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  • Find the same coloring snowflakes. Can two snowflake be perfectly the same? "Country of snow" - such a poetic name was invented for Tibet its inhabitants

    Find the same coloring snowflakes. Can two snowflake be perfectly the same?

    I heard someday the phrase "this snowflake is special", they say, because they are usually a lot and all of them are beautiful, unique and fascinate, if you look at. Old wisdom says that there are no two identical snowflakes, but is it really true? How to declare about it at all, not looking at all falling and fallen snowflakes? Suddenly a snowflake somewhere in Moscow is no different from the snowflake somewhere in the Alps.

    To consider this question from a scientific point of view, we need to know how the snowflake is born and what is the probability (or incredibility), which will cause two identical.

    Snowflake, removed using a conventional optical microscope

    Snowflake, in essence, it is only water molecules that bind to each other in a certain solid configuration. Most of these configurations have some kind of hexagonal symmetry; This is due to the way water molecules with their specific valence angles - which are determined by the physics of the oxygen atom, two hydrogen atoms and electromagnetic force - can communicate with each other. The simplest microscopic snow crystalline, which can be considered under the microscope, is one millionth of meter (1 μm) and can be a very simple form, for example, a hexagonal crystalline plate. Its width is approximately 10,000 atoms, and very much like it.

    According to the Book of Records Guinness, Nancy Knight from the National Center for Atmospheric Studies, the lucky accident found two identical snowflakes, studying snow crystals during a snow storm in Wisconsin, taking a microscope with him. But when representatives are certified two snowflakes as identical, they can mean only that snowflakes are identical to the accuracy of the microscope; When physics requires two things to be identical, they must be identical to the subatomatic particle. So:
    • you need the same particles
    • in the same configurations
    • with the same connections among themselves
    • in two completely different macroscopic systems.

    Let's see how it can be arranged.

    One water molecule is one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms associated with each other. When the frozen water molecules are associated with each other, each molecule gets near the four other attached molecules: one on each of the tetrahedral vertices over each individual molecule. This leads to the fact that the water molecules are folded into the shape of the lattice: a hexagonal (or hexagonal) crystal lattice. But the large "cubes" of ice, as in quarz deposit, extremely rare. When you look into the smallest scales and configuration, you find that the upper and lower planes of this lattice are packaged and are linked very tight: you have "flat face" on two sides. Molecules on the remaining sides are more open, and additional water molecules are associated with them more arbitrarily. In particular, hexagon angles have the weakest bonds, so we are observing six-time symmetry in the growth of crystals.

    and snowflake growth, private ice crystal configuration

    New structures are then growing according to the same symmetric schemes, increasing hexagonal asymmetries to achieve a certain size. In large sophisticated snow crystals, hundreds of easily distinguishable features, if you look under the microscope. Hundreds of features Among about 10 19 water molecules, of which there is a common snowflake, if you believe the Charles Knight from the National Center for atmospheric studies. Each of these features there are millions of possible places where new twigs can form. How many such new features of the snowflake can form such new features and do not become another one?

    Every year around the world, about 10 15 (quadrillion) cubic meters of snow on Earth fall, and each cubic meter contains about a few billion (10 9) of individual snowflakes. Since the Earth exists about 4.5 billion years, 10 34 snowflakes fell on the planet on the planet. And you know how much from the point of view of the statistics of individual, unique, symmetric branching features could have a snowflake and expect a twin at a certain point in the history of the Earth? Total five. While real, large, natural snowflakes are usually hundreds of them.

    Even at the level of one millimeter in the snowfish, you can consider imperfections that are difficult to duplicate

    And only on the most grounded level you can mistakenly discern two identical snowflakes. And if you are ready to go down to the molecular level, the situation will become much worse. Usually in oxygen 8 protons and 8 neutrons, and in the hydrogen atom 1 proton and 0 neutrons. But 1 of 500 oxygen atoms have 10 neutrons, 1 neutron atoms have 1 neutron, and not 0. Even if you form ideal hexagonal snow crystals, and in the entire history of the planet, the Earth counted 10 34 snow crystals, it will be enough to fall to the sizes Several thousand molecules (less than the length of visible light) to find a unique structure that the planet has never seen before.

    But if you ignore atomic and molecular differences and abandon the "natural", you will have a chance. Researcher Snowflakes Kenneth Libbrecht from the California Institute of Technology has developed a technique for creating artificial "identical twins" snowflakes and photographs them using a special microscope called Snowmaster 9000.

    Growing them side by side in laboratory conditions, he showed that you can create two snowflakes that will be indistinguishable.

    Two almost identical snowflakes grown in Kalteha Lab

    Almost. They will be indistinguishable to a person who looks with their own eyes through a microscope, but they will not be identical in truth. Like identical twins, they will have a lot of differences: they will have different venues of molecules, different branch properties, and what they are more, the stronger these differences. That is why these snowflakes are very small, and the microscope is powerful: they are more similar when less complex.

    Two almost identical snowflakes grown in the laboratory in Caltech

    Nevertheless, many snowflakes are similar to each other. But if you are looking for truly identical snowflakes on a structural, molecular or atomic level, nature will never prevent you down. Such a number of possibilities are great not only for the history of the Earth, but also for the history of the Universe. If you want to know how much you need the planets to get two identical snowflakes for 13.8 billion years of the history of the Universe, the answer will be about 10,000,000,000,000,000. Given that in the observed universe only 10 80 atoms, it is extremely unlikely. So yes, snowflakes are really unique. And it is mildly.

    Maria Evgenievna Eflatova

    Purpose of the game: Development of visual perception, teach to fold a whole image from parts; Develop thinking, speech, enrich vocabulary.

    For the game cut out a few snowflakes of different form(older children can do it themselves, glit ready snowflakes on the cardboard and dried under the press (so that the pictures are smooth)Then cut pictures into several parts (depending on the age and skills of the child)

    Game traffic:

    Consider the image snowflakes, tell us that the same no snowflakes. Then pay attention to "broken" snowflakes"Look, blew a strong wind, snowflakes Split and broke. Let's collect " snowflakes"Invite the child to find the missing half. Fit two details together - they must connect to a whole image. Let the child find and fold all the cards of the cards. After the game you can play flying snowflakes, concern, pour on each other.

    Publications on the topic:

    "Help penguins to disassemble snowflakes" In order for a child to teach distinguishing colors or consolidate the knowledge of the colors is necessary different.

    Holiday New Year The most beloved holiday for children, and many adults. Children are happy to prepare to meet Santa Claus. Teach.

    I did snowflakes, 200 pieces, cut three colors from the printer paper, the same, from the squares with a side of 10 cm, combined 5 pieces.

    Winter. Winter is three long winter months: Snow December, frosty sunny January and fence angry february. Winter nature is immersed.

    Here is so wonderful, bright and simple in the manufacture of a snowflake I turned out. It consists of several snowflakes of a different size,.

    Fairy tales about snowflakes. "Magic Winter Miracle." Snowflakes are dancing: fly and spin, in the sun in a frosty day silver. Openwork dresses, carved jams. Magic.

    So the long-awaited winter has come. Charm of the first snow. Soon New Year and Christmas. White snowflakes twisted in the air. I wanted.

    It is quite a bit left until the bright holiday - the new year, and therefore the New Year's creativity in full swing. How many interesting things.

    The wind flew and skidged snowflakes.

    Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

    We are snowflakes, we are mushki, we do not mind. We are snowflakes - ballerics, we dance day and night. Stand together everything in a circle - it turns out the snowball. We whipped trees, roofs were offended, the land velvet was covered and saved from the journey.

    I.p. - legs on the width of the shoulders, hands loosely raised up, brushes relaxed. Shocked by brushes, turn the body to the left, return to and. n. the same - to the other side. Children are circling, smoothly moving hands.

    4. Labyrinth "Help lost the lost snowflakes to find each other" (Fig. 28, adj.).

    Consider snowflakes drawn on leaves at the top below. Find the same.
    Help the same snowflakes to find each other. Start drawing from top to bottom.

    5. Task "Find a snowfish pair" (Fig. 29, adj.).

    Children are distributed cards, which depict 4 different snowflakes and 2 are identical.

    Find the same snowflakes and tell us where they are located.

    6. Task "Make a Snowflower" (from geometric figures).
    Children perform a task according to the teacher's instructions:

    In the center of Flanhelegraf put the blue circle; from above, bottom, right, to the left of the circle, put white triangles; between triangles - blue rectangles; Walk around your figure lay out a circle. It turned out a snowflake.

    Make your snowflake and tell me which geometric shapes it consists where which item is located.

    7. Children decorate a group carved at the lesson in snowflakes, after discussing where they will be scented.

    8. Summing up.

    Lesson 11. "Inhabitants of the Winter Forest" Software content:

    1. Develop active use children of spatial terms (for, before, etc.).

    2. Fasten the understanding of the depressions of images.

    3. Develop logical thinking, memory.

    Equipment:demonstration material - a magnetic board with drawings of trees (summer and winter options), color images of wild animals; drawings with "Tangra-Mom"; distribution material - cards with tasks; Stencils of wild animals, trees, sheets of paper, simple pencils, scissors, paper squares to the task "Tangram".

    Wordwork:wild animals, wolf, hare, fox, bear, elk, hedgehog, bergogus, Nora.

    Travel course.

    The teacher offers children to compete.

    Attention! Attention! The competition begins! Who will call more than all forest stars
    Ray, that winner!

    Children call animals (wolf, fox, hare, etc.). The teacher at this time on a magnetic board with green trees puts the pictures of the names of the beasts. The winner is determined, he - as a better expert - give next task. If the child does not cope, the rest helps him.

    Which of these animals will we not meet in the Winter Forest? (Bear sleeps, hedgehog sleeping, hare
    It becomes white. P.)

    On the magnetic board, green trees change to winter and remove extra beasts.

    1. Task "Find, who hides in the Winter Forest?" (Fig. 30, arr.).

    Children are invited to consider the illustration, find and name all animals depicted on it.

    Why are there only parts of animals in the picture? Tell us where they are hiding.
    What is located in front of them?

    2. Labyrinth "Find where whose mark".

    Snow fell in the forest. Beasts, running through the snow, leave a lot of traces. All footprints

    Children distribute animal images cards: foxes, hare, crows - and their traces. From each beast to his trail there is a confusing line, the lines are confused.

    3. Physical traffic. Movable game "Bunnies".
    Children perform appropriate movements.

    Hares jump:

    Skok, Skok, Skok ...

    Yes on white snowball

    Squat - listen,

    Is not a wolf.

    Heads stole

    Handles clapped,

    Right, left to the left

    And back returned.

    Here is health in what a secret!

    All friends - physical attire!

    4. Task "Put the stencils of animals as I say. Tell me who is from the beasts and where is. "

    5. The teacher reads children a poem V. Levanovsky:

    What for a hare Stompleska? How an arrow, flies oblique! That's what the workout means with the trainer-fox.

    What are we talking about in this poem? (Fox wants to catch a hare.)

    Lisa always wants to catch a bunny, but it rarely succeeds. What do you think, why? (The hare runs quickly.)

    He not only knows how to run quickly - he knows how to confuse traces. Bunny never runs on a straight track, he runs between trees and bushes and confuses fox.

    Labyrinth "Help the bunny to reach his mink" (Fig. 31, adj.).

    Tell me how the bunny walked.

    6. Tangle's task.

    Cut the square on the lines, from the figures obtained by laying foxes according to the sample "(Fig.
    32, ad.).

    7. Summing up.

    Lesson 12. "Visiting a fairy tale" "Software content:

    1. Improve the ability of children to navigate in microspace.

    2. Improve the ability of children to determine and verbally denote the direction of movement.

    3. Develop fine motor skills.

    Equipment:demonstration material - two cards depicting fantastic animals; Distribution material - cards for assignments, simple pencils.

    Wordwork:tale, magic, fiction, fantasy, Baba Yaga, Tsarevna-frog, Ivan-Tsarevich.

    Travel course.

    The Russian people gathered many wonderful fairy tales in his piggy bank. What? ("Geese Swans", "Tsarevna-Frog", etc.) Why do people compose fairy tales? (Children's responses.)

    People compose fairy tales to tell them their children, learn to see good and evil. No wonder in fairy tales, evil is punished, and good wins. The tale teaches wisdom and the fact that good in response gives rise to good. A person must pay for his mistakes, actions, desire, and only kindness and love will make life happier. There is nothing impossible for the fairy tale, in one word or gesture in it comes alive, animals and wonderful transformations are performed. Today, miracles also occur, a letter from Baba-Yaga came to us.

    Pedagogue reads a letter: "Well, the guys! Have fun living in children's garden? Watch, dance! Live together! And here is one in the forest oh how boring! And I decided to jerk on you and joined all the tasks! Decide - Well done, and do not decide - I'll put it all! Your Baba Yaga. "

    1. The task "call animals".

    The teacher shows children two cards, each depicted on two enchanted beasts. Each of them consists of two units that do not correspond to each other. Children offered to say what animals they found out in the pictures. (Snake and deer, cow and lion.)

    2. The task "call animals and tell me which part of the sheet they are drawn."
    Children show a picture on which parts of the body of animals are drawn (from pig -

    ears and Piglet, from the rooster - paws and tail, from the hare - ears, from the cat - mustache and ears).

    3. Physical traffic.Movable game.
    Children play with Baba Yaga.

    Baba Yaga, bone leg, fell from the stove, broke the leg, went to the garden, reached the gate.

    Baba Yaga catches the children. Who is a broom (hand) will suffer, he freezes. The game ends when all children are frosted.

    4. Task "Dorisuy Forest" (Fig. 35, adj.).

    Children get individual cards, draw the missing parts, and then tell how they are located.

    5. Task "Connect points in order" (Fig. 33, adj.).

    What fairy tale is this subject? ("Princess Frog".)

    Which way is the arrow flies? Draw an arrow flying upwards, down, etc. and.

    6. Task "Dorisuy the second half of the crown for Ivan Tsarevich".

    Children are offered cards depicting half the crown. Children explain how to draw "cloves" on the crown:

    First we conduct a pencil up right, then down to the right.
    Then they draw the second half of the crown on his own.

    7. Labyrinth "Help Ivan-Tsarevich to reach the swamp" (Fig. 34, arr.).

    Each child welcomes the path of Ivan Tsarevich. The teacher encourages children for the right answers.

    8. Summing up.

    Lesson 13. "Santa Claus Workshop" Software content:

    1. Improve the ability of children to navigate in microspace (on a sheet, on the board).

    2. Learning independently position items in the named directions of microspace, verbally denote the location of the items.

    3. Teach children to determine the direction and location of items located at a considerable distance from them.

    4. Develop a small motility of hands. Develop imagination, attention.
    Equipment:demonstration material - drawing of a Christmas tree on a magnetic board;

    figure with a sample of a Christmas tree toy, drawing "Santa Claus with bags of gifts"; distribution material - cards with tasks; Simple pencils, color pencils, knife \u003d Nice.

    Wordwork:New Year, Christmas, Tree, Gifts, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Miracles, Christmas decorations, garlands.

    Travel course.

    The teacher reads the children a poem of Yu. Kozhotova:

    On our Christmas tree - Funny toys: Funny hedgehogs And funny frogs, funny bears, funny deer, funny walruses and funny seals! We are also a little in masks are funny. We need funny Santa Claus, so that it was happy to have a laugh, because the holiday is cheerful to everyone today.

    What is the holiday soon? (New Year.) We are all preparing for the holiday, sew New Year
    Suits, preparing gifts to friends and loved ones, decorate the Christmas trees and their homes. Preparing for
    Holiday and Santa Claus. Today we will go to the workshop to Santa Claus and also
    We will help him.

    1. Task.

    What decorated the tree? Where on the Christmas tree are cones, checkboxes, balls? Dorisuy Garlands, decorating the christmas trees.

    Draw under the Christmas tree a gift that you want to get for the new year (Fig. 36, adj.).

    2. Task "Making toys" (Fig. 37, adj.).

    Children show a sample of a bowl, decorated with an ornament of geometric figures (alternate triangles, mugs, etc.). Cards with a picture of a ball and check box are distributed.

    Invent your ornament on a bowl of geometric shapes.

    I draw a snowflake on the checkbox.

    Color and cut down.

    3. Physical traffic.To the music "The forest was born in the forest" the children will drive a dance, depict the heroes of the song.

    4. Task "Having a toy on the Christmas tree, where I will say."

    The child is offered to "spend" the made toys on the Christmas tree, located on a magnetic board, according to the verbal instructions of other children. The task is fulfilled by all children.

    5. Task.

    Children are distributed cards with an image of points numbered from 1 to 10. If you connect the point, the star will turn out.

    Connect points in order. Cut what happened.

    Find the resulting place on the Christmas tree. Tell us where you hung the star.

    6. Task "Help Santa Claus to find the missing toy."

    Children show the drawing, which shows Santa Claus and two bags with gifts. On one bag, five toys are drawn, four similar toys are drawn on the other, one toy is missing. The toy (real object), similar to the missing, is located in the group at a considerable distance from children (3 to 4 meters).

    What kind of toys are missing? Find this toy in the group and tell us where she

    7. Task "Wonderful Pouch".

    Santa Claus asked to thank the children for work and sent a bag with gifts.

    Guess - Your gift (gifts - balloons, pencil, candy, etc.).

    8. Summing up.

    Lesson 14. - "Winter fun" software content:

    1. Improve the ability of children to navigate the microspace (on the board, sheet).

    2. Learn to describe the location of the subject with the help of spatial terms

    (near, near, etc.).

    3. Learning to model the simplest spatial relationships with chips.

    4. Improve the ability of children to move in a given direction, maintain and change the direction of movement.

    5. Develop attention, Eyemer.

    Equipment:demonstration material - Scenery "Winter Fun", Forest Map; distribution material - cards with tasks; Pathway schemes, simple pencils, sheets of paper, chips.

    Wordwork:fun, winter sports, hockey, skating, skiing, on sledding, skiing, snowballs.

    Move classes.

    The teacher offers children to listen to the recording of the song "Kaba was not winter" (ate. Yu. Entin, music. E. Krylatova).

    Kaba was not winter in cities and villages, never knew these days of fun ...

    What fun days says in this song? (ABOUT winter dayswhen you can play
    On the street.) What do children play on a walk in winter? (Skating, skiing, sledding,
    Play snowballs, etc.)

    1. Task.

    On the board, the plot picture "Winter Fun".

    Children are offered to tell than those are busy children located in the center of the picture (in the center of the skating rink, children play hockey), then about those guys who are depicted in the upper right corner (guys play in snowballs), in this way, the whole picture is described.

    2. Task "Tell me what is painted in the front, in the background and in the center of the picture
    "Winter fun."

    The picture is conditionally divided into the foreground, the central part and the background. The teacher discusses with children, which is located on each part of the picture. For example: in the foreground

    children with sleds are drawn, they are going to ride from the mountain, in the center of the picture of the skating rink, the guys play hockey on the rink and so on.

    3. Task.

    Lay out with the help of chips, the model of the picture: placing chips on the flannelhemph so
    As the children are located on it.

    4. Physical traffic. Movable game "Snowballs".

    Children are crushing a sheet of paper in a lump - the snowballs are obtained. "Snezhok" you need to get into the target from the game "Darts" or in any other target.

    5. Task "Describe your way".

    The teacher invites children to imagine that they go to the ski ride into the forest. And so that they do not get lost, introduces them from the forest map (Fig. 38, ad.) And everyone gives his way a pathway (Fig. 39, ad.). Children are invited to draw the way to the base in accordance with their pathway.

    The teacher then invites children in turn to pass in the same directions in the group space, while denoting the direction of movement in speech.

    6. Task "Find a couple of gloves" (Fig. 40, adj.).

    Cat Kotofey loves to play snowballs, he got ready to go for a walk, but can not find
    Couple for your glove. Help the Kotofoy find two identical gloves. Tell me where
    They are located.

    7. Labyrinth "Select figure skating partners" (Fig. 41, adj.).

    Then children are proposed to be combined with pairs and reproduce the pose of a pair of skaters.

    8. The teacher makes riddles to children and talk about what winter entertainment for children
    likes more than anything.

    Merily, like a bullet, I'm ahead, only embroidering ice, and the lights flashes! Who carries me? (Skates.)

    I took the oak two bars, two iron cars, I stuck on the bars. Give snow! Ready ... (Sledge.)

    9. Summing up.

    Lesson 15. "Electrical Appliances" ( appliances) Software content:

    1. Develop the spatial imagination of children: to teach them to mentally imagine themselves

    in place, which occupies one or another subject in space.

    2. Fasten the ability of children to navigate the microstpace (on the sheet, on the flannelhemph).

    3. Training visual functions - distinction, localization and traceing. Time-

    forward logical thinking, memory.

    Equipment:demonstration material - cards depicting electrical appliances and household items; cards depicting the kitchen, bathroom, hall, children's bedroom; Distribution material - cards with assignments, simple pencils, individual flannelphs.

    Wordwork:electricity, electrical appliances, household appliances, vacuum cleaner, electric kettle, iron, automatic washing machine, TV, tape recorder, computer.

    Travel course.

    The teacher includes light and asks children what he does.

    Who knows why light bulb turns on, what helps her burn so bright? (Electrical
    ultimately) Is it possible to meet electricity in nature? (Zipper.) Lightning is electric
    cue discharge.

    The teacher asks children, did they feel a light crackle, and sometimes even sparks? (Yes, when you undress, sometimes things "click".)

    This is also electricity. Sometimes heard the crackling of synthetic clothes when they are removed. Sometimes the comb lippes to the hair - and the hair is "stand up on end." Things, hair, our body is electrified. In our group, too, there is electricity. What signs can you guide about the presence of electricity? (Sockets, wires, lamps, tape recorder, etc.)

    Electricity is now in every home. This is our very first assistant. With the help of electricity work all electrical appliances. Many years ago, a person did not know that he could use electricity. It was difficult for a person to cope with household problems. Let's go back to the past for a few minutes and see how people did without electricity.

    Same snowflakes in nature are found. In exceptional cases. For the first time, it was recorded by the specialists of the National Center for Atmospheric Studies of the United States in 1988.


    Researcher Nancy his work "no two alike?" I proved that identical snowflakes can be found in nature.

    To such a conclusion, Knight came after an experimental way received the same snowflakes in laboratory conditions. She proved his theory mathematically through the theory of probability. It brought 100 distinguishing signs of snowflakes, which can be judged that there are 10 in 158 degrees of various snowflake options. And, although the resulting number is infinitely large, it does not exclude the possibility of the coincidence of snowflakes, says Knight.

    At the same time, according to professor of Physicia California University Cennet Libbrecht, externally identical snowflakes have differences in inner structure, namely, in a crystal lattice. Therefore, it is impossible to say that in principle it is possible to find completely identical snowflakes in shape and by atomic structure.

    How are snowflakes and why are their form different?

    The process of formation of snowflakes includes sublimation of crystals from the gas phase, bypassing the liquid state. In the formation of snowflakes, water molecules are randomly growing since the formation of the initial crystal. Thus, the growth of snowflakes is in an unordered manner.

    Snowflake growth depends on external conditions, such as temperature and air humidity. Depending on these and other conditions, the new layers of molecules are superimposed on each other, forming a new shape of the snowflake each time.

    All snowflakes have six faces, since when the molecule of water is freezing, the water molecule is lined with a special order, as a result of which a hexagon geometric shape is formed.

    Snowflake growth is due to air temperature at which its formation occurred. The lower the temperature was, the less the size of the snowflakes.

    The growth directions of snowflakes are due to the fact that ice crystals are hexagonal. Two crystal cannot be connected by an angle, they always join the edge to each other. Therefore, the rays always grow at six sides, and from the beam can be a "branch" only at an angle of 60 or 120 degrees.

    An approval is familiar to every student that there is no two identical snowflakes, repeatedly subjected to doubt. But the unique studies of California technological University Could put the last point in this truly New Year's issue.

    The snow is formed when microscopic water drops in the clouds are attracted to dust particles and freeze.

    The appearing crystals of ice, not exceeding at first 0.1 mm in diameter, falling down and grow as a result of condensation on them moisture from the air. At the same time, six-pointed crystalline forms are formed.

    Due to the structure of water molecules between the rays of the crystal, the angles are only 60 ° and 120 °. The main crystal of water has the form of the correct hexagon in the plane. On the tops of such a hexagon, new crystals are deposited, on them - new, and so diverse forms Stars snowflakes.

    Professor of Physics of the California University of Cannet Libbrecht announced the results of many years of research of their scientific group. "If you see two identical snowflakes - they still differ!" - Approves professor.

    Libbrecht proved that in the composition of snow molecules for about every five hundred oxygen atoms with a mass of 16 g / mol there is one atom with a mass of 18 g / mol.

    The device of the molecule bonds with such an atom is such, which implies countless compounds inside the crystal lattice.

    In other words - if two snowflakes really look equally, then their identity still needs to be checked on the microscopic level.

    Studying the properties of snow (and, in particular, snowflakes) - not children's fun. Knowledge of the nature of snow and snowy clouds are very important in the study of climate change.