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    What are the methods and techniques of teaching in primary school. Methods and techniques of training in fgos

    Chemistry teacher Yakimchik E.E.

    SSCWU school number 1 (closed type)

    The material for this article served as the author’s work in preparation for making a presentation at a meeting of the Methodological Association of Subject Teachers in the Natural and Mathematical School Cycle. The meeting of the Ministry of Education was devoted to the consideration of topical issues that arise for subject teachers in the development of work programs and technological maps of lessons in accordance with the requirements of the GEF.



    Chemistry teacher Yakimchik E.E.

    SSCWU Secondary School No. 1 (closed type)

    Classification of methods and forms of education, types and structure of lessons

    (reference material for work
    on the development of work programs and technological maps of the lesson
    in accordance with the requirements of the GEF)

    In connection with the gradual transition to work programs that meet the requirements of the GEF, the subject teacher has some questions about the implementation of these requirements, both in work programs and in technological maps of lessons. The content and structure of work programs (GEF) are significantly different from previous work programs (SES) and require a certain rethinking of the materials of the theory and methodology of teaching by the teacher. The material presented in the article can provide some assistance to the teacher in systematizing the theoretical knowledge of didactics, and their practical application in the development of work programs and technological maps of lessons.

    The material for this article served as the author’s work in preparation for making a presentation at a meeting of the Methodological Association of Subject Teachers in the Natural and Mathematical School Cycle. The meeting of the Ministry of Education was devoted to the consideration of topical issues that arise for subject teachers in the development of work programs and technological maps of lessons in accordance with the requirements of the GEF.

    Types and forms of education

    Types of training

    Each didactic system brings to life a new practical technology - a type of training. And since, as has been said, systems are not being denied, but are gradually evolving towards more advanced ones, several different types of training exist and are practically used at the same time. Their use is also due to the fact that teachers do not want to give up everything useful that was achieved at the previous stages of the development of the theory and practice of teaching, while retaining the ability to perceive new ideas.

    B the modern school uses three relatively separate and different types of learning:

    - explanatory and illustrative (OI), also called traditional, communicating or conventional (ordinary);

    - Problem (PbO);

    - programmed (software) and computer-based, or computerized, learning (QA) developed on its basis.

    Forms of study

    Forms of organization of education are the external expression of the coordinated activity of a teacher and a student, carried out in a certain order and mode. Organizational forms of education are classified according to various criteria: according to the number of students, the place where the classes are held, the duration of studies, etc.

    The existing training systems at different stages of school development were given priority to various forms of education:

    • Individual-group (medieval school)
    • Peer Learning (Bell Lancaster System in England)
    • Differentiated learning according to the abilities of students (Mannheim system)
    • Brigade training (Soviet school of the 20s)
    • American Trump Plan (large group - small group - independent work)
    • Class-less system
    • After-school training system (consultations, electives, clubs, conferences, excursions, homework).

    Types and types of lessons

    Types of lessons   determined by the characteristics of the main tasks, the variety of content-methodical instrumentation and the variability of the ways of organizing education.

    Types of lessons   - a variety of lessons of the same type with the dominance of certain methods and means

    Main types of lessons

    At present, the following basic (standard) types of lessons are distinguished in school teaching practice:

    • Combined (mixed) lessons
    • Lessons learning new knowledge (new material)
    • The lessons of the formation of new skills
    • Lessons of generalization and systematization of the studied
    • Lessons of control and correction of knowledge and skills
    • Lessons from the practical application of knowledge, skills (consolidation of knowledge)

    1 . Combined lesson (the most common type of lesson in mass practice). Its structure: organizational part (1–2 min), homework check (10–12 min.) Study of new material (15–20 min), consolidation and comparison of new material with previously studied material, implementation of practical tasks (10–15 min.) , summarizing the lesson (5 min), homework (2-3 min).

    2. Lesson learning new material  applicable, as a rule, in the practice of teaching high school students. Within this type, a lesson-lecture, a problem lesson, a lesson-conference, a film lesson, a lesson-study are conducted. The effectiveness of a lesson of this type is determined by the quality and level of mastering a new educational material by all students.

    3. Lesson consolidate knowledge  and improving skills is conducted in the form of a seminar, workshop, excursion, independent work and laboratory workshop. Much of the time is taken by repetition and consolidation of knowledge, practical work on the application, expansion and deepening of knowledge on the formation of skills and consolidation of skills.

    4. Lesson generalization and systematization  focuses on the systemic repetition of large blocks of educational material on key issues of the program, which are crucial for mastering the subject as a whole. When conducting such a lesson, the teacher poses problems for students, indicates the sources of additional information, as well as typical tasks and practical exercises, tasks and works of a creative nature. In the course of such lessons, students are tested and assessed on the knowledge and skills of students on several topics studied over a long period - a quarter, half a year, a year of study.

    5. The lesson of control and correction of knowledge and skills  designed to assess the results of learning, diagnose the level of student learning, the degree of readiness of students to apply their knowledge and skills in various learning situations. It also involves making changes to the work of the teacher with specific students. Types of such lessons in school practice can be oral or written questioning, dictation, presentation or independent solution of problems and examples, practical work, test, examination, self-test or test, testing. All these types of lessons are organized after studying major topics and sections of the school subject. According to the results of the final lesson, the following lesson is devoted to the analysis of typical errors, “gaps” in knowledge, the definition of additional tasks.

    Non-standard lessons

    In school practice, use other types of lessons, which are usually attributed to a non-standard type of lessons. It can be:

    • Lessons "immersion"
    • Lessons - business games
    • Lessons - press conferences
    • Lessons - competitions
    • Lessons like KVN
    • Dramatized lessons
    • Lessons - counseling
    • Computer lessons
    • Lessons with group work
    • Pupils' mutual learning lessons
    • Lessons - creativity
    • Lessons - Auctions
    • Lessons taught by a student
    • Lessons - tests
    • Lessons learned
    • Lessons - Creative Reports
    • Lessons - formulas
    • Lessons contests
    • Binary lessons
    • Lessons - generalizations
    • Lessons - fantasy
    • Lessons - games
    • Lessons Courts
    • Lessons - the search for truth
    • Lessons - Paradox lectures
    • Lessons - concerts
    • Lessons - dialogues
    • Lessons - Investigators lead the investigation
    • Lessons - Role Playing
    • Lessons - Conferences
    • Lessons - seminars
    • Integral lessons
    • Lessons - "circular training"
    • Interdisciplinary lessons
    • Lessons - excursions
    • Lessons - Field of Miracles

    As modern forms of organization learning process  excursions, classes in training workshops, forms of labor and industrial studies, elective classes, homework, forms of extracurricular educational work (subject circles, studios, scientific societies, competitions, competitions) are used. The didactic foundations of the above-presented forms are well developed and described in the scientific and methodological literature.

    Starting a conversation about teaching methods, you should first clarify what is meant by them. Teaching methods are ways to ensure interaction between the teacher and students, which are designed to help in achieving educational goals.

    If we consider the methods of training on fgos, then they can be presented in the form of the following groups.

    Passive methods.

    By the passive method is meant the form of interaction between students and the teacher, in which the latter assumes the functions of the actor and determines the course of the lesson, and the students here are presented as passive listeners who have to follow the instructions of the teacher.

    Such training methods for fgos suggest the use of the following forms of study for communication with a teacher:

    • Polls;
    • Independent and test papers;
    • Tests, etc.

    If we consider this method from the standpoint of modern pedagogical technologies and the efficiency of mastering educational material, then it provides extremely low results, but nevertheless it has certain advantages:

    • First of all, the teacher does not have to spend a lot of time and effort to prepare for classes;
    • For the allotted time provided by the lesson, the teacher can give a fairly large amount of educational material.

    Most often passive lessons are conducted in the form of a lecture. They received the greatest application in universities, in which practical, formed individuals study, who came here to obtain in-depth knowledge of the subject of interest.

    Active methods

    The active method is a form of interaction between students and the teacher, in which there is an interaction of these participants among themselves, and students take active participation  during the presentation of educational material.

    Distinctive features of active methods:

    • In the passive lesson, it was the teacher who was assigned the role of the main actor, as well as the lesson manager. In this case, there is no superiority in the rights of the teacher and the students.
    • When using passive methods, authoritarian style of interaction can be clearly traced. When they begin to use methods of active social psychological education, then democratic style is noted here.

    Most experts identify active and interactive methods, but they also have some differences. Interactive methods can be described as a more advanced form of active methods.

    Interactive methods

    The etymology of the word “interactive” provides for two parts: “Inter” is reciprocal, “act” is to act. Therefore, the term itself means to interact, to be in a mode of conversation, a dialogue with someone. In other words, the difference between active and interactive methods is that the latter are designed to ensure greater interaction of students, both with the teacher and with each other, and to encourage students to maximize the activity in the educational process.

    In accordance with phgos, the Russian school today is more focused on active teaching methods, the key features of which are demonstration of efficiency, creativity and constant search.

    The most common types of active learning methods:

    • Didactic games;
    • Analysis of specific situations;
    • Problem solving;
    • Learning by algorithm;
    • Brainstorm, etc.

    Features of active learning

    The use of active learning methods leads to the fact that the student begins to perform other functions. Now he no longer appears as a passive listener, who only needs to memorize the material being presented, but takes an active part in the learning process. Speaking in this role, he begins to transform himself into an active person, who is endowed with all the necessary skills that a modern, successful person must possess.

    Active learning can be characterized as a special form of organization and conduct of the learning process, in which the main goal is to provide the maximum possible stimulation to learning and cognitive activity for students, which becomes possible through the use of pedagogical and organizational and managerial tools.

    It is possible to arouse interest in learning by improving the forms and methods of instruction, as well as the form of organization and management of the educational process.

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    Methods and techniques of training for GEF

    Sytko Svetlana Nikolaevna,

    english teacher,

    MBOU "O (S) OSH number 2",

    bratsk, Irkutsk Region

    The Federal State Educational Standard (GEF) prioritizes the development of the child's personality. This task requires from the teacher a new approach to the organization of the learning process. The lesson, as it was before, remains the basic unit of the learning process. But now the lesson requirements have changed.

    Current requirements for the organization learning activities  and conduct lessons, imply not only the active work of students, but also the indispensable development of self-control, self-analysis and self-esteem. The teacher needs not only to bring knowledge and interest his subject, but to teach the child to set goals, develop plans to achieve these goals, analyze their actions and actions. That is, the child must learn to set a learning task for himself and solve it.

    The GEF has somewhat changed the vector of instruction, since the priority role is now assigned to the activities of students. What forms and methods do methodologists propose for constructing lessons in the context of the GEF?

    Many people confuse the terms "methods" and "techniques", using them as synonyms. Meanwhilemethod   - is a way of joint activity of the teacher and the student. Reception   - only an integral part of the method, a one-time action, a step to implement the method.

    The methodology provides the following classification of teaching methods:

      Passive : when the teacher dominates and the students are passive. Such methods within the framework of the GEF are recognized as the least effective, although they are used in individual lessons of the training type. The most common method of passive methods is lecture.

      Active (AMO).   Here, the teacher and the student act as equal participants in the lesson, the interaction takes place along the vector teacher = student.

      Interactive (IMO)   - The most effective methods in which students interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other. Vector: teacher = student = student.

    As part of the GEF is supposed to use as more effective and efficient. Here we can carry case method when a situation is set (real or as close as possible to reality), and students should explore the situation, suggest options for its resolution, choose the best possible solution. This and project method which involves an independent analysis of a given situation and the ability to find a solution to a problem. The project method combines research, search, creative methods of teaching on the GEF. Here we carry problem method which involves the formulation of a problem (problem situation, problem issue) and the search for solutions to this problem through the analysis of such situations (issues, phenomena). Immediately we find   (RCCCP) - a method aimed at the development of critical (independent, creative, logical) thinking. Heuristic method , which combines a variety of gaming techniques in the form of competitions, business and role-playing games, competitions, research. Research method which has something in common with the problematic method of teaching, but unlike the second, the teacher himself formulates the problem, the task of the students is to organize research work on studying the problem. And of course modular learning method where learning content is distributed into didactic block modules. The size of each module is determined by the topic, learning objectives, profile differentiation of students, their choice.

    Forms and teaching methods of the GEF

    The GEF has somewhat changed the vector of instruction, since the priority role is now assigned to the activities of students. What forms and methods do methodologists propose for constructing lessons in the context of the GEF?

    Many people confuse the terms "methods" and "techniques", using them as synonyms. Meanwhile method - is a way of joint activity of the teacher and the student. Reception - only an integral part of the method, a one-time action, a step to implement the method.

    Lesson form- This is the format in which the entire lesson is built. In the structure of the GEF, a new classification of types of lessons has been proposed, and the forms of conducting are freely chosen.

    Types of lessons on GEF

      Type "lesson learning new knowledge."

      Type "lesson integrated application of ZUN (lesson fixing)".

      Type "lesson update knowledge and skills (lesson-repetition).

      Type "lesson generalization and systematization."

      Type "lesson control accounting and evaluation of the CU."

      Type "correction lesson ZUN".

      Type "combined lesson" - can combine several types of lessons, respectively - and forms of conduct.

    Classification of lesson forms

      Lessons in the form of competitions and games: KVN, quiz, tournament, duel.

      Lessons based on an unconventional presentation of material: a revelation lesson, a double lesson, a wisdom lesson, a creative report.

      Lessons resembling the form of public speaking: conference, seminar, briefing, auction, discussion, reporting, interview, panorama, tele-bridge, dispute.

      Lessons imitating activities: business games, lesson-consequence, academic advice, .

      Lessons in the form of activities: excursions, travel, walks, role-playing games.

      Lessons-fantasy: a fairy tale, a play, a surprise.

      Integrated lessons.

    Each form of the lesson can be interpreted for any type of lesson on the GEF. There are no clear rules, and everything depends on the teacher's imagination and on the goals set for a particular lesson.

    Classification methods

    The methodology provides the following classification of teaching methods:

      Passive: when the teacher dominates and the students are passive. Such methods within the framework of the GEF are recognized as the least effective, although they are used in individual lessons of the training type. The most common method of passive methods is lecture.

      Active (AMO).Here, the teacher and the student act as equal participants in the lesson, the interaction takes place along the vector teacher = student.

      Interactive (IMO)- The most effective methods in which students interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other. Vector: teacher = student = student.

    As part of the GEF is supposed to use as more effective and efficient.

      Case method. The situation is set (real or as close as possible to reality). Pupils should investigate the situation, suggest options for its resolution, choose the best possible solution.

      Project Methodinvolves an independent analysis of a given situation and the ability to find a solution to the problem. The project method combines research, search, creative methods and methods of teaching on the GEF.

      Problem method- involves the formulation of the problem (problem situation, problem issue) and the search for solutions to this problem through the analysis of such situations (issues, phenomena).

      (RCCCP) - a method aimed at the development of critical (independent, creative, logical) thinking. The methodology proposes its own structure of lessons, consisting of the stages of a challenge,echoes with the problematic method of learning. Only here the teacher formulates the problem. The task of the students is to organize research work on studying the problem.

      Modular learning method- the content of training is distributed in didactic blocks-modules. The size of each module is determined by the topic, learning objectives, profile differentiation of students, their choice.

    The choice of method depends on many conditions:

      learning objectives;

      level of preparedness of students;

      age of students;

      the time allotted for the study of the material;

      school equipment;

      theoretical and practical preparedness of the teacher.

    Each teaching method contains its own set of techniques that help to implement the method in practice most effectively.