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  • General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky. Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang

    General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky.  Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang

    The Ji Ji Hexagram indicates that everything that happened in your life up to the current moment was a preparation for the final stage. Now you have a very good chance to finally get the long-awaited and enchanting success that you have dreamed of for so long. But, of course, if until now you have not put the proper effort into this, then nothing will work out, this period will pass, like all the others - twilight and gray.

    You still have a little bit and the victory will be yours, you will finally be able to celebrate success, then the very one is real and irrevocable. Now you have entered the home stretch and you just have to go victoriously along it. Good luck is on your side!

    Please note that success and luck, complete and final, awaits only those who have really worked before, who literally worked hard to achieve the realization of their plans. Those who worked half-heartedly, who simply dreamed and hoped for the best, will be disappointed, because victory cannot emerge from emptiness. Therefore, what will happen in the very near future is your victory. And don't blame the circumstances - they were probably not the best, but what have you done to change them? The coming days are a mirror of who you really are. And if you do not like something, then do not continue to be offended by fate, but rather get yourself together and, finally, start working more efficiently and productively.

    The symbol is favorable and indicates that the movement towards the goal has already begun for you. You now have the opportunity to carry out your plans.

    You just have to anticipate the dangers and confront the obstacles that arise in the way of the implementation of your plan.

    You need to urgently end all quarrels, even if you have to use the services of a third party to provide mediation. If you have had success in such disputes before, then now do not give in to the temptation and do not try to repeat it. Consider this advice, listening to it, you will receive the full fulfillment of desires as a reward.

    The period is not favorable for starting new business. Do not throw all your efforts into a new direction, you will quickly find that it distracts you from your main goal and will not be successful.

    A specific desire made by you will not be fulfilled immediately, but with some delay.

    For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

    Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 63 Completeness

    If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you to better understand the oracle of ancient China.

    The answer to the question posed is Tszi-tszi - Completion.

    The hieroglyph depicts a person with a bowl who has already started eating, has already started eating.

    Ji (in the sense of "already") - complete, complete. Sign of the past, past tense. Given; what is.

    The hieroglyph depicts the place of the crossing, the ford across the river, where the water flows along a flat bottom.

    Ji (in the sense of "end") - to overcome an obstacle, to cross the river. Bring relief, provide assistance; finish, complete successfully.

    Semantic connections of hexagram 63. Tszi-chi

    Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

    Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the beginning of an action, it has already begun. You are already in the stream of events and are forwarded through it. You have entered the right position, everything around is in the required order, which contributes to the implementation of your plan. This is a favorable situation for you, which gives you the advantage of moving forward positively. Carefully observe the progress of the whole process, through small deeds you can achieve a lot and success.

    The created beginning is already opening the way, but your attempts to finish what you started sooner will only create confusion. Focus your efforts on what is already happening around you; it is necessary to foresee the impending dangers in advance, to think about the problems and to confront them in time. You are already on the right track. Continue to work hard to complete your plans successfully.

    Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

    Read the translation canonical text perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the sixty-third hexagram.

    [To small - accomplishment; firmness is favorable. In the beginning is happiness; at the end - a mess]

    I. At the beginning of the nine.

    Slow down the wheels - wet your tail!

    - There will be no abuse.

    II. Six second.

    The woman will lose the curtain on the chariot. Don't chase! You will receive it in seven days.

    III. Nine third.

    The high ancestor goes on a campaign to the land of demons and in three years will defeat it.

    Nonentities - not to act.

    IV. Six fourth.

    You will get wet! For the dress is in tatters. Ban until the end of the day.

    V. Nine fifth.

    The cow killed in the eastern neighbors cannot be compared with the small sacrifice of the western neighbors.

    If you are truthful, you will truly find your happiness.

    Vi. There is a six at the top.

    (If) Wet your head.

    Deciphering the second half of the book of changes is closely related to creativity, and at this stage, the process of creating an individuality is complete.

    Hexagram 63 is an interpretation of the final results of the harmonious development of a person who has achieved everything he wants, but can still expand small to great. Fortitude and resilience will bring success according to the Chinese book, but the situation of happiness can turn into chaos, so you need to be careful.

    Hexagram 63, Tszi-tszi, Already the end (Balanced, Completion of the crossing).


    Accomplishment. Small - fortitude is favorable. In the beginning is happiness; at the end, a mess.

    The pictogram is very harmonious in structure, because all even positions in it have strength, and in odd places there are weak features. Despite the favorable outcome of the entire creative act, the sign speaks of possible dangers that may interfere with the correct experience of the situation. True, the likelihood of turning circumstances into chaos should not scare off, since it can also become material for a new stage of creativity.

    The outer trigram of the sign is represented by Immersion, and the inner trigram by Coupling. The mental world of a person is clear, and in environment fuss and chores that do not affect everyday affairs. The symbol warns that you should not react to small trifles or try to change yourself, going astray.

    Now a person is forwarded through the stream of events, and everything seems to be in order, because the plans are being implemented. Such an advantage should not deceive the individual; he should remain attentive. Try to invest heavily in ongoing business, study the nature of problems in time and confront dangers.

    Take a look back at what has been done and take stock. The pictogram advises to master something new only in conditions of high rates and full self-confidence. Being honest will improve your financial situation. In general, hexagram 63, Tszi-tszi,

    The end already predicts the impossibility of repeating the past success. If you throw your strength on a large unknown business, then there will be no luck. Even dreams will come true only after the lapse of time. In life, a big quarrel is likely, which only a third-party mediator will help to resolve.

    Zhou-gun's characteristic of Yao

    • Nine at the beginning. The door remains open thanks to Heaven. Carelessness will lead to failure. The confusion will be caused by you trying to keep your friends from doing too difficult a task, but this will not be a major problem.
    • Second six. Time will help to resolve any issues. What is lost at one point can be found elsewhere. If the new leader is not ready to listen to you, just wait, they will pay attention to you anyway.
    • Nine third... The land of demons will be conquered in 3 years. According to the book of changes, great talent takes a long time to mature. A detailed scheme of action has already been drawn up. If the assistant assigns weak employees to new job, reprimand him, or you will lose achievements.
    • Fourth six. Clothes will become tatters. Vigilance must be maintained throughout the day. Don't wave your fists after a battle. Remember such a tactical move as a psychological attack. If you forget to set the alarm after stealing from a neighbor, your house will also be damaged in the week.
    • Nine fifth... Truthful people will have happiness. Despite his own abilities, a person needs the help of others. Thinking long before taking action can diminish expectations. It doesn't matter if your neighbors are poor, as long as they are fun to celebrate with.
    • Top six... The meaning of hexagram 63 in this Yao is the need for action without restrictions and difficult rules. After the death of a leopard, a skin remains. Having reached the top of the mountain, the person stopped paying attention to the world, but only looks back at what he did.

    Detailed meaning of the hexagram

    1. Even the most stable situations must be passed without stopping, otherwise death is inevitable. In exactly the same way, the fox tries to cross the river, but at the last moment he jeopardizes the crossing by soaking his tail. Achieving the goal requires losses, but they are still small and justify themselves, because a person needs to get things off the ground.
    2. When creativity has been able to create an independent thing, it immediately reveals itself and also exists for the environment. For a person, the desire to hide is also unattainable. If you continue to persist, then there will be no positive results. According to the Yi Ching book, the opportunity to withdraw into oneself will appear only in the future. Probably, an inattentive and absent-minded woman is to blame for the current difficulties.
    3. The situation is heading towards chaos, therefore, going out into the external environment means the beginning of a difficult struggle with bad spirits. Victory over them can be won in perseverance and with tremendous inner power. To be successful, you need to wage a really exhausting and stubborn war with your demons. And only “tall” people - experienced and strong - will be able to win after a long time. It is better to limit communication with “low” people.
    4. A multidimensional study of the symbol shows that the approach of confusion and fuss is felt at every stage. Therefore, all achievements will be lost, even if the necessary restrictions are observed. The cycle of daily activities requires vigilance and control.
    5. Stability during spontaneous chaos is guaranteed only by inner truth, while pomp, rich entourage, outer luxury and pretentious speech have no meaning for the salvation of a person. An individual's sacrifices to Heaven will not be appreciated, but what he takes with him (the moral values ​​he has suffered, nobility, knowledge and truth) will play a positive role.
    6. The transition to chaos begins. A detailed interpretation of hexagram 63 in this position speaks of danger and horror, but does not reduce everything to exact misfortune. It's just that a wave of disorder covers a person with his head, and this cannot be avoided. On the contrary, you need to consciously destroy the harmony of your development and move towards chaos in order to gain freedom for further creativity.

    Extended interpretation of the mark

    In the course of fortune telling, it may seem incomprehensible why chinese book predicts an era of chaos after a streak of success, victories and fruitful work. In fact, the movement of Yin and Yang constantly upsets the balance of forces, and here a person is faced with a rare and short-lived case of their ideal position.

    In other words, now the conditions are favorable, but the situation is unlikely to remain, which means that new costs and a loss of order in affairs lie ahead. A complete study of the symbol shows that only vigilance and the struggle with their vices will help in such an exciting and dangerous prospect.

    You need to learn to evaluate not ostentatious values, but spiritual qualities, and also be able to independently make any decisions and be responsible for them.

    Peace is really a fragile thing. It is no coincidence that the trigram of Water rises above the image of fire, as if hinting to a person about the possibility of mutual destruction. Therefore, the task of the individual at this stage of life is to manage two different elements while preserving the world as much as possible. It is unlikely that this will be possible to carry out for a long time, so chaos will inevitably become the beginning of a new road. The previous path ends, and this can both rejoice and upset.

    The book Yi Ching interpretation of the sign reduces to the need to rise to a fresh stage of development and realize oneself as a full-fledged person. The journey to a formed worldview and one's own individuality is over. You need to take full responsibility for your actions and abandon frivolous steps that could previously be justified by inexperience or immaturity.

    Relations with others are now very positive, because the person showed understanding and friendliness. It is necessary to continue this strategy, but anyway, breaking some ties will be inevitable. The cause of change is in the individual himself, but he cannot change it. But some contacts will be very strong and strong.

    As the book of changes shows, the interpretation of hexagram 63 in the area of ​​work is associated with large-scale changes. There will be surprises and disappointments, but in any case, you should try to avoid emotional overload. Keep feeling dignity, endurance, composure.

    Do not sort things out with colleagues, be tactful and avoid sharp corners. The desire will soon be fulfilled, because the person has made every effort.

    Associative reading of a hexagram

    • A couple of children are walking under the downpour. Expression of career success at a young age.
    • A pile of coins according to the Book of Fates traditionally symbolizes wealth.
    • Documents mean good luck to come.
    • A man on the shore of a reservoir watches the approach of a spoon. The picture refers to receiving timely help.
    • Heavy rain. As the Yi Ching points out, The Book of Change, plot interpretation is all about acquiring good patronage.
    • The central symbol is Yang and Yin are in line.
    • The main image is a boat crossing the river.

    Wen-wang's interpretation of the sign

    1. Luck awaits at the start, but disorder is coming in the finals. It's time to be persistent.
    2. The correspondence between Yao and the features of the hexagram indicates the appropriate location of Yin and Yang. In this balance, every step can cause serious disruption and loss of order. Worry about setbacks ahead of time and get ready.
    3. As the book of change shows, pictogram 63 refers to January. Therefore, she predicts failure in summer, but will be favorable in winter.
    4. After large-scale reforms, everything needs to be kept in good condition. Timely concern for business will not let the decline spoil your efforts.

    How to interpret a symbol when divining

    • Interpersonal communication is strengthened and improved daily. However, it is too early to talk about stability. In love, the mental image is different from reality. In particular, the partner turns out to be less relaxed and ardent.
    • The Chinese book of change reduces the meaning of a symbol in public affairs to temptation. As in politics, here you need to go through a series of tests, overcoming your doubts. In the present tense, the individual lacks firmness in character.
    • In business, a person faces problems. There is no need to start large-scale projects. Better to focus on establishing order, enforcing the law, and displaying your best business excellence.
    • In the field of health, attention should be paid to proper nutrition. Cleanse your small intestine. You can also do juice therapy.

    Also, you should not set yourself only ambitious goals. Show wisdom and maturity by choosing to deal with everyday matters.

    Hexagram 63 is the interpretation of the new path chosen by the person, which begins with a frightening confusion. But it is from chaos that the world is born in the future, so there is no need to turn off the road or tremble on the sidelines.

    It is genuinely ironic that there is still much to be done after a project or a large enterprise is completed. Completion is just a pause in the cycle of creation and decay, an instantaneous fixed point for the swinging pendulum of life. Although completion implies a period of calm pause for someone who has earned good work, it is not an actual ending, but a harmonious spot in the constancy of changes and movements, like a fixed point between inhalation and exhalation.

    Even as we enjoy a victorious situation, the laws of the natural world dictate that influence and success must eventually wane. Don't let your present happiness create a moment for making an overly careless or relaxed decision.

    Line interpretation:

    Line 1 (bottom line)

    Be careful, because once the project has reached its end point, and continuing to act in order to reach an even higher level can bring misfortune. The pressure after completion can lead to ruin, but there will be no real harm if your approach and behavior are correct.

    If some kind of stagnation has seeped into the current situation due to past success, your talents may be ignored - either by circumstance or by the efforts of those in positions of power. If this happens, it is important not to try to attract attention to yourself through immodest behavior. Just be patient. What is rightfully yours will ultimately be yours.

    After completing a project or venture, be careful about continuing to expand. Let your victories grow stronger for a while, and then take new steps with the same determination and attention to detail as in the past.

    In times of harmony and prosperity, some imperfections may still manifest. While it’s important not to overreact, it’s wiser to take decisive action to fix small problems before they get big.

    In spiritual and religious affairs, prosperity can breed pomp and boast. It is important to remember that wealth is not a signal of divine grace. What is lacking in such a manifestation is piety and respect for the Tao. Humanity sees what is manifested in the material world, but the spirit notices what is held in the heart. In times of prosperity, it is vital to maintain humility and to maintain kindness of heart. Refined religious manifestations, devoid of true spirit, are like gaudy, empty carriages thundering in the wind. Rich or poor ... nothing is more important than sincerity, humility and honesty in what is offered.

    Line 6 (top line)

    When a person has overcome a dangerous cliff, he has a natural tendency to look back and revel in the drama of overcoming it. But such thoughts can be very dangerous: what was safe behind (or in the past) can overtake you again. Don't look back. Anything you have surpassed is best left behind. Focus on moving forward.

    32. You are torn in half, running after two birds with one stone. If you have enough mental strength, then perhaps you will catch them. There is no need to strive for change. A little more patience - and your wish will come true! It will be very useful to revise the goals and objectives of internal contradictions. Discard all unnecessary and leave the real values. Not the best time to start.

    33. If you restrain yourself a little, it turns out that this was exactly what was not enough for a complete victory. Assertiveness in this situation can only do harm. The hexagram speaks of the benefits at this time of all ventures with rest, entertainment, during which you can think over plans for future accomplishments. But their implementation does not need to start immediately, it is better to wait until the end of the period of uncertainty. Now is the time for relaxation and meditation.

    34. You now want to be ahead by hook or by crook. But during this period, it is the first position that will be the least successful for you. It is worth restraining your desire to go over the heads of people: they may not just not like it - they can move on to action. Now is the time for tactfulness and diplomacy in relations. Ambition - good trait character, but only in combination with courtesy. Be more humble and your wish will come true right away. Try to find a middle ground in this situation.

    35. Luck is already approaching you! It is followed by recognition and respect - after all, you deserve them. Even more respect will come for them. Your lucky star shines brightly for you without leaving the horizon. Trust her and continue on your way. Do not be upset by the delay in fulfilling your wish, it will come true anyway. On the way, you will meet with a person with whom you have not seen for a very long time. Cash spending should not be too large - then you will realize that it only brought benefits.

    36. Now luck does not leave you, but this is not a reason to become arrogant, especially since the situation is gradually beginning to turn the other side. Now you have to think over and calculate everything, and only then take some serious action.

    Attention and attention again! Love adventures will have to be abandoned. It still seems to others that you are a darling of fortune, and therefore they can see the reasons for your actions today in a distorted light. Don't worry too much, things will be back to normal soon. Now is not the time for wishes to come true. Take care of your finances.

    37. Trust your intuition. Now is the time to speak not with the mind, but with the heart. It is it that pulls you to where happiness and prosperity await. Desires will come true, help will come from strangers. Perhaps you are jealous of someone or something and regret that fate did not treat you as generously as with others. But you will soon see that this is not the case at all. Enjoy your stay with your family, communication with family and friends, spend time with friends.

    38. Disharmony has come to life. It seems as if the whole world is against you, nagging and evil words are pouring in a hail - in such a situation, even kind words can cause resentment and irritation. But you will have to pull yourself together, calm down and wait for improvement, especially since it is almost on your doorstep. Now it will be very difficult to find like-minded people. And you spend a lot of nerves on one lady. You just need to watch your words and breathe evenly. Do not take on new beginnings. Nowadays you are involved in many things, perhaps even from different areas. But think: are they really that important to you and are they in your area of ​​interest?

    39. One of the unfavorable combinations. The faster you run, the more effort you put in, the more your feet sink into the ground. Nobody knows why this is happening. Fortune left, slamming the door behind her. Now we need to go into self-education, science, find peace in them. Most likely, friends will help you soon. It is with them that you will find the support you need. Be very careful with funds, they should be counted more carefully so as not to end up with empty pockets.

    40. The long period of trouble and anxiety is over. In your career, success began to accompany you again. Now is the time for decisive action, because they will give the greatest result. The old desire will come true, the time for the new desire will come a little later. You will be able to make new friends. The journey you undertake will bring you untold pleasure and satisfaction. Now is the best time to make money.

    41. Today you give something to other people - tomorrow fate will return everything to you a hundredfold. Perhaps you are wondering if you are spending too much money, or if you are giving away your savings in vain. But soon you will realize that you did everything right. And you will not only be at a loss, but quite the opposite. An excellent period for reflection, intellectual work and building new plans. Your wishes will come true, even in to a greater extent than you might expect.

    42. The time when fortune smiles especially affectionately at outstanding people. But even if you do not consider yourself to be such, it is good for you too. Everything planned will be done, everything done will be paid for. You can even provide help to those who need it. Fulfilling the orders of the authorities will benefit not only the common cause, but also you personally. Wait for lucrative offers, they are now at the stage of thinking. A superior person will have a hand in fulfilling your desire. Very soon it will turn out (albeit very unexpectedly) to improve their financial situation.

    43. Now luck is on your side, but your stubbornness may cause you to make a ridiculous mistake, and

    those who helped you may turn their backs. You will have to take the first step towards reconciliation yourself and be less stubborn. It is likely that you will develop a strong feeling for a person who was not very pleasant to you before, and this will greatly affect your behavior. You shouldn't risk gambling.

    44. The most important thing at this moment in life is restraint in emotions. Show attention to the changes that will occur in communication with people, do not be as categorical in your assessments as you want. Be more lenient. Desires will not be in a hurry to be fulfilled. Try to be more economical in your spending. Be prepared for the fact that the time will soon come when not entirely favorable events will enter your life.

    45. All efforts made will find a worthy completion and reward. Higher powers will help you in communicating with people, thanks to which, as it were, new connections are formed by themselves, which in one way or another will have a beneficial effect on your life. All previous efforts will also show good results. There is a certain woman around you who is trying to get in your way and prevent your hopes from coming true. But your desires will not find obstacles in her face and will be successfully fulfilled.

    46. ​​For a long time you tried to put things in order - now is the time to reap the bountiful harvest of your labors. If for some time more conscientiously treats work and show perseverance, then the deserved recognition and praise will find their hero. Now is not the time to wait, the time has come for decisive action. You will be helped not only by sound thoughts, but also by intuition - together they will bring the fulfillment of desire closer. And what you are now thinking hard, having realized, will bring a good profit.

    47. One of the four most unfavorable combinations. A period of calm and inactivity has come. Waiting time. And the thoughts are not so clear now to act. Help will come from someone from your environment, a person in a high position. His advice will be worth its weight in gold. Self-confidence can leave you, but this is not a reason to give up. The depression period will end, and everything will sparkle again.

    48. Even if you think things could go better, do not refuse to help whoever asks for it. Then you will make sure that your actions were not in vain. It is unlikely that someone will appreciate your talents and abilities according to their merits, the authorities will not notice your efforts. There is little pleasant in this, but you will have to endure for a while. Now only insignificant desires can be fulfilled, the time for major accomplishments has not yet come. Nevertheless, the financial side of life should not upset you - this area is under control.

    49. Around everything moves and flickers, constantly there are some changes. All this should not puzzle you: everything is going right, of which you will be convinced when you begin to receive positive results of your full strength in the near future, bringing with them new perspectives, plans that will be carried out already in new, positive conditions. You will have to correct your old plans, you have to go somewhere where you never dreamed of getting. In all games, you must be very lucky.

    50. If you are not intimidated by the role of a leader, then the circumstances will develop for you in the most favorable way. Someone will be against this state of affairs, your successes will only annoy him. Such people can only be ignored. But assess your strengths sensibly, do not take on what you cannot do. Number 3 will play a big role in your relationships with people. If you decide to do something three of us, success will be guaranteed. The desire will come true, although not at all in the way you expect. Pay attention to the fact that recently you have become too much attention to your hobby.

    51. You are already close enough to the successful completion of your business, but someone is persistently trying to prevent you from doing so. Don't worry. What you go to with such persistence will not turn out to be your cherished dream. This is a misleading result. Therefore, you can give way to the spiteful critic, let him enjoy his victory, which may well turn into defeat. Soon an unexpected unpleasant event will occur in your circle, which in the meantime will not have any effect on you. A very good time to relax. If events, as it seems to you, are not developing at all the way you would like, calm down: you cannot change anything now. All that remains is to enjoy your vacation and wait for the time when fate will choose you as its favorite. And this time is not far off.

    52. Does the state of affairs not inspire optimism? Nevertheless, now is the time to leave everything as it is, breathe fresh air deeply and only then start working on the problems again. If you have planned trips, business trips, try your best to refuse them. Accept the state of affairs as it is, and calmly begin to think about ways to solve the problem. You will overcome all difficulties, all envious and ill-wishers will gnaw your elbows, because the victory will remain with you. The main thing is not to hang your nose. Desires will come true if you make every effort for this.

    53. You will be successful if you begin to look under your feet and think about each step taken towards the goal. Don't be ahead of the curve; it might be worth slowing down a little. Thoughtfulness and thoroughness are synonyms for success at this moment in your life. The turtle has the same chance of winning the long run as the hare. Now your path has just begun, but it should lead to the fulfillment of desire. The reward will be a significant improvement in the financial situation.

    54. You will have to be very careful in all areas of life, even in relation to relationships with the opposite sex. Everything that happens in your life should be taken calmly and calmly. Otherwise, you will be in trouble. Desire is not in a hurry to be fulfilled. Now we need to think and wait. Nevertheless, your income will increase, although your expenses will not be that high. It is worthwhile to devote time to preparing for favorable changes. They are already waiting for their time to come.

    55. Time to gather what is sown. The star of happiness shines over you at this time. Its light falls on everything, no matter what you take up. Therefore, success accompanies you in everything, things are moving smoothly, in the future it will be even better, even if you do not believe that this can be. Do not forget that who owns the information owns the situation. This phrase should become your credo during this period. The money earned should be partly directed towards the creation of some kind of sacrificial amount. Cases related to agriculture, show business and art will be especially successful. Despite the absolute success in everything, this time does not promise you the fulfillment of desires.

    56. You have all the trump cards in your hands to win in business. If you are planning a business trip, a business trip, then, most likely, they will end in luck. Now you have a very heightened ambition, so you have to be very careful in your actions and words in order to avoid offending others. If you do not make high demands on your desires, then they will come true. The memory of a very unpleasant event makes you nervous at the moment. It is worth letting go of these thoughts and never returning to them.

    57. Everything seems confusing, incomprehensible, therefore it is in no way possible to sort things out and assess the actual state of affairs. Nevertheless, you should not evaluate everything as gloomy as you see it. Someone from the environment will indicate the right path along which you need to go. You will soon realize that the choice was right. Five months later, fate will start smiling at you again. Something does not allow your desires to come true. But a woman will help you cope with this. Someone will persuade you to do something that you do not like at all. You should trust your intuition and do everything at your own discretion, not succumbing to persuasion.

    58. Now you are depressed, but soon happiness will light up your face and sadness will no longer darken it. This combination is related to the organs of speech, so listen to the advice that a friend can give you; say only good things about people. If there is no kind word for someone, then it is better to keep silent. A favorable period for trade relations. Do not worry and be nervous about what you yourself are not able to change. Now you must first of all calm down and wait for the imminent approach of happiness and joy.

    59. The long black streak of life is over, and it is being replaced by the long-awaited white streak. On this strip you will find everything that you have been craving and striving for for so long. There is a journey ahead of you, so you don't need to spend too much money now. Almost all of the planned cases, especially if they relate to the field of science, production or love, will have brilliant results. During this period, you have every chance to become a leader. The desire is already beginning to be fulfilled, but for full fulfillment you should not stop working on achieving it.

    60. The long-awaited time has come when you can actively act. Nevertheless, you should not give up caution and foresight - they will never be superfluous. Do not take the first offer made to you without looking back. Perhaps it will be done today, perhaps a little later. See if it will be as beneficial as it seems at first glance. The same recommendations can be made for friendship and love. Those desires in which you do not want to receive a star from the sky will certainly come true. Now it is worth putting off travel and travel. You should not try to harm someone, otherwise it will turn out that you set a trap for yourself.

    61. To achieve positive results in work, it is better to act as a well-coordinated team. Do not overestimate your abilities - both physical and mental - otherwise the glory of an arrogant fool will be fixed on you, and this, in turn, will be a strong obstacle on the way. Keep yourself in line. Reasonable desires will definitely come true. Your efforts and talents will be appreciated by your superiors. This will be another stepping stone on the path to your successful promotion to the top.

    62. Perhaps disappointment in a loved one. But you shouldn't make a tragedy out of this. You missed the best time and the best situation to move towards your cherished goal. Nevertheless, she was not the last and the next case will soon turn up. Now is the time for good earnings, but travel should be postponed until better times. Don't waste your time on trifles - don't waste your attention on humiliating little things.

    In a quarrel with any person, you must resort to the help of a third party. His mediation will help to achieve a positive result. But don't try to repeat past successes - set yourself new goals. If you correctly understand this advice, then there will be no business after the reward, all desires will be fulfilled at once. You do not need to throw all your strength into a new appointment, there is no success there. If your desire is very specific in nature, then it will come true, even with a slight delay.

    63. Good luck in all matters has not yet come, but it is already outside your door. The time has not yet come for decisive action. The improvement in circumstances will be more noticeable day by day if every step you take is thought out. The wish will come true in the near future. You are looking forward to one of the happiest times in your life.