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  • Why named polite people. Who are such "polite people"? How does men's courtesy manifest

    Why named polite people. Who are they

    "Polite people" became meme and brand

    Soon after the tragic events in Kiev in February 2014, the executive authorities have occurred relatively peacefully in Crimea and Sevastopol, and on March 16, a famous referendum was held on the future status of the peninsula. At the referendum, the absolute majority of votes was decided to enter the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol into Russia. Based on the results of the referendum, the Supreme Council of the Crimea adopted a declaration of independence. After that, Crimea unilaterally announced the exit from the composition of Ukraine and signed an agreement with Moscow to enter the Russian Federation. The same thing did both Sevastopol, having received the status of a separate subject of the Russian Federation.

    "Green Men"

    All these events in the Crimea passed with a very noticeable participation of well-armed and organized people in camouflage and masks, but without identifying signs. And although many knew or guessed that these are Russian servicemen, there were no official confirmation of this information for a long time. But unexpectedly, armed helpers of the Crimean Spring, who first called "Green Men", a name instantly became the meme: "Polite people". Later, Russian President Vladimir Putin removed the veins of the mystery from the origin of "polite people", recognizing the participation of the Russian military in the Crimean events, and many of them were awarded medals "for the return of Crimea."

    The dates of the Crimean Spring are indicated on these medals: 20.02.2014-18.03.2014. However, "polite people" appeared in the Crimea a little later - in the last few February - and immediately brought under the protection of the most important objects: the authorities, the facilities of transport, communications and infrastructure, enterprises and all locations of the Ukrainian armed forces.

    In Crimea, "polite people" performed tasks assigned to them for approximately the end of March 2014, ensuring the peaceful evacuation of Ukrainian units from the peninsula. And since April, "polite people" began to be called armed people who gave the seizure of various facilities in Donetsk and Lugansk regions in the south-east of Ukraine. True, in fact it was a slightly different story.

    Where did the term come from

    The authorship of the term "polite people" belongs to the respected Colonelcassad. (Boris Rozin). That's what writes about this "Wikipedia": "... The term was randomly invented on February 28, 2014 by the Living Journal Blogger Boris Higher (Colonelcassad), who recalled later about this:

    Personally, I simply liked the expression "politely" in relation to unknown persons who capture strategic objects, formally, without disclosing their incognito, so in the order of the joke (since everything in the Crimea perfectly understood who it was and from where) in the style of "but we We know who is someone ", used the expression" polite people "a couple of times, without any rear thought, that it will have at least some compliance, except for mixdots in several readers who may differ on the expression that. "... https: // D0% BB% D1% 8E% D0% B4% D0% B8

    Boris's magazine read quite a long time and remember how the first time in his blog appeared, it became the famous expression.

    On February 27, the media reported that the military without identification marks blocked the buildings of the Parliament and the Government of the Crimea, and then took the airport of Simferopol. "At about an hour of the night, Simferopol Airport was captured - the same people. With weapons, strong, in the same clothes. The head of the guard reported that his people were politely asked to go out, "the site" Politician "reported.

    This news was reprinted in his live magazine Boris Rodzhin, writing: "Polite people captured two airports in Crimea." "Personally, I just liked the expression" politely "for unknown persons who capture strategic objects, formally, without disclosing their incognito, so in order of the joke, I used the expression" polite people "a couple of times," Reline recalled later.

    Then, the Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu successfully joked at this expense. Stopping the falsity of statements about the presence of Russian military in the Crimea, Shoigu stated: "It is difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there. This is all the more stupid if this cat is smart, brave and polite. "

    The term quickly passed on, especially since it was quite consistent with the behavior of "green men." They did not communicate with journalists, but emphasized politely behaved with the local population, which quickly deserved the love of Crimean. The social networks quickly filled "Mi-Mi-Mine" by photographs, on which "polite people" hugged with the Crimean girls, aunt with children, stroked the cats and almost helped the old women to move lively streets.

    This image of 2014 has become a new business card of the Russian Armed Forces - from now on Russian soldiers became perceived by many notable soldiers, but modern and professionally trained "polite people." The new image of the Russian soldier fits perfectly into the patriotic lift associated with the return of the Crimea.


    Green men, renamed in "polite people", were dressed in camouflage (or "pixel") military uniform, reminiscent of the Russian form of "figure", but without identifying signs and military signs of differences. From the fighters of the Crimean self-defense, they differed in high quality of uniforms, more closed masks on the faces and the most modern weapon.

    Judging by numerous photographs, in service with "polite people" were "Kalashi" AK-74M, grenades GP-25 "Bonfire", "Pecheneg-M" machine guns. In Crimea, they traveled on the armored cars of GAZ-233014 "Tiger", as well as KAMAZ-4326, KAMAZ-4350 and KAMAZ-6350.

    We must pay tribute to those who gave orders to "polite people": this weapon was practically no applied - the displacement of the Ukrainian military took place almost everywhere regarding bloodlessly. The loudest stories took place during the night seizure by Russian paratroopers base of the 1st Feodosian battalion of the Marine Camication Navy of Ukraine under the command of the lieutenant colonel Dmitry Dlyatitsky And during the storming airbase in Belbek, who was commanded by Colonel Julius Mamchur.

    In Feodosia, at the suggestion of commanders, the outcome of the confrontation solved the hand-to-hand battle wall on the wall with the participation of senior officers. There were broken faces and broken ribs, but there were no dead, no seriously replete. In the video: the story of the Ukrainian military, "referring" during a fist between Russian and Ukrainian morpets.

    As war experts were noted, the style of the Neutralization Operations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Crimea rather resembled the actions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which for many years he headed the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu.

    "The political importance of this story is everybody to evaluate due to beliefs. But I consider good luck to all that the decisive orders in the Crimea were given to people who value someone else's life than fighting glory, "Valery Shiryaev Military journalist said.


    Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, denied action on the Peninsula of Russian troops during the Crimean Spring. The term "polite people" was perceived as euphemism, since the presence of military personnel of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Crimea from the very beginning was the secret of Polysinel.

    The need to smell disappeared when in April 2014, during the "direct line", Putin acknowledged that the Russian military "provided conditions for free willing" on the referendum on the status of the Crimea.

    Later in one of the interviews, the President of Russia confirmed that the Russian troops blocked Ukrainian military units. "We never hid," Putin said on the air of the ARD channel.

    On video: Vladimir Putin about "polite people"

    "Polite people" in art

    Literally in the first hours after the emergence of the term "polite people" in the live journal, the Estonian blogger E-Xanax appeared in the live journal:

    "People in polite Crimea are polite

    In politely, they are politely asked.

    Somehow I do not want to quarrel with them

    After all, even weapons are politely worn.

    Furniture helmets, under face masks

    Polite even believe me

    Here, admire it, the capital

    Polite - this is our world.

    In the polite sky flies the turntables.

    Politely blade in the sky shy.

    A polite boat does not want a warman

    He patrols. Politely very. "

    When the mystery ceased to be a mystery, and the story of the accession of the Crimea, on the contrary, became the subject of pride, the academic ensemble of the song and dance of the Russian army named after Alexandrova performed the anthem "Polite People", using the poem of the Estonian blogger. At the same time, the authors of the work deny that the poems are actually borrowed from the Internet.

    Later in the repertoire of the ensemble appeared more "canonical" song about "polite people."

    On the number of souvenirs, jokes, toys and the like masterpieces of mass culture on the topic of the fashionable "polite people" we will not speak, it is so clear. But the main thing is "polite people", together with the Crimeans themselves and their bright leaders, became the real heroes of the Crimean Spring.

    The phrase "polite people" arose during, the process of joining the Crimea to Russia.

    On the night of S. 26 on February 27, 2014, a few hours after the general brawl between the Crimean Tatars, supporters of Ukraine and Euromaidan and Russians, the patriots of Russia, in which the dead and wounded, well-armed and equipped people in masks seized the buildings of the Supreme Council and the Government of the Crimea, and a few days later they were taken under protection The most important strategic objects of the capital of the republic and the entire Peninsula.

    The signs of the difference, the nationality of unknown people did not have, but in private conversations were recognized that they were Russian servicemen. , denoting the fighters with Crimean militias. The announcement of the Russian Federation on the actions of its armed forces on the land of the neighboring, sovereign state would mean recognition in aggression against him, and any territorial acquisitions - annexia, which was not justified by any.

    Russia identified "polite people" by local militia

    But why are people "polite"?

    • First, they did not interfere in local socio-political life, did not have any pressure on the will of Crimean.
    • Secondly, they behaved restrained and correctly, with others kept benevolently, allowed to take pictures of themselves and with them, even familiar with the girls (or allowed girls to get acquainted with them).
    • Thirdly, most importantly, only one of their presence cooled the fervor of some hot heads, ready to unleash civil war on interethnic soil in Crimea.

    As "polite people", the curfews took, or "polite people" with eyes of eyewitnesses

    They appeared at the commandanda of the Simferopol garrison on Saturday, March 15, on the eve of the All-Russian referendum. Whether it was dedicated to the upcoming event or was carried out to a pre-developed plan, unknown.

    Simferopol - the city is small. The streets of his old part of one-story and pretty narrow, so "polite people" in camouflage, helmets, body armor, with closed faces, versators, their armored personnel carrier, a machine gun with it looked impressively and frightening.
    Ukrainian military locked in a commandanttry. There was this and a certain demonstration of disobedience, and the desire to somehow divide the spheres of influence: we, they say, here - their own wedding, you, there, your own. The conditions of the tight agreement were strictly observed, and therefore it was especially fun to observe how periodically doors of the commandanta opened, the Ukrainian soldier with a kettle was published on the street and passed him to his "unknown" colleague: March in Crimea - a month windy and capricious, and life on armor or in It is not very comfortable.

    So it lasted about a week. But one day the porch of the commandanttia gathered a small rally from the Ukrainian military and some civilian. "Polite people" () did not interfere in what was happening, on the contrary, modestly dug their BTR meters to 15 to the side. It was the last day of their duty. In the morning they disappeared, and the flag of Russia began over the commandure.

    Promverter is always on the wave of fresh ideas! Want to chevron "Polite People" Or things with such a symbolism? We embroidered it!

    Photo of stripes "Polite People"

    Chevron "Polite People"

    Chevron "Polite People"

    Chevron "Polite People"

    History of the expression "Polite People"

    About "polite people" did not hear only a person who has no Internet. But few people know where it came from this extremely popular concept. We tell!

    In close times when Crimea Ukraine also belonged to Ukraine, but already actively sought to return to Russia, it was restless in Simferopol. In particular, unknown in the form without identifying chevrons captured two airports.

    Of course, the Internet community, anxiously followed by the situation in the Crimea, responded with a huge number of posts on this topic. One of the most popular LJ bloggers - Boris Razhin - Posted by post "Polite people captured 2 airfield in Crimea." Why are polite people? And here I have already met the head of the airport security, which told about the seizure as: we were politely asked to go out. Boris seemed funny that unknown with weapons who captured the airport, politely asked for security to go out. So the word went into use.

    The post was read and perceived with a bang. The designer expression went to the people. Suddenly, he was quoted President of the country - V.V. Putin. From this point on, the "polite people" became known even to those who did not have the Internet.

    History of the Mem "Polite People"

    Why the online community so happily picked up the expression? Yes, everything is simple: the events in Ukraine caused a surge of national pride in Russia. The Russian man sits on the oven and spits in the ceiling, but it is worth someone from the outside to afford an extra - we immediately remember that hey, in general, we are here the great people!

    Europe and in particular America opposed Russia in a situation with Ukraine - and a surge of patriotism rose in the country. Especially the national pride increased after the return of the Crimea.

    So it appeared famous mem with kitten. His idea is that even in military conditions, Russian troops retain humanity and nobility of the soul. What is so famous to Russia, how not to his mysterious soul? What else could the country of the world be a popular meme of a soldier with a kitten?

    We really have something proud of, so the "polite people" became the favorite in RuNet and went beyond its limits.

    Chevron "Polite People"

    Since on the famous "polite people" who captured the airport, there were no chevrons - and the special forces on combat operations should not be - then, of course, a person who thought of a special Chevron was found.

    Immediately phenomena scored mad popularity. Perhaps it risks challenge the St. George Ribbon! Millions of people want to express their national pride, acquiring such Chevron. And we gladly go to the meeting!

    We will make Chevron on your sketch. He can repeat the well-known meme, and can be done by you. Your Chevron "Polite People" will be like that you want.

    Things with symbols of "polite people"

    What to fine? Why limited chevron?

    We already have any other things with the symbol "Polite People". Baseball caps and T-shirts are just the beginning. We embroider on any items of clothing that can be swelled or fix on an embroidery machine, on any materials that break through the embroidery needle. You will be killed at least on the dots with embroidery, even though on a backpack with an embroidery, even on the hat-troops!

    Brand "Polite People"

    The idea found support in top. We have already mentioned that the Mem received the "blessing" of the president. And Chevron was approved by the Russian army!

    Things with a man in shape and a kitten promise to beat all fashionable records this summer! Hurry to support your country! Together we can prove that Russia always remains a great country - after all, the greatness of the soul is manifested in difficult moments!

    Buy Chevron "Polite People"

    Order embroidery right on our website, do not forget to indicate what the chevron "polite people" or things with such a symbolism. We will contact you in the near future to clarify all the details.

    Leave a comment or ask a question!

    This phrase appeared during the so-called "Crimean Spring", the process of voluntary accession of the Crimea to Russia.

    The main events turned around on the night of February 27, 2014. After the mass brawl between the Russian residents and Tatars (supporters of Euromaidan) in which there were many wounded and even dead, there were excellent equipment in masks, which were promptly seized the buildings of the Government of the Crimea and the Supreme Council. Catestone The weeks were taken under the control of the most significant objects of the entire Peninsula and the capital of the republic.

    The national affiliation and signs of the differences did not have these people, but in private conversations with Crimeans admitted that they were Russian military. Ironism, as you should expect, these rumors completely noted, calling these soldiers, Crimean militias.
    Why did Russia not recognize these soldiers with their soldiers?

    For one simple reason, if the Russian Federation would openly admitted that the Russian military are in the Crimea, then this would only mean one thing - military invasion of UkraineNeedly no referendum would not save the situation, all territorial acquisitions would be considered annexia. Sprivine bloggers began to call these soldiers in polite people.

    So what does "polite people" mean?

    They were called that because they did not intervene in the local Crimean social and political life and did not try to provide any pressure on Crimeans during the will of the referendum.

    He was extremely correct and kept well with the surrounding citizens, they kept benevolently. Due to all sorts of problems, they gave permission to shoot, which immediately used local girls who decided to capture themselves with the defenders for memory.

    However, the most important circumstance is that the finding of "polite people" on the Crimean Peninsula immediately cooled the hot Tatar and not only the heads calling for the war for the independence of the Crimea.

    The tale on how "polite people" the commandanta was taken. Eyewitnesses.

    The case was happening 15 march before the All-Russian referendum, which passed 16 martha. It is not known that it is not known whether their appearance was confined to this event or was planned in advance. However, the fact remains a fact, people in masks and in military uniform arose like devils from the bottle next to the Simferopol garrison.

    Simferopol is essentially a big village. The street in the central part of the city is narrow, and the houses are one-story, so the appearance of "polite people" with closed persons, in helmets and camouflage, with automatic machines, it looked very impressive with cars, especially if we take into account that they came to the BTR who threatenly drove a machine gun from side to side.

    Ukrainian soldiers immediately locked in their commandature and completely refused to go out from there. Whether this desire to divide the spheres of influence or a frank demonstration of disobedience, it is already difficult to say. However, it is known that "polite people" remained near the goal outside. Focus on the courtyard stood March and The weather was extremely marked, it was fun to watch how periodically slammed the door of the commandanttry and from there I left the Ukrainian soldier with a boiling kettle of the vinevolence and gave it to his "polite" colleague.

    Such a disgrace lasted about a week, when the Ukrainian servicemen began to be gathering once near the door and arranged a local rally on which civilians were also present. "Polite people" did not interfere in this disgrace, but they watched with great interest on what was happening from the outside. drove their BTR on 20 meters to the side. So the last day of duty ended. The locals drew attention to the lack of such "polite" soldiers, in addition, the Russian flag has already developed over the commandanda.

    Read more:

    The word "politeness" originated from the Old Slavonic "Faith", which means "expert". Caliability is a sign of an educated and friendly person. These are people who own generally accepted rules of behavior in society and public places. Always taking into account, generous to all people, regardless of social status. Always at the meeting welcomed the interlocutor, show gratitude for the help of any service. They themselves show courtesy to all. Used in the speech of the words of greetings, thanks and others. Only when complying with all these rules, you can achieve a good relationship from others.

    What person is called polite? Children are sometimes very difficult to understand what politeness is, so it must be vaccinated from early childhood. Politeness is the ability of a person to be restrained and tolerant in all conditions and circumstances, respect for other people and their opinions, culture of speech and consumely manners.

    Children's features

    • restraint;
    • tolerance;
    • respect;
    • cavity;
    • culture;
    • education.

    Being a polite person is a difficult lesson. If, in childhood, our parents have not taught us to be polite - in adult life to become such a person is very difficult. Being polite is the ability to show courtesy and patience in communicating with everyone, even those whom we frankly negatively. In communicating with such interlocutors, a polite person will never turn to elevated tones, never utters offensive words. By the way, what words often can you hear from a polite person?

    Words that use a polite person in his speech

    • thank you;
    • you are welcome;
    • hello;
    • bye;
    • goodnight;
    • be healthy;
    • if you are comfortable;
    • can you help me;
    • sit down;
    • bon Appetit.

    And this is not the whole vocabulary of a polite person. The main thing is a polite person and his behavior - always appropriate. He does not seem surrounding obsessive and apparent, his expressions do not look flattering or untreated. A polite person will always help people, will do everything that depends on him, and if he is unable to help, will not "feed the" man promises. A polite person welcomes his interlocutor with a smile on his face, looking into his eyes. A polite person does not interrupt his interlocutor, even if the opponent does it. He will listen to someone else's opinion to the end, analyzes, then expressed his own. And even if the opinions in some case did not coincide - it will not be upset, because it understands that all people are different and each of us has the right to express their thoughts. A polite person is visible in all behavior, communication, attitude to others.