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  • Fruit under the microscope. What a watermelon looks like under a microscope. Cellular structure of organisms. Read the rules for using the microscope

    Fruit under the microscope.  What a watermelon looks like under a microscope.  Cellular structure of organisms.  Read the rules for using the microscope

    Even if you have never wondered what our everyday food looks like in extreme zoom, these photographs taken through an electron microscope are able to impress with their beauty and originality.

    The fact is that a simple optical microscope is limited in its resolution by the wavelength of light. A smaller object will bend around the light wave, so the reflected signal will not be able to return to the sensor of the device and we will not receive any information. Another thing is when, instead of a beam of light, a stream of electrons is directed to an object - they are reflected, being comparable in size, and return to the bowels of the microscope, carrying with them various information about the object.

    The only thing that we can no longer, having found ourselves so deep in the microcosm, is to see and distinguish colors, because they are essentially not there yet. Therefore, all the bright colors presented in photographs taken through a scanning electron microscope are the fruit of the work of artists.

    A broccoli flower, for example, looks like a tulip. So if your girlfriend has a holiday, and you forgot to buy flowers, then you can just get Broccoli out of the refrigerator and bring the microscope :)

    This alien planet is really nothing more than blueberries. This is impressive, but after that, will anyone eat blueberries by berry after that? Give at once the whole Constellation of Yoghurt!

    A grain of salt is an example of a typical fractal shape. Both outside and inside the same crystal pattern.

    Airy mint chocolate. As we can see, inside the small pores of the chocolate there are even smaller pores of the mint filling.

    Strawberries. In the foreground is a crispy, buttery seed. The vague fiberiness of this berry is now more than palpable.

    Chili Pepper "Bird's Eye". The smallest representative of Chile looks solid and respectable, it can even be confused with a chocolate bar with nuts.

    Raw meat . These are the fibers! If it were not for the nutritional value of this product, it would truly be a cloth for clothing.

    Cooked meat. But after boiling and frying, the fibers crumble and break, which makes it easier for our teeth and our stomach.

    White grapes. Who would have thought that this homogeneous jelly inside the grape berry has such a porous character. Probably, it is microporosity that creates that familiar sensation of tongue tingling (as if bubbles are exploding).

    The delicate and spicy saffron looks like a bark heap from a woodworking factory. A spicy piece of gigantic wood.

    The dried fruit of anise bears a resemblance to a cephalopod that has too many legs.

    Coffee granules. Even knowing what it really is, it's still hard to believe: these delicate lips painted with hieroglyphs are delicious! If companies producing granulated coffee, put such photos on their packages, then with a high degree of probability they would be able to significantly increase their sales.

    Sugar . Fractal brother of salt crystals. Who says that nature abhors right angles?

    Sweetener "Aspartame". Think about it: can an uneven, leaky ball replace a polished cube or parallelepiped?

    A tomato . Or all the same honeycombs of red Martian bees? Scientists do not yet know the exact answer to this question.

    The roasted coffee bean asks for a nut to be placed in its microcells and concreted on the outside with cream.

    Romanesco cabbage. Perhaps this is the only product similar to itself in the macrocosm.

    Almonds are layers of heat-resistant carbohydrate slabs. If they were larger, it would be possible to assemble the house.

    If almonds are home, then the powdered sugar on a cupcake is upholstered furniture Why does all junk food look so cozy?

    Onion . As you can see, these are rather rough layers of sandpaper. Those who do not like onions will say so. Others will note the resemblance to velvet carpets.

    Radish from the inside crumbles into whole deposits of precious stones and volcanic rocks.

    So, we became convinced that our daily food in a highly exaggerated form evokes persistent associations with rocks, minerals and even space objects. And what if one day - in the bowels of the Universe - we find entire planets and star systems entirely consisting of organic matter, including edible ones? We just have to be ready for this! The development of food spaces and the colonization of the edible landscape are the main research topics of the famous American photographer and writer Christopher Boffoli. He called his collection "Inconsistency", by the way, figures of people were attached to the surface with agave nectar.

    The repair team examines the broken egg. There is nothing to be done: now this hole will have to be repaired.

    Banana roads promise to be the most convenient overpass for cyclists.

    Robbery in the fig area. And before that, even the doors were not locked at night.

    Be careful around melon dips.

    The scouts of the candy placers are moving with a confident step and assess the scale of development.

    Children play in the snow on a cupcake hill. Make sure no one falls or catches a cold.

    Task 1. Examination of the onion peel.

    4. Make a conclusion.

    Answer. Onion skin consists of cells that adhere tightly to one another.

    Task 2. Examination of tomato cells (watermelon, apple).

    1. Prepare a micropreparation of the fruit pulp. To do this, separate a small piece of pulp from a cut tomato (watermelon, apple) with a dissecting needle and place it in a drop of water on a glass slide. Straighten with a dissecting needle in a drop of water and cover with a coverslip.

    Why are the flowers colored and the leaves green?

    Thus, all living things are composed of microscopic units, cells and each cell have the characteristic properties of living things. On the other hand, some microscopic living things are formed from a single cell. In other words, if we want to observe cells, any living specimen could do the job. The examples below are well suited to the crafting mentioned elsewhere, but it goes without saying that if We have a trading instrument. The observations described here will only be more convenient.

    Answer. What to do. Take the pulp of the fruit. Place it in a drop of water on a glass slide (2).

    2. Examine the slide under a microscope. Find individual cells. Look at the cells at low magnification and then at high magnification.

    Like the apidologist and its tens of billions of neurons, it is lateral. This certainly applies to the rich social life that it leads. Their manipulation mainly consisted of observing the social interactions of two workers recently captured on their flight from the same hive or not, each locked in a Petri box that had a hole pierced on the side. As soon as the two holes hit a match, an encounter occurs that is either "friendly" or draws the tongue or "hostile", one making a big back, mandibles and a sting in the front.

    Note the color of the cell. Explain why the drop of water changed its color and why did it happen?

    Answer. The color of the cells of the flesh of the watermelon is red, the color of the apple is yellow. A drop of water changes its color because it enters the cell sap contained in the vacuoles.

    3. Make a conclusion.

    Answer. A living plant organism consists of cells. The content of the cell is represented by a semi-liquid transparent cytoplasm, which contains a denser nucleus with a nucleolus. The cell membrane is transparent, dense, elastic, does not allow the cytoplasm to spread, gives it a certain shape. Some areas of the membrane are thinner - these are pores, through which communication occurs between cells.

    The bees were prepared: a straight antenna was cut at the base or left side of the antenna. Contact between two workers with a direct antenna is faster and more often friendly than with 2 amputees. Then more often backlash is observed, even if they are sisters. The right antenna appears to specialize in recognizing odors, food, and colony, and the aggressiveness shown by individuals only with the left will be associated with an inability to identify the olfactory sister.

    Perhaps this asymmetry also plays a role in dance communication: the subject is digging. Original article: “Right antenna for social behavior in the bees ". The phenomenon can be fatal in other circumstances: the positive charges of the insect attract the cobweb. Among the test objects, insects and cobwebs: the stick attracts the canvas. The rest takes place in his laboratory with his colleague Robert Dudley. With the same magic wand, they positively load dead insects - bees, green flies, aphids, fruit flies, as well as water droplets - and cause them to fall in front of the stretched diaadym canvas stretched over the frame.

    Thus, a cell is a unit of a plant's structure.

    What are the cells as the main elements - "bricks". Sheath, cytoplasm, nucleus, vacuoles. Spare substances. Protein grains. Oil drops. Starch grains.

    Substances that make up the cell. Water. Pigments. Intercellular spaces. Plant tissues. Covering tissues. Storage tissue. Mechanical (supporting) fabrics.

    We have already cut open the carrot and apple in order to take a closer look at the internal structure of these fruits. The same can be done now with the watermelon, before savoring its taste. Why watermelon? It is best suited to provide clarity on our topic - cellular structure of organs plants.

    And if you look closely at the resulting slices of watermelon, apple, carrot, tomato ..., even without using a magnifying glass, you can see that the pulp of these fruits consists of very small particles. These are the cells - very small particles that make up the fruits in question.

    Figuratively speaking, cells are small parts (“bricks”) that are arranged in a certain way and make up the “body” of all plants and flowers as living organisms. The cellular structure of plants was discovered in the 17th century only thanks to the invention of such a wonderful device as a microscope. In this photo, you can look at a conventional light microscope:

    So that's it. If you examine the contents of the pulp of watermelons (and you can also tomatoes) through the light microscope presented above, magnifying the picture 50-60 times, then you can clearly see and distinguish transparent cells that have rounded shapes. Moreover, these cells come in different colors. In our considered tomatoes or watermelons, these colors are pale pink, and in apples, for example, they are already colorless. All cells, being in a kind of "gruel", lie loosely. Moreover, they are located so that they are not connected to each other and it is very clear that each cell individually has its own shell (wall).

    Angela imported them from South America to Oak Ridge and acclimatized them. Either way, she said she was very pleased and her commitment to biological control was in the role of honor. Zooscopy: the wind rises, whips of ravens, waste of crayfish, jumping carps, the frog is at the top of its stairs. This is depression, no need for a barometer. These last three cases owe nothing to popular wisdom.

    The movements and emission of pre-modulating pheromones are attenuated, so that there is no copulation. Modified Sexual Behavior in Response to Change atmospheric pressure... What is new is that this tool is driven by the contraction of the insect muscle, which is irrigated with nutrient fluid. It is difficult to prevent the latter from evaporating, but it was possible to apply a paraffin film to seal the device. In full autonomy, this bioprocessor works for 5 hours. And even in harsh conditions. And better and safer than mechanical clamps of the same size.

    Plant cell structure.

    Armed again with the same microscope, you can see and examine the internal, so-called "living contents" of plant cells. As we noted earlier, the "body" of the cell is surrounded by a shell. The space under the membrane contains colorless cytoplasm. The cytoplasm also has its own inclusions. A denser lump can be clearly observed in it - this is the nucleus. There are also transparent vesicles - these are vacuoles that are filled with cell sap. Is this why watermelon is pink or even red? Because the cell juice in the cells of the watermelon has exactly these colors.

    Works by Keisuke Morishima and colleagues at Osaka University. It also removes pores and makes them less visible. By mixing cork juice into a regular cream or lotion, you get a cream that helps get rid of fine lines and moisturizes well. The silicates and sulfur in the stones promote healthy hair growth.

    Natural ascorbic acid and caffeic acid prevent water retention in the skin, reducing or eliminating swelling. Cucumbers also help fight cellulite. The best combination is the consumption of cucumbers, cocoa juices and bars at cellulite sites. The cucumber from these places secretes excess fluid and collagen, which makes the skin look better and refreshing.

    But with tomatoes, everything happens differently. In them, the cell sap in the cells is colorless. But in the cytoplasm, very small and reddish "little bodies" are visible. These "little bodies" are called plastids. Plastids can also have different colors. In tomatoes, plastids are colored, and in other representatives of the flora, they are also colorless.

    Let's take as an example the chloroplasts in the leaf cells of Elodea. See photo:

    The famous Greek delicacy of Tsatziki. The most famous preparation for cucumber is sliced ​​lettuce. Each country has different rules to prepare it. In India, cucumber is paired with refreshing yogurt and served with a spicy curry and turmeric that softens the flavor. In Scandinavia, as well as in the Caucasus, thick sour cream is added to the salad, and in France - salty whipped cream. Some families in Bulgaria will kiss her with baked cottage cheese mixed with olive oil. A delicious mixture of cucumber, yogurt and tanned garlic - traditional Greek tzaziki.

    If you look at a leaf of elodea under a microscope, you can see the following picture. The leaf consists of only two layers of cells. These cells are more like rectangles, which are elongated and fit quite tightly to each other. The cytoplasm is transparent and green plastids are visible in it - these are the so-called chloroplasts... They are very visible in this photo.

    The cucumber also works well in appetizers, cold soups, or sauces. The drug is the same as in the case of pumpkins. If cucumbers are crumbling in some dishes, prepare them right before the start. If not consumed, they should be refrigerated immediately. If you need to remove the juice, for example when preparing a try, never reel it.

    You can make a cucumber in a preparation according to your personality type. For the fire and wind of nature is good, but add to the cold cucumber yogurt, cottage cheese and cream and sauce tartar and dill, green onions, onions and various herbs. For calmer earthy and aquatic people, you can add garlic, hot peppers, various hot spices. Of course, this depends on the season and the current state of the person.

    In general, the word "chloroplasts" comes from a combination of two Greek words. "Chloros" - green and "plastos" - decorated. There are a lot of chloroplasts and it is even difficult to see the nucleus in the cell. It should be noted that in every living plant cell there is only one, some kind of plastid. These plastids are either colorless or colored. Their color can be yellow, and red, and orange, and green. It is thanks to these plastids that all plant organs have one color or another.

    A great and refreshing salad without yogurt, cream or cottage cheese. Just water, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, salt, some honey, and favorite herbs like thyme, mint, lemon balm, a few dandelion leaves. As a bowl in summer, rectangles of cucumber and carrots, soaked in various dressings and dips.

    Unusual but tasty, chocolate sticks are poured with caramel and sprinkled with toasted almonds. Heat a few cucumbers, salt, a pinch of cayenne spice and a few ice cubes. Stir cucumber and mint and add baking soda. Decorate with lime and brown sugar.

    Spare substances located in the cage.

    In cells, certain substances are deposited in large quantities, which are not used immediately. It is these substances that are called reserve substances.

    Most often found as a storage substance in the cell starch .

    Let's do the same experiment with cutting potatoes for clarity. On a cut of a potato tuber, such a picture is very clearly observed. In the thin-walled cells of the pulp, there are quite a few colorless, but large, oval-shaped grains. These are starch grains that have a layered structure. See photo:

    Juice juice dipped in the taste of pineapple juice is also excellent, it can also be made from compote. Of course, the right one is healthier. Supports weight loss well. Cucumber milk is also great for marjoram. Broken yogurt with crustacean, salt and bark, supplemented with mineral, aids in digestion.

    Beware, for some gallbladders, daily consumption of cucumber is inappropriate. Cucumbers are difficult for them to digest and can overcome them. Beware - when buying a cucumber, first find out where it comes from. The best from Slovakia or from the Czech Republic and from the nearest place of residence. Then you should know if it is organic quality - it means that it is not sprayed with pesticides by many, because it is best to treat with cucumbers and peels. It contains most of the silicon and potassium. If the cucumber is of "unknown" origin, it is best to remove it from the skin because you will not be getting rid of the pesticides.

    All starch accumulates in colorless plastids... Moreover, the very shapes and sizes of starch grains in the cells of various plants are not the same.

    Good taste and a lot of imagination in preparation. After leaving school, he entered as an ordinary postgraduate researcher at the Center for Hygiene and Occupational Diseases at the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology. In the same year, he testified in hygiene and epidemiology - the first degree of attestation. During this period, he developed devices for exposing magnetic field for the experimental part of his work.

    He worked as a secondary physician and developed apparatus and methods for applying pulsed magnetic fields. This activity also led to patents for magnetotherapy devices. Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Prague 10. As a scientist, laboratory of ecotoxicology with the task of studying the biological activity of reactive oxygen species. He developed a new enzymatic method for the determination of catalase in biological samples. He developed and patented an analytical luminometer, which was made in a small series for the above purposes.

    In the cells of seeds of oil plants (flax, sunflower) there are droplets spare oil which are concentrated in cytoplasm .

    In the so-called "cell sap" they are able to accumulate storage proteins... At the time when the seeds ripen and the vacuoles dry up, they turn into hard protein grains. Starch grains and protein grains are different from each other. If we carry out an iodine test, we will see that the starch grains turn blue in this case. And protein grains turn yellow.

    As part of a supporting program, a laboratory in conjunction with a development program to predict the spread of toxic clouds in the framework of possible accidents in the chemical industry. Boyarsky Counselor of the Magnetic Therapy Department. He designed and assembled a portable magnetometer for hygienic maintenance. These reports served as the basis for approval by the Chief Hygienist of the Czech Republic.

    During this period, he completed courses in medical statistics and epidemiological methods for noncommunicable diseases. He has conducted research into the possibilities of physiotherapy for fibromyalgia. He worked on a project to assess the psychophysical load in the metro. The Ministry of Health has been qualified as a specialist to perform medical profession in the field of hygiene and epidemiology, and also granted the request for inclusion in special education in the field of rehabilitation and physical medicine.

    We get the same picture if we treat a cut of pea seeds with iodine solution. The storage protein can also be deposited in colorless plastids.

    So, let's summarize. The various examples considered show that a cell (like a living organism) consists of several components:

    1. The inner content of the cell (also called "living content") is almost liquid and at the same time transparent in appearance cytoplasm... In the cytoplasm, the nucleus is already quite dense in composition. There are also numerous vacuoles and plastids... By the way, the word "vacuoles" comes from the Latin "vacuus" - empty.
    2. All cells have various inclusions in their "living contents". These inclusions are most often deposits of reserve substances for "nutrition" - protein grains, oil drops and starchy grains.
    3. The cell wall (or their membrane) is usually transparent in appearance, very elastic and dense. Therefore, the wall keeps the cytoplasm from spreading. Thanks to shell cell and has one form or another.

    If you give a short description cage, then we can say that:

    The cell is the main element - the "building block" of the structure of any plant.

    The cell includes the nucleus, cytoplasm, plastids, and various inclusions. And all this "community" is enclosed in a shell.

    Plant cell composition. The main tissues of the plant cell.

    Substances that make up the plant cell.

    All living cells of plants contain a sufficient amount of water (H2O). The volume of water in the cells in percentage terms can reach 70% - 90% relative to the dry weight of the plant. Moreover, the shell is significantly inferior to vacuoles in terms of water content.

    In the so-called " live content »Cells occupy a predominant role proteins and there are also fatty substances .

    The cells also have their own "colors", i.e. dyes, which are called pigments ... One part of the pigments is in the colored plastids, and the other part of these pigments is in a dissolved state in the cell sap of the vacuoles. Here's one specific example. Chloroplasts (green plastids) contain the chlorophyll pigment. It gets its name from a combination of two Greek words. The first word " chloros"- translated as green. The second word " phillon". Can be translated as a leaf.

    Vacuoles in the cell sap are dissolved in large quantities and organic matter , and minerals .

    The composition of the plant cell membrane is mainly determined by the presence of cellulose, which is also called cellulose.

    Intercellular spaces.

    All the cells that make up the plant have a connection with each other. But the substance that carries out this intercellular communication is called intercellular. In some cases (elodea leaves), this connection turns out to be quite strong, while in others (for example, tomatoes, watermelons) the connection is no longer so strong.

    In those plants where such not very strong (loose) connections are present, empty spaces are formed between the cells, which can be of different sizes. These are the spaces between plant cells called intercellular spaces ... Basically, the intercellular spaces are filled with air. Much less often with water.

    Plant tissues.

    In general, a tissue is a group of cells that are interconnected in a certain way. These cells are designed to perform very specific functions in the plant body.

    Let's take a very familiar bow as an example. So that's it. The skin of the scales near the bulb is a visual representation of the tissue. If you look at the skin under a microscope, it turns out that it consists of a single layer of cells, oblong in appearance. But these cells are very tightly adjacent to each other, as if forming a protective barrier. From this we can conclude that the skin of the bulb has protective functions.

    It is these peels that are on the surface of flowers and plants and perform the function of protection, they are called integumentary tissues... It is not difficult to draw the following conclusion - the integumentary tissue is present in all plants and flowers.

    Here's another example of integumentary tissue. The photo shows the skin of a leaf, no less familiar to all Tradescantia. The cover tissue of the tradescantia leaf protects it from aggressive effects the environment(mechanical damage, drying, penetration of harmful microorganisms into the tissues).

    Let us also take the well-known fruits of plants. Why are some of them very juicy? And this happens because reserve substances accumulate in the cells of the pulp of such fruits. This process takes place in the tissues of the body. Plant tissues, in the cells of which reserve substances are formed, are called - storage tissues.

    But not all fruits are so juicy. Imagine, for example, nuts, acorns, apricot pits, and plums. They all have shells. And the shell, in turn, is formed by cells that have very thick walls and thus form a solid solid tissue. It is these fabrics that are called supporting or mechanical... In this photo, you can observe the cells of mechanical tissue.

    You now have an idea of ​​the three main types of plant tissue.

    Lesson type - combined

    Methods: partial search, problematic presentation, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative.


    Students' awareness of the importance of all the issues discussed, the ability to build their relationship with nature and society on the basis of respect for life, for all living things as a unique and priceless part of the biosphere;


    Educational: to show the multiplicity of factors acting on organisms in nature, the relativity of the concept of "harmful and useful factors", the diversity of life on planet Earth and the options for adapting living beings to the entire spectrum of environmental conditions.

    Developing: develop communication skills, the ability to independently acquire knowledge and stimulate your cognitive activity; the ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing in the studied material.


    Formation of ecological culture based on the recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, respectful attitude to the environment.

    Formation of understanding of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle


    education of Russian civic identity: patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in their Motherland;

    Formation of a responsible attitude towards learning;

    3) Formation of a holistic worldview, corresponding to the modern level of development of science and social practice.

    Cognitive: ability to work with various sources of information, transform it from one form to another, compare and analyze information, draw conclusions, prepare messages and presentations.

    Regulatory: the ability to organize independently the fulfillment of tasks, evaluate the correctness of the work, reflection on their activities.

    Communicative: Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, seniors and juniors in the process of educational, socially useful, educational and research, creative and other types of activity.

    Planned results

    Subject: know - the concepts of "habitat", "ecology", "environmental factors", their influence on living organisms, "connections between living and nonliving"; To be able to - define the concept of "biotic factors"; characterize biotic factors, give examples.

    Personal: express judgments, search and select information; analyze connections, compare, find an answer to a problematic question


    Ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, consciously choose the most effective ways solving educational and cognitive tasks.

    Formation of the skill of semantic reading.

    Form of organization learning activities - individual, group

    Teaching methods: visual-illustrative, explanatory-illustrative, partial-search, independent work with additional literature and a textbook, with the CRC.

    Receptions: analysis, synthesis, inference, translation of information from one type to another, generalization.

    Practical work 4.


    Objectives: to consider general form plant cell; to learn how to depict the considered micropreparation, to continue the formation of the skill of independent production of micropreparations.

    Equipment: magnifying glass, soft cloth, microscope slide, cover glass, glass of water, pipette, filter paper, pre-steam needle, a piece of watermelon or tomato fruit.


    Cut the tomato(or watermelon), using a dissecting needle, take a piece of pulp and place it on a glass slide, drop a drop of water with a pipette. Mash the pulp until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Cover the specimen with a coverslip. Remove excess water with filter paper

    What are we doing. Let's make a temporary micropreparation of a tomato fruit.

    Wipe the slides and coverslips with a napkin. Using a pipette, apply a drop of water to a glass slide (1).

    What to do. With a dissecting needle, take a small piece of fruit pulp and place it in a drop of water on a glass slide. Knead the pulp with a dissecting needle until you get a gruel (2).

    Cover with a cover slip, remove excess water with filter paper (3).

    What to do. Examine the temporary slide using a magnifying glass.

    What we are observing. It is clearly seen that the pulp of the tomato fruit has a granular structure.


    These are the cells of the pulp of the tomato fruit.

    What do we do: Examine the slide under a microscope. Find individual cells and examine at low magnification (10x6) and then (5) at high magnification (10x30).

    What we are observing. The cell color of the tomato fruit has changed.

    Changed its color and a drop of water.

    Output: the main parts of the plant cell are the cell membrane, cytoplasm with plastids, nucleus, vacuoles. The presence of plastids in the cell is a characteristic feature of all representatives of the plant kingdom.

    Living cell of watermelon pulp under a microscope

    WATERBUZ under a microscope: macro photography (10X video magnification)




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