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  • Boosting reputation with the Vol'jin Bounty Hunters

     Boosting reputation with Ox Bounty Hunters'джина

    A guide to leveling reputation with Vol'jin's Bounty Hunters, added in patch 6.2.

    Revered with this faction is one of the criteria for the Tanaan Diplomat (Horde) achievement and the Draenor Pathfinder meta-achievement (unlocks access to flights in Draenor).

    "To keep Azeroth safe from demonic invasion, Chieftain Vol" genie intends
    inflict a crushing defeat on them on Draenor. He gathers the best fighters under his banner,
    to gain a foothold in the Tanaan Peninsula and then defeat Gul "dana"


    After completing one of these quests, Dark Hunter Denjai will offer you two more.

    Second the daily task will always be repeated - this is the Development of the attack quest, for which you need to complete two additional tasks (usually 2 days per apexits), as a reward you will receive 250 reputation and 1000 apexits.

    Third task - a random choice of 7 quests, the reward for completing will be 250 reputation and 500 apexits.


    Using their Power
    Disarming the Sha'naar
    Shadow Council Secrets
    Blood of the fallen brothers
    Small network
    Zet'gol's Bloody Blades
    Finishing off the Iron Horde

    Fourth the quest does not come across every day. It is offered by Nimi Light Bulwark, the quest can be for one of the seven factions.

    Quest options:

    Finishing off the Iron Horde

    Hello, dear readers of the site! We present to your attention a short hunter Quest guide.

    The Hunter's quest is called the Queen of the Swamps, and as with all quests, it's not easy to complete, although the rewards are well worth the effort. Queen Karnassa is not only a 5 mana 8/8 creature, but she also mixes 15 Karnassa Cubs into your deck. At first glance, it may seem that they will quickly fill the table and immediately gnaw out victory, but since the deck contains a large number of creatures for 1 mana for completing the task, there is a danger that the case could take a different turn. Often, after completing the task, you will draw just an ordinary cheap creature from the deck, and there will be nothing more to play. As such, the deck must strike a strong balance between mission-specific cards and cards that can support the offensive drive after Queen Karnassa is played.

    Hunter Quest Deck

    Purpose of the Hunter Quest deck

    Hunter Quest Deck aims to quickly kill your opponent. Although her main focus is on completing the task card, the onslaught of the early creatures of the deck is so fierce that sometimes it will be enough to win, and the Queen of the Swamps does not need to be disturbed. If you get to this stage of the fight and you have Queen Karnassa in your arms, then the further plan is to outplay your opponent to your advantage, avoiding unsuccessful top decks.


    A challenge card is always left in hand and is played on the first turn. From this point on, you aim to place creatures with the highest available attack rates on the table, filling the free mana crystals with the first drops. Due to the large number of them in the deck, there is always the danger of getting unsuccessful cards after the completion of the task: Karnassa's Cubs may not appear immediately. With this in mind, try to keep the Tracking or Tol'vir Sentinel at this stage of the match. Of course, these cards can help a lot with the task, so only hold them if you can quickly get Queen Karnassa without them.

    Against slower decks, you don't have to rush to complete the challenge. You can crush with several creatures and not dump everything on the table. The Queen of the Swamps reward ensures that you can continue the onslaught well into the late game.

    Draw cards

    Wild Rush and the Head of the Cult are included in the assembly so that the cards in your hand do not dry out too quickly. Tracking helps, too, and should be used as late as possible to find the most appropriate card for the situation on the table. For this reason, there are slightly more cards than usual in the deck, presented in only one copy. Tracking helps you find the right one. Additional creatures in your hand will be given to Gem Macaw and Firebug.


    As already mentioned, you need to remember about the possibility of being left with an empty hand and being in the draw mode, one card per turn until the end of the game. This circumstance may incline you in favor of leaving the Tracking or the Head of the Cult in your starting hand, but keep in mind that even if your opponent has a coin and an additional card, you still have to play the task on the first turn, and two creatures on the second. for 1 mana. By the beginning of the third turn, you will get three more cards, so there is no reason to panic already at the mulligan stage. Better to focus on a good mana curve, especially for early drops, and trust your deck for draws.

    Card selection

    Bitter Wave Hydra

    The Bittertide Guide is used to put extra pressure on control decks to give up some of their removal before Queen Karnassa arrives. In a situation like this, don't worry about the damage your hero will receive from this card. In opposition to other fast archetypes, it is better to count everything. Trading three creatures for one of your Bitter Wave Hydra might be good in terms of benefits, but 9 points of damage to your hero can be the decisive word in determining the winner of the fight.

    Sparking sharptooth

    Don't underestimate Sparkjaw. The ability to adapt a creature that is already on the table is very powerful, as this effect comes into play immediately. The flexibility of adaptation options allows you to make good trades, deal extra damage, or protect your other creatures, depending on the situation and your opponent's deck.

    Raptor cub

    A Raptor Hatchling should always be played first. The longer his dad stays in the deck, the more chances he gets in hand. The lizard patriarch not only brings you closer to completing the task, but in itself is one of the most powerful creatures in the deck, greatly helping in the quickest damage to the enemy.

    Wild rush

    The Wild Run provides a great card advantage if the card is played late in the game. At the beginning of the game, it is less useful, especially if you remember that activating Wild Rhine itself consumes one card. But closer to the end of the fight, especially after completing the task, the Wild Run allows you to draw cards for a decisive onslaught on the enemy hero.

    Tol'vir sentry

    Usually the Tol'vir Sentinel will come in handy to find the last two creatures you need to complete the task. On the other hand, it can be useful even after the appearance of Queen Karnassa on the table, as it can smooth out the consequences of an unsuccessful draw at this stage. It is worth remembering that the Lizard Patriarch is also the first drop, and the ability to find him with the Tol'vir Sentinel is extremely valuable.

    Translated: pafnutiy, edited: Blaze, issued: Derzkaya.

    Better not send stonecutters to mine coal. Try to get it on your own, using energy. In this way, you can get additional experience (4-54 experience per hit on coal) and discover a certain number of collection elements. We advise stonecutters to break large stones until your main character is able to break them on his own. The situation is the same with lumberjacks - the more they collect wood, the less experience and collection parts you will get, which you could get for cutting down on your own.

    In a sawmill and a quarry, no more than three workers can work at the same time, collecting different resources. At the station there will be 2 Eskimos - free workers, all the others need to be hired for money from among your friends. The price for which you can hire your friends can be different for everyone. If you want to hire cheaper friends, look in your lists for those friends who do not visit often and have a small number of their friends, the cost of hiring them will be low. You can also purchase a Hotel, the rental price will also be small. Worker friends need shelter. Build them a tent, shack, apartments, a house with an attic or a hotel. The better the housing, the less you will have to pay the worker for an hour of work and from here he will be able to work for you more time without interruption.


    While the Eskimo lumberjacks are mining trees, break up pyrite, clay, coal and ore. In them you will receive a large amount of experience, as well as energy, coins and parts of collections. Get the last pieces of stones or wood on your own - for a decisive blow to the resource, you will get a lot of experience, parts of collections, even gold. Pyrite also needs to be broken down on your own - with energy - from which you get a large amount of gold, which you can sell and buy what you need. If you use stonecutters, you will receive a regular stone. If you need some kind of resource, try to dig those from a friend, because during the digging, a certain amount of the dug resource may fall out.


    Collect as much output as possible from animals - an ordinary cow, a sheep and others - you will need it when building structures and completing some quests. Go in search of bird nests at the stations with friends. To take possession of a friend's nest, hire him to work. In order to protect your nests, build a Farm and hire guards for the birds.

    Your pet will die after reaching its limit. Most birds - 15-25 nests, ordinary sheep - 25 wool, ordinary cows - 50 milk, purebred sheep - 125 wool, purebred cows - 200 milk, rabbits - after eating 26 grasses. The golden monument into which the animal can turn can only be opened by the owner by clicking on it with the button. From such a monument you can drop valuable parts of the collection, as well as coins, experience, materials and products of this animal. Do not destroy all the grass at the station. In addition, it contains food for the production of birds - worms, mammals live in grass - cows, sheep ... If there is no place to graze the animals, they will have to provide them with hay. If you want the birds to rush, you need to buy or prepare for them in a barn, fountain or feeding place. There will also be an opportunity to raise birds and various livestock at the Farm and Poultry Farm. Basically, these animals will feed on compound feed.


    Dig in to nearby live players using all 100 free shovels every day (5 per friend). The limit on free shovels is restored at 00.00 Moscow time. Shovels will also help to take eggs from nests from all your neighbors if there are special buildings, resources, decorations or plants that cover them. You need to click on the object covering the nest, and then on the nest itself. The player will dig up the object, and after that he will collect all the eggs, of course, if they were not collected by other friends of your neighbor.

    In case of need for energy, gold, resources or certain collections, dig those items where there is a chance of their falling out. By changing some collection, you can get a special shovel with which you can get energy and collection from your friends.

    Veins of gold

    Spend all the time digging on objects, decorations or other resources of your friend, in the desire to find gold ore, which is updated once a week. The opportunity to find a valuable treasure will increase if you look for it not in the easiest places, where few people have been from their neighbors. In such a unique treasure, whose size is 2-8 shovels, it is possible to discover: gold, experience, elements of collections. In each station, 20 deposits are constantly generated at random under various buildings, decorations, resources and even grass. The veins are in any case distributed throughout the station, even if it is still closed. The fewer the number of different items your friend has, the more deposits you can find there. Using gold veins is a very good way to get rich, but in order to get a friend of the Gold Mine, you need to hire him to work. To simplify the search for lived, hire a dog, she will find everything for you just for a tasty bone.


    The more friends you have in the game, the more options you will have for sharing resources, which means that the game will be of better quality. Send invitations to the game. Send free gifts to your friends every day. The more gifts you send and the faster you do it after the night update of the game, the more experience you can get in return. Give only the gifts you need to your friends. A hint about what each of your friends needs will help you with this. Thus, your friends will be very grateful to you if you give them not useless gifts, but those that will be very useful to them for some purpose.


    Do not sell all the content from the warehouse to earn money - in the future you will still need it. The caches contain coins that remain after cutting down resources, and you can still get a reward for selling collections. When handing over your collections, try to keep some for yourself for the future, you will still need them in your adventures. If necessary, you can sell gold, if you need to buy something or sell trays of eggs made in the barn. Here you also need to sell wisely, do not sell all items of the same type. In case of an urgent need, you can dig up coins under some buildings. A good way to earn extra money is selling vegetables, animals, which become more and more after feeding. The fastest way to get coins is to sell collections - Indigo (drops out of nests and statues of various birds, more details on the collection page). And also exchange it through a special option.


    Often you will need collections when completing tasks, so think twice before selling any part of the collections, it can still be very useful to you. Collections are obtained by digging from comrades and at their own station, found in hiding places under stones and trees, and falling even from the Golden Veins. Valuable collections fall from golden animal monuments, in which your living creatures are transformed, after fulfilling their production quota.


    The player's constant energy limit grows rather slowly - thanks to the level increase. Starting the game, you will have the largest energy limit - 15. The third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels will add another point of energy to the total limit. As a result, when you reach level 20, you will have a limit of 20 energy. A complete list of levels can be viewed on the levels page at the top of the menu.

    You can raise the limit temporarily. To do this, with the energy limit filled to the brim, break a lot of resources, stones and trees, every last part. After that, finish off all the resources (in which there is only one unit) at one time in one moment. A different amount of energy falls from the caches that are under these resources (depending on the size of the resource). The quality of energy gain can be increased if, before the game is updated (until 00:00 Moscow time), excavations are carried out at a neighboring building and scenery, where it can drop out. This action can be done after the update. By increasing the total energy limit, you will be able to break the resources previously closed for breaking by the main character. Energy can be obtained from the Bread, which is dropped from the golden monuments of the Rabbits, and the rest of the pastries, which can be made at the Bakery.

    Extraction and storage of energy

    Energy is spent on everything - sowing seeds, clearing forests, cleaning and delivering stones, cutting grass and shrubs, chopping firewood in a barn, and avoiding obstacles. When the energy supply comes to an end, you will need to wait for its recovery: every 3 seconds you will be credited with one point of energy. But in the forehead, the energy is not enough forever, the question arises of where and how to get the energy, worries all the players, as well as how to gather it. Energy can be obtained in the following ways:

    • in glands under stones, trees and deposits of coal, clay and ore caches (caches do not have to be your own - neighbors will do as well),
    • cutting down acacia thickets, snow-covered and autumn bushes at his station,
    • digging with neighbors: under the flooring, lanterns and buildings, fences and mailboxes, dog kennel and poles, ferns and sequoias, under benches and in flower beds, near gnomes and in poultry houses;
    • for completed quests;
    • eating cakes, breads and biscuits and cheesecakes made at the Bakery, or consuming food brought from the expedition,
    • from gifts received in Christmas trees;
    • receiving from neighbors - in gratitude for the gifts purchased in the player's tree;
    • chopping down a palm tree or rummaging in a cache located under it.

    In the case when all the methods have been tried, but the energy is not enough, it is possible to recover the energy faster if there are reserves that were bought in the Lavka and exchanged for emeralds.

    Each player wants to collect more energy, and this is not at all difficult to do. To do this, you need to know a few tricks. For example, trees cut down by workers from a sawmill will provide only clean goods. If the player cuts them down himself, he also receives energy in addition to bonus experience.

    At each next level, your energy will be restored. You need to keep track of the number of stars, in the period when there are few of them to the next level, try to completely exhaust the rest of your energy: cut something out or plant. Then you need to destroy one of the caches, exchange your golden statue or collection. After that, your energy bar for the next level will be completely filled.

    Today I was not allowed to enjoy my morning coffee again. Governor Dawson summoned me before dawn. I was offered to read a certain letter, in which they warned of a terrible threat. Shepard and his fellows want to wake up the Morra volcano and destroy all life for many miles around. Although the letter was not signed, I immediately recognized my father's handwriting. The governor asked me to help with the capture of criminals, but I must deal with this with my partner, the Frenchman Paul.
    Paul and I drove to our station so that I could quickly take everything I needed for the expedition. Then Echo met us, he was terribly upset when he found out that I was not taking him with me. And while I was collecting my belongings, the Eskimo tried to establish contact with the French.

    - What is he babbling? Do you understand him?Echo tugged at my sleeve.

    - He speaks French, I don't know the language. Echo, don't bother me getting ready.

    - Hmm, French, you say ... Well, you then ... take more toad sausages with you, they say they love to eat these croaking ones. Vaughn himself croaks something, probably wants to eat.

    Under such parting words of my friend, we set off. We must hurry, my father was not joking in his letter ...

    It's time to start a new adventure! Explore the dormant volcano of Morra in the new Dead Sea area, complete a chain of quests and thwart the sinister plans of a gang of bandits!

    Permanent location "Morra":

    • Located in the new territory of the Dead Sea
    • Required inventory - panama and compass
    • The key building is the Volcano. Wakes up after the second entrance to the location, does not require construction
    • Micro-target - find and neutralize 5 barrels of dynamite

    On the eve of the holidays in Dawson, the assistant governor arrived at the station. He showed me an anonymous message, which said that a gang of bandits were plotting something explosive in the lands of the Dead Sea. I haven't been to Morra yet. They said there was a dormant volcano there. But what interest does the bandits have in him?
    Complete the quest chain and then you will find the answer to this question.

    Available Crafts:

    • Concrete \u003d 10 units basalt + 10 units. water
    • Pork ribs + 20 pcs. energy \u003d 1 pearl + 5 tomatoes
    • Dynamite Disarm \u003d 15 chains + 25 units. water + 10 units. wire

    Oh, and we got into trouble with a French bounty hunter! Having hardly neutralized all the dynamite, we were not ready to meet with the robbers and were taken prisoner. But Paul was not a bastard. With his help, we were able to free ourselves and capture the bandits. The governor got Shepard's gang, Paul got his share of fame and a generous reward, and I got my father's notes, which I found in a cache near the volcano. Echo was even more upset when he learned the details of our adventure, but suddenly he fell in love with Inaug's branded sausages, although he could not stand them before. He firmly believes that they give strength and stimulate brain activity.