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  • Hero Story: Sarah Kerrigan. One Hero Story: Sarah Kerrigan (Starcraft Series) Kerrigan reunites with Jim

    Hero Story: Sarah Kerrigan. One Hero Story: Sarah Kerrigan (Starcraft Series) Kerrigan reunites with Jim

    The StarCraft 2 space opera continues. In the second part of the trilogy, the zerg race comes to the fore. The main character in Heart of the Swarm is Sarah Kerrigan, one of the key characters in the universe. Not everyone is well acquainted with this lady, since the first was a long time ago, little time is devoted to her, so it's time to catch up.

    This material contains facts about Kerrigan's biography not only from games, but also from other works based on StarCraft, since Blizzard is scrupulous about its universes and competently develops them in all directions.

    Sarah Louise Kerrigan began her life in 2473 on the planet TarKossia, which was under the control of the Terran Confederation. Almost immediately after she was born, she developed extraordinary psionic abilities. When Sarah was just a child, she accidentally killed her mother (actually blowing up her brain) and inflicted severe mental trauma on her father.

    The girl was spotted by agents of the Confederation. Already at the age of eight, she became part of the secret Ghost program. Sarah has shown outstanding results. But she was forced to use her talents as efficiently as possible. She refused, motivating her decision by the fact that it could lead to dire consequences. However, the pressure on her only increased. The tension reached its climax when Kerrigan began to threaten to kill her father. Then she announced that she would kill herself and her father, but would not allow her power to be used. Scientists had no choice but to apply a neuro-adjuster - a device that weakened Sarah's abilities, but made her a loyal fighter. (Micky Neilson - "StarCraft: Uprising", Micky Neilson - "StarCraft: Hybrid")

    After completing her training, Carrigan received the status of "Ghost" with serial number 24601 (or simply - "Ghost number 24"). As a Confederate agent, Sarah has destroyed many enemies and participated in mind control experiments. Years of torture caused irreparable damage to the girl - she turned into a closed and asocial person. At the same time, she remained a faithful performer. (Micky Neilson - "StarCraft: Uprising")

    Once, the base where Kerrigan was located was attacked by soldiers of the Sons of Korhal group (a military organization created after the destruction of the world of Korhal). They manage to capture Sarah. Waking up on board the spaceship, Sarah meets the leaders of the organization. She is told that she is a legitimate guest, not an enemy. Some implants are also removed from the girl's body.

    Soon it becomes known about an incident in one of the systems. Traces of aliens were found there. But the confederation tried to hide it and used weapons of mass destruction. Kerrigan gradually developed sympathy for her new acquaintances, helped spread rumors about the appearance of aliens. In one of the many battles, she kills another "Ghost".

    Kerrigan took part in a reckless but successful attack on the Ghost Academy. She managed to deal with her main tormentor. Upon returning to the ship, it is revealed that the head of the Sons of Korhal, Arcturus Mengsk, was driven by vengeance. Kerrigan was on his list - being a "ghost", she killed Arcturus's father. But Sarah proved her loyalty to the ideals of the organization through her actions, and she was spared. (Micky Neilson - "StarCraft: Uprising")

    By December 2499, the existence of the zerg was no longer a secret. Moreover, humanity was faced with another race of evolved beings, later known as protoses. During this period, Kerrigan continues his rebel activities, in particular, assists the disgraced journalist. (Jeff Grubb - "StarCraft: Liberty" s Crusade ")

    Then Sarah finds herself on the planet Antiga Prime. The local colonists revolted, but the Confederate troops managed to blockade the planet. In the process of completing the assignment, Kerrigan meets Jim Raynor, a newcomer to the Sons of Korhal. Despite the fact that their first meeting was not entirely friendly, Sarah and Jim managed to find a common language, and they became an excellent team. Soon the zerg also entered the battle, significantly complicating the life of both sides of the conflict. (StarCraft, Aaron Rosenberg - "StarCraft: The Queen of Blades")

    The campaign in Antiga was also filled with the fact that a psi-emitter was used against the forces of the confederation - a device that lured zerg from different parts of the galaxy. Kerrigan installed this death machine at the Confederate base, which predetermined the outcome of the conflict. Sarah doubted the correctness of such an act and demanded that Mengsk never use such "dirty" tactics again, but he only limited himself to lengthy phrases. (StarCraft, Jeff Grubb - "StarCraft: Liberty" s Crusade)

    Sarah and Jim performed a couple more successful surgeries. Their relationship developed rapidly, and the heroes allowed feelings to take over. Although Raynor strongly doubted Mengsk's good intentions, Sarah believed the leader and advised Jim not to meddle in the affairs of his superiors. (Christie Golden - "StarCraft 2: Flashpoint")

    Ten days after the events on Antiga Prime, the Sons of Korhal forces reached the Confederate capital, the planet Tarsonis. Everything went well, but Mengsk, without the knowledge of Sarah and Jim, resorted to the help of psi emitters. Billions of zerg literally crushed the Confederate defenses. The protos intervened in the battle, trying to stop the spread of the creatures throughout the universe. Kerrigan is ordered to defend the zerg hive while the monsters engage in genocide. Sarah copes with the assignment, but she is betrayed and left to be torn apart by the offspring.

    Raynor immediately after this order from Mengsk leaves the "Sons of Korhal" and together with a group of like-minded people makes a desperate (alas, unsuccessful) attempt to save his beloved. (StarCraft, Jeff Grubb - "StarCraft: Liberty" s Crusade)

    The Overmind (the supreme being who controlled the zerg) sensed the power of Kerrigan, and the zerg did not kill her. Moreover, the girl is infected with an unknown virus, placed in a cocoon and transported to the planet Char. Her psionic abilities have allowed her to contact Mengsk and Raynor, both responding to the signal. (StarCraft, Aaron Rosenberg - "StarCraft: The Queen of Blades")

    Upon arriving at Char, Jim witnesses a completely new Kerrigan emerging from a cocoon, who now calls herself the Queen of Blades. She easily slays the Human soldiers, but allows Raynor to retreat.

    In the future, Kerrigan continues to improve his skills. She becomes a ruthless but still inexperienced warrior who acts recklessly and overly self-confident. After prolonged hostilities, the Protos kill the Overmind, which was trying to destroy their home planet Aiur. (StarCraft).

    At the time of the death of the Overmind, Sarah was on the planet Char and was creating her own clan. She smelled a powerful energy from an ancient building located in the world of Bhekar Ro. There she engaged the protoss. Nobody could have foreseen what happened next. The structure turned out to be a trap that required protoss and zerg DNA to activate. As a result, powerful creatures broke free and destroyed the Kerrigan clan. The Queen of Blades herself is again considered (and again mistakenly) dead. (Gabriel Mesta - "StarCraft: Shadow of Xel'Naga")

    The Zerg were not going to give up, and their best individuals managed to create a new Overmind. At that time, Kerrigan had already subdued half of the Zerg Swarm, and her desire for absolute power only intensified. (StarCfaft: Brood War, Aaron Rosenberg - "StarCraft: The Queen of Blades")

    Sarah comes into contact with the protoss and informs that with the death of Overhum, she got rid of his protection. But the new Overmind will soon take control of it. The persuasion was in vain, and the protos refused to attack the reborn zerg ruler. After helping her former enemies in the search for relics, a series of intrigues and yet another destruction of the zerg on the planet Shakuras, Kerrigan is forced to retreat. (StarCraft: Brood War)

    The next chapter of the war unfolded in the Koprulu Sector, which was invaded by the forces of the United Earth Directorate (UED). They captured the capital of the Terran Dominion and nearly captured Mengsk. The former dictator fell into the hands of Raynor and Phoenix (an elite protoss warrior) who attempted to take him to Aiur. "Earthlings" rushed in pursuit. The zerg and other allies of Kerrigan came to the aid of Jim. Subsequently, the Queen of Blades formed an Alliance with Raynor and Phoenix.

    UED Admiral Gerard DuGall captures a new Overmind on the planet Char. Kerrigan, during a meeting with the admiral, states that she now controls all zerg.

    By that time, the Queen of Blades had become a calculating and cold-blooded warrior who did not disdain any means to achieve her goal. She brings together the forces of Raynor, the Protoss, and Mengsk under her command. The allies assist Kerrigan on a number of sorties. But, seizing the moment, Kerrigan's troops betray everyone and arrange a real massacre. Mengsk and Raynor manage to escape. Raynor vows to take revenge on Sarah.

    Through deception and blackmail, Sarah still convinces one of the most powerful protoses, Zeratul, to assist her in attacking the new Overmind. Zeratul knew that this would make Kerrigan much stronger, but he had no choice. The Overmind was defeated. Then the Queen of Blades dealt with all of his minions and became the sole ruler of the Zerg Swarm. Zeratul nevertheless escaped from the clutches of the schemer. (StarCraft: Brood War)

    In the decisive battle, Kerrigan faced the United Earth Directorate troops, Mengsk's mercenaries, and the protoss. The Zerg, under the command of the Queen of Blades, manage to defeat the superior forces of the enemy. Realizing all the hopelessness of the situation, Admiral DuGall writes a farewell letter to his family and puts a bullet in his forehead. Sarah destroys the remnants of the Earth's fleet, but does not touch the Protos and Raynor, although Jim continued to threaten her. (StarCraft: Brood War)

    With the end of the conflict in the Koprulu sector, the Queen of Blades continued to develop her race and create new species. The Zerg became silent, and their motives, like those of their leader, were shrouded in darkness.

    Then Kerrigan took part in attacks on the buildings of the ancient races ("StarCraft: Frontline: Volume 1"). Collided with humans and protoses. The outcome of such meetings invariably led to bloodshed. But the matter did not reach a global confrontation. (Christie Golden - "StarCraft: The Dark Templar Saga: Shadow Hunters", "StarCraft: The Dark Templar Saga: Twilight")

    Although the zerg became more and more fearsome under her leadership, Kerrigan was overcome with pessimism. She knew that a new, perfect form of life was about to come to the galaxy.

    Following one of the protoses, Kerrigan found herself on the planet Ulaan, where an ancient prophecy was rumored to be revealed. There she met her old friend Zeratul. The exchange of pleasantries ended with Kerrigan putting him in a psionic prison, but he escaped from captivity. The protos found all the fragments of the prophecy and were about to leave the planet when Kerrigan appeared on their way. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, but Zeratul fled with the prophecy.

    Zeratul did not really like the revealed truth. It turned out that it was Kerrigan who is the key to saving civilizations from the race of hybrids (mutants that combine the capabilities of protoss and zerg). Zeratul gives this information to Raynor and asks him to protect Kerrigan. ("StarCraft 2: The Wings of Liberty")

    The lull ended four years after the end of Brood War. Kerrigan led the zerg armies into battle once again. But the destruction of bases and research centers was only cover to search for parts of a device constructed by the long-extinct Xel'Naga race, the creators of the protoss and zerg. By coincidence, Raynor was hunting for the same relics as Sarah. Jim and his companions are more agile and take possession of relics. After which the onslaught of the zerg weakens, and the Queen of Blades returns to Char.

    The true purpose of the device came as a surprise to Raynor. It turned out that with its help, you can turn the Queen of Blades back into a human. To complete the task, Raynor traveled to Char. Despite the desperate resistance of the zerg and extremely difficult conditions, Jim is on a mission. As a result of the use of the artifact, Kerrigan began to look more like a human than a zerg. One of Raynor's associates tries to kill Sarah, but Jim saves his ex-lover and carries her out of the hive. ("StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty").

    A weakened Kerrigan is taken to the Dominion ship, commanded by Valerian Mengsk, the son of Arcturus Mengsk. To avoid meeting with him, the former Queen of Blades is transported to the distant planet Dead Man's Rock. Sarah's condition, both moral and physical, is deteriorating markedly. She even tries to remove some of her body parts from her zerg appearance on her own. But over time, the psionic abilities return, and Kerrigan warns Raynor of the impending attack.

    The rebels, along with Sarah, move to the Prometheus research station, where a series of tests were planned over her. But soon Mengsk also arrives there. He contacts the station and reports that he knows about the transformation of Kerrigan. Hearing his voice, Sarah literally breaks loose and kills a lot of soldiers. But a group of rebels, along with Kerrigan, escapes an unenviable fate.

    Sarah's next location is the secret space station Umoja. There, Kerrigan declares that he wants to revive the Zerg Swarm and take revenge on Mengsk for everything. At the same time, she feels guilty about the events of the past. Two personalities are fighting in it - the ruthless Queen of Blades and Sarah Kerrigan, who is trying to find herself. In addition, she cannot forgive Mengsk for leaving her to be eaten by the zerg on Tartonis. (Christie Golden - "StarCraft 2: Flashpoint")

    In Sarah Kerrigan, searing hatred for her enemies, cunning, cruelty, ambition and a drop of compassion coexist. She admits her atrocities, but motivates them by the fact that the end justifies the means. It is difficult not to feel sympathy for her, because Sarah has repeatedly found herself deceived by her own associates. And for the same reason, it's hard not to share her rage. Kerrigan is rightfully considered one of the most striking heroines of video games. I want to believe that her story will not end on Heart of the Swarm, and the zerg under her leadership will shake the galaxy more than once.

    Race: Human
    Attitude: Raynor's Raiders

    James Eugene (Jim) Raynor is the main character and one of the protagonists of the StarCraft series of computer games and novels.

    The creators of the character are game designers Chris Metzen and James Finney. Throughout the series, Raynor was voiced by Robert Clotworthy. There is no official translation of Starcraft and Starcraft: Brood War into Russian, in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty it is voiced by Vsevolod Kuznetsov.

    In the original game and Brood War, Raynor appears as a supporting character; in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, he is the main protagonist.

    Description from the official site

    Jim Raynor was the Confederate Sheriff on Mar Sara when the zerg first attacked the planet. In battles with alien aggressors, he managed to save many lives. However, after the battle at Dalnaya Base, Raynor was arrested: the Confederate government blamed him for the destruction of state property. He was freed from imprisonment by the revolutionary group "Sons of Korhal" under the leadership of Arcturus Mengsk. Raynor decided to join her.

    Mengsk's lust for power and unscrupulousness soon began to worry the former sheriff. When Arcturus betrayed his own comrade-in-arms, Lieutenant Sarah Kerrigan, and unleashed the zerg on several Confederate planets, not caring for the civilian population, it became clear that he was no better than the dictators he was seeking to overthrow. These actions by Mengsk forced Raynor to organize an uprising in the ranks of the Sons of Korhal. Capturing a small fleet, including Mengsk's flagship Hyperion, he attempted to rescue Sarah Kerrigan from the zerg planet Char. There he first came into contact with the protoss and earned the respect of the valiant ruler Tassadar. Raynor's sincerity helped him mend relations between Tassadar and the dark templar Zeratul.

    Maybe it won't happen today, my dear. As long as the whole army looms behind me, it is unlikely. But be sure: one day I will destroy you with my own hands. We will meet again!

    Raynor's men fought alongside the protoss in several more campaigns. Without them, the protoss would never have been able to defeat the army of the United Earth Directorate. By a strange whim of fate, Raynor again briefly became friends with Arcturus Mengsk and the Queen of Blades - the creature into which Sarah Kerrigan had turned the Overmind of the zerg. Mengsk and the Queen of Blades were briefly united by hatred for a common enemy, but the alliance of two tyrants is fragile. Kerrigan was the first to turn against yesterday's ally. Her betrayal cost the lives of many of Jim Raynor's comrades.

    Raynor himself managed to escape; he swore an oath to take revenge at all costs. However, his chances of standing against the Zerg Swarm and the powerful psionic Queen of Blades were slim. Exhausted by the unequal struggle, Raynor returns to the Terran-controlled part of the sector, where the Dominion is gaining strength under the leadership of Arcturus Mengsk. Raynor becomes the leader of the resistance movement. Year after year, his efforts have not borne any fruit: Mengsk has powerful tools at his disposal - public speaking, the media and other forms of propaganda.

    Raynor's raiders remain the main enemies of the state in the Terran Dominion. While Raynor lives, Mengsk sees him as a constant threat to his power. On the other hand, Raynor's death would automatically elevate him to the rank of "martyr", which would be extremely disadvantageous for the authorities. Therefore, for the time being, Mengsk adheres to an intermediate line: to hunt and pursue Raynor and his comrades, preventing them from recuperating.

    Over the years, exhausting skirmishes with the infinitely superior forces of the Dominion, Raynor's fighters have become a pale likeness of themselves. Raynor's raiders had to work as mercenaries to provide for the essentials. Apparently, this kind of work cannot be abandoned in the future: the soldiers need supplies and weapons. Freedom is not a gift.

    Raynor seems to be broken today. He lost faith in everything, drinks bitter and blames himself for the fact that Sarah Kerrigan was captured by the zerg. He is consumed with fierce hatred for Mengsk. Senior Mate Matt Horner still believes in his captain and is devoted to the ideas of revolution, but the doubts that torment Raynor have already begun to corrode the ranks of his associates. Horner tries his best to maintain morale in the ranks of the Raiders. He firmly believes that sooner or later Raynor will remember his former glory and lead the rebels to victory.

    Raynor has never studied military science, but that does not prevent him from being a good commander and an excellent tactician. All his knowledge is based on a rich life experience, so he is never guided by "book rules". Deep analysis is not his element. He rarely plans far ahead, but he is great at improvising and turning the situation in his favor, acting according to the circumstances.

    Raynor does not have a cloudless past. Everyone knows that among his closest associates is the famous criminal Tychus Findlay, now serving a sentence. Together they were brought together by service in the 321st Colonial Ranger Battalion "Heavenly Devils" during the war between the Confederation and the Kelmoria Syndicate. The two met at Fort Howe on the planet Turaxis II after Findlay served three months in an army colony for assaulting a superior officer.

    Only bastards like you can fight for the Confederation.

    As the Guild War drew to a close, Raynor and Findlay were accused of shooting their friends during a failed mission on Turaxis II. In fact, the tragic outcome of the operation was solely a mistake of the command, but the two friends were well aware that they would not see a fair trial if it could harm the reputation of higher officials. They spent several years on the run, trading in robbery. Tychus was then arrested by the Confederates and sentenced to life in cryogenic imprisonment. How Raynor managed to avoid such a fate and subsequently become sheriff on Mar Sara remains a mystery.


    Jim Raynor was a senior Confederate officer on Mar Sara during the first Zerg invasion of the world. Despite the fact that he fought bravely against alien aggressors and saved many lives, under the pretext of destroying Confederate property at Backwater Base, he was arrested. When he was subsequently freed by the Sons of Korhal - a group of revolutionaries who opposed the Confederation, led by Arcturus Mengsk - Raynor decided to fight on their side.

    Also, before the last mission for the protoss, he tells Tassadar that the zerg killed his family. The Liberty Crusade mentions Raynor's child who was taken to the Ghost School and died there in an accident.


    When the player first meets Raynor, he is 29 years old and is the sheriff of the Colonial Militia. On orders from the High Command of the Confederation, he accompanies the colonists of Mar Sara to the wastelands, preparing for their eventual evacuation from the planet, which is attacked by zerg.

    While guarding the colonists, he receives a distress signal from the Confederate Outpost Creek Station.

    General Edmund Duke, commanding officer of Alpha Squad, orders the Colony Magistrate not to intervene as he will send help himself, but Raynor believes Duke will be late. He, along with the militia, attacks the zerg, rescues the outpost and at the same time destroys the infected Command Center. Arriving Confederate forces arrest him on charges of destroying Confederate property. Arcturus Mengsk, leader of the Sons of Korhal, frees Raynor from the prison ship, and Jim decides to side with Mengsk. He convinces the Colony Magistrate to join him. Along with the Sons of Korhal, Raynor fights many battles against the Zerg and the Confederacy. He falls in love with Sarah Kerrigan, Mengsk's deputy, and she loves him. The Confederation is shattered by the Sons of Korhal on their homeworld, Tarsonis.

    However, at the end of the first episode of StarCraft, Mengsk gives Sarah Kerrigan to be eaten by the zerg on the space platform above Tarsonis. Raynor breaks up with Mengsk because of this betrayal. Mengsk and Edmund Duke attempt to thwart Raynor by activating an orbiting ion cannon. Raynor's raiders destroy the cannon and take off in Mengsk's former headquarters cruiser Hyperion. Having lost his homeworld and allies, Raynor begins to act independently.

    In the second episode of StarCraft, Raynor appears on the planet Char, lured there by the psionic signals of an infested Kerrigan. His base was destroyed by the zerg, but the Queen of Blades (as Kerrigan is now called) leaves him with life, since he alone is not dangerous to her. Raynor was shocked to see what Sarah had become. It was later revealed that he escaped Chara along with the Protoss Executor Tassadar, who was also attracted by Kerrigan's psi-waves.

    In the third episode of StarCraft, Raynor joins Tassadar on the space platform above Char. Tassadar is also in a very difficult position - he needs reinforcements from Aiur to save Praetor Zeratul and other dark templars. The Protoss Conclave is indeed sending forces, but only to arrest Tassadar. The Dark Templars are trapped by Kerrigan's forces inside the captured Human Factory.

    Tassadar attacks the factory and frees Zeratul with the dark templars. After this, Raynor, Aldaris (Judge from the Conclave), Tassadar, and Zeratul return to Aiur, where they meet Phoenix, who joins them. The Protoss Conclave wants nothing to do with the Dark Templars and declares that cooperation with the Dark is heresy. Tassadar is forced to rebel against the Conclave, but later surrenders to end the civil war. The Executor (player), Raynor and Phoenix escape. Zeratul and the Dark Templars disappear. Raynor, commanding Hyperion, helps Phoenix and the Executor free Tassadar from prison.

    At the very end of the third episode of StarCraft, Raynor and his raiders, along with Tassadar, Zeratul and other protoss destroy the Overmind, while Tassadar sacrifices himself, sending the aircraft carrier Gantritor directly to the Overmind.

    StarCraft: Brood War

    Temporarily left without a leader, the zerg capture Aiur, killing most of the inhabitants. The survivors, led by Zeratul, Aldaris, and the new Praetor Artanis, are evacuated through the Warp Gate to Shakuras, the homeworld of the Dark Templars. Phoenix and Raynor defend the Gate so the protoss can escape. This marked the beginning of the friendship between Raynor and Phoenix.

    During the fifth episode of StarCraft, Raynor appears only to save Arcturus Mengsk from being captured by the United Earth Directorate, and then escapes with him through the Warp Gate.

    At the beginning of Episode 6 of StarCraft, Kerrigan asks Raynor and Phoenix to give her Mengsk. She gives all three the impression that they are united against a common enemy - the UZD. Kerrigan uses them to destroy the Psi Disruptor (this device could create waves to wreak havoc in the ranks of the zerg) and to capture Korhal. After, no longer needing them, Kerrigan kills Phoenix and Edmund Duke. Raynor realizes Kerrigan's duplicity and vows to kill her. He does not appear again in Brood War. After the final mission, the player is told that Raynor and Zeratul went their separate ways.

    Other StarCraft Campaigns

    Raynor appears in StarCraft 64, Resurrection 4, which takes place after Brood War. "Resurrection 4" takes place on the planet Braxis, where he rescues Alexei Stukov, infected with zerg, and returns him to human form using nanotechnology.

    StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty

    Four years since the end of the Zerg War, Jim Raynor continues his forays and resistance to the forces of the Dominion, having revolted in 12 colonies. The media mixes "Raynor's Raiders" with mud, and Raynor himself pours his sorrow over Kerrigan with whiskey at Jorey's on Mar Sara. One day his old friend, Tychus Findlay, comes to him and offers to earn credits for the extraction of rare artifacts. Raynor agrees and, unwittingly, works for the emperor's son, Valerian Mengsk and his Mobius Foundation.

    Flying around different planets on "Hyperion" with the support of his friends, Raynor collects an artifact, as well as helps the colonists led by Ariel Hansen and meets with fugitive phantoms under the leadership of Gabriel Tosh (depending on the choice offered by the company, the colonists can be destroyed, and together with the "ghost" of Novaya to oppose the troops of Tosh, in which case there will be "ghosts" in Raynor's army).

    At the same time, he meets Zeratul, who gives him his Crystal Ihon, which contains the memories of the dark templar of his journey and the prophecy of the return of the fallen xel'naga, Amun, who will gather a huge horde of zerg and destroy the universe along with the zerg themselves, and only Sara Kerrigan will be able to stop Armageddon. After several meetings with the Queen of Blades, impressed by Zeratul's memories, Raynor becomes increasingly depressed and binge, and Matt Horner finds a way out for him, reminding him of his responsibility over the Raiders and the Koprulu Sector with the help of his old Confederate Sheriff badge.

    Raynor continues his rebellion, culminating in the dissemination of compromising evidence on Arcturus Mengsk on the official TV channel.

    Finally meeting with Valerian, Raynor learns that the artifact they have collected belongs to the xel'naga, and with its help, Sarah Kerrigan can be returned to her former human condition. The Raynor Raiders, teamed up with the Dominion fleet led by Valerian Mengsk and General Warfield, launch a desperate attack on Char. During the battle, the artifact releases a powerful psionic charge that destroys the zerg and returns Kerrigan to his human form. Then it turns out that all this time Tychus worked for Mengsk Sr. on a mission to kill Sarah. The Emperor imprisoned Findlay in a Marine suit that could shut off all vital organs if he went against a mission. Tychus shoots Kerrigan, but Raynor shields her and then shoots the bullet he had reserved for Mengsk at an old friend. In the end, he takes Kerrigan to the Hyperion.

    • Horner in the secret mission "Heart of Darkness" calls Raynor's middle name - Eugene.
    • In the in-game video "Betrayal", which is Jim's memory, there he flickers for a moment in his classic appearance - with short hair and no beard.

    StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm

    After Chara, Raynor brings Sarah Kerrigan to the research center of the Umoja Protectorate. Valerian Mengsk continues experiments on Sarah's psi-abilities, but Jim demands that all experiments be stopped and is going to take his beloved away from the war. On the day of their departure, the base is attacked by special forces of the Dominion, under the command of Nova Terra, Mengsk's tame "ghost", who has a grudge against Raynor because of his refusal to surrender Gabriel Tosh. Raynor is captured and imprisoned, although he is officially presumed dead. News of Jim Raynor's death prompts Kerrigan to reassemble the Zerg Swarm against Arcturus Mengsk. When Sarah becomes a Terran / Primal Zerg hybrid, Mengsk contacts her and threatens to kill Jim Raynor if Roy attacks Korhal. Through the efforts of the Raynor Raiders, Kerrigan and Roy attack the prison ship. Seeing that Sarah has become the Queen of Blades again, Jim does not hold back his emotions and reminds of all those whom she and her Roy killed. In response, Sarah Kerrigan gives Raynor his Colt. Raynor shoots all the bullets into the wall and says "it's over" despite Sarah's declaration of love. Later, he arrives on Korhal with Valerian to evacuate the civilian population, and then engages in battle with the Swarm of Zerg against Mengsk. When Arcturus Mengsk tries to kill Sarah with a xel'naga artifact, Raynor, dressed in a battle suit, breaks the Emperor's arm and throws him across the office. Jim is about to shoot him, thereby avenging everyone killed by the "Sons of Korhal" and the Dominion, including Tychus Findlay, but at the last moment salutes Sarah Kerrigan. In the end, Jim stands in the wake of Mengsk's destroyed office, watching his lover, Sarah Kerrigan, "ascend" over the ruins of Korhal City along with her zerg. Finally, there is serenity in Jim Raynor's soul.

    StarСraft 2: Legacy of the Void

    According to rumors, Raynor will play one of the main roles alongside Zeratul, Selendis, Artanis and Kerrigan. He will seek information about the End of the World and the ancient xel'naga deity Amun, and will also participate in the war with his army. Along with this, there is information that a new and incredibly powerful fleet of the United Earth Directorate is arriving in the Koprulu sector with an unknown superweapon capable of sweeping entire planets with their satellites, controlling gravity and creating it "artificially".

    Critical perception

    Raynor's character was generally well received by critics and fans alike. Gaming's Edge describes Raynor as "almost the archetype of an action hero figure" with a "healthy dose of arrogance" who, despite constantly trying to do the right thing from the moral point of view, invariably ends up with a "worst outcome" due to circumstances beyond his control. The article also puts forward the view that “it would be difficult not to admire Raynor, if not for any other reason, then for his persistence” in the face of abandonment, isolation and betrayal. In a StarCraft review for GamePro magazine, the reviewer noted that the character's portrayal was so good that he felt like he was “actually talking to me,” and noted that he began to feel emotionally attached to Raynor's plight, commenting, “When was the last time you could say that about a character in a strategy game? " In a poll on GameSpot, readers voted for Raynor as one of the top ten video game heroes, praising the character for his humanity, his resilience in the face of successive losses, and his progression from backwater marshal to galactic hero. GameSpot also gave additional praise for the quality of the character's voice acting by Robert Clotworthy.

    Raynor has never studied military science, but that does not prevent him from being a good commander and an excellent tactician. All his knowledge is based on a rich life experience, so he is never guided by "book rules". Deep analysis is not his element. He rarely plans far ahead, but he is great at improvising and turning the situation in his favor, acting according to the circumstances. Raynor does not have a cloudless past. Everyone knows that among his closest associates is the famous criminal Tychus Findlay, now serving time. Together they were brought together by service in the 321st Colonial Ranger Battalion "Heavenly Devils" during the war between the Confederation and the Kelmoria Syndicate. The two met at Fort Howe on the planet Turaxis II after Findlay served three months in an army colony for assaulting a superior officer.
    As the Guild War drew to a close, Raynor and Findlay were accused of shooting their own team during a failed mission on Turaxis II. In fact, the tragic outcome of the operation was solely a mistake of the command, but the two friends were well aware that they would not see a fair trial if it could harm the reputation of higher officials. They spent several years on the run, trading in robbery. Tychus was then arrested by the Confederation and sentenced to cryogenic life in prison. How Raynor managed to avoid such a fate and subsequently become sheriff on Mar Sara remains a mystery.


    Jim Raynor - Sheriff of the planet Mar Sarah, arrives on orders from the Confederate to gather and evacuate colonists to safe areas. Back at the command center, Raynor reports that all the colonists and refugees are in a safe place. An hour later the adjutant reports that a message has come from the Dalnyaya station. She is under attack by unknown organisms. Raynor, not waiting for reinforcements from the Confederation, goes to help people. After protecting people and destroying the infected station, he receives a reprimand. For the destruction of buildings and an unauthorized decision, General Edmond Duke is going to send Raynor and his people under arrest, offers to voluntarily surrender and throw down their weapons. After a while he was released by the "Sons of Korhal" - a group of revolutionaries led by Arcturus Mengsk.

    Returning to the base, Raynor receives a message from Arcturus himself (the representative and head of the Sons of Korhal organization) in which he says that he is ready to help Raynor in evacuating people from Mar Sara, but he will have to disobey the Confederation or see how people die. Without thinking, Raynor chooses to save people. The arriving ships of Mengsk saved the inhabitants. Three hours after the colony was evacuated, Raynor was removed from his job as sheriff and an investigation began for his actions. Then they, together with Arcturus, decide to attack the Confederate outpost, pick up the blueprints for weapons and valuable information. Taking what was needed, Jim and his men went to the exit. In the chaos of the Zerg invasion, the Sons of Korhal fled with the stolen data disks.
    After arriving at the border colony of Antiga Prime, Arcturus's faction set about planning the next decisive step against the Confederation. Thirteen hours after the evacuation of Mar Sarah, protoss warships entered the colony's orbit and launched a massive bombing strike. All life on the surface was destroyed.
    Returning to the base of the "Sons of Korhal", Raynor and Kerrigan receive an assignment from Mengsk, they go to Antiga 1 to free the colony from the Confederate troops and agree on cooperation. Upon returning to base, the Adjutant intercepted a distress signal in which General Edmond Duke was surrounded by zerg after the plane crash. Arcturus orders Raynor and Sarah to go to Duke's aid by showing the power of the Sons of Korhal. After destroying the zerg, freeing the general from the encirclement, Mengsk invites him to work in the ministry under his rule. He agrees. Later they learn that the main troops of the Federation arrived in Antiga 1. Using a weapon that lures the zerg, they leave the ring of the Federation army.

    The next steps they go to Tarsonis, using Duke's knowledge of the weaknesses of the city's defenses. Using the psi-emitter, Mengsk unleashed an army of zerg on Tarsonis to destroy the Confederate bases. Raynor and Kerrigan didn't like the idea. Suddenly, the protoss arrive on Tarsonis and fight the Zerg. Fearing the Confederation will elude, Mengsk dispatches Kerrigan to destroy the Protoss and prevent the Confederate forces from escaping. Sarah agrees and goes to obey the order. Raynor tries to dissuade her, but she justifies this by saying that the protoss want to destroy the planet along with humans.
    After destroying the base of the protoss, a huge army of zerg attacks the Kerrigan camp, she asks for evacuation, but Mengsk refuses to help her and leaves her for dead. Raynor realizes that he cannot help Kerrigan. Because he (Mengsk) dumped Kerrigan, Raynor hated him and stopped helping him. By destroying his psionic weapons, Jim Raynor became an enemy of a new Confederation called the Dominion. Jim Raynor and his men separated from the Sons of Korahal. Together with the colonists and some fighters of the former Confederation, they fled Tarsonis and raided the Dilarian shipyards, capturing Hyperion. After that, they created a new military group - the Raynor Raiders.

    Raynor conducted a rescue operation on Gittesburg in search of Kerrigan, finding nothing but ruins. During his forays on the planet Char, Raynor meets a protoss named Tassadar (High Templar). The protoss saved Raynor and his men, and together they destroyed the zerg. In the future, the protoss accepted Tassadar as a traitor, they began to look for him. On the planet Char, they tried to capture Raynor and Tassadar. After breaking through the defenses, Raynor flies away, and Tassadar goes to free Zeratul and is captured by the protoss. A little later, Raynor, upon learning of this, wants to repay the debt and save Tassadar before the Judges execute him. Raynor with Phoenix (Praetor of the Protoss Defense Army) and Zeratul break through the defenses and save him. The turn has come for the destruction of the Supermind. Raynor, Zeratul, Phoenix and Tassadar are sent to destroy evil. Thanks to Tassadar's valiant self-sacrifice, the Overmind was destroyed, the Zerg swarm scattered and crushed.

    Starcraft: Brood War

    After the Overmind is destroyed, the protoss decide to leave the planet Aiur.

    Raynor helps them transport warriors and citizens to Shakuras, protecting the teleportation gate from zerg attacks. By sending the protoss to Shakuras, they destroyed the gate behind them. After escaping from the planet Aiur, Raynor and the protoss accompanying him stumble upon a meeting between Mengsk and Gerard du Gall. Oddly enough, Raynor saves Mengsk using the protoss teleporter. Gerard du Gall's troops tracked Mengsk to Aiur's home planet. Stukov received an order to seize Arcturus. After arriving on Aiur, Raynor and the protoss once again use the teleporter to escape Stukov and the zerg army, destroying the last portal behind them.

    Raynor learns that his beloved Sarah Kerrigan has become the new leader of the zerg. The UZD, under the command of Gerard du Gall, took control of the Thinkers, the units of the Overmind army that controlled the zerg. Gathering together Sarah, Mengsk, Raynor, Phoenix decide to end the remnants of the Overmind Zerg and OZD terrans. The battle took place on the planet Korhal, destroying the troops Kerrigan leaves Mengsk at the head of the Terrans on Korhal. On the outskirts of Augustgrad, events take place in which the Queen of Blades betrays and kills the Phoenix.

    After seeing the death of Phoenix, Jim hated the Queen of Blades and said that one day he would return to kill her.

    StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

    Over the years, exhausting skirmishes with the infinitely superior forces of the Dominion, Raynor's fighters have become a pale likeness of themselves. Raynor's raiders had to work as mercenaries to provide for the essentials. Apparently, this kind of work cannot be abandoned in the future: the soldiers need supplies and weapons. Freedom is not a gift.

    Sitting drinking bourbon and regretting what happened to Sarah Kerrigan, Jim Raynor wants to stage a revolution against Mengsk.

    With his first step, he destroys the Dalnyaya station and frees people from the power of the usurper. The villagers helped Raynor destroy the guards and the Dalnyaya station. Returning from a foray into the bar, Raynor meets his old friend Tychus Findlay.

    He offers him to collect artifacts and sell them for a good price to a certain "Mobius Foundation". Raynor also tells that Mengsk's power will soon come to an end and Tychus, not even staying on the sidelines, joins him.
    The first artifact was located on Mar Sara. Having broken the guards, they take the first part of the artifact. While awaiting evacuation, the zerg attack them. Having held out, Matt Horner saves them by flying on Hyperion.

    Seeing on the news that zerg under the command of Sarah Kerrigan are attacking the Terran cities, Raynor goes to Swann's workshop to check the weapons. Having learned that the situation is worse, Raynor decides to collect other parts of the artifact and get money for them to purchase resources and weapons. On the way to the second artifact, he helps the colonists of the planet Agri. Arriving on the planet Monlith for the second part of the artifact, they meet the resistance of the zerg and protoss, but thanks to the new developments of Rory Swann, they destroy the guards and take the artifact. Upon returning to Hyperion, a signal was received from the phantom Gabriel Tosh. Having agreed with him, they attack the cows of Domenion. In one of the cargoes was an old adjutant in which there were data on Mengsk's criminal activities and how he set the zerg against the terran cities. The third part of the artifact is located on the planet Xil. The protoses defend the temple that houses the artifact. Using the Dominion laser system, destroying the gate, Raynor takes the artifact. Unexpectedly, during a flight on the cruiser Hyperion, Raynor meets Zeratul, who has a terrible truth revealed - the mysterious "Fallen" wants to destroy all life in the Universe, after which the world will plunge into pitch darkness. Zeratul said that the Zerg Overmind was the first to see such a future and found the only salvation in the person of the Queen of Blades.

    Dr. Narud (a scientist of the Mobius Foundation) asks to destroy the data vaults in which data about other parts of the artifact were found. The next part of the artifact was on the planet Typhon. After destroying the vault, Raynor takes another part of the artifact. Having obtained the last artifact and arriving at the meeting point with the ships of the Mobius Foundation, Raynor stumbles upon three Dominion cruisers, including the emperor's flagship. Raynor goes on boarding, wanting to meet and kill Arcturus Mengsk, but unexpectedly for himself he meets the heir to the throne of the Dominion - Prince Valerian Mengsk.

    He says that he is the owner of the "Mobius Foundation" and hired him to search for artifacts. To finally convince Raynor and win him over to his side, Valerian said that he could give Raynor a chance to save Sarah Kerrigan.

    Arriving on Char Raynor rescues General Warfield and his men.

    After collecting the artifact Raynor and his team: Swann, Tychus, Stetmann activate and protect the artifact.

    A huge impulse ensues that destroys most of the zerg and returns Kerrigan to human form. Raynor retrieves Kerrigan and she goes to Valerian Mengsk's headquarters.

    StarCraft II: Hearth of the Swarm

    After arriving at the Möbius Foundation research station, Raynor goes to Sarah to talk to her. In the conversation, it is clear that Sarah only wants revenge.

    After passing the tests, Raynor talks to Sarah and they are about to fly away on Hyperion. But not everything is so simple, the Dominion warriors are attacking the station.

    Raynor and Kerrigan make their way to the exit. On the way to the shuttle, Raynor and Kerrigan separate. The Dominion military captured most of the station, realizing that he would not have time, asks Sarah to take his ship and fly away. Meanwhile, he himself is captured by Nova. Mengsk imprisons Raynor in a prison ship called the Moros to manipulate Sarah Kerigan. After a while, the Queen of Blades frees Raynor.

    Jim Raynor, together with her, participates in the attack on Korhal and helps to kill the Emperor Mengsk.

    Heroes of the storm

    Thanks to his fighting qualities, Jim Raynor is an excellent fighter and will play the role of an assassin. With the help of Swann, Raynor modified the assault rifle, Jim can push opponents away from him with a precision volley. Using leadership qualities can raise the Morale of allies. With the help of a combat suit, Raynor receives a dose of adrenaline and restores vitality. He is supported by a combat fleet, either Hyperion or a small fleet. Jim Raynor has led his friends to defeat the zerg, protoss and other wickedness more than once. In the battles of the Nexus, he will be the key figure who will checkmate the opposing team on the decisive move.

    The first time we learn about Kerrigan is in the Call to Rebellion mission with the Terrans in Starcraft. In it, Arcturus Mengsk sends her and Raynor to Antiga I in order to free the colonists and demonstrate good intentions to the Antigans. Kerrigan distracts General Duke's army while Jim frees the colonists. Quest complete, the people of Antiga I support the Sons of Korhal's revolt against the Confederation. It seems that the Confederation is in a state of panic over the Antigan Mutiny. The adjutant intercepted a distress signal in which General Edmond Duke, after the shipwreck, was surrounded by zerg and asked for help. After destroying the zerg, freeing the general from the encirclement, a group of revolutionaries finds out that their position has been found, they are surrounded by the troops of the Confederation. Arcturus Mengsk asks to tell Sarah that the Confederation is running a program of mentally gifted people, training them to be ghosts. Scientists have discovered that zerg are attracted to the psionic radiation of ghosts. The Confederation has conducted many secret research related to zerg and ghosts. We managed to find out that the base has information about the creation of a psionic emitter that can propagate waves over giant distances.

    The Confederation must pay for its crimes against Mar-Sara... Mengx suggests using a psionic emitter and unleashing the zerg against the Confederation. Kerrigan was against it, but an order is an order. Using a weapon that lures the zerg, they leave the ring of the Federation army. The next steps they go to Tarsonis. Using Duke's knowledge of the weaknesses of city defenses, they easily pass through the defense. Taking amplifiers and using the psionic emitter again, Mengsk is going to set the zerg on the whole planet. Kerrigan tries to dissuade him, but to no avail. Like a beacon, the combined power of the psi emitters penetrated all corners of the sector, pulling billions of zerg towards Tarsonis. Sweeping away the excellent Confederate defenses on their way, the zerg set about devastating the main cities of Tarsonis and industrial centers. Suddenly, the protoss arrive on Tarsonis and fight the zerg. Fearing that the Confederation will escape, Mengsk dispatches an armada led by Kerrigan to destroy the Protoss and prevent the Confederate forces from escaping. Sarah agrees and goes to obey the order. Raynor tries to dissuade her, but she justifies her actions by the fact that the protoss want to destroy the planet along with humans. After destroying the base of the protoss, a huge army of zerg attacks the Kerrigan camp. She asks for an evacuation, but Mengsk refuses to help her and leaves her for dead.

    The Zerg did not kill Kerrigan. By order of the Overmind, she was taken to the evolutionary compartment of Abathur and together they created the Queen of Blades.

    The Overmind - the entity that controls the zerg, sensed Kerrigan's outstanding psionic abilities and wished to turn the girl into a new weapon of the Swarm. By directing all our efforts to mutate the genome of a unique ghost. The Overmind transformed Kerrigan into a creature that combines psionic power and biological immortality. Thus the Queen of Blades was born. Kerrigan, the new and most powerful performer of the will of the Overmind, rose from her embryonic chrysalis. The overmind did not want to suppress the intelligence and strategic thinking of Kerrigan, therefore, partially left her free will so that Sarah would be different from the Cerebrals. This is what allowed Sarah's ambitions to grow. On the planet Char, Raynor attacked the zerg and saw the Queen of Blades awaken. He recognized her as Sarah, but could not believe his eyes. Upon meeting, Kerrigan explains that she is now a zerg and that she likes this fate. The Queen of Blades attacks Raynor's base and infects it. There is a conversation in which Sarah says that Jim is not a hindrance to her and he can leave. With no other choice, Raynor leaves Char. However, its enormous potential has not yet been fully realized. To do this, Kerrigan must remove the lock on the "Ghost" project, which limits her power. Only then can she lead the Overmind packs and lead them into battle against the unsuspecting protoss. To gain full access to her powers, Sarah decides to infiltrate the Terran research vessel and get to the secrets of the Ghost program. Zasz (one of the Overmind's servants) tries to stop her. But the Overmind says that Kerrigan can do and act as he wants. She is like, and all zerg are connected with him. Arriving with the zerg on the ship, Sarah kills the guards and downloads information. After some time, the protoss flew to Char and Kerrigan informed the Templar named Tassadar that her power was odd to him. Kerrigan also noticed that Tassadar is weak for some reason. Threatening him, she prepares to attack. After tricking the Queen of Blades, Tassadar kills Zasza. The Garm flock has gone wild, Kerrigan asks the Thinker to take care of the rampant flock that has caused destruction in the ranks of the zerg. Sarah decided to deal with the protoss. After calming the Garm pack, Sarah Kerrigan kills most of the Dark Templars and Protoss on Char. Tassadar and the dark templar Zeratul managed to survive after violent attacks, the number of their troops was greatly reduced. Kerrigan remained on Char to hunt down and destroy the remaining protoss. And now he prowls the flaming wastelands of the planet, in search of his elusive prey.

    Meanwhile, most of the Zerg Swarm is flying leviathans to launch the long-awaited invasion of the hated protoss capital, Aiur.

    The Overmind invaded Aiur, settling among the ruins of a Xel-Naga temple, the scale of the invasion caught the protoss by surprise. While their armies regrouped after the first unsuccessful battles, more and more zerg swarms flooded the planet.

    Soon, the entire Aiur was embroiled in a full-scale interracial war. Meanwhile, Tassadar and Zeratul were barely able to escape after the destruction of their main camp on Char. After their troops were completely destroyed, they roamed the planet, trying to survive and avoid the traps of Kerrigan - forced to rely only on themselves. She led the pack on Char, attempting to destroy the remnants of the Protoss Expeditionary Force. Having let Raynor go in peace, she had no intention of doing the same with the protoss.

    StarCraft: Brood War

    Upon learning that the Overmind is dead, Kerrigan is about to take control of the Swarm, but the "Thinkers" interfere with this. Sarah decides to go to Shakuras and use the protoss to kill the creatures that control the pack. With her psionic abilities, she takes control of the Dark Templar Matriarch and uses Zeratul to trick her. After some time, she learns that a new Overmind was born on the planet Char, over which the troops of the United Earth Derrictoria (UZD) took control. Going to Shakuras, in her citadel, she summoned Raynor and Phoenix, who, thanks to her help, were able to survive and escape from Aiur. Sarah reveals that the new Overmind is under the control of the UPC and they control a large part of the zerg. Therefore, Kerrigan asks for their help. Duran (Kerrigan's loyal servant) intervenes in the conversation, saying that he needs to report to the queen something important. She finishes negotiations and listens to Duran. He reports that the OZD are using a psi-annihilator, the waves of which have reached the planet and disrupt the unity of the pack. Kerrigan has no choice but to kill the Zerg troops that were under the control of the UZD. After defeating the rebellion, Kerrigan asks Raynor to deliver Mengsk. Upon Arcturus's arrival, she offers him a deal. If he helps her, she will again make him the ruler of Korhal. Mengsk agrees and sends several emitters, which he used to control the zerg. To begin with, Kerrigan, Raynor, Mengsk and Phoenix decide to destroy the power supply of the psi annihilator. By destroying the power supply, Kerrigan regains control of the zerg army. To increase the Kerrigan hives, you need resources that are located on the planet Moria.

    Taking part of the army under control, Phoenix goes to get them.

    The army is strong and it's time to attack Korhal. The UZD army is destroyed, Mengsk again became the ruler of the planet. On the outskirts of Augustgrad. Kerrigan can only deal with the UZD troops on Char, but her former allies can become a serious problem. She orders Duran to kill Raynor, Phoenix and General Duke, without whom Mengsk is unable to do anything. Kill everyone in the name of the queen! General Duke and Phoenix fell in battle, only Jim Raynor managed to escape.

    Kerrigan travels to Tarsonis to plan his next move. Arriving at Tarsonis, they are attacked by flocks of zerg, which were sent by the OZD from Chara. After killing the zerg, she is going to steal the Matriarch of the Dark Templars. After stealing her, she came up with a plan according to which Zeratul would help her. After killing the new Overmind and the UZD troops, she will become the sole ruler of the Swarm. It will take a lot of troops to attack. Zeratul learns that Kerrigan is holding the Matriarch captive and she will let her go if Zeratul helps her. In Dialogue, the Matriarch herself, who was under the control of Kerrigan, asks Zeratul to destroy the Overmind. The dark templar agrees. Breaking through the defenses Zeratul kills the Overmind and demands the release of the Matriarch. Kerrigan recounts how she took control of her and used her to eliminate the recalcitrant zerg, as well as using Zeratul to kill the Overmind. Zeratul then grabs the Matriarch and teleports. The remnants of the UZD army fled, Zeratul and the Matriarch teleported to a nearby protoss camp on Char. Kerrigan orders Duran to mobilize his entire army and destroy the protoss, and deliver Zeratul and Matriarch alive. The army surrounded Zeratul. After he personally killed the Matriarch, Kerrigan unexpectedly leaves him alive. Zeratul swore that she would regret it and flew away. Kerrigan became the sole ruler of the zerg.

    A couple of days later, Duran disappears, and 3 fleets appear in the orbit of Char: the Dominion of Arcturus Mengsk, the Protoss with Artanis and the UZD fleet under the command of Admiral De Gaulle. Kerrigan took advantage of the advantages: the planet Char was zerg, all the zerg of the sector were approaching to the aid of their queen. Every zerling, every organism, every creature on the planet Char began to attack and, without any pity, destroy the aggressor and enemy of the zerg. Shortly after De Gaulle's defeat, the surviving UZD ships were attacked by Kerrigan's forces and completely destroyed. None of them ever reached Earth to report what happened. De Gaulle himself could not stand the defeat and his betrayal, he shot himself in his cruiser. With the pitiful, battered remnants of his fleet, Arcturus Mengsk escaped to Korhal, lick his wounds and make new plans to revive his Terran Dominion. Artanis and the surviving protoss returned to Shakuras to begin rebuilding their once great civilization. After the battle, Sarah Kerrigan. And again I stand before the corpses of my enemies ... Triumphant though not without scars. The Directory, which appeared from the Earth, is broken, and the Overmind rests dead, trampled into the ashes of Chara. As for my former worthless allies, I think they can be given a "respite." In the meantime, I will look for their strengths and weaknesses. In the end, they will all be in my hands, for I am the Queen of Blades! From now on, no one will ever encroach on my power! Sarah Kerrigan, Queen of Blades, sat alone on a dark platform above the scorched planet of Char, commanding her ferocious flocks. Unable to shake off the feeling of a mortal threat gathering over the horizon, she just silently gazed into the darkness of endless space. Or maybe she saw traces of her white victories and trials that she had to go through.

    StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

    Kerrigan traveled to the planet Ulaan to read an ancient prophecy and met Zeratul there.

    Who was able, due to the self-sacrifice of Karass and his brothers, to slip away, taking with him an ancient prophecy. 4 years have passed. The Queen of Blades already has a huge army and is sent to destroy the Terran sectors. Kerrigan wasted no time and created a virus that turned terrans into creatures that can only be stopped with weapons. Also, for better management and an increase in the army, she created a special type of zerg - Mothers of the flock.

    During the destruction of the inhabitants and cities of the Terrans, Kerrigan learns about the artifact that Jim Raynor is looking for and tries in every possible way to prevent him. After a while, she senses the presence of Duran, who reincarnated and took on a new name - Narud. He was on Tirador VIII, and there was information about other parts of the artifact. Jim Raynor manages to mix all the cards. He took Narud and destroyed all the information archives. Kerrigan returns to Char. Raynor with his friends and Valerian's fighters used the artifact, Kerrigan again received a human form.

    Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm

    Waking up Kerrigan finds himself at the research base of Valerian Mengsk.

    Before letting her go, Valerian asks her to pass several tests. During one of them, Kerrigan proves that you should not joke with the zerg. After leaving the protective chamber, Raynor meets her, says that everything is over and you can fly away.

    But that would be too easy an ending for the Queen of Blades. Suddenly the base is attacked by the Dominion troops, Kerrigan and Raynor are sent to the port. When they reach the port, they separate. Jim is captured. Kerrigan destroys the Archangel (one of the dominion's new weapons), takes Jim's ship and flies off to Hyperion. Jim didn't show up for the meeting. To break through and save him, you need to destroy the cannon on the planet. Near the terran camp, Kerrigan takes control of the zerg camp. Gathering a huge army, she destroyed the weapon. Going to her ship, she finds out on the news that Jim was shot.

    Sarah goes to Zerus. Arriving, she talks to the protoss and he flies away.

    Kerrigan's first goal is to awaken the Ancient One named Zurvan.

    After awakening him from his sleep, he tells about Amun and how he arrived on Zerus and changed and enslaved the original zerg. But some were able to hide and develop, absorbing the essence. Returning to the leviathan, Kerrigan comes to Abathur, who complains that he does not like how the original zerg accept the development of the zerg. After Zurvan began to talk about the pool of birth. The place is where the first creature was born, which absorbed another and began to develop. The first zerg appeared there. If Kerrigan passes the test and survives in the chrysalis, she will gain the power of Zerus and become even more powerful than she was. Arriving at the whirlpool, Kerrigan asks Izshu to protect her while she is reborn. Kerrigan's rage was able to help her survive the transformation and a new and powerful Queen of Blades was reborn.

    Vengeance is coming to Arcturus Mengsk. After being reborn, on the leviathan, Kerrigan meets Dehaka, who is about to join her.

    Its goal is the constant absorption of more and more essence. To take control of the zerg of Zerus, Zurvan says that you need to defeat the heads of the packs: Yagdra, Kreith, Zilvan. After killing them and taking the essence, Kerrigan returns to the leviathan, Zurvan appears on the way and says that the meaning of survival and the power of the zerg is absorption of the essence and attacks Kerrigan. The Queen of Blades defeats him, takes the Essence, unites and takes part of the Primal Zerg army. In the evolutionary compartment, Abathur admires the power of the Queen of Blades. Sarah Kerrigan goes to Char, saves the life of the flock mother Zagara, increases the army. To fully take control of Char, you need to defeat the troops of General Warfield. With the help of cunning defeats him.

    Kerrigan hears a call for help and travels to its source. Arriving, the former Terran Alexei Stukov gets on the ship.

    He tells how he survived and became a zerg thanks to the experiments of Dr. Narud. Requests to destroy the Dominion's hybrid laboratory. After defeating the Terran warriors, going down to the bottom of the laboratory, Kerrigan meets Doctor Narud. He says that it was created by Amun himself. In the battle, the Queen of Blades defeats him, but she almost met death herself.

    Zagara, Stukov and Izha managed to deliver her to the pool for healing.

    After leaving this planet, Isha finds a transmitter in orbit and gives it to Kerrigan. Arcturus Mengsk delivers a message that Raynor is alive and that the zerg should stay away from the Dominion. Having passed this to Hornet and Valerian, they find the coordinates of the ship - prison and give them to Kerrigan. The Queen of Blades kills the guards and frees Jim, who was not mad about Kerriga becoming a zerg.

    Having collected all the zerg, Kerrigan goes to Korhal to overthrow and kill Mengsk. After landing the troops, destroying the pulse shield with the help of Dehaka, she prepares for the siege of Augustgrad. Valerian asks not to kill civilians.

    Raynor arrives and, with Kerrigan, they Attack Augustgrad.

    After killing Mengsk, Kerrigan sets out to stop an even more powerful evil in the person of Amun.

    Heroes of the storm

    Strong, aggressive, cunning, merciless in the battles of the Nexus. The Queen of Blades can only play the role of an assassin, instilling fear and panic into the ranks of the enemy team. Zerg do not walk alone, with the correct use of Kerrigan, your team will always have a numerical superiority. Sarah's psychic abilities give her superiority over other heroes. The team, which includes the Queen of the Swarm herself, is simply doomed to win.

    In this article, you will learn:

    Sarah Louise Kerrigan - Terran, zerg, proclaimed Queen of Blades. A character in the Star Craft series of games.

    In Sarah Kerrigan, searing hatred for her enemies, cunning, cruelty, ambition and a drop of compassion coexist. She admits her atrocities, but motivates them by the fact that the end justifies the means.


    She was born in 2473 on the planet TarKossia, which was under the control of the Terran Confederation. After birth, she developed psionic abilities.

    When Sarah was just a child, she accidentally killed her mother and damaged her father's brain.

    Ghost program:

    At the age of eight, the girl was taken away by Confederation agents and introduced to the Ghost program. Sarah has shown outstanding results. She was forced to use her talents as efficiently as possible. She refused, motivating her decision by the fact that it could lead to dire consequences. Finally, Sarah was threatened with reprisals against her father. Then she stated that she would kill herself and her father, but would not allow her power to be used. Because of this, the scientists weakened Sarah's abilities, making her a puppet in the hands of the confederation.

    After completing her apprenticeship, Carrigan was granted Ghost status with serial number 24601. In short, she became Ghost # 24.

    Sarah destroyed many enemies of the Confederates and participated in mind control experiments.

    In 2489, Sarah was among several Ghosts who entered Senator Mengsk's home and killed him, his wife and daughter. Sarah personally beheaded the senator.

    Sarah is taken from home

    Sons of Korhal:

    Soon, Kerrigan was attacked by the Sons of Korhal soldiers. They managed to capture Sarah. Waking up on board the spacecraft, Sarah met the leaders of this organization. She was told that she was a guest, not an enemy. Kerrigan was imbued with sympathy for her new acquaintances.

    Sarah took part in the attack on the "Academy of Ghosts", where she was tortured for so many years, making her a real killer. Upon returning to the ship, she learned that the head of the "Sons of Korhal" Arcturus Mengsk was driven only by revenge against the "Ghosts" who killed his family. Kerrigan was also on his list. But Sarah proved loyalty to the ideals of the organization through her actions, and she was spared.

    By December 2499, the existence of the alien race of the Zerg was no longer a secret. In addition, humanity encountered another race of developed beings - the protoses.

    Meet Raynor:

    After a while, Sarah ended up on the planet Antiga Prime. The local colonists revolted, but the Confederate troops managed to blockade the planet. Here Kerrigan met Jim Raynor - a newcomer to the Sons of Korhal.

    Despite the fact that their first meeting was not entirely friendly, Sarah and Jim managed to find a common language and they became a great team.

    Sarah and Jim's relationship developed rapidly, and the heroes let their feelings take over. Although Raynor strongly doubted Mengsk's good intentions, Sarah believed the leader and advised Jim not to meddle in the affairs of his superiors.

    Sara and Jim

    Becoming Queen of Blades:

    Ten days after the events on Antiga Prime, the Sons of Korhal forces reached the Confederate capital, the planet Tarsonis. Everything went well, but Mengsk, without the knowledge of Sarah and Jim, resorted to the help of psi emitters. Billions of zerg literally crushed the Confederate defenses. The protos intervened in the battle, trying to stop the spread of the creatures throughout the universe. Kerrigan is ordered to defend the zerg hive while the monsters engage in genocide.

    Sarah coped with the assignment, but she was betrayed and left to be torn apart.

    left the "Sons of Korhal" and, together with a group of like-minded people, made a desperate attempt to save his beloved.

    The higher being who controlled the zerg sensed the power of Kerrigan, and the zerg did not kill her. Sarah was infected with an unknown virus and placed in a cocoon and sent to the planet Char.

    Upon arriving at Char, Jim witnessed a brand new Kerrigan emerge from the cocoon, now calling herself the Queen of Blades.

    Kerrigan became a ruthless warrior for the zerg race.

    Zerg Queen:

    After prolonged hostilities, the protos killed the Overmind - the Supreme Being and Sarah led the zerg to numerous victories. The Zerg were not going to give up, and soon their best individuals managed to create a new Overmind. At that time, Kerrigan had already subdued half of the Zerg Swarm, and her desire for absolute power only intensified.

    The Queen of Blades became a calculating and cold-blooded warrior who did not disdain any means to achieve her goal.

    Over the following years, she used everyone to gain power. Sarah became obsessed in an attempt to kill a new Supreme Being to rule the zerg herself.

    Although under her leadership, the zerg became an increasingly fearsome force, Kerrigan knew that a new, perfect form of life was about to come to the galaxy.

    Saving Kerrigan

    Return to normal view:

    Jim soon found out that he could use him to turn the Queen of Blades back into a human. To complete the task, Raynor traveled to Char. As a result of the use of the artifact, Kerrigan began to look more like a human than a zerg. One of Raynor's associates tries to kill Sarah, but Jim saves his ex-lover and carries her out of the hive.

    The weakened Kerrigan was taken to the Dominion ship, commanded by Valerian Mengsk, the son of Arcturus Mengsk. To avoid meeting him, the former Queen of Blades was transported to a distant planet. Sarah's condition, both moral and physical, deteriorated markedly. She tried to independently remove some of her body parts left over from her zerg appearance.

    Sarah's next place of residence was a secret space station. There, Kerrigan announced that she wanted to revive the Zerg Swarm and take revenge on Mengsk for everything. At the same time, she felt guilty about the events of the past.

    Two personalities fought in it - the ruthless Queen of Blades and Sarah Kerrigan, trying to find herself. In addition, she could not forgive Mengsk for leaving her to be eaten by the zerg on Tartonis.