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  • Approximate version of the exam in chemistry. Demonstration versions of the exam in chemistry (grade 11). Preparation for the exam in chemistry - quickly and efficiently

    Approximate version of the exam in chemistry.  Demonstration versions of the exam in chemistry (grade 11).  Preparation for the exam in chemistry - quickly and efficiently

    Sodium nitride weighing 8.3 g reacted with sulfuric acid with a mass fraction of 20% and a mass of 490 g. Then crystalline soda weighing 57.2 g was added to the resulting solution. Find the mass fraction (%) of acid in the final solution. Write down the reaction equations that are indicated in the condition of the problem, bring all the necessary calculations (indicate the units of measurement of the desired physical quantities). Round up the answer for the site to the nearest whole number.

    Real exam 2017. Task 34.

    Cyclic substance A (does not contain oxygen and substituents) is oxidized with a break in the cycle to substance B weighing 20.8 g, the combustion products of which are carbon dioxide with a volume of 13.44 liters and water weighing 7.2 g. Based on the given task conditions: 1) make the calculations necessary to establish the molecular formula of organic matter B; 2) write down molecular formulas organic matter A and B; 3) make up structural formulas organic substances A and B, which unambiguously reflect the bond order of atoms in a molecule; 4) write the equation for the oxidation reaction of substance A with potassium permanganate sulfate solution to form substance B. In the answer for the site, indicate the sum of all atoms in one molecule of the original organic substance A.

    Demonstration options for the exam in chemistry for grade 11 consist of two parts. The first part includes tasks to which you need to give a short answer. The tasks from the second part must be answered in detail.

    Everything demonstration versions of the exam in chemistry contain correct answers to all assignments and assessment criteria for items with a detailed answer.

    V demo version of the USE 2020 in chemistry compared with Demo 2019 in Chemistry no changes.

    Demonstration options for the exam in chemistry

    Note that demonstration options for chemistry are presented in pdf format, and to view them, you must have installed, for example, the free software package Adobe Reader on your computer.

    Demonstration version of the USE in chemistry for 2002
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2004
    Demonstration version of the USE in chemistry for 2005
    Demonstration version of the USE in chemistry for 2006
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2007
    Demonstration version of the USE in chemistry for 2008
    Demonstration version of the USE in chemistry for 2009
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2010
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2011
    Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry for 2012
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2013
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2014
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2015
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2016
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2017
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2018
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2019
    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry for 2020

    Changes in the demo versions of the exam in chemistry

    Demo options USE in chemistry for grade 11 for 2002 - 2014 consisted of three parts. The first part included tasks in which you need to choose one of the proposed answers. The tasks from the second part required a short answer. To the tasks from the third part, it was necessary to give a detailed answer.

    In 2014 in demo version of the exam in chemistry the following changes:

    • all calculation tasks, the performance of which was estimated at 1 point, were placed in part 1 of the work (A26-A28),
    • theme "Redox reactions" tested using assignments IN 2 and C1;
    • theme "Hydrolysis of salts" was checked only with the help of the task AT 4;
    • a new task has been included(in position AT 6) to check the topics “ qualitative reactions on inorganic substances and ions "," qualitative reactions of organic compounds "
    • total number of tasks in each version became 42 (instead of 43 in 2013 work).

    In 2015, there were fundamental changes were made:

      The variant became be in two parts(part 1 - short answer assignments, part 2 - tasks with a detailed answer).

      Numbering assignments became through throughout the version without letter designations A, B, C.

      Was the form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answer has been changed: the answer began to be written in a number with the number of the correct answer (and not marked with a cross).

      It was the number of tasks of the basic difficulty level has been reduced from 28 to 26 tasks.

      Maximum score for completing all the tasks of the examination work in 2015 became 64 (instead of 65 points in 2014).

    • The grading system has been changed tasks for finding the molecular formula of a substance... The maximum score for its implementation is - 4 (instead of 3 points in 2014).

    V 2016 year in demo version in chemistrysignificant changes were made compared to the previous 2015 :

      In part 1 changed the format of tasks 6, 11, 18, 24, 25 and 26 basic level of difficulty with a short answer.

      Changed the format of tasks 34 and 35 advanced level of complexity : these tasks now require matching instead of choosing multiple correct answers from the proposed list.

      The distribution of tasks by difficulty level and types of tested skills has been changed.

    In 2017 compared to demo version 2016 in chemistrythere have been significant changes. The structure of the examination work has been optimized:

      Was the structure of the first part has been changed demo version: tasks with a choice of one answer were excluded from it; tasks were grouped into separate thematic blocks, each of which began to contain tasks of both basic and advanced levels of difficulty.

      It was reduced the total number of tasks up to 34.

      Was grading scale changed(from 1 to 2 points) performing tasks of the basic level of complexity, which check the assimilation of knowledge about the genetic relationship of inorganic and organic substances (9 and 17).

      Maximum score for completing all the tasks of the examination work was reduced to 60 points.

    In 2018 in demo version of the exam in chemistry compared with demo 2017 in chemistry the following changes:

      It was added task 30 high level of complexity with a detailed answer,

      Maximum score for the completion of all tasks of the examination work remained without change by changing the grading scale for tasks in Part 1.

    V demonstration versions of the exam 2019 - 2020 in chemistry compared with demo 2018 in chemistry there were no changes.

    We have developed training tests in chemistry for the exam 2020 with answers and solutions.

    In preparation, study 10 training options, based on the new demos.

    Features of tasks in tests of the exam in chemistry

    Consider the typology and structure of some of the tasks of the first part:

    • - the condition gives a series chemical elements and questions regarding each of them, pay attention to the number of boxes for the answer - there are two of them, therefore, there are two solutions;
    • - correspondence between two sets: there will be two columns, in one formulas of substances, and in the second - a group of substances, it will be necessary to find correspondences.
    • In the first part, there will also be tasks that require the behavior of a "mental chemical experiment" in which the student chooses formulas that allow him to find the correct answer to the exam question.
    • The tasks of the second block are higher in complexity and require mastery of several content elements and several skills and abilities.

    prompt: when solving a problem, it is important to determine the class, group of substances and properties.

    Tasks with detailed answers are aimed at checking knowledge of the main courses:

    Preparation for the exam in chemistry - quickly and efficiently

    Quickly- means, not less than six months:

    1. Pull up on math.
    2. Review the whole theory.
    3. Solve online chemistry trial options, watch video tutorials.

    Our site has provided such an opportunity - go train and get high scores on exams.

    In 2-3 months it is impossible to learn (repeat, tighten up) such a complex discipline as chemistry.

    There are no changes in the KIM USE 2020 in chemistry.

    Don't put off your preparation until later.

    1. When starting to analyze the tasks, first study theory... The theory on the site is presented for each task in the form of recommendations that you need to know when completing the task. will guide you in the study of the main topics and determine what knowledge and skills will be required when completing the USE tasks in chemistry. For a successful passing the exam in chemistry, theory is most important.
    2. Theory needs to be backed up practice constantly solving tasks. Since most of the mistakes are due to the fact that I read the exercise incorrectly, I did not understand what is required in the task. The more often you solve thematic tests, the faster you will understand the structure of the exam. Training tasks developed on the basis of demos from FIPI give such an opportunity to decide and find out the answers. But don't rush to pry. First, decide for yourself and see how many points you scored.

    Points for each chemistry task

    • 1 point - for tasks 1-6, 11-15, 19-21, 26-28.
    • 2 points - 7-10, 16-18, 22-25, 30, 31.
    • 3 points - 35.
    • 4 points - 32, 34.
    • 5 points - 33.

    Total: 60 points.

    Exam structure consists of two blocks:

    1. Questions that involve a short answer (in the form of a number or a word) - tasks 1-29.
    2. Problems with detailed answers - tasks 30-35.

    3.5 hours (210 minutes) are allotted for the performance of the examination work in chemistry.

    There will be three cheat sheets on the exam. And you need to understand them

    This is 70% of the information that will help you successfully pass the chemistry exam. The remaining 30% is the ability to use the presented cheat sheets.

    • If you want to get more than 90 points, you need to spend a lot of time on chemistry.
    • To successfully pass the exam in chemistry, you need to solve a lot:, training tasks, even if they seem easy and of the same type.
    • Distribute your strength correctly and do not forget about rest.

    Dare, try and you will succeed!

    The result of the exam in chemistry not lower than the minimum established number of points gives the right to enter universities for specialties, where in the list entrance examinations there is a subject of chemistry.

    Universities do not have the right to set a minimum threshold for chemistry below 36 points. Prestigious universities tend to set their minimum threshold much higher. Because first-year students must have very good knowledge to study there.

    On the official website of the FIPI, every year the versions of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry are published: a demonstration, an early period. It is these options that give an idea of ​​the structure of the future exam and the level of complexity of tasks and are sources of reliable information in preparation for the exam.

    Early version of the exam in chemistry 2017

    Year Download early version
    2017 variant po himii
    2016 download

    Demonstration version of the exam in chemistry 2017 from FIPI

    Option of tasks + answers Download demo version
    Specification demo variant himiya ege
    Codifier kodifikator

    There are changes in the versions of the USE in chemistry in 2017 compared to the CMM of the last 2016, so it is advisable to prepare according to the current version, and use the options of previous years for the diverse development of graduates.

    Additional materials and equipment

    For each option of the examination work of the exam on chemistry the following materials are attached:

    periodic system chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev;

    - table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water;

    - electrochemical series of metal voltages.

    During the examination work, it is allowed to use a non-programmable calculator. The list of additional devices and materials, the use of which is permitted for the Unified State Exam, is approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

    For those who want to continue their education at a university, the choice of subjects should depend on the list of entrance examinations in the chosen specialty
    (direction of training).

    The list of entrance examinations in universities for all specialties (areas of training) is determined by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Each university chooses from this list certain subjects that it indicates in its admission rules. You need to familiarize yourself with this information on the websites of the selected universities before applying for participation in the Unified State Exam with a list of selected subjects.