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  • Clairaudience when the next hearing is from the word of God. Clairaudience. What do psychics say about clairaudience? What will give you clairaudience if you have the ability

    Clairaudience when the next hearing is from the word of God.  Clairaudience.  What do psychics say about clairaudience?  What will give you clairaudience if you have the ability

    "Every earthly life of man can hear
    Voice of the Silence, and record the speech of the unseen
    second world worker. For every form
    earth is Life temporarily assumed an earthly form.
    Therefore, in each form it can - be combined
    consciously two worlds, and the heart and consciousness are the environment
    where consciousness can act in two worlds"
    K.E. Antarova

    What is the phenomenon of clairaudience?

    In fact, to some extent, extreme situations many people have come across it. Our disbelief in the reality of the Spiritual World, and the fear of becoming a laughingstock in our own eyes (especially in the eyes of those around us) makes us ignore and quickly forget such things. "I'm not crazy to hear that!" - the person says to himself, and successfully forgets, having heard what logic and reason could not explain. Such spontaneous manifestations, the origin of which cannot be explained, are mistaken for hallucinations, and, having brushed them aside, the person breathes a sigh of relief.

    But the fact is that many cases are known of such manifestations of unusual abilities that occurred with normal, healthy people.

    It has also happened to many that they heard their mobile phone ringing, and after a while it really started ringing.

    Or I can give for clarity one of the examples that happened to me in childhood:
    When I was 10 years old, my family and I vacationed in the south. And then one day, I was not very well, and I stayed in the room, and my mother and my two brothers went for a walk. Suddenly, at 6 pm, still in the hotel room, I heard my mother's voice. He was very excited, although I could not make out the exact words, but heard, as if from afar. However, it could be discerned that her voice was raised, as if she was panicking. In the evening, I told about what happened. To this, my mother answered me that around 6 she began to worry very much about the descent from the mountain, which they had previously climbed. And indeed, she spoke in an excited tone, everything came together and was confirmed.

    This was a manifestation of spontaneous clairaudience of the present, connected with loved ones. I'm sure, rummaging through your memory, and you will find such cases from life, just, unfortunately, we do not always pay attention to them.

    So, clairaudience is the potential ability of a person to hear at any distance, as well as to hear everything that happens in the subtle world.

    Such information, clothed in words and concepts, can be obtained from different levels: for example, reading thoughts, situations, events, and actions taking place around. A "higher" level of hearing allows you to predict events, hear events from the past, receive various knowledge, communicate with subtle beings and the Cosmic Hierarchy. Clairaudience also allows you to use non-material forms of action: for example, to compose a thought form in such a way that it can be realized on physical plane(change the events of the present and future as you wish).

    Similarly, clear hearing can be divided into areas of mastery of perception from easy to complex:

    1) - concerns persons close to and phenomena of the future.
    2) - limited to the affairs of the present and near future.
    3) - captures the past concerning loved ones.
    4) - captures past events.
    5) - within modern world.
    6) - represents the future of world currents.
    7) - contains all signs.

    You can be strong on the first level, and then a person calls his abilities developed intuition. But this is only a small part of the abilities. Developing further in intuition, but not noticing everything else, people most often lose the opportunity to master the next levels, so it is better to develop the seventh level. It is to him that all phenomena are accessible, but without personal limitation by reason and prejudice.

    Types of perception:
    1. The sound of words in the mind (not in the ears). It's like talking within yourself. But with clairaudience, audible speech acquires independence from a person.
    2. More refined hearing through the auditory tubes and the biofield at the temples. With this view, the ability to hear a "higher" level, which was mentioned above, appears.
    3. Clairaudience through the outer, physical ear. In this case, the organ of hearing acts as a radio receiver that has caught a frequency.
    4. Hearing through the body. those. the ability to perceive sounds through the skin .. "Goosebumps" ran through the moment when beautiful music sounded - Probably, many are familiar with such sensations. This is because the body can also subtly respond and perceive sounds.

    In life, even during a normal conversation, for example, on a busy street, sometimes you have to ask again. What then to say about hearing the world more Subtle. To hear the spatial waves, you need deep concentration, and complete inactivity of the mind. It also requires a willingness to accept and listen. Without this, it is impossible to catch the remote transmission of sound, because hearing the Subtle World requires its deep perception, readiness to cooperate.

    Each person is able to hear clearly, it is inherent in the nature of things, but, unfortunately, with the course of the history of human development, the ability was lost.

    The states of matter that are expressed in its gross form, the form of the state that can be perceived by our senses, also has sound waves that can propagate in space. We do not hear the oscillations of these waves with ordinary hearing, but we are able to hear by developing it.

    Therefore, summing up the topic, we can say that hearing clearly means being able to perceive these sound waves unknown to us. This means an opportunity not only to hear the subtle world, but also to use this ability for the benefit of Life. This ability, with a high degree of perfection, allows us, for example, to hear the Victory Parade taking place on Red Square while abroad on vacation. :)

    Remote hearing gives us the opportunity from now on to be in communication and perceive a large information flow located in the Subtle World. This ability is extremely useful for our further development and spiritual growth.

    ________________________________________ __


    As mentioned in this article, the first and initial view perception is the sound of words in the mind (not in the ears), similar to a conversation within oneself. But with clairaudience, perceived speech acquires independence from the person.
    So, in order to hear inside oneself sounds alien to the body, one must learn, first of all, to be able to conduct one's own internal dialogue. The development of clairaudience begins with the harmonization of one's thoughts. Try to conduct an internal analysis of life, situation or yourself in the form of a dialogue with yourself. Be your protector and opponent in your internal dialogue, or take the role of a neutral party. Only the ordering of one's inner words-thoughts can lead to the perception of others. Believe me, talking to yourself is completely normal. Worse, when a person is not able to conduct internal analyzes.

    This is when you clearly see a picture in front of you, or rather a three-dimensional film, with the effect of presence, which tells you very clearly about something, for example, what your friends are doing on the other side of the world. You feel good and comfortable at this moment - pure entertainment! Unfortunately, it is not. True, such clairvoyance also happens, and is called vision. Vision is very similar to real event that is happening near you and it is difficult for you to distinguish it from reality. Most often it happens in people with mental disabilities. Narcologists note that people suffering from delirium tremens see similar pictures. We don't need such "real" visions!

    Let me now list the types of clairvoyance that a person can master and remain in his right mind and clear memory. The first and most common type of clairvoyance is clairvoyance. What is clairvoyance? For example, you are shown a photograph of a person, and you spontaneously have aversion to him, and you don’t understand why this happened. But this is your idea, later it turns out to be correct.

    It happened to everyone that at some point, a desire arose, and it was not justified by anything, not to go somewhere or not to go. You understand with your mind that it’s stupid, but your soul screams that you can’t do this. All this is clairvoyance. I just know that this is so ... but I do not find a logical explanation for this. Our task is to learn how to use it. Here, this thought, which comes to us from the subconscious, must be able to catch! This idea is a little different from others, and we will definitely learn to highlight it in our classes.

    The second type is and eat directly clairvoyance, where a slightly luminous screen appears before the eyes, where pictures appear. This is our "Third Eye" broadcasts pictures from the subconscious. What is the "Third Eye"? This is the pineal gland, which is associated with our vision. What kind physical processes occur in the human brain at the time of receiving information from the subconscious, this is the business of scientists. Our job is to be able to include this process through training. "Third eye" is basically a direct vision of events in real time. This is how people learn to read with their eyes closed. So you can spy on people who are not around. This is how cards, all kinds of icons and images are guessed. I want to make a reservation right away that the pineal gland is a universal link between the conscious and the subconscious, and by training this area of ​​the brain, we, first of all, receive information that can later be realized and accepted by any type of clairvoyance. Yes, back to clairvoyance. This type of vision is good, but it carries almost no semantic load. It's all the same, like a TV without sound - try it, figure out what you saw there! It is so good to do health diagnostics, you ask the subconscious mind what it hurts there, and you see his diseased organ. But this does not always work out, but what if a person has the flu? What will they show you then? Maybe a runny nose?

    The third type is clairaudience. With clairaudience, information comes to you in the form of a very clear thought, which, in addition to you, is spoken in the brain, it is appropriate to say: "I have a thought." I ask you not to confuse clairaudience with auditory hallucinations. Clairaudience is thought expressed in words.

    The fourth type is clairsentience. Clairsentience is information that comes to us at the level of sensations in our body. Many healers, when diagnosing a patient with their hands, feel a slight tingling in those places where the person has health problems. When diagnosing from a photograph, many clairvoyants feel, if a person is not alive, a strong cold. Someone feels nauseous, etc.

    The fifth type is motor clairvoyance. This clairvoyance is the most common! All fortune tellers, dowsers, dowsers, they all use motor clairvoyance. How does this happen? A person picks up a pendulum, asks a question to the subconscious, the answer comes to the brain, the brain gives a command to the muscles, the muscles contract, of course, in addition to the consciousness of the operator, the pendulum swings in the right direction. The same thing happens with the fortuneteller, if she takes out the cards without thinking, she reflexively, at the command of the brain, makes the right movements.

    The sixth type is telepathy. Telepathy is the reading of thoughts at a distance, it is akin to the sensations that we experience with clairaudience. In practice, telepathy is used in psycho-coding, instilling, for example, a drinker, an aversion to alcohol. You can find out the true relationship of one person to another.

    The seventh type is clairvoyance based on mental images. Mental images arise in any person when they are told about something, when they think about something and mentally create an image in the brain. The simplest, we say: "Lemon". Everyone immediately creates an image, and it becomes sour in the mouth. So, here you should have a mental image not only in the form of a black and white picture, you must learn more, and get a feeling from the created image and see its color, and sometimes hear the sounds that come from it.

    I want to note that the ability to clairvoyance is inherent in every person, this is how the still unexplored human brain is arranged. Many thanks to Academician N.P. Bekhtereva, she insisted that "wonderful" phenomena are subject to scientific laws that have not yet been discovered. Our brain is able to translate the received information into visual images.

    Any healer, parapsychologist, who is seriously engaged in his work, simply needs clairvoyance. Moreover, one must learn to see the intangible world. You need to be able to see the aura, bad thoughts who have harmed others, see emotions, the spiritual plan. To do this, you need to clearly identify these processes for yourself in the form of symbols and signs. Many see illness as a black clot, and joy as scattered golden dust above their heads. And how to determine that a person is upset, holding his photo in his hand? And this is what we will learn.

    Now let's talk about the materials that we need for training. The first is the Zenor cards. These are six pictures that you can draw yourself. These are: a circle, a plus sign, three wavy, parallel lines, a triangle, a square and a star. We also need simple playing cards and a pendulum (I recommend a large needle and thread). Good luck to you!

    Do you hear a ringing in your ears (beep) or an indistinct whisper? It is worth checking yourself for signs of clairaudience! It is very likely that you have a gift for this superpower!

    In this article, you will learn…

    1. What will clairaudience give you if you have the ability?
    2. How to check yourself for signs of clairaudience?
    3. When can you show signs of clairaudience?
    4. How can you be sure that this is clairaudience and not something else?

    What will clairaudience give you if you have the ability?

    I answer! More chances and opportunities, and without straining at all!

    Judge for yourself…

      • Instead of wasting precious time studying other people's experience and gaining knowledge, you can simply tune in to extrasensory perception, and the necessary information will arrive in a few seconds.
      • Someone needs to work painstakingly for several years to create a brilliant masterpiece, while the other at this time creates hits one after another, successfully sells them, gains popularity and recognition ...
      • Some businessmen conduct business at their own peril and risk and often get bumps, while others listen to their inner voice and always win.
      • Most people in everyday life act according to logic (and then often complain about failures and conflicts), and some (the chosen ones who develop their superpowers) receive subtle information and can lay down straws in advance so as not to fall hurt ...
      • And, you see, it is always better to know more than others, to get advice and tips from the subtle world, to read information and benefit in a timely manner, than just to live like everyone else.

    The gift of clairaudience is one of the most amazing superpowers, and here's why...

    The predisposition to clairaudience¹ is specific to those with sensitive hearing (whereas others are more prone to clairvoyance or claircognizance)

    Below I will reveal to you some of the characteristics of clairaudience that will help you understand if you have a gift for this amazing ability. So…

    How to test yourself for signs of clairaudience?

    The most striking signs of clairaudience are described below. Just evaluate if you have them. The more coincidences you notice, the more pronounced your ability to clairaudience, the easier it will be for you to develop it. But!

    Even 1-2 coincidences indicate that you most likely have the gift of clairaudience!

    So let's test ourselves!

    Sign #1.Tinnitus

    Scientists still have not figured out exactly what causes tinnitus (squeaking in the ears), which disappears after a few seconds or minutes. There are various assumptions about this, but I can say one thing for sure. People who are able to hear it (and not everyone hears a squeak in their ears!), The chances of developing clairaudience are much higher than others.

    In esoteric circles, it is believed that at the moment of ringing (squeak) in the ears, the patron spirit tries to attract attention and convey important information.

    Sign of clairaudience number 2.Whisper, noise, voices

    When the clairaudience channel is active, voices, words, or distinct phrases may appear in the head. If such phenomena cause discomfort, one can turn mentally or aloud to the spirits so that they convey their message, or ask them to be silent.

    Sign of clairaudience number 3. TalkWith myself

    An internal dialogue with oneself (during which answers to questions appear, new ideas or solutions come up - not mental chewing gum!) Is a sign that the clues of the subconscious or patron spirits come through the channel of clairaudience.

    Sign of clairaudience No. 4.Knock, steps, creaks

    When a person hears such sounds in his head, and not in the surrounding space (when others do not hear anything), this indicates that he hears the presence of subtle entities that are nearby. Also, any sounds or words in the head (voices in the head) that are not amenable to logical explanation are a sign of clairaudience.

    Sign of clairaudience number 5.sudden insights

    Usually brilliant ideas come in a meditative state, when consciousness does not interfere with direct communication with the subconscious or the inhabitants of the astral world. But if a person suddenly, while driving, for example, or doing everyday activities, hears a decision in his head or receives an exact plan of action, then he has an extrasensory perception channel open - clairaudience.

    Sign of clairaudience No. 6. Wise advice

    If a person during a conversation gives very wise and timely advice, but then cannot explain how he thought of it before, this is a sign that the information was received from outside, and a subtle entity spoke through his mouth.

    Sign of clairaudience No. 6. Private messages

    With the gift of clairaudience, a person can hear phrases addressed personally to him on radio, television, or while being present at someone's conversation. If such cases happen quite often, then clairaudience is activated, and the entities of the subtle world are trying to make contact.

    When do you get clairaudience symptoms?

    The gift of clairaudience can open at any age. When the inner ear is activated, the person may begin to hear ringing in the ears, vague buzzing, snippets of words, voices, or a change in pressure in the ear canal.

    And now, attention!

    Clairaudience can manifest itself in many ways, and it is important to distinguish between its deviations in the psyche!

    How to make sure that it is clairaudience, and not something else?

    2. Messages from the subtle world cannot sound constantly, like a radio. They are concise and contain specific information.

    4. Through the voices of helper spirits, intuitive information can come, subtle entities may ask to convey a message to someone or warn about something, but they cannot order or control a person, forcing him to do inappropriate actions.

    Have you noticed signs of clairaudience in yourself, and want to develop this superpower?

    In a special section of the site you will find useful practical information and some general techniques for

    Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ In the field of parapsychology clairaudience is a form of extrasensory perception, the supposed ability of a person to receive audio information (voices of people, messages of spirits, etc.) using paranormal means. Often seen as a form of clairvoyance (

    The concept of telepathy was introduced in Ancient China, and in 1982 they proved this phenomenon worldwide.

    We all remember that Hitler was fond of astrology. We also understand that any predictive technique: astrology, fortune-telling on Tarot cards, coffee grounds, runes, wax, stones, candles, balls, on water, on anything - this is clairvoyance, but in more clairaudience. These are all hints.

    For example, the tarot card depicts a man on a horse. Put in front ordinary person, who does not want to develop anything, this card and ask: "What does this mean?". He will say: “A man on a horse is drawn. So what?" And in the Tarot, this will be interpreted as a whole story about this man, his fate, etc. When a person asks you a question, remember that you must definitely ask yourself a question, and then you will get an answer. Where there is a question, there is also an answer, everything is in us. The question does not just arise, because the answers are already ready to be found out.

    Now, thanks to science, we can try out some mechanical amplifiers of extrasensory abilities: for example, a person puts a certain device on his head and controls a steel robot through his brain, through some kind of electronic impulses, that is, the brain works in a telepathic mode.

    Telepathy- one of the forms of communication of prehistoric people. They did not have a developed speech, they passed everything on to each other mentally, telepathically. When the throat turned on chakra vishuddha, - a speech appeared, and telepathic abilities began to close, like an unnecessary form, they began to die off, let's say so. Therefore, the less you say, the more intuition works, telepathy manifests itself!

    We keep talking, you can't stop us. There is even such a disease - logorrhea when people talk incessantly. But not everyone is sick, but there are a lot of unrestrained talkers!

    Remember, clairaudience is born and develops in the silence of the mind.

    Animals also have telepathy, because they cannot speak, they make separate sounds, quite primitive, but they communicate with us telepathically.

    Every person has some ability. Nowadays, superpowers are manifested in everyone who develops them. Since the time of Lemuria, everyone has had an open third Eye, but people began to neglect this, to use this gift not for good, and the third eye was closed, so that the third eye exists for everyone, and if there is a desire, it can be opened.

    Do you know who we and all over the world train as psychics at the highest state level? Scouts or, roughly speaking, spies. They must have developed telepathic abilities: clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance. Their clairaudience must be highly developed. They must pick up sounds like the bats. Scouts especially develop acute hearing and super-hearing - clairaudience.

    Do you want to develop the ability to clairaudience and hear more than other people? Discover this amazing opportunity to read information in yourself!

    Yes Yes exactly! Each person has an intuition, and each of us is under the protection of the Higher Forces, but not everyone listens to their inner voice.

    Surely you have heard stories more than once about how people managed to avoid danger because they heard a certain “voice” warning or stopping them in time?

    By developing clairaudience, one can learn to hear the clues of the Universe and know exactly what this or that situation will lead to.

    Not to mention the fact that the ability to clairaudience is indispensable in everyday life!

    Reading information using subtle hearing, you can:

    • get tips on how best to proceed in a particular case;
    • anticipate events to your advantage;
    • you can even literally hear the thoughts of people if you develop this superpower in yourself.

    No wonder they say: "Who owns the information, he owns the world!"

    Clairaudience is one of the main psychic abilities. Perhaps there is no person who would not know about clairvoyance, but few actually know about clairaudience.

    The ability to clairaudience implies the ability to pick up sounds that are outside the usual sound vibrations that we perceive, and this range is from 16-20 Hz to 15-20 kHz.

    There are two types of clairaudience!

    1st- this is the ability to hear very quiet external sounds (in the future it will be more convenient to call this type of clairaudience super-hearing).

    2nd Clairaudience is the ability to hear voices in your head.

    It is this psychic ability to hear voices within oneself that allows a person to:

    • communicate with your subconscious
    • receive messages from the inhabitants of the subtle world,
    • hear the voices of spirits and various entities.

    Thanks to psychic hearing, you can constantly be in touch with your spiritual guides.

    Imagine a radio receiver. To listen to your favorite show, you tune it to the right wave, don't you? Something similar happens with psychic hearing - in order to hear the voice of the subconscious or the messages of subtle entities, you need to tune in to a certain range of sound waves.

    Signs of Clairaudience!

    Clairaudience can be called telepathic messaging. It is like talking on a cell phone, but there is no handset in hand.

    During clairaudience, the message may sound like a normal voice when the person is thinking or reading to himself.

    Usually the message sounds inside the head, but, with rare exceptions, it can be external.

    The messages of intuition or light entities of the subtle world are directed only for the good. They never advise someone to take revenge or harm.

    Messages that come through the channel of clairaudience always leave a person with freedom of choice. If he needs help, the subconscious and spirit guides can give recommendations, but they never order him or force him to do anything.

    Most often, the ability to clairaudience is perceived as extraneous thoughts in the head. For example, you drink tea in the morning and make a shopping list for the evening, but suddenly a phrase appears that has nothing to do with it. It could be a word or two, lyrics from a song, etc.

    It is advisable to write down such phrases, as they can serve as a hint!

    But how to understand that this is precisely the experience of clairaudience, and not our own thoughts?

    How to distinguish clairaudience from your internal dialogue?

    This understanding comes with practice. By constantly training your hearing, you can train yourself to hear a little more than usual, to pick up the subtlest sound vibrations. In time, it will also be easy to distinguish intuitive messages from the chatter of your mind, as a person with normal hearing distinguishes singing from simple speech.

    Usually, messages transmitted through the channel of clairaudience carry some important information - a hint, advice, or an incentive to act.

    Some people doubt that they can have the gift of clairaudience. In fact, anyone can become clairaudient if they wish. But someone has the makings of it, and someone will need a longer practice.

    How to develop the ability to clairaudience?

    It is believed that clairaudience is somewhat easier to develop than other superpowers.

    The world around is full various sounds. We are so accustomed to constant noise that we simply do not notice some sounds, we do not fix them in our minds. If you devote time daily to hearing development techniques, then after a while you can decently expand the range of sound perception and master super hearing.

    What do clairaudients say?

    From personal experience one psychic with the ability to clairaudience:

    “The options for obtaining information through clairaudience are quite diverse. When a message is given to me, I can hear my own voice or the voice of the spirit in my head. I can hear a few words or get a lot of information.

    Sometimes the spirit itself speaks through me. Communicating with a person, I can say deep and wise words, give very correct advice, although in a normal state I would hardly have thought of this.

    I talk to my intuition every day and consult with it on any occasion!

    It helps a lot. Relying on the prompts of the subconscious, I almost never make mistakes in making decisions and setting priorities.

    With the development of clairaudience, my life has become more pleasant, easier and more comfortable!

    I am no longer afraid of surprises and troubles, and I am always in good mood. I feel protected. It's like having your own Salvation Army, which is at your personal disposal around the clock. This is very cool!"