the dress is in tatters. Ban until the end of the day.

    V. Nine fifth.

    The cow killed in the eastern neighbors cannot be compared with the small sacrifice of the western neighbors.

    If you are truthful, you will truly find your happiness.

    Vi. There is a six at the top.

    (If) Wet your head.

    What is already happening, the action that has begun; actively continue; maintain order and organization.

    Figurative row.
    Accomplishment. Stamina is favorable to small.
    In the beginning is happiness.
    At the end of the mess.

    The action has already begun. You are navigating a stream of events. Everything is in order, your plan is being implemented. This is an auspicious situation that gives you an edge. You will be able to achieve success through small deeds by carefully observing the progress of the process.

    The beginning opens the way, but the attempt at completion only creates confusion. Put your efforts into what is already happening; Think deeply about problems in order to anticipate impending dangers and confront them in time. You are on the right track. Keep working.


    1. A man stands on the shore and looks at the approaching boat. This means “get timely help”.
    2. A pile of coins symbolizes wealth.
    3. It's raining. This means receiving patronage.
    4. Two children are walking in the rain. This means that you are young but have done well in your career.
    5. The document symbolizes good luck.
    Image: the boat is crossing the river.
    Symbol: Yin matches Yang.

    Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang .

    Completeness. Success is small. Time to be persistent. Good luck in the beginning, disorder in the end.

    Guidelines for interpretation

    1. This is the January hexagram. It is good in winter and bad in summer.
    2. The Yin and Yang traits in this hexagram are located appropriately, that is, in the corresponding Yao. But just when perfect balance is achieved, any movement can cause disorder of order. You need to think about failure in advance and prepare for it.
    3. You have reformed the entire political life in your city. There seems to be nothing else to do - just maintain everything as it is. You know that everything you create will gradually start to fall apart and deteriorate. But you also know that if you constantly take care of business, decline can be delayed for a very long time.

    Explanation of individual Yao according to Zhou-gun

    First Yao.
    Initial nine. I slowed down the wheels - I got my tail wet. There's nothing to blame.
    1. Your friends are so inspired by the achievement of an important common goal that they immediately take on another, much more difficult task. You hold them back and the result is confusion, but you don't make it a problem.
    2. You will fail because of carelessness.
    3. The sky always leaves the door open.
    Second Yao.
    Six second. The woman loses the curtain of her carriage. Don't run after him. You will get it back in seven days.
    1. After a big merger, you go to your new bosses with one big question, but they are not up to you. You quietly leave and wait. Finally, it dawns on them that the matter is really important, and you are immediately called for an appointment.
    2. You will lose in one place, but you will find in another.
    3. Time will judge.
    Third yao.
    Nine third. Gao-tszong pacified the Land of Demons. Three years later he conquered her. Don't hire low people.
    1. After much effort, you have finally managed to expand your market. But you soon find that the assistant assigns the weakest employees to the new sector. You reprimand him and order to appoint good workers there, otherwise the territory will be lost.
    2. Great talent takes a long time to mature.
    3. You have already drawn up a detailed action plan.
    Fourth Yao.
    Six fourth. The finest garments will be tattered. Be Vigilant all day.
    1. A burglary is taking place in your neighborhood. You are worried and decide to install an alarm in yourself. Then you forget about it, and next week five more houses, including yours, are robbed.
    2. The best tactic is psychological attack.
    3. After a fight, they don't wave their fists.
    Fifth Yao.
    Nine fifth. The man to the east who slaughters the Bull gets less happiness than the western neighbor who makes the humble Sacrifice. If you are truthful, there will be happiness.
    1. Wealthy neighbors celebrate Christmas in style and style, but they have no real friends. You are much more fun at a modest evening with your poorer neighbors.
    2. Before you do anything, you always think ten times; when you are about to act, what you expected will pass.
    3. You are very capable, but in order to do more or better, you need the help of other people.

    Sixth Yao:

    Top six. I got my head wet. Danger.

    1. You moved mountains, achieving your goal, and now you look back at what you did with awe, not paying attention to what is happening around.
    2. Sometimes you have to act without hard and fast rules.
    3. After the death of a leopard, its skin remains.

    General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

    In the course of creativity, which was characterized in the second part of the "Book of Changes", the stage has already been reached when the individuality is created. In this sense, the process is completed, and the penultimate hexagram is called "already
    the end".

    It represents the completion of the process itself, and this is expressed in the very structure of the hexagram. The fact is that according to the theory of the "Book of Changes", odd, strong positions can harmoniously contain strong features, and even, weak positions - weak ones.

    In this hexagram, all the features are located in this way. The first, third and fifth positions are occupied by strong traits; the second, fourth and sixth positions are weak. It would seem that this gives an image of such a harmonious development and its results, which do not imply the possibility further development.

    Everything has already been achieved. A separate, individual has already been created. Even if it is understood as something small, it still has to develop until the moment when it becomes great. In this sense, it is said about the possibility of small development.

    Fortitude and stability, characterized by the location of the features of this hexagram, here favors the whole process. But it is here that it is necessary to take into account another law that exists in the theory of the "Book of Changes" and that everything tends to turn into its opposite.

    Each strong trait has in itself inherent tendencies to turn into a weak, and vice versa. Therefore, as we will see below, the last hexagram is the complete opposite of the given one.

    Thus, if the entire previous process, from the first impulse of creativity to the achievement of complete harmony, which is expressed in this hexagram, is the happiness that stands at the beginning and which is mentioned by this text, then it is this happiness that also leads to the need for a complete and cardinal change , leads to the chaos that stands at the end and is mentioned in this aphorism.

    To get through this situation, which is called "the end" in the Book of Changes, it is necessary to take a number of precautions. And if the previous hexagrams by position considered the stages of a given situation, then a whole series of warnings unfolds here, which are necessary for the correct experience of this whole situation.

    However, it is not necessary to understand the movement towards chaos, indicated here, as something negative, for, as we will see below, this chaos is something amorphous, it will serve as the material within which a new cycle, starting with creativity, can unfold, etc. .d.

    With all this in mind, one can understand the text that reads: It's already over. Accomplishment. Stamina is favorable to small. In the beginning - happiness. At the end of the mess.

    Accomplishment. Small - fortitude is favorable. In the beginning is happiness; at the end, a mess.

    Slow down your wheels and wet your tail. - There will be no abuse.
    The woman will lose her curtain (on the chariot). Don't chase. (In) seven days you will get it.
    A high ancestor attacked the land of demons and at the age of three defeated it. Nonentities - not to act.
    You will get wet. (For) the dress is in tatters. Ban until the end of the day.
    The bull killed in the eastern neighbors is no match for the small sacrifice of the western neighbors. (If you are) truthful, you will truly receive your well-being.
    Wet your head. - Awful danger.


    Tszi-tszi (Already the end): tszi (in the sense of "already") - complete, finished; the sign of the past tense; what is; given; the hieroglyph depicts a person bending over a bowl, who has already started eating; tszi (in the sense of "end") - to cross the river, to overcome an obstacle; provide help, bring relief; successfully complete, complete; the hieroglyph depicts water flowing on a flat bottom, which indicates a ford, a place for crossing the river.

    Figurative row

    The action has already begun. You are navigating a stream of events. Everything is in order, your plan is being implemented. This is a favorable situation that gives you an edge. You can achieve success through small deeds by carefully observing the progress of the process. The beginning opens the way, but the attempt at completion only creates confusion. Put your efforts into what is already happening; Think deeply about problems in order to anticipate impending dangers and confront them in time. You are on the right track. Keep working.

    The outer and inner worlds

    Water and fire

    Inner awareness is combined with a willingness to take risks in the outside world.

    The intersection of the stream of events contains the latent possibility of constant accumulation of energy.


    Too much stuff leads to overflow. Realizing this allows you to find a ford across the river.


    Already the end means putting things in their place.


    the boat is crossing the river.


    Yin matches Yang.

    Water over fire. It's already over.

    A noble person foresees misfortune and takes measures to prevent it.

    Hexagram lines

    First nine

    If you brake the wheels, you will wet your tail.
    There will be no abuse.

    The situation needs to be quickly overcome. The delay can be disastrous. Whatever you do, do it faster.

    Six second

    The wife will lose the curtains on the chariot.
    Don't chase, you'll get it in seven days.

    Something of value has been lost. Don't look for it. When the time comes, you will gain what you have lost.

    Nine third

    A high ancestor goes on a campaign to the land of demons.
    And at the age of three he wins her.
    Worthless people should not act.

    You are starting a big business that will take a long time to complete. You can't do without a fight. Be decisive and stick to your chosen path. Do not be like the nonentities who refuse to act when faced with obstacles.

    Six fourth

    Get wet
    And there will be rags on the brocade.
    Observe the prohibitions for the rest of your days.

    Be careful. Your achievements are not eternal, they can disappear in a moment. You cross a river in a boat that flows. Don't let your guard down.

    Nine fifth

    The cow killed by the eastern neighbors
    It does not compare with the small sacrifice of the western neighbors.
    If you are truthful, you will truly find your happiness.

    Don't compare yourself to rich people and those in power. The most important thing now is sincerity. Be true to your principles and do what you can. Then the path will be open and you will be blessed.

    Upstairs six

    Wet your head.

    You have sunk too deep and lost direction. You are in danger with roots in the past. It's time to find a way out of this situation.

    Associative interpretation

    1. A man stands on the shore and looks at the approaching boat. This means “get timely help”.
    2. A pile of coins symbolizes wealth.
    3. It's raining. This means receiving patronage.
    4. Two children are walking in the rain. This means that you are young but have done well in your career.
    5. The document symbolizes good luck.

    Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang.

    Completeness. Success is small. Time to be persistent. Good luck in the beginning, disorder in the end.

    Guidelines for interpretation

    1. This is the January hexagram. It is good in winter and bad in summer.
    2. The Yin and Yang traits in this hexagram are located appropriately, that is, in the corresponding Yao. But just when perfect balance is achieved, any movement can cause disorder of order. You need to think about failure in advance and prepare for it.
    3. You have reformed the entire political life in your city. There seems to be nothing else to do - just maintain everything as it is. You know that everything you create will gradually start to fall apart and deteriorate. But you also know that if you constantly take care of business, decline can be delayed for a very long time.

    Explanation of individual Yao according to Zhou-gun.

    First Yao.
    Initial nine. I slowed down the wheels - I got my tail wet. There's nothing to blame.

    1. Your friends are so inspired by the achievement of an important common goal that they immediately take on another, much more difficult task. You hold them back and the result is confusion, but you don't make it a problem.
    2. You will fail because of carelessness.
    3. The sky always leaves the door open.

    Second Yao.
    Six second. The woman loses the curtain of her carriage. Don't run after him. You will get it back in seven days.

    1. After a big merger, you go to your new bosses with one big question, but they are not up to you. You quietly leave and wait. Finally, it dawns on them that the matter is really important, and you are immediately called for an appointment.
    2. You will lose in one place, but you will find in another.
    3. Time will judge.

    Third yao.
    Nine third. Gao-tszong pacified the Land of Demons. Three years later he conquered her. Don't hire low people.

    1. After much effort, you have finally managed to expand your market. But you soon find that the assistant assigns the weakest employees to the new sector. You reprimand him and order to appoint good workers there, otherwise the territory will be lost.
    2. Great talent takes a long time to mature.
    3. You have already drawn up a detailed action plan.

    Fourth Yao.
    Six fourth. The finest garments will be tattered. Be Vigilant all day.

    1. A burglary is taking place in your neighborhood. You are worried and decide to install an alarm in yourself. Then you forget about it, and next week five more houses, including yours, are robbed.
    2. The best tactic is psychological attack.
    3. After a fight, they don't wave their fists.

    Fifth Yao.
    Nine fifth. The man to the east who slaughters the Bull gets less happiness than the western neighbor who makes the humble Sacrifice. If you are truthful, there will be happiness.

    1. Wealthy neighbors celebrate Christmas in style and style, but they have no real friends. You are much more fun at a modest evening with your poorer neighbors.
    2. Before you do anything, you always think ten times; when you are about to act, what you expected will pass.
    3. You are very capable, but in order to do more or better, you need the help of other people.

    Sixth Yao:

    Top six. I got my head wet. Danger.

    1. You moved mountains, achieving your goal, and now you look back at what you did with awe, not paying attention to what is happening around.
    2. Sometimes you have to act without hard and fast rules.
    3. After the death of a leopard, its skin remains.

    General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

    In the course of creativity, which was characterized in the second part of the "Book of Changes", the stage has already been reached when the individuality is created. In this sense, the process is completed, and the penultimate hexagram is called “already the end”. It represents the completion of the process itself, and this is expressed in the very structure of the hexagram. The fact is that, according to the theory of the Book of Changes, odd, strong positions can harmoniously contain strong features, and even, weak positions have weak ones. In this hexagram, all the features are located in this way. The first, third and fifth positions are occupied by strong traits; the second, fourth and sixth positions are weak. It would seem that this gives an image of such a harmonious development and its results, which do not imply the possibility of further development. Everything has already been achieved. A separate, individual has already been created. Even if it is understood as something small, it still has to develop until the moment when it becomes great. In this sense, it is said about the possibility of small development. Fortitude and stability, characterized by the location of the features of this hexagram, here favors the whole process. But it is here that it is necessary to take into account another law that exists in the theory of the "Book of Changes" and that everything tends to turn into its opposite. Each strong trait has in itself inherent tendencies to turn into a weak, and vice versa. Therefore, as we will see below, the last hexagram is the complete opposite of the given one. Thus, if the entire previous process, from the first impulse of creativity to the achievement of complete harmony, which is expressed in this hexagram, is the happiness that stands at the beginning and which is mentioned by this text, then it is this happiness that also leads to the need for a complete and cardinal change , leads to the chaos that stands at the end and is mentioned in this aphorism. To properly get through this situation, called in the "Book of Changes" "already the end", it is necessary to take a number of precautions. And if the previous hexagrams by position considered the stages of a given situation, then a whole series of warnings unfolds here, which are necessary for the correct experience of this whole situation. However, it is not necessary to understand the movement towards chaos, indicated here, as something negative, for, as we will see below, this chaos is something amorphous, it will serve as the material within which a new cycle, starting with creativity, can unfold, etc. .d. With all this in mind, one can understand the text that reads: It's already over. Accomplishment. Stamina is favorable to small. In the beginning - happiness. At the end of the mess.

    No matter how stable a given situation is in itself, it must be overcome, must be overcome, for stopping in it would mean death. Therefore, an indication is given here that the stop would result in an insufficiently fast rate of passage through the situation, and at the last minute that crossing over the situation would be in jeopardy. This hexagram is closely related even by the name itself to the next one, and for its explanation it is necessary to use the context of the next hexagram, where the image of a young fox is given, who almost crossed the river, but soaked his tail at the last minute. To avoid just this, "The Book of Changes" here reminds: In the beginning, a strong line. If you brake the wheels, you will wet your tail. There will be no abuse.

    In the process of creativity, a thing has already been created; it exists both for itself and for its environment. She can no longer hide. It is clearly visible to everyone. If the person in the second position, i.e. where he dwells in himself, a desire to be hidden has appeared, this would be unattainable for him. This is clothed in the image of a woman who has lost the curtain in a chariot. The stubborn pursuit of one's own non-manifestation, the search for the lost curtains, cannot lead to any result here. When the time comes in the future (and it certainly can come), then everything will be restored, a person can be closed in himself. This is unattainable here, and the future must be left to the future. In this sense, the text here says: The weak point is in second place. The woman will lose the curtains on the chariot. Don't chase. You will receive it in seven days.

    In this situation, on the eve of chaos, going outside is perceived as a way out for a difficult and fierce struggle. Not with people to fight here, but with something worse. This does not mean the campaign is not the land of demons. Victory over them must be retained. But this victory is achievable only for those who have great strength, and not for an ordinary person. But even for such a person, full of both strength and life experience, for a high ancestor, as the "Book of Changes" calls him, this victory is not given for nothing. It takes a long time to achieve it. It is all the more understandable that an insignificant person cannot act in such conditions. This is why the Book of Changes says here: Strength in third place. The high ancestor goes on a campaign not the land of demons. And in three years he will defeat her. Nonentities - not to act.

    The threshold of chaos and its approach is felt at each stage of the given situation, despite the fact that it itself represents the end of all the previous one. Therefore, it must be borne in mind here that no achievement remains forever in the hands of the one who has achieved it. In such a sense, as a reminder, the text sounds: Weak line in fourth place. And there will be rags on the brocade. Observe the prohibitions for the rest of your days.

    The way out of this situation is getting closer, closer to chaos. Therefore, here again a reminder is given that can save a person in the environment in which he will inevitably find himself in the next situation. Not the splendor and luxury of sacrifices, but truthfulness, not external fullness, but internal forces - this is what can lead him to stability during the elemental chaos, into which he will inevitably fall. To decipher the images in which this aphorism is given, one must take into account that the lower trigram - fire - is attributed to the east, and the upper trigram - water - to the west. What was achieved internally, what was achieved in the first three positions, no longer plays any role here. Therefore, if the eastern neighbors, i.e. the bottom three positions, and make a significant sacrifice, it makes no sense. And only what a person takes with him, striving towards chaos, what is his inalienable, personally belonging to him, only this can lead to well-being. And this insignificant, that small sacrifice, which is spoken of in the text, is nothing more than inner stability and truthfulness, the ability to proceed from oneself. Therefore, the text here says: Strong line in fifth place. The cow killed in the eastern neighbors cannot be compared with the small sacrifice of the western neighbors. If you are truthful, you will truly find your happiness.

    In the general aphorism of this situation, it was said that at the beginning of the process there was happiness, at the end of it - chaos. The sixth position represents the transition to this chaos. The Book of Changes does not say that here a person is in danger of a certain misfortune. She only states the danger and horror of this situation. A wave of chaos overwhelms a person. If in the first position it was said about the crossing and about the possibility at the last minute to spoil your path, then in this position it is said about how chaos will cover a person with his head. And nevertheless it is necessary, because a person must get out of his harmonious development and, deliberately violating this harmony, move into chaos, because in chaos he finds freedom for his creativity. So, in the text here we only read: Above is a weak point. Wet your head. Horror.

    Ji-ji (Already the end): tszi (in the sense of "already") - complete, complete; the sign of the past tense; what is; given; the hieroglyph depicts a person bending over a bowl, who has already started eating; tszi (in the sense of "end") - to cross the river, to overcome an obstacle; provide help, bring relief; successfully complete, complete; the hieroglyph depicts water flowing on a flat bottom, which indicates a ford, a place for crossing the river.

    Accomplishment. Stamina is favorable to small.
    In the beginning is happiness.
    At the end of the mess.

    The action has already begun. You are navigating a stream of events. Everything is in order, your plan is being implemented. This is a favorable situation that gives you an edge. You can achieve success through small deeds by carefully observing the progress of the process. The beginning opens the way, but the attempt at completion only creates confusion. Put your efforts into what is already happening; Think deeply about problems in order to anticipate impending dangers and confront them in time. You are on the right track. Keep working.

    In the course of creativity, which was characterized in the second part of the "Book of Changes", the stage has already been reached when the individuality is created. In this sense, the process is completed, and the penultimate hexagram is called “already the end”. It represents the completion of the process itself, and this is expressed in the very structure of the hexagram. The fact is that, according to the theory of the “Book of Changes,” odd, strong positions can harmoniously have strong features, and even, weak positions have weak ones. In this hexagram, all the features are located in this way. The first, third and fifth positions are occupied by strong traits; the second, fourth and sixth positions are weak. It would seem that this gives an image of such a harmonious development and its results, which do not imply the possibility of further development. Everything has already been achieved. A separate, individual has already been created. Even if it is understood as something small, it still has to develop until the moment when it becomes great. In this sense, it is said about the possibility of small development.

    Fortitude and stability, characterized by the location of the features of this hexagram, here favors the whole process. But it is here that it is necessary to take into account another law that exists in the theory of the “Book of Changes” and that everything tends to turn into its opposite. Each strong trait has in itself inherent tendencies to turn into a weak, and vice versa. Therefore, as we will see below, the last hexagram is the complete opposite of the given one. Thus, if the entire previous process, from the first impulse of creativity to the achievement of complete harmony, which is expressed in this hexagram, is the happiness that stands at the beginning and which is mentioned by this text, then it is this happiness that also leads to the need for a complete and cardinal change , leads to the chaos that stands at the end and is mentioned in this aphorism. In order to get through this situation, which is called “the end” in the Book of Changes, it is necessary to take a number of precautions. And if the previous hexagrams by position considered the stages of a given situation, then a whole series of warnings unfolds here, which are necessary for the correct experience of this whole situation. However, it is not necessary to understand the movement towards chaos, indicated here, as something negative, for, as we will see below, this chaos is something amorphous, it will serve as the material within which a new cycle, starting with creativity, can unfold, etc. .d.

    External and Inner worlds: Water and fire

    Inner awareness is combined with a willingness to take risks in the outside world.

    The intersection of the stream of events contains the latent possibility of constant accumulation of energy.


    Too much stuff leads to overflow. Realizing this allows you to find a ford across the river.


    Already the end means putting things in their place.


    Water over fire. It's already over.
    A noble person foresees misfortune and takes measures to prevent it.

    Hexagram lines

    Line 1

    First nine

    If you brake the wheels, you will wet your tail.
    There will be no abuse.

    The situation needs to be quickly overcome. The delay can be disastrous. Whatever you do, do it faster.

    No matter how stable a given situation is in itself, it must be overcome, must be overcome, for stopping in it would mean death. Therefore, an indication is given here that the stop would result in an insufficiently fast rate of passage through the situation, and at the last minute that crossing over the situation would be in jeopardy. This hexagram is closely related even by the name itself to the next one, and for its explanation it is necessary to use the context of the next hexagram, where the image of a young fox is given, who almost crossed the river, but soaked his tail at the last minute.

    Line 2

    Six second

    The wife will lose the curtains on the chariot.
    Don't chase, you'll get it in seven days.

    Something of value has been lost. Don't look for it. When the time comes, you will gain what you have lost.

    In the process of creativity, a thing has already been created; it exists both for itself and for its environment. She can no longer hide. It is clearly visible to everyone. If the person in the second position, i.e. where he dwells in himself, a desire to be hidden has appeared, this would be unattainable for him. This is clothed in the image of a woman who has lost the curtain in a chariot. The stubborn pursuit of one's own non-manifestation, the search for the lost curtains, cannot lead to any result here. When the time comes later (and it certainly can come), then everything will be restored, a person can be closed in himself. This is unattainable here, and the future must be left to the future.

    Line 3

    Nine third

    A high ancestor goes on a campaign to the land of demons.
    And at the age of three he wins her.
    Worthless people should not act.

    You are starting a big business that will take a long time to complete. You can't do without a fight. Be decisive and stick to your chosen path. Do not be like the nonentities who refuse to act when faced with obstacles.

    In this situation, on the eve of chaos, going outside is perceived as a way out for a difficult and fierce struggle. Not with people to fight here, but with something worse. This does not mean the campaign is not the land of demons. Victory over them must be retained. But this victory is achievable only for those who have great strength, and not for an ordinary person. But even for such a person, full of both strength and life experience, for a high ancestor, as the “Book of Changes” calls him, this victory is not given for nothing. It takes a long time to achieve it. It is all the more understandable that an insignificant person cannot act in such conditions.

    Line 4

    Six fourth

    Get wet
    And there will be rags on the brocade.
    Observe the prohibitions for the rest of your days.

    Be careful. Your achievements are not eternal, they can disappear in a moment. You cross a river in a boat that flows. Don't let your guard down.

    The threshold of chaos and its approach is felt at each step of the given situation, despite the fact that it itself represents the completion of all the previous one. Therefore, it must be borne in mind here that no achievement remains forever in the hands of the one who has achieved it.

    Line 5

    Nine fifth

    The cow killed by the eastern neighbors
    It does not compare with the small sacrifice of the western neighbors.
    If you are truthful, you will truly find your happiness.

    Don't compare yourself to rich people and those in power. The most important thing now is sincerity. Be true to your principles and do what you can. Then the path will be open and you will be blessed.

    The way out of this situation is getting closer, closer to chaos. Therefore, here again a reminder is given that can save a person in the environment in which he will inevitably find himself in the next situation. Not the splendor and luxury of sacrifices, but truthfulness, not external fullness, but internal forces - this is what can lead him to stability during the elemental chaos, into which he will inevitably fall. To decipher the images in which this aphorism is given, one must take into account that the lower trigram - fire - is attributed to the east, and the upper trigram, water, to the west. What was achieved internally, what was achieved in the first three positions, no longer plays any role here. Therefore, if the eastern neighbors, i.e. the bottom three positions, and make a significant sacrifice, it makes no sense. And only what a person takes with him, striving towards chaos, what is his inalienable, personally belonging to him, only this can lead to well-being. And this insignificant, that small sacrifice, which is spoken of in the text, is nothing more than inner stability and truthfulness, the ability to proceed from oneself.

    Line 6

    Upstairs six

    Wet your head.

    You have sunk too deep and lost direction. You are in danger with roots in the past. It's time to find a way out of this situation.

    In the general aphorism of this situation, it was said that at the beginning of the process there was happiness, at the end of it - chaos. The sixth position represents the transition to this chaos. The Book of Changes does not say that here a person is threatened with a certain misfortune. She only states the danger and horror of this situation. A wave of chaos overwhelms a person. If in the first position it was said about the crossing and about the possibility at the last minute to spoil your path, then in this position it is said about how chaos will cover a person with his head. And nevertheless it is necessary, because a person must get out of his harmonious development and, deliberately violating this harmony, move into chaos, because in chaos he finds freedom for his creativity.