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  • Come up with a continuation of the story of the little soldier of Platon. All school essays on literature. Farewell to the Major and the boy's tears

    Come up with a continuation of the story of the little soldier of Platon.  All school essays on literature.  Farewell to the Major and the boy's tears

    Andrey Platonov's story "The Little Soldier" begins with a description of the station. A train station, a half-station is a temporary shelter. Some kind of dullness, uncertainty in him, as well as in the image of a "long-abandoned house." As if a blurry photograph, engraved in the memory not so much as images, but as an impression. But there is something that enlivens this picture: "on the second track, the boiler of the hot train on duty quietly hissed." Something warm is heard in this hissing, something that connects this stationary station, which has fallen asleep somewhere “not far from the front line,” with home, with the Motherland, with life. The locomotive is a way of movement, hope.

    The name itself consists of two parts: "Little" and "soldier". A soldier is a warrior, which means courage, fortitude, willpower. A soldier is a way of life, a mindset.

    "Small" is only age, the definition of "small" does not directly refer to the concept of "soldier". A certain contradiction, inconsistency (antithesis) serves as a means of expressing the main idea. Small means a child; a soldier is not a child, not a man or an old man, a soldier is all at once.

    The "little soldier" is already an image. The word "small" in such a combination becomes a capacious epithet that immediately introduces us to the feeling of the tragedy of the war.

    In the plot, we see the development of the antithesis inherent in the title, its response, response, like dull cannon strikes. When you read the description of the boy: "gray overcoat", "cap and boots", you involuntarily want to exclaim: "Soldier!" And then "the bright eyes of a child, clearly reflecting his sadness" appear, as if they were "the living surface of his heart", and the word "soldier" involuntarily comes to the definition - "small".

    The composition is also unusual - the plot does not coincide with the plot: the beginning is the image of a house in the middle of the war, then there is a description of the boy's farewell to the major, after which the author tells us his story, sparingly, simply listing Serezha's exploits, and then again returning to the reality of what is happening. Such a flow from the past into the present, as it were, symbolizes the fragility of ties in the war, their violent interruption - meeting-parting, birth-death, in a word, “it is difficult for people from there to return to each other”.

    War ... It is impossible to hide from it, to leave, it inevitably affects everyone, the war is inside each person, especially the child. The impressionable childlike soul of the protagonist - Seryozha - absorbs everything that is happening around. War becomes part inner peace the child, depriving him of his childhood, making him older: “the child already knew what the distance and the time of war were”, he “already began to really understand what war is for”, he took war close to his heart, he had already become a soldier. A. Platonov himself in one of his letters says that war is an abnormal state, it is unnatural, it disrupts the life of people, cripples their souls. And "Little Soldier" in many ways sounds like pain from the fact that the war touches the defenseless child's soul. But, on the other hand, A. Platonov himself lives in this time, in war, and in this sense his story also sounds like powerlessness to change anything.

    When I read The Little Soldier, I imagine how I would make a film based on this story. The film is necessarily black and white: the station - a general shot, then the boy himself, his eyes, himself - a close-up. The scene of farewell - close-up, moving the camera first to the major, then to the boy. His story, the story of a child who grew up in war, in war and out of war, seems to me like a series of flashing black-and-white frames ...

    The story was written in 1943, the author simply could not help but turn to the topic of war, and, probably, he wanted to show how it was reflected in the soul little man who has just entered life and has already been forced to walk through it independently, obeying its cruel laws ("his character was drawn into the war").

    The scene of the farewell of ten-year-old Seryozha to Major Savelyev, the man who replaced everyone, is as if torn to pieces. This is highlighted even graphically: almost every sentence begins with a new paragraph - as if sobbing, sighing, moaning.

    This "holy childhood, from where the war took him away," nevertheless echoed in the child, reflected in his eyes, sounded in his loyalty to "one feeling and one person." This story, it seems to me, is not just a description of the story of Seryozha Labkov, it is a picture depicting the war from one of its most tragic sides, which is also emphasized by its open ending.

    At the end of the story, the boy goes into the unknown, how, probably, thousands left, how children's souls were dissolved in the war. The image of this boy, whose story A. Platonov describes, is like a frozen frame, "caught" by the author. “All destinies are merged into a single one” (V. Vysotsky) - indeed, a boy who came from nowhere, came without a name (just “Little Soldier”) and goes nowhere. "Little soldier" - as a generalization, as a collective image, as an inscription on a grave.

    Platonov Andrey

    Little soldier

    Andrey Platonovich PLATONOV


    Not far from the front line, inside the surviving railway station, the Red Army men, who had fallen asleep on the floor, snored sweetly; the happiness of relaxation was etched on their weary faces.

    On the second path, the boiler of a hot steam locomotive on duty quietly hissed, as if a monotonous, soothing voice was singing from a long-abandoned house. But in one corner of the station, where a kerosene lamp burned, people occasionally whispered coaxing words to each other, and then they fell into silence.

    There stood two majors, similar to each other not in outward signs, but in the general kindness of wrinkled, tanned faces; each of them held the boy's hand in his own, and the child looked imploringly at the commanders. The child did not let go of the hand of one major, and then pressed his face to it, and from the hand of the other he carefully tried to free himself. The child looked about ten years old, but he was dressed like a seasoned fighter - in a gray overcoat, worn out and pressed against his body, in a cap and boots, sewn, apparently, to the size of a child's leg. His small face, thin, weather-beaten, but not emaciated, adapted and already accustomed to life, was now turned to one major; the child's bright eyes clearly bared his sadness, as if they were the living surface of his heart; he longed to be separated from his father or an older friend, whom he must have happened to be the major.

    The second major drew the child by the hand to him and caressed him, comforting him, but the boy, without removing his hand, remained indifferent to him. The first major was also saddened, and he whispered to the child that he would soon take him to him and they would meet again for an inseparable life, and now they are parting for a short time. The boy believed him, but the truth itself could not comfort his heart, attached to only one person and wishing to be with him constantly and close, and not far away. The child already knew what the distance of distance and the time of war is - it is difficult for people from there to return to each other, so he did not want separation, and his heart could not be alone, it was afraid that, being alone, it would die. And in his last request and hope, the boy looked at the major, who must leave him with a stranger.

    Well, Seryozha, goodbye bye, - said the major whom the child loved. - You don't try to fight especially, you grow up, then you will. Do not climb on the German and take care of yourself so that I can find you alive, whole. Well, what are you, what are you - hold on, soldier!

    Seryozha burst into tears. The major lifted him into his arms and kissed him on the face several times. Then the major went with the child to the exit, and the second major also followed them, instructing me to guard the things I had left.

    The child returned in the arms of another major; he looked strangely and timidly at the commander, although this major persuaded him with gentle words and drew him to himself as best he could.

    The major, who replaced the departed, admonished the silent child for a long time, but the child, true to one feeling and one person, remained aloof.

    Not far from the station, anti-aircraft guns began to hit. The boy listened attentively to their booming dead sounds, and excited interest appeared in his gaze.

    Their scout is coming! he said quietly, as if to himself. - He walks high, and the anti-aircraft guns will not take him, you need to send a fighter there.

    They will send, - said the major. - They are watching over there.

    The train we needed was expected only the next day, and all three of us went to the hostel for the night. There the major fed the child from his heavily laden sack. "How tired I am of him for the war, this bag," said the major, "and how grateful I am to him!"

    The boy fell asleep after eating, and Major Bakhichev told me about his fate.

    Sergei Labkov was the son of a colonel and a military doctor. His father and mother served in the same regiment, so they took their only son to them, so that he lived with them and grew up in the army. Seryozha was now in his tenth year; he took the war and his father's work to heart and already began to understand truly what war was for. And then one day he heard his father talking in a dugout with one officer and was worried that the Germans would definitely blow up the ammunition of his regiment when they retreated. The regiment had previously left the German coverage - well, with haste, of course, and left its ammunition depot with the Germans, and now the regiment had to go ahead and return the lost land and its goods on it, and ammunition, too, which was needed. "They've probably brought the wire to our warehouse, they know that they will have to withdraw," the colonel, Serezha's father, said then. Sergei listened attentively and realized what his father was concerned about. The boy knew the location of the regiment before the retreat, and so he, small, thin, cunning, crawled at night to our warehouse, cut the explosive closing wire and remained there for a whole day, a watchman, so that the Germans would not repair the damage, and if they fix it, then again cut the wire. Then the colonel knocked the Germans out of there, and the whole warehouse passed into his possession.

    Soon this little boy made his way to the rear of the enemy; there he recognized by signs where the command post of a regiment or battalion was, walked around the three batteries at some distance, remembered everything exactly - the memory was not corrupted by anything, and when he returned home, he showed his father on the map how it was and where it was. The father thought, gave his son to the orderly for the constant observation of him and opened fire on these points. Everything turned out right, the son gave him the correct serifs. He is small, this Seryozhka, the enemy took him for a gopher in the grass: let him move, they say. And Seryozhka, probably, did not stir the grass, walked without a sigh.

    The boy also deceived the orderly, or, so to speak, seduced him: since he took him somewhere, and together they killed a German, it is not known which of them, but the position was found by Sergei.

    So he lived in the regiment, with his father and mother and with the soldiers. The mother, seeing such a son, could no longer tolerate his uncomfortable position and decided to send him to the rear. But Sergei could no longer leave the army, his character was drawn into the war. And he told that major, his father's deputy, Savelyev, who had just left, that he would not go to the rear, but rather hide as a prisoner of the Germans, find out from them everything he needed, and would return to his father's unit again when his mother knew him. miss you. And he would have done, perhaps, so, because he has a military character.

    And then grief happened, and there was no time to send the boy to the rear. His father, the colonel, was seriously injured, although the battle, they say, was weak, and he died two days later in a field hospital. The mother, too, fell ill, became dull, she was still mutilated by two shrapnel wounds, one was in the cavity, and a month after her husband she also died; maybe she still missed her husband ... Sergei was left an orphan.

    Major Savelyev took command of the regiment, he took the boy to him and became him instead of his father and mother, instead of his relatives as a whole person. The boy also answered Volodya with all his heart.

    And I’m not part of them, I’m from another. But I know Volodya Savelyev from a long time ago. And so we met here with him at the front headquarters. Volodya was sent to refresher courses, and I was there on another matter, and now I'm going back to my unit. Volodya Savelyev told me to take care of the boy until he arrives back ... And when will Volodya return, and where will he be sent! Well, it will be seen there ...

    Major Bakhichev dozed off and fell asleep. Seryozha Labkov was snoring in his sleep like an adult, an old man, and his face, now moving away from sorrow and memories, became calm and innocently happy, showing the image of a holy childhood, from where the war had taken him away.

    I fell asleep too, taking advantage of unnecessary time so that it would not be wasted.

    We woke up at dusk, at the very end of a long June day. There were now two of us in three beds - Major Bakhichev and I, but Serezha Labkov was not there.

    The major was worried, but then decided that the boy had gone off somewhere for a short time. Later we went with him to the station and visited the military commandant, but no one noticed the little soldier in the rear crowds of the war.

    The next morning, Seryozha Labkov also did not return to us, and God knows where he went, tormented by the feeling of his childish heart for the person who left him, perhaps following him, perhaps, back to his father's regiment, where the graves of his father and mother were.

    Childhood and war

    This review was used to work on the lessons of literature and speech development in the Russian language on the topics "Compositions of different genres" (for students in grades 9-11), "Writing a review about what was read."

    Review of A.P. Platonov's story "Little Soldier"

    Childhood and war

    Childhood and war - these two things are incompatible, that's what you think about first of all, after reading A. Platonov's story "Little Soldier".
    The piece is small in volume and can be read in one breath. The author's ability to accurately and carefully use each word does not seem stingy, on the contrary, phrases become full-bodied and meaningful. The originality of Platonov's style is emphasized in the story by the reverse composition, because of which you do not immediately know what happened to the boy Seryozha and why he rejects one major and reaches out for another. The story of growing up a little soldier is simple and common in war. Many children remained orphans, after the death of their parents, many went to the front and fought on a par with adults. And the realization that the unnatural has become commonplace creates the impression of fear. Is it possible to agree that children should live without parents, without a family? How can a defenseless child's soul survive in the hell of battles? Such questions arise before the reader.
    The author has a leisurely conversation with the reader, from which you understand that Seryozha will not remain in the rear. His life has been distorted by the war, and he most likely will not be able to exist in a peaceful society. It becomes clear that Seryozha will probably die, leave, as the author writes "God knows where," "tormented by the feeling of his childish heart," despite the fact that the writer leaves the ending open.
    To appreciate this story by Platonov, you need to read it carefully. Although the story was written during the war years, I am convinced that not only children, but also adults will read it with pleasure, since the theme of a child's ruined fate worries many in our peaceful days.

    Class: 5


    • acquaintance with the work on the topic "War and Children": with the story of A. Platonov "Little Soldier"; find out what is the secret of the impact of this little piece on the reader; consolidate the skills of analyzing the story;
    • recall literary concepts (story, narrator, composition, comparison, metaphor);
    • to acquaint with the role of children during the Second World War; fostering patriotism in children, a sense of love for their country.

    Equipment: a story by A.P. Platonov, an exhibition of books, portraits of the writer, posters from the times of the Great Patriotic War on slides, computer.


    1. Target setting (Application , slides 1, 2)

    2. Showing photographs of the writer

    - Let us draw the children's attention to the eyes of this person, full of sadness and warmth, concern and gullibility, to a soft, kind face, a special force of attraction in the gaze. “He sees right through” - people say about such eyes. Indeed, he saw something grave and destructive that many could not or did not want to notice.

    Recall the definition of this literary concept.

    - What is special about the storytelling that you noticed?

    - We can distinguish three parts, three main episodes. 1 part- a scene of farewell at the station, witnessed by the narrator by chance. The first acquaintance with the heroes ... Part 2- a story about the fate of Seryozha Labkov, heard from the lips of Major Bakhichev. Part 3- escape, can be titled with the words "God knows where he went."

    (Application , slide 11)

    - Let's talk about the originality of each part.

    3) Expressive reading 1 part (home back). Conversation on questions:

    • Who is the narrator from? Where does the story take place? Remember the definition of the term "storyteller"

    (Application , slide 12)

    - The narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, who, by the will of fate, found himself not far from the front line, at a miraculously preserved train station, overcrowded with military and wounded, where the roar of anti-aircraft guns and the hum of aircraft are constantly heard.

    • What amazes us about the appearance and behavior of a child when we first meet? How do you imagine it? Sketch the character's portrait verbally using the text.

    (Application , slide 13)

    It is important for the children to see the contradictions in the boy's appearance and behavior.

    - The child is 9-10 years old, but he is dressed like a seasoned fighter, a little soldier. A gray overcoat, a garrison cap, boots - all these are clothes familiar to him, carefully sewn to size by adults. It is immediately clear that the hero fought, saw a lot, matured early. But on the weather-beaten face of a “man adapted to life,” the author at the same time notices sadness, longing, unwillingness to part with an older friend. The child does not let go of one of the majors, pressing his face to the hand of a person dear to him, ”and, despite the affection, the warm words of another major, remains indifferent to him. Probably, he already experienced the pain of parting with loved ones and is afraid of a new separation, looks at Major Savelyev with prayer and hope, as if persuading him not to leave him with a stranger.
    Psychological details excite us, the readers, and we want to know the riddle of the child, about his fate, to find an explanation for the boy's behavior.
    At the beginning of the work, the author notes from all the variety of the bustle of the station only that which reminds of home, happiness, family: the happiness of rest was captured on the tired faces of the Red Army soldiers, people who were still awake seemed to whisper to each other persuading, warm words and even the singing of the boiler on duty the locomotive seems to resemble "a monotonous, soothing voice from a long-abandoned house." So already at the beginning of the story, the theme of a peaceful life begins to sound, the theme of home, family.

    • What unusual comparisons and metaphors does the author use when describing Seryozha? Recall the definition of the terms "comparison", "metaphor"

    (Application , slides 14, 15)

    - "the child's bright eyes clearly revealed his sadness, as if they were the living surface of his heart."
    - "... His heart could not be alone, it was afraid that being alone, it would die."

    (Application , slide 16)

    - The eyes and the heart are spoken of as a human being, a living being. A feeling of compassion, pity arises when reading these heartfelt lines.

    The teacher summarizes: Platonov, thanks to his skill, was able to convey in a few phrases the "inescapable sadness", the adult strength of the hero's feelings, the strength of loyalty, affection and fear of separation.

    - The second part of the story differs from the first in intonation.

    4) Retelling part 2 (home assignment). Conversation on questions:

    • What did Major Bakhichev tell the narrator? What does this story about a child's life add to an understanding of his character?

    (Application , slide 17)

    - He was imbued with the worries and anxieties of adults. Once he helped his father-colonel save an ammunition depot left on the land occupied by the Germans by cutting the explosive wire. Then he repeatedly made his way to the rear of the enemy, memorizing the location of the German troops, gave his father-commander "correct serifs", that is, he did the work that experienced scouts usually did.

    - Mother, unable to withstand the stress, worried about the life of her son, decided to send him to the rear, but Sergei could no longer leave the army. "His character was drawn into the war," writes Platonov, and these words contain a tremendous meaning. Seryozha does not think of himself in another life, categorically refusing to go to the rear. In the war, his father was seriously wounded, and he soon died. Seryozha's mother did not live long without a husband. And he was left an orphan. It becomes clear to us why Seryozha does not want to part with Major Savelyev, because he replaced his parents.
    It is important for Platonov to convey to us, readers, a secret thought: no matter what fearless feats Seryozha performs, no matter how he surprises adults with his desperate courage, the child is still a child. We seem to hear the voice of Major Bakhichev, although the author does not introduce the actual direct speech of a military man. His words are simple and unsophisticated, stingy with feelings, facts prevail in speech, there is no such intensity of emotions, psychological details, as in the first part of the story. In this part, there is a lot of colloquial vocabulary, vernacular, sometimes the author specifically conveys speech shortcomings ("into battle," "fell ill," "zatomila", "showed my father on the map how it is and where it is", "they say", " mother could not tolerate his uncomfortable position "and others.)

    • Why does the author entrust the story of the exploits of the little soldier to Major Bakhichev?

    (Application , slide 18)

    - In his mouth, this story looks more reliable. In addition, a military man most often pays attention to the factual rather than the emotional side of the matter, and this makes the main idea of ​​the story clearer. It is important for the author to understand the soul, the origins of the child's behavior: he did what, perhaps, was not always within the power of adults, and what is usually called a feat.

    5) The third part of the story confirms this idea. Conversation on questions:

    • Is the ending unexpected for us?

    - No, we had a presentiment that something was going to happen. The entire previous story about the hero prepared us for this. Seryozha remains true to himself - the escape from a good, decent Major Bakhichev is not an accident. Seryozha behaves contrary to adult logic. Yes, with Major Bakhichev it would be nice for him in everyday life: he would have been fed, shod and well-groomed, in any case he would have always been. But the child's heart does not want to come to terms with the new loss, it is tired of getting used to and losing. What does Seryozha care about military necessity, to the point that Major Savelyev needs to take refresher courses! It is no coincidence that Platonov ends the story on the same piercing note as he began: “... he left, languishing with the feeling of his childish heart for the person who left him, - maybe after him, maybe back to his father's regiment, where his father's graves were. and mother.

    The main idea of ​​the story: according to Platonov, war is terrible not only because people are dying, their homes are being destroyed, their everyday life is collapsing, it is also terrible because grief eats away at the soul of a person, especially a child, deforms it, since no one, nothing can make up for the loss of parents, family , friend.

    (Application , slides 19, 20)

    And adults, we are all responsible for that. So that the terrible does not happen again. It is no accident that on the last page of the story the theme of happiness and childhood sounds again. The narrator and Major Bakhichev see a sleeping boy in the dorm room before escaping and do not recognize him: "His face, now moving away from sorrow and memories, became calm and innocently happy, showing the image of a holy childhood, from where the war took him away."

    6. Poems of students on the topic "Children of War"

    To the 65th anniversary Great Victory dedicated to children of war:

    The war passed menacingly through children's fates,
    It was hard for everyone, hard for the country,
    But childhood is seriously mutilated:
    Children suffered greatly from the war.

    It took both courage and courage,
    To live under the occupation of the enemy,
    Always suffer from hunger and fear
    Passed where the enemy's leg.

    Childhood was not easy in the rear of the country,
    There was not enough clothing and food,
    Everyone everywhere suffered from the war,
    The children had enough grief and misfortune.

    The wonderful bright Victory Day has come,
    The country survived in a hard battle
    From joy, troubles were immediately forgotten,
    The front-line soldiers put on the medals.

    Young people do not know war,
    Their golden childhood has no value,
    Now all the old people are gray
    We are children of a formidable righteous war.

    Years of life are running far away invariably,
    The soldier is gone and the memory is gone with him,
    But we live, and about the time of the military
    We will preserve our memory in our hearts forever.

    Ballad of the children of war

    We are children of war. From the cradle we got to know the chaos of adversity.
    There was hunger. It was cold. I couldn't sleep at night. The sky was blackened by the burning.

    The earth shook from explosions and crying. We did not know children's games.
    And how much grief did adolescence get ... Girls, becoming soldiers,

    They asked to go to the front and fought without fear, holding a machine gun light.
    Victory was forged by the hands of the girls. Their will knew no barriers.

    At night they were on watch at factories. Any work was up to them.
    Their maiden beauty was spared by nature. And there were no idle minutes.

    They fell in love. The boys loved them. Their love was a spring.
    They drank purity from the cup of love. The eyes lit up with fire.

    They were touchy in their gut. And their souls were torn in flight.
    The Nazis drove them along dusty roads. And they were taken into slavery like cattle.

    Someone managed to escape from captivity. And even several times.
    Like mature warriors, the children fought. Who went to the partisans of us.

    The boys added years to themselves to be sent to the front.
    And it was not the influence of fashion. The plant has become a family of some.

    The youngsters' machines, like fortresses, were taken, standing on tiptoes at full height.
    And they acquired the skills of adults. The demand was the same from all.

    Many kilometers traveled roads. Wasted nerves and forces.
    Sirens and winds howled after us. The fascist hunted us like an animal.

    The Nazis took blood from a thin wreath, saving German soldiers.
    The kids were targeting the walls. The atrocity was performed by a rite.

    And only a crust of bread, peeling potatoes, cake saved in hunger.
    And bombs fell on their heads from the sky, not leaving everyone alive.

    We, children of war, have suffered a lot. The victory was a reward.
    And the chronicle of the terrible years has entered into the memory. Echo found a response to the pain.

    (Application , slides 21, 22).

    7. Drawings of children about the war

    8. Lesson summary

    (Application , slide 23)

    9. Homework

    • What have I learned about children of war?
    • Find and read works on this topic, share your impressions.

    The action took place during the Second World War. At the train station next to the front. The author made the boy Seryozha, ten years old, the protagonist of this story.

    The boy lived in the regiment, together with his mother and father, as his parents served together. Sergei knows all the nightmares of war from his own experience. The child has been in the rear of the Germans more than once, deactivated explosives, went on reconnaissance. Seryozha's dad was seriously wounded in battle and died soon after. The boy's mother also followed him. Sergei was left alone in this world.

    The deputy and close friend of Seryozha's father, Major Savelyev, who became the regiment commander, took the boy to his place. The major raised Seryozha and took care of him like his own son. For the boy, there was no dearer person than Savelyev. After the death of his parents, Sergei became very attached to him, but life again presented the child with trials, separated him from the major.

    Savelyev was forced to leave Seryozha with his friend Bakhichev. But the boy could not bear the bitterness of parting with a loved one again. After Savelyev left, Sergei fled. The people around him did not know where he fled, maybe in search of the major, or maybe to the place where his parents were buried, or even went to war.

    This work clearly describes brutal war, the heroism of a small child. War and children are incompatible concepts. A child should not see all the bitterness of war, let alone fight. The little boy's fearlessness and courage are a worthy example for the present generation.

    Picture or drawing Little soldier

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