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  • Tatar sounds. Memo for the student of the Tatar language

    Tatar sounds.  Memo for the student of the Tatar language

    Memo for the student of the Tatar languageTo

    REMEMBER 10 rules:

    1. In the Tatar language, all words are either only SOFT or only HARD. Words containing vowels Ә, Ө, Ү, E (E), I - will be SOFT (for example: kәbestә) Words containing vowels A, O, U, Y - will be HARD (for example: uryndyk).

    2. In the Tatar language, the word consists of ROOT and AFFIX. There can be many affixes. Each affix stands for something.

    For example: cool - hand

    cool + lar - hands

    cool+ lar + ybyz - our hands

    cool+ lar + ybyz + yes - in our hands

    cool+ lar + ybyz + yes + gee - in our hands

    3. SOFT AFFIXES join SOFT words, FIRM AFFIXES join HARD words. For example: cool+ lar + ybyz + yes

    kүl+ lәr + ebez + dә

    4. The formation of new words occurs by attaching various affixes to the root:

    shoo- winter shoo+ ky - winter; iңa- new iңa+ lyk - news.

    5. The basis (by root) for the formation of all forms of verbs are verbs orders (!) - verbs of the imperative mood:

    bar!- go! bar+ dy - walked

    kөt!- wait! kөt +үche - waiting (who is waiting)

    asha! - eat! asha+ sa - if you eat.

    6. Conjugated stem verbs are the form 3 singular (3l.unit h.), i.e. form "st" - "he, she": st I am for - he's writing

    st yazgan - he wrote, etc.

    When conjugating verbs to a verb in the form of 3l. units h conjugation affixes are attached. For example, we conjugate present tense verbs:

    unity. the number of sets. number

    1L. min (i) I am for + m without (we) I am for + byz

    2L. sin (you) I am for + syң sez (you) I am for + syz

    3l. st (he, she) I am for alar (they) I am for + lar

    7. A question in Tatar can be asked in 2 ways:

    1) using interrogative words (interrogative pronouns): by whom?-who?; nәrsә? - what?; nindi? - what, what?; nigә? - why why? etc.

    Boo nindi kitap? -It's which book?

    2) Using question affixes -we / me that join the last word in the sentence. Boo kitap matur we? - Is this book beautiful?

    8. The word order in the Tatar sentence is different from the Russian sentence. Usually predicate-verb in the Tatar sentence stands last in a sentence, and in Russian in the middle of a sentence.

    Min bүgen dәftәrdә yazam.- I am today writing in a notebook.

    Words meaning time and place are located at the beginning of a sentence.

    9. In the Tatar language, there is a law of adaptability of consonants to a number of vowels, i.e. v soft words and consonants are pronounced softly. In hard words, consonants are pronounced hard. Compare: cool-solid, kүl- soft;

    Toal-solid, kөl- soft.

    In soft words, "b" is heard, but not written. In the Tatar language, "b" is written only in words borrowed from other languages.

    10. The Tatar language has chameleon vowels, which are pronounced differently in soft and hard words:

    [ya] - in the firm words of yarat [yarat]

    I AM:

    [yә] - in soft words yashel [yәshel]

    [yy] - in firm words I ate [yil]


    [yeh] - in soft words eget [yeget]

    [yu] - in firm words yul [yul]


    [yү] - in soft words yukә [yukә].

    Memo to the student Tatar language REMEMBER 10 rules: 1. In the Tatar language, all words are either only SOFT or only HARD. Words containing vowels Ә, Ө, Ү, E (E), I - will be SOFT (for example: kәbestә) Words containing vowels A, O, U, Y - will be HARD (for example: uryndyk). 2. In the Tatar language the word consists of ROOT and AFFIXA. There can be many affixes. Each affix stands for something. For example: kul - hand kul + lar - hands kul + lar + ybyz - our hands are kul + lar + ybyz + yes - in our hands kul + lar + ybyz + yes + gy - are in our hands 3. SOFT words join AFFIXES, the FIRM words are joined by the FIRM AFFIXES. For example: kul + lar + ybyz + da kүl + lәr + ebez + dә 4. New words are formed by adding different affixes to the root: kysh - winter kysh + ky - winter; yaңa - new yaңa + lyk - news. 5. The basis (root) for the formation of all forms of verbs are the verbs orders (!) - verbs of the imperative mood: bar! - go! bar + dy - went kөt! - wait! kөt + үche - waiting (who is waiting) asha! - you! asha + sa - if you eat. 6. The conjugated stem of the verbs is the form of the 3rdperson singular (3l. Singular), i.e. the form "ul" - "he, she": st yaza - he writes st yazgan - he wrote, etc. When conjugating verbs to a verb in the form of 3l. units h conjugation affixes are attached. For example, we conjugate the present tense verbs: unity. the number of sets. number 1L. min (i) yaza + m without (we) yaza + byz 2l. sin (you) yaza + syң sez (you) yaza + syz 3l. ul (he, she) yaza alar (oni) yaza + lar 7. A question in the Tatar language can be asked in 2 ways: 1) using interrogative words (interrogative pronouns): by whom? -who?; nārsā? - what ?; nindi? -what, what?; nigә? - why, why? etc. Boo nindi kitap? - What book is this? 2) With the help of question affixes -we / me, which are attached to the last word in the sentence. Bu kitap maturma? - Is this book beautiful? 8. The word order in the Tatar sentence differs from the Russian sentence. As a rule, the predicate-verb in the Tatar sentence is the last in the sentence, and in the Russian language in the middle of the sentence. Min bүgen dәftәrdә yazam. - Today I am writing in a notebook. Words meaning time and place are located at the beginning of a sentence. 9. In the Tatar language there is a law of adaptability of consonants to a number of vowels, i.e. in soft words and consonants are pronounced softly. In hard words, consonants are pronounced hard. Compare: cool-hard, kүl-soft; feces-hard, kөl-soft. In soft words, "b" is heard, but not written. In the Tatar language, "b" is written only in words borrowed from other languages. 10. The Tatar language has chameleon vowels, which are pronounced differently in soft and hard words: [ya] - in hard words yarat [yarat] I: [yә] - in soft words yashel [yәshel] [yy] - eaten [yil] E: [ye] - in soft words eget [yeget] [yu] - in hard words yul [yul] Yu: [yү] - in soft words yukә [yukә].


    The Tatar language belongs to the Kipchak-Bulgar group of Turkic languages.


    The basis of the Tatar vocabulary is formed by words of common Turkic origin, common with the vocabulary of Bashkir, Kazakh, Nogai, Kumyk, Uzbek, Azeri, Karachai, Turkmen, Tuvan, Yakut, Chuvash and other languages. These are words denoting parts of the human body, kinship, natural phenomena, animals, vegetable world, numerals, pronouns, etc.

    As a result of contacts with the languages ​​of various families, the Tatar language borrowed from them to one degree or another certain words. So, in the Tatar language there are Indian, Chinese, Finno-Ugric borrowings related to the era of the general Türkic state. A huge influence on the Tatar language was exerted by the Arabic and Persian languages, borrowings from which relate to religion, education, state and administrative life, philology, management, names, etc. Since the time of the Bulgar state, the Tatars had close ties with the Slavs, this connection is all intensified, especially after the annexation of Kazan to the Russian state. Close political, economic, cultural ties with Russia led to a huge layer of Russian borrowings, which, before the October Revolution, penetrated through oral speech and therefore underwent significant phonetic changes (furrow - brown, log - bүrәnә, cage - kelәt, resin- thought etc.). After the October Revolution, borrowings began to penetrate into the Tatar language through the written language and therefore are written and pronounced, as in Russian: army, ballet, hero, factory, cinema, collective farm, conservative, chief, chairman, revolution, reserve, secretary, council, state farm, fountain pen, voucher, check, action, rating etc. Borrowings from the Russian language cover all aspects of the life of the Tatar people and constitute the most numerous layer of borrowings.

    Through the Russian language, words are also borrowed from Western European languages ​​in the same meanings and sound as in Russian.

    And the Russian language, in close contact with the Tatar language for many centuries, borrowed hundreds of words from the Tatar and other Turkic and Eastern languages. These words are the common foundation for the Tatar and Russian languages. It - treasury, treasurer, altyn, money, karakul, mound, fog, blizzard, brick, morocco, brocade, atlas, caftan, chekmen, bashlyk, yapancha, heel, ichigi, diamond, pearl, lasso, collar, herd, argamak, biryuk, brown, roan, karak, leopard, wild boar, chipmunk, golden eagle, cockroach, reed, kavun, dope, elm, bishbarmak, kalach, tuzluk, katyk, ayran, tea, cast iron, cauldron, tursun, steelyard, yurt, tower, etc. .d.


    The writing of the Tatars experienced a change in a number of graphic systems and several reforms of alphabets and spelling. From ancient times until the 10th century, runic signs were used, then the Uyghur script. Since the 10th century, in connection with the adoption of Islam, the Bulgars switch to the Arabic alphabet, which is undergoing several reforms, starting from the end XIX century to 1928, when all the Turkic peoples of the USSR adopted the so-called I am an aliph (iңa + әlif- new letter) based on Latin graphics, which existed until 1939. Since that time, there has been a written language based on Russian graphics. The transition to the Latin alphabet is expected.

    The modern Tatar alphabet consists of 39 letters:

    The names of the letters in the Tatar language are the same as in Russian.

    An additional six letters were adopted to reflect the peculiarity of the phonetic system of the Tatar language: ә, ө, ү - vowels, җ , ң , һ - consonants.

    There are 9 vowel sounds in the Tatar language: a-ә, y-ү , s-e (e), o-ө , and.

    In addition to them, three more Russian sounds entered the Tatar language along with borrowed words: o (long), NS(long) NS(long), differing from the Tatar sounds conveyed by the same signs.

    Vowel sounds are divided into solid (back vowels) - a, y, s, oh and soft (front vowels): ә, ү, ө, e, and... Such a clear division of vowels determines the law of syngharmonism in the Tatar language, the essence of which boils down to the following: a number of vowel sounds in the root or in the first syllable is preserved in the affixes and syllables attached to it: kal-ma-gan-nar-hole(probably didn't stay), ki-ter-mә-gәn-nәr-me(didn’t they bring it?). Thus, the Tatar word is either only hard, or only soft. The exceptions are compound words and Arabic, Persian, as well as Russian borrowings: Gul + su(proper name), beat + bau(belt), kan + echkech(bloodthirsty), tөn + striker(lily); ifrat(very), kitap(book), ihtyyaҗ ( need), dindar(religious), җәshine(society), robe(agree), ichtimal(Maybe); committee, factory, kiosk, editorial office, institute, administration etc.

    For the formation of the vowel sounds of the Tatar language, the position of the lips, the horizontal and vertical movement of the tongue and the quantitative longitude are important. When pronouncing a-ә, s-e, and lips are not rounded, as is the case when pronouncing o-ө, and especially when y-ү. The tongue moves back and forth. When the tongue moves forward, soft vowels are formed (front row) ә, ү, ө, e, and; when moving backwards - solid vowels (back row): a, a, a, a, a... At the lowest position of the tongue, a-ә(low rise). At the highest vertical position - vowels y-ү, and, and between these two positions - s-e, o-ө.

    Short vowels differ in quantitative longitude: s - e, o-ө and long: a-ә, u, u-ү.

    Vowel [a° ] ... In the Tatar language, this sound is rounded, especially in the initial syllables, which gradually disappears towards the end of the word: ka° la° la° pga- cities.

    Vowel [ә]... It is an open, long sound. When pronouncing this sound, the vertical position of the tongue is the lowest possible: әrem-sagebrush, әni-Mother, these-dad, әнә-von, әrekmәn- burdock. The vowel of the front row, when pronounced, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower front teeth, the tongue is pushed forward, the front part of the back of the tongue is slightly raised up towards the hard palate.

    Vowels [y] - [ү]... Sound [ at] does not differ from Russian. Sound [ ү ] is a soft pair of phonemes [ at]. This is a vowel - rounded, front row; when pronouncing it, the tongue is raised as much as possible. Reminds Russian at in the word of the jury: urman- Forest, urak- sickle, feces- stay, bүlү- divide, kүl- Lake.

    Vowel [and]... Vowel [ and] matches Russian [ and]: irkәm(my tender). At the end of a syllable and words in the Tatar language and pronounced like short and:sөili (th)(tells) әni (th) (mother), kүzli (th)(observes).

    Vowels [o] - [ө]... It's semi-narrow, short sounds pronounced with the participation of the lips. They differ from each other only by the movement of the tongue forward and backward during articulation. Letters o-ө are written only in the first syllable, despite the fact that they are heard: kolyn[… Olon] - foal, sola[solo] - oats, kөlke[kөlkө] - funny, sөlge [sөlgө] - towel.

    Vowels [s] - [e]... Vowel [ NS] differs from Russian in that Russian [ NS] is pronounced with a higher rise of the back of the tongue to the palate than the Tatar [ NS]: lyys- needles, kyrgych- scraper, kurkynych- dangerous, suzynky- oblong. Vowel e differs from NS just next to it, reminds of Russian NS in the word these ... Graphically depicted NS(at the beginning of a word) and e(in the middle of a word): elek(before), Elgechne(hanger), kererg(login) etc.

    Sounds borrowed from the Russian language oh s, uh pronounced in the same way as in Russian itself (tone, premise, poetry).

    There are 28 consonants in the Tatar language.25 of them are used in the primordial Tatar words ah, Arab-Persian borrowings. These are sounds like: [п] - [b], [m], [w], [f], [T]- [d], [n], [with]- [s], [h]-[җ ], [NS]-[f], [l], [R], [NS], [th] , [To]-[G], []- [], [ң ], [һ ], [‘] (Gamza-guttural explosion). The consonants [v], [c], [u] are used only in Russian borrowings. Consonants [ b]-[NS], [d]- [T], [v]-[f], [f]- [NS], [with]- [s], [l], [m], [n], [th], [R] do not differ from Russian sounds. Unlike the Russian language, where the softness of the consonants plays a meaningful role (brother - take, they say, mole, blow - hit), in the Tatar language the softness of consonants depends on adjacent vowels and does not distinguish between meaning: bar(go) - bәr(strike), bul(be) - bүl(Delhi), toz(salt) - tөz(slim).

    The specific sounds of the Tatar language are as follows:

    Consonant [w]- graphically indicated as in, u-ү (vakyt- time, tau- mountain, vәkil- representative, dәү- adult, large). Formed by rounded lips, semi-vowel. By letter v Russian voiced slit sound is also transmitted: carriage, fan, stained glass.

    Consonant [h]- slit voiceless consonant, differs from Russian h lack of initial bow T: Chilube- Chelyabinsk, chibur-beautiful, quality- run away, kechken- small.

    Consonant [җ] - ringing couple h resembling the last sound in the Russian word rain: җif l - Jalil, taҗ- a crown, toәҗә- goat, җilәk- berry.

    Consonant [k]- voiceless, occlusive, back-lingual consonant, found in primordial Tatar words: keel- come, kiruk- necessary, sәnәk- pitchfork, ә roll - slowly. Sound To close To Russian soft To: cinema, wagon, skittles.

    A consonant [...]- voiceless, deep-lingual, occlusive consonant: ... al-stay, ... ala ...- spoon, a…- White, su ... you- hit, a ... sa ...- lame.

    Consonant [r]- voiced consonant pair [ To]: gөlәp- rose hip, gүzәl- beautiful, үgi- orphan, kilgan - came... Sound G close to Russian G: garage, garland, sleeve, roasting.

    Consonant [„]- voiced consonant pair [...]: a „a- flows, boo ah- seems, su „an- onion, " ata- Gata, „ alim- scientist. Reminds Russian G in dialectal pronunciation: god god.

    Consonant [ң]- soft palatal, uvular, nasal sound, when pronounced, the back of the tongue touches the soft palate, the tongue closes the entrance to the oral cavity, and the air stream passes through the nose, getting a nasal tint: - left, tuңa- freezes; aңly- understands aңa- his. Reminiscent of a concatenation of consonants ng.

    Consonant [x]- voiceless, deep-lingual, slit consonant, has a deeper place of formation than Russian NS: halyk- people, hack- right, ahak- opal, huҗa- master.

    Consonant [һ]- a voiceless slit consonant formed by the convergence of the walls of the pharynx. This sound is more used in words borrowed from the Persian language: һәykәl- a monument, һava- air, һәp- each, shәһәr- town. Corresponds to German һ .

    Consonant gamza(guttural explosion) - formed by the bow of the larynx and a break in the voice, found in Arabic borrowings and interjections: tәesir(tә’sir) - attention, temin(tә'min) - security, NS(uh) (designation of refusal to speak) - no; maemai- a dog. On the letter it is indicated by the letter e.


    In the Tatar language, there are 6 types of syllables according to which words are built:

    1) vowel: and(tilt) u-ram(Street).

    2) consonant + vowel: NS(drive) su(water);

    3) vowel + consonant: az(few), st(he);

    4) consonant + vowel + consonant: tar(close), feces(stay);

    5) vowel + consonant + consonant (combinations lt, nt, rt, yt): әyt(tell), ant(vow), art (behind) ;

    6) consonant + vowel + consonant + consonant: kart(old), kite (come back), kyrt (sharply).

    In addition to these primordial types of syllables, borrowed words in the Tatar language retain the syllabus of the borrowed language.

    The Tatar language is characterized by the fact that two consonants cannot be adjacent to one syllable, excluding the last two types of syllables, where one consonant is always a sonant - p, l, j, n, m, w. Therefore, some Russian words in common parlance sound with additional short vowels s, e: yyshkaf, ystansa, tyraktor, flag, fyrukt, ystena etc. This phenomenon is sometimes reflected in the letter: bүrәnә(log), escert(skird), escmia(bench) etc.

    Accent (bass).

    As a rule, the stress falls on the last syllable in a word: belemle- knowledgeable; tүgәrәk- round, circle; sөylәgәnnәr- told. When affixes are attached, the stress usually moves to the final syllable: belemlerәk - more knowledgeable tүgәrәklәrne- round, circles, sөylәgәnnәren- what they said. The exceptions are the following cases:

    1) the affix of negation -ma / -mә always unstressed: karama- don't look kүrsәtmә- do not show, sөilәmәgez- do not tell;

    2) in the 2nd person of the imperative mood, the stress falls on the first syllable: yazigiz- write, tiksheregez- check if tashla- throw it;

    3) the affixes of the predicate do not take stress on themselves: min ukuchymyn- I am a pupil; sez bәhetlesez- you are happy; without shatbyz- we are happy, etc .;

    4) in paired words, the stress falls on the final syllable of the first component: malay-shalai(boys) timer-tomyr(any iron), tyz-byz(back and forth), etc .;

    5) in interrogative pronouns, the stress usually falls on the first syllable: kaida- where, kemene- who, nindi- which, kais- which the;

    6) in borrowed unions, the stress usually falls on the first syllable: chөnki- because, lukin- but, umma- but, gүya- like, yagini- that is, etc .;

    7) reinforcing particles take on stress: bik matur- very beautiful, iң tirәn- The most deep, ap-ak- white-white, zәp-zәңgәr- blue-blue;

    8) postpositions are usually pronounced without stress blue white- with you, anyң өchen- for him, st hakt- about it, sous builap- down the river, kүper asha- across the bridge, etc .;

    9) in borrowings from the Russian language of the Soviet and subsequent period, the stress is preserved as in the source language: cultivator, democracy, tele-visor, in˜ ideo, voucher, automation, energy, territory, cosmetics etc.


    Word formation and shaping in the Tatar language.

    The Tatar language belongs to agglutinative languages, that is, in it the formation of words and forms is carried out by attaching word-forming, form-forming and inflectional affixes to the root of the word in a certain sequence: at(root) - ly(derivational affix of presence) -lar(formative affix of plurality) -byz(formative affix of belonging 1st person plural) -ha(inflectional affix of the directional case): atlylfish- to our (people) who have horses.

    The peculiarity of an agglutinative language, such as Tatar, is that each attached affix usually has one meaning: tossyz(unsalted) - -syz- the affix of absence; kүrde(had seen) - -de-affix of the categorical past tense; җәyge(summer) - -ge-Affix forming an adjective, etc., oilche(oilman) - -che- an affix forming the name of persons by profession; kitabym(my book)-- th- the affix of belonging to the 1st person singular.

    Most of the roots of Tatar words are usually monosyllabic, and each root independently expresses the lexical meaning: white- know kөn- day, tar- narrow, su- water, ak- White, teese- quickly, feces- stay, kөl- ash; laugh, - right.

    In the Tatar language, they differ in structure root the words ( kөz- autumn, ike- two, kөl- laugh, you- age, min- I am, az- few); derivatives (kazylma- fossil, tulsyncha- entirely, ialәshterү- to bring closer, bezneңchә- in our opinion, eshchun-business); complex (akosh- Swan, kuzallau- imagine, kүpyellik- long-term, bilbau- belt, suүsem- algae, һichkaida- nowhere, shakkatu- be surprised tөnozyn- all night long); paired (timer-tomyr- glands, malay-shalai- boys, savyt-saba- dishes, kerdele-chyktyly- out of place, yalynu-yalwara- to beg, chүp-char- rubbish, kүzgә-kүz- in a personal meeting, aksyl-sary- pale yellow, tegendi-mondy- not bad) and composite (ak shigyr- white verse, timmer yul - Railway, Kiek kaz yuli- Milky Way, үgi ana yafragy- coltsfoot, үtә kүrenmәle- transparent, yөz altmysh bishenche- one hundred and sixty-fifth, tәkъdim itү- offer, ant itү- swear yakyn kүrү- sympathize, yardәm itү- to help, recites satu- sharpen the fringes, is the whale- be surprised үrnәk tөstә- exemplary, ashygych rәveshtә- hastily).


    In the Tatar language, as in Russian, there are 6 independent parts of speech: the noun ( issem), adjective ( syyfat), numeral ( dignity), pronoun ( almashlyk), verb ( bullshit) and adverb ( rāvesh).

    A special part of speech is made up of interjections ( ymlyklar), onomatopoeic words ( avaz iyartemnәre), modal words ( modal sүzlәr) and particles ( kisәkchәlәr). Auxiliary parts of speech are postpositions ( bәyleklәr), unions ( terkәgechlәr), connecting words and sentences.

    Noun (Issem)

    A noun in the Tatar language has two numbers: the only ( berlek) and plural ( kүplek). The singular is contrasted with the plural by the absence of a number indicator: kitap - kitaplar(book - books), tәrәzә - tәrәzәlәr(window - windows). As you can see from the examples, the plurals are - lar / -lәr... After nasal m, n, ң the option is used -nar / -nәr: tөn - tөnnәr(night - nights), scarlet - alymnar(way - ways) moң - monar(melody - melodies).

    In the Tatar language, the grammatical forms of the singular can express a generalized plural concept of the whole type of a given subject: cache- person people), chәchәk- flower (flowers), hәh- hair (hair), kitap- book (books), etc. The quantitatively precise singularity is expressed by the numeral ber: ber burtek arysh, ber tamchy su, ber bala etc.

    The peculiarity of the Tatar language is that the name of the category of belonging ( tartom category), denoting the belonging of an object to a specific person and having special affixes. Depending on which sounds the base of the word has - a vowel or a consonant, the affixes of belonging also differ:

    After stems on a vowel

    After basics on a consonant

    Thus, in the Tatar language, the meaning of belonging is expressed in one word, while in Russian - in two words: kolym- my hand, kүzlәre- their eyes.

    The special meaning of belonging is expressed by the affix -nike / -neke: balanyks- owned by a child; әtineke- owned by the father; collective farmers- owned by the collective farm.

    In the Tatar language, as well as in Russian, there are 6 cases, however, the meanings of the cases do not completely coincide. The case affix is ​​attached after the plural affix, after the belonging affix: өstәl - өstәllәr - өstәllәre - өstәllәrendә.

    Depending on which final sound of the word the case affix is ​​attached to, it can have different variants.

    Genitive, accusative have only 2 variants depending on the hardness and softness of the root.

    Directional ( yunәlesh), local time ( uryn-vakyt) have more options depending on the voicedness-deafness of the final sound of the base. Original ( chygysh) the case has 3 variants depending on the softness-hardness of the root, voicedness-deafness of the final sound of the stem or nasal character.


    Without the affix of belonging

    Examples of


    (Bash kilesh)

    uram kөz

    street autumn

    Genitive / Possessive (Iyalak kileshe)

    uram-nyң kөz-neң

    autumn streets

    Directional (Yunәlesh Kileshe)

    uram-ga kөz-gә

    on the streets by autumn

    stupid kisәk-kә

    on the ball to the part

    Accusative (Tөshem Kilesh)

    uram-ny kөz-not

    autumn street


    (Chygysh kileshe)

    uram-nan kөn-nәn

    from the street from the day

    tup-tan esh-tun

    from the ball from work

    kala-dan kөz-dәn

    from the city with autumn


    (Uryn-vakyt kileshe)

    uram-da kөn-dә

    on the street per day

    stupid-ta esh-tә

    on the ball at work

    Among the cases, the nominative is most often used (more than 30 percent compared to other cases), which performs the syntactic functions of a subject, addition, definition, predicate, circumstance (together with postpositions and postpositions). Bakcha matur(The garden is beautiful). Bala kitap uky ( The child reads a book). әtii - ukytuchy(0father is a teacher). Apa altyn sәgat algan(My sister bought a gold watch.) өstәl өstandә zhurnalar yata(There are magazines on the table). Without tynychlyk өchen kөrәshә without(We are fighting for peace).

    The Tatar language is characterized by a combination of a name with a name (Turkic izafet), which has three types: 1) non-affixed ( tash kүper- a stone bridge, balchyk uy- clay house, kөmesh kalak- silver spoon); 2) with the affix of belonging III faces -y / -e, -sy / -se in the second component ( һava fleets- air fleet, avyl clubs- country club, өy tүbәse- roof of the house); 3) with the possessive affix in the first component and the belonging affix in the second component ( әtyneң sәgate- father's watch, iptәshemneң eshe- the work of a friend, өyneң achkychy- house key).

    The certainty-indefiniteness of names is expressed by the opposition of the nominative and accusative, nominative and possessive cases: Min kitap ukyim - Min kitapny ukyim(I am reading a book. I am reading this book). Collective farm bakchasy zur - collective farm bakchasy zur(The garden of the collective farm is large - The garden of (this) collective farm is large). Uncertainty of the subject, person is expressed by the use of indefinite pronouns ber(one), nindider(some), camder(somebody), kaysydyr(some), etc. Uramda ber malay uyny- A boy is playing on the street. Anyң turenda nindider sozlәr sөylәgәnnәr- Some words were said about him.

    Unlike Russian, there is no gender in the Tatar language: if it is necessary to express a generic characteristic, words are added ana, ata(mother father); ata kaz- gander, ana kaz- goose; or there is a word of another root: tavyk-әtәch(chicken - rooster), syyer - үgez(a cow is a bull).

    The most common derivational affixes of the names of the Tatar language:

    -dash (-dәsh), -tash (-tәsh) (iptәsh- comrade, yuldash- satellite, avyldash- fellow villager, yashtәsh- peer);

    -chy-che (yulchy- traveler, oilche- oilman, collective farmers- collective farmer, eshche- worker);

    -lik-lek (җilәklek- berry place, naratlik- pine forest, clump- sandy place, tashlik- rocky place);

    -ak-әk-k (urak- sickle, kөrәk- shovel, torak-dwelling, kitty- piece, cock- comb, ilәk- sieve);

    -gych-gech, -kych-ketch (kyrgych- scraper, Totkych- holder, basque- ladder, utyrgych- seat).

    -ysh-esh (utyrysh- meeting, kүchesh- transition, tөrlәesh- declination, achysh- opening), etc.

    Adjective (syyfat)

    In the Tatar language, adjectives denote features of objects, do not have formal indicators, always precede the word being defined, and do not agree with the noun: zәңgәr chәchәk- blue flower, zәңgәr chәchәklәrgә- blue colors.

    Qualitative ( asyl) and relative ( nisbee) adjectives, and qualitative ones have four degrees.