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  • Ukrainians and Russians are not Slavs. Kievan Rus is not Ukraine. And Ukrainians are not Slavs! Ukrainians ethnically much closer to Turks than (1 photo)

    Ukrainians and Russians are not Slavs. Kievan Rus is not Ukraine. And Ukrainians are not Slavs! Ukrainians ethnically much closer to Turks than (1 photo)

    Something again began to observe a surge of Ukrovlyansky Vriacia, too often from the mouth of Ukropatatatarov began to sound the statements that they, blacks and there are megaslavyvsky people, but the Russians there are only Bulgarian-speaking chukhna and a mixture of different nations, and Ukrainians are not an example Sample of ethnic purity. Since only such a science as genetics can be the only witness of ethnic frequency, let us turn to her and check how large the share of Slavic and non-Slavic blood in our two ethnic groups.

    On Y-DNA (Male), the main Slavic marker is a haplogroup R1A1 (M-458 and Z-280 mutations), which took the Slavs from the Pyranceo-European ancestors - from all the Indo-European peoples of R1A1 most often found from Slavs, and it is from the northern Slavs - Southern Slavs Genetically closer to Romanians and Albanians and R1A1 they have rare. Data on the distribution of R1A1 among Slavic peoples leads to the European

    As we can see, the Ukrainians have a representative office R1A1 (43%) lower than the Poles, Belarusians and Russians (46%), but higher than those of Chekhov, Slovaks and South Slavs. Thus, the "genetic pure" Slavic peoples do not exist at all, and Ukrainians are a little inferior to the Russian representatives of the Slavic primary source.

    These are the data that the official genetics gives us. But if you do not trust the sample and conclusions of official science, then everyone can independently test its ethnic origin through DNA analysis, for these purposes there is international project in the field of molecular genealogy and population genetics -

    In the description of this project, it is said: "Attracting specialists from various sciences (historians, genetics, linguists, archaeologists), genetic genealogists help to confirm or refute one or another hypothesis (ethnogenesis of peoples). Conclusions and evaluation are largely comparative, depend on availability and replenishing statistical data. This project is designed to contribute to this (accumulation of statistical data). " And these are the statistical data, that is, Y-DNA haplog groups, real people from three Slavic countries have accumulated the project:

    Ukraine Russia Poland.

    R1A1 101 (21.1%) 322 (39.4%) 433 (41.35%)

    total 478 819 1049 participants.

    Amazing statistics! Russia with its numerous non-Slavic population - once again remind you that these are data on countries, and not by ethnic groups - only a little behind Poland on the representation of the Slavic haplogroup R1A1 and overtook Ukraine, in which 97% of the population of Slavs. Almost a mockery sounds the statement that Ukrainians, unlike Russians, were able to preserve the purity of the ethnos - almost all genetic markers found among the Russians were found from the Ukrainians, and the most exotic haplogroups are more often found in the territory between Don and Sanne, and more. And the myth of the allegedly Finno-Ugric origin of Russians and at all, with a close review, it is dispelled: the main haplogroup of the Uralyazyny peoples - N1 - was found only in 14.7% of Russians; For comparison, only E1B is a Westernobalkan haplogroup of African origin - found 16.5% of Ukrainians.

    In general, genetic studies show that the influence of the Balkans on the Ukrainian gene pool was simply huge - in the aggregate, the main haplogroups of the Balkans - E1B, I2, T and J2 - are 37.5% of the Ukrainian gene pool according to official science (see the European Table) and 38.7 % According to Statdanny SEMARGL - two or three times more than Russian and Poles;however, J2 Ukrainians could receive from the Caucasus, through the Turkic tribes - the sub-j2A4B, characteristic of Vainakh peoples, often find in Ukraine.

    (The Map of the Map of the Haplogroup I2 - Ukraine is entirely in the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution this characteristic for the Gaplogroup Balkans.)

    (Haplogroup E1B1B and its distribution in Africa, Europe and Asia)

    It is even more interesting to study the representation of East Asian (Mongoloid) haplogroups in Genofond Slavs. The myth of the Mongolian origin of Russians was already dilapidated, but still retaining popularity among some unassuming Ukrainians, but alas and ah, genetics indicate a friend - Mongoloid haplogroups C, O and especially q are not more often found in Russia, but in Ukraine; According to Europe, it is Ukraine that shows the largest number of finds of the haplogroup q in Europe (4%, cmtack and map):

    It should be noted that in Ukraine there are almost only one subclabla of this haplogroup -Q1B1, also found from Uigur, Hazaraz and 5% of Ashkenazov's Jews - it seems, only one people could award the sifted Eastern Eastern genes immediately and the Jews, and Ukrainians were Turkic Hazars.

    Thus, according to statistics, SEARGL Eastern Eastrazian (Mongoloid) component of the gene pool (on Y-DNA) is 5.64% from Ukrainians, in Russians - 3.17%, according to European data - 4% of Ukrainians and 1.5% of Russians. It is also interesting that the Slavs found and a typical neosidic haplogroup of E1A, and in Ukraine, again, they find more often. Western and South Asia also left their mark in the genetic history of the Slavs - Haplogroup J1, R2 and N; According to SEMARGL, they generally give 12.34% of Ukrainian and 6.06% of Russian gene pools - and again the Asian influence more clearly manifests itself from the Ukrainians, and not among the Russians.

    But Russians more than the Western European and North European genes, the Gaplogroup R1B and I1 in the aggregate give 11% of Russian and 7% of Ukrainian gene pool according to Europe, and 15.26% and 11.5% - in Statdanny Semargl.

    (R1B haplogroup prevalence in Europe).

    Another testimony of the North European influence on the Russian gene pool is a haplogroup N1 - Oshai is a generic marker of Finno-Ugric peoples, but its presence in the gene pool of the Balt peoples is also great (it also got from Finno-Ugroms), she was found both by Scandinavians - the study of DNA of Russian nobles From the knee, Rurik showed that the legendary Varyag was also the carrier of the haplogroup N1c1. The distribution of the haplogroup N1 among the Russians unevenly - the most denselya is represented in the Russian north, on the lands of the former Novgorod and Pskov republics, in Central Russia, there is already much less frequently, and in southern Russia, it is even less common in Ukraine. According to the European Communion, the N1 in the amount gives 23% of the Russian gene pool (two times less than the Slavic haplogroup R1A1), semargl -14.7% (2.5 times less often than R1A1). On MtDNA (female) Finno-Ugric influence is slightly more noticeable, but no more:

    Table Boris Malarchuk: Russian regional populations on MTDNA (top table) and Y-DNA (lower) - as we see, on Y-DNA, only the Russian Pskov region is close to Finno and Baltam, and the rest of the Russian groups closer to each other and others Slavic peoples; According to MTDNA, the genetic distance of Russian populations from each other is wider. Eastern Eastrazian (Mongoloid) influence on the Russian gene pool on MTDNA is also insignificant and is not connected with Tatar or Mongolian, but with Finno-Ugric influence:

    Even in the Russian north, Eastrazian haplogroups of MTDNA in the amount give only 4-5%, and the Russian Center and the South of Mongoloid Haplogroups of MTDNA are even less than that of the Western Slavs. And according to the study of Padni and K, the Eastern Eastern MTDNA component of the Russians is 1.9% , Ukrainians - 2.3% ( mtdna.-Tutorial / Freq). In general, the MTDNA-Genophobe of Russian and Ukrainians is rather close and characterized by the predominance of haplogroup H, u, V and J, typically European.

    So, the representation of the Slavic haplogroup R1A1 among the Russians is higher than those of the Ukrainians, and the representative office of non-Slavic - below. From extraneous influences in Russians, the most noticeable genetic influence of Finno-Ugroms, as well as Western and Northern Europe, while Ukrainians have a more noticeable influence of the Balkans and Western and East Asia - most likely the Asian genes went to Ukrainians from the Turkic peoples, as the Türks of the Black Sea The Caspian steppes themselves there is a genetic mixture of Eastern and Western Asia, the Caucasus and Europe. So do the conclusion which of the two Slavic peoples is more Slavic. At the end, I place another table - "average" persons of athletes from different European countries; Do not you think that the persons of the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian athletes are amazingly similar?

    The answer is then that the results of genetic analysis speak about it. According to the media, no uniform Eastern Slavs from Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. And never happened. Russian and Ukrainians are not Slavs. And Belarusians are quite the Slavs Western, close relatives of Poles. All that we were taught, if we talk about blood, in modern, genetic, kinship - nonsense. Who then are Russians? The answer is simple, and not so unexpected. Russians are Slavic Finno-Ugry. Our closest blood relatives are Mari, Moksha, Mordovtsy, Komi, Udmurts, Hungarians, Finns, Karelia, Estonians. A new Russian citizen of Zhora Depadiev as a fantastic sixth sense immediately determined, to what blood should appeal, looking for their way in a new homeland. And received Mordovian registration. Rank to roots, so to speak.

    True, it should be borne here that the finno-throat peoples today are combined into a special group on language grounds. Language and blood often come from different sources. If Russian is a finn of blood, but the Slavs - according to the language group, then some Hungarian may well be Finnish in the language group, but Slavic - by blood, in genetics. In the "Tale of Bygone Years", the territory of modern Hungary is indicated as the Slavic land. So right about genetic relationship with any finno-pagan people to speak wrong. But the general meaning does not change from this.

    Russians are genetic Finno-Ugry, who adopted and transformed the Slavic language to such an extent that other Slavs do not understand it. In the "Great and Mighty" Russian language 60-70% of vocabulary, that is, basic words, non-Slavic origin. Russians in blood do not apply to Aryan, but to the Ural family of peoples. And the card, so picturesquely depicting the powerful movement of the Slavs to the East, will have to be corrected. It was apparently small streams of princes, warriors, merchants, their families and other urban people in the land inhabited by Finnish tribes. Ukrainians are also not lucky. We are not relatives with them. However, it seems to me that they would have experienced quite calm today. However, their claims to Slavs are as groundless as ours. Genetically Ukrainians - Turks, descendants or Bulgar, or Pechenegs. Blood relatives of Tatars.

    The only Slavs among the so-called East Slavic peoples are Belarusians. But in fact, they are by origin a group of Western Slavic, or, more precisely, the Polish tribes. With a strong Baltic, that is, Letto Lithuanian element. This, if someone does not know, such Lithuanians, Latvians, historical Prussians, etc. Here we have all genetics.

    This is written by the media. There were articles in the "power". Today I read the article here. Including we are reported that a certain fundamental publication for the study of the gene pool of the Russian ethnos is being prepared. Departing traditional ideas about who are Russians. And the conclusions are unconventional that scientists even experience some trembling about their publication. As is well known, heredity is fixed in two ways: - old, anthropological measurements; - New, genetic, with molecular biology tools. For anthropologists, typical Russian - medium-sized bodies and average growth of light shaws with bright eyes - gray or blue. The reference Ukrainian is a dark brunette with the right features of the face and brown eyes. But the anthropological measurements of the proportions of the human body - a last century of science. Today, you can read the message of the human genome. The most advanced DNA analysis methods are sequencing (reading a genetic code) of mitochondrial DNA and DNA y-chromosome man. Mitochondrial DNA is transmitted by the female line from the generation to generation almost unchanged from the first ladies of our species. Y-chromosome is available in men and therefore, it is also practically unchanged to male offspring. The remaining chromosomes when transferring from the father and mother to their children are touched by nature, is combined, and to understand from whom what genes is almost impossible. Unlike indirect signs (appearance, body proportions), the sequencing of mitochondrial DNA and the Y-chromosome DNA is undoubtedly and directly talks about the degree of kinship of people.

    Genetic analysis, among other things, makes it possible to determine the genetic distance between people. According to the Y-chromosome, the genetic distance between the Russians and Finns of Finnish is only 30 conventional units (close relatives). The genetic distance between the Russian man and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mariers, Vepsami, Mordvoy, etc.), living in the territory of the Russian Federation, equal to 2-3 units. This is not even direct relationship, this is an identity! The mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that another nearest blood relatives of the Russians are the Tatars: Tatars, as well as Finns, separates all the same 30 dear genetic units (close relatives). The population of Ukraine is divided into different genetic groups. In Eastern Ukraine, this is Finno-Ugry. Eastern Ukrainians do not differ practically from Russians, Komi, Mordv, Mari. What does not seem amazing. But with the Ukrainians of Western Ukraine, it turned out quite interesting. Vests are not Slavs and not Russophinna. They relate to a completely different blood-genetic group - Tatars: between Ukrainians from Lviv and Tatars, the genetic distance is only 10 units.

    Of course, it will be very curious to study the monograph "Russian Genofund", which should seem to go out at the end of the year in the publishing house "Light". If the case is indeed exactly how it became known to us from the information leaning in the media, the nationalists are awaiting serious problems. One thing is Slavic-Aryan Russia. And completely different - the divorce, the Slavic Finnish population under the rule of the Varangian-Slavic princes. Do you feel the difference, right? However, for our country it can turn into direct benefits. Because once again confirms - the subject of history is not an ethnos at all. The story is creating enterprising people, groups of warriors, merchants and states created by them. When various groups of the population, with different genetics, anthropology, culture, language, live quite a long time in the boundaries of one state, a new ethnic group is formed, cultural and historical community. Blood, genes for the ethnos prevailing no value. The whole thing is in the community of historical destiny and uniform citizenship. Even if the word citizen has not yet invented.

    And the concept of "titular nation" is deprived of meaning. Because the title nation in Russia turns out to be rubbing Finns, in England - numbed celts, in France - Romanized galls that have gone conquerors, German-speaking francs, in Spain - local Romanized Celts, who absorb German-ready, etc. History is always the history of societies. And a public top, which any active citizen can break through. But not a blood history. And not the history of genes. What I congratulate you and my dear Russophinna, Ukrainatatar and Belarusopolys. Long live Eastern Europe - a great mixture of blood and cultures!

    From the new Ukrainian "history" we know that Ukrainians are almost "the only heirs ancient RussiaSlavs, "Center of Europe" !!!

    Is it so?

    Even Russian historians, sparing the national feelings of "younger brothers", were constantly silent or tried not to notice and not to give values \u200b\u200bto the most powerful presence of the Turkic element in history, language, culture, toponymics, surnames, and the external ulles of Ukrainians.

    I think the moment came to look at all these facts objectively.

    In Ukrainians you can select multiple items:

    Pretty weak Russian element, because as wrote the Grushevsky land of the current Ukraine after the Tatar and Polovtsy pogroms were empty.

    M. S. Grushevsky. Essay of the history of the Ukrainian people. Kiev "Libium" 1991 "Kiev and Kiev land in general to continue the 12th century quickly come into decay. Much reasons contributed to this. Turkic migration has undermined the welfare of the Polyansky Earth; With the exception of the northern corner, she turned into a full desert several times; The population has cast north ... "p. 62., the second element is quite superficial and apparent Polish.

    And, probably, the chief element is related Turkic and Ado-Circassian. It is he who will be considered here. Facts and only facts !!! Let's start with linguistics!

    A huge number of words Ukr. Move are Turkic-Adygh (approx. Adygi, Castogi, Circassians, Kabarda - a group of related tribes, to a greater or lesser extent mixed with Turks).

    Ukrainian hut (Turkic word) is built from Samana (a mixture of clay, manure and straw) (also the Turkic word) Already one seen this will be seen from where this technology is taken.
    What makes the hut? Right, tint (this is also the Turkic word)
    What do the hut be decorated with the tyny? Correctly Kylom (also the Turkic word).
    What worn UKR. Men? Right, Turkic sharovars, Turkic wide belts and dads.
    Ukr. Women wear a plate (also turkism) and Turkic worm.
    What is the army of Ukrainians? Correct the Kozaki (also Turkism), what do they look?
    Just like Turks-Pechenegi, (which, by the way, copied in its appearance Svyatoslav), subsequently also looked half and Circassians: not shaved on the head of the block of hair, a sign of belonging to the Turkic military unit, in the ear of the Turkish earring (meant what kind of son in the ear Family, if the only one then burned you), in the mouth of the cradle (Turkism), naked with Tyutyun (Turkism) in the hands of Bandura (Turkism). In what military units Cossacks?
    In cats (turkism). Their symbol of Boonchuk (Turkism).
    Ukrainian High "Let" (for example, High Liv inequalized Ukraine) is related to Kabardinsky Hoy "Want."
    Gaidamak - Right-Bank Vatagi Robbers, from the Turkic Hyde-Mac - Embrajean.
    Kurkul, Kavun, Kosh, Kilim, Bugai, Maidan, Kazan, Cobza, Kozak, Lelka, Nahnka, Gamanets, Cleera, Ataman, Bunchuk, Chumak, Kohan, Kut, Domra, Tyn, Cat, Hut, Farm, Nahnka, Tattoo RUCH, SURMA І Bagato Chojo - - All these are Turkic words !!!
    In Ukrainian Move more than 4,000 Turkic words !!!

    (Yankikopedia "Ukrainian Mova" Turkism. In Ukrainian Movі Nal_chuyu Bl. 4,000 Turk. Words (without uleanuvannya of the rule of the Names).

    Now to the Ukrainian epic.

    Who is a favorite character doing the same place like Russians Alyosh Popovich and Dobrynynya Nikitich? That's right, the Cossack Mamay. Here, without comment, you can do. Ukrainian surnames

    Ending - Ko has the meaning of the "Son" in the Adyg language, that is, in Ukraine, the names were formed in the same way as in Russia, only in Russia "Son Petrov", and the Son dropped out just Petrov (as well as in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic , Slovakia), then in Ukraine they said: whose son is Petren Son, that is, Petren-Co. (along Turks, Adygski Son Peter), etc., the same Turkic roots have the names to - Yuk, -Uk, (Turkish gianuk , Tayuk, Kuchuk) Ukrainian Kravchuk, Mykolaichuk and TD.

    In addition, a number of Ukrainian names remained absolutely Turkish Buchma, Kuchma (in Turkic, this is a high island hat) !!!

    Such a common Ukrainian surname as Shevchenko has adyg's origin, this surname appeared just at a time when the Kasov and Cherkes tribes appeared in the Dnieper Cherkassia (from here and the city of Cherkasy). She dates back to the word "Sheudjan", which Adygi denoted their Christian priests. Under the onslaught of Islam Sheuzhenna emigrated with part of Circass in Ukraine. Their descendants were naturally called "Shevzhenko", "Shevchenko", it is known that in Adygski "Ko" means the descendant, son. Another very common surname Shevchuk goes back to the Adyg Name Shevtsuk. Mazepa - Circassian surname, in the same form will also in the Caucasus.

    Compare these Adygh and Tatar surnames with Ukrainian:
    Kulko, Gerko, Zako, Khajiko, Kushko, Beshuko, Haisko, Shatko, Nathko, Bakhuko, Karakhuko, Hatko, Kojoko, Kanoo, Hatko (c) (Hyatko, "Son of Hitata")
    Maremuko - letters: "Son of Holy Friday."
    Thaeschoko - "Son from God."
    Famous Kabardian (Circassian) Prince - Keryuk.
    Anchuk, Shevtsuk, Tatruk, Anshuk, Tlezkuk, famous surname Hakmuchuk, Sunieuk, Mashuk, Shamray, Shahrai.
    Tatar khana - Tuzlyuk, Kuchuk, Payuk, Kutluk, Covered, Tayuk, Barcuck, Yukuk, Buyuk.
    Who is the laureate of the Nobel Prize ??? - Turk Orhahan Pamuk. Almost our Kuzmuk.

    Many already Russified surnames that, that is, with the addition, for example:
    Abrozo - Abrokov., Baroko - Borokov. Justoko - Zhegunokov.

    Many similar to the Ukrainian names of their own:

    "The History of Circassia in the Middle Ages and the New Time" "... One of the Circassian Princes - Tukhtamysh Kaituko - was deprived of the princely title, and then he settled with his heartlessly" near the river, called him name - Tohtamysh, not far from Greater and Small Zelechkov and Kabardian river Demeniuk ... "(we note that neither one more Slavic people meet the names of Ko and - Chuk).

    The following names in the plan of Adygh etymology is a surname - Buta. This surname is in Ukraine and in the form of Butko, Butyko, Butenko. Fully Circassian composite is the Ukrainian surname Chicko, which is used in the same form in Adygea. Ukr. Fam. Ananka, Onyshko, Oposhko, are an Abkhaz-Circassian composite. The kabardian surname of Gogolev, actually Gogol, is of interest. This word is a purely Adygh composite where - Gogo - has several interpretations at once. Next to the Ukrainian toponymic

    What do the "typical Slavic" names mean settlements Central and Western Ukraine ??? Kagarlyk, Dwemer, Bucha, Uzin - (Kiev region), Uman, Korsun, Kut, Chigirin, Cherkasy - (Cherkasy region), Buchach - (Ternopil region), Turk, Sambor, Bush - (Lviv region), Bakhmach, Ichnya - (Chernihiv region), Burshtyn, Kuta, Kalush - (Ivano-Frank. Oyul.), Khust - (Carpathian region), Tourisk - (Volyn region), Akhtyrka, Buryn - (Sumy region), Romodan - (Poltava region. The names of the village of Abazivivka, monitoring in Poltava region, occur from Circassian nickname abase), codima, Gaisan - (Vinnitsa region), Savran - (Kirovograd region), Ishmael, Tatarbunar, ARTSIZ and still a huge amount? In Russia, there are also the Turkic names of the settlements, but the Russians stood out other people's lands in the Urals, in Siberia, in the north and naturally left foreign names. And where are we from where, if not our own?

    What does all this say ???

    But says that Kiev, having arrived in the 12th century, when the center of Russian life moves to the north, together with the population of Russia, running away from the nomadic steppe in the forest, begins the new process of ethnogenesis on the territory of South Rus, the remains of the Holy and Northerners are mixed with Numerous Turkic already semi-seed tribes are residues of Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Torkes, Berentheys. Later, tatars, legs are added to this melting boiler. There is a mixed Slavic-Turkic ethnos, called "Tatar people", and later called Ukrainians.

    Historical reference:

    M. S. Grushevsky. Essay of the history of the Ukrainian people. Kiev "Libium" 1991

    "... the territory around Kiev was empty in 12-13 centuries, too often ruined by nomads, and were settled in a large extent Turkic military colonists ..." p.67.

    "Kiev and Kiev land in general in the continuation of the 12th century quickly come into decay. Much reasons contributed to this. Turkic migration has undermined the welfare of the Polyansky Earth; With the exception of the northern corner, she turned into a full desert several times; The population has dropped to the north ... "p. 62.

    "By approved in Galicia, Danilo undoubtedly meant to expand its influence on Eastern Ukraine, taking in his hands Kiev. But on the road of these plans they stood the Tatars and the movement of the "Tatar people", which was mentioned above, it covered the extension of the border of Volyn, and in all likelihood and in the nearest locations ... Danilo begins a number of campaigns to the territory of the "Tatar people", seeking terror And devastations to suppress dangerous trends ... The Horde sends the forces under the leadership of Burundae ... It made a terrible, overwhelming impression, Danilo was convinced of the impossibility of fighting the Tatars in Ukraine. Earth east was closed for him by a number of Tatar communities located in the eastern and southern borders of Volyni "p.74

    Grushevsky, as we see, writes about the "Tatar communities under Volyn", and Tatar people - a new mixed population of the territory from the forests of Chernigov to Volyn.

    If this is written by the Ukrainian nationalist, who does not neglect the straw, speaking about the Ukrainian Principles of 10-11 centuries, while they were all called Russian then !!! You can imagine what happened there really !!!


    Polovtsy - Turkic nomadic people formed in the VIII century in the steppes of Kazakhstan and Southern Siberia (the top course of the Irtysh River). In the XI set the steppe of Eastern Europe to the Danube (Polovtsy Field, CheaXT-I-Kipchak). Some of the Polovtsy went beyond the Danube, but most remained and stirred with the local population.

    Partition Paul threaded in 40 rubles. R. XIII Art. Before the Mongols, the Mstislava Mstislavich is a test of the Mstislav Mstislavich, the TERTER-BO, Cotyan; Woney act as an hour was walked by autonia, Alya Opіsl poured.

    Ale Maput B_lsha Partin Polovtsіv remained at your land. Ti Shcho did not attach ISLAMU in the Ukrainian spiralism. Polovtsі left a deputy shield in Ukrainian Toponіmіtsi. Ale Dosi Polovtsy Named Non-Tilki Shcho did not twist, and it is not so much zіbrun. Estorichnі Jerela I know Cille low Sail І mіstechok Polovtsі / Polovichi / Polovtsyka, for example In Dorіchchu Rosі (1616 r.), Zhytomyrsky is p. (1593 p.), on r. Suli (before 1569 r.) І t. D. Torozh Misto (d) Uman, the name of the name of them (Kuman).

    (Omelyan Priitsak - "Polovtsi")

    Torquis (GUZ, bonds) are one of the Turkic tribes that have nagged in South Russian steppes. In 985, Torka took part as mercenaries in the hike of St. Vladimir on Bulgarian. Some of the Torks still in the XI century occupied the area by r. Rosi and obeyed Russian princes. The center of these semi-seated Torkov was the city of Tosk. On the left bank of the Dnieper settled another group of Torkov, who recognized the power of the Pereyaslav Prince. According to the news of the XII century, these torchs occupied the terrain near the city of Barucha.

    Torques left a lot of traces in the toponymics of Ukraine: the rivers end and bargaining, Tetlle's river along the Tetlle River; Syla is the end, Torka, Torcіv, Torec, Torchin.

    Later in the already mixed Turcian-Slavic population poured the most powerful Adyo-Circassian composite (in many ways to Turkic). This process is associated with the formation of a cafe.

    "The first Cossacks," V.N. Tatishchev wrote, "Rake's Cherkhaz, in the 14th century, were, where they were built by the Cherkasy, and under the protection of Tatar governors, theft and scatters were produced, then Cherkasy in the Dnieper were moved to Dnipro Built. "

    V. Gattsuk, the Ukrainian researcher began the XXV., Shows the Circassian origin of the Zaporizhzhya Kozakov already in completely categorical colors: "County cities, Cherkasy, Chigirin are based and inhabited by Castogs, and all rural, farm, the settlement on both shores of the Dnieper south of Kiev was then from Kasogov. Casogi-Circassians merged with the local Turkish-Slavic population and formed, together with them, the so-called Ukrainian tribe. From them the current Ukrainians received those their features that are distinguished by their type of magnitude from Velikorscyan - dark color of hair and eyes. The territory and the people of Ukraine were called Cherkasya until the time of Catherine II. The difference between the terms Circass and Cherkas is completely conditional. The shape of "Cherkes" pushed out the form "Cherkas" only in the XIX century, and before that, ash, in most cases, called Cherkasy. And only during the reign of Emperor Alexander 1st, - when Caucasian Circassians who did not want to voluntarily conquer, were announced by the "enemies of Russia," the official papers stopped calling Malorosyan Cherkasy. "

    Samir Khotyko, a famous specialist in Adygh nationwi writes:

    "... Mongol wars led to the fact that the Circassians themselves rushed into the steppe. Especially attractive for them were the territories of modern Ukraine ... "

    Ukrainian historian D. N. Bantysh-Kamensky also adhered to the version of the Circassian origin of the first Cossack communities of the subnet. The beginning of the Zaporizhia army, in his opinion, was the Circassians. It indicates the fact that in the affairs of the college archive the Cossacks and Dynam appear under the name "Cherkas".

    The center of Dniprovskaya Cherkatia was Zaporizhzhya in the island of Hortietsa. It is significant that Toponym Hortiets has quite adequate adyg value. The chortiana is only a slight distortion from Khurts (Khurtis) "The place where men are going", where Khur "man", and T1y "Sit down." As you know, Zaporizhia Schie really was the male assembly, where women did not allow. The word "Schish" goes back to the Adyg SE "Knife", "cut"; From here and general for the Ukrainian, Russian and Polish meaning "Schish", as well as a checker (from Sashho "Big Knife"). The threshold is a general concept for Ukrainian, Russian, and Polish (Prog). In the Adygskaya Paryoch (Paryochu) means "obstacle" and, apparently, initially, this concept was related to the terrain relief, since the old Adyghore dwelling did not have. It is hardly not the basic concept of Ukrainian life - a farm. There is also an influence of both the Adyg language and the Adyg's lifestyle and settlement. In modern Adygh, the farm is indicated as kutyre.

    The stay of ethnic Circassians in Ukraine affected the genotype of the Ukrainian nation. The similarity of the appearance of Ukrainians and Circassians drew attention to such a major ethnograph as an AF. In 1786, the Basic Description of Ukrainians in 1786: "The current Gorny Circassians on the outer view of the face, the robe and for all drugs, to this day very on the inhabitants, in the lower places of the Dnieper of the living, and especially on the former Zaporizhzhya Cossacks are similar, which are generally all Malororsia, from Starya Circassians are called. But the features of significant similarities in the anthropological and ethnographic guide of Ukrainians and Circassians are not a consequence of only the assimilation of the latter in the XIII-XVIII century. c., but are also a consequence of the presence of an even more ancient Taiful population of this territory. " - Writes Shaffonsky. Shafonsky noted the similarity of the clothing and headdiers of Ukrainians and Circassians, as well as the remnants of a slottle culture in southern Ukraine, whose monuments are directly related to the butterfly clusters of the Western Caucasus.

    Author of the XVIII century. - al. Rigelman, analyzing the ethnonym "Cherkas" in relation to the Ukrainians, noted: "... And if they behave a special name (Ukrainians), then it was necessary to be called Cherkas, according to the descendants to Ukraine from Cherkasy Kabarda Cherkasam, who was mixed with Ukrainians in general, were interpreted The name, which and Donyn is still referred to. Provers the fact that the likeness of the person, clothing and a few residence (i.e. life). Custom and in many respects rites, equal with Circassians have. " The appearance of Circassians in Ukraine Regelman refers to the XIV century, when they were founded by the city of Cherkasy: "In the XIV century, when Circassians in the local places from the Kabarda came to the authorities of the Tatars, collecting many chasters, the Slobodas were populated and theft of industrially, but for many complaints about them The city of Cherkasy, Cherkasy Tatar Baskaka, and the city of Cherkasy, which was called on the same point and the same title, consisting on the right side of the River Onoy, below the city of Kanev, why all the Cossacks and all Malororsia then Cherkas were called, ... ". Speaking about Ukrainian Circassian connections, Rieghelman relied not only on historical chronicles on the resettlement of Circassians in the subnet, he emphasized the similarity of ethnonym, material culture, anthropological type and customs. Rigelman was based on its own observations, since it was in the North Caucasus and was familiar with the culture and life of Circassians.

    Chernyavost, Brachycefality (short, but wide head, unlike the European type of long head prevailing in Russia), a weak beard (unlike the Russian peasant and boyars to the belt !!!) is a typical sign of Turkic nations, and part-time and Ukrainian people.

    Hogol wrote (in the "looking at the compilation of Malorus") that: "Slavic places near Kiev began to be allowed to be allowed, and meanwhile, on the other side of the Dnieper Ludel ... Razing bachers ... began to kidnap the Tatar wives and daughters and marry them. From this mixing of the feature of them, they first dirty, got a common physiognomy, more asian. And now they were the people, according to the faith and place of residence, which belonged to Europe, but, meanwhile, in terms of living, customs, costume, absolutely Asian. " Immediately, Gogol expresses the opinion that it is Asian influence that such characteristic features of his tribesmen as ... "."

    If you compare with Russians, for example, the data of anthropology say that modern Russians are the European type, and the Ukrainians are Turkic, more Asian. Europeans have a long head, asiates are wide.

    The length of the skull in the Russian Central Eastern European Type - 191 mm, width - 154, from the Ukrainians of the Central-Ukrainian type - 187 and 157, respectively, but the real difference is not in the sum of the length and the width of the skull, but in the height of the skull. Russian relatively high-headed - 130-131 mm and above. Ukrainians are low-voltage - 125-126 mm (data from Alekseeva and Alekseeva).

    Russian closer to long-rolled European views, and Ukrainians - Central Asian Kruglithic Turks are known.

    In general, Russians have 45% of light eyes, Ukrainians have 35%.

    The difference is more, if we compare the central types: 50% of the Russians, 38% of Ukrainians. An even more significant difference in hair pigmentation: Russians about 35% of blondes, Ukrainians - 5% (Table Dyachenko).

    All Ukrainians are bright eyes - 35% (see Table at Dyachenko, where all areas of Ukraine are written). Light hair - 5% (the same table).

    All Russian light eyes - 45%. All Russian light hair - 30-35%, against 8% at the Central-Ukrainian type (Dyachenko), etc., the studies of the genome. Ready

    ... The results of the analysis of mitochondrial DNA, according to which the Russians from the Tatars are located at the same genetic distance in 30 conventional units that separate them from Finns, but between Ukrainians from Lviv and Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units. And at the same time, Ukrainians from the left bank of Ukraine are genetically as close to the Russian ...

    "Anthropologicine type Ukrainianin Vikazuє Tsіlkovita Self-Supil SuproTi Polsky, Bіluruskiy, Velikorusky Tipa, - Constatatu S. Rudnitsky (Art. 183). "Pole, Bіlusurus that Rosіyanin anthropologicine standing in a blizzard one to one; Ukrainian, in his fiction, spirit of Vіddіdvniya Vіd Vihi, Sousіdiv і, from the anthropologica, the loan, the loan of the Tsіlkom Samostіin Misce (in the village. Rudnitsky, Art. 182).

    The Poles, the Poles, Bіlorosami, Todyanov, Todі Yak, in his fiction, Sovіdnі zkovyui Naodynіkyyuyu MІZHOVYY SPEYDNEnіst "(Rudnitsky, Art. 182)

    "All anthropologicity Visigands Ukrainian, - wrote Alekseeva, - Svidach about Pivdenni Sv'Иkinki, I, obviously, Majaє Pіdska Schukati yoma Analogіi SERED GROUP, YAKI Include to Cola Pivnichniy Evropoeoїv.

    Now it becomes clear why Ukrainians did not save their own name - Russian, Rus. It becomes clear why there were lost grand dynasties. And why it all remained only in Russia and partly Belarus.

    In ancient Russia, the baths were built (where by the way Olga burned the Drevlyan ambassadors) as in Russia; In Russia, the log houses like in Russia; drank honey, the recipes of which are preserved only in Russia; In Russia, the episons were told that were preserved only in Russia (these are not a fairy tale about the Cossack Maama); In Russia, the chronicles and literary works were written, which were again preserved only in Russia (the tale of the time of the year, even if they were preserved in copies - they knew their words about the regiment Igor, and so on.)

    In Russia, the mass of architectural monuments of times of Russia has been preserved.

    In Ukraine, the oldest building is dated 1324 year. Everything else is thoroughly rebuilt (such as Baroque Lavra (!!!), which is given for the architectural monument of ancient Russia) and restored (such as Golden Gate) in Polish time.

    The question of why Ukrainians did not bother all the Ukrainians, the answer is one - it's all not for them.

    From the new Ukrainian "history" we know that Ukrainians are almost the "only heirs of Ancient Russia", Slavs, "Center of Europe" !!!
    Is it so?
    Even Russian historians, sparing the national feelings of "younger brothers", were constantly silent or tried not to notice and not to give values \u200b\u200bto the most powerful presence of the Turkic element in history, language, culture, toponymics, surnames, and the external ulles of Ukrainians.
    I think the moment came to look at all these facts objectively.
    In Ukrainians you can select multiple items:
    Pretty weak Russian element, because as wrote the Grushevsky land of the current Ukraine after the Tatar and Polovtsy pogroms were empty.
    M. S. Grushevsky. Essay of the history of the Ukrainian people. Kiev "Libium" 1991 "Kiev and Kiev land in general to continue the 12th century quickly come into decay. Much reasons contributed to this. Turkic migration has undermined the welfare of the Polyansky Earth; With the exception of the northern corner, she turned into a full desert several times; The population has cast north ... "p. 62., the second element is quite superficial and apparent Polish.
    And, probably, the chief element is related Turkic and Ado-Circassian. It is he who will be considered here. Facts and only facts !!! Let's start with linguistics!
    A huge number of words Ukr. Move are Turkic-Adygh (approx. Adygi, Castogi, Circassians, Kabarda - a group of related tribes, to a greater or lesser extent mixed with Turks).
    Ukrainian hut (Turkic word) is built from Samana (a mixture of clay, manure and straw) (also the Turkic word) Already one seen this will be seen from where this technology is taken.
    What makes the hut? Right, tint (this is also the Turkic word)
    What do the hut be decorated with the tyny? Correctly Kylom (also the Turkic word).
    What worn UKR. Men? Right, Turkic sharovars, Turkic wide belts and dads.
    Ukr. Women wear a plate (also turkism) and Turkic worm.
    What is the army of Ukrainians? Correct the Kozaki (also Turkism), what do they look?
    Just like Turks-Pechenegi, (which, by the way, copied in its appearance Svyatoslav), subsequently also looked half and Circassians: not shaved on the head of the block of hair, a sign of belonging to the Turkic military unit, in the ear of the Turkish earring (meant what kind of son in the ear Family, if the only one then burned you), in the mouth of the cradle (Turkism), naked with Tyutyun (Turkism) in the hands of Bandura (Turkism). What kind of military units consist of Cossacks?
    In cats (turkism). Their symbol of Boonchuk (Turkism).
    Ukrainian High "Let" (for example, High Liv inequalized Ukraine) is related to Kabardinsky Hoy "Want."
    Gaidamak - Right-Bank Vatagi Robbers, from the Turkic Hyde-Mac - Embrajean.
    Kurkul, Kavun, Kosh, Kilim, Bugai, Maidan, Kazan, Cobza, Kozak, Lelka, Nahnka, Gamanets, Cleera, Ataman, Bunchuk, Chumak, Kohan, Kut, Domra, Tyn, Cat, Hut, Farm, Nahnka, Tattoo RUCH, SURMA І Bagato Chojo - - All these are Turkic words !!!
    In Ukrainian Move more than 4,000 Turkic words !!!
    (Yankikopedia "Ukrainian Mova" Turkism. In Ukrainian Movі Nal_chuyu Bl. 4,000 Turk. Words (without uleanuvannya of the rule of the Names).
    Now to the Ukrainian epic.
    Who is a favorite character doing the same place like Russians Alyosh Popovich and Dobrynynya Nikitich? That's right, the Cossack Mamay. Here, without comment, you can do. Ukrainian surnames
    Ending - Ko has the meaning of the "Son" in the Adyg language, that is, in Ukraine, the names were formed in the same way as in Russia, only in Russia "Son Petrov", and the Son dropped out just Petrov (as well as in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic , Slovakia), then in Ukraine they said: whose son is Petren Son, that is, Petren-Co. (along Turks, Adygski Son Peter), etc., the same Turkic roots have the names to - Yuk, -Uk, (Turkish gianuk , Tayuk, Kuchuk) Ukrainian Kravchuk, Mykolaichuk and TD.
    In addition, a number of Ukrainian names remained absolutely Turkish Buchma, Kuchma (in Turkic, this is a high island hat) !!!
    Such a common Ukrainian surname as Shevchenko has adyg's origin, this surname appeared just at a time when the Kasov and Cherkes tribes appeared in the Dnieper Cherkassia (from here and the city of Cherkasy). She dates back to the word "Sheudjan", which Adygi denoted their Christian priests. Under the onslaught of Islam Sheuzhenna emigrated with part of Circass in Ukraine. Their descendants were naturally called "Shevzhenko", "Shevchenko", it is known that in Adygski "Ko" means the descendant, son. Another very common surname Shevchuk goes back to the Adyg Name Shevtsuk. Mazepa - Circassian surname, in the same form will also in the Caucasus.
    Compare these Adygh and Tatar surnames with Ukrainian:
    Kulko, Gerko, Zako, Khajiko, Kushko, Beshuko, Haisko, Shatko, Nathko, Bakhuko, Karakhuko, Hatko, Kojoko, Kanoo, Hatko (c) (Hyatko, "Son of Hitata")
    Maremuko - letters: "Son of Holy Friday."
    Thaeschoko - "Son from God."
    Famous Kabardian (Circassian) Prince - Keryuk.
    Anchuk, Shevtsuk, Tatruk, Anshuk, Tlezkuk, famous surname Hakmuchuk, Sunieuk, Mashuk, Shamray, Shahrai.
    Tatar khana - Tuzlyuk, Kuchuk, Payuk, Kutluk, Covered, Tayuk, Barcuck, Yukuk, Buyuk.
    Who is the laureate of the Nobel Prize ??? - Turk Orhahan Pamuk. Almost our Kuzmuk.
    Many already Russified surnames that, that is, with the addition, for example:
    Abrozo - Abrokov., Baroko - Borokov. Justoko - Zhegunokov.
    Many similar to the Ukrainian names of their own:
    Famous author Samir Khotko:
    "The History of Circassia in the Middle Ages and the New Time" "... One of the Circassian Princes - Tukhtamysh Kaituko - was deprived of the princely title, and then he settled with his heartlessly" near the river, called him name - Tohtamysh, not far from Greater and Small Zelechkov and Kabardian river Demeniuk ... "(we note that neither one more Slavic people meet the names of Ko and - Chuk).
    The following names in the plan of Adygh etymology is a surname - Buta. This surname is in Ukraine and in the form of Butko, Butyko, Butenko. Fully Circassian composite is the Ukrainian surname Chicko, which is used in the same form in Adygea. Ukr. Fam. Ananka, Onyshko, Oposhko, are an Abkhaz-Circassian composite. The kabardian surname of Gogolev, actually Gogol, is of interest. This word is a purely Adygh composite where - Gogo - has several interpretations at once. Next to the Ukrainian toponymic
    What do the "typical Slavic" names of settlements of Central and Western Ukraine mean ??? Kagarlyk, Dwemer, Bucha, Uzin - (Kiev region), Uman, Korsun, Kut, Chigirin, Cherkasy - (Cherkasy region), Buchach - (Ternopil region), Turk, Sambor, Bush - (Lviv region), Bakhmach, Ichnya - (Chernihiv region), Burshtyn, Kuta, Kalush - (Ivano-Frank. Oyul.), Khust - (Carpathian region), Tourisk - (Volyn region), Akhtyrka, Buryn - (Sumy region), Romodan - (Poltava region. The names of the village of Abazivivka, monitoring in Poltava region, occur from Circassian nickname abase), codima, Gaisan - (Vinnitsa region), Savran - (Kirovograd region), Ishmael, Tatarbunar, ARTSIZ and still a huge amount? In Russia, there are also the Turkic names of the settlements, but the Russians stood out other people's lands in the Urals, in Siberia, in the north and naturally left foreign names. And where are we from where, if not our own?
    What does all this say ???
    But says that Kiev, having arrived in the 12th century, when the center of Russian life moves to the north, together with the population of Russia, running away from the nomadic steppe in the forest, begins the new process of ethnogenesis on the territory of South Rus, the remains of the Holy and Northerners are mixed with Numerous Turkic already semi-seed tribes are residues of Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Torkes, Berentheys. Later, tatars, legs are added to this melting boiler. There is a mixed Slavic-Turkic ethnos, called "Tatar people", and later called Ukrainians.
    Historical reference:
    M. S. Grushevsky. Essay of the history of the Ukrainian people. Kiev "Libium" 1991
    "... the territory around Kiev was empty in 12-13 centuries, too often ruined by nomads, and were settled in a large extent Turkic military colonists ..." p.67.
    "Kiev and Kiev land in general in the continuation of the 12th century quickly come into decay. Much reasons contributed to this. Turkic migration has undermined the welfare of the Polyansky Earth; With the exception of the northern corner, she turned into a full desert several times; The population has dropped to the north ... "p. 62.
    "By approved in Galicia, Danilo undoubtedly meant to expand its influence on Eastern Ukraine, taking in his hands Kiev. But on the road of these plans they stood the Tatars and the movement of the "Tatar people", which was mentioned above, it covered the extension of the border of Volyn, and in all likelihood and in the nearest locations ... Danilo begins a number of campaigns to the territory of the "Tatar people", seeking terror And devastations to suppress dangerous trends ... The Horde sends the forces under the leadership of Burundae ... It made a terrible, overwhelming impression, Danilo was convinced of the impossibility of fighting the Tatars in Ukraine. Earth east was closed for him by a number of Tatar communities located in the eastern and southern borders of Volyni "p.74
    Grushevsky, as we see, writes about the "Tatar communities under Volyn", and Tatar people - a new mixed population of the territory from the forests of Chernigov to Volyn.
    If this is written by the Ukrainian nationalist, who does not neglect the straw, speaking about the Ukrainian Principles of 10-11 centuries, while they were all called Russian then !!! You can imagine what happened there really !!!
    Polovtsy - Turkic nomadic people formed in the VIII century in the steppes of Kazakhstan and Southern Siberia (the top course of the Irtysh River). In the XI, the steppes of Eastern Europe were settled to the Danube ("Polovtsoy Field", CheaXT-I-Kipchak). Some of the Polovtsy went beyond the Danube, but most remained and stirred with the local population.
    Partition Paul threaded in 40 rubles. R. XIII Art. Before the Mongols, the Mstislava Mstislavich is a test of the Mstislav Mstislavich, the TERTER-BO, Cotyan; Woney act as an hour was walked by autonia, Alya Opіsl poured.
    Ale Maput B_lsha Partin Polovtsіv remained at your land. Ti Shcho did not attach ISLAMU in the Ukrainian spiralism. Polovtsі left a deputy shield in Ukrainian Toponіmіtsi. Ale Dosi Polovtsy Named Non-Tilki Shcho did not twist, and it is not so much zіbrun. Estorichnі Jerela I know Cille low Sail І mіstechok Polovtsі / Polovichi / Polovtsyka, for example In Dorіchchu Rosі (1616 r.), Zhytomyrsky is p. (1593 p.), on r. Suli (before 1569 r.) І t. D. Torozh Misto (d) Uman, the name of the name of them (Kuman).

    (Omelyan Priitsak - "Polovtsi")
    Torquis (GUZ, bonds) are one of the Turkic tribes that have nagged in South Russian steppes. In 985, Torka took part as mercenaries in the hike of St. Vladimir on Bulgarian. Some of the Torks still in the XI century occupied the area by r. Rosi and obeyed Russian princes. The center of these semi-seated Torkov was the city of Tosk. On the left bank of the Dnieper settled another group of Torkov, who recognized the power of the Pereyaslav Prince. According to the news of the XII century, these torchs occupied the terrain near the city of Barucha.
    Torques left a lot of traces in the toponymics of Ukraine: the rivers end and bargaining, Tetlle's river along the Tetlle River; Syla is the end, Torka, Torcіv, Torec, Torchin.
    Later in the already mixed Turcian-Slavic population poured the most powerful Adyo-Circassian composite (in many ways to Turkic). This process is associated with the formation of a cafe.
    "The first Cossacks," V.N. Tatishchev wrote, "Rake's Cherkhaz, in the 14th century, were, where they were built by the Cherkasy, and under the protection of Tatar governors, theft and scatters were produced, then Cherkasy in the Dnieper were moved to Dnipro Built. "
    V. Gattsuk, the Ukrainian researcher began the XXV., Shows the Circassian origin of the Zaporizhzhya Kozakov already in completely categorical colors: "County cities, Cherkasy, Chigirin are based and inhabited by Castogs, and all rural, farm, the settlement on both shores of the Dnieper south of Kiev was then from Kasogov. Casogi-Circassians merged with the local Turkish-Slavic population and formed, together with them, the so-called Ukrainian tribe. From them the current Ukrainians received those their features that are distinguished by their type of magnitude from Velikorscyan - dark color of hair and eyes. The territory and the people of Ukraine were called Cherkasya until the time of Catherine II. The difference between the terms Circass and Cherkas is completely conditional. The shape of "Cherkes" pushed out the form "Cherkas" only in the XIX century, and before that, ash, in most cases, called Cherkasy. And only during the reign of Emperor Alexander 1st, - when Caucasian Circassians who did not want to voluntarily conquer, were announced by the "enemies of Russia," the official papers stopped calling Malorosyan Cherkasy. "
    Samir Khotyko, a famous specialist in Adygh nationwi writes:
    "... Mongol wars led to the fact that the Circassians themselves rushed into the steppe. Especially attractive for them were the territories of modern Ukraine ... "
    Ukrainian historian D. N. Bantysh-Kamensky also adhered to the version of the Circassian origin of the first Cossack communities of the subnet. The beginning of the Zaporizhia army, in his opinion, was the Circassians. It indicates the fact that in the affairs of the college archive the Cossacks and Dynam appear under the name "Cherkas".
    The center of Dniprovskaya Cherkatia was Zaporizhzhya in the island of Hortietsa. It is significant that Toponym Hortiets has quite adequate adyg value. The chortiana is only a slight distortion from Khurts (Khurtis) "The place where men are going", where Khur "man", and T1y "Sit down." As you know, Zaporizhia Schie really was the male assembly, where women did not allow. The word "Schish" goes back to the Adyg SE "Knife", "cut"; From here and general for the Ukrainian, Russian and Polish meaning "Schish", as well as a checker (from Sashho "Big Knife"). The threshold is a general concept for Ukrainian, Russian, and Polish (Prog). In the Adygskaya Paryoch (Paryochu) means "obstacle" and, apparently, initially, this concept was related to the terrain relief, since the old Adyghore dwelling did not have. It is hardly not the basic concept of Ukrainian life - a farm. There is also an influence of both the Adyg language and the Adyg's lifestyle and settlement. In modern Adygh, the farm is indicated as kutyre.
    The stay of ethnic Circassians in Ukraine affected the genotype of the Ukrainian nation. The similarity of the appearance of Ukrainians and Circassians drew attention to such a major ethnograph as an AF. In 1786, the Basic Description of Ukrainians in 1786: "The current Gorny Circassians on the outer view of the face, the robe and for all drugs, to this day very on the inhabitants, in the lower places of the Dnieper of the living, and especially on the former Zaporizhzhya Cossacks are similar, which are generally all Malororsia, from Starya Circassians are called. But the features of significant similarities in the anthropological and ethnographic guide of Ukrainians and Circassians are not a consequence of only the assimilation of the latter in the XIII-XVIII century. c., but are also a consequence of the presence of an even more ancient Taiful population of this territory. " - Writes Shaffonsky. Shafonsky noted the similarity of the clothing and headdiers of Ukrainians and Circassians, as well as the remnants of a slottle culture in southern Ukraine, whose monuments are directly related to the butterfly clusters of the Western Caucasus.
    Author of the XVIII century. - al. Rigelman, analyzing the ethnonym "Cherkas" in relation to the Ukrainians, noted: "... And if they behave a special name (Ukrainians), then it was necessary to be called Cherkas, according to the descendants to Ukraine from Cherkasy Kabarda Cherkasam, who was mixed with Ukrainians in general, were interpreted The name, which and Donyn is still referred to. Provers the fact that the likeness of the person, clothing and a few residence (i.e. life). Custom and in many respects rites, equal with Circassians have. " The appearance of Circassians in Ukraine Regelman refers to the XIV century, when they were founded by the city of Cherkasy: "In the XIV century, when Circassians in the local places from the Kabarda came to the authorities of the Tatars, collecting many chasters, the Slobodas were populated and theft of industrially, but for many complaints about them The city of Cherkasy, Cherkasy Tatar Baskaka, and the city of Cherkasy, which was called on the same point and the same title, consisting on the right side of the River Onoy, below the city of Kanev, why all the Cossacks and all Malororsia then Cherkas were called, ... ". Speaking about Ukrainian Circassian connections, Rieghelman relied not only on historical chronicles on the resettlement of Circassians in the subnet, he emphasized the similarity of ethnonym, material culture, anthropological type and customs. Rigelman was based on its own observations, since it was in the North Caucasus and was familiar with the culture and life of Circassians.
    Chernyavost, Brachycefality (short, but wide head, unlike the European type of long head prevailing in Russia), a weak beard (unlike the Russian peasant and boyars to the belt !!!) is a typical sign of Turkic nations, and part-time and Ukrainian people.
    Hogol wrote (in the "looking at the compilation of Malorus") that: "Slavic places near Kiev began to be allowed to be allowed, and meanwhile, on the other side of the Dnieper Ludel ... Razing bachers ... began to kidnap the Tatar wives and daughters and marry them. From this mixing of the feature of them, they first dirty, got a common physiognomy, more asian. And now they were the people, according to the faith and place of residence, which belonged to Europe, but, meanwhile, in terms of living, customs, costume, absolutely Asian. " Immediately, Gogol expresses the opinion that it is Asian influence that such characteristic features of his tribesmen as ... "."
    If you compare with Russians, for example, the data of anthropology say that modern Russians are the European type, and the Ukrainians are Turkic, more Asian. Europeans have a long head, asiates are wide.
    The length of the skull in the Russian Central Eastern European Type - 191 mm, width - 154, from the Ukrainians of the Central-Ukrainian type - 187 and 157, respectively, but the real difference is not in the sum of the length and the width of the skull, but in the height of the skull. Russian relatively high-headed - 130-131 mm and above. Ukrainians are low-voltage - 125-126 mm (data from Alekseeva and Alekseeva).
    Russian closer to long-rolled European views, and Ukrainians - Central Asian Kruglithic Turks are known.
    In general, Russians have 45% of light eyes, Ukrainians have 35%.
    The difference is more, if we compare the central types: 50% of the Russians, 38% of Ukrainians. An even more significant difference in hair pigmentation: Russians about 35% of blondes, Ukrainians - 5% (Table Dyachenko).
    All Ukrainians are bright eyes - 35% (see Table at Dyachenko, where all areas of Ukraine are written). Light hair - 5% (the same table).
    All Russian light eyes - 45%. All Russian light hair - 30-35%, against 8% at the Central-Ukrainian type (Dyachenko), etc., the studies of the genome. Ready
    ... The results of the analysis of mitochondrial DNA, according to which the Russians from the Tatars are located at the same genetic distance in 30 conventional units that separate them from Finns, but between Ukrainians from Lviv and Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units. And at the same time, Ukrainians from the left bank of Ukraine are genetically as close to the Russian ...
    "Anthropologicine type Ukrainianin Vikazuє Tsіlkovita Self-Supil SuproTi Polsky, Bіluruskiy, Velikorusky Tipa, - Constatatu S. Rudnitsky (Art. 183). "Pole, Bіlusurus that Rosіyanin anthropologicine standing in a blizzard one to one; Ukrainian, in his fiction, spirit of Vіddіdvniya Vіd Vihi, Sousіdiv і, from the anthropologica, the loan, the loan of the Tsіlkom Samostіin Misce (in the village. Rudnitsky, Art. 182).
    The Poles, the Poles, Bіlorosami, Todyanov, Todі Yak, in his fiction, Sovіdnі zkovyui Naodynіkyyuyu MІZHOVYY SPEYDNEnіst "(Rudnitsky, Art. 182)
    "All anthropologicity Visigands Ukrainian, - wrote Alekseeva, - Svidach about Pivdenni Sv'Иkinki, I, obviously, Majaє Pіdska Schukati yoma Analogіi SERED GROUP, YAKI Include to Cola Pivnichniy Evropoeoїv.
    Considering all this, is it possible to consider Ukrainians with the heirs of ancient Russia ???
    Now it becomes clear why Ukrainians did not save their own name - Russian, Rus. It becomes clear why there were lost grand dynasties. And why it all remained only in Russia and partly Belarus.
    In ancient Russia, the baths were built (where by the way Olga burned the Drevlyan ambassadors) as in Russia; In Russia, the log houses like in Russia; drank honey, the recipes of which are preserved only in Russia; In Russia, the episons were told that were preserved only in Russia (these are not a fairy tale about the Cossack Maama); In Russia, wrote the chronicle and literary works which again have been preserved only in Russia (the tale of the time of the years, even if they have kept in copies - they knew their words about the regiment of Igor, and so on.)
    In Russia, the mass of architectural monuments of times of Russia has been preserved.
    In Ukraine, the oldest building is dated 1324 year. Everything else is thoroughly rebuilt (such as Baroque Lavra (!!!), which is given for the architectural monument of ancient Russia) and restored (such as Golden Gate) in Polish time.
    The question of why Ukrainians did not bother all the Ukrainians, the answer is one - it's all not for them.\u003d7597

    From the new Ukrainian "history" we know that Ukrainians are almost the "only heirs of Ancient Russia", Slavs, "Center of Europe" !!!

    Is it so?

    Even Russian historians, sparing the national feelings of "younger brothers", were constantly silent or tried not to notice and not to give values \u200b\u200bto the most powerful presence of the Turkic element in history, language, culture, toponymics, surnames, and the external ulles of Ukrainians.

    I think the moment came to look at all these facts objectively.

    In Ukrainians you can select multiple items:

    pretty weak Russian element, because as wrote the Grushevsky land of the current Ukraine after the Tatar and Polovtsy pogroms were empty.

    M. S. Grushevsky. Essay of the history of the Ukrainian people. Kiev "Libium" 1991 "Kiev and Kiev land in general to continue the 12th century quickly come into decay. Much reasons contributed to this. Turkic migration has undermined the welfare of the Polyansky Earth; With the exception of the northern corner, she turned into a full desert several times; The population has cast north ... "p. 62., the second element is quite superficial and apparent Polish.

    And, probably, the chief element is related Turkic and Ado-Circassian. It is he who will be considered here. Facts and only facts !!! Let's start with linguistics!

    A huge number of words Ukr. Move are Turkic-Adygh (approx. Adygi, Castogi, Circassians, Kabarda - a group of related tribes, to a greater or lesser extent mixed with Turks).

    Ukrainian hut (Turkic word) is built from Samana (a mixture of clay, manure and straw) (also the Turkic word) Already one seen this will be seen from where this technology is taken.
    What makes the hut? Right, tint (this is also the Turkic word)
    What do the hut be decorated with the tyny? Correctly Kylom (also the Turkic word).
    What worn UKR. Men? Right, Turkic sharovars, Turkic wide belts and dads.
    Ukr. Women wear a plate (also turkism) and Turkic worm.
    What is the army of Ukrainians? Correct the Kozaki (also Turkism), what do they look?
    Just like Turks-Pechenegi, (which, by the way, copied in its appearance Svyatoslav), subsequently also looked half and Circassians: not shaved on the head of the block of hair, a sign of belonging to the Turkic military unit, in the ear of the Turkish earring (meant what kind of son in the ear Family, if the only one then burned you), in the mouth of the cradle (Turkism), naked with Tyutyun (Turkism) in the hands of Bandura (Turkism). What kind of military units consist of Cossacks?
    In cats (turkism). Their symbol of Boonchuk (Turkism).
    Ukrainian High "Let" (for example, High Liv inequalized Ukraine) is related to Kabardinsky Hoy "Want."
    Gaidamak - Right-Bank Vatagi Robbers, from the Turkic Hyde-Mac - Embrajean.
    kurkul, Kavun, Kosh, Kilim, Bugai, Maidan, Kazan, Cobza, Kozak, Lelka, Nahnka, Gamanets, Cleera, Ataman, Bunchuk, Chumak, Kohan, Kut, Domra, Tyn, Cat, Hut, Farm, Nahnka, Tattoo RUCH, SURMA І Bagato Chojo - - All these are Turkic words !!!
    In Ukrainian Move more than 4,000 Turkic words !!!

    (Yankikopedia "Ukrainian Mova" Turkism. In Ukrainian Movі Nal_chuyu Bl. 4,000 Turk. Words (without uleanuvannya of the rule of the Names).

    Now to the Ukrainian epic.

    Who is a favorite character doing the same place like Russians Alyosh Popovich and Dobrynynya Nikitich? That's right, the Cossack Mamay. Here, without comment, you can do. Ukrainian surnames

    Ending - Ko has the meaning of the "Son" in the Adyg language, that is, in Ukraine, the names were formed in the same way as in Russia, only in Russia "Son Petrov", and the Son dropped out just Petrov (as well as in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic , Slovakia), then in Ukraine they said: whose son is Petren Son, that is, Petren-Co. (along Turks, Adygski Son Peter), etc., the same Turkic roots have the names to - Yuk, -Uk, (Turkish gianuk , Tayuk, Kuchuk) Ukrainian Kravchuk, Mykolaichuk and TD.

    In addition, a number of Ukrainian names remained absolutely Turkish Buchma, Kuchma (in Turkic, this is a high island hat) !!!

    Such a common Ukrainian surname as Shevchenko has adyg's origin, this surname appeared just at a time when the Kasov and Cherkes tribes appeared in the Dnieper Cherkassia (from here and the city of Cherkasy). She dates back to the word "Sheudjan", which Adygi denoted their Christian priests. Under the onslaught of Islam Sheuzhenna emigrated with part of Circass in Ukraine. Their descendants were naturally called "Shevzhenko", "Shevchenko", it is known that in Adygski "Ko" means the descendant, son. Another very common surname Shevchuk goes back to the Adyg Name Shevtsuk. Mazepa - Circassian surname, in the same form will also in the Caucasus.

    Compare these Adygh and Tatar surnames with Ukrainian:
    Kulko, Gerko, Zako, Khajiko, Kushko, Beshuko, Haisko, Shatko, Nathko, Bakhuko, Karakhuko, Hatko, Kojoko, Kanoo, Hatko (c) (Hyatko, "Son of Hitata")
    Maremuko - letters: "Son of Holy Friday."
    Thaeschoko - "Son from God."
    Famous Kabardian (Circassian) Prince - Keryuk.
    Anchuk, Shevtsuk, Tatruk, Anshuk, Tlezkuk, famous surname Hakmuchuk, Sunieuk, Mashuk, Shamray, Shahrai.
    Tatar khana - Tuzlyuk, Kuchuk, Payuk, Kutluk, Covered, Tayuk, Barcuck, Yukuk, Buyuk.
    Who is the laureate of the Nobel Prize ??? - Turk Orhahan Pamuk. Almost our Kuzmuk.

    Many already Russified surnames that, that is, with the addition, for example:
    Abrozo - Abrokov., Baroko - Borokov. Justoko - Zhegunokov.

    Many similar to the Ukrainian names of their own:

    "The History of Circassia in the Middle Ages and the New Time" "... One of the Circassian Princes - Tukhtamysh Kaituko - was deprived of the princely title, and then he settled with his heartlessly" near the river, called him name - Tohtamysh, not far from Greater and Small Zelechkov and Kabardian river Demeniuk ... "(we note that neither one more Slavic people meet the names of Ko and - Chuk).

    The following names in the plan of Adygh etymology is a surname - Buta. This surname is in Ukraine and in the form of Butko, Butyko, Butenko. Fully Circassian composite is the Ukrainian surname Chicko, which is used in the same form in Adygea. Ukr. Fam. Ananka, Onyshko, Oposhko, are an Abkhaz-Circassian composite. The kabardian surname of Gogolev, actually Gogol, is of interest. This word is a purely Adygh composite where - Gogo - has several interpretations at once. Next to the Ukrainian toponymic

    What do the "typical Slavic" names of settlements of Central and Western Ukraine mean ??? Kagarlyk, Dwemer, Bucha, Uzin - (Kiev region), Uman, Korsun, Kut, Chigirin, Cherkasy - (Cherkasy region), Buchach - (Ternopil region), Turk, Sambor, Bush - (Lviv region), Bakhmach, Ichnya - (Chernihiv region), Burshtyn, Kuta, Kalush - (Ivano-Frank. Oyul.), Khust - (Carpathian region), Tourisk - (Volyn region), Akhtyrka, Buryn - (Sumy region), Romodan - (Poltava region. The names of the village of Abazivivka, monitoring in Poltava region, occur from Circassian nickname abase), codima, Gaisan - (Vinnitsa region), Savran - (Kirovograd region), Ishmael, Tatarbunar, ARTSIZ and still a huge amount? In Russia, there are also the Turkic names of the settlements, but the Russians stood out other people's lands in the Urals, in Siberia, in the north and naturally left foreign names. And where are we from where, if not our own?

    What does all this say ???

    But says that Kiev, having arrived in the 12th century, when the center of Russian life moves to the north, together with the population of Russia, running away from the nomadic steppe in the forest, begins the new process of ethnogenesis on the territory of South Rus, the remains of the Holy and Northerners are mixed with Numerous Turkic already semi-seed tribes are residues of Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Torkes, Berentheys. Later, tatars, legs are added to this melting boiler. There is a mixed Slavic-Turkic ethnos, called "Tatar people", and later called Ukrainians.

    Historical reference:

    M. S. Grushevsky. Essay of the history of the Ukrainian people. Kiev "Libium" 1991

    "... the territory around Kiev was empty in 12-13 centuries, too often ruined by nomads, and were settled in a large extent Turkic military colonists ..." p.67.

    "Kiev and Kiev land in general in the continuation of the 12th century quickly come into decay. Much reasons contributed to this. Turkic migration has undermined the welfare of the Polyansky Earth; With the exception of the northern corner, she turned into a full desert several times; The population has dropped to the north ... "p. 62.

    "By approved in Galicia, Danilo undoubtedly meant to expand its influence on Eastern Ukraine, taking in his hands Kiev. But on the road of these plans they stood the Tatars and the movement of the "Tatar people", which was mentioned above, it covered the extension of the border of Volyn, and in all likelihood and in the nearest locations ... Danilo begins a number of campaigns to the territory of the "Tatar people", seeking terror And devastations to suppress dangerous trends ... The Horde sends the forces under the leadership of Burundae ... It made a terrible, overwhelming impression, Danilo was convinced of the impossibility of fighting the Tatars in Ukraine. Earth east was closed for him by a number of Tatar communities located in the eastern and southern borders of Volyni "p.74

    Grushevsky, as we see, writes about the "Tatar communities under Volyn", and Tatar people - a new mixed population of the territory from the forests of Chernigov to Volyn.

    If this is written by the Ukrainian nationalist, who does not neglect the straw, speaking about the Ukrainian Principles of 10-11 centuries, while they were all called Russian then !!! You can imagine what happened there really !!!

    Polovtsy - Turkic nomadic people formed in the VIII century in the steppes of Kazakhstan and Southern Siberia (the top course of the Irtysh River). In the XI, the steppes of Eastern Europe were settled to the Danube ("Polovtsoy Field", CheaXT-I-Kipchak). Some of the Polovtsy went beyond the Danube, but most remained and stirred with the local population.

    Partition Paul threaded in 40 rubles. R. XIII Art. Before the Mongols, the Mstislava Mstislavich is a test of the Mstislav Mstislavich, the TERTER-BO, Cotyan; Woney act as an hour was walked by autonia, Alya Opіsl poured.

    Ale Maput B_lsha Partin Polovtsіv remained at your land. Ti Shcho did not attach ISLAMU in the Ukrainian spiralism. Polovtsі left a deputy shield in Ukrainian Toponіmіtsi. Ale Dosi Polovtsy Named Non-Tilki Shcho did not twist, and it is not so much zіbrun. Estorichnі Jerela I know Cille low Sail І mіstechok Polovtsі / Polovichi / Polovtsyka, for example In Dorіchchu Rosі (1616 r.), Zhytomyrsky is p. (1593 p.), on r. Suli (before 1569 r.) І t. D. Torozh Misto (d) Uman, the name of the name of them (Kuman).

    (Omelyan Priitsak - "Polovtsi")

    Torquis (GUZ, bonds) are one of the Turkic tribes that have nagged in South Russian steppes. In 985, Torka took part as mercenaries in the hike of St. Vladimir on Bulgarian. Some of the Torks still in the XI century occupied the area by r. Rosi and obeyed Russian princes. The center of these semi-seated Torkov was the city of Tosk. On the left bank of the Dnieper settled another group of Torkov, who recognized the power of the Pereyaslav Prince. According to the news of the XII century, these torchs occupied the terrain near the city of Barucha.

    Torques left a lot of traces in the toponymics of Ukraine: the rivers end and bargaining, Tetlle's river along the Tetlle River; Syla is the end, Torka, Torcіv, Torec, Torchin.

    Later in the already mixed Turcian-Slavic population poured the most powerful Adyo-Circassian composite (in many ways to Turkic). This process is associated with the formation of a cafe.

    "The first Cossacks," V.N. Tatishchev wrote, "Rake's Cherkhaz, in the 14th century, were, where they were built by the Cherkasy, and under the protection of Tatar governors, theft and scatters were produced, then Cherkasy in the Dnieper were moved to Dnipro Built. "

    V. Gattsuk, the Ukrainian researcher began the XXV., Shows the Circassian origin of the Zaporizhzhya Kozakov already in completely categorical colors: "County cities, Cherkasy, Chigirin are based and inhabited by Castogs, and all rural, farm, the settlement on both shores of the Dnieper south of Kiev was then from Kasogov. Casogi-Circassians merged with the local Turkish-Slavic population and formed, together with them, the so-called Ukrainian tribe. From them the current Ukrainians received those their features that are distinguished by their type of magnitude from Velikorscyan - dark color of hair and eyes. The territory and the people of Ukraine were called Cherkasya until the time of Catherine II. The difference between the terms Circass and Cherkas is completely conditional. The shape of "Cherkes" pushed out the form "Cherkas" only in the XIX century, and before that, ash, in most cases, called Cherkasy. And only during the reign of Emperor Alexander 1st, - when Caucasian Circassians who did not want to voluntarily conquer, were announced by the "enemies of Russia," the official papers stopped calling Malorosyan Cherkasy. "

    Samir Khotyko, a famous specialist in Adygh nationwi writes:

    "... Mongol wars led to the fact that the Circassians themselves rushed into the steppe. Especially attractive for them were the territories of modern Ukraine ... "

    Ukrainian historian D. N. Bantysh-Kamensky also adhered to the version of the Circassian origin of the first Cossack communities of the subnet. The beginning of the Zaporizhia army, in his opinion, was the Circassians. It indicates the fact that in the affairs of the college archive the Cossacks and Dynam appear under the name "Cherkas".

    The center of Dniprovskaya Cherkatia was Zaporizhzhya in the island of Hortietsa. It is significant that Toponym Hortiets has quite adequate adyg value. The chortiana is only a slight distortion from Khurts (Khurtis) "The place where men are going", where Khur "man", and T1y "Sit down." As you know, Zaporizhia Schie really was the male assembly, where women did not allow. The word "Schish" goes back to the Adyg SE "Knife", "cut"; From here and general for the Ukrainian, Russian and Polish meaning "Schish", as well as a checker (from Sashho "Big Knife"). The threshold is a general concept for Ukrainian, Russian, and Polish (Prog). In the Adygskaya Paryoch (Paryochu) means "obstacle" and, apparently, initially, this concept was related to the terrain relief, since the old Adyghore dwelling did not have. It is hardly not the basic concept of Ukrainian life - a farm. There is also an influence of both the Adyg language and the Adyg's lifestyle and settlement. In modern Adygh, the farm is indicated as kutyre.

    The stay of ethnic Circassians in Ukraine affected the genotype of the Ukrainian nation. The similarity of the appearance of Ukrainians and Circassians drew attention to such a major ethnograph as an AF. In 1786, the Basic Description of Ukrainians in 1786: "The current Gorny Circassians on the outer view of the face, the robe and for all drugs, to this day very on the inhabitants, in the lower places of the Dnieper of the living, and especially on the former Zaporizhzhya Cossacks are similar, which are generally all Malororsia, from Starya Circassians are called. But the features of significant similarities in the anthropological and ethnographic guide of Ukrainians and Circassians are not a consequence of only the assimilation of the latter in the XIII-XVIII century. c., but are also a consequence of the presence of an even more ancient Taiful population of this territory. " - Writes Shaffonsky. Shafonsky noted the similarity of the clothing and headdiers of Ukrainians and Circassians, as well as the remnants of a slottle culture in southern Ukraine, whose monuments are directly related to the butterfly clusters of the Western Caucasus.

    Author of the XVIII century. - al. Rigelman, analyzing the ethnonym "Cherkas" in relation to the Ukrainians, noted: "... And if they behave a special name (Ukrainians), then it was necessary to be called Cherkas, according to the descendants to Ukraine from Cherkasy Kabarda Cherkasam, who was mixed with Ukrainians in general, were interpreted The name, which and Donyn is still referred to. Provers the fact that the likeness of the person, clothing and a few residence (i.e. life). Custom and in many respects rites, equal with Circassians have. " The appearance of Circassians in Ukraine Regelman refers to the XIV century, when they were founded by the city of Cherkasy: "In the XIV century, when Circassians in the local places from the Kabarda came to the authorities of the Tatars, collecting many chasters, the Slobodas were populated and theft of industrially, but for many complaints about them The city of Cherkasy, Cherkasy Tatar Baskaka, and the city of Cherkasy, which was called on the same point and the same title, consisting on the right side of the River Onoy, below the city of Kanev, why all the Cossacks and all Malororsia then Cherkas were called, ... ". Speaking about Ukrainian Circassian connections, Rieghelman relied not only on historical chronicles on the resettlement of Circassians in the subnet, he emphasized the similarity of ethnonym, material culture, anthropological type and customs. Rigelman was based on its own observations, since it was in the North Caucasus and was familiar with the culture and life of Circassians.

    Chernyavost, Brachycefality (short, but wide head, unlike the European type of long head prevailing in Russia), a weak beard (unlike the Russian peasant and boyars to the belt !!!) is a typical sign of Turkic nations, and part-time and Ukrainian people.

    Hogol wrote (in the "looking at the compilation of Malorus") that: "Slavic places near Kiev began to be allowed to be allowed, and meanwhile, on the other side of the Dnieper Ludel ... Razing bachers ... began to kidnap the Tatar wives and daughters and marry them. From this mixing of the feature of them, they first dirty, got a common physiognomy, more asian. And now they were the people, according to the faith and place of residence, which belonged to Europe, but, meanwhile, in terms of living, customs, costume, absolutely Asian. " Immediately, Gogol expresses the opinion that it is Asian influence that such characteristic features of his tribesmen as ... "."

    If you compare with Russians, for example, the data of anthropology say that modern Russians are the European type, and the Ukrainians are Turkic, more Asian. Europeans have a long head, asiates are wide.

    The length of the skull in the Russian Central Eastern European Type - 191 mm, width - 154, from the Ukrainians of the Central-Ukrainian type - 187 and 157, respectively, but the real difference is not in the sum of the length and the width of the skull, but in the height of the skull. Russian relatively high-headed - 130-131 mm and higher. Ukrainians are low-voltage - 125-126 mm (data from Alekseeva and Alekseeva).

    Russian closer to long-rolled European views, and Ukrainians - Central Asian Kruglithic Turks are known.

    In general, Russians have 45% of light eyes, Ukrainians have 35%.

    The difference is more, if we compare the central types: 50% of the Russians, 38% of Ukrainians. An even more significant difference in hair pigmentation: Russians about 35% of blondes, Ukrainians - 5% (Table Dyachenko).

    All Ukrainians are bright eyes - 35% (see Table at Dyachenko, where all areas of Ukraine are written). Light hair - 5% (the same table).

    All Russian light eyes - 45%. All Russian light hair - 30-35%, against 8% at the Central-Ukrainian type (Dyachenko), etc., the studies of the genome. Ready

    ... The results of the analysis of mitochondrial DNA, according to which the Russians from the Tatars are located at the same genetic distance in 30 conventional units that separate them from Finns, but between Ukrainians from Lviv and Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units. And at the same time, Ukrainians from the left bank of Ukraine are genetically as close to the Russian ...

    "Anthropologicine type Ukrainianin Vikazuє Tsіlkovita Self-Supil SuproTi Polsky, Bіluruskiy," C. S. Rudnitsky (Art. 183). "Pole, Bіlusurus that Rosіyanin anthropologicine standing in a blizzard one to one; Ukrainian, in his fiction, spirit of Vіddіdvniya Vіd Vihi, Sousіdiv і, from the anthropologica, the loan, the loan of the Tsіlkom Samostіin Misce (in the village. Rudnitsky, Art. 182).

    The Poles, the Poles, Bіlorosami, Todyanov, Todі Yak, in his fiction, Sovіdnі zkovyui Naodynіkyyuyu MІZHOVYY SPEYDNEnіst "(Rudnitsky, Art. 182)

    "All anthropologicity Visigands Ukrainian, - wrote Alekseeva, - Svidach about Pivdenni Sv'Иkinki, I, obviously, Majaє Pіdska Schukati yoma Analogіi SERED GROUP, YAKI Include to the Cola Pivnichnya region.

    Now it becomes clear why Ukrainians did not save their own name - Russian, Rus. It becomes clear why there were lost grand dynasties. And why it all remained only in Russia and partly Belarus.

    In ancient Russia, the baths were built (where by the way Olga burned the Drevlyan ambassadors) as in Russia; In Russia, the log houses like in Russia; drank honey, the recipes of which are preserved only in Russia; In Russia, the episons were told that were preserved only in Russia (these are not a fairy tale about the Cossack Maama); In Russia, the chronicles and literary works were written, which were again preserved only in Russia (the tale of the time of the year, even if they were preserved in copies - they knew their words about the regiment Igor, and so on.)

    In Russia, the mass of architectural monuments of times of Russia has been preserved.

    In Ukraine, the oldest building is dated 1324 year. Everything else is thoroughly rebuilt (such as Baroque Lavra (!!!), which is given for the architectural monument of ancient Russia) and restored (such as Golden Gate) in Polish time.

    The question of why Ukrainians did not bother all the Ukrainians, the answer is one - it's all not for them.