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  • Bold actions in the war and the world. Courage and cowardice in extreme situations, in war. Literary image of God as a tankon. Pasternak and Bulgakov

    Bold actions in the war and the world. Courage and cowardice in extreme situations, in war. Literary image of God as a tankon. Pasternak and Bulgakov

    "War and Peace" - Roman Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - National epic dedicated to the heroism of Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812, a featman who perfect people.

    I still describe the Shenagraben battle one of the main episodes of Kam-Pania of 1805, Tolstoy showed the feat of Captain Tushina and the soldier of his Bata-Rei. Captain Tushin is an ordinary officer, a person who personifies on-native wisdom and simplicity. During the battle, he fearlessly leads the bombing, showing the example of the courage to soldiers, holy fulfilling his military debt.

    Captain Timokhin also makes a feat, and the attack of his company in the critical moment changed the course of battle. Like Tushin, he is ... duty, courage and execution.

    According to Tolstoy, the war is "the events nasty human mind in its human nature," but the war of 1812 is a terrible necessity. Stand out the enemy, expel him from the native land - the debt of each Russian man.

    If in the highest aristocratic circles only pronounced lush phrases about love for the Fatherland, and in fact, only "followed the ... Flugger of royal grace", then the best people from the nobles came differently: it turns to the army of Nikolai Rostov, goes to the war Petya, gives a million to the militia Pierre Duhov, commands the regiment, seeking to be blues to the people, Prince Andrei, give all the veins of the soldiers, wounded under the village of Borodin, Rostov, condemning themselves to ruin.

    The feeling of hateful to the enemies of the Motherland makes the inhabitants of Smolensk and Moscow burn their property so that it does not get the French, and the act of merchant Ferrapontov and the "man in the frieze stolen" - at the measures of true patriotism.

    Russian peasants, "Carps and Vlasi", as calling them a thickness not a ho-tel to sell the Frenchman even for big money, burned it. Ka-Lucky Russian man struggled with the enemy in his own way.

    Borodino battle is the greatest manifestation of the patriotism of the Russian people. Simple people understood all the importance of this moment "everyone wants to fall on," says one of the soldiers; Preparing for possible death in the upcoming battle, the Men's-militias were put on white shoes. The same mood reigns in the shelf of Andrei Bolkonsky.

    Calmly and courageously behave during the battle of artilleryrs on the Battery of Raevsky, ready to die, but to fulfill their duty.

    Kutuzov is an expressant of the Patriotic People's Spirit in the novel. He is confident in the courage and perseverance of the soldier, knows that the enemy will be defeated. It is clear and close to Kutuzov this "wonderful, unmatched people." Material from site.

    A huge role in the Patriotic War of 1812 was played by a partisan movement. The writer also talks about the detachment of the old age of Vasilisa, which beat hundreds of French, and about the Dyachka who commanded the detachment, and the partisans of De Nisov, and the detachment of Dologov. Talks Tikhon Tikhon's partisan, the Herbrom and the necessary person in Denisov's detachment, distinguishing a special delete. Shcherbatoy - one of those heroes that are quiet and imperceptibly do their job, all that prompted them a sense of love for their homeland.

    Patriotism of Russian people of all classes, courage and heroism of officials and ordinary soldiers are the key to the invincibility of the Russian people.

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    On this page, material on the themes:

    • war and the world of imaginary and true heroes
    • analysis of the heroes of the war and the world essay
    • patriotism in the novel war and peace with quotes
    • patriots in war and peace
    • war and world example of heroism

    Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is one of the most famous works of Russian literature, the action of which is closely related to the history of Russia of the beginning of the XIX century. It was the time of Napoleonic wars, when the French army was victorious marked in Europe, moving towards the borders of our Motherland. The only force capable of stopping this movement was the Russian people, rising to the fight against the invaders. The topic of the Patriotic War of the 1812 year is devoted to most of the novel "War and Peace", on the pages of which the author draws images of Russian warriors who have stuck on the defense of the Motherland, their exceptional heroism, courage, faithfulness of the oath.
    But all these wonderful qualities are manifested only when the soldiers are understandable for which they are fighting. Therefore, the military campaign of 1805-1807 failed. It was a war in someone else's territory for other people's interests. The sake of glory, for the ambitious interests of the court circles, was incomprehensible and does not need people. Russian soldiers, being away from their homeland, not aware of the goals of the campaign, do not want to put their lives. As a result, during Austerlitsky battle, the Russian troops ran back.
    If the battle turns out to be inevitable, Russian soldiers are ready to stand to death. So it happened during the Shenagraben battle. Showing miracles of courage, the Russian troops accepted the main blow. A small detachment under the command of Bagration was held back on the enemy, "eight times" superior to its numerous. Large courage has also shown the division of the Timokhina officer. It not only has not retreated, but also caused a retaliatory blow that he saved a significant part of the army.
    With great sympathy, the author to captain Tushina. His portrait is not noteworthy: "Small, dirty, thin artillery officer without boots ... in alone stockings." In his "Figurine" there was something "completely not a military, somewhat comic, but extremely attractive." The captain lives with soldiers of one life: eats and drinks with them, sings their songs, participates in their conversations. Tushin robeth before everyone: before the bosses, before the senior officers. But during the Shenagraben battle, he is transformed: together with a handful, soldiers exhibits amazing courage and heroism, bravely fulfilling his military debt. His special attitude towards battle. The captain calls guns by name, gently speaks with them, it seems that he throws the nuclei in the enemy. An example of the commander makes the soldiers fun to fight and cheerfully die, laugh at the adjutant, ordering to leave from the position and cowardly hiding from the nuclei. They all know that they save the retreating army, but do not realize their own feat. On the example of such humble heroes, Tolstoy showed the true patriotism of Russian warriors, based on the sense of duty and fidelity of the oath.
    But especially strongly patriotism of Russian soldiers manifested itself during the Patriotic War of 1812, when the enemy invaded the territory of Russia.
    According to Andrei Bolkonsky, the outcome of the battle depends on the feeling that lives in all participants in the battle. This feeling - folk patriotism, the huge rise of which on the day of Borodina convinces Bolkonsky in the fact that the Russians will certainly win: "Tomorrow, whatever it is, we will win the battle!" Realizing the importance of the upcoming battle, the soldiers even refuse to drink vodka, because it is not such a day.
    Describing the battle through the eyes of Pierre Dzuhova, the author notes a high sense of partnership, the consciousness of the debt, the physical and moral power of soldiers and militias. On the Borodino field, the French army first encountered an opponent, whose moral spirit was so high. Tolstoy believes that that is why the French suffered defeat.
    The author shows us that the more Grozny becomes danger, the stronger the fire of patriotism flared up and the stronger the power of folk resistance becomes.
    The consequence of this was the partisan war that turned into the territories occupied by the French. Against the invaders rose all the people - soldiers, men, Cossacks and even women. A bright representative of the partisan war in the novel, a man who embodies the main moods and feelings of the Russian people, is the partisans of Denisova Tikhon Schcherbat. This is the "most necessary person" in the detachment. He is leaning, brave, the French for him are enemies, and he destroys them. It is Tikhon Shcherbaty that combines the features of the people who were especially manifested in Grozny for the Fatherland: hatred for invaders, unconscious, but deep patriotism, courage and heroism in battle, resistance and dedication. The partisan war in understanding Tikhon Shcherbatoy, Denisova, Dolokhov and others - this is a retribution for the ruin and death of Russian people, this is a dubb, which "with all the formidable and majestic strength ... Raised, descended and nailing the French until all the invasion was died" . This is the embodiment of the "sense of insults and revenge."
    But the removable Russian heart can not hold hatred and fierce. They are quickly replaced by mercy to former invaders. So, having met in the forest of the hungry and frozen captain Rambalar and his jerlery of Morel, the Russians show compassion: "The soldiers surrounded the French, stuck with a sin and both porridge and vodka." At the same time, one of the ordinary says: "Also people ... and wormwood grows on their root." Former enemies, despite the evil caused by them, in their present pitiful and helpless state deserve condescension.
    So, recreating pictures of the past, Tolstoy showed us a lot of different, sometimes unfamiliar to each other, Russian soldiers. We see that most of them unites hatred for invaders, deep patriotism, loyalty to debt and oath, immense courage and resistance. But most importantly, each of them is ready to sacrifice the life in the name of the salvation of the Motherland. This is the power of the Russian warrior.
    Thus, L.N. Tolstoy his novel "War and Peace" argues that the people having such advocates cannot be enslaved.

    The image of the Russian warrior in the novel "War and Peace" (2 options)

    L.N. Tolstoy was a member of Sevastopol Defense. In these tragic months, he understood the shameful defeat of the Russian army, realized how terrible war, what suffering she carries people, as a person behaves in war. He was convinced that true patriotism and heroism manifests itself not in beautiful phrases or bright expansions, but in honest accomplishment of debt, military and human, despite everything. This experience affected the novel "War and Peace". Two wars are drawn in it, which are largely opposed to each other. War in someone else's territory for alien interests was in 1805 - 1807. And the true heroism of the soldiers and officers showed only when they understood the moral purpose of the battle. That is why they stood heroically under the Shangrabian and disgracefully fled under Austerlitz, as Prince Andrei recalls the day before the Borodino battle. The war of 1812 in the image of Tolstoy is completely different. The death hazard was hung over Russia, and those forces that the author and Kutuzov are called "a folk feeling, hidden warmth of patriotism, entered into force. Kutuzov, on the eve of the Borodino battle, surrounded the positions saw the militia who put on white shirts: they are ready for death for their homeland. "Wonderful, unmatched people," Kutuzov said excitement and tears. In the mouth of the national commander invested the tolstone words that express his thoughts. Tolstoy emphasizes that in 1812, Russia was saved not separate personality, but the efforts of the entire people as a whole. In his opinion, in the Borodino battle, Russian moral victory was obsessed. Tolstoy writes that not only Napoleon, but all the soldiers and officers of the French army experienced the same sense of horror before the enemy, which, having lost half of the troops, stood at the end of the battle as well as at the beginning of it. The French were morally broken: it turns out to be killed, but not to win. Adjutant reports Napoleon with hidden fear that French artillery beats up, and the Russians continue to stand. What was this unshakable power of Russians? From the joint actions of the army and the entire people, from the wisdom of Kutuzov, whose tactics - "patience and time", whose bet primarily in the Spirit in the troops. This force developed from the heroism of soldiers and the best officers of the Russian army. Remember how the soldiers of the Prince Andrei regiment, put in the reserve on the targeted field. Their position is tragic: under not passing horror of death they cost more than eight hours without food, without a case, losing people. But the prince Andrei "to do and order was nothing. Everything was done by himself. The dead were taught for the front, the wounded were treated, the row was closed. If soldiers were tightened, they immediately returned themselves again. "Here is an example of how the execution of the debt develops into a feat. This force developed from patriotism not in words, but in fact, the best people from the nobility, such as Prince Andrei. He refused to serve in Headquarters, and took the regiment and during the battle he received a deadly wound. And Pierre Duckers, a purely civilian man, rides in Mozhaisk, and then on the battlefield. He understood the meaning of the phrase that he heard from the old soldier: "All people want to fulfill themselves .. . One end to do. One word - Moscow. "The eyes of Pierre drawn a picture of the battle, the heroism of artilleryrs on the battery of Raevsky. This invincible force was made up of heroism and patriotism of Muscovites who leave their own property, no matter how sorry to leave their property for death. Let us remember how Rostov led Moscow, trying to take the most valuable from the house: carpets, porcelain, clothing. And then Natasha and the old graph decide to give the supply of the wounded and all kindly shograte and leave on the defeat of the enemy. At the same time, insignificant Berg asks one conclusion to take out from Moscow is a wonderful wardrobe, which he bought it, ... Even during the patriotic lift, never goes without brenoes. The invincible power of the Russians developed from the actions of the partisan units. Some of them are described in detail to Tolstoy. This is a detachment Denisov, where the most necessary person is Tikhon Shcherbat, Folk avenger. Partisan detachments destroyed the Napoleonic army in parts. On the pages of the IV volume there is an image "CONNECT The war ", which rose to the whole formidable and majestic force and nail French, until their invasion ended, while in the soul of the people, the feeling of insult and revenge was changed by a feeling of contempt and pity for the APOVED enemy. Tolstoy hated war, and he draws not only paintings of battles, but also the suffering of all people in war, whether enemies or not. The late Russian heart suggested that you can regret frostous, dirty, hungry French captured. This is the feeling and in the soul of the old cutuz. Turning to the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky regiment, he says that while the French were strong, we beat them, and now you can regret, because people are also. In thick patriotism inseparable from humanism, and this is natural: ordinary people have always been not needed. So, Tolstoy draws a war of 1812 as a folk, domestic, when all the people rose to the defense of the Motherland and made it a writer with a huge artistic force, creating a grandiose novel - Epopeus, which is no equal in the world.

    What is a feat? It is a "heroic, selfless act, an important effect on its meaning committed under difficult conditions" - such an interpretation gives this word "dictionary of the Russian language" V. Daly. However, this is not definitely notion. The problem of the feat worried people of art, writers, poets, painters. It is dedicated to many pages of Russian literature. This topic in the work of L.N. occupies a special place. Tolstoy, who rethought the concept of the feat in the spirit of its philosophy. He believed that any war is unnatural, opposed to human nature. Tolstoy's heroism seen in the ability of a person to remain ourselves in inhuman conditions. In Tolstoy, even the most thinking people do not immediately understand the degree of inhumanity, the cruelty that war carries. The personification of this evil is in the novel "War and Peace" Napoleon. "For him, it was not new conviction that his presence in all ends of the world, from Africa to the steppes of Muscovy, is equally striking and plunges people in madness of selflessness." Warred complex "Napoleonism", Prince Andrei goes to war of 1805, dreaming to repeat the path of his idol. The feat see him in a heroic act, which should glorify it and therefore should be observed. The battlefield for it is a scene. Shenagraben's battle and true heroism of Captain Tushina laid his ideas about the feat, but did not destroy them.
    What is a true feat according to Tolstoy? Who can make it? One who, forgetting about himself, is capable of everyday life and just do what he tells him his nature. This captain Tushin, who struck the prince of Andrei with the unbelief of his ne-war appearance on the eve of the battle, is Captain Timokhin, "With a red nose and tightened belly", the figure of which caused a laughter of brilliant staff officers. It was Tushin and Timokhin that became the heroes of the Shenagrabensky battle, in which the fate of the Russian army was solved.
    However, the former dream continued to live in the soul of Prince Andrew, so he perceives the Austerlitsky battle as an opportunity to move it into life. He is not worried about the fate of the Russian army, nor the fate of individual people: "... my God! What should I do, if I don't like anything as soon as the glory, human love. Death, wounds, family loss - nothing is scary to me. And no matter how the road nor my miles are many people - father, sister, wife, - the most expensive people me, - but, no matter how scary and unnatural it seems to me, I will give them all now for a minute of glory, celebrations on people, for love To yourself people who I do not know and I will not know, for the love of these people ... "But his feat is described in the novel ironically. Instead of a highly raised banner, an ardor, dying on the ground, instead of sublime thoughts - thoughts about red artillers and the Frenchman with a gun on the road, who meaninglessly fighting for an unnecessary banner. From delushing, such a spiritual death, in this fateful minute he was saved fair, eternal, high sky, which was so far from seen earlier ...
    Through the war, 1805 was held and Nikolay Rostov with his naive ideas about the war as a bright, festive sight, similar to the hunt. But participation in the first battle causes him to feel like a beautiful life and how unnatural war, which carries death. "And the fear of death, and stretcher, and the love of the Sun and Life - everything merged into one painful-anxious impression." That is why at the beginning of the war of 1812 in the Ostrovnsky battle he could not kill the French officer, instinctively feeling the immutable value of human life.
    The great test for the heroes of the novel, for the entire Russian people, was the Patriotic War of 1812, in which their best qualities manifested. Effated with a high patriotic feeling, their souls seemed to be cleaned of everything apparent, random. War is a "terrible need to show enemies. "The French ruined my home and go to ruin the Moscow, and insulted and insult me \u200b\u200ball a second. They are my enemies, - They are all criminals, according to my concepts ... I need to execute them "- the prince Andrei prince on the eve of the Borodino battle. And for this it is worth going to death.
    But the person must remember that the war is "the most appreciated thing in life ... The purpose of the war is the murder. The guns of the war - spying, treason and encouraging it, the ruin of residents, the robbery of their or theft of food for the army; Cheating and lies called military tricks ... "
    And sinning to seek awards and reward the "cross and ribbons" - so contemptuously responds about the military orders Prince Andrei - for spilled blood. Soldiers and officers "just" should honestly do their job: overcoming the fear of death, pain, fight, fight with the enemy as they do the battery guns. And the true feat, the feat of moral superiority over the enemy, made the entire Russian army under Borodin, when, decreasing half, at the end of the battle was also terrible as first. "The battle wins the one who firmly decided to win it."
    The true feat was made by residents of Moscow, among them Rostov, when, leaving the property, left their huge, rich wooden city, which will be inevitably burned. "They drove because for Russian people could not be a question: good or bad will be under the control of the French in Moscow. Under the control of the French, it was impossible to be: it was worse than everything. "
    The true feat was made by those men, carp and vlas, officers and the Cossacks, who "did not show personally by the heroic feelings," but they constituted the partisan detachments and destroyed the Great Army in parts.
    The Russian man and in the inhuman conditions of the war managed to remain a person, and maybe the highest manifestation of his heroism, his spiritual feat is pity and even sympathy for the defeated and already unsightened enemy.
    This is also manifested in the care of Petit Rostov and Denisov about the French boy Vincent, and in a comically indulgence of soldiers to the "frozen" officer Rambala and his twin: young soldiers were watched with joyful smiles, eating the third bowler of Kashi.
    This is a feeling of a "majestic celebration in conjunction with pity for the enemies and the consciousness of his rightness ... lay in the soul of every soldier," and he expressed him in the last appeal to the army of Kutuzov: "While they are strong, we did not regret ourselves, and now they will regret them can. Also they are people. "
    Feat as an eternal moral category - that's what attracts me in the Roman L.N. Tolstoy. For the era of the Great Russian thinker, the concept of a true feat in the war is indisputable value.
    For me, a person living in the early XXI century, as much as significant feature of the Russian soldier in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. This war raised to the level of high morality of the concept of "veteran", "Military Brotherhood", "Peace". But the XX century, unfortunately, turned out to be a century of bloody, cruel, fratricidal wars. And therefore, the words of Andrei Bolkonsky became the most significant: "The purpose of the war is murder." And it is difficult to talk about a feat in such wars. A man risking life performs criminal from the point of view of the universal morality order. Is it a feat? Or maybe a feat is not to obey him?
    Neither Tolstoy nor we can answer this question. A person in such situations himself makes his choice.

    The most striking true qualities of the human personality are manifested in extreme situations, in particular, in war.

    Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Not only and not so much about war, how many human characters and qualities that are manifested in difficult conditions for choosing and the need to make a deed. Important for the writer are reflections on true courage, courage, heroism and cowardice as personalities. Brighter than these qualities are manifested in military episodes.

    Drawing heroes, Tolstoy uses the reception of opposition. What kind of different we see Prince Andrei and Gherkov in battle near Shangraben! Bagration sends Gherkova with an order to retreat on the left flank, that is, where the most dangerous is now. But the horses are desperately a coward and therefore jumps not to where shooting, but looking for chiefs "in a safer place where they could not be." Thus, a vital order is not transmitted by this adjutant. But he transmits another officer - Prince Bolkonsky. He is also scary, the nuclei fly right above him, but he prohibits himself to be crazy.

    Before the battery, Troklil's Battery takes, and on the officer dinner, boldly and loyally laughed at an amazing hero, but a funny and timid man - captain carcass. Not knowing how the battery was masculously acted, Bagration Raw Captain for left an instrument. None of the officers did not find courage to say that the battery Tushina was without cover. And only Prince Andrei was indignant by these riots in the Russian army and inevitution to appreciate the true heroes and not only justified the captain, but his soldiers called him and the true heroes of the day, which is obliged to the troops.

    Timokhin, inconspicuous and no outstanding in ordinary circumstances, also demonstrates true courage: "Timokhin rushed to the French with a desperate cry ... with one sapeter, came to the enemy, so the French ... dismissed weapons and ran".

    One of the main characters of the novel, Andrei Bolkonsky, possessed such qualities as pride, courage, decency and honesty. At the beginning of the novel, he is dissatisfied with the void of society and therefore goes to military service, in the army. Going to war, he dreams of committing a feat and earn folk love. In war, he shows courage and courage, the soldiers characterize him as a strong, bold and demanding officer. In first place he poses honor, debt and justice. During the Austerlitsky battle, Andrei makes a feat: picks up the banner who fell out of the hands of the wounded soldier and fascinates the soldiers fleeing in a panic.

    Another hero who passes through the test of his character is Nicholas Rostov. When the story logic leads it to the field of Shenagraben battle, "the moment of truth" comes. Until this time, the hero is absolutely confident in his courage and is that it will not be disgraced in battle. But, having seen the true face of the war, coming to the measurement closely, Rostov is aware of the impossibility of murder and death. "It can not be that they want to kill me," he thinks, running away from the French. He is confused. Instead of shooting, he throws his pistol in the opponent. His fear is not fear of the enemy. They own the "feeling of fear for their happy young life."

    Petya is the youngest in the family of growth, mother's favorite. He gets at war very young, and the main goal for him is to make a feat, to become a hero: "... Peter was in a constantly happily excited state of joy on the fact that he is big, and in a constantly enthusiastic hasty, not to miss any case of the present heroism. " He has few combat experience, but a lot of youthful dust. Therefore, he boldly rushes into the smallest of combat and falls under the fire of the enemy. Despite the young age (16 years old), Petya desperately dare and sees his destination in the ministry of Fatherland.

    The Great Patriotic War gave a lot of material for thinking about courage and cowardice.

    True courage, the courage in war can show not only the soldiers, a warrior, but also a simple person, the circumstances of the circumstances involved in the terrible cycle of events. Such a simple woman's story is described in the novel. V.A. Spun "Mother Human".

    In September 1941, Hitler's troops were far advanced into the depths of Soviet territory. Many areas of Ukraine and Belarus turned out to be occupied. It remained in the territory-busy territory and lost in the steppes of the farm, where a young woman Mary, her husband Ivan and their son Valkytka lived happily. Having captured the previously peaceful and abundant land, the fascists ruined everything, the farmers burned, hijacked people to Germany, and Ivan and Vasyatka hung. One Mary managed to escape. Lonely, she had to fight for his life and for the life of his future child.

    Further events of the novel reveal the greatness of Mary's soul, which became truly a man's mother. Hungry, exhausted, she does not think at all about himself, saving a girl to Sanya, mortally wounded by the fascists. Sanya replaced the deceased Vasyatka, became a part of the life of Mary, which fascist invaders pulled out. When the girl is dying, Maria is barely crazy, without seeing the point of its further existence. And yet she finds courage in order to live.

    Having experienced a burning hatred for the fascists, Maria, who met the wounded young German, hesitantly throws on him with the forks, wanting to take revenge on his son and for her husband. But the German, defenseless boy, shouted: "Mom! Mum!" And the heart of the Russian woman fluttered. The great humanism of a simple Russian soul is extremely simple and clearly shown by the author in this scene.

    Maria felt his duty in front of people hung up to Germany, so it began to collect a harvest with collective farm fields not only for ourselves, but also for those who may be back home. The sense of executable debt supported it in heavy and lonely days. Soon she had a large farm, because everything was alive on the plored and burned outowner of Mary. Maria became like the mother of all her land, mother, buried her husband, Vasyatku, Sanya, Werner Braht and a completely unfamiliar, killed on the forefront of glory. Maria was able to take the seven Leningrad orphans under his shelter, the will of the destroyed fate on her farm.

    So met this courageous woman Soviet troops with children. And when the first Soviet soldiers entered the burned farm, Maria seemed that she gave birth to the light not only her son, but also all the disadvantaged war children's war ...

    In story V. Bykov "Sotnikov" The problem of genuine and imaginary courage and heroism, which is the essence of the plot line of the work. The main characters of the Tale - Sotnikov and Fisherman - in the same circumstances behaved differently. Fisherman, embodiment, agreed to enter the police, hoping at a convenient case to return to the partisan detachment. Sotnikov chooses heroic death, because he is a man with an exacerbated sense of responsibility, debt, the ability to not think about himself, about his own destiny, when the fate of the Motherland is being solved. The death of Sotnikov became its moral triumph: "And if anything else cared for him in life, it is the last of his duties towards people." The fisherman discovered the shameful fabrics, the cowardice and for the sake of his salvation agreed to become a policeman: "There was an opportunity to live - this is the main thing. Everything else is then."

    The huge moral power of Sotnikova is that he managed to accept the suffering for his people, to preserve faith, not to succumb to the thought of the fisherman.

    In the face of death, a person becomes such what it really is. Here it is checked by the depth of his beliefs, civil durability. This thought is traced in the story V. Rasputin "Live and Remember".

    Before the heroes of the story, the Nastya and Guskov is a problem of moral choice. A deserter husband, who and deserter became by chance: after the injury, he followed his vacation, but for some reason he was not given, immediately sent to the front. And, driving past the native home, honestly fought soldiers does not withstand. He runs home, perhaps the fear of death, becomes a deserter and a coward, condemning the death of everyone, for the sake of whom he left, who loved so much: Wife Nastya and the child they were waiting for ten years. And the swollen walls can not withstand the severity that fell on her. It does not stand up because her soul is too high, her moral thoughts, although she may not even know this word. And she makes his choice: goes along with his unworn child in the Water of Yenisei, because it is asking to live in the light. And not only a deserter addresses Rasputin's "Live and Remember". He addresses us, alive: live, remember that you always have a choice.

    In story K.D. Vorobyva "killed near Moscow" It is told about the tragedy of young Kremlin cadets sent to death during the offensive of the Germans near Moscow in the winter of 1941. In the story, the writer shows the "merciless, terrible truth of the first months of war."

    Heroes of the story K. Vorobyov are young ... The writer tells about what is the birthplace for them, war, enemy, home, honor, death. All the horror of the war is shown by the eyes of cadets. Vorobyov draws the path of the Kremlin cadet of Lieutenant Alexei Yastreb to victory over himself, over the fear of death, the way of gaining courage. Alexey wins, because in a tragically cruel world, where the owner of everything is now war, retained the dignity and humanity, good nature and love of their homeland. The death of the company, the suicide of the Ryumin, death under the caterpillars of the German tanks who survived after the cadets - all this completed the revaluation of values \u200b\u200bin the consciousness of the main character.

    In story V. Kondratieva "Sasha" Open the whole truth about the war, the loss of later and blood. Fights under Rzhev were scary, exhausting, with tremendous human losses. And the war appears not in the pictures of heroic battles - it is just difficult, hard, dirty work. A man in war is in extreme, inhuman conditions. Will he be able to stay by a person next to death, blood mixed with mud, cruelty and pain for the validation land and died friends?

    Sasha is an ordinary infantryman, he has been fighting for two months and saw a lot of scary. Two months from one hundred and fifty people left sixteen. V. Kondratyev shows several episodes from Sasha's life. Here it is mining felt boots for the road, risking life, goes back under the fire, to say goodbye to the guys and give off his machine, here he leads to the wounded, without relying on the fact that they will deal with themselves, here it takes captive Germans and refuses His shoot ... The desperate bravery exhibits Sasha - takes the Germans with bare hands: he has no cartridges, he gave his disc to the Rotty. But the war did not kill in him kindness and humanity.

    Did not want war and ordinary girls - the heroines of the book B. Vasilyeva "And dawns here are quiet ...". Rita, Zhenya, Lisa, Galya, Sonya entered unequal struggle with the fascists. Simple yesterday's schoolgirls made the war by courageous warriors, because always "in important epochs of life ... A spark of heroism flares up in the ordinary person itself ...".

    Rita Osyanina, volitional and tender, she is the most courageous and fearless, because she is a mother! She protects the future of his son, and because it is ready to die so that he can live. Zhenya Comlkova - Cheerful, Muchy, beautiful, mischievous to adventurism, desperate and tired of war, from pain and love, long and painful, to a distant and married man. She, without thinking, guessess the Germans from Vaskov and the wounded Rita. Saving them, the dies itself. "And it could be aware," says Vaskov later, "but not wanted." I did not want, because I realized that she saves others that Rita was needed to her son - she should live. Willingness to die to save the other - Isn't that real courage? Sonya Gurvich - the embodiment of student student and poetic nature, "Beautiful Stranger", who came out of the Tomika poems by A. Blok, - rushes to save the vasus of Vaskov and dies from the hand of the Fascist. Lisa Brichkin ... "Ah, Lisa-Lizaveta, did not have time, could not overcome the bog of war." But without unnecessary thought, she ran back, towards his mind. It was scary? Yes of course. One among the swamps ... but it is necessary - and went, not a minute not doubting. Does not the courage of the war generated?

    The main character of the work B. Vasilyeva "Noted in the lists"- Lieutenant Nikolai Plugs, recently graduated from a military school. This is an enthusiastic young man, full of hopes and thinking that "... Every commander must first serve in the troops." Talking about the short life of Lieutenant, B. Vasilyev shows how the young man becomes a hero.

    Having received an appointment to a special western district, Kolya was happy. As in the wings, he flew to the city of Brest-Litovsk, in a hurry to determine the part. His wiring around the city was the Girl of Mirra, who helped him get to the fortress. Before going to the duty officer on the shelf, Kolya went to the warehouse to clean the shape. And at that time the first explosion rang out ... so the war began for Plugnikov.

    Hardly time to jump out the outside of the second explosion, taking the entrance to the warehouse, the lieutenant began his first fight. He sought to make a feat, thinking with pride: "I went to a real attack and, it seems that someone killed. There is something to tell ... " And on the next day, he was frightened by German car gunners and, saving his life, threw the fighters already trusted to him.

    From this point on, the consciousness of Lieutenant is beginning to change. He blames himself for cowardice and puts himself a goal: in order not to give enemies to capture the Brest Fortress. Plugs realizes that true heroism and feat requires man of courage, responsibility, readiness to "put his soul for his other." And we see how awareness of debt becomes the driving force of his actions: it is impossible to think about yourself, because in danger of the homeland. Having passed through all the cruel tests of the war, Nikolai became an experienced fighter, ready to give everything in the name of the victory and firmly believe that "a person cannot be defeated, even killing."

    Feeling blood connection with the Fatherland, he remained faithful to military duty, having encouraging the enemies to the end. After all, the lieutenant could leave the fortress, and it would not be a desertion from him, because he did not mean in the lists. Plugs understood that to protect his homeland was his sacred duty.

    Leaving one in the destroyed fortress, the lieutenant met the elder of the seven, who from the very beginning the siege of Brest wore the banner of the shelf on his chest. Dying from hunger and thirst, with an interrupted spine, Starin kept this shrine, firmly believing in the liberation of our Motherland. Plugs received a banner from him, having received an order to survive by anything and return the scarlet staging Brest.

    Much had to go through Nikolai for these harsh days of testing. But no troubles could break in it in him and pay off his fiery love for patronymic, because "the spark of heroism is sometimes flared up in an important epoch of life.

    The Germans drove it into the caasemate, from which there was no second exit. Plugs hid the banner and went out into the world, said to be sent to him: "The fortress did not fall: she just bleed. I am the last of her drop ... "How deeply disclosed in your human essence Nikolai Plugs in the final scene of the novel, when he, accompanied by Rouvim, Svitsky comes out of the caasemate. It is written if you seek an analogy to musical creativity, according to the principle of the final chord.

    All those in the fortress were surprised to look at Nicholas, this "uncompressed son of unoccupied homeland." Before them stood "incredibly thin, no longer had the age of a person." The lieutenant was "without a hat, long gray hair touched her shoulders ... He stood, strictly straightened, threatening his head high, and, without taking off, looked at the sun with blind eyes. And from these non-moving terrible eyes, tears flowed uncontrollab. "

    Having affecting the heroism of Pluzhnikov, German soldiers and the general gave him the highest military honors. "But he did not see these honors, and if he had seen, he would still be anyway. He was above all imaginable honors, above glory, above life, above death. "

    Lieutenant Nikolai Pluggers was not born a hero. The author tells in detail about his pre-war life. He is the son of the Khmishnikov Komissar killed from the hands of Basmachi. Still in the school Kolya considered a sample of the general who participated in the Spanish events. And in the context of war, a nonstunted lieutenant was forced to make independent decisions; When I received an order to retreat - I did not leave the fortress. This construction of the novel helps to understand the spiritual world not only Pluzhnikov, but also all courageous defenders of the Fatherland.

    "Man and society"

    FIPI Official Comment:

    For this direction, a look at a person as a representative of society is relevant. The Company largely forms a personality, but also the personality is able to influence society. Threads will help consider the problem of personality and society from different sides: from the point of view of their harmonious interaction, complex confrontation or irreconcilable conflict. It is equally important to think about the conditions under which a person must submit to public laws, and society - take into account the interests of each person. Literature has always been interested in the problem of human and society relationships, the creative or destructive consequences of this interaction for a separate personality and for human civilization.


    A person is a living being, in contrast to the animal with a gift of speech and thoughts and the ability to create and use tools in the process of social labor, the owner of the best moral and intellectual properties.

    Society is a set of certain production relations that form a special level of development in the history of mankind.

    Organization, combining people who have any common tasks.


    Personality, individual, creature.

    Union, Community, Community, Partnership, Circle, Wednesday.

    The famous American poetess and writer Eleanor Maryry Sarton, famous to millions of readers like May Sarton, belongs often quoted words: "Thoughts like a hero - and you will behave like a decent person."

    A lot is written about the role of heroism in the life of people. This virtue, having a series of synonyms: courage, valor, courage, manifests itself in the moral strength of its carrier. The moral force allows him to follow the actual, real ministry of the homeland, people, humanity. What is the problem of true heroism? Arguments can be used different. But the main thing in them: genuine heroism is not blind. Different examples of heroism are not just overcome some circumstances. All of them have one common line - bring people a sense of perspective.

    Many of the bright classics of literature, both Russians and foreign, were looking for and found to illuminate the topic of the appearance of a phenomenon valve their bright and unique arguments. The problem of heroism, fortunately for us, readers, is illuminated by the masters of the pen brightly, nontrivially. It is valuable in their works that classics immerse the reader in the spiritual world of the hero, the high deeds of which millions of people admire. The topic of this article is an overview of some works of classics, in which a special approach to the issue of heroism and courage is traced.

    Heroes - around us

    Today, in the philistine psyche, unfortunately, a distorted concept of heroism prevails. With heads are shipped into their problems, in your little selfish world. Therefore, for their consciousness, fresh and non-trivial arguments on the problem of heroism are fundamentally important. Believe me, the heroes surround us. We just do not notice them due to the fact that our souls are mining. Not only men commit feats. Take a closer - a woman, by the verdict of physicians, unable to give birth in principle - gives birth. Heroism can manifest itself and manifests itself with our contemporaries in the patient's bed, at the negotiating table, in the workplace and even with the kitchen stove. You just need to learn to see it.

    Literary image of God as a tankon. Pasternak and Bulgakov

    Sacrifice distinguishes real heroism. Many ingenious literary classics are trying to influence the beliefs of their readers, raising the bar for awareness of the essence of heroism as high as possible. They find creative forces to be unique to convey to readers the highest ideals, in his own way, talking about the feet of God, the Son of Human.

    Boris Leonidovich Pasternak in "Doctor Zhivago", an extremely honest work about his generation, writes about valoring as the highest emblem of mankind. According to the writer, not in violence, and the problem of true heroism reveals in virtue. The arguments of his own hero, N. N. Vedebenäpina. He believes that the beast, dorming in each of us, is not able to stop the teller with a whip. But this is forces a preacher sacrificing.

    The classic of Russian literature, the son of Professor theology, Mikhail Bulgakov in his novel "Master and Margarita" presents us its original literary interpretation of the image of the Messiah - Yeshua Ga-Nozri. The preaching of good, with which Jesus came to the people - the case is dangerous. The words of the truth, conscience, reaching the contraction with the standards of society, are fraught with death for those who uttered them. Even the procurator of the Judea who, without hesitation, can come to the rescue of the Row of Rough, surrounded by Germanians, is afraid to say the truth (at the same time he secretly agrees with the views of the Ga-Nochri.) The peaceful Messiah should be courageously with his fate, and the Roman military leader closed in battles. Convincing Bulgakovsky arguments. The problem of heroism is closely connected with the organic unity of the worldview, worldview, words and cases.

    Arguments of Gendle Senkevich

    The image of Jesus in the halo of courage arises in the genrian novel, Senkevich "Kamo Fights". Bright finds the Polish literary classic shades to create a unique storyline in his famous novel.

    Already after Jesus was crucified and resurrected, came to Rome, following his mission: to turn the eternal city into Christianity. However, he, an imperceptible traveler, barely arrived, becomes a witness to the solemn entry of Emperor Nero. Peter is shocked by the worship of the Romans to the Emperor. He does not know which arguments to this phenomenon. The problem of heroism, man's courage, ideologically opposed to the dictator, is illuminated, starting with Peter's concern that the mission would not be able to perform. He, having blown in himself, surprises from the Eternal City. However, leaving behind the city walls, the apostle saw Jesus in human guise, going to meet. Acted seen, Peter asked the Messia where he follows: "Kamo Sights?" Jesus replied that since Peter left his people, he remains one thing - to take the crucifixion again. This ministry certainly implies the courage. Shocked Peter returns to Rome ...

    Theme of courage in "War and the World"

    Rich arguments about the essence of heroism Russian classical literature. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" raised a number of philosophical issues. In the image of Prince Andrei, walking along the Warrior's path, the writer has invested its special arguments. The problem of heroism and courage is painfully rethought and evolves in the consciousness of the young prince Bolkonsky. His youthful dream is to make a feat - inferior to understanding and awareness of the essence of war. To be a hero, and not seem to be, "the life priorities of Prince Andrei after the battle under Shengrab change.

    The Bolkonsky's staff officer understands that the real hero of this battle is a modest battery commander, losing in the presence of bosses. Object of ridicule adjutants. The battery of a small and privileged inappropriate captain did not flinch before invincible French, inflicted them damage and made it possible to retreat the main forces organized. Tushin acted on the nate, the order - to cover the rear of the army - he did not receive. Understanding the essence of war - these were his arguments. The problem of heroism is rethought by Prince Bolkonsky, he turns his career cool and with the assistance of M. I. Kutuzov becomes the regiment commander. In the battle of Borodino, he raised the regiment in the attack, gets a heavy wound. The body of the Russian officer with a banner in his hands sees the Bonaparte caring Napoleon. The reaction of the French emperor - respect: "What a wonderful death!" However, for the Bolkonsky act of heroism coincides with the awareness of the integrity of the world, the importance of compassion.

    Harper Lee "Kill Mockingbird"

    The understanding of the entity of the feat is also present in a number of works of American classics. The novel "Kill the crossbar" is studying all small Americans in schools. It contains the original argument about the essence of courage. This thought sounds from the mouth of the attic, a man of honor, who is taking a fair, but not profitable. His arguments for the problem of heroism sound as follows: The courage is when you try to work, while in advance knowing that you will lose. But still you take and go to the end. And sometimes still manage to win.

    The image of Melanie from Margaret Mitchell

    In the novel about the American south of the XIX century, it creates a unique image of fragile and exquisite, but at the same time courageous and brave Lady Melanie.

    That I am sure that in all people there is something good, and ready to help them. Her poorly neat house becomes famous in Atlanta due to the sake of owners. In the most dangerous periods of their life, Scarlett receives such assistance from Melanie that it is impossible to evaluate.

    Hemingway about heroism

    And of course, it is impossible to bypass the classic story of Hemingway "Old Man and the Sea", telling about the nature of courage and heroism. The fight of the elderly Cuban Santiago with a huge fish resembles a parable. Symbolistic arguments on the problem of heroism outlined by Hemingway. The sea is like a living, and the old man is Santiago - on human experience. The writer pronounces words that became the leitmotif of genuine heroism: "A person is not created in order to undergo defeat. You can destroy it, but to win - no! "

    Brothers Strugatsky "Picnic on the Road"

    The story introduces its readers into a phantasmagoric situation. Obviously, after the arrival of aliens on Earth an abnormal zone was formed. Stalkers find the "heart" of this zone, which has a unique property. A man who fell into this territory receives a tough alternative: either dies, or the zone performs any of his desire. Strugatsky masterfully show the spiritual evolution of the hero, who decided on this feat. It is convincingly shown by his catharsis. Stalker does not have any selfish mercantile, he thinks by the categories of mankind and, accordingly, asks the zone about "happiness for all", yes, so that they were not deprived of them. What is it, according to Strugatsky, the problem of heroism? Arguments from literature testify - it is empty without compassion and humanism.

    Boris Field "Tale of a true man"

    In the history of the Russian people there was a period when heroism was truly massive. Thousands of warriors displeased their names. The high title Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned to eleven thousand fighters. At the same time, 104 people were awarded to them twice. And three people - three times. The first person who received this high title was, pilot-speavers Alexander Ivanovich Polyshkin. Only in one day - 12.04.1943 - he shot down seven aircraft of the fascist occupants!

    Of course, forget and not convey to new generations such samples of heroism - a crime is like. This should be done on the example of the Soviet "military" literature, are the arguments of the exam. The problem of heroism is covered by schoolchildren on examples from the works of Boris Polevoy, Mikhail Sholokhov, Boris Vasilyeva.

    The front-line correspondent of the Pravda newspaper Boris Polevoy shook the history of the pilot of the 580th regiment of the fighters of Mareseva Alexei. In the winter of 1942 over the sky of the Novgorod region, he was shot down. Wounded in the feet of the pilot 18 days was crawling to his. He survived, got, but his legs "ate" gangrena. The amputation followed. In the hospital, where Alexey lay after the operation, was also a political officer, he managed to light Maresev with a dream - to return to the sky as a fighter pilot. Forceing pain, Alexey studied not just to walk on prostheses, but also to dance. Apotheosis is the first air battle, conducted by the pilot after injured.

    The medical examination "Capitula". For the war, the real Alexey Maresyev hit 11 enemy aircraft, and most of them are seven - after injured.

    Soviet writers convincingly disclosed the problem of heroism. Arguments from literature testify - the feats made not only men, but also women designed to serve. The story of Boris Vasilyeva "And the dawns here is quiet" amazing with his drama. A large sabotage group of fascists has landed in the Soviet rear, numbering 16 people.

    Young girls (Rita Osyanina, Zhenov Komelkova, Sonya Gurevich, Galya Faucet), who serve on the 171 railway drive under the command of Elder Fedot Vascova, are heroically dying. However, they destroy 11 fascists. The remaining five seniine detects in the hut. One kills, and fasteners. Next, gives prisoners to their, losing consciousness from fatigue.

    "The Fate of Man"

    This story Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov introduces us with a former redarmese - driver Andrei Sokolov. Simple and convincingly revealed by a writer and heroism. Arguments touching the reader's soul, did not have to look for a long time. In almost every family, the war brought grief. Andrei Sokolova was in excess: in 1942, the wife of Irina and two daughters died (the bomb fell into a residential building). The son miraculously stayed alive and after this tragedy, the volunteer went to the front. Andrei himself fought, he captured the fascists, fled from it. However, he was expected by a new tragedy: in 1945, May 9, the Sniper killed his son.

    Andrei himself, having lost his whole family, found the strength to start the life of "from pure sheet". He adopted Vanya's awnowlee boy, becoming a receptional father for him. This moral feat again fills his life with meaning.


    These are the arguments for the problem of heroism in classical literature. The latter is really capable of supporting a person, the courage to awaken in it. Although she is not able to help him materially, but it builds the border in his soul, through which the evil can not cross. So wrote about the books of the remark in the "Triumphal Arch". The argument of heroism in classical literature takes a worthy place.

    Heroism can also be represented as a public phenomenon of a peculiar "instinct of self-preservation", only not an individual life, but all society. Some of society, a separate "cell" - a person (feats are made by nidosette), consciously, driven by altruism and spirituality, sacrifices themselves, keeping something more. Classic literature is one of the tools that helps people understand and comprehend the nonlinear nature of courage.