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  • As Stalin "paid education" introduced. "Free Education" in the USSR paid education in the USSR was introduced

    As Stalin

    From rumors about the reform of education, citizens, of course, strongly strained. I myself strain myself, although I understood that sooner or later this will happen: Nefig under the peripheral capitalism so much formed to have. However, some of the citizens, from among no comrades, of course, began to look for ways of evidence that, they say, it is not bad, but even well. Or at least no worse than before. Moreover, under the "earlier" it would be desirable to understand the USSR. For the subconsciousness suggests: if with sausage in the USSR, perhaps it was not everything was chocolate, sorry for the pun, then with the formation of something ...

    In general, it is necessary to prove urgently that in the USSR just with education was all hrenovo. To the reform at least did not look like an unprecedented drainage of everything and everything. Well, here, how not to remember: under Stalin, there was also paid education !!! Well, like, "Your favorite Stalin is even worse, yes." Well, or, as an option, "And they are in the footsteps of your favorite Stalin go."

    Someone even found the appropriate ruling and happily laid out it. With idiotic, as usual, comments. Views: And this specially from the formation cut off. It is not quite clear, however, the citizens uncontrolled from education in regular order were flowed from the village to the cities to the factories, and where it took such a number of scientists and engineers - perhaps, less than in several most developed countries of the world, but knowingly greater, than in the Russian Empire. Although such questions should not be disturbed by freedomsides. Contradictions only confirm the loyalty of theses.

    For example, the Nazis in regular proven to the Communists, that the October Revolution was Zhid. Liberals, at the same time, prove the Communists, as if the Bolsheviks were specifically engaged in the extermination of Jews and generally bred unrestrained anti-Semitism. It would seem what you prove to us? You have a clear contradiction with each other: the abstracts of theses of eighty degrees. But no, the Nazis and the liberals among themselves do not argue on this topic. It is strictly for a dispute with the Communists.

    So, the corresponding ruling. Its means laid out. It means there. In free, it means access. Let's take off?

    №27 of October 26, 1940
    Resolution No. 638. (p. 236-2374 237-238).
    pp. 236-237
    "On the establishment of a depreciation of high schools and in higher educational institutions of the USSR and the change in the procedure for appointments of scholarships."

    Given the increased level of material well-being of workers and significant expenses of the Soviet state for the construction, equipment and maintenance of a continuously increasing network of secondary and higher educational institutions, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR recognizes it necessary to entrust part of the expenditures on secondary schools and higher educational institutions of the USSR on the workers themselves and in Communications decides:
    1. From September 1, 1940 in 8, 9, and 10 classes of secondary schools and higher educational institutions fee for training.
    2. Set for students of 8-10 medium school classes the following training fees:
    a) in the schools of Moscow and Leningrad, as well as the metropolitan cities of the Union republics - 200 rubles per year;
    b) in all other cities, as well as villages - 150 rubles per year.

    Note. The specified training fee in 8-10 grades of secondary schools to extend to students of technical schools, pedagogical schools, agricultural and other specialized medium-sized institutions.
    1. Install the following fees for training in higher educational institutions of the USSR:
    a) in higher educational institutions located in the cities of Moscow and Leningrad and the capitals of the Union republics - 400 rubles per year;
    b) in higher educational institutions located in other cities - 300 rubles per year ...

    Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union of SSR V. Molotov
    Managing Cases of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR M. Hills
    Moscow Kremlin. October 2, 1940 №1860.

    First of all, with surprise, find out that it is not Stalin, it is Molotov. But not the essence, all it is clear that Stalin personally conducted all questions in the country, and Molotov is his six. However, other amazing things are revealed. It turns out that paid formation was introduced, but not all the formation became paid. The average school, as was free and remained. Moreover, for the entire population of the USSR. And there was simply no such school to the Bolsheviks. Before the Bolsheviks, only church parish schools were among the Education accessible to all and taught there to read, writing, the simplest arithmetic and the law of God. At the same time, approximately each second on the results did not even have such skills.

    With the Bolsheviks, the situation has changed radically and to the notorious 40th illiterate was less than ten percent of the population. At the same time, a significant part of competent not just knew how to read and write, but possessed secondary or higher education.

    Already, therefore, it is impossible to say "But Stalin also did." No, collective "Stalin" brought a catastrophically illiterate population at the level of literacy of the leading states of the world.

    But still how to deal with the board? It is serious - make free training paid!

    Here is the subtlety. As already mentioned, "Stalin" made paid training, which he himself created. Moreover, he created recently - the current reformers got a system, within which the highest free education existed already in half a century.

    Start primary education managed to establish the end of the twenties. Mortar average - by the middle of the thirties. Of which, as easy to guess, it follows: the preparatory to higher educational institutions (those three older class) in the 1940s were only at the stage of formation. It can not be considered for a long time existing, which suddenly suddenly made paid. Actually, the thirties were a period of formation of the school, and very fast formation. And the introduction of training fees in high schools, in fact, was the reason that the newly introduced social benefit was not able to master it from the skill. After all, it must be remembered, at the end of the thirties it became quite obvious: there will be a war. The country stood hard to prepare for it, so the plans for the speedy introduction also had to postpone the highest free education.

    After the war and the recovery period, higher education also became free.

    The ruling is negotiated, except, the amount of payment. For senior classes 200 rubles for the year in the capitals and 150 in the rest of the places. For universities 400 rubles per year in the capitals and 300 outside them. Is there a lot or a little?

    The average salary of the worker in 1940 was about 350 and rubles. Per month. Not for the year. A month for the training of one child in high school, thus, the worker gave 200 / (350 * 12) \u003d 1/21 average salary. That is, according to the current standards it is 850 rubles. For training at the Institute - one tenth. Is there a lot or a little? There are nuances here. Now it is a lot. Then it is not enough. Why is that? Because the level of mandatory monthly spending is also important - rent, medicine, etc. It is they determined which percentage of salary is "free money" - those whose waste can be varied.

    What is characteristic, everyone understands: now as payment will take at all not 850 rubles. 850 rubles now - one visit to the doctor in a paid clinic. The therapist is not a specialist.

    So, yes, compare the collective "Stalin", which rebuilt the education system almost from scratch and offered to temporarily pay the topmost fragment on fairly soft conditions and then only on the eve of a big war, with modern reformers that dreams of even primary education emerging Outside the church-parish school, which the entire education system went to fifty years as ready.

    We were not even surprised at the reaction of many readers to a note about paid education in the USSR, and shocked: anger, aggression and reluctance to hear the truth. That is what they behave in conversations with journalists those who found this information slander to the Soviet past.

    Those for whom memories of the USSR times remained exclusively pleasant, and such a negative, as payment for training at school, simply does not fit into this ideal picture. We will not see anything to persuade anything, but provide facts. On this topic we will put the point.

    Literal quotation

    "№27 of October 26, 1940. Resolution No. 638 "On the establishment of a speech of training in high schools and in higher educational institutions of the USSR and on the change in the procedure for appointments of scholarships."

    Given the increased level of material well-being of workers and significant expenses of the Soviet state for the construction, equipment and maintenance of a continuously increasing network of secondary and higher educational institutions, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR recognizes it necessary to entrust part of the expenditures on secondary schools and higher educational institutions of the USSR on the workers themselves and in Communications decides:

    1. To enter from September 1, 1940 in 8, 9, and 10 classes of secondary schools and higher educational institutions fee for training.

    2. Install for students 8 - 10 grades of secondary schools The following training fees:

    a) in the schools of Moscow and Leningrad, as well as the metropolitan cities of the Union republics - 200 rubles per year;

    b) in all other cities, as well as villages - 150 rubles a year.

    Note. The specified training fee in 8 - 10 grades of secondary schools to extend to students of technical schools, pedagogical schools, agricultural and other special medium-sized institutions.

    1. To establish the following training fees in higher educational institutions of the USSR:

    a) in higher educational institutions located in the cities of Moscow and Leningrad and the capitals of the Union republics - 400 rubles per year;

    b) in higher educational institutions located in other cities - 300 rubles per year ...

    Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union of SSR V.Molotov

    Managing Cases of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR M. Hills

    If you focus on the average nominal wage of workers and employees in 1940 - about 300 rubles per month - then the amount of payment for school and university was installed non-5 (from 12 to 16 rubles per month). However, it was indefinite for many that many did not give the opportunity to continue their education after the 7th grade. By the way, the collective farmers then did not receive salaries in general - worked for workload, surviving at the expense of their inadlines.

    Write eyewitnesses

    Dear editorial office "Va-Bank"! I testify that paid education was. When I went to the 8th grade of our village school in September 54, it was not necessary to pay only for the reason that my father was shot by the Germans. I am the younger, and we had five daughters in my mother. We are all, including children, raised the destroyed war village. Pension for the Father-shot in the 42nd year was appointed only in 49th, and then for two children. Living became a little easier. Mom stopped walking to ask alms into distant villages (ashamed to meet familiar) to feed us. And taxes paid to a penny. For all that were raised - taxes, and even for trees in the garden. High school I graduated from alone, although it was not necessary to pay our family. Very, very difficult to live in collective farm. Only by enrolling in a higher or secondary special institution, you could get a passport.

    Love Paulskaya.

    Thank you for the newspaper, which brings us not only useful information, but also prints emotional articles. There is something to read, take note, use in life. I can not resist not to speak about paid education. I am one of those who paid for training in 8 - 10 classes (it was in 1947 - 50) in the city of Luza Kirov region. And we lived with my mother nearby in the village of logging, from where it had to leave for a week and live in someone else's apartment.

    Of the four 5 grades (and in each of them there were 30 - 35 people) only 12 people came to the 10th ... Dear editors! If they still be blamed that such paid training was not in the USSR, then offer them my phone, I'll tell you in detail about those years.

    I remember how in the 9th grade somehow I have passed me for studying, but in the 10th, on the eve of the exams, the class teacher reported that they would not allow me to exam, if you do not pay for two years. I didn't go home, I knew that there were no such money there - a family without a father, a pension on three children did not pay mom (the father died at home from illness). But I did not go to school. In the afternoon I came to the hostess cool (I hid behind the stove), began to convince that I need to go back to school that you could sell something to pay. And also suggested that someone from teachers will pay for me. I could not stand it. I came out and say: "If the state has no money to pay for my studies - I will not come back!" It ended in that I was called for exams. I passed, but until the last minute I did not believe that I was given a certificate. Gave out. But I still do not know how it settled.

    My maiden name Naumova, name is Elena Ivanovna, now I am 77 years old.

    Dear edit! I will tell you my story. In the 49th year, I graduated from seven classes (we lived in Slutsk district). To learn in the 8th, it was necessary to pay 150 rubles a year (contributions for 75 rubles in September and in January). My parents worked in the collective farm at workload and could not pay in September (it was necessary to sell something from the farm). And the class teacher at every lesson raised me and asked when I brought money. But still did not exclude from school.

    In the 52nd year, I graduated from a decade and entered the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute. Stalin. Studying at the university was also paid. I received the first scholarship by 295 rubles, but I was given only 95, the rest was deducted for training. It was also in January 53rd after the session. For those who did not receive scholarships, the fee contributed to parents. By the way, the children of teachers for training in 8 - 10 classes from the board were released.

    Nina Grigorievna Tikach.

    On June 6, 1956, Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 6, 1956, training in high schools, in secondary special and higher educational institutions of the USSR was canceled.

    Contrary to the established view that education in the USSR was free, it was not always the case. On October 26, 1940, Resolution No. 638 was introduced "On the establishment of an education recruitment in high schools in secondary schools and in higher educational institutions of the USSR and about changing the procedure for appointments of scholarships." In high school classes and universities, paid training with the established annual payment was introduced. Training in metropolitan schools cost 200 rubles per year; In the provincial - 150, and for training at the institute already had to give 400 rubles in Moscow, Leningrad and the capitals of the Union republics, and 300 in other cities.

    The amount of payment for school and university was not high, the annual fee approximately corresponded or was less than the average monthly nominal salary of Soviet workers. The average salary of the worker in 1940 was about 350 rubles. At the same time, the level of mandatory monthly spending (rent, medicine, etc.) was lower than, for example, at present. By the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 6, 1956, the fees for training in high schools in secondary schools, the USSR has been canceled in secondary special and higher educational institutions.

    The Soviet power attached to the education of the population a huge, actually leading role. Vladimir Lenin saw in the socialist revolution the opportunity to quickly overcome the economic and cultural backwardness of the country. The cultural revolution included a wide range of socialist construction tasks in the field of culture. The school was assigned a special role as an educational institution and a tool for communist upbringing. Not in vain Lenin at the congress of employees of the Enlightenment, said: "The victory of the revolution can consolidate only the school. The upbringing of future generations is fixed by everything that conquered by the revolution. " "The fate of the Russian revolution directly depends on how soon the teacher mass falls on the side of Soviet power." Thus, the Bolsheviks are completely true and accurately determined the role of school in the Soviet project. Only the masses of educated and technically competent people could face a socialist state.

    At the head of school, prominent figures of the RCP (b) were set: N. K. Krupskaya, A. V. Lunacharsky, M. N. Pokrovsky. A. V. Lunacharsky headed the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment (NarcarPros) until 1929. It should be noted that the first stage of the existence of the Soviet education system was associated with the destruction of the old education system and the elimination of the illiteracy of the population. The former structures of school administration were destroyed, private educational institutions, spiritual educational institutions were closed, the teaching of ancient languages \u200b\u200band religion was prohibited, brought out universal and domestic history from the program. For discraining of unreliable teachers, "cleaning" was carried out.

    It is worth noting that at this time, so-called. The trockers-internationalists are very "cut down", destroying Russian culture, education and history. It was believed that everything that was with a tsarism, outdated and reactive. Therefore, together with such positive phenomena, as the elimination of illiteracy, private education and the influence of the church on school, there were many negative. In particular, they refused to teach history, all the kings, commander, etc., came to negative figures, were removed from Russian Classic and MN programs. Other. Not in vain in the 1930s (in the period of Stalinism), much that was positive in the field of education in the Russian Empire, restored, including separate training of boys and girls.

    It is also worth remembering that large damage to the system of folk education and the dissemination of literacy was caused by the First World and Civil Wars. The national economy was in ruin. Due to the lack, the tool closed many schools, the number of students decreased. The remaining schools were in launch, for students lacked paper, textbooks, ink. Teachers, who did not receive salary, left schools. Full financing of the enlightenment system managed to restore only by 1924, after that, the cost of education has steadily grew. So, in 1925-1930. Folk-enlightened expenses were 12-13% of the budget.

    The ways of forming a new school were determined in the documents adopted in October 1918: the "Regulations on a Unified Labor School" and "The Basic Principles of the Unified Labor School (Declaration). The Soviet school was created as a unified system of joint and free general education with two steps: the first - 5 years of study, the second - 4 years of study. The right of all citizens to education was proclaimed regardless of nationality, equality in the formation of a man and a woman, the uncondition of secular learning (the school was separated from the church). In addition, educational and production functions were imposed on educational institutions (in the modern Russian Federation these functions were practically destroyed).

    Decree of the SNK RSFSR dated August 2, 1918 "On the rules of admission to higher educational institutions of the RSFSR" was proclaimed that every person who had reached 16 years, regardless of citizenship and nationality, sex and religion was taken to universities without exams, was not required to provide a document on secondary education. The advantage in enrollment was given to workers and peasants, that is, the main social groups of the country.

    The fight against illiteracy was proclaimed as a primary task. On December 26, 1919, SNK adopted the decree "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR", according to which the entire population from 8 to 50 years has been obliged to learn a diploma in his native or Russian. The decree was provided for a reduction in the working day for 2 hours for students with salary conservation, mobilization of the competent population in the order of labor consideration, organization of accounting for illiterate, providing premises for training mugs of lycabes. However, during the civil war, this work could not be fully expanded. In 1920, the All-Russian Emergency Commission for Elimination of Illiteracy was established (existed until 1930) under the drug addict of the RSFSR. In 1923, a mass society "Down with illiteracy" was created under the chairmanship of M. I. Kalinin, a plan was adopted to eliminate the illiteracy of persons from 18 to 35 years in the RSFSR to the 10th anniversary of the Soviet power. The fight against illiteracy included Komsomol and trade unions. However, to execute this plan completely failed. Little frames, material base, etc. It was necessary to strengthen the main element of education - school to cover all children. Thus, the problem of illiteracy decided naturally.

    In the second half of the 20s, education comes out of the crisis. The country is restored after two wars and economic destruction, regular financing of education begins. Thus, in the 1927-1928 school year, the number of educational institutions compared with 1913 increased by 10%, and the number of students is 43%. In the 1922-1923 school year, there were about 61.6 thousand schools in the country, in the 1928-1929 academic year, their number reached 85.3 thousand. Over the same period, the number of seven-year schools increased 5.3 times, and students in them are twice.

    In the highest school, the new authorities tried to attract the personnel of the old, pre-revolutionary intelligentsia and not without success, and create new staffs from representatives of the working class and the peasantry. However, the majority of adopted in universities could be trained in universities, since they did not even have secondary education. To solve this problem, the work faculties created from 1919 throughout Soviet Russia were established. At the end of the recovery period, the graduates of Rabafakov constituted half the students adopted in universities. To create a layer of the new Soviet intelligentsia, the spread of the ideas of Marxism and the restructuring of the teaching of the Social Sciences was created an extensive network of scientific and educational institutions: the Socialist Academy (since 1924 - Communist), Communist University. J. M., Institute K. Marx and F. Engels, Commission on the history of the October Revolution and RCP (B) (Istpart), Institute of Red Professors, Communist Universities of the Workers of the East and National Minorities of the West.

    As a result, the higher education system has developed in its main features by 1927. The task was set up to professionally to prepare the organizers professionally. The number of early universities, which opened immediately after the revolution, was reduced, the admission of students was significantly reduced, entrance exams were restored. Lack of funds and qualified teachers kept the expansion of a system of higher and secondary special education. By 1927, the network of higher educational institutions and technical schools of the RSFSR counted 90 universities with the number of students of 114.2 thousand and 672 technical school with the number of students of 123.2 thousand.

    In the 1930s, the second stage was established in the creation of the Soviet education system. In 1930, a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On Universal Mandatory Initial Learning" was adopted. Universal mandatory initial training was introduced from the 1930-1931 academic year for children of 8-10 years in the amount of 4 classes; For adolescents who did not pass primary learning, in the amount of accelerated 1-2 year courses. For children who received primary education (graduated from the 1st Step School), in industrial cities, factory-starting areas and working villages established mandatory training at the seven-year school. School expenses in 1929-1930 increased more than 10 times compared with the 1925-1926 school year and in subsequent years continued to grow. This made it possible during the first and second five-year plans to deploy the construction of new schools: during this period, about 40 thousand schools opened. Preparation of pedagogical personnel was expanded. Teachers and other school workers raised wages, which began to depend on education and experience. As a result, by the end of 1932, almost 98% of children aged 8 to 11 years were covered by studying, which resolved the problem of illiteracy. Work continued to eliminate illiteracy, which gave higher results.

    In the early 1930s, the content and methods of school learning changed. School programs were reworked, new stable textbooks were created, the teaching of universal and domestic history was introduced. The main form of organization of the educational process was a lesson, a strict class schedule was introduced, the internal regulations. There was a steady school system with continuity steps. The school came a new generation of teachers, talented and conscientious, loving children and their profession. It is these teachers who have created the famous Soviet school, the best in the world and which is still a source of innovation for the most effective School systems of the West and the East.

    At the same time, a system of engineering and technical, agricultural and pedagogical educational institutions was created, which allowed the Union to become a "superpower", which for several decades successfully opposed all Western civilization.

    In 1932-1933 Traditional, time-tested methods of learning were restored, specialization in universities were expanded. In 1934, scientific degrees of candidate and doctors of science and scientists of the title of assistant, associate professor and professor were established. That is, under Stalin, in fact, the classical education was restored. Created by correspondence and evening training in universities and technical schools. In large enterprises, training plants were distributed, which included sweatures, technical schools, schools, advanced training courses. The total number of higher educational institutions in the RSFSR was in 1940. 481.

    In the 1930s, the composition of the student was radically changed, which was promoted by various training courses for workers' and peasant youth in universities, Rabafaki, kits of party thousands during the first five years. The number of intelligentsia grew very quickly, by the end of the 30s, the new replenishment of this layer was 80-90% of the total intelligentsia. It was already a socialist intelligentsia. Thus, the Soviet government has created a third social support - the socialist intelligentsia, in many respects technical. It was the basis and a powerful support of the socialist, industrial state, the Red Empire. And the years of the terrible Great Patriotic War confirmed the advanced meaning of the Soviet school, its effectiveness, when Soviet soldiers, commanders, workers, scientists and engineers, educated and educated in the new system, defeated the very effective capitalist system - the Third Reich.

    It must be said that our enemies perfectly understood all the danger of the Soviet school. For example, years of war only in the territory of the RSFSR, the Nazis destroyed about 20 thousand school buildings, around the country - 82 thousand in the Moscow region by the summer of 1943. In fact, 91.8% of school buildings were destroyed or dilapidated, in the Leningrad region - 83 , 2%.

    However, even during the greatest war, the Soviet government tried to develop a system of education. During the war years, government decisions on school education were adopted: on the training of children from seven years old (1943), on the establishment of general education schools of workers' youth (1943), on the opening of evening schools in rural areas (1944), on the introduction of a five-point system of gravity assessments and behavior Pupils (1944), on the establishment of final exams at the end of the initial, seven-year and secondary school (1944), about awarding the Golden and Silver medals of distinguished secondary school students (1944), etc. In 1943, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR was created.

    Since 1943, the recovery of higher education system began. So, in the conditions of war since 1941, the reception in universities was reduced by 41%, compared with peaceful time; The number of universities has decreased from 817 to 460; The number of students has decreased by 3.5 times, the number of teachers has decreased by more than 2 times; To preserve the contingent of students in universities, girls were attracted; The training deadlines due to the seal were reduced to 3-3.5 years, many students worked at the same time. As a result, by the end of the war, the number of higher educational institutions and the number of students approached the pre-war level. Thus, the crisis of higher education was overcome as soon as possible.

    It is worth noting that the post-war period in education was investing large sums. In addition, collective farms, trade unions, promotionals were allocated for school construction. Only by the population by the method of People's Building in the RSFSR, 1736 new schools were built. By the beginning of the 1950s. The Russian School not only restored the number of educational institutions, but also moved to universal seven-year training.

    After the destruction of the Soviet, socialist state in 1991, the bourgeois-oligarchic revolution, where a significant part of the Soviet nomenclature was made as a class of bourgeois, especially the semi-colony of the West (and partly the East). It is clear that in the half-colonia or in the country of peripheral capitalism it is not necessary to have a system of education, which gives hundreds of thousands of fairly well-educated people (and in comparison with the average level of the West and the East, not to mention Africa or Latin America, just excellent). After all, they sooner or later questions will begin to ask, doubts to express in the success of "reforms". Therefore, there was a phased demolition of the Soviet school with the transformation of ordinary schools in the American analogue for commoners: "prison romanticism" (security, cameras, fences, etc.); Refusal of educational, productive functions; reduction of hours of fundamental disciplines with the introduction of unnecessary lessons of the type of world culture, local languages, "The Law of God", etc.; The translation into the second language is English (the language of Anglo-American world order), which in the end leads to the creation of an ideal consumer-performer. At the same time, kindergartens and schools gradually "are capitalized", that is, they are transferred to a paid basis. Children of the rich and "successful" are able to study in private elite schools in the Russian Federation or give children in similar institutions abroad. That is, the people again divided into two unequal parts, and the conquest of socialism is destroyed.

    However, for this it was necessary to let a certain ideological base. It was necessary to prove that Soviet education created only "Sovkov" with totalitarian, militarized thinking. And how not to remember that Stalin introduced a "paid education"! Like, under Stalin, a significant percentage of the population came out to continue their education.

    In fact, it is not. First you need to remember that the Bolsheviks created high school at all, and it remained free for everyone. It was a huge work: investments, footage, huge territory, dozens of nations and MN. Other. Stole primary education managed to improve the end of the 1920s with great difficulty. The average average - by the mid-1930s. In the 1930s created the basis of the best education in the world. And preparatory education for higher education institutions (three older class), for which they introduced fee, in 1940 was only at the stage of formation. The introduction of fees for training in high schools, in fact, was the reason that the newly introduced social benefit did not have time to master. The Second World War was already in full swing, a terrible domestic war was approaching. The Soviet Union has been hard to prepare for it, so the plans for the early introduction of the highest free education had to be postponed.

    A completely rational solution. At that moment, the Union needed more workers than representatives of the intelligentsia, taking into account the already created personnel base. In addition, military schools were still free and school-seven-year-olds stimulated the creation of the Soviet military elite. The young men could go to flight, tank, infantry and other schools. In the conditions of war it was under the state wise.

    It is also worth noting that under Stalin built a healthy hierarchy. Upstairs the social staircase was military, scientific and technical, educational (professorship, teaching staff) elite. Mandatory education was seven-year, then dropping through exams and the decision of the school's pedsove. The rest or in a severe competition, or towards competent organizations. At the same time, everyone had the opportunity to rise above, they needed talent and perseverance. Powerful social elevators were armed forces and batch. Another serious element of this system was separate training for girls and boys. Taking into account the psychological and physiological differences in the development of boys and girls it was a very important step.

    After Stalin, this healthy hierarchy, which began to build, was destroyed by the "equaliant". And since 1991, a new dispersion is built (within the framework of the general archaeization of the planet and the onset of neo-refoilism) with division into rich and "successful" and poor, "losers". But here is a hierarchy with the "minus" sign: on top of the social staircase, an unproving class, capitalists - "new feudalists", rovists-bankers, corruption officials, mafia structures serving their layers.

    IN USSR School and university were not always free. The fee was canceled only in 1956.
    The official decisions on the introduction of the training fee practically were not published anywhere, although they are in open archives and are not hidden behind the vulture "secretly".

    The fee was introduced on October 26, 1940. A collapse of the decision No. 638 "On the establishment of a study of training in high school grades and in higher educational institutions of the USSR and about changing the procedure for the appointments of scholarships".

    In high school classes and universities, paid training with the established annual payment was introduced. Training in metropolitan schools cost 200 rubles per year; In provincial - 150, and for training at the institute already had to spread 400 rubles in Moscow, Leningrad and the capitals of the Union republics, and 300 in other cities.

    The amount of payment for school and university has been established not excessive, the annual fee approximately corresponded to the average monthly nominal salary of Soviet workers.
    However, the introduction of even such a modest fee for many Soviet citizens closed the ability to continue education after grade 7. And the collective farmers then did not receive salaries and worked in the collective farm for the workload.

    The only social staircase for the bottoms then became military schools - training in them was free. Either after serving in the army - work in the NKVD.

    Later, a decree on criminal liability appeared for a period of up to 1 year "For self-consuming care or for systematic and gross violation of school discipline, which caused the exception" from the school (school). " The state attached students to the FZO.

    On December 24, 1958, the Law "On Strengthening School's Communications with Life" was adopted, introducing a mandatory eight-year education. But at the same time, students of the 9-10th grades were to work in production or in agriculture to work 2 days a week - everything that they produced for these 2 days of work at the factory or in the field went to pay for school education. For admission to the university, it was now required work experience at least two years after graduation. This "school reform" was canceled immediately after the shift of Khrushchev, and the final view of the school education received only at Brezhnev, in 1966.

    As a result of the "reforms", the number of graduates of secondary schools (8-10 classes), secondary special educational institutions and universities fell twice. During the war, the Central Committee of the CPSU held consultations with the governments of the Union republics and decided to cancel the fee for national signs for students of 8-10 grades of secondary schools, technical schools and higher educational institutions.

    By the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 6, 1956, the fees for training in high schools in secondary schools, the USSR has been canceled in secondary special and higher educational institutions.

    According to the results of this decision and the subsequent tragedy of the Great Patriotic War, some braking of the shock paces of dissemination of publicly available education occurred. It should be noted that it was temporary, and the refusal of measures to introduce paid training occurred immediately after the end of the war and the post-war period of recovery of the country.

    As soon as the recovery state could afford the development of industries connected not only with the needs of the current survival, it immediately did it. It should be understood that paid education from 1940 to 1956 was no analogous to the European paid, elite higher and secondary educational, elite and secondary education.

    According to historians and researchers of the Soviet period, the amount of 150 rubles per year for schools and secondary educational institutions and 300 rubles per year for universities most cities and villages of the country were not so hot.

    Historians report that the average labor salary in 1940 amounted to 300-350 rubles per month. Whereas the amounts of 300-400 rubles for tuition in universities were intended for annual training. Even if the specified average salary, one way or another, is overestimated, and in reality, an ordinary worker or a peasant can receive only 200 or even 100 rubles per month, all the same, the specified prices for training do not look beware.

    Yes, for the population of the poor country, this money was not completely superfluous, and not all families had good salary. For example, for the peasantry, these measures really created major problems in social mobility. However, it is necessary to understand that the Soviet government deliberately held back the possibility of horizontal mobility of the residents of the village, holding them in collective farms.