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     How to teach a child to read at home

      A variety of games and exercises are suitable for reinforcing reading skills in syllables in children. We offer six exercises built on six types of tasks to consolidate the skills and abilities to read by syllables. All tasks are interactive, i.e. the child interacts directly with the gaming environment. In our exercises and online syllable games, children repeat and reinforce their reading skills by syllables, as well as knowledge of letters and sounds, memorize the spelling of words and train the skills of dividing them into syllables.

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    How to teach a child to read at home: you have already asked this question? He is a little scary, isn’t he? To dispel your fears and give confidence, we have described as many as 10 ways to learn to read. They are suitable for children of all ages who have begun to show at least some interest in understanding letters and written words.

    Initially, we note an important nuance. At the present level of knowledge, many teachers do not consider it appropriate to teach reading before 4 years. On average, the age of active interest in letters and syllables ranges from 3.5 to 5 years, and this can safely be considered a healthy physiological norm.

    Such an interpretation, restraining our impulses for early reading, is associated with sensitive periods in the development of children. Details about the sensitive periods will tell you the books of Maria Montessori. The main idea of ​​a great teacher: if children are forced to do something earlier than the corresponding period (learn to read or write under duress), then they come to harder results later.

    We want to note that the steps below do not have to be implemented consistently (!).  They can approach your situation at different periods of time, but it is together the proposed methods open up all the ways for you to teach your child how to read, at home, in a comfortable, peaceful way and with interest.


    Reading aloud from birth! And this is not at all the same as offering a tiny presentation on a tablet or TV - with signed Doman cards. It's about something else.

    Mom - with a book, which she carefully holds in her hands; in which he looks with his eyes and can sometimes give a touch or try on a tooth.

    All this draws attention to the book format - as if something unexplored, varied and exciting together. There is a magical trinity "Child-Mama-Book." And since there is a mother in this union (the main subject for any child!), He remains in memory for a long time and pushes the third participant, the book, to research.

    One of the most inspiring formats for heddlers is books from a variety of materials and panoramic brochures. Take books with you everywhere - during the day! For example, in a bath (version of oilcloth) or in bed (made from felt). Introduce the rituals associated with the mode of the day: always read after breakfast, for a walk or at bedtime.

    An important nuance is to teach the toddler to flip through the books neatly even before the year. This is quite possible, especially if you use cardboard samples with sturdy pages.

    Keep books in the public domain and offer the toddler to choose and bring you the desired story, look for a specific page in the book, point the finger at the desired verse, or ask for voice.

    What exactly to read is determined by the age and speed of vocabulary development. And although some parents tend not to pay attention to the simplicity of their speech, speech therapists and neuroscientists agree that our language in communication with the crumbs should not be too complicated (!).

    Starting with simple ditties and rhymes, we must gradually build up the vocabulary and complexity of the designs. Thus, the most serene and natural comprehension of speech is achieved - from the first months of life.


    First year of life:

    • Lullaby poems
    • Folk pies
    • Brief two-line rhymes with examples for easy onomatopoeia in the course of actions (Kach Kach Kach, Boule-Boule, Tik-Tak, Ba-Bach, Ah, Yes, Top-Top, Tu-Tu, Tsok-Tsok, Bi-Bi, etc.) P.)
    • Poems for onomatopoeia from the cycles “As animals say”
    • A. Barto - a cycle of poems about toys

    From 1st year to 3 years:

    • Short Russian folk tales (Chicken Ryaba, Turnip, Teremok, Kolobok, etc.)
    • Tales of K. Chukovsky (Mukha-Tsokotuha, etc.)
    • Poems (A. Barto, S. Marshak, S. Mihalkov, E. Uspensky , I. Tokmakova, V. Berestov)

    From 3 to 5 years:

    • All books from the previous period, to which interest has not been lost, as well as new longer stories, plots with a confusion of concepts, with a variety of dialogues and emotions, for example:
    • Suteev V.G. Fairy tales and pictures ("Apple", "Uncle Misha", "Yolka", "Cat Fisher", "Bag of Apples", "Capricious Cat", etc.)
    • Tolstoy L.N. Stories and tales from the "ABC"
    • M. Plyatkovsky “Diary of Kuzi the Grasshopper”, “The Sun in the Memory
    • Various types of alphabets in poems (classic from S. Marshak and B. Zakhoder, polite alphabet, alphabet of fruits, animals, etc.)


    The natural process is to ask questions about the characters and the reasons for their behavior to older children, with well-developed speech.

    You can also teach a preschooler to focus on the details of the story. When making a stop, ask about the color of the outfit, the scene, the previous event.

    A great springboard for memory training - stories are not for one day. Read not a short tale with a good ending and no horrible events immediately after waking up or before going to bed - exactly 1-2 pages.

    The same way with questions for additional interest in the book will work fine and at a younger age. Simple questions: “How does a dog bark?”, “Who rides the train?”, “Who lost the ball?”, “Who can not get off the bench?” It’s worth asking a kid in a year and a half. At the same time, he can point at the hero with his finger, and this will once again reinforce his interest in the manual - through illustrations.


    A personal example is the basis of a successful and seemingly inconspicuous upbringing. Mom and Dad, in whose hands you often meet the book. Cabinet with bookshelves. Games with fat talmuda grandmother, where so few colorful pictures, but such smooth thin pages! All this is a new sensory and imitative experience.

    You can give your child a greater degree of freedom! Allow to carry books from the shelves - on the desk. Or bring pre-learned in color or thickness directories - to help working dad. Or get a cookbook from a famous place - for mom, bothering about dinner.

    Any physical activity where a child participates in the delivery of a book as an urgent need in the life of adults is well imprinted in his mind.

    In families where even adult books “are given to be torn to pieces” by babies - under supervision, with persistent learning how to carefully leaf through thin pages, you rarely find destroyed copies.


    The classic letters in the interior genre came to us from the west. For children's rooms somewhere in America, large inscriptions on the wall are so characteristic, especially the names of the children above the bed. By adopting such a tradition, we are creating a new experience for kids and a bright incentive to become interested in the object and its value by 2-2.5 years.

    In addition, life-affirming verbs can often be found on the walls: Love, Smile, Laugh, Work, Live, Do good, Be brave.

    In general, a child who has shown interest in the meaning of at least 4-6 letters from his name can easily remember and find them in any other large-sized inscriptions - signs on the street, headlines in magazines. And this will happen easily and without tedious learning already by the 3rd year.


    This idea is most fully described in the Montessori system. In short, you should involve a 2+ year old kid in letter-based crafts. First, cut out some of the letters of his own name already known to him from velvet paper, thick foam or cardboard. Every day, at least 10-15 minutes, be engaged in the decoration of each letter in various techniques. For example:

    • Wrap colored thread
    • Glue + glitter / seeds / scraps of paper
    • Structural bulk paints

    Another effective recipe for memorizing and recognizing the image of letters is laying out their contours with small objects. At your service:

    • Beans and Peas
    • Multicolored cotton balls
    • Stones, Acorns and Chestnuts
    • Long chain and pigtails from knitted stripes

    A good tool for recreating letters can be lacing.

    In drawing with children up to 3-4 years of age it is advantageous to use not so much the writing of letters by hand, as many large cardboard letters, which the young artist will carefully circle.

    Do not dwell on the pen and the desk! Move the focus to drawing on a large tray with bulk materials - semolina, salt, sand.

    And, of course, your omnipresent helper with all the preschool children always remains two main universal development aids - PLASTILIN and LEGO DESIGNER:


    One of the best ways to teach a child to read at home from 4.5-5 years old.

    You can see the primer here:

    Many parents note that children of the specified age learned to read in just 3-10 days only due to the correct choice of the allowance.

    In order to so quickly and successfully overcome the period of reading by primer, the novice reader must:

    • Actively interested in books from 1-2 years
    • To be able to engage in productive activities at the table, sitting on a chair (drawing, modeling, folding puzzles) - at least 20 minutes

    Often, such a "sit down at the table" is facilitated by a visit to the kindergarten, remedial classes if you are lagging in speech or going to the School of Early Development with obligatory handicrafts in each lesson.


    In the manner of the letter, the child must firstly bind the sound:

    • Begin the sequence of mastering sounds with vowels: A, O, U, U, U.
    • Then enter hard voiced consonants: M, P, B, L. At the same time, pronounce consonants only with sounds (that is, not Le, not Al, but simply “L” and that's it).
    • After master the deaf and hissing sounds: F, W, K, D, T.

    Remember the folk wisdom “repetition is the mother of learning”: devote the first third of the next lesson to repetition.


    Consider the letter as the first letter of the syllable - “M” - runs to the second letter - “a”. This is the way to teach a child to read syllables - stretching the first sound to the second, so that they are pronounced together, inseparably from each other.

    Your first syllables are open and simple constructions: MA, LA, PA, LO, software.

    See what consonants and vowels they make up? The simplest sounds, as we indicated above.

    As soon as the novice reader becomes comfortable with such syllables (on average from 2 days to a week), proceed to reading syllables with complex consonants. These are all options of sizzling and deaf: MU, LM, CW, VE, TH, etc.

    The last line before the transition to reading words - syllables that begin with vowels: AB, OM, CSS, EH.


    And again from simple to complex: MA-MA, RA-MA, MO-LO-KO.

    Here you can successfully return to reading the name on the wall, verb calls and large signs for a walk. You remember that any fresh knowledge of the letters since the opening of the primer is beneficial to maintain sensory and motor games?

    Do not discard these methods only because you have finally seated the newly-made student for a rigorous study guide!

    Separate nuance - pronunciation and pause between words. One of the methods to explain the combination of letters in syllables is singing sounds. This is often used when teaching in kindergartens, from where the child brings the erroneous habit of singing everything: “na-sha-ta-nya-loud-ko-plachet”. Stop this trend immediately! Require pauses not only between sentences, but also between the simplest words.


    If the young researcher of the world shows no interest in reading at 4-4.5 years, it is worth looking at how much the child is interested in letters in principle and whether it is time to actively interest him, using all possible methods.

    However, one should not be very nervous and put pressure on the little man - right off the bat. Especially, if we are talking only about the three-year period.

    Determine for yourself the critical time (5-5.5 years) when you really should start reading with the primer. The brighter you and your child lived in the first 5 ways from those listed above, the easier it will be to proceed to the last stage.

    It is actually advisable to teach a child to read a primer at home at the age of five. On average, the process will take you up to 2 months, and by the time the school (6 years old) the little reader can confidently get used to the exciting skill. He will have in his baggage several independently read books.

    With this level of skills, first-graders come to most reputable schools. Readiness for high requirements will reduce the level of “first grader's stress” and allow your son or daughter to happily integrate into school life.

    In parallel, it will not be superfluous to teach the newly-minted reader to write - in block letters the simple words “MOM”, “DAD”, “COW”, “GRANDMAN”, “CAT”, etc.

    If the learning process stalled at the stage of the primer and lasts more than 2 months, it is worth considering the issue of attracting a tutor. Look for a primary school teacher who, in close contact, one-on-one-one, will help the little man to overcome difficulties.

    And although the question of how to teach a child to read at home cannot be called the easiest in the life of parents and their heirs, the process of comprehending this science should first of all bring you the joy of communication and knowledge - never forget about it!

    When a child has mastered the alphabet, it is time to teach him to put the letters into syllables and read them. Many mothers and fathers are wondering how to tell him everything about sounds and syllables, how to teach him to combine letters, and then explain how to put words together.

    Learning algorithm

    Teaching a child connected reading is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. This is quite a serious matter, which requires patience, perseverance and some training of the parents themselves. The process of developing reading skills consists of three steps:

    • memorizing letters and sounds designating them;
    • folding letters into syllables and practical training of their reading;
    • folding syllables in words and working out a continuous reading.

    The first step is usually not difficult for the kids, they quickly memorize the letters in the game. The next step, almost the most important and responsible, is given to many children not very easily. The difficulties encountered can discourage and significantly slow down the process. Do not give up and continue systematic studies, even if the matter has seriously slowed down. Encourage your child to make him feel more confident.

    When can I start teaching my child to read?

    Before you start learning, make sure that your charming student knows the letters of the alphabet and easily identifies them. To test your skills, give your kid an alphabet and ask for the letters. Usually, children need 2-3 minutes for this. This means that it takes 4-6 seconds to recognize one letter. Proceeding from the simplest calculations, it can be assumed that it will take him from 20 to 25 seconds to read a 4-letter word (“dad”, “mom”). Now imagine what it is like to read at such a speed.

    So knowing and identifying letters is, of course, important, but their definition should be lightning fast. When the kid to “disassemble” the entire alphabet will spend 20 seconds, then go to the second stage of training - how to teach the child syllables.

    Fundamental points:

    • Teach your child sounds, not letters, it will simplify the process of subsequent learning. For example, not “de”, “te”, “me”, but “D”, “T”, “M”. Vowels should be long "yo", "aaa". Start the practice with “A.” It is easiest for children; they quickly memorize and define it. As soon as the student determines it well, proceed with the consonants. Then begin to make up the syllables "MA", "YES", "GA". As soon as it will turn out, start building words: “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”. After practicing the skills with the letter “A”, start the practice with the letter “O”, then “Y”, “I”.
    • If the alphabet is familiar to the kid, play with him. Show him how to collect the simple words “da-sha”, “ka-sha”, “li-ha”, “li-sa”, “mouth”, “house”, “ko-za”.
    • Go to the 3-complex words.
    • Training in the game is the most optimal and interesting for the child.

    In the process of learning actively use visual aids. Prepared in advance colorful pictures, thematic video materials can be your assistants in this difficult task.

    Teaching methods

    Independently teach a crumb to read without relying on didactic material is quite difficult. Get an ABC in advance, you will need it. Now they are produced in a large assortment - there are classic ones, there are original ones. The most interesting and practically justified methods can be called N. Zhukova and E. Bakhtina.

    The Zhukova method with "running letters" looks easier to explain, and therefore more understandable to the child. We should not forget that every child is unique, his abilities are individual. What is convenient and understandable to one does not come from the other. If the baby does not feel very confident at the stage of syllables, do not rush to proceed to the folding of words, even the simplest ones. Such a worthless acceleration will increase his uncertainty and discourage the desire to learn to read.

    Bakhtina’s technique is suitable for very young children who have just turned 2 years old. The author assures that children who regularly practice at home according to her method can read well by the age of three. According to the primer Zhukova, the children study at school, i.e. at the age of 5-6 years.

    We add and read syllables by the method of Elena Bakhtina

    The essence of the method is as follows: as soon as the baby has learned fluently (precisely, fluently!) To recognize the letters, begin to teach him to join the letters, build syllables to pronounce them. After he learns how to pronounce and recognize letter combinations correctly, it is necessary to work out their varieties.

    Let's give an example.  In the syllable “MA”, the letters “M” and “A” met and became firm friends. Now they are together and it turns out "MA". Repeat about the friendship "M" + "A" = "MA" during the day, consolidate the skill the next day. In the same way learn other letter combinations. At first, practice open syllables (vowel) "KA", "GA", "LA". Be sure to fix the pronunciation of a demonstration of cards (clearly).

    Use the same cards to teach your child to read. We offer you ready-made cards: consonants - blue, vowels - red. Make up syllables and words to read from cards.

    If the child has already mastered the alphabet, then it is time to teach him to identify and read syllables. Many parents ask themselves how to explain to a child what syllables are, how best to teach him by composing syllables from sounds, and words from syllables.

    It must be remembered that the process of learning to read is a serious and demanding parental training. It consists of several stages - memorizing letters and sounds, working with syllables and mastering the skills of coherent reading. And if learning the alphabet, as a rule, is given to many children easily, then the next, very important stage - combining letters and the subsequent reading of syllables in some children can cause difficulties, which will slow down the process of teaching your child to a coherent reading.

    When can I start learning a child to read syllables?

    There are several pedagogical opinions on this subject:

    Method 1:  Before you start learning to read, you need to make sure that the young student has studied the alphabet well, determines the letters without any problems and reproduces the sounds correctly.

    To do this, conduct a small experiment. Place the alphabet in front of the child and ask to name all its letters. Note the time he spends on it. Most likely, he will do it in 2-3 minutes. If you perform simple calculations, it turns out that in this case it took him from 4 to 6 seconds to determine one letter. It means that reading the simple two-syllable word “mother” will take him 20-25 seconds. And now think, is it easy to read at such a speed?

    Therefore, to know and define letters is an important skill, but in order to teach a small child to read, it is necessary that the learner, calling the letters, does not hesitate for a second. When the total time of “reading” the alphabet by a child will be no more than 20 seconds, then you can safely proceed to the next stage of training.

    Method 2:  You can start learning syllables before your child learns all the letters.

    You will learn more about this method, described by teachers of preschool education, and other important rules that you need to know before teaching a child to read - from the article on.

    Teaching methods. Primers

    Teaching a child to read on their own, without the help of teaching aids, will be difficult for parents. Therefore it is necessary to attend to the acquisition of the primer. Today there are a great many of these benefits - from innovative to classical. The most interesting and accessible techniques in teaching reading are distinguished by the primer E. Bakhtina and N. Zhukova.

    Learn to identify and read syllables using the method of E. Bakhtina

    The bottom line is: after the trainee has mastered fluent (the author emphasizes on this!) the definition of the letters of the alphabet, you need to teach him to first put the letters into syllables, then together to pronounce them. The final step should be to memorize the spelling and pronunciation of syllables, their variations.

    For example:  You point to any syllable, say - “ON”, and explain that here the letters are “friendly”, therefore you are together. "H" and "A" met and became friends, so together came "ON". Repeat several times during the day that "H" and "A" together - "ON", fix the next day. Using the same scheme, proceed to memorizing other letter combinations. First, let it be open (ending in the vowel syllables "TA", "YES", "BA", etc.). Be sure to support what you say with a visual image. Make a few plates with the studied letter combinations or use materials from the primer.

    Important points

    • At the beginning of training, avoid syllables with iotated vowels “I”, “e”, “y” and consonants that are difficult to pronounce - hissing “f”, “sh”, “u”, h ”.
    • Do not take breaks in training, train the definition and pronunciation of syllables not only during direct lessons with primer, but, for example, on walks. Pay attention of the young student to signs, teach him to read already familiar syllables, show and pay attention to unfamiliar combinations of letters. Gradually complicate the tasks, go to the more complex syllables containing hissing consonants and iota vowels.

    Training your child's visual memory will serve you well in the future, because children with good visual memory, as a rule, correctly write, not really bothering themselves with knowledge of the rules of spelling.

    Precisely because they simply “reproduce” the correct spelling of a word from memory.

    At this stage it is important not to hurry, but if you see that the child easily adds syllables from letters, reads them, names and defines them in parts of different words, then you can proceed to mastering and reading two-syllables (not more than words).

    If the previous method was not very effective, and using it, you could not teach the child to read quickly and effectively by syllables, then we recommend trying a different technique.

    Method N.S. Zhukova, author of the classic school primer

    To teach a child to make syllables of letters using the primer Zhukova can be as follows.

    Take two simplest letters - "M" and "A." The combination of these letters is familiar to any kid literally from the first months of his life, it is his own, elementary in pronunciation and in memorization, as it is part of the word “mother”.

    The picture shows that one letter is gradually approaching, running to the other. Pay attention to the student! Say together with the student the letter "M", as if stretching it, gradually turning the sound from "M" into "MAaaaa." The first sound is reduced, and the second is extended. Following the proposed scheme, proceed to the formation of other simplest open syllables: “ON” “BUT”, “TA”, “BA”, “PO”, “TO”, “MU”, etc. You can experiment with the formation of simple words, the meaning of which is well understood by the student. "MA-MA", "PA-PA", "BA-TA", "BUT-TA". Do not forget about the articulation - we stretch the first sound of the syllable, the second is pronounced shorter.

    Important points

    • It is necessary to teach children to analyze the syllables that they have read. During the lessons, ask the child the questions: “how many letters are in this syllable?”, “What are these letters?”, Let the child list them.
    • It is necessary to ensure that the student, when reading syllables, does not “tear off” the letters from each other, do not allow reading the syllables by the name of the letters, and not pronouncing the sounds. Remind that the first sound needs to be “stretched” a little, and the second one is shorter.
    • Try, so that in the process of learning the child can determine by ear how many sounds (letters) you pronounce. What was the first sound, how the second. At the initial stage, practice on the simplest sound combinations “ay”, “yo”, “ya”.

    The technique of N. Zhukova may seem more convenient and accessible to parents in order to explain to the child exactly how the letters are combined into syllables.

    Nevertheless, the Bakhtina method is designed for learning to read the youngest children - from two years old. The author claims that already at the age of three years, children who regularly learn to read using her technique can read confidently.

    It is necessary to take into account that the process of learning to read in all children proceeds differently. One child will quickly master the process of combining sounds and letters into syllables, another may have difficulties at this stage. Do not proceed to the next stage - reading two-syllable words if the child hesitantly reads by syllables.  Be patient, conduct classes regularly, do not be afraid to try different techniques and ways of learning to read.

    Lecturer, specialist child development center
    Druzhinina Elena

    Robert Saakayants’s developing cartoon - “Learning to read by syllables”: