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  • Abstract of the individual speech therapy lesson "Space travel" outline of the speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Speech therapy lesson "Travel into space Speech therapy lesson travel into space

    Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson

    Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson: "Travel into space"
    Author: Yagovitina Oksana Vladislavovna, teacher-speech therapist MBDOU "Academy of Childhood" SP d / s No. 15 Sverdlovsk region, Nizhny Tagil
    Summary of an individual lesson. Automation of sound [R] in words, phrases and sentences. Topic: "Travel to space"
    Software content:
    1.Automation of sound [R] in words, phrases and sentences.
    2. Consolidation of the ability to make a rocket from geometric shapes. Contribute to the formation of the ability to analyze your building.
    3. Formation of practical skills and abilities to use corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;
    4. Systematization of children's knowledge about the planets of the solar system, about astronauts, about aliens. Enriching the dictionary with the words: Solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, meteorite, spacesuit, porthole, alien. Correctional and developmental:
    1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of the sound "R" in words, phrases and sentences.
    2. reinforcing the ability of children to determine the place of the sound "P" in words, answer the question with a full answer, exercise in coming up with sentences with a given word, develop the skill of reading syllables and words with the sound "P".
    3. Development of phonemic hearing and perception, development of tactile sensation.
    4. Development of dialogical speech based on communication with a speech therapist in the process of work;
    5. Development of visual attention and perception;
    6. Development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
    7. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech during word formation and inflection, working out the singular and plural of nouns in the nominative case; exercise in understanding and forming complex words;
    1. Formation of moral qualities: willingness to help.
    2. Education of attention to one's own speech; interest in speech development classes.
    3. Development of interest in knowledge of the surrounding world when using ICT.
    Equipment: an alien toy "Kresi Frock, three-dimensional geometric shapes for building a rocket, a rocket diagram, an individual mirror, massage balls, rings, bags of cereals, pictures of the solar system, pictures of planets, pictures of aliens, medicine ball, audio recording of space music, computer games, tactile plaques, cosmonaut medal, coloring "Space". Course of the lesson: 1. Organizational moment. We have an unusual guest today. He came from another planet. This is an alien - Dreamy Frock. He is attacked by space pirates and asks for help.
    Let's help him build a rocket and go on a space journey with him. For this we need to prepare - to build a rocket. Here are the figures, build a rocket. What geometric shapes did you use to build a rocket? (triangle, rectangle, square, circle). Well done, you've got a beautiful rocket. Crezie Frock is very glad you helped him. 2. Respiratory gymnastics. "Blow on the ball", "Blow on the sun" to make it spin. Well done, I did everything right. Articulatory gymnastics. Let's prepare the rocket for flight: clean the rocket inside - "Clean our teeth", wipe the dust - "Delicious Jam", paint - "Painter", repair it so that it doesn't break on the way - "Hammer" - d-d-d-d. Our rocket is ready. 3. Development of tactile sensations. We will need to refresh ourselves on the way. I prepared bags of space cereals, but I forgot where the cereals were. It is necessary to determine by touch which cereal is in the bag. What's in your bag? - rice. What kind of porridge will we cook from rice? - rice porridge, from buckwheat - buckwheat porridge, from oatmeal - oatmeal porridge, from peas - pea porridge. Everything is in order, we are preparing for the flight. So where are we going to fly today? (To space).

    4. Automation of sound [R] in words.
    Tell me please, what can we see in space? (Planets, stars, comets, satellites.) What planets do you know? (Child's answers). Look at this picture, all the planets of the solar system are shown here, read what are they called? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.) Give me the planets that have the sound [P] in their names (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter.) It is on these planets that we we will visit with you today. Ready to fly? Rocket Launch Game
    And now we are with you, children - marching
    We fly away on a rocket.
    Stand on your toes - Stretch, raising your hands above your head,
    And then hands down
    One, two, three - reach out
    Here is a rocket flying up. Start the rocket! How does the motor roar? (Rrrr). The music of "Kresi Frock" is playing.
    5. Automation of sound [R] in words. Planet Mercury. Geometric figures.
    Attention! We're approaching a planet called Mercury! The unusual people of the Mercury live on this planet! They love to play with geometric shapes. Help them determine what geometric shapes these objects look like. Playing on the computer:
    "What is the shape of an object?"
    Circle - watermelon, wheel, button, sun, ball, apple.
    Square - TV, book, clock, cube, table, drawer.
    Triangle - tree, pyramid, cap, sailboat, flag.
    Well done! The Mercurians thank you for your help, but unfortunately, it's time for us to fly to another planet. Start the rocket! How does the motor roar? (Rrrr). Music sounds.

    6. Planet Jupiter. Attention! Important message! We are approaching the planet Jupiter! Overboard we are met by the locals, they are called the Jupiters. Attention! Danger! We are in the meteorite zone! To overcome it safely, we must throw meteorites away.
    Game with "meteorite". I will name one item and throw a meteorite, and you will name many items and throw the meteorite back.
    Words: cosmonaut - cosmonauts, astronaft - astronafts,
    flight - flights, rocket - missiles, planet - planets, spacesuit - spacesuits, porthole - portholes. Well done! You helped the Jupiters overcome the meteorite zone. They thank you for your help. It's time for us to fly to another planet. Start the engine: RRRRR.
    7. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Planet Uranus. Attention! We take off and head to the next planet called Uranus. The inhabitants of Uranus are very fond of order. It is very important for them that every thing is in its place. Look at the pictures, name them and put them in a table so that the words where the sound [P, Pb] is at the beginning of the word are in the first column, where in the middle of the word - in the second, and at the end of the word - in the third column. Do you understand the task?
    Do it. Words: cancer, picture, tomato, backpack, birch, lantern. Good girl, I put everything in its place correctly. It's time for us to fly on. Start the engine: Rrrrr.
    8 planet Mars Correct your mistakes in words. Who lives on Mars? - the Martians. Right! This is a very mysterious people, silent, they do not like to talk and write letters to each other, but they make many mistakes. Help the robot - the Martian to correct mistakes in words. Game on the computer: "Help the robot fix mistakes."
    Read the words carefully and see if there are mistakes or not? If there are mistakes, then fix them. The child completes the task. Well done! The Martians are very grateful to you for correcting their mistakes. But it's time for us to fly on. 9.Fizminutka "Robot" Let's rest and play with the robot.
    There is a robot on the road.
    His legs do not bend.
    Maybe he can wave his arms
    Maybe he blinks his eyes
    Can nod his head.
    And he knows how to shoot: ddddd. It's time for us to fly on. Start the engine: RRRRR.
    10. Next landing on the planet Venus. We are met by space rangers. They prepare the crew for flight. Help them build a team. Game on the computer "Space Rangers" - the selection of words according to the sample.
    Read the call signs of the paratroopers. Find a paratrooper with the same callsign: Khao, RED, JA, SAM, ROM, FRU, HNY. The child completes the task and collects a team for the spaceship. Well done, coped with a difficult task, helped to assemble a team. We move on. Start the engine: RRRRR. Music sounds.
    11. Planet Saturn. Finger gymnastics with a massage ball. Attention! Important message! We are approaching the planet Saturn! A very hardworking people live on this planet, they have golden hands! They offer you to stretch your fingers with a massage ball and massage ring. The child performs the exercises: This finger is small,
    This finger is weak
    This finger is long
    This finger is strong
    Well, this fat man,
    And all together - a cam.
    You need to take the ball in hand in order to count the needles: 1,2,3,4,5-We start counting again: 1,2,3,4,5. Well done, he stretched his fingers well. We move on. Start the engine: RRRRR. Music sounds.
    12. Planet Earth. Find an extra item. Our space journey has come to an end. We need to return to our planet Earth.

    I suggest you find the extra items in the pictures. The child completes the task: extra items - a star, a frog, a cloud, a bear. Good girl, I did everything right. Look at our planet. The planet is blue, beloved, dear, it is yours, it is mine, and it is called the Earth. Look, this is our planet Earth and the people who live on it are called earthlings. Our planet is shaped like a ball, a ball. What do you think blue spots are? - water - seas and oceans, green - forests and meadows, and brown - mountains. True, she is very beautiful, our planet. On it we can meet animals, insects, plants, people. Let's tell a story about our planet. And tactile boards will help you with this. Look at them, stroke them, feel, what do these boards remind you of? What do you represent? What are you comparing with? What do these planks look like? The child examines the boards, imagines, fantasizes.
    Fur is soft grass, fluffy cat.
    Pebbles - bumps, road, bumps in the swamp.
    Lace - waves at sea, snake, pits.
    Wax - drops on glass, puddles, icicles.
    Scissor paper - rough road, thorny rose, cactus. The child composes a story. Well done, you have made a very interesting story. I like it.
    13. Summing up the results of the lesson.
    So, you and I have been in space today. What planets have we visited? (child's answers). Now you and I know how aliens live, what they love and know how. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like the most? Well done, you coped with all the tasks. Here's a medal for the conqueror of space, a sticker with a robot and a coloring book "Space". Crezi Frock also thanks you for your help and an exciting journey. Says "Thank you" to you.

    Aspen Svetlana
    Abstract of speech therapy lesson "Space travel"

    Equipment: a picture of the planets Primerus and Answer; sheets with painted space bridge, examples and answers; magnetic cards for working at the board with answers and examples; chips in red, green, blue; picture "Comet"; picture « Spaceship» ; picture "Planet Slovoputanka""; volumetric geometric shapes (cube, ball, cone, cylinder); cards with numbers; cards with numbers and letters; picture "Planet Geometrofiguros"; picture "Planet Earth".

    Close your eyes, children.

    We will now find ourselves in a fairy tale.

    Let's go to the labyrinths space, friends,

    We are in a hurry to the world of fantasy, we kids.

    We fly and see the stars and planets.

    How exciting it all is.

    But suddenly: bang, boom-tara-bars.

    "SOS"- someone is sending a signal to us!

    We see the planet unknown.

    We must help its inhabitants.

    We are going down, we go to the rescue.

    This planet is called Answus. Its inhabitants built space bridge to the neighboring planet Primerus. But suddenly there was an accident on the bridge. Now the group of builders cannot return to the building base. We need to correctly solve the examples and connect them with the answers. Then the cliff on the bridge will disappear and the builders can return to continue building the bridge with the rest of the builders.

    (Children are given sheets of paper with a drawn bridge. On the right side of the bridge there are examples, on the left - answers. Children solve the examples and connect the example with the answer with lines).

    Thank you kids. You have successfully completed the assignment. The inhabitants of the planets Primerus and Answerus thank you.

    And what could we see?

    On the planet Zvukoslog

    Someone is also waiting for help.

    The inhabitants of the planet Zvukoslog are signaling to us. On their space all computers and electronic devices were out of order in the base. And only the code deciphered with the help of sound chips will help to return the equipment to working condition.

    We need to put the sound chips in a row from left to right and read the code word. Follow the instructions (one child works at the blackboard, the rest at the tables)

    1. Highlight the first sound of the word GALAXY (blue chip, sound characteristic is given)... Similarly, the characteristics of sounds are given in the following.

    2. Highlight the last sound of the word WORLD.

    3. Highlight the middle sound of the word MAK.

    4. Highlight the first sound of the word LIGHTNING.

    5. Highlight the middle sound of the word HOUSE.

    6. Highlight the first sound of the word THIN.

    7. Highlight the last sound of the word PLAY.

    We get the word GRAMOTA. Since the inhabitants of the planet Zvukoslog speak not Russian, but sound-syllabic, let's help them pronounce the word correctly.

    What do I need to do? (Put stress).

    Specify the quantity syllables in a word and tell the rule about quantity syllables in a word so that in the future, if the residents of Zvukoslog have any difficulties with the selection of the code, they can independently cope with the breakdown of computers.

    (Brief conversation about the meaning of the word GRAMOTA).

    We fly, we look through the windows ...

    And now the comet floats by.

    With its burning tail it touches our ship.

    To put out the fire in the compartment,

    We need to solve the problem.

    Each astronaut

    Let him give me the answer to the question.

    Many correct answers - and there is no more fire.

    (comic tasks such as:

    I see under the fence line 4 fluffy paws with sharp claws and four with spurs. Who is behind the fence?

    How many legs do two cows have?

    You and me, yes you and me. How many of us are there in total?

    The loaf was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made?

    Katya is taller than Tanya. Which of the girls is below?

    The red ribbon is longer than the green one. Which of the tapes is shorter)

    The fire was dealt with by the joint efforts of the acquired knowledge.

    and now we really need

    stretch your arms and legs,

    so that we do not get tired on the way.

    We'll jump so many times

    How many fingers we have.

    Let's count how many ears

    and bend obediently.

    And we'll sit down so many times

    how many mouths we have.

    Well done, we played together!

    We need to pat ourselves. -Beauty reigns around.

    The stars are shining, and suddenly ...

    From a star named Slovoputanka

    Its inhabitants are flying towards us.

    They love charades, puzzles.

    Well, we'll play - we'll guess the riddles.

    Guests are greeted by Slovoputans from the menu of their Slovoputansky restaurant.

    If you find the names of dishes among the chaotic set of letters, then you can henceforth consider yourself friends of the phrase-mongers and always count on a treat.







    Well done! You have guessed the dishes of today's menu. Help yourself,

    make yourself feel better.

    Bon appetit to all of you!

    V outer space many amazing places.

    There is a planet with geometric inhabitants.

    It is called Geometrofiguros!

    Well, are we going to land there, kids?

    The game with the inhabitants of the planet Geometrofiguros is called "Listen-think-do!"

    You have number cards on your tables. The inhabitants of the planet Geometrofiguros are standing on the floor.

    Let the one who has a number on the card that indicates ... the answer to the next problem ...

    (number is greater than 5, but less than 10, etc.)

    And it will stand to the right of the cone. To the left of the pyramid. In front of the cube. Behind the ball.

    When all the children are lined up near the geometric shapes, the task sounds as follows way:

    1. The one whose name begins with a soft sound will sit down.

    2. The one who has a soft sound rb in his name will sit down.

    3. Sits down the one whose name consists of three syllables.

    4. The one whose name ends in a solid sound will sit down.

    We got so many different impressions.

    We did not forget to help the aliens.

    We played with the inhabitants of the planets.

    But it's time to go back.

    We need to establish the program of return, kids.

    To do this, you need to arrange in order the cards with the answers-numbers for the following tasks (tasks in verse).

    All together coped with the accident.

    1. Five crows sat on the roof,

    Two more flew to them.

    Answer quickly, boldly,

    How many of them flew in (7)

    4. Earring fell into the snow,

    And behind him is Alyoshka,

    And behind him is Irinka,

    And behind him is Marinka,

    And behind him is Ignat.

    How many guys are there in the snow? (5)

    2. A rooster flew up the fence,

    I met two more there.

    How many roosters are there?

    Who has the answer ready? (3) 5. Well, how many guys are there

    Riding on the mountain?

    Three are sitting in a sleigh

    One is waiting? (4)

    3. Misha has one pencil.

    Grisha has one pencil.

    How many pencils

    Both babies? (2)

    6. Seven funny cubs

    They rush to the forest for raspberries.

    But one kid is tired

    He lagged behind his comrades.

    Now find the answer:

    How many bears are ahead (6)

    Now read the word that we got silently, to yourself.

    (In addition to the cards with the answers of the word VICTORY, there are also cards on the tables for sampling:

    10-t, 1-sh, 8-p, 7-p. 3-o, 2-b. 5th, 4-d, 6-a

    It turns out the word "Victory"

    Now close your eyes and say this word in chorus and then we will find ourselves at home, finish our fantastic travel.

    May victory accompany you in all your deeds and undertakings, but your deeds should be kind, benefitting others.

    We returned to planet Earth.

    Our fantastic game is over.

    Share your impressions, children, dare!

    What have you learned, with whom you have met, tell us soon!

    (Answers of children)

    A clear and correct pronunciation of sounds is the cornerstone of competent and beautiful speech. In addition to clear and intelligible pronunciation for children with speech impairments, it is important to learn how to construct sentences grammatically correctly, answer the questions posed and at the same time not feel fear. The desire to speak, to make contact with an adult evokes interesting and entertaining material used by a speech therapist in class.

    This lesson is structured in a playful way, taking into account the individual characteristics of a child with general speech underdevelopment. In the lesson, the lexical topic "Space" and the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [w] are fixed, their differentiation takes place.

    Individual speech therapy lesson

    "Space trip"

    Correctional and developmental:

      to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [w] in syllables, words, in phrasal speech;

      learn to distinguish these sounds by ear and in pronunciation;

      develop the ability to correlate the sounds [S] - [W] with the letters S and W;

      to enrich vocabulary on the topic "Space"

      develop operational and auditory memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills.


      Continue learning how to make words out of syllables.

      Continue learn to make sentences from separate words.

      Improve reading skills.


      foster the desire to complete all tasks clearly and correctly;

      develop control over sound pronunciation.


      photos of astronauts

      chart cards

      cipher program, labyrinth "Space flight"

      subject pictures [s] or [w]; rockets

      card with stars.

    Course of the lesson

      Organizing time.

    How is this day marked on the calendar? (astronautics day).

    Who was the first astronaut of the earth. (Yuri Gagarin)

    Where did the spaceship with Yuri Gagarin take off from? (from the Baikonur cosmodrome)

    Remember and name the names of the first Kazakhstani cosmonauts. (T. Aubakirov, T. Musabaev)

    I propose to go on a space, speech therapy journey.

    Now we will fly to the stars
    And we will repeat the sounds!
    Let's fly in space
    To consolidate the speech skill!

    Can you fly into space wearing our suits? What will we wear? (Spacesuits.). We'll put on helmets on our heads. Imitation of donning.

    What sounds should we take with us? What is the first sound in the words: spacesuit, helmet.

    Characteristics of sounds: both consonants, solid, voiceless. The sound "s" whistling,

    "Sh" - hissing.

    How are these sounds different? (w - rounded lips, tongue at the top, the air stream is wide and warm; s - lips in a smile, tongue at the bottom, the air stream is thin and cool).

    Speech therapist: - Now, let's tell you a clean phrase about our tongue:

    Tongue up: sha-sha-sha,
    Porridge, pies, noodles.
    Tongue down: sa - sa - sa,
    Sugar, butter, sausage.

    1 star "Read the code"

    A О ↓ У У У ↓ Ы Е ↓ О ↓ LA LA


    2 star. We work with the word. These words shattered on impact with a comet. You need to collect them by adding syllables CA or SHA

    whether ..., ka ..., ko ..., su ..., Mi ...,

    roof ..., roof ..., wheel ..., flask ... but ..., ro ...

    3 star. Assign words to missiles (object pictures "s" and "w", missiles with letters)

    4 star. The flight continues! The next star and on it a new task is to make sentences from asterisk words. Upon collision with a meteorite, the sentences fell apart into separate words. Rebuild the sentences. How is the proposal built?

    We connect two words-
    And the offer is ready!
    We all must know for sure
    How to connect words!

    What is a proposal? (A sentence is a word or several words that are connected in meaning and express a complete thought).

    There is a cat, porridge.

    Alyosha, love, salad.

    Fluffy, cat.

    5 star. "Take the rocket to the ground." (maze)

    Outcome: Our journey is over. What conclusion can we draw?

    To drive ships
    To fly into space
    There is a lot to know
    You have to be able to do a lot!

    Speech therapist: Quite right! Knowledge will help to fulfill all dreams and desires, and the basis of any knowledge is correct, competent speech! I wish you new, interesting discoveries in the world of knowledge! Until next time.

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    Topic: "SPACE"

    Goals:Correctional educational. Expansion and refinement of elementary knowledge about space. Expansion and refinement of the vocabulary on the topic. Improving the grammatical structure of speech, the syllabic structure of words, the activation of adverbs expressing spatial relations in speech, the development of dialogical speech, the ability to maintain a conversation.

    Correctional and developmental. The development of general and fine motor skills (the game "Assemble the rocket"), visual and auditory attention, the development of clear diction (education of clear whispering speech).

    Correctional educational. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, independence, benevolence.

    Equipment: toy "Luntik"; subject pictures (rocket, astronaut, planet Earth, spacesuit, stars); cut pictures of the rocket; slide accompaniment on the topic "Space" in Microsoft Power Point; poster "Space"; poster "Starry Sky"; audio recording "Spaceship entering the atmosphere"; audio recording "Star Country" by M. Tariverdiev; hourglass.

    The course of the lesson.

      Organizing time. Children enter the study to the music of M. Tariverdiev "Star Country".

    The speech therapist makes a riddle:

    What kind of bird?

    Doesn't sing songs

    Does not make nests,

    The fiery tail carries with it... (Rocket)

    The speech therapist asks:

    Why do you think people need a rocket?(To fly into space)

    Do you know what space is?(children's answers)

      Introduction to the topic(development of speech attention and hearing)

    The speech therapist introduces the guest:

    See who is our guest. This is Luntik. He flew in from space. Luntik invites us to make a space flight. Listen to his story before setting off on your journey.

      Conversation(replenishment of vocabulary, development of auditory attention, dialogical speech)

    The speech therapist shows the poster "Cosmos":

    Our planet Earth is a huge ball, it lives in space and revolves around the sun. The sun is a ball of fire. Neither people, nor animals, nor plants can exist on Earth without the Sun. And if the Sun suddenly went out (this, fortunately, cannot happen!), It would become so cold that the water in the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers would freeze.

    But the Earth is not the only planet in space that is "friends" with the Sun. The Earth is one of the planets of the large solar family.

    Speech therapist shows slides "Starry sky" and reads a poem:

    Here is the starry sky! What is visible on it?

    The stars there shine with distant fire!

    And together with them my planet -

    The one that is called the planet "Earth"

    The one you and I live on!

    The speech therapist asks:

    What planet do we live on? ( On the Earth )

    What does the sun look like? ( On the ball, circle ) And what is it? ( Round, warm, roast )

    Where is the sun? ( In space, in the sky )

    Why do we need the sun? ( children's answers )

    Is the sun big or small? ( children's answers )

    Why does it seem small? ( children's answers )

      Exercise "Sun Bunny"(gymnastics for the eyes)

    Speech therapist: - Luntik invites you to play with the sun bunny.

    My sunny bunny, jump on your palm.

    Sunny my little bunny, like a baby

    Jumped onto the nose, onto the shoulder. Oh, how hot it got!

    Jump on the forehead and again on the shoulder let's jump.

    Children stretch their palm forward. Put the index finger of the other hand on the palm. The movements of the finger are traced with a glance, which first slowly touches the nose, again taken forward, then successively touched the forehead and the other shoulder, each time moving the finger in front of them. The head is always in a fixed position.

    Children : - Here we closed our eyes, (cover their eyes with their palms)

    And the sun is playing: it gently warms the cheeks with warm rays.

      Game "Look and name" Speech therapist exposes pictures: astronauts, spacesuit, rocket

    Who do you think this is? ( Cosmonauts )

    What is the name of the astronaut suit? ( space suit )

    What do astronauts fly into space? ( On rockets ).

    Do you want to go on a space trip?

    What do we need to do for this?

      Game "Assemble the rocket"(development of fine motor skills, use an hourglass)

    Speech therapist invites children to assemble a rocket from cut parts, with a time limit, if you need help:

    - Fast rockets are waiting for us, for walking around the planets

    On whatever we want, on this we will fly!

    But there is one secret in the game -

    There is no place for latecomers!

    Speech therapist (reinforcement):

    Now we will go into space.

    Who will we be in flight?(Astronauts )

    What will we wear when we fly into space?(Helmet, spacesuit)

      Physical minute, the game "Cosmonauts"(coordination of speech with movements)

    Let's play, let's fly on a rocket (words are accompanied by movements)

    I want to become an astronaut,

    I'll fly on a rocket Put your hands up above your head.

    I will wrap around the earth Run in a circle - turn in the opposite direction.

    I'll land away from everyone. Run around the classroom, sit down.

    Do you guys want to hear a real space rocket take off?? (the audio recording "Spaceship entering the atmosphere" is turned on)

      Modify Exercise(change verbs by person and number).

    Game variant... Holding hands, children speak in a whisper and slowly, in a normal voice and faster, loudly and quickly.

    I fly, I fly, I fly

    I'm not standing still

    It flies, it flies, it flies

    He does not stand still

    She flies, flies, flies

    She does not stand still ... Etc.

      Exercise "Drown, clap" (improving the syllable structure of words)

    Speech therapist distributes to children individual didactic cards: astronaut, sun, planet, stars

    Luntik brought pictures. I take pictures and distribute them to the guys. Name the pictures, divide the words into parts by swiping them off.

      The game is being played "Vice versa"(activation in speech of adverbs expressing spatial relationships)

    I'll say a word high

    And you will answer ... (low)

    I'll say a word far away

    And you will answer ... (close)

    I'll point my hand forward

    And you show me ... (back)

    I will stretch my hand to the right,

    And you will stretch ... (to the left)

    I turn my head around

    I know everything in the world ... (I want)

      Lesson summary.

    The speech therapist sums up the lesson:

    So our journey is over. Children, what interesting do you remember?

    I liked the way you worked. Thanks to all! Goodbye!