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  • Could there be a lie for good? Video: Can Lies Be Good? To spare the feelings of loved ones

    Could there be a lie for good?  Video: Can Lies Be Good?  To spare the feelings of loved ones
    May 25, 2015

    Probably all parents tell their children that lying is not good. No man wants his beloved child to think that it is okay to lie. However, parents never tell their children that there is a lie for good, although many of them often use this method themselves. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is good to lie in certain situations, because very often you can hear the phrase: "Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie."

    Lies for the good. Examples from literature

    Russian literature of the last century is simply replete with examples of lies for good. This topic is relevant at all times, so many famous writers also touched and developed it.

    Maxim Gorky wrote the play At the Bottom. It also touched on the topic of lying for good. The main character plays Luke believed that "sweet lies" can make life easier for everyone. He said that one should not deafen a person with the "butt" of truth. Luca convinced all the people around him that sweet lies can help a person believe in something better and thus change his life. He believed that self-deception can help to endure any difficulties much easier. But it is worth noting that Luke did not deny that even the bitter truth is sometimes still worth telling. In the play "At the Bottom" you can often see the phrases that Luke utters to the night lodgers and other people who live the same way as they do: "Ehe-h ... Gentlemen, people! What will become of you? " Despite the fact that the elder always strived for the best, pure and good, he still spoke with sadness about the mournful life of a person.

    The majority opinion of a lie for good

    The quote "a lie for good" is associated with something of their own. Someone may believe that a lie for good is the only correct decision in difficult situations... However, the other half of humanity may disagree with this opinion and argue that it is better to always tell the truth, even when it is very "bitter" and unpleasant, than a lie for good.

    Examples from literature open the eyes of readers to many things. Some people who have read Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom" can condemn Luka for giving the residents of the shelter false hopes for a bright and happy future. But this situation can be looked at from the other side. Many people in modern world need the support of their loved ones, whether it is going to university, getting married, etc. Good words very often encourage people to take action, awaken in them faith in themselves and hope for a good future.

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    “Lying for good is good. But only to the one for whose benefit it was performed "

    Many people ask the question: "Lying for good - good or bad?" It is impossible to give a specific answer to this question, because it depends on the situation and on the motive. Each person evaluates lies for good in their own way. Examples from the literature can help readers take a different look at deception, understand its nature, and form an opinion that is different from what was previously available.

    In "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Pushkin, there is also a theme related to lies for the good. In this work, you can recall many situations in which the main characters had to resort to deception in order to save themselves and other people. Examples for the expression "a lie for good" in " Captain's daughter»Are encountered several times, and the most striking of them is Grinev's deception. He wanted to save Masha Mironova, who was his lover, and introduced the girl to Pugachev as a poor orphan. Grinev deceived Pugachev for the sake of saving his beloved, which is a shining example lies for the good. However, it is worth noting that Grinev never went against honor and lied when he found himself in difficult and dangerous situations for him. But if Pugachev found out that Masha is the captain's daughter, she could be mocked, beaten and even executed. Therefore, Peter decided to lie for the good of his beloved in order for her to remain safe and sound.

    Grinev and his lies for good

    Examples from the literature often provide food for thought and help to understand the true origin and nature of some emotions, actions and actions.

    The character who is the absolute opposite of Grinev is Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. For him, there were no such concepts as honor and dignity, kindness and truth. He often slandered Masha Mironova, and also slandered Grinev. Shvabrin's lies cannot be called a lie for the good, because his deception played a positive role only for himself, but not for other people.

    Lies for good and evil

    There are several examples of lies in The Captain's Daughter. The first is Grinev's lies for the sake of saving his beloved. The second is Shvabrin's lies and slander against Masha Mironova, which brought other people only trouble. Therefore, we can say that lies are different: with good and with bad intentions.

    Is it possible to lie for good? Most likely possible. Sometimes deception can be a lifeline for someone, as in The Captain's Daughter. However, if you recall the play "At the Bottom", then lying for the good did not bring anything good, but only exacerbated the already difficult situation. Therefore, we can say one thing: a lie for the good exists only when it is committed with good intentions.

    Lies for good, lies for salvation ... What do we mean by these concepts? Is lying immoral in all its forms, or in some situations more than justified? Many philosophers and not only asked this difficult question. Let's try to philosophize with you too!

    We use lies to avoid trouble. Usually. Late for work, we are lying, that we are standing in a "traffic jam", we got stuck in the elevator, we took the old woman across the road (fortunately, our imagination is working to the fullest in order to preserve ourselves). We are lying to our parents. In childhood - so as not to be scolded, in youth - so as not to worry, in adulthood - so that they would give less advice ... And, of course, we believe that this lie is exclusively for the good!

    We use lies when we do not know the answer to the question and do not see a way out of the situation. What kid hasn't heard the story of the stork, the shop, and the cabbage? “When he grows up, he finds out the truth,” so we think. Of course he will! In what way? (here, however, age must be taken into account).

    And what if your son in the seventh grade was asked a problem in geometry, in which you were not very strong even at school? What shall we say? That's right: “Well, sit down, think! Everything is simple here! " Well, not to admit your helplessness, really? Is this a good lie too? For the good of whom?

    At the dawn of a new relationship, we want to appear our best. And we are deceiving. A little bit. Just a little bit. Or not just a little. Here there are interesting moments! My friend met a man who she really liked. He hated smoking women and the smell of tobacco in general. Helen smoked like a steam locomotive, but she lied that she didn't smoke. And threw it! Here it is, a lie for good! Moreover, for the good of everyone)))

    And sometimes it comes to ridiculous! It was a long time ago, when no one had even heard of contact lenses. One girl was very shy about her poor eyesight and glasses with thick lenses, so she only wore them in the most extreme cases. And, of course, the young man with whom she began a relationship did not even know about such a "trifle". Well, just think, I poured salt into tea instead of sugar - worried, that's all. But that is not all! The fact is that nature has endowed the guy with fiery red hair and eyebrows, which he regularly dyed into radical black. And the girl did not notice it! Because I neglected glasses. In short, after the wedding, everything became clear, and even then, not immediately. But the family has existed for thirty years, they have an adult daughter. Love is stronger than misunderstanding! So it goes!

    Or this is how it can be. You light up, for example, in a nightclub, and suddenly you see a couple kissing. And everything would be fine, but only one of the defendants is the husband of your best friend! Here, again - options. First: your friend at this time (allegedly) visits her mother in Kopeisk, and she warms up in Tunisia. Second: Your friend, pregnant in the last month, is waiting for her beloved Sashulenka from a meeting with foreign partners. Well, and what to do? I'm not sure that you want to participate in this, and it's not great happiness to bring discord into the family. So what should I do? Keep silent, or urgently notify? So I don’t know ... Again, if we consider option number one, then there are no special problems. Two of a Kind. And if - the second? Is it worth worrying about pregnant Tanya? By the way, keep in mind that if you open your friend's eyes to her faithful, in any case stay extreme. And who needs this truth? You?

    Lying in relationships is a special topic.

    Let me remind you of an old bearded anecdote.

    The not too sober husband returns home in the morning. Wife: “Where have you been? Apparently at a meeting? And then you noticed a little? And then the taxi didn't go for a long time? And where did the lipstick come from? Someone leaning against the elevator? And what's that? Where does the women's panties come from ??? " Husband: "Honey, you are so smart, well, think of something yourself!"

    The situation is quite vital. One is lying, the other knows that he is lying and reassures himself with his own lies. We can say that two are trying to save the marriage. Through lies. Why? ... Although, this is their business ...

    Now come on, just very carefully, let's touch on a more delicate topic. So the person is seriously ill. Terminally ill. And they don't tell him. They are sorry. There were times when faith, hope, and with them ignorance, lifted the sick out of bed. But there are others! We, after all, as a rule, should we be in trouble or trouble, mentally ask heaven: "Lord, WHAT FOR?" And very few people come to mind to ask the question: "Lord, WHAT FOR?" Maybe a person has the right to think "for what"? And miracles happen! After all, the most powerful weapon is our consciousness and faith!

    “Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie”, “A small lie leads a big one”, “Rust eats iron, and a lie eats a soul”, “What is false is rotten,” so they say among the people. But sometimes we want to be deceived. Well, that's the way people are. Moreover, there are many professions and occupations that are ready to help us with this for a certain reward!

    Remember, you can deceive anyone, but you cannot. Bye! Be happy!

    Lies for good

    In a relationship, you always want to be honest and open, share painful, discuss the main problems, open your heart and soul to your beloved man. But this is only desirable, because in reality we are constantly playing at something, adhering to some framework and participating in a chess game, trying to calculate at least one step forward, and not only our own.

    At the dawn of a relationship, we are, by and large, time constant. Remember how you ran out of a crowded room, knocking over furniture and people on your way, when he called to tell him on the phone that "no, of course, you are not distracting, what did you want?" And how many times have you made an indifferent voice on the phone so as not to pretend that your heart will jump out of happiness now that he called! We will omit the small details when you spent five hours choosing a dress for a date, and in the end said that you were late due to the fact that you were allegedly detained at work.

    And even during a personal PR campaign, you are unlikely to tell a man that a few years ago you were not averse to participating in a wet T-shirt competition at a bike show - why spoil your reputation right away? But "understatements" are also a kind of lie.

    And she is constantly present in our life. Even if we say that “a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie” and say other life-affirming mantras, in the end all this also becomes a lie.

    Here's the simplest example. You found out that your friend's man cheated on her. There are two options for the development of events - you honestly tell her everything, and as a result, both you and her lover become her enemy. At the second stage, if they make up, she will consider you a liar and accuse you that you wanted to break their bright love. If they part, then again you will be extreme, because it was your long tongue that paved the gap between them. A reasonable question arises - who needed this truth? To you? Girlfriend? Her man?

    It is believed that reservations and silence are like lies, but this is not entirely true. We are understated due to the difference in perception. Let's say you were with your friends in a club, and your life partner knows about it. There you drank and went to dance with the first person you met, and in the process of dancing and an extra glass of martini you accidentally kissed. In the morning, you vaguely remember this, and your conscience, in general, torments you, since it is generally unclear how it happened and why. The difference is that if you tell this to your prince, he will immediately paint himself colorful pictures of betrayal and your moral decline, although in fact you just went overboard. Does it make sense to unnerve your loved one in vain, knowing that such an incident was a mistake and will not happen again? Of course, it is best to briefly describe how fun it was and that after the third cocktail you went home together.

    One more important point to justify a lie - communication with friends. In order not to spoil the relationship and not lose trust, very often you have to lie not only directly, but certainly keep your opinion to yourself, sometimes making a lot of effort. For example, you are categorically unsympathetic to the chosen one of your friend. You, firstly, have no right to say this to her face, because you do not fully know all the intricacies of their relationship, and secondly, your words will most likely offend her and spoil your relationship. Therefore, the only correct model of behavior is to listen to it and react according to the situation, without giving assessments, and even more so not to condemn. Is this a lie? On the one hand, yes, on the other - what is more important here, truth or friendship?

    Therefore, lying for good is not always the worst option. Very often, it is reservations, hiding some facts, small interpretations in the narrative that save both relationships and friendship, maintain mutual understanding and loyalty ... feels the heart, and not in facts and material evidence laid out on the shelves. Fantasy and emotions are not subject to logic. But it is also not worth stopping to "sweet lies" in communicating with loved ones - it is difficult to choose the golden mean, but this is the only correct way. You need to feel the interlocutor - be it your beloved or a friend, in order to understand exactly where and how far you can take a step "to the left". This is the only way to make the right choice, choose expressions or filter information for a particular situation. Even the truth can sometimes be presented in such a way that you will be heard and not offended if it is timely and competently formulated.

    Prioritize, think over what has been said and try to be empathetic first of all, and not cut the truth to the uterus!

    Probably all parents tell their children that lying is not good. No man wants his beloved child to think that it is okay to lie. However, parents never tell their children that there is a lie for good, although many of them often use this method themselves. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is good to lie in certain situations, because very often you can hear the phrase: "Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie."

    Lies for the good. Examples from literature

    Russian literature of the last century is simply replete with examples of lies for good. This topic is relevant at all times, so many famous writers also touched on and developed it.

    Maxim Gorky wrote the play At the Bottom. It also touched on the topic of lying for good. The protagonist of the play, Luca, believed that “sweet lies” could make life easier for everyone. He said that one should not deafen a person with the "butt" of truth. Luca convinced all the people around him that sweet lies can help a person believe in something better and thus change his life. He believed that self-deception can help to endure any difficulties much easier. But it is worth noting that Luke did not deny that sometimes even the bitter truth is still worth telling. In the play "At the Bottom" you can often see the phrases that Luke utters to the night lodgers and other people who live the same way as they do: "Ehe-h ... Gentlemen, people! What will become of you? " Despite the fact that the elder always strived for the best, pure and good, he still spoke with sadness about the mournful life of a person.

    The majority opinion of a lie for good

    The quote "a lie for the good" is associated with something of their own. Someone may believe that a lie for good is the only correct decision in difficult situations. However, the other half of humanity may disagree with this opinion and argue that it is better to always tell the truth, even when it is very "bitter" and unpleasant, than a lie for good.

    Examples from literature open the eyes of readers to many things. Some people who have read Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom" can condemn Luka for giving the residents of the shelter false hopes for a bright and happy future. But this situation can be looked at from the other side. Many people in the modern world need the support of their loved ones, be it going to university, getting married, etc. Good words very often encourage people to take action, awaken in them faith in themselves and hope for a good future.

    “Lying for good is good. But only to the one for whose benefit it was performed "

    Many people ask the question: "Lying for good - good or bad?" It is impossible to give a specific answer to this question, because it depends on the situation and on the motive. Each person evaluates lies for good in their own way. Examples from the literature can help readers take a different look at deception, understand its nature, and form an opinion that is different from what was previously available.

    In "The Captain's Daughter" by Alexander Pushkin, there is also a theme related to lies for the good. In this work, you can recall many situations in which the main characters had to resort to deception in order to save themselves and other people. Examples of the expression "lie for good" in "The Captain's Daughter" are encountered several times, and the most striking of them is Grinev's deception. He wanted to save Masha Mironova, who was his lover, and introduced the girl to Pugachev as a poor orphan. Grinev deceived Pugachev for the sake of saving his beloved, which is a vivid example of a lie for good. However, it is worth noting that Grinev never went against honor and lied when he found himself in difficult and dangerous situations for him. But if Pugachev found out that Masha is the captain's daughter, she could be mocked, beaten and even executed. Therefore, Peter decided to lie for the good of his beloved in order for her to remain safe and sound.

    Grinev and his lies for good

    Examples from the literature often provide food for thought and help to understand the true origin and nature of some emotions, actions and actions.

    The character who is the absolute opposite of Grinev is Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. For him, there were no such concepts as kindness and truth. He often slandered Masha Mironova, and also slandered Grinev. Shvabrin's lies cannot be called a lie for the good, because his deception played a positive role only for himself, but not for other people.

    Lies for good and evil

    There are several examples of lies in The Captain's Daughter. The first is Grinev's lies for the sake of saving his beloved. The second is Shvabrin's lies and slander against Masha Mironova, which brought other people only trouble. Therefore, we can say that lies are different: with good and with bad intentions.

    Is it possible to lie for good? Most likely possible. Sometimes deception can become for someone like in the work "The Captain's Daughter". However, if you recall the play "At the Bottom", then lying for the good did not bring anything good, but only exacerbated the already difficult situation. Therefore, we can say one thing: a lie for the good exists only when it is committed with good intentions.