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  • The meaning of the hexagram 53. Wheel. Life movement in general. Nothing will upset me

    The meaning of the hexagram 53. Wheel.  Life movement in general.  Nothing will upset me

    Jiang (Current): gradual progress, slow and non-stop penetration; oozing, the ability to take any shape; flexible, malleable, submissive; fluid like water; influence, influence. The hieroglyph depicts water and the Symbol of penetration.

    The wife goes to her husband. Happiness.
    Resilience is favorable.

    This is the time to gradually reach the goal through adaptability and soft, inconspicuous penetration. The marriage ceremony of the eldest daughter, who in Ancient China took place slowly and with many rituals. Don't take the initiative. Wait for a proper sign or direction to move forward. Slow but steady progress will lead to success. You will find your true place and achieve true mastery of your craft. Rely on your own spiritual strength and your connection with the Tao to change things. Act through the woman and the feminine yin. Harmonize your desires, adapt and slowly delve into the essence of each situation.

    In the previous one, forces were accumulated, restored, melted down. An impulse was imparted to them. They have been tested in durability and are now free to move forward towards operation. Therefore, this situation is called a flow. It should also be noted that the main image, passing through almost all features, is the image of a swan. This is the image of a water bird, which is in harmony with the name of the hexagram - Flow. But in order to understand this aphorism, it is necessary to take into account that this trend is not indifferent, but has a specific goal, such a goal as the goal of a girl to get married. Of course, in order not to go astray on the right path, complete endurance is needed here.

    External and Inner worlds: Wind (Wood) and Mountain

    Internal stability creates the basis for gradual exit and penetration into the outside world.

    Gradual advancement contains latent opportunity accumulation of energy for important matters.


    Stillness doesn't last forever. Realizing this allows you to take advantage of the flow.


    Flow means gradual progress.


    Tree over the mountain. Flow.
    A noble person abides in strength and virtue in order to perfect the base.

    Hexagram lines

    Line 1

    Six in the beginning

    The swan is approaching the shore.
    A small child is scared. There will be rumors.
    But there will be no blasphemy.

    There is a certain duality in the situation. You leave the environment more familiar to you to face the unknown. If you are weak in spirit, it can cause fear, but in the end everything will end well.

    From the first aphorism onwards, the text of the Book of Changes speaks here of the gradual advancement of the swan. By the way, Su Xun deciphers the image of a swan as follows: “The swan belongs to the birds of Light, but lives in water (belonging to the category of Darkness - Yu. Sh.). When he is on the water, he considers it a comfort to get to land. When he is on land, he considers it a joy to get to the water. "

    The dual nature of this situation, where a separation from the starting point is necessary, is expressed here in the image of a swan, which, from the water surface, convenient for him and to which he is adapted, goes ashore into an environment that is less characteristic of him. However, this path arises as a necessary one. And the “Book of Changes” considers only the gradual stages of it. In the first position, the swan is only approaching the shore. Performing for activity may seem scary, but not for a person full of strength. Only a child could be frightened by a long and long journey. Therefore, if there is a danger here and causes some rumors, then ultimately, since going outside is necessary here, the situation will unfold safely.

    Line 2

    Six second

    The swan is approaching the rock.
    In food and drink - equanimity.

    You find an intermediate support. Timely help comes from outside. Enjoy life. The path is open.

    The further gradual deployment of forces, expressed in the image of a swan reaching the coastal cliffs, should, first of all, be built on a harmonious perception of what helps a person and what comes from the environment... Food and drink is something that all the time penetrates into a person from the outside. And in this support from the outside, a person must to the greatest extent show his poise.

    Line 3

    Nine third

    The swan is approaching land.
    The husband will go on a hike and will not return.
    The wife gets pregnant, but can't stand it.
    Deal favorably with a robber.

    Unfavorable position related to the crisis. Any wrong step can lead to disaster. The path is closed. To open it, you need to cope with the robber - that is, with what Symbolizes the deviation from the right path.

    In the third position, the exit from the internal environment is planned, i.e. from the one that is acting, and in translation into the images given in the "Book of Changes" - the exit from the water, which so pleases the swan. Thus, here the swan reaches the land, he goes out on it. But he is not adapted to life on land in the same way as at first a person who comes to activity and emanates from his unchanging rest is not adapted to activity. Therefore, here, as a threat, the wrong development of his path may appear before a person. If a man goes on a campaign, then the wrong and unfavorable outcome of his enterprise is expressed in the fact that he dies on the campaign and does not return. The ancient Chinese authors of the “Book of Changes” saw the only purpose of a woman in procreation. Therefore, for a woman, her unfavorable outcome is expressed in the image of the possibility of conception, but the impossibility of birth. Such a situation can only lead to action, but in it, in order to get out of this situation, it is necessary to cope with all the interfering elements of it, it is necessary to cope with the robber, who symbolizes all deviations from the right path, i.e. from further development.

    Line 4

    Six fourth

    The swan approaches the trees.
    Maybe he will reach his bitch.
    There will be no abuse.

    Action needs support. If you can find a solid enough support in a changing environment, everything will end happily.

    A person's inability to act, which limits his possibilities here due to lack of experience, largely leads to the fact that if he passed the previous situation safely, he has not yet met the final charity here. Further resolution of events can be both successful and unsuccessful for him. The fault is, of course, his inability. The swan is not adapted to nesting in a tree, however, perhaps he will find a sufficiently strong branch on which he could sit. In the same way, an acting person can find a sufficiently strong support for his future activities. In the latter case, the situation can unfold safely.

    Line 5

    Nine fifth

    The swan is approaching the hill.
    The woman does not become pregnant for three years.
    In the end, nothing can overcome her.

    The fifth position, located high in the hexagram, is expressed here in the form of a hill, to which the swan penetrates even further. But this position is already so far removed from the second and separated from it by a dangerous third position that its fruitfulness is questioned. The one who is not fruitful and does not create anything can develop for his own sake and already in himself and for himself can be strong. This power, however, only leads to self-satisfaction, but one should not forget about its unproductiveness.

    Line 6

    At the top of the nine

    The swan is approaching land.
    Its feathers can be used in rituals.

    The situation ends fruitfully and favorably. Others can benefit from your labor; you will be recognized and respected. The path is open.

    The sixth position is in accordance with the third, so here again the image of land appears, on which the swan is moving. But the goal has already been achieved, it is already possible, upon reaching the goal, the exit to the further situation. And the achievement of the goal is expressed in the value of the given situation. From the point of view of the authors of the “Book of Changes”, a ceremony is an action in which dignity and value come to the fore with particular force. Therefore, if it says here that the feathers of a swan can be used in rituals, in so far as it indicates the ultimate fruitfulness of this situation. At the previous steps, the “Book of Changes” warned about isolation and sterility, for such isolation in oneself would be a relapse, already passed by the previous situation and in this sense would be evil. The most important thing, therefore, is to give the opportunity to someone else to take advantage of the results obtained by the person himself passing through this situation. The feathers of the swan, if they remained on him, would be devoid of any meaning, except for the one that is contained in them for the swan itself. They, used in the rite, are a symbol of a favorably achieved goal.

    The Jian hexagram warns that a dangerous period of life is approaching, so it is necessary to gather and focus on your strengths so as not to be in trouble, since the enemies have set traps for you and really want to do evil. Do not be discouraged, everything will be fine, if you do not shy away, and every time you will rebuff your enemies.

    There will be big troubles very soon. Envious people and enemies have groped your weak points and now they will certainly take advantage of them. Therefore, try to prepare in advance for such a turn of events and in no case be afraid, otherwise you will really be broken, and you will not get up soon. Be bold and rely not on aggression, but on strategic thinking.

    In no case do you take revenge on those who are trying to harm you. But give the maximum rebuff, as far as you can, in order to once and for all discourage the encroachment on your personality. Try not to confuse hardness and cruelty. You should simply move forward, protecting yourself, but not engaging in lengthy battles. Show yourself as a wise tactician, and not just an offended and embittered person for the whole world.

    In addition to the intrigues of enemies, you can also complicate your life with various temptations and temptations to which your friends may subject you, not for some kind of mercantile purpose and not out of a desire to harm, but simply because of a misunderstanding of your current life situation... Therefore, do not fall for "sweet" provocations, but firmly go towards your goal. Now anything that can lead you astray, both good and bad, is dangerous for you.

    One of the semantic translations of the Jian hexagram means "flow", which indicates the most optimal tactic of behavior in this situation - to go with the flow. This does not mean passively moving through life, but using the energy of circumstances and events that happen by themselves. Figuratively speaking, do not fight the wave, but climb to its top, and let it take you to where you will be happy.

    The positive moment that accompanies the Jian hexagram is the fact that in the very near future your financial situation will significantly improve, of course, provided that all the above tips and recommendations are followed.

    Your options have been limited in the past. You were forced to distance yourself from active external activity for some time and immerse yourself in contemplation of what was happening around.

    You tried, without fuss and fuss, to determine the cause of the events in the center of which you found yourself. And to be successful in this difficult business, you needed to withdraw into yourself for a while, finding a safe haven.

    If you had not done this, further events would have led you to a dead end in the most unexpected and unpleasant way. Having figured out what is happening and having determined your place in it, you can safely embark on a new voyage.

    That is why the hexagram is called "Flow". You are now, like a leaf caught by the fast flow of the river, farther and farther away from familiar places. The river is the totality of all life events that have captured you in their course.

    What to do in this situation?

    Get comfortable with what is happening as soon as possible. You had enough time to understand the situation and develop a line of behavior.

    The new turn of affairs should not be unexpected or intimidating. It is possible that at first you could be breathtaking from the speed with which events unfolded. But now you can already control the situation.

    Do not try to interfere in the sphere of relations with others yet. It only seems to you that you are in control of your connections, but everything is predetermined in advance. This does not mean that you have to humbly accept what is happening without expressing your opinion. No! You cannot yet create and direct events, but you must be able to control your own behavior in an emergency.

    And although you can hardly control the attitude of other people towards you, you are able to adequately respond to what is happening.

    You feel more confident in your work. Much more depends on you here than in relations with others. You've had plenty of time to figure out how to live in the coming years. Now it's time to start implementing our plans.

    Gather your strength and, in spite of obstacles, slowly move forward towards the goal. Don't put off solving problems until better times. Determine for yourself that the time has come is the best. Then you will feel like the master of fate as well. not an obedient executor of her will.

    If you cope with a tumultuous series of events and turn the course of life into the right channel, you will easily achieve what you want. In a word, the fulfillment of desire is entirely up to you.

    Do not give up if you notice a turn of events that is not in your favor. Calmly and wisely assess the situation. If you think the game is worth the candle, move in that direction.

    Golden Book of Fortune-telling Judina Natalia

    Hexagram No. 53 Flow (Advancement)

    B. Kh. If you move forward, carefully considering each step, success and luck will not change you in the future. Happiness will continue to be your companion if, without succumbing to persuasion, you will not get ahead of events. The turtle is no less likely to come to the finish line first than the hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. The desire will eventually come true. Financial affairs will improve significantly.

    G. S. A certain stage in your affairs ends. Protect what you are entrusted with protecting. There will be losses. Danger threatens either your family or your business. Keep a calm state of mind, it will bring you good luck, and gradually a period of safety will come. And although things will stall for a long time, you decide that everything is for the best.

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    The internal flow of Qi The Qi flows through you like a river, following the path of least resistance. When the qi flow is free, open, and unbound, it flows towards the positive, life-nourishing forces. Powerful vitality makes you feel completely alive,

    The name of this hexagram, with its internal relations between the primary trigrams, speaks for itself. The upper trigram symbolizes not only the Wind, but also the trees. Lower trigram - Mountain. Together, these elements describe the trees that gradually grow and inhabit the Mountain, making life fertile and livable.

    Gradual development means order, natural growth, gradual fulfillment of goals and desires. You can't grow a forest overnight. The trees grow slowly, turning the empty Mountain into a fertile place. The same is the case with your situation, do not expect sudden changes or instant success, development will occur gradually.

    The I Ching warns you not to let your impatience go and not try to obtain a favorable result by any action or force, this is a direct path to failure. You need to change your attitude in the opposite direction: be consistent, quick-witted, patient and persistent. Only then will far-reaching goals and constant change become fully accessible; you will have a bright future filled with optimism and victories.

    You need to think about new, gradually developing relationships. This is not the time for short-term relationships or love at first sight. As your relationship develops, become more open. Sudden strong emotional outbursts and complete openness at the very beginning will lead to the opposite result, expected. As you build deeper relationships, you feel better and more confident. However, stay alert. Gradual development implies that there will be gradualness throughout this period, and not just at the beginning. Once success is on your side, you can easily become overconfident and take rather risky steps. Don't make this mistake, or you will hurt yourself.

    A wish

    It will take some time. It will not come true right away.


    In love, like in no other aspect of life, the main thing is that the relationship develops slowly and gradually. The bud opens gradually and only then begins to bloom. If you open its petals by force, then it will only fade.


    Partners fit together, so there is every chance of a harmonious marriage. Do not expect with admiration that happiness will come overnight.

    Pregnancy, childbirth

    For the most part, this will go well. The chances that a girl will be born will be much greater if the birth takes place in the spring or summer.

    Health status

    Diseases of the abdominal cavity, ears and nose. The disease should be treated immediately, neglect will only lead to tragic consequences. If there is no improvement in the treatment, then change the doctor.

    Negotiations, disputes, litigation

    Do not be stubborn, do not try to resolve the situation at once. Move slowly and steadily towards your goal.


    Especially beneficial if you travel by plane.

    Exam, test

    Average score. If you have multiple exams in a row, your grade will improve over time.

    Work, business, specialization

    Favorable. There are chances of success. However, take your time and don't put too much effort.


    Gradual improvement is expected.

    Happy color


    Lucky numbers

    5, 7, 10

    Changing traits


    If you are on the True Path with both feet, then great achievements await you in your chosen area. Do not go into yourself, not the time. But do not be overly idealistic, such an attitude will not bring any practical benefit. Communicate with others as much as possible. While on the True Path, set an example by your behavior, earn respect and admiration from the outside.

    Fifth (dominant)

    The people around you, especially your loved ones, misunderstand your motives and behavior. This is impossible to fix, so drop useless beliefs and wait until the period ends. Understand that periods of isolation on the road to spiritual growth are inevitable. If you accept this fact intelligently, the problems will finally be solved in your favor.


    The main thing now is to stay safe. Do not set goals too high for yourself, but do not stagnate in one place either. Be flexible and adapt to change.


    If you take on a risky business, you will expose not only yourself, but also those close to you to danger and trouble. Instead, stay where you are. However, if some people are aggressive and hostile, then actions aimed at protecting yourself and your friends will be morally justified.

    Second (dominant)

    The classic text says: "When you find shelter and food, it does not mean that they are only for you." This means that now you are safe, abundant, so that you can benefit others by sharing your condition with them. Your self-confidence grows.

    The first

    It doesn't matter what you want, you are just starting to make your desire come true; you feel alienated, insecure, full of fear and doubt. Ignore criticism from others, it won't last long. If you don't take action now, you will be failing. Look within yourself to lay a solid foundation for further development.

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