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  • Qualities of a man in English. Character traits in English - a list, features and examples. Examples of descriptions of moles, wrinkles and scars

    Qualities of a man in English.  Character traits in English - a list, features and examples.  Examples of descriptions of moles, wrinkles and scars

    We all dress up, disguise ourselves, wear clothes not only of different colors, styles, but also styles. All this, of course, helps to express ourselves, as well as to reveal our inner world a little. Is it necessary to be able to describe character traits in English?

    Undoubtedly. Imagine a situation that you want to tell about the guy or girl of your dreams, or maybe emphasize best qualities your character or describe something that you do not accept. All topics are very urgent, close and therefore popular. It is not difficult to write a description of a person's character in English. We will help, offer our own version and vocabulary that you can use.


    Of course, you will not use adjectives separately. That is why we will give you verbs that will help you build a beautiful statement.

    to admire smb for smth admire someone for something
    to appreciate smth appreciate something
    to be a good mixer get along well with
    to be a peson of strong (weak) character have a strong/weak character
    to be kind of person you like at first sight win at first sight
    to be a sunny soul kind soul
    to have a bunch of bad habits have a lot of bad habits
    to have a sense of humor have a sense of humor
    to keep one's promise/word keep a promise, word
    to make friends make friends
    to be like and soul of the party be the soul of the company
    to tell lies lie
    to be devoted to to dedicate, to serve, to give of oneself
    to behave oneself/to like the way one behaves behave / like how someone behaves


    The list of the following words will help to compile a complete description, describe the character from different angles.

    admirable admirable clever, intelligent, bright clever foolish, silly, stupid silly modest modest
    aggressive aggressive conceited presumptuous frank, sincere frank, sincere noisy noisy
    ambitious ambitious scurpulous/contemptuous scrupulous generous generous stubborn stubborn
    witty, amusing witty cruel contemptuous gentle soft, noble patient patient
    haughty arrogant sly, cunning cruel gloomy, moody gloomy polite polite
    bossful boastful curious, inquisitive cunning, crafty well-bred educated selfish selfish
    bold, brave, courageous, fearless bold, courageous, courageous, fearless dishonest / honest dishonest / honest greedy greedy sensible sensitive
    boring, dull boring naughty capricious hypocritical hypocritical shy timid
    bossy, snobish overbearing envious envious jealous jealous social, talkative sociable, talkative
    cheerful, lively happy evil, wicked evil, unscrupulous lazy lazy wise wise

    Phrasal verbs

    When describing a character, you can’t do without phrases that will help open your soul, “wash all the bones”, talk about the special qualities of a person.

    to argue with smb about smth- argue with someone about something

    to bring smb up- bring up

    to be getting on for smth- approaching a certain age

    to come across as smth- seem

    to get on with- get along, make friends

    to get out of doing smth- evade

    to get round smb- suck up

    to get through to smb find a way

    to go by- judge

    to go on about- to repeat without ceasing

    to hand smth over- pass from hand to hand

    to let smb down- let down

    live up - come alive

    to look back on smth- look back

    to look up to smb (to look down on smb) — respect / disrespect

    to pass oneself off as smb- impersonate someone

    to pick on smb- criticize, scold

    to put up with- tolerate

    to rely on- rely

    to see through smb- to see through

    to show off/to stand out- release intentionally / unintentionally

    to stand up to smb- resist, resist

    to tell off- scold


    to be the black sheep of the family- to be a white crow

    to be close to smb- to be congenial

    to be in the public eye- to be in sight

    to get to the top- reach the top

    to get one's own way- do your own thing

    to have a heart of gold have a heart of gold

    to have a mind of your own- have your own opinion

    to have a memory like a sieve have a bad memory

    to keep oneself to oneself- To be youreself

    to know one's own mind know what you want

    to put oneself in smb's shoes - put yourself in the place of another

    to see eye to eye- agree on opinions

    to see things in black and white- judge categorically

    a shoulder to cry on- vest to cry

    to take smth to heart- To take it personally

    to take one's side- take sides

    to have a lot of faults- have many flaws

    bottle up your feelings- hide feelings

    to be born with a silver spoon- born in a shirt / born into a rich family

    to sweet talk flatter.

    And now I will present you with a characteristic that concerns a certain person, it can be changed or supplemented.

    It takes all sorts to make a world 1 . At the same time everyone has somethig positive and something negative. Some people are shy and don't like to stand out 2 . Others are bossy and pick on 3 everyone. I'd like to describe the character of my mother because she is ideal for me.

    My mum is 50. She has two children. But she looks her best 4. My mother has an intelligent appearance. She always is dressed spick and span 5 .

    What about the character? my mother gets well with 6 people so she has many friends. Everyone says that she has a heart of gold. She is modest, calm, honest and frank. I always come to her when I need advice. Sometimes she is a shoulder to cry on 7 . But my mother usually speaks her mind 8 and never tells me off 9 . I think she is more practical and realistic, but from time to time she is sensitive. She has always taught us not to afford the heart rule the head. And when we pick on anyone we should always put in ourselves other people's shoes 10 . The only fault that she takes problems to heart 11 .

    So my mother is friendly and faithful. But there are some things that she dislikes. For example she hates cruel 12 , sly 13 and envious 14 people.

    I think that everyone must have a person whom it is possible to talk on equal with 15 . I can always rely on my mom. There are a lot of different people in the world. And we should get well with everybody because negative emotions are badly.


    1. It takes all sorts to make a world Everyone has their own quirks / There are many different people in the world
    2. stand-out stand out
    3. pick-on criticize
    4. looks her best be as attractive as possible
    5. to be dressed spick and span to be immaculately dressed
    6. get well with get along well with someone
    7. a shoulder to cry on vest cry
    8. to speak smb's mind - tell your opinion
    9. to tell smb off reprimand, scold
    10. to put ourselves in other people's shoes put yourself in someone's place
    11. to take problems to heart To take it personally
    12. cruel - cruel
    13. sly- sly
    14. envious- envious
    15. talk on equal with — speak as equals
    16. rely on- rely

    So, when describing the character of a person in English, do not forget to start with a generalized phrase and end with a logical expression. Describing yourself, mention the negative aspects, this will emphasize your self-criticism, the ability to analyze and correct. Don't be too harsh in your judgments of other people. Mentioning their character traits in English, underline 2-4 negative points, no more. And they will think that you are an evil person. We have given the main recommendations on this topic. Try and write your own description!

    Description of a person is one of the first topics that are covered at the very beginning of learning English. In almost every conversation, it becomes necessary to express your opinion about a particular acquaintance, and it is often difficult to find an exact definition. This article is written specifically to avoid such problems. Here we have collected the most commonly used vocabulary to describe a character in English with translation. The information presented here will help increase your vocabulary so that in the future you can freely express your opinion about a particular person.

    It should be noted that in any description, adjectives are mainly used. Therefore, we will focus our attention on this part of speech. This topic can be divided into two parts: a description of appearance and character in English.

    Description of the human physique

    Here, the main parameters are height, body type, as well as appearance (facial features, silhouette, etc.). So, when describing a person's appearance, we first of all pay attention to how complex he is, how tall he is, and also what kind of hair and eyes he has.

    In order to describe the height of a person, adjectives such as tall (high), of medium / average height (medium height), short (short, small) will be used. In this case, the sentence will be built according to the following type: He / she is tall / short / of medium height (He / she is tall / low / medium height).

    To describe the type of figure in English, the following vocabulary is used: thin (thin), skinny (skinny), slender (slender), fat (fat), chubby (chubby, full), overweight (overweight), underweight (underweight) , well-built (well built), muscular (muscular), in a good shape (in good shape). Also useful words can be shape (figure), weight (weight).

    For example, My brother is very muscular. He works out every day (My brother is very muscular. He works out every day).

    How to describe a face in English?

    When describing the face, the main attention is drawn to the eyes and hair. Adjectives are mostly used here as well. Eyes (eyes) can be dark (dark), bright (bright, light), blue (blue), green (green), brown (brown, hazel), black (black), narrow (narrow), big (large), gray (gray), small (small), expressive (expressive).

    The following words are used to describe hair (hair): long (long), short (short), curly (curly), straight (straight), bald (bald), thick (thick), thin (thin), gray (gray), dark (dark), fair (light), blond (blond), brown (brown, chestnut), black (black), golden (golden).

    Also, the face (face) can be described with the following words: pale (pale), tanned (tanned), soft (soft - about the skin), swarthy (swarty), wrinkled (wrinkled), freckled (freckled), ruddy (ruddy).

    Let us give an example of the use of this vocabulary. His face is freckled. He has big green eyes and curly hair. - His face is freckled. He has green eyes and curly hair.

    This subsection is more complex, because it is possible to describe the character from several sides. At the same time, there is an appraisal here. So this topic can also be divided into several: positive and negative traits character, feelings and emotions.

    Let's start with neutral words: extrovert (extrovert), introvert (introvert), optimist (optimist), pessimist (pessimist), active (active), passive (passive), retiring (loving loneliness), social (social, sociable).

    Positive character traits

    In order to describe a person from the good side, the following adjectives will be used:

    • attractive - attractive;
    • calm - calm;
    • clever - smart;
    • intelligent - intelligent;
    • bold - brave, decisive;
    • kind - kind;
    • cheerful - cheerful;
    • generous - generous;
    • faithful - faithful;
    • fair - fair;
    • funny - funny;
    • polite - polite;
    • honest - honest;
    • loyal - devoted;
    • reliable - reliable.

    This list is far from complete for English. It contains the most commonly used adjectives. So, you can make the following character description in English using the above vocabulary: My friend "s name is Lena. She is a very nice girl. For example, she is very polite. She never uses rude words while talking to someone. (My friend name is Lena. She is a very sweet girl. For example, she is very polite. She never uses harsh words in conversation).

    Negative character traits

    Character descriptions in English can also include underlining. negative qualities person. Such vocabulary can be reduced to the following list:

    • arrogant - arrogant;
    • bossy - domineering, loving to command people;
    • boastful - boastful;
    • rude - rough;
    • cruel - cruel;
    • bad - bad;
    • lazy - lazy;
    • evil - evil;
    • silly - stupid;
    • spoiled - spoiled, spoiled;
    • greedy - greedy;
    • selfish - selfish;
    • sly - cunning.

    Using these words, you can make the following description: Tom is a really bad person. Apart from being impatient and rude, he is also very selfish. He cares only about himself (Volume - very bad person. In addition to being impatient and rude, he is also a real egoist. He only cares about himself.)

    Description of feelings and emotions

    In addition to character traits, when describing a person, it is often necessary to say about his well-being and emotions. In this regard, the vocabulary of the English language is also very diverse. However, it is impossible to remember everything at once. Therefore, first you need to learn the most common definitions.

    So, in order to describe positive feelings and emotions, you can use the following English words: happy (happy), excited (excited), joyful (joyful), delightful (delighted), cheerful (cheerful), contented (pleased), glad (pleased ), high-spirited (in a good, high spirits), dreamy (dreamy), satisfied (satisfied).

    For example, Tomorrow I am going to Paris. I am very excited about the trip. - I'm going to Paris tomorrow. I am very excited about the upcoming trip.

    In turn, the following vocabulary is used to describe a negative mood and feeling: angry (angry), sad (sad), worried (worried, worried), bored (bored), tired (tired), exhausted (exhausted), frightened (scared) , sorrowful (sorrowful), stressed (being in a stressful state), upset (upset), gloomy (gloomy), low-spirited (in a bad mood).

    So, for example, you can write the following description: Today I am feeling bad. I received bad news yesterday so I am very upset. - Today I feel bad. I received bad news yesterday and that's why I'm very upset.

    Thus, the vocabulary for describing appearance and character in English is very diverse. Only the most common and most frequently occurring words were given in the article. However, for a more complete detailed description other adjectives must also be used. For this, reading fiction books (or their excerpts) in English can be very useful.

    traits). Some of them can be laid at birth, others are formed during life. They are what make a person who they are.

    Character, character traits, temperament - what is it?

    The character, temperament, characteristics of a person are the hallmark of each individual. In turn, character traits are divided into several groups. The first of them are associated with emotions, the second - with the will, and the third - with the intellect. Let's dwell on them in more detail. In accordance with the above classification, we present some of the character traits of a person in English and Russian.

    Features of a person characterized by emotions:

    good-natured - good-natured; aggressive - aggressive; impulsive - impulsive; cheerful - cheerful; closed - avoidant; impressionable - susceptive, etc.

    Features of a person characterized by will:

    courageous - courageous; resourceful - resourceful; pedantic - pedantic; prudent - circumspect, etc.

    Features of a person characterized by intelligence:

    smart - clever; independent - self consistent; reasonable - rational; insightful - penetrating, etc.

    Do not forget about the temperament of a person. "But what is it?" some people may ask. So, if character is more of a set of habits, then temperament implies a complex of human inclinations. Traditionally, there are 4 types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic. Below we will dwell in more detail on each of the types of temperament, describe the main character traits (translation is given in English).


    Choleric by nature is very energetic (energetic), active (active), impulsive (impulsive), but at the same time explosive (explosive) and irritable (irritable). Choleric people are purposeful (purposeful) and ambitious (ambitious), they can fully devote themselves to their work, but only as long as it is really interesting to them. They are natural leaders and like to control everything that happens around them and the people who surround them. They are subject to mood swings, they can flare up instantly, but just as quickly come to a state of balance and peace. The most striking character trait of choleric people is their emotionality. Such people need to put a lot of effort in order to pull themselves together.


    The nature of a sanguine person is positive (positive), optimistic (optimistic), cheerful (cheerful) and active (active). Sanguine, as a rule, creative (creative) personality. Such people can easily change from one type of activity to another. From this they are characterized by such a feature as inconstancy. Also, sanguine people are dreamy (dreamy), inquisitive (curious), friendly (friendly). They are often the soul of any company and easily make new acquaintances. The flip side of their sociability is such a trait as superficiality. They easily find an approach to people and to various kinds of problems, but often there is not enough depth in their actions and deeds.


    Melancholic people are very calm (quiet) and reasonable (rational) people, but at the same time anxious (restless) and impressionable (sensitive). These are thin (acute) and easily vulnerable (thin skinned) personalities. They do not like crowds and prefer solitude. It is this type of personality that can be called an introvert. At the same time, these are harmonious (harmonious) personalities, with a highly developed inner world. However, melancholy people can often think that the world is against them, and succumb to the blues and depression. Although the melancholic does not look at the world with optimism, he knows how to delve into the very essence of the matter, sees the full depth of what is happening. Melancholics are good analysts and psychologists.

    Phlegmatic person

    This type of temperament is the most balanced (equable), stable (well balanced), calm (quiet) and patient (patient). Phlegmatic people are peace-loving (peaceful) and kind-hearted (good-hearted). They do not take anything to heart, they take everything for granted and know how to find a golden mean in everything they encounter. People belonging to this type are not subject to an excess of emotions, they approach everything with a cool head. All their decisions are considered and weighed. That is why phlegmatic people need much more time to make any decisions. They are noncommunicative (noncommunicative) and can converge with people for a long time. But with all this, they are faithful (faithful) and reliable (reliable) people.

    Character traits in English. List

    Each person is unique, he has his own characteristics of character, habits and behavior. List English words, denoting them, are given below. For ease of familiarization and study, all character traits are written in English with translation into Russian. Words are divided into 2 categories: positive features and negative ones.

    Positive character traits (in English and Russian):

    ambitious - ambitious, educated - educated, clever / intelligent / smart - smart / reasonable, wise - wise, reasonable - prudent, shrewd - insightful, intellectual - intelligent / thinking, kind - kind, friendly - friendly, polite - polite, good- natured - good-natured, honest - honest, generous - generous, calm / quit - calm, amiable - friendly, communicative / easygoing / sociable - sociable / sociable, creative - creative / creative, admirable - admirable, gifted - gifted, talented - talented , active - active, energetic - energetic, imaginative - having a rich imagination, enthusiastic - full of enthusiasm, optimistic - optimistic, faithful - faithful, reliable - reliable, cheerful - cheerful, trustworthy - trustworthy, shy / modest - modest / shy, punctual - punctual, attractive - attractive, neat - tidy, fair - fair, noble / gentle - noble, hardworking / indus trious - hardworking / diligent / diligent, curious - curious / inquisitive, successful - successful, serious - serious, competitive - competitive, self-sufficient - self-sufficient, strong-willed - strong-willed, witty - resourceful, persuasive - convincing, resolute / determined - decisive / unshakable, independent - independent, consistent - consistent, persistent - persistent, respectful - respectful, organized - organized, flexible - flexible, tactful - tactful, patient - patient, tolerant - tolerant, motivated - with clear motivation, self-disciplined - possessing internal discipline, helpful - ready to help, charitable - charitable, merciful - merciful, sympathetic - sympathetic, sentimental - sentimental, trusting - gullible, spiritually-minded - spiritualized, sophisticated - refined, outstanding - outstanding.

    This is not a complete list of bad character traits.

    Negative character traits (in English and Russian):

    lazy - lazy, passive - passive, sluggish - slow, haughty - arrogant, sly - cunning / hypocritical, double-faced - two-faced, lying - deceitful, treacherous - insidious, foolish / silly / stupid - stupid, uneducated - uneducated, ignorant - ignorant, illiterate - illiterate, minded - frivolous, envious - envious, boastful - boastful, disloyal - unfaithful / unreliable, greedy - greedy, stingy - mean, rude - rude, evil / wicked - evil / shameless, peevish - grumpy, aggressive - aggressive, angry - angry, cruel - cruel, hot-tempered - quick-tempered, furious - rabid, reckless - insane, irritable - irritable, arrogant - arrogant / arrogant / arrogant, complacent - self-satisfied, cynical - cynical, sullen - gloomy, awkward / clumsy - clumsy, hesitant - insecure, doubtful - doubting, fearful - fearful, wavery - indecisive, unsociable - withdrawn, boring / dull - boring, touchy - touchy, selfish - selfish, bossy / snobish - domineering, naughty - capricious, nuisance - annoying, light-hearted - careless, detached - aloof, earnest - zealous, jealous - jealous, weak-willed - weak-willed.

    It's all about unwanted properties.

    Now you know the character traits in English and will be able to apply them in speech.

    Sometimes in a conversation there is a need to describe a person we know or, on the contrary, a person completely unfamiliar to us. Moreover, we can talk not only about appearance, but also about personal qualities with which the speaker is dissatisfied or admired. In Russian, we can use participles, adjectives and stable speech turns for these purposes. In foreign speech, all these means are also present, but most often, adjectives characterizing a person help us to reveal the image of the character under discussion in all details. Today we will consider a large amount of new words that allow you to colorfully and fully describe the qualities and appearance of any individual.

    Adjectives describing appearance

    A person's appearance is made up of various factors. It is treated as relatively constant signs: eye and hair color, voice timbre, height, age, physique, facial features, etc.; and often changing properties: style of clothes and shoes, possible decorations, accessories. A variety of adjectives allows you to convey both the general impression of the appearance of people, and clearly distinguish between each feature. In the table given below, there is a list of various definitions that describe appearance person in a neutral, positive and negative way.

    Appearance description
    Positive features Neutral facts Negative coloring
    Beauty and attractiveness: attractive - attractive;

    cute - lovely;

    beautiful / handsome - beautiful / beautiful;

    fit - excellent, ideal body shapes;


    bald - bald;

    curly - curly;

    blonde - blond;

    redhead - red;

    shoulder-length - long to the shoulders;

    wavy - curly.

    scruffy - sloppy;

    fat - too thick, fatty;

    flabby - sagging, flabby;

    awkward - clumsy;

    repulsive - repulsive, nasty;

    ugly - ugly;

    Age and height:

    young - young;

    old - old;

    tall - high;

    short - low;


    presentable - respectable, representative;

    well-built - well-built;

    gorgeous - magnificent, amazing;

    well-dressed - well-dressed;

    Body type:

    chubby - chubby;

    plump - plump, plump;

    muscular - muscular

    slender - slender;

    thin - thin;

    stocky - squat;


    pale - pale;

    suntanned - tanned;

    Of course, it is impossible to convey in one table all the English adjectives characterizing the appearance of a person or describing various nouns. But we have tried to bring initial study the most diverse and frequently used examples in speech. Next, we consider what lexical means can characterize the behavior, principles and views of the individual.

    Adjectives in English characterizing a person as a person

    It is common for all people to have a natural susceptibility and reaction to actions, which gradually turns into an individual manner of behavior, in parallel developing a special outlook on life and its values. The complex of these actions forms the character of a person and precedes the formation of a full-fledged personality. According to the scale of the phenomenon, in various languages ​​there are such a huge number of words and expressions about the qualities of people that it is simply not comparable with similar vocabulary used to refer to appearance.

    For this category, we also compiled a table in which adjectives in English characterizing the qualities of a person are presented with translation. As mentioned earlier, there are about several thousand such lexical units, and, of course, you can’t rewrite all of them, let alone memorize them. We have selected almost a hundred English definitions that characterize an individual from a positive or negative side. For convenience, the words are summarized in small thematic groups. Let's consider them.

    Expression of personal qualities
    Criteria Strong positives Neutral qualities depending on the context of the phrase Sharply negative sides
    Behavior in society sociable - sociable;

    punctual - punctual;

    civil - educated;

    friendly - friendly;

    noble - noble;

    tactful - tactful;

    communicative - sociable;

    considerate - delicate;

    aloof - aloof, aloof;

    self-confident - self-confident;

    tolerant - tolerant;

    dominant - dominant;

    indifferent - indifferent;

    independent - independent;

    practical - practical;

    sneaky - sneaky;

    vindictive - vindictive;

    uncontrollable - uncontrolled;

    arrogant - arrogant;

    bad-mannered - poorly educated;

    boastful - boastful;

    selfish - selfish;

    maladroit - tactless;

    emotional states energetic - energetic;

    determined - decisive;

    happy - happy;

    hot-blooded - ardent;

    impressionable - impressionable;

    cheerful - cheerful;

    excited - animated;

    excitable - excited;

    impulsive - impulsive;

    compassionate - sympathetic;

    alert - alert;

    thoughtful - thoughtful;

    violent - quick-tempered;

    fussy - nervous;

    unstable - unbalanced;

    inert - inert, sluggish;

    low - depressed;

    pompous - pompous;

    angry - angry;

    Ability to think, learn, create able - capable, talented;

    creative - creative;

    bright - smart;

    understanding - understanding;

    clever - smart;

    adroit - dexterous, skillful;

    quick witted - resourceful;

    imaginative - gifted with a rich imagination;

    keen - insightful;

    ordinary - ordinary;

    forgetful - forgetful;

    ambitious - ambitious;

    incapable - incapable;

    blunt - dull;

    small-minded - limited;

    uneducated - uneducated;

    foolish - stupid;

    dim-witted - narrow-minded, slow-witted;

    Fortitude brave - brave;

    incorruptible - incorruptible;

    fair-minded - fair;

    diligent - executive;

    plucky - resolute;

    courageous - courageous;

    purposeful - purposeful;

    critical - critical;

    stubborn - stubborn;

    committed - convinced, believing in the idea;

    calm - unperturbed;

    devout - pious;

    fearless - fearless;

    proud - proud;

    straightforward - frank;

    weak-willed - weak-willed;

    spineless - spineless, spineless;

    irresponsible - irresponsible

    faint-hearted - not having willpower, faint-hearted;

    indecisive - fluctuating;

    Other congenital or acquired qualities and properties easy-going - good-natured;

    careful - caring;

    wise - wise;

    courteous - gallant;

    dedicated - devoted;

    polite - polite;

    sensible - prudent;

    gentle - gentle;

    obstinate - stubborn;

    candid - sincere;

    shy - shy;

    obedient - submissive;

    observant - observant;

    playful - frivolous;

    vain - conceited;

    greedy - greedy;

    lily-livered - cowardly;

    malicious - malicious;

    stingy - stingy, miser;

    cruel - cruel;

    torpid - apathetic;

    close - closed;

    rude - rough;

    boring - boring;

    We have learned adjectives to describe various properties and qualities of people, and now we are able to write a description of the character of any person in English. Let's continue to improve our English in the next lessons!

    Views: 719

    My best friend's name is Andrew. He is fifteen years old. Andrew is my classmate. We also do judo together. Andrew is a really good friend. What I like about him is that he is sincere with his friends. He is very helpful and his friends can always rely on him. I think he is a loyal friend to me.

    Andrew is an optimistic person. He is well-balanced and quite reserved. He always keeps calm in critical situations. Andrew is quite sensible and practical. He is very responsible.

    Andrew is purposeful and assertive. He always expresses his ideas and opinions with confidence. He does well at school, because he is studious and works really hard. My friend is also very intelligent and resourceful. Andrew is good at Math, Physics and Chemistry.

    Andrew is a social person. He has a good sense of humor and a great imagination. We always have a lot of fun together. To my mind Andrew is a wise person: he often gives me good advice.

    Although Andrew and I are good friends, we sometimes argue fiercely about different things. And Andrew can often be really stubborn. Sometimes he is also too self-confident and bossy.

    My best friend's name is Andrew. He is fifteen. Andrew is my classmate. We also go to judo together. Andrew is a very good friend. What I like about him is that he is sincere with his friends. He is very responsive and his friends can always rely on him. I think he is a real friend.

    Andrew is an optimistic person. He is balanced and quite restrained. He always remains calm in critical situations. Andrei is quite reasonable and practical. He is very responsible.

    Andrey is purposeful and persistent. He always confidently expresses his thoughts and opinions. He does well in school because he is diligent and studies very hard. My friend is also very smart and resourceful. Andrei is well versed in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

    Andrew is a sociable person. He has a good sense of humor and a rich imagination. We always have fun together. In my opinion, Andrei is a wise person: he often gives me good advice.

    Although Andrei and I Good friends We sometimes argue passionately about different things. Andrei can often be very stubborn. He is also sometimes overconfident and enjoys bossing others around.