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  • How to teach a child to memorize vocabulary words. How to memorize vocabulary words

    How to teach a child to memorize vocabulary words. How to memorize vocabulary words

    Many questionable. Of course, you remembered that the COME form does not exist, only COME. Meanwhile, this is one of the most frequent mistakes (“come” instead of “come”) made in social networks, blogs and forums. What other unforgivable liberties in dealing with the great and mighty are the users of Runet? We share our collection of typical “online crimes” against literacy.

    BOR (I / I) TSYA

    Remember how correctly:struggling

    You can remember the types of verb conjugations and their endings in different forms, but the farther the school bench, the worse the grammatical rules are stored in our head. Try to grasp the slippery moment with the help of the association-memory: they fight, because I fight.

    BREL (O) KI

    Remember how correctly:key fobs

    Why is the "ceiling" - "ceiling", but "keychain" - "keychain"? Because the first word is originally Russian, it has a cursory vowel "o" (it disappears when the word changes by case). And the second is borrowed from French: breloque means "suspension." It has become Russified, but it has not lost anything inside of itself, therefore, only this way: there is no charm, rejoice at the donated charm, hand over corporate charm.

    I'm gonna be

    Remember how correctly:future

    The unsolicited "u" here appears due to an erroneous parallel with the word "following." We remember how it is correct: for the next year, but for the next year. We’ll think up a means of self-test: I’m following, but I’m going to (I don’t turn my head to say “I’ll be awake”, right?

    B (GENERAL) and B (OO / A) MORE

    Remember how correctly:in general, in general

    IN GENERAL it is wrong to write “in general” together or with a hyphen. Substitute in your mind the continuation of the phrase: IN GENERAL and in general, IN GENERAL and in particular, and you can easily see, feel the preposition "in" before "general", and therefore write it separately, separated by a space.

    And “in general”, IN GENERAL, you need to write with two “o” inside - without options (carefully, the word “in general” does not exist!). So: the meanings of words are similar, but the spelling is different.


    Remember how correctly:in addition

    An adverb "to boot" is always written separately. This is an exception to the rule, or, as they said at school, a dictionary word that needs to be remembered: I bought a silver chain bracelet, and I got a charm to it, AT A GIFT, as a gift.

    BIRTHDAY (E / I)

    Remember how correctly:birthday

    First, we ask the question: the day (of what?) Of birth. Second: both words in the phrase “birthday” are written with a small letter, this is a holiday, albeit the most important for everyone, but personal, not official, as May Day is Spring and Labor Day, for example.


    Remember how correctly:ride

    The correct forms of the imperative mood of the verb "to go" are as follows: DRIVE home, DRIVE to rest in Crimea.

    Fried (N) s

    Remember how correctly:fried potatoes; hot potato with greens; hot potato with onion and bacon

    The subtleties of this rule correctly, with humor and tasty, were explained by an unknown author, whose text walks on social networks:

    Look, we fry the potatoes. It turns out we have "fried potatoes", with one "n" order. Another case: we fry potatoes and decided to add mushrooms to it to taste. Then we have a dependent word and it turns out "fried potatoes with mushrooms", with two "n", but everything seems to be logical. Or maybe the case when we fried potatoes, put them on a plate and decided to add mushrooms. It turns out "fried potatoes with mushrooms", and here again one "n". You see, it all depends on when you add mushrooms!


    Remember how correctly:abroad, abroad

    Adverbial expressions “abroad”, “abroad”, “abroad” are written separately with the preposition “for”: left (where?) FOR THE BORDER, rested (where?) ABROAD. And if you have a noun in front of you, then it is no longer a preposition, but a prefix, and the spelling of words is fused: he was tempted (with what?) By FORWARDING and left for permanent residence in Canada; (what?) IMPORTATION will help us; representatives of countries far away (of what?) FOREIGN (words “abroad” do not exist!) participated in the congress in Moscow.


    Remember how correctly:ice cream

    From the point of view of the history and logic of the Russian language, ice cream ice cream (and any other!) And ice cream cranberries are relatives, just in the first case the adjective became a noun: I love (what?) Ice cream, buy (what?) Ice cream. But do not confuse, the word “frozen” already has two N, since there is a prefix behind it, and the word answers the question “what is done?”.


    Remember how correctly:takeaway

    Navynos - adverb spelled together. Therefore, coffee, sushi, alcohol are sold NAVINOS and nothing else.


    Remember how correctly:  the facts are there, but !: apply the cream on the face

    "Available" can be an adverb, and can - a noun with a preposition. If a word (or even more than one!) Can be inserted between "on" and "face": put a mask on the FACE-cleaned tonic, you have a second case, that is, you should write separately. And if "it is obvious" plays the role of a predicate: deception is FACE, this is an adverb, we write it together.

    H (b) YUANs

    Remember how correctly:nuance

    Among your friends are lovers? Having received a message in the spirit of "I like your idea, but there is a nuance ...", feel free to answer that there are no nuances - only NUANS (from French nuance - subtlety, detail, shade).

    BOTH and BOTH

    Remember how correctly:bOTH classmates, but !: OBEY classmates

    Your clue is a kind of noun: if the word is masculine or medium, we write “o” (BOTH students, BOTH windows). And if female - it is necessary "e": both friends, both sides. However, if we are talking about a couple of men and women, there will also be an “o”: both spouses were invited to visit.

    PIE (E) NOE

    Remember how correctly:cake

    The analogy with the word "ice cream" forces many to make a mistake - to write and pronounce an unnecessary "e". The chain that gave rise to the delicious dessert comes to the rescue: cake - cake - cake (this is also a noun that was once an adjective). A pie is a whole, big confectionery, a cake - a part of it or a small copy. Without any E-additives inside!


    Remember how correctly:write (the second “and” under the stress), write (under the stress the first “and”)

    Is the clue with accents clear? Here is an example: write correctly if you write a cover letter to your resume. More advanced Russian language experts will remember the difference between the imperative (what do you do? - write!) And the indicative (what do you do? - write).


    Remember how correctly:pr. opportunity, pr. church

    If we are talking about boundaries, the top bar of something, you have reached the goal. If you entered an Orthodox church and were at an additional altar, to the right or to the left of the main altar, then you are in the right place, in other words, in a simple church building.


    Remember how correctly:self-adhesive

    Adherents - is a participle (what does?), Formed from the verb of the second conjugation "to glue" (by analogy: building - building). Where does "I" come from? From the form of this verb in the 3rd person plural: they glue the wallpaper. Therefore, a self-adhesive form and a self-adhesive film are written only with “I.”

    SILVER (ME / E) (N / HH) SUT

    Remember how correctly:silver

    Another of many exception words to write about. In this adjective suffix -yan-, but not-enn-, so you need to write "silver."


    Remember how correctly:sympathetic

    Well, everything is simple here: the test word “simpAty”, stress is placed on A, therefore, in the adjective derived from this word, we write A at the root.

    Any person wants to write without mistakes. People with innate literacy to cope with this problem is quite simple. But most have to make considerable forces to master a literate letter.

    Of course, no difficulty with the words, the spelling of which is governed by the rules, most often does not arise. But with words that do not obey any rules, the situation is completely different. Proper spelling of vocabulary words should be exclusively memorized.

    A huge number of adult educated people often think about writing a word when it comes to writing documents or official letters. Quite often they have to check themselves using spelling dictionaries.

    But after all, not always at the right time spelling dictionary is at hand. If adults have such a problem, then what can we say about children, because they have much more difficult. Learning vocabulary words is not easy. Pupils of schools work hard on this, they get nervous and get frustrated every time, if even after long efforts they again and again make mistakes in the same words. Neither the teacher nor the parents are left. They are also actively involved in the whole process and are worried as much as their children.

    It turns out that you can save a lot of nerves, if you use fairly simple, but at the same time effective methods for quickly learning difficult words. There are only five such methods.

    Reception number 1.

    Take, for example, such a difficult word with a double consonant, as "terrarium". If you are faced with this word, but are not sure of its spelling, you should look into the dictionary so as not to be mistaken. But how to remember this word? To do this, we can recall some word in which there is also a double “p”, but in writing, unlike the “terrarium”, you will no longer doubt.

    Reception number 2.

    This method is called "graphic". This method of memorization is especially suitable for children. There are many relatively simple and visual words in the school curriculum. It is to memorize such words and should resort to the graphical method. But such an approach will not work with more difficult words, and even more so with abstract concepts.

    The graphical method of memorization is based on playing on an unchecked letter using pictures. And this means that in order to memorize a complex word, you need to draw a picture on which the word itself and an unverifiable letter will be drawn. Drawings should not be masterpieces of fine art, they are more likely to be sketchy, because you draw exclusively for yourself.

    Reception number 3.

    By this method is meant the phonetic method. It is based on sound associations, which can greatly facilitate learning vocabulary words. This method is very suitable for middle and high school students. To resort to this method of memorization is also useful for adults. The phonetic method allows you to effortlessly learn the spelling of even the most difficult words.

    Reception number 4.

    Here we will talk about the combined method. This method should be used to memorize those difficult words where you have difficulty writing not one, but two or more letters. This method is a combination of two ways: phonetic and graphic. Such an approach makes it possible to use, for example, the method of phonetic associations to memorize one untestable letter, and a graphic one another.

    Reception number 5.

    The basis of this method is the similarity of the shape of a letter with something. It can be animals, objects, plants. You should pick up some object that resembles an unverifiable letter. In other words, using such a method, you need to come up with suitable associations.

    Center for Linguistic Poliglot. A unique technique of speed learning at home. Fast results with a guarantee!

    Events and news of culture and education:

    Optional lesson prepared by primary school teacher

    State educational institution "Secondary school №20 of Orsha" Samotsvetova VB

    Subject: How to memorize vocabulary words?

    Purpose:  the formation of ideas that the use of the association

    helps to memorize better.

    Tasks:  form an idea of ​​how important it is to a person

    have good attention and memory

    memorization; promote the development of auditory and visual memory,

    mania, logical thinking, the ability to match associations to words;

    create conditions for improving performance.

    Equipment:  cards with tasks for work in groups; evaluation sheets; poster with 10

    words to perform task number 2; demo tables

    to perform tasks number 3, number 4; drawings pig, dogs, carrots;

    cards with the image of the sun and clouds for reflection

    I.Organization stage.

    The long-awaited bell rang.

    He called everyone to class.

    And we do not waste time,

    And we begin work.

    Guys, I'm glad to see you, your eyes, your smiles, and most importantly - your desire to learn. Today in the class I need your attention, support and memory.

    Ii. Actualization of the subjective experience of students.

    - What is memory.

    Please read the word that you have written on the card.

    Work in groups.

    l, t, i, p, m, and

    What is memory?

    (Children's answers)

    What do you want to learn in class?

    Why do you need it?

    Every person at birth has a perfect memory, but as they grow older, some people’s memory gets worse. This is due to the fact that people do not train it. Memory needs to be taken care of; this concern is regular exercise.

    Memory is closely connected with thinking, therefore it is of great importance in the development of a person, his mental and creative abilities.

    You are already studying for the 3rd year and, probably, have noticed that it is easier for someone to memorize some material, for someone it is more difficult.

    It depends on what?

    (Children's answers)

    You will determine the topic of the lesson if you make a sentence correctly.

    Remember the words? How vocabulary

    (children's answers)

    How to memorize vocabulary words?

    Today in class we will get acquainted with the conditions of productive memorization.

    III. The stage of studying new material

    Now I invite you to test your memory.

    Work on the leaves.

    Task number 1

    I read 10 words: sheet, book, house, fire, ring, stone, river, door, cap, cardboard.

    It is necessary to write down the words that are remembered.

    7 points - 8-10 words;

    5 points - 5-7 words;

    3 points - less than 5 words.

    Task number 2

    On the blackboard is a poster with 10 words: rat, bush, spit, sea, fairy tale, stone, bark, shed, bell, shrub.

    Then the poster is removed, the children write down the words that are remembered.

    The results are noted in the evaluation sheets.

    7 points - 8-10 words;

    5 points - 5-7 words;

    3 points - less than 5 words.

    -What did we check by completing these tasks?

    Which test was the most difficult?

    In which case it was easier to memorize words: perceived by hearing or visually ?

    (Children's answers)

    I noticed that each of you has developed uneven forms of memory. Someone has a predominantly visual memory — in order to make it easier to remember the material, these guys need to see and read it. Others predominate auditory memory, so they best remember what they heard.

    Task number 3

    A table with numbers is displayed for 30 seconds:

    1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19

    Write down the numbers that are remembered.

    The results are noted in the evaluation sheets.

    7 points - 8-10 numbers;

    5 points - 5-7 numbers;

    3 points - less than 5 numbers.

    Task number 4

    Within 10 seconds, it is proposed to consider a table that presents a series of

    mathematical signs:

    : x: - + - + x x:

    Record them from memory, keeping order.

    The results are noted in the evaluation sheets.

    7 points - 7-10 characters;

    5 points - 5-6 characters;

    3 points - less than four characters.

    Overall result:

    Students who have results of up to 20 points should know that their memory must be hard trained. However, you should not be upset, because there are many games and exercises for memory training.

    Those guys who have 21-28 points should not stop there. Human memory knows no boundaries, its reserves are enormous, and even the greatest intellectuals use the capabilities of their memory only by 10–15%.

    1. 1. The mystery of Mnemosyne.

    And now I want to reveal to you the secret of Mnemosyne. To do this, listen to the ancient myth.

    The inhabitants of ancient Greece believed that gods rule life on Earth. Each of them was responsible for something. For example, Poseidon was the god of the seas, Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty, Helios - the god of the Sun, and Mnemosyne was the goddess of memory - one person helped to remember something, the other to make something forget. The Greek word mneme means memory. Hence the name of the goddess - Mnemosyne. The king of all gods Zeus was very fond of Mnemosyne, considered her mission to be extremely important. Nine daughters, who were born to Mnemosyne, became patrons of arts and sciences.

    This legend has a great meaning, because memory is really the basis of all activities.

    Tricks Mnemosyne.

    I suggest you to recall the many tricks of Mnemosyne described in literary works known to you.

    For example, in the fairy tale “Ali – Bab and 40 thieves” a relative of the main character could not get out of the cave, because K. forgot the magic words opening the exit.

    - What other literary works do you know, where the heroes suffered from the tricks of Mnemosyne?

    (Children's answers)

    Of course, the stories described in fairy tales are fictional, and we live in real, real life. There are also various cases with us in which our forgetting becomes our fault. Give examples.

    (Children's answers)


    Mnemosyne should not be blamed for all its mistakes associated with forgetting. Man is the master of his own memory. Understanding the characteristics of your memory, knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses is the first and very important step on the road to friendship with Mnemosyne.

    -How do you understand the saying "Lost memory - lost myself"

    (Children's answers)

    1. 2. "My attention"

    Of course, you can not remember the material, even with a good memory, if you are not attentive in the lesson.

    Now we will check how attentive you are. To do this, answer the questions:

    How many windows are in the hallway where is your classroom?

    How many steps does the school porch have?

    How many desks in the classroom?


    "Forbidden Number"

    Of course, attention and memory are very important for a person, so they need to be developed.

    And now I would like to say that memory is closely connected with thinking. You can not learn, remember the material, save it in your memory for future use, if you do not understand it, do not realize it. Therefore, training memory, developing attention, it is also necessary to develop thinking. There are also various games for this. We will play some of them now.

    3. "My thinking"

    This game is called "Find common signs"

    I suggest 2 randomly selected words. It is necessary to name for them as much as possible common signs.

    For example, lake and spoon   they have a hollow, they can contain water, they can be big and small, they are necessary for a person, etc.

    How to memorize difficult (vocabulary) words?

    Everyone would like to write without mistakes. This is easy for some, others are forced to spend a lot of time and energy on mastering this technique.

    There are several techniques for quick memorization of vocabulary words.

    1 reception

    You can use the association creation technique to memorize vocabulary words.


    1. Write the dictionary word and put the stress.

    For example: birch

    2. Underline a syllable that is in doubt when writing.

    Birch tree.

    3. To separate the syllable that causes doubt, highlighting (in size, color) the doubtful spelling.


    1. 3. Find the associative image associated with the vocabulary word and write it in front of the vocabulary word.

    (An associative image must necessarily be associated with a vocabulary word by size, color, shape, material, etc.)

    For example, birch - in color WHITE

    birch - curly: you need a GREEB to comb (in shape like the letter E).


    birch - white, greben.

    IV.Fixing the material studied

    Come up with an association to the words.

    K..randash - (GRAN, boomAha).

    K..rman - (hole).

    K..Rubl - (KOK, BOATSMAN, VOLNA).

    L..don - (paw).

    Ying..y - (SNOW, WHITE).

    Work in groups.

    Come up with an associative image to memorize words.

    C..baka -

    K..pusta -

    G .. Zeta -


    2 reception. Graphic.

    To memorize a word, you need to draw a picture that shows the most remembered word and the “doubtful” letter.

    For example, in order to remember that carrots are written in the word O, it is enough to depict it as follows.

    In order to remember that two letters O are written in the word “piglet”, it is enough to draw a penny, and in the patch two holes, noting for yourself that two O are written in this word - a dummy.

    To remember that the letter o is written in the word dog, it is enough to draw a dog,

    curled into a ball that resembles the letter o.

    v. Summing up.

    Our lesson ends.

    Name the topic of the lesson.

    What do you find interesting for yourself and what will you adopt?

    What will you use in your life?

    Vi. Reflection

    And how I felt in the lesson, you will know when you guess the riddle, what the letters look like from which you need to make a word:

    3 rings, plus with tilt, comb and flag.


    Thanks for participating. For your active work. !

    For advice to a speech therapist

    Oksana Makerova
    Work on vocabulary words
    How to help your child memorize vocabulary words

    Language is old and forever new
      And it is so beautiful!
      In the vast sea - a sea of ​​words -
      Swim every hour!

    Birch and dog, cabbage and director, frost and ship ... What do these words have in common? The answer is simple, they are all vocabulary words from a school vocabulary for elementary classes.

    Vocabulary words, like the multiplication table, you need to know by heart. But the multiplication table is placed on the half of the notebook page, and the vocabulary words are a huge thick dictionary, and the writing of these words defies any logic. They must be taught and taught, often returning to the same word. It is good if the child reads a lot and has an intuition. And if he has not been able to remember the spelling of the words "apricot" and "shovel" for several years?

    The job of spelling vocabulary words is difficult and painstaking. It continues from lesson to lesson, remaining in the memory of students after the teacher has applied special techniques.

    Vocabulary words are one of the problems of primary school.  If the problem is not solved, then it turns into a heavy load. Unsolved problems in elementary school naturally turn into middle-level problems, and then ...

    Teachers in their practice apply the technique of P. S. Totsky, where multiple repetitions are offered for practicing the speech apparatus, spelling vigilance. But this method is not designed for children who had speech problems at the preschool age (FFN, ONR, ZRR). Great difficulties in mastering vocabulary words are experienced by children with attention deficit disorder, MMD.

    I want to offer you several ways and methods adapted to children, having a history of speech problems, in memorizing the spelling of vocabulary words.

    Important to remember:  1. Engage in daily for 15-20 minutes.
      2. Take for memorization from 5 to 10 words for a week.

      To memorize words use the following tasks.
      1. Reading a word by a child.

    2. Explanation of the meaning of the word (if the child does not know the meaning of the word, invite him to use the dictionary).

    3. Spelling work on the word:
      - setting stress, highlighting a difficult letter in green,
      - sound letter word analysis,
      - division of the word into syllables and syllables for transfer.

    4. Learning the spelling of this word:
      - selection of words with the same root,
       - making phrases, sentences with this word,
      - selection of synonyms, antonyms, riddles, sayings with this word.

    5. Writing a word to the spelling dictionary.
    In the evening (better before bedtime) ask the child to say how he will write the vocabulary words.

    6. Making a story from a group of vocabulary words (December, frost, skates, guys).

    7. Picture dictation (show pictures with the image of objects, the child writes the names of these objects).

    8. Write off vocabulary words in ascending order of syllables or vice versa.

    9. Add a sentence (the dictionary word is missing in the sentence).

    10. The formation of the singular of the plural or vice versa (teacher - teachers, vegetable gardens - garden).

    11. Formation of another part of speech (birch - birch, east - east, seller - to sell).

    12. Writing data dictionary words in several columns:
      - by birth;
      - by numbers;
      - by declination;
      - with unverifiable vowels A, O, E, I;
      - with an unverifiable and verifiable vowel;
      - animate or inanimate objects;
      - by topic (for example: "City" and "Village");
      - in parts of speech;

    13. Extract from these words:
      - words consisting of two, three syllables;
      - words with Y;
      - words with hissing.

    14. Coming up with phrases with vocabulary words (red tomato, wide street).

    15. Record of words under dictation, with a statement of emphasis, underlining unchecked spelling, choosing a word for sound-letter analysis.

    16. Selection of common words.

    17. Restoration of the deformed text or sentence (guys, garden, in, collected, and, cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, baskets).

    18. Parsing words by composition.

    19. Record words with different prefixes (walked, came, went, went).

    20. Write words with different prepositions (to the square, near the square, on the square).

    21. Put the word in the right case, decline the dictionary word.

    22. To form a new word with the suffix (birch - birch, coast - birch).

    23. Replace in one word (the person who drives the tractor is the tractor driver, driving a wide asphalt road through the highway, to win the victory to win).

    24. Letter from memory.

    25. Self-dictation and mutual verification.

    26. Write off, insert one or two consonants (C or SS - classic, kero ... in, sho ... e, ro ... a, ka ... ir, ba ... ein) .

    27. Replace these words within the meaning of others (group - team, store - department store, break - intermission, doctor - surgeon, friend - friend).

    28. For these adjectives, pick up nouns that are dictionary words (red apple, fiction, drama theater).

    29. Replace with synonyms (driver - driver) or antonyms (south - north).

    30. To complete the sentence with homogeneous members of the sentence (You can buy at the grocery store ...).

        "Close your eyes, imagine this word written in the book.
        Spell it.
        Make the "dangerous" letter blink. What is the letter "flashing"?
        Read slowly, as you will write.
        Write down this word 5 times, each time say aloud what you write. "
        (Do everything with eyes closed.)
      Can be used associative word memorization method. But I do not recommend its use in children with ONR 2 levels of speech development, CRA, ADD, MMD, with mental retardation.

    The essence of the method.  A difficult orthogram of a vocabulary word is associated with a bright associative image, which is remembered when writing this vocabulary word, helping to spell the spelling correctly.


        1. Write the vocabulary word (cl. Word) and put stress.
        For example: birch.

      2. Highlight in green (underline, circle) a syllable that causes difficulties (doubt) when writing.
        For example: bere-due

      3. Write out a syllable that is doubtful separately, highlighting (in size, color) the dubious spelling.
         For example: b_E., B_e.

      4. Find an associative image associated with a vocabulary word, and write it in front of a vocabulary word.


    A) An associative image must necessarily be associated with a vocabulary word by some common feature.
       Associative relationship may be by:
      - color;
      - location;
      - form;
      - sound;
      - action;
      - taste;
      - material;
      - purpose;
      - quantity

    B) An associative image must have in its writing a letter of no doubt, which is questionable in the dictionary word.

    For example:
      Vocabulary word
       * birch - in color _ white
       * birch - curly: you need grEben to comb (in shape like the letter E)
       Result: b_E.reza - b_E.laya, - gr_E.beg (_E.)

    5. Draw a vocabulary word combined with an associative image (drawing and / or intersection of words through dubious orthograms).
      For example:
       Birch tree

    6. Read the vocabulary word and clearly reproduce the associative image found out loud, representing their union and their doubtful orthogram.
    ATTENTION!  DO NOT impose your association on a child!
      Value - the presence of each of its associative image with these requirements: communication and the total specified orthogram.

    Examples of vocabulary words and associative images:

         r_Azeta -,
        k_A.rman - hole_A.,
        d_I.Rect_O.r - kr_I.k, r_O.t,
        k_O.ncert - n_O.ta, d_O., x_O.r,
        z_A.vod - trub_A., - v_O.lny, b_O.tsman, k_O.k,
        in_E.y -, dL_E.d,
        l_A.dony -,
        k_A.pusta - z_A.atz
        k_A.Franash - gr_An, boom_Aga,
        s_O.baka -
      Literature that will help diversify your activities with the child.
      1. Agafonov V. V. "Wrong rules" for vocabulary words - and not only. "

    2. "Vocabulary words in images and pictures." Allowance for speech therapist in two parts.
      The manual presents a specially developed art material for the study of vocabulary words by students in grades 1 and 2 of secondary schools. It allows children to remember vocabulary words not in the traditional way, but in the form of picture-images, which is especially important for children with various speech disorders. The material of the second part of the manual is intended for individual work with students.

    3. Paramonova L. G. "How to master the spelling of" vocabulary "words."
      The proposed manual is devoted to the traditional principle of writing, which is one of the basic principles of Russian spelling. The particular difficulty of mastering this principle is the need to memorize, memorize a huge number of words, the spelling of which does not obey any modern grammatical rules.

    4. Molokova A.V., Molokov Yu.G., Kilina G.F. Electronic textbook "Vocabulary words. Grades 1-4"
       The manual is intended for use in Russian language lessons in elementary school with the goal of learning, practicing skills of correct spelling of vocabulary words, as well as with the goal of organizing control and self-control in class.
    Words, the spelling of which must be memorized, are divided into classes, and within each class are thematically grouped. With each group of vocabulary words a student can work in three modes.
      The "Learn" mode allows you to see the illustration and spelling of each vocabulary word in a given group, as well as to hear its pronunciation by the speaker.
      The mode "Check yourself" is intended for practicing the skills of correct spelling of vocabulary words after the appearance of the illustration and voice accompaniment. The student can use the hint to select the desired letters. This will be reflected in the comments to the assignment.
      The "Control" mode allows the student to interactively check the correctness of the spelling of the vocabulary words in the group according to the illustration and sound of the word. At the same time there is no possibility to use the hint.
      The results of the work are recorded and can be reviewed by the teacher after its completion.

    5. G. Segebart, “Teaching Without Torment. Correction of Disgrafia”
      Publishing house Genesis M. - 2007

    Work with vocabulary words in elementary school.


    It is a powerful thought engine, an indispensable means of communication and a great source of inspiration. Vocabulary is needed language as a building material. The richer the vocabulary, the richer the language. The poverty of the vocabulary of students slows down their spelling, many students find it difficult to choose test words. A misunderstanding of the meaning of one word often leads to a misunderstanding of the entire content of the material being read.

    The rich vocabulary of a person indicates a good knowledge of their native language. The more words a person knows, the more precisely, brighter, and more vividly he expresses his thought. Enrichment of our vocabulary occurs throughout life, from an early age.

    The modern primary school sees one of the main tasks of learning - the development of speech and thinking of younger schoolchildren. One of the indicators of mental and speech development of schoolchildren is the wealth of their vocabulary. The word, by definition, Mikhail Rostislavovich Lvov

    "Is a particle of knowledge, a particle of generalization of experience, which is stored and used by a person in the process of thinking and speech."

    But there is a category of words that cannot be verified by a strong position; the spelling of such words must be remembered. These are vocabulary words. During the entire period of training in elementary school, in accordance with the new program, students should memorize 198 vocabulary words, that is, not words being checked, but mechanically memorized words. Pupils meet with them already in the first grade. The most common of them should be learned by all students. However, observations show that students, after completing elementary school, make a large number of mistakes in writing vocabulary words.

    A certain system of work is needed when studying the spelling of vocabulary words, which will allow the teacher to present these words in an interesting and accessible way, and the student can easily and firmly master them.

    The enrichment of vocabulary, and, consequently, speech development is promoted by the organization of learning activities aimed at:

      perception and awareness of the semantic content of the studied words and single-root words, shades of the meanings of these words, antonymic and synonymic relations, combinability of words and steady turns;

      development of the ability to explain the meaning of words and features of their use in speech;

      the formation of the ability to use words in speech when building their own speech statements;

    The poverty of the vocabulary of students slows down their spelling. Nikolai Sergeevich Rozhdestvensky, wrote: “The richer the child’s vocabulary, the more accurately he understands and uses words in his speech, the more kinship he sees between words, the higher the level of his spelling literacy”.

    The formation of literacy skills in elementary school is solved in terms of teaching schoolchildren spelling based on the use of certain rules and memorizing a number of so-called “dictionary words,” that is, words with unverifiable spellings.

    Psychological - pedagogical foundations.

    Despite the fact that such a rich and extensive material has been accumulated and proposed for children to learn vocabulary words, the problem of their spelling still remains unsolved, overcoming the lack of literacy of students remains one of the most important tasks of primary school.

    Primary school teachers know how difficult it is for younger students to learn these words. What is the reason? One of the reasons is seen in the fact that work on unchecked unstressed vowels is conducted in the classroom in isolation, in isolation from all other spelling work. Thus, the writing of untested unstressed vowels is mastered in isolation from the study of the verifiable, although their spelling is based on the same skill; detect the vowel in a weak position, that is, in an unstressed position. Only by relying on the generalized ability to set the spelling problem, can we continue to work on ways to solve it, depending on the spelling variations.

    Another reason is the fact that when meeting with “vocabulary” words, the child is given, as a rule, a passive role: the word is presented and analyzed by the teacher himself. Students are only asked to write off and memorize it. However, the mechanical memorization of words tires the student and does not form his interest in language. Just as inefficient is the mechanical writing out of words when working on errors.

    In addition, a child in primary school age has not yet mastered the techniques of semantic memorization, his logical memory is not yet sufficiently formed. Thus, the process of memorization in younger schoolchildren should be specially organized, since the vast majority of children of this age do not independently use semantic methods and, with the aim of memorization, resort to a tried and true means — multiple repetition. But this technique does not work for long.

    It is not enough for the student to become familiar with the grammatical phenomenon as such. It is important to ensure that knowledge is fixed, so that the student can “transfer” them to other phenomena of the language. Therefore, it is necessary to look for such material and forms of work that would attract the attention of students, develop surprise and a desire to understand the phenomenon, arouse thought.

    Methods and techniques for working on words with unverifiable spellings.

    The nature of Russian spelling is revealed with the help of its principles, which help in the choice of teaching methods and techniques. These include:

      morphological principle

      phonemic principle

      traditional principle

      principle of differentiation of meanings (lexical, grammatical)

      phonetic principle

    Words with a hard-to-verify unverifiable spelling are subject to the traditional principle. They are assimilated by memorization, and are checked using a spelling dictionary.

    The primary education program in the Russian language for each class provides for the obligatory mastering of a number of words, the spelling of which is not checked. A solid assimilation of their writing is achieved by the frequent inclusion of these words in various exercises, tasks performed at all stages of a lesson.

    When learning to write vocabulary words, the following methods and techniques are used: the method of language analysis, which includes methods of sound-letter word analysis, phonetic analysis, spelling commenting, oral pronunciation; methods of visual memorization are visual dictation, cheating with various tasks, checking words using a dictionary, using tables, cards, punch cards, highlighting spelling patterns with colored chalk on a blackboard, ink or pencil in workbooks, underlining, not writing words, but only spelling, repeated spelling of words; method of comparing the thematic groups of words to be learned (for example, comparing the names of domestic animals: cow, horse, dog - the letter is present in all wordsabout ; words with one root - work, work, work; forms of words - glass - glasses), the method of opposition (student - teacher), and so on; method of comparing visual and auditory images (composition) of words; various types of auditory dictations; making phrases with difficult words; development of verbal associations: a coat - an autumn coat, put on a coat, a coat is large, and so on; making sentences with difficult words, including them in writing them in written and oral creative works; entertaining forms of work: the inclusion of vocabulary words in games, puzzles, crossword puzzles (students solve them or compose them themselves); composing poems, humoresques, riddles, guessing riddles; contests, quizzes.

    It was established experimentally that for successful memorization of unchecked words they should be repeated after the first study: after 2 weeks, after another 2 weeks, then after 2 months for the purpose of control. However, in the practice of many teachers vocabulary dictations are used, which are held orally at the beginning of each lesson. Such oral dictations, which take 1-2 minutes, make it possible to keep the words difficult in the children's memory, as well as to test their mastery and work on individual errors.

    Traditionally, “vocabulary” words are assimilated by mechanical memorization of their graphic appearance. This is primarily due to the fact that the spelling of such words is based on the historical principle of spelling, according to which morphemes of related words are spelled uniformly, but they cannot be checked using a modern literary language, and therefore it is recommended to remember their spelling.

    Psychologists, advanced teachers associate an increase in the efficiency of learning these words with changes in the nature of their memorization: memorizing a graphical analysis of words should be meaningful, not mechanical.

    The meaningfulness of memorization can be achieved on the basis of the student’s understanding of the meaning of the word being studied, the nature and nature of the difficulty contained therein, establishing the connection of this word with previously studied words, and actively incorporating “difficult” words into the speech practice of children.

    How to help in this matter, to make memorization meaningful.

    1. Reading a word by a child.

    2. Explanation of the meaning of the word (if the child does not know the meaning of the word, invite him to use the dictionary).

    3. Spelling work on the word:

    Stress, highlighting a difficult letter in green

    Sound letter word analysis

    Word division into syllables and syllables for transfer

    4. Learning the spelling of the word;

    Selection of cognates

    Writing phrases, sentences with this word

    Selection of synonyms, antonyms, riddles, sayings with this word

    5. Writing a word to the spelling dictionary.

    6. Making a story from a group of words (December, frost, skates, guys)

    7. Add a sentence (the dictionary word is missing in the sentence)

    8. Formation of another part of speech (birch - birch, east - east, seller-sell)

    9. Writing data vocabulary words in several columns;

    By birth

    By numbers

    By inclinations, with unverifiable vowels A, O, E, and

    With unverifiable and verifiable vowel

    Animate or inanimate objects

    By subject, for example, "City" and "Village" "Seasons"

    In parts of speech.

    10. Inventing phrases with vocabulary words (tomato - red, wide street).

    11. Record of words under dictation, with a statement of emphasis, underlining unchecked spelling, choosing a word for sound-letter analysis.

    12. Selection of cognates.

    13. Restoration of the deformed text or sentence (guys, garden, in, collected, and, cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, baskets).

    14. Parsing words by composition.

    15. Record words with different prefixes: (walked, came, went, went)

    16. Writing words with different prepositions (to the square, near the square, on the square)

    17. Put the word in the right case, decline the dictionary word.

    18. To form a new word with the help of the suffix (birch-birch, coast - birch)

    19. Replace in one word the set of words (the person who drives the tractor is the tractor driver, driving a wide asphalt road through the highway, to win a victory — to win)

    20. Letter from memory. Continue the chain of vocabulary words. (b  lotter about , about  of women but  alla i , i  shl to , to  ompo t , t  Rector, r  abot but , but  ptek but , but  dre with , with  pasib about , about  be d …)

    21. Self-dictation and self-test.

    22. Write off, insert one or two consonants (C or SS - kl ... ny, kero ... in, sho ... e, ro..a, ka ... ir, ba ... shen).

    23. Replace these words within the meaning of others (group - team, store, department store, break - intermission, doctor - surgeon, friend - friend).

    24. For these adjectives, pick up nouns that are dictionary words (red - apple, fiction - literature, drama - theater).

    25. Replace with synonyms (driver - driver) or antonyms (south - north).

    26. End the sentence with like-minded members of the sentence. (You can buy at the grocery store ....

    A way to write words with closed eyes.

      Close your eyes, imagine this word written in a book.

      Spell it.

      Make blink "dangerous" letter. What is the letter "flashing"?

      Read slowly, as you will write.

      Write down this word 5 times, each time recite what you write to the ear.

      All perform with eyes closed.

    Can be used

    The method of associative memorization of words.

    The essence of the method.

    A difficult orthogram of a vocabulary word is associated with a bright associative image, which is remembered when writing this vocabulary word, helping to spell the spelling correctly.

    The technique.

    1. Write the dictionary word and put the stress.

    For example: birch

    2. Highlight in green (underline, circle) a syllable that causes difficulties (doubt) when writing.

    For example: be  - re - for

    3. Write out a syllable that is doubtful separately, highlighting (in size, color) the dubious spelling.

    For example: BE, BE.

    4. Find the associative image associated with the vocabulary word and write it in front of the vocabulary word.


    An associative image must necessarily be associated with a vocabulary word by some common feature.


    Associative relationship may be by:






      to taste;





    An associative image must have in its writing a letter of no doubt, which is doubtful in the dictionary word.

    For example, the dictionary word - be  cut- by color b e barking ... b e cut- curly, need ce ben - to comb - in shape like a letter -e- .

    Result: b e  cut - b e  barking - gr e  ben ( e )

    5. To depict a vocabulary word, combined with an associative image and / or intersection of words through a dubious orthogram).

    For example:

    birch tree

    6. Read the vocabulary word and clearly reproduce the associative image found out loud, representing their union and their doubtful orthogram.


    DO NOT impose your association on a child.

    Value - the presence of each of its associative image with these requirements: communication and the total specified orthogram.

    Examples of vocabulary words and associative images:

    gazeta - boomAg kArman - HoleA


    plant - pipeA ship - woln, boom, kOk



    karadash - GRAN, boomAga sobaka - hvOst, toe

    Great help can provide drawings, diagrams. Children react vividly to such clarity, try to draw a picture or a diagram for the word themselves.

    ABOUT rex (inside the letter o, or in place of it we draw a nutlet) is a round-shaped nut, therefore, it is written O.

    Crayfish e that (inside the letter A, or in place of it we draw a rocket) is a rocket in the form of the letter A, therefore we write A.

    Yag about yes (inside the letter o, or instead of it we draw a berry) - the berry is round, like the letter O.

    Apple about to Inside the letter o, or in its place draw an apple), etc.

    Words with unstressed vowels, unchecked by stress, are used in dictations when explaining new material. When checking homework, attention is necessarily paid to incomprehensible words. It is impossible to ignore a single word, not only in the textbook of the Russian language, but also in other educational books.

    On the pages of the textbook there are words that are not in the dictionary, but they cause difficulty in memorizing and writing. Working with such words creates an opportunity to enrich the vocabulary, promotes the development of speech, develops the ability to independently find a difficult word, fosters respect for the textbook as the main source of knowledge and skills.

    In order for the student to perform not a passive role in the lesson when learning new words, but an active one, one must first of all train his spelling vigilance, i.e., the ability to find a weak position in the word. In many ways, this helps letter with the "holes" or "window". When writing words, the student leaves a weak spot in the word unwritten, then the spelling problem is solved and only after that the spelling is entered in the “window”. It has long been known that children remember better what they themselves "discovered."

    Sometimes teachers offer children a picture on which the word about the missing letter is written, this technique is good, but not equivalent to the first one, because a spelling problem has already been set here and you just need to solve it, because in the first case the child sets the spelling task.

    Another important type of work with words from the dictionary is the ability to link a word with one or another topic of study. It gives a big positive effect.

    For example: the topic "Offer"

    My homeland is the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana is the capital of our state.

    The machine helps a person to work. The student goes to his class.

    Much attention is paid to the consolidation, synthesis and systematization of students' knowledge about words with unverifiable and difficult-to-check writing. At this stage, the use of vocabulary and spelling exercises as a means of enriching, refining and activating the vocabulary of students, as well as developing a culture of speech and nurturing a love for the native word, has a large role.

    Work on each word from the “dictionary” is directly related to the grammar and orthographic material studied in class. The teacher can always find an opportunity to offer the children to write the right word, to comprehend its meaning, to make a phrase, to use this phrase in the sentence. Proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, etc. can become the language material for such exercises.

    The most common form of vocabulary spelling exercises are still dictation. Vocabulary dictations can be viewed as both a learning and controlling type of work on difficult words.

    The use of different types of dictations allows students to work out a word from all sides (its interpretation and origin, use with different words, antonyms and synonyms, single-root words), and also promotes the development of word-building skills.

    Types of dictations.

    Take the vocabulary words: hammer, ship, boots, boots, hero, people, Thursday, weather, tomato, road, fast, pharmacy.

    Lexical dictation

    Task: replace each sentence with one word.

    1. Shoes covering the ankle-length foot. (boots)

    2. Sea vessel. (ship)

    3. The man who accomplishes feats, extraordinarily brave (hero)

    4. The state of the atmosphere in this place and at this time. (weather)

    5. A tool with which you can nail something. (hammer)

    6. The fourth day of the week. (Thursday)

    7. Population of the state, inhabitants of the country, people (people)

    8. Winter soft boots made of felted wool. (felt boots)

    9. Vegetable plant, tomato. (tomatoes)

    10. The strip of land intended for movement, the path of communication.


    11. With great speed, in a short period of time. (quickly)

    12. The institution in which the medicine is manufactured and sold. (pharmacy)

    Selective dictation   - develops the ability to highlight the necessary words to the ear. The teacher dictates the words, and the students choose and write down only those words that are necessary for the task.

    This type of dictation saves time in the classroom, makes work with vocabulary words diverse, develops attention, hearing, memory, spelling vigilance, and develops the ability to quickly analyze a word and attribute it to one or another type of orthogram.

    Tasks options:

    1. Write only vocabulary words.

    2. Calculate how many vocabulary words are here (12 words)

    3. Write sentences and underline vocabulary words.

    Take care of your nose in the big frost.

    The bus brought the guys to the beach.

    The girl is watering and feeding the cow.

    The road led to the nearest village.

    I'll wear yellow shoes on Thursday.

    Crows circled around the birch.

    Combined dictation   - allows the teacher to increase the material for working with vocabulary words, helps to repeat previously completed and consolidate the newly studied orthograms.

    The task:

    1. In one column write down the words with voiced consonants at the end of the word, in the other - with the deaf;

    2. Write the words in two columns. In the first column of the word, in which the letter O is written in the place of the unstressed vowel sound, and in the second -

    Digital dictation   - develops memory, teaches to encode information using other characters. This makes the work interesting, does not tire the student. As a result of the work done, students can conclude and better remember the spelling of vocabulary words. For example, the teacher dictates the words:student, teacher, bear, pencil case, wind, fun. The student encrypts the letters of unstressed vowels: 1,1,1,1,1,1. Only the letter E is written in these words, so the numbers are the same. When the work is done many times, the students, by comparison and analysis, memorize groups of words with the same unstressed vowels. The summarized response is recorded for expedited verification.

    For example, encrypt the letter of an unstressed vowel in words with the help of numbers: 1-o, 2-a. Add up the numbers and write down their sum.

    Peas, hammer, harvest, raspberry, swamp, people, road, bus, ship. (9 words) (1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 = 12)

    Auditory dictation -   (control) is carried out after studying and fixing the words to find out how they are learned. As a result, gaps in students' knowledge are identified and ways to eliminate them are outlined.

    Visual dictation -   It is necessary to alternate with the visual-auditory dictation, it can be given not only in the form of missing letters, but also of missing words (for example, when writing antonyms and synonyms). The value of this type of work lies in the fact that alternating the analysis and synthesis of words, students warn of mistakes before writing words.


    1. Cut the brackets, insert the missing letters.

    2. Insert the missing letters, cut the brackets, write the words in alphabetical order.

    Dictation with related words.

    For example: write under dictation.

    Hammer, yolk, ship, heroic, ink, collective,

    good, raspberry, first aid kit, swamp, pea, strawberry.

    Lettering dictation

    Write the letters of unstressed vowels.

    Raspberry, road, harvest, ship, felt boots, people, bus, peas, weather, pharmacy. (10 words)

    (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    а о о о а а а о о a)

    Synonymous, antonymic and phraseological dictations   - suggest the development of students' lexical ideas, help expand vocabulary, assimilation of words and turns of speech, the appropriateness of their use in the text, expanding interest in their native language.

    Dictation with phraseological turns.

    Tasks options:

    1. Write down the phraseological dictates and explain their meaning.

    2. Write only vocabulary words.

    3. The teacher reads (or writes) phrases without vocabulary words. Assignment: write the missing word.

      Get up with roosters

      Once tongue   turned around.

      Not by address.

      Everything is exactly as in pharmacy.

      Take on pencil.

      With the king peas

      Go to your expensive.

      WITH ship   at the ball.

      Not life, but raspberries.

      Black  in white.

      Tongue you can swallow.

      Like a wallpeas.

      There you and road.

      As in the sea the ships.

      After the rain inthursday.

    In my work I use a lot of techniques and methods of working on “vocabulary” words. I especially like the use of etymological help in explaining the spelling of a word; method of associative memorization of words; Especially the guys like working with the word itself - this is to determine the orthogram, to pick up the words with the same root, to come up with a sentence, if you can pick up a synonym or antonym; numeric and lettering dictations. I also use individual cards with vocabulary words, punch cards,

    test cards. This didactic material enlivens the work of the lesson, making it more entertaining, interesting and not so difficult.

    Systematically conducting the above types of work, I noticed positive results in the work on the basis of checks of the children's dictionary. The effectiveness is obvious: children learn the spelling of not only vocabulary words, but also many others, much faster and their knowledge is stronger.

    Working on the word contributes to the development of a number of mental operations: observation, comparison, comparison, establishing similarities and differences - it teaches us to draw conclusions and generalizations, to be literate and educated.


    “Vocabulary work” is not an episode in the teacher’s work, but systematic, well-organized work, pedagogically expediently constructed, associated with all sections of the Russian language course, ”wrote the well-known Russian scientist, methodologist A. V. Tekuchev.

    The word is the main unit of the language. The main function of the word is its denoting role (object relatedness). From words, not only the doubling of the world is born (words are objects that a person directly sees, feels and words that were not directly perceived and were not part of the social experience of a particular person), but also a volitional action to control their perception, performance, memory and actions .

    The richness of the dictionary is a sign of the high development of both society as a whole and each person individually. The peculiarity of vocabulary work at school is that it is carried out in the process of the whole educational activity of a teacher.

    It is important that the assimilation of new words takes place spontaneously, so that the teacher controls this process and thus facilitates it for students, ensures the correctness, completeness of the assimilation of words. Therefore, work on the vocabulary of students is attached great importance to the school.


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