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  • Omar Khayyam quotes about love and boredom. Timeless quotes about the love of Omar Khayyam. About love and the meaning of life

    Omar Khayyam quotes about love and boredom. Timeless quotes about the love of Omar Khayyam. About love and the meaning of life
    Better to drink and caress cheerful beauties
    Than to seek salvation in fasting and prayers.
    If a place in hell is for lovers and drunks
    Who do you command to be admitted to heaven?

    When violets pour out a scent
    And the wind blows a spring breath,
    Sage - who drinks wine with his beloved,
    Breaking the chalice of repentance on a stone.

    Dawn threw a sheaf of fire on the roof
    And he threw the ball of the lord of the day into the goblet.
    Take a sip of wine! Sounds in the rays of dawn
    Call for love, drunken universe.


    Alas, not many days have been given to us here,
    To live them without love and without wine is a sin.
    You shouldn't think, this world is old or young:
    If we are destined to leave, is it not all the same for us?

    I am drunk and in love among the beautiful houris
    And I give the blame a grateful bow.
    Today I am free from the shackles of being
    And blessed, as if invited to the highest palace.

    Give me a jug of wine and a cup, oh my love
    Let's sit in the meadow with you and on the bank of the stream!
    The sky is many beauties, from the beginning of life,
    Has turned, my friend, into bowls and jugs - I know.

    Love is a fatal misfortune, but misfortune is by the will of Allah.
    Why do you condemn what is always - by the will of Allah.
    There was a series of good and evil - by the will of Allah.
    Why do we need the thunders and flames of the Judgment - by the will of Allah?

    With the one whose camp is a cypress, and the mouth is like a lament,
    Go to the garden of love and fill your glass
    While fate is inevitable, the wolf is insatiable,
    This flesh, like a shirt, did not rip off you!

    Woe, woe to the heart, where there is no burning passion.
    Where there is no love of torment, where there are no dreams of happiness.
    A day without love is lost: dimmer and grayer,
    Than this day is barren, and there are no bad weather days.

    Loving you, I bear all the reproaches
    And it is not in vain that I give vows to eternal loyalty.
    If I live forever, I'm ready until the day of judgment
    Submissively endure heavy and cruel oppression.

    Come quick, full of charm
    Dispel the sadness, breathe in the heat of the heart!
    Pour a pitcher of wine while in the pitchers
    Our ashes have not yet been transformed by the potter.

    You, whom I have chosen, are dearest to me.
    Heart ardent heat, light of eyes for me.
    Is there anything more precious in life?
    You and my life are dearer to me.

    I'm not afraid of reproaches, my pocket is not empty,
    But still away the wine and the glass aside.
    I always drank wine - I was looking for delight to my heart,
    Why should I drink now when you are drunk!

    Only your face is a sad heart.
    Except for your face - I don't need anything.
    I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
    I see you in myself, my joy.

    Wounded by passion, tears tirelessly pour,
    I pray to heal my poor heart
    For instead of a drink of love, heaven
    It filled my cup with the blood of my heart.

    In the morning a rose opened a bud in the wind,
    And the nightingale sang, in love with her charm.
    Sit in the shade. These roses bloom for a long time
    When our sorrowful ashes are buried.

    In the morning my rose wakes up,
    My rose blooms in the wind.
    Oh cruel sky! Barely blossomed -
    As my rose is already crumbling.

    Passion for the unfaithful struck me like a plague.
    Not for me, my sweetheart is going crazy!
    Who, my heart, will heal us from passion,
    If our medicine is suffering itself.

    Repentance vows we forgot now
    And the door was tightly closed for good glory.
    We are beside ourselves; don't blame us for this:
    We are drunk with the wine of love, not vines with wine, believe me!

    Omar Khayyam Rubai about love
    I found paradise here, for a cup of wine, I
    Among the roses, near the sweet one burning with love.
    Why listen to talk about hell and heaven!
    Who has seen hell? Who returned from heaven?

    Reason gives praise to this bowl,
    With her, the lover kisses all night long.
    And the mad potter has such a graceful bowl
    Creates and hits the ground without pity!

    Khayyam! What are you grieving about? Have fun!
    You are feasting with a friend - be merry!
    Nothingness awaits everyone. You could disappear
    You also exist - be cheerful!

    Do not grieve that your name will be forgotten.
    Let the intoxicating drink comfort you.
    Before your joints fall apart -
    Comfort yourself with your beloved by caressing her.

    If you want to touch a rose, do not be afraid to cut your hands,
    If you want to drink, don't be afraid to fall ill with a hangover.
    And love is beautiful, quivering and passionate
    If you want to burn your heart in vain, don't be afraid!

    You are the queen in the game. I'm not happy myself.
    My knight has become a pawn, but I can't take the move back ...
    I press the black rook to your white rook,
    Two faces are now near ... But in the end what? Mat!

    The life-giving spring is hidden in the bud of your lips,
    Let someone else's cup never touch your lips ...
    The jug that keeps a trace of them, I will drain to the bottom.
    Wine can replace everything ... Everything except your lips!

    Let me touch, darling, thick strands,
    This reality is dearer to me than any dreams ...
    I can compare your curls only with a loving heart,
    Their curls are so tender and so tremulous!

    Kiss your foot, oh queen of fun,
    Much sweeter than the lips of a half-asleep girl!
    Day-day I indulge all your whims,
    To merge with my beloved on a starry night.

    Your lips gave the color of a ruby,
    You left - I'm in sorrow, and my heart is in blood.
    Who hid in the ark like Noah from the flood,
    He alone will not drown in the abyss of love.

    Whose heart does not burn with passionate love for a dear, -
    A dull age drags out without consolation.
    Days without the joys of love
    I consider it an unnecessary and hateful burden.

    From end to end we keep the path to death;
    We cannot turn from the edge of death.
    Look, in the local caravanserai
    Don't forget your love!

    Who planted a rose of tender love
    To the cuts of the heart - did not live in vain!
    And the one who listened to God with his heart,
    And he who drank the hop of earthly delight!

    Cheer up! ... Can't catch a stream captured?
    But a fluent stream caresses!
    Is there no constancy in women and in life?
    But it is your turn!

    Oh, if only, taking a sofa with you
    Yes, in a jug of wine and putting bread in his pocket,
    I spend a day with you among the ruins, -
    Any sultan could envy me.

    The branches do not tremble ... night ... I am lonely ...
    In the darkness a rose drops a petal.
    So - you left! And bitter intoxication
    Flying delirium is dispelled and distant.

    Omar Khayyam Rubai about love
    Our world is a young rose alley,
    A choir of nightingales, a transparent swarm of dragonflies.
    And in the fall? Silence and stars
    And the darkness of your loose hair ...

    Who is a freak, who is handsome - does not know passion,
    A madman in love agrees to go to hell.
    Lovers don't care what to dress
    What to lay on the ground, what to put under your head.

    We are like a compass, together, on the grass:
    A single body has two heads,
    We make a full circle, rotating on the rod,
    To match head to head again.

    The Sheikh shamed the harlot: "You, you wretch, drink,
    You sell your body to everyone who wants it! "
    "I," said the harlot, "really am,
    Are you who you say you are? "

    The sky is the belt of my ruined life,
    The tears of the fallen are the salty waves of the seas.
    Paradise - blissful peace after passionate effort
    Hellfire is just a reflection of extinguished passions.

    Like the sun, it burns without burning, love,
    Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love.
    But still not love - nightingale moans,
    Do not moan, dying of love - love!

    Throw off the burden of self-interest, vanity is oppressed,
    Evil entangled, break out of these snares.
    Drink wine and comb your curls cute:
    The day will pass unnoticed - and life will flash by.

    My advice: be drunk and always in love
    Being dignified and important is not worth the trouble.
    Not needed by the almighty Lord God
    Neither your mustache, friend, nor my beard!

    From the lilac cloud to the green of the plains
    White jasmine crumbles all day.
    Pouring a lily-like bowl
    A pure rosy flame - the best of wines.

    This intoxication is the best in life,
    The singing of the gentle guria is best,
    Free thought boiling is best
    Oblivion is the best of all prohibitions.

    Give me some wine! There is no room for empty words.
    The kisses of my beloved are my bread and balm.
    The lips of an ardent lover are wine-colored,
    A riot of passion is like her hair.

    Tomorrow, alas! - hidden from our eyes!
    Hurry to use the hour flying into the abyss.
    Drink, moon-faced! How often will the month be
    Ascend to heaven without seeing us.

    First of all, love is
    In the song of youth, the first word is love.
    Oh, ignorant in the world of love of a wretch,
    Know that our whole life is based on love!

    From the zenith of Saturn to the womb of the Earth
    The secrets of the world have found their interpretation.
    I unraveled all the loops near and far
    Except for the simplest one - except for the light loop.

    Those to whom life was given in full measure,
    Intoxicated by the intoxication of love and wine.
    Dropping the unfinished cup of delight,
    They sleep side by side in the arms of eternal sleep.

    If you are in the rays of hope - look for your heart, heart,
    If you are in the company of a friend, look with your heart in his heart.
    A temple and countless temples are less than a small heart,
    Throw your Kaaba, look for your heart with your heart.

    Curls sweet from the musk of the darker night,
    And the ruby \u200b\u200bof her lips is more precious than stones ...
    I once compared her camp to a cypress tree,
    Now the cypress is proud to the roots!

    Oh, don't grow a tree of sorrow ...
    Look for wisdom in your own beginning.
    Caress the dear ones and love the wine!
    After all, we were not married to life forever.

    Drink wine, for bodily joy is in it.
    Listen to chang, for heavenly sweetness is in it.
    Trade your eternal sorrow for fun
    For the goal, unknown to anyone, is in him.

    Blooming garden, a friend and a bowl of wine -
    This is my paradise. I don't want to find myself in something else.
    No one has ever seen heavenly paradise!
    So for now, let us be comforted in the earthly.

    I would like to cool my soul to the unfaithful,
    A new passion to take over.
    I would like to, but tears blur my eyes,
    Tears do not allow me to look at another.

    Woe to a heart that is colder than ice
    Does not burn with love, does not know about it.
    And for the heart of a lover, the day spent
    Without a beloved - the most lost of days!

    The magic of love is devoid of chatter,
    Like cold coals, fire is devoid.
    And real love burns hot
    Sleep and rest, night and day deprived.

    Don't beg for love, hopelessly loving
    Do not wander under the window of the unfaithful, grieving.
    Like beggar dervishes, be independent -
    Maybe then they will love you.

    Where to go from fiery passions
    What hurt your soul?
    When would I know that this torment is the source
    In the one in the hands that you all love ...

    I will share my secret secret with you,
    In a nutshell, I will pour out my tenderness and sadness.
    I dissolve in dust with love for you,
    From the earth I will rise to you with love.

    Not because of poverty, I forgot about wine,
    Not out of fear, he sank to the bottom.
    I drank wine to fill my heart with joy,
    And now my heart is full of you.

    They say: "There will be houris, honey and wine -
    We are destined to taste all the delights in paradise. "
    Therefore, I am everywhere with my beloved and with a cup, -
    After all, in the end we will come to the same anyway.

    I stubbornly wondered over the book of life,
    Suddenly, with heartache, the sage said to me:
    "There is no more beautiful bliss - to forget yourself in the arms
    Lunar beauty, whose lips seemed to bark. "

    For love for you, let everyone judge you around
    I have no time to argue with the ignorant, believe me.
    Only husbands are healed by a love drink
    And he brings a cruel illness to the bigots.

    "We must live, - we are told, - in fasting and in labor!"
    "As you live - so you will rise again!"
    I'm inseparable with a friend and a glass of wine,
    To wake up at the last judgment.

    For those who die, Baghdad and Balkh are one;
    Bitter, is the cup sweet - we will see the bottom in it.
    Defective month goes out - will return young,
    And we will never come back ... Be quiet and drink wine.

    Sacrifice yourself for the sake of your beloved
    Sacrifice what is most precious to you.
    Never be cunning, giving love,
    Sacrifice your life, be courageous, ruining your heart!

    Rose said: "Oh, my appearance today
    He speaks of my insanity, in fact.
    Why do I come out of the bud in blood?
    The path to freedom often lies through thorns! "

    Passion for you tore the robe of roses
    There is a breath of roses in your scent.
    You are tender, glistening sweat on your silk skin
    Like dew in a wonderful moment of opening roses!

    You alone carried joy in my heart,
    With grief your death has burned my heart.
    Only with you could I endure all the sorrows of the world,
    Without you - what is the world and worldly affairs to me?

    You have chosen the path of love - you must walk firmly,
    A glint of an eye flood everything along the way.
    And having reached a high goal with patience,
    So breathe, to shake the worlds with a sigh!

    Your moon will not wane within a month,
    Decorating, stingy rock was generous to you.
    This life and world, really, it's not difficult to leave,
    But how difficult it is always to leave your doorstep!

    Do not drive a horse on the road of love -
    You will fall exhausted by the end of the day.
    Do not curse the one who is tormented by love -
    You cannot comprehend the heat of someone else's fire.

    I went out into the garden in sorrow and am not happy in the morning,
    The nightingale sang to Rose in a mysterious way:
    "Show yourself from the bud, rejoice in the morning,
    How many wonderful flowers this garden gave! "

    My eyes cry because of the chain of partings,
    My heart cries from doubts and torments.
    I cry plaintively and write these lines,
    Even the kalam cries, falling out of his hands ...

    Come, because peace of mind is you!
    You've come! And not someone else - it's you!
    And not for the sake of the soul - for the sake of our God
    Let me be sure, touch your hand - it's you!

    I will joyfully hug my beloved again
    And from my memory I will remove the evil of my days.
    Although a drunken man does not heed the words of the wise,
    But, of course, I will understand these words!

    It is not easy to fly into her curls with the wind,
    And suffering in love is not easy.
    They say that her face is inaccessible to the eyes -
    Of course, it's not easy to look drunk with an eye!

    Every moment, oh idol, don't be cutesy,
    Do not be so constant in selfishness.
    Walk evenly and do not frown more eyebrows,
    For lovers, do not be an enemy incessantly!

    Illuminated my soul friend's arrival,
    Happiness smiled at me between many adversities.
    Let the moon darken. And with an extinguished candle
    The night with you is like the sunrise for me.

    Only smoke came from the fire of your passion,
    He brought little hope with him to his heart.
    I tried diligently to meet you
    But since there was no happiness, my ardor is fruitless!

    Omar Khayyam Rubai about love
    There are no people in the world who have not been killed by you,
    Whoever loses his mind is not in the world.
    And even though you have no attachment to anyone,
    Whoever wants your love is not in the world.
    Translation: N. Tenigina

    Soul speaks to me - in love with his face,
    The sound of his speeches penetrated into the very heart.
    Pearls of secrets fill my soul and heart,
    But I can't say - my tongue is nailed!

    I thought that your promises were true,
    Your promises are full of constancy.
    No, I did not know that, like the pillars of the universe -
    Light of the eyes! - your promises are fragile!

    The heart asked: "Teach at least once!"
    I started with the alphabet: "Remember -" Az ".
    And I hear: "Enough! Everything in the initial syllable,
    And then - a fluent, eternal retelling. "

    Passion cannot be friends with deep love,
    If he can, then they will not be together for long.
    Take in head a chicken with a falcon to rise next to
    Even above the fence - alas - she cannot soar.

    If love is given to the heart to suddenly control,
    It’s easy to saddle the horse of a dream.
    If there is no heart, love is homeless,
    There is no love - so why beat your heart?

    If you love, then endure separation steadily,
    Suffer and do not sleep while waiting for the medicine!
    Let the heart shrink like a rose in a bud,
    Sacrifice your life. And sprinkle the path with blood!

    The monks have ecstasy, everyone in the madrasah is noisy,
    For love, a spiritual rite is not needed.
    Whether he is a mufti, even though he is an expert in Sharia,
    Where love rules judgment - all dialects are silent!

    We must drink some wine! Humanity is needed
    Compassion pain burn like a flame should!
    It is necessary to study the Book of Love incessantly,
    So that she taught to be dust before a friend!

    Get up from sleep! The night is created for the mysteries of love,
    For throwing at the house of the beloved is given!
    Where there are doors, they lock at night
    Only the door for the lovers - it is open!

    When Love called me into the world to life,
    She immediately gave me lessons in love,
    The magic key was chained from the heart of particles
    And she led me to the treasures of the spirit.

    You took your purple color from a tulip,
    The lily of youth has given you the essence.
    There was a rose, it looked like you -
    Having transferred her life to you, she timidly left.

    There are no heads where their secret does not ripen,
    The heart lives by feeling, melting nothing.
    Each tribe follows its path ...
    But love is a hurricane on the path of being!

    What from passion for you have I tasted while suffering?
    Day and night I endured pain and misfortune,
    My heart is in blood, and my soul has suffered,
    And my eyes are wet, and I myself am exhausted.

    You can conquer any beauties with gold,
    So that the fruits of these meetings can be picked and tasted.
    And the crowned daffodil has already raised his head, -
    Look! You can awaken from sleep with gold!

    Who is born in the beauty of happiness to contemplate the face,
    The world will flicker with many faces -
    Decorates with sewing for a beauty dress
    And he knows how to understand the inside out with his soul!

    Greens, roses, wine are given to me by fate,
    No, however, you are in this splendor of spring!
    I can't find comfort without you
    Where you are, I don't need other gifts!

    You, whose appearance is fresher than wheat fields,
    You are a mihrab from the temple of paradise, a mile away!
    At birth, your mother washed you with ambergris,
    Mixing a drop of my blood into the scent!

    From a wet rose you, throwing off your bashful veil,
    Brought me confusion in the form of gifts.
    From a hair on your waist! Show me a face!
    I am melted like wax and ready for suffering!

    You seemed to be friends with me at first
    But then she suddenly decided to be at enmity with me,
    I did not despair that fate turned away:
    What if you will still be nice to me?

    You are a mine, if you go looking for a ruby,
    You are loved, since you live in the hope of a date.
    Understand the essence of these words - both simple and wise:
    Everything that you are looking for, you will certainly find in yourself!

    We were in confidants at the cup of wine -
    And in dating we needed a secret -
    How they were afraid to disgrace themselves in their actions!
    Disgraced now - rumor is not terrible!

    Your face is a day, with him and curls in friendship always,
    The rose is you, and in the thorns is the disaster of separation.
    Your curls are chain mail, your eyes are like spears,
    In anger you are like fire, and in love you are like water!

    Oh, idol! Why did you interrupt your friendship?
    Where was your loyalty at that time?
    I wanted to grab hold of your shalvars -
    You tore my shirt of patience!

    The light of the eyes, the inspiration of our hearts!
    Our destiny is only the torment of our hearts!
    From parting, my soul suddenly came to my lips,
    Meeting is only the healing of our hearts!

    May the whole world lie submissive to the shah,
    Hell is bad, but heaven belongs to the righteous.
    Rosary - to angels, freshness to transcendental bushes,
    We are loved ones and their souls must be given.

    The Creator created two Kaaba for our faith -
    Being and hearts, this is the crown of faith.
    Worship the Kaaba of Hearts while you can
    More than a thousand Kaabs - and one of the hearts!

    I have no hope of a date with you
    No patience for a moment - what to do with yourself!
    There is no courage in my heart to tell about grief ...
    What a wondrous passion handed to me by fate!

    The world of love cannot be found without torment,
    The path of love cannot be diverted at will.
    And until you become bent down from suffering,
    It is impossible to convey its essence to consciousness!

    Places where there is no wine in the thickets of purple
    Where there is no beauty, that is gentle and slender, -
    Avoid, even if there is a paradise, -
    Here's a tip. And in these words there is one wisdom.

    The breezes of springtime are good
    The choirs are good in musical tones,
    The song of birds and the stream near the mountain are good ...
    But only with a sweetheart, all these gifts are good!

    In this world, love is the adornment of people,
    To be devoid of love is to be without friends.
    The one whose heart did not cling to the drink of love,
    That donkey, though it doesn't wear donkey ears!

    Better a curl of your beloved, caressing, grab,
    Better to drink sparkling wine with her,
    Before fate grabs you by the belt -
    Better to seize this fate yourself!

    Paradise is promised to us in the world.
    And the bowls are full of purple wine.
    Beauties and guilt run this world
    Is it reasonable if we come to them anyway?

    You overshadowed China's daughters with beauty,
    Tender jasmine your face is more tender
    Yesterday you looked at the Shah of Babylon
    And she took everything: queen, rook, knights.

    How full of love I am, how wonderful my sweet face,
    How much I would say and how my tongue is!
    Isn't it strange, Lord? I am languishing with thirst,
    And then a living spring flows before me.

    Sit down, lad! Don't tease me with your beauty!
    I devour you with the fire of my eyes
    You forbid ... Ah, I'm like the one who hears:
    "You knock over the cup, but don't spill a drop!"

    The harsh Ramadan ordered to say goodbye to the wine.
    Where are the fun days? We only dream about them.
    Alas, an undrinked jug stands in the basement,
    And not one harlot left untouched.

    My idol, the potter fashioned you like that,
    That before you the moon is ashamed of its spell.
    Let others decorate themselves for the holiday,
    You - you have a gift to decorate a holiday.

    How long will you reproach us, you nasty prude,
    Because we are burning with faithful love to the tavern?
    We are pleased with wine and honey, and you
    Enmeshed in beads and hypocritical lies.

    When the tulip trembles under the morning dew,
    And low, to the ground, the violet tends to the camp,
    I admire the rose: how quietly it picks
    Bud your floor, sweet drunk nap!

    Whoever did not escape her spell, from now on knows happiness,
    Those who lay down like dust at their sweet feet drink happiness in their souls.
    It will exhaust you, it will offend you, but don't be offended:
    Everything that one like the moon sends us is happiness!

    I love wine, I catch a moment of fun.
    I am neither a believer nor a heretic.
    "The bride is life, any ransom?"
    - "A spring beating from the heart".

    Saki! May I be honored with a lovely peri,
    Let the bitterness of wine be replaced by the moisture of heaven.
    Let Zukhra be a Changist, the interlocutor - Isa.
    If the heart is not happy, then it is inappropriate to feast.

    On the roses, the glitter of New Year's dew is beautiful,
    Beloved - the best creation of the Lord - is beautiful.
    Should I regret the past, should I scold the sage?
    Let's forget yesterday! After all, ours today is wonderful.

    Many centuries have passed, and rubyas about love, a scientist, and also a philosopher Omar Khayyam are on the lips of many. Quotes about love for a woman, aphorisms from his little quatrains are often exhibited as statuses on social networks, as they carry deep meaning, the wisdom of the ages.

    It is worth noting that Omar Khayyam went down in history, first of all, as a scientist who made a number of important scientific discoveries, thereby going far ahead of his time.

    Seeing the statuses taken from the work of the great Azerbaijani philosopher, one can catch a certain pessimistic attitude, but deeply analyzing the words and phrases, one can catch the hidden subtext of the quote, one can see an ardent deep love for life. Just a few lines can convey a clear protest against the imperfection of the surrounding world, thus, the statuses can indicate the life position of the person who exposed them.

    The poems of the famous philosopher describing love for a woman and, in fact, for life itself, can be found without much difficulty on the world wide web. Winged sayings, aphorisms, and phrases in pictures arewisdom centuries, they are so subtly traced reflections about the meaning of life, the purpose of man on Earth.

    Rubays were first published back in 1859 in England. In just a few months, books with Khayyam's quatrains gained immense popularity and soon became a bibliographic rarity.

    The book by Omar Khayyam "Rubai about love" is a capacious combination of wisdom, slyness, and also refined humor. In many quatrains you can read not only about high feelings for a woman, but also judgments about God, statements about wine, the meaning of life. All this for a reason. The most ancient thinker skillfully polished each line of the quatrain, as if a skilled jeweler polishes the edges of a precious stone. But how are lofty words about loyalty and feelings for a woman combined with lines about wine, because the Koran at that time strictly forbade the use of wine?

    In the poems of Omar Khayyam, the drinking personality was a kind of symbol of freedom, in the shirts one can clearly see the departure from the established framework - religious canons. The lines of the thinker about life carry a subtle subtext, which is why wise quotes, as well as phrases, are relevant to this day.

    Omar Khayyam did not take his poetry seriously, most likely the rubai was written for the soul, allowed him to get a little distracted from scientific works, to look at life in a philosophical way. Quotes, as well as phrases from Rubai, talking about love, have turned into aphorisms, winged sayings and, after many centuries, continue to live, this is evidenced by statuses in social networks. But the poet did not at all crave such fame, because his vocation was the exact sciences: astronomy and mathematics.

    In the hidden sense of the poetic lines of the Tajik-Persian poet, a person is considered the highest value, the main purpose of being in this world, in his opinion, is to find his own happiness. That is why the poems of Omar Khayyam contain so many reflections on loyalty, friendship, the relationship of men to women. The poet protests against selfishness, wealth and power, this is evidenced by capacious quotes and phrases from his works.

    Wise lines, which eventually turned into winged sayings, advise both men and women to find the love of their lives, peer into the inner world, look for the invisible light to others and thus understand the meaning of their existence on Earth.

    A person's wealth is his spiritual world. Wise thoughts, quotes, and phrases of a philosopher do not age over the centuries, but rather are filled with new meaning, which is why they are often used as social media statuses.

    (banner_abz14) Omar Khayyam acts as a humanist, he perceives a person along with his spiritual values \u200b\u200bas something valuable. It encourages you to enjoy life, find love, and receive pleasure from every minute you live. The peculiar style of presentation allows the poet to express what cannot be conveyed in plain text.

    Statuses from social networks give an idea of \u200b\u200ba person's thoughts and values, even without seeing him even once. Wise lines, quotes and phrases speak of the subtle mental organization of the person who presented them as statuses. Aphorisms about fidelity, say that to find love is a huge reward from God, it must be appreciated, reverently treats both a woman and a man throughout life.

    Always keep it short - just the point. This is the conversation of a real man. A pair of ears is a lonely tongue. Listen and listen twice - open your mouth only once.

    Man is the truth of the world, a crown, not everyone knows this, but only a sage.

    The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He stretches his nose where his soul has not grown.

    The source of joy and the sea of \u200b\u200bsorrow are people. As well as a container of filth, and a transparent spring. A person is reflected in a thousand mirrors - he changes his face, like a chameleon, while being insignificant and immensely great.

    You don't even notice that your dreams are coming true, everything is always not enough for you!

    A fool seeks happiness far away; a wise man raises it next to him.

    The drop began to cry that it parted with the sea, the sea laughed at the naive grief.

    When you throw dirt at a person, remember - it may not reach him, but it will remain on your hands.

    Better to gnaw bones than to be seduced by sweets at the table of scoundrels who have power.

    If the vile medicine pours you - pour it! If the wise pour you poison - accept it!

    In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved, even virtues irritate.

    Love can do without reciprocity, but friendship never.

    You better starve than eat anything, and it is better to be alone than with just anyone.

    I have never been repelled by the poverty of a person, it is another matter if his soul and thoughts are poor.

    In this perishable Universe, in due time, a person and a flower turn into dust, if the dust evaporated from under our feet - a bloody stream would pour down from the sky onto the earth.

    Passion cannot be friends with deep love, if it can, then they will not be together for long.

    Do not grieve about the future and the past, Know the price of today's happiness.

    "Omar Khayyam"

    Khayyam's quotes in verse:

    In this unfaithful world, don't be a fool:
    Do not try to rely on those around you.
    Look at your closest friend with a steady eye
    The friend may prove to be the worst enemy.

    Dealing with a fool will not lead to shame.
    Therefore, listen to Khayyam's advice:
    Accept the poison offered to you by the sage
    Do not take balm from the hands of a fool.

    One will not understand what roses smell like.
    Another of the bitter herbs will extract honey.
    Give bread to one - he will remember it forever.
    Sacrifice life to another - he won't understand.

    Some people are deceived by earthly life,
    Part - in dreams turns to another life.
    Death is a wall. And during life no one will know
    A higher truth hidden behind this wall.

    What the Creator once measured for us, friends,
    You cannot increase and cannot decrease.
    We will try to make good use of it all,
    Do not charge for someone else's, without asking for a loan.

    Nobility by suffering, friend, born,
    To become a pearl - is it given to every drop?
    You can lose everything, save only your soul
    The bowl will fill up again, it would have been wine.

    I am an atheist. This is how God made me.

    Sinners would be glad to paradise - but they do not know the roads.

    God gives, God takes - that's the whole story for you!
    What's what - remains a mystery to us.
    How much to live, how much to drink - they measure by eye,
    And even then they strive to underfill every time.

    Better to drink and caress cheerful beauties
    Than to seek salvation in fasting and prayers.
    If a place in hell is for lovers and drunks
    Who do you command to be admitted to heaven?

    Do not let me into the temple of God.
    I am an atheist. This is how God created me.
    I am like a harlot whose faith is a vice.
    Sinners would be glad to paradise, but they do not know the roads.

    Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

    Why do you expect benefit from your wisdom?
    You will wait for the milk from the goat sooner.
    Pretend to be a fool and it will be more useful
    And wisdom these days is cheaper than a leek.

    Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

    Noble people, loving each other,
    They see the grief of others, they forget themselves.
    If you desire the honor and shine of mirrors, -
    Do not envy others - and they will love you.

    Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

    Nobility and meanness, courage and fear -
    Everything is from birth in our bodies.
    We will not become better or worse to death.
    We are what Allah created us!

    Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

    Brother, do not demand riches - they will not be enough for everyone.
    Do not regard sin with the gloating joy of a saint.
    There is God above mortals. As for the neighbor's business,
    Then there are even more holes in your robe.

    Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

    It is not worth looking into the future,
    Be glad for a moment of happiness today.
    Because tomorrow, friend, and we will be considered death
    With those who have gone seven thousand years ago.

    Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

    You will be in the company of proud learned donkeys,
    Try to pretend to be a donkey without words
    For everyone who is not an ass, these fools
    They are immediately accused of undermining the foundations.

    Giyasaddin Abu al-Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri is the full name of the person who is better known to us as Omar Khayyam.
    This Persian poet, mathematician, philosopher, astrologer, astronomer is known all over the world for his quatrains "rubai", which delight in their wisdom, cunning, audacity and humor. His poems are just a storehouse of the eternal wisdom of life, which were relevant during the poet's life (1048-1131), and have not lost their relevance today. We suggest reading verses and quotes by Omar Khayyam and enjoy their content.

    Having endured hardships, you will become a free bird.
    And the drop will become a pearl in the dungeon pearl.
    Give away your wealth - it will return to you.
    If the cup is empty, they will give you a drink.

    Only those who are worse than us think badly of us,
    and those who are better than us ... They just have no time for us

    Hell and heaven in heaven are claimed by bigots;
    I looked into myself - I was convinced of the lie.
    Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe;
    Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

    If you become a slave to base lust, -
    You will be empty in old age, like an abandoned house.
    Look at yourself and think about
    Who are you, where are you and where then?

    We are the source of fun - and sorrow is the mine,
    We are a repository of filth - and a pure spring.
    A person, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
    He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!

    Life is forced upon us; her whirlpool
    It overwhelms us, but one moment - and now
    It's time to leave, not knowing the purpose of life ...
    A pointless arrival, a pointless departure!

    Dawn is always followed by sunset.
    With this life, short, equal to a sigh,
    Treat as given to you for a rental.

    Whoever was beaten by life will achieve more
    Having eaten a pood of salt, he values \u200b\u200bhoney higher.
    Who shed tears, he laughs sincerely,
    He who has died knows that he lives.

    Everything is bought and sold
    And life openly laughs at us.
    We are indignant, we are indignant
    But we buy and sell.

    If you can, do not worry about the running time,
    Do not burden the soul with either the past or the future.
    Spend your treasures while you are alive;
    After all, in that world you will appear to be indigent.

    Omar Khayyam was a great man! I have always admired his deep knowledge of the human soul! His statements are relevant to this day! It looks like people haven't changed much since that time!

    The scientist wrote his rubyes all his life. He drank little wine, but describes his great wisdom. We do not know anything about his personal life, but he subtly describes love.

    The wise statements of Omar Khayyam make us forget about all the fuss and at least for a moment think about great values. We offer you the best quotes from Omar Khayyam about love and life:

    About life

    1. One will not understand what roses smell like. Another of the bitter herbs will extract honey. Give someone a trifle, they will remember forever. You will give your life to someone, but he will not understand.

    2. Whoever is beaten by life will achieve more. A pood of salt who ate higher values \u200b\u200bhoney. Whoever shed tears laughs sincerely. Who died, he knows that he lives!

    3. The lower a person is in soul, the higher his nose is. He stretches his nose where his soul has not grown.

    4. Two people looked through one window. One saw rain and mud. The other is green ligature foliage, spring and blue sky.

    5. How often, making mistakes in life, we lose those whom we value. Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run from our neighbor.

    We exalt those who are not worthy of us, but we betray the most faithful. Whoever loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology.

    6. We are the source of fun and sorrow. We are a repository of filth and a pure spring. Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces. He is insignificant and he is immensely great!

    7. We will never get into this world forever, never meet with friends at the table. Catch every flying moment - you will never lie in wait for it later.

    8. With this life, short, equal to the breath. Treat as given to you for a rental.

    9. Do not envy the one who is strong and rich, the sunset always comes after the dawn.

    About love

    10. Giving yourself doesn't mean selling. And sleeping next to it does not mean sleeping. Not to take revenge does not mean to forgive everything. Not being close does not mean not love!

    11. Woe, woe to the heart, where there is no burning passion. Where there is no love of torment, where there are no dreams of happiness. A day without love is lost: it is dimmer and grayer than this barren day, and there are no bad weather days.

    12. To live life wisely, you need to know a lot. Remember two important rules for a start: you better starve than eat anything and it is better to be alone than with just anyone.

    13. In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved, even virtues irritate.

    14. You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.

    15. The plucked flower should be presented, the poem begun should be completed, and the beloved woman should be happy, otherwise you shouldn't have taken on something that you cannot afford.

    Life will fly by, like one moment
    Appreciate her, take pleasure in her.
    As you spend it, it will pass,
    Don't forget: she is your creation.

    Do not forget that you are not alone: \u200b\u200bin the most difficult moments, God is with you

    What God once measured for us, friends,
    You cannot increase and cannot decrease.
    We'll try to spend the cash properly
    Do not charge for someone else's, without asking for a loan.

    You don't even notice that your dreams come true, everything is always not enough for you!

    Life is a desert, on which we wander naked.
    A mortal full of pride, you're just ridiculous!
    You find a reason for every step -
    Meanwhile, he has long been predetermined in heaven.

    To blind your life from the smartest deeds
    I didn’t think of it there, I didn’t manage it at all.
    But Time - here we have a quick teacher!
    As a slap on the head, you have grown a little wiser.

    Nothing upsets or surprises me at all.
    It's okay anyway.

    Know that the main source of being is love

    It is difficult to comprehend the plans of God, old man.
    This sky has no top or bottom.
    Sit in a secluded corner and be content with little:
    If only the stage was at least a little visible!

    Those who did not seek the way are unlikely to be shown the way -
    Knock and the doors to destiny will open!

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    The drop began to cry that it parted with the sea,
    The sea laughed at the naive grief.

    We are a source of fun - and a mine of sorrow.
    We are a repository of filth - and a pure spring.
    A person, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
    He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!

    When you throw dirt at a person, remember - it may not reach him, but it will remain on your hands.

    How complete darkness is needed for a pearl
    So suffering is needed for the soul and mind.
    Have you lost everything and your soul is empty?
    This bowl will refill itself!

    Silence is a shield against many troubles, and chatter is always harmful.
    A person's tongue is small, but how many lives he has broken.

    If you have a nook for living -
    In our mean time - and a piece of bread,
    If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
    You are happy and truly high in spirit.

    The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He stretches his nose where his soul has not grown.

    Since your mind has not comprehended the eternal laws
    It's funny to worry about small intrigues.
    Since the god in heaven is invariably great -
    Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment.

    Give someone a trifle and he will remember forever, you give someone life, but he will not remember.

    Isn't it ridiculous to save a penny for the whole century,
    If you can't buy eternal life anyway?
    This life was given to you, my dear, for a while -
    Try not to waste your time!

    The discouraged dies ahead of time

    We are with God - all the toys of creation,
    In the universe His only possession is everything.
    And why our competition in wealth -
    We are, isn't it, all in one prison?

    To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
    Remember two important rules to start with:
    You better starve than eat anything
    And it is better to be alone than with just anyone.

    Whoever is beaten with life will achieve more.
    A pood of salt who ate higher values \u200b\u200bhoney.
    Whoever shed tears laughs sincerely.
    Who died, he knows that he lives!

    The wind of life is sometimes fierce.
    In general, however, life is good ...
    And it's not scary when black bread
    It's scary when a black soul ...

    Why is the almighty creator of our bodies
    Didn't you want to give us immortality?
    If we are perfect, why die?
    If imperfect, then who is the scam?

    If omnipotence were given to me
    - I would have cast down the sky like this long ago
    And would erect another, reasonable heaven
    That only the worthy would love it.

    Let's get up in the morning and shake hands with each other,
    Let's forget about our grief for a minute,
    Let's breathe in this morning air with pleasure
    With full breasts, while we are still breathing, we will inhale.

    Before you were born you didn't need anything
    And having been born, he is doomed to need everything.
    Only throw off the oppression of the shameful body
    You will again become free, like God, a rich man.

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    Aphorisms of Omar Khayyam occupy an important place in world literature for a reason.

    After all, everyone knows this outstanding sage of antiquity. However, not everyone realizes that Omar Khayyam was, among other things, an outstanding mathematician who made a significant contribution to algebra, a writer, a philosopher and a musician.

    He was born on May 18, 1048 and lived for a long 83 years. His whole life was spent in Persia (modern Iran).

    Of course, most of all, this genius became famous for his quatrains, which are called the Rubai of Omar Khayyam. They contain deep meaning, subtle irony, exquisite humor and amazing and sense of being.

    There are many different translations of the rubaiyat of the great Persian. We bring to your attention the best sayings and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam.

    Better to fall into poverty, starve or steal
    Than in the number of despicable dishes to get.
    Better to gnaw bones than to be seduced by sweets
    At the table at the bastards who have power.
    The wind of life is sometimes fierce.
    In general, however, life is good
    And it's not scary when black bread
    It's scary when a black soul ...

    I am a schoolboy in this best of the best worlds.
    My work is hard: the teacher is too harsh!
    Until gray hair, I go to life as an apprentice,
    Still not enlisted as a master ...

    Isn't it ridiculous to save a penny for the whole century,
    If you can't buy eternal life anyway?
    This life was given to you, my dear, for a while -
    Try not to waste your time!

    And with a friend and with an enemy, you must be good!
    Who is good by nature, you will not find malice in that.
    If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
    You embrace the enemy - you will find a friend.

    If you have a nook for housing -
    In our mean time - and a piece of bread,
    If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
    You are happy and truly high in spirit.

    The ocean of drops is great.
    The continent is composed of dust particles.
    Your coming and going does not matter.
    Just a fly flew through the window for a moment ...

    From godlessness to God - one moment!
    From zero to total - one moment.
    Take care of this precious moment:
    Life - neither less nor more - one moment!

    Wine is prohibited, but there are four "buts":
    It depends on who, with whom, when and in moderation drinks wine.
    Subject to these four conditions
    All sane ones are allowed wine.

    Two people looked through one window.
    One saw rain and mud.
    The other is green ligature foliage,
    Spring and the sky is blue.

    We are the source of fun and sorrow mine.
    We are a repository of filth and a pure spring.
    Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
    He is insignificant and he is immensely great!

    Whoever is beaten with life will achieve more.
    A pood of salt who ate higher values \u200b\u200bhoney.
    Whoever shed tears laughs sincerely.
    Who died, he knows that he lives!

    How often, making mistakes in life,
    we lose those we cherish.
    Trying to please strangers
    sometimes we run from our neighbor.
    We lift up those who are not worth us
    but we betray the most faithful.
    Who loves us so much, we offend
    and we are waiting for an apology.

    Do not envy the one who is strong and rich
    dawn is always followed by sunset.
    With this life, short, equal to the breath.
    Treat as given to you for a rental.

    And a speck of dust was a living particle.
    Black curl, long eyelash was.
    Wipe the dust off your face carefully and gently:
    Dust, perhaps, was a clear-faced Zukhra!

    I once bought a talking jug.
    “I was a shah! - the jug screamed inconsolably -
    I became ashes. The potter summoned me from the dust
    He made the former shah a joy to have fun. "

    This old jug on the poor man's table
    He was an all-powerful vizier in the old days.
    This cup held by the hand -
    A dead beauty's chest or cheek ...

    Did the world have a source at the very beginning?
    Here is the riddle that God asked us
    The sages talked about her as they wanted -
    None of them could really figure it out.

    He is too zealous, shouts: "It's me!"
    In a wallet he strumbles like a gold: "It's me!"
    But barely has time to get things done -
    death knocks at the window to the braggart: "It's me!"

    See this boy, old sage?
    He plays with sand - builds a palace.
    Give advice to him: “Be careful, youth,
    With the ashes of wise heads and hearts in love! "

    In the cradle - a baby, the deceased - in a coffin:
    That's all that is known about our destiny.
    Drink the cup to the bottom - and don't ask too much:
    The master will not reveal the secret to the slave.

    Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
    Do not measure today's affairs by tomorrow's yardstick,
    Do not believe in the past or the coming minute,
    Believe the current minute - be happy now!

    Months passed months before us,
    Sages were replaced by sages before us.
    These dead stones are under our feet
    They used to be pupils of captivating eyes.

    I see a troubled land - the abode of sorrows,
    I see mortals hurrying to their grave,
    I see glorious kings, moon-faced beauties,
    Gleaming and prey worms.

    There is neither heaven nor hell, oh my heart!
    There is no return from the darkness, oh my heart!
    And there is no need to hope, oh my heart!
    And there is no need to be afraid, oh my heart!

    We are obedient dolls in the hands of the Creator!
    This is not said by me for the sake of a word.
    The Almighty on strings leads us around the stage
    And shoves it into the chest, completing it.

    It's good if your dress is without tears.
    And it is not a sin to think about our daily bread.
    And everything else is not needed for nothing -
    Life is dearer than wealth and honor of all.

    Having become a beggar dervish, you will reach heights.
    If you tear your heart into blood, you will reach heights.
    Away, empty dreams of great deeds!
    Only having mastered yourself - you will reach heights.

    Surely you liked aphorisms of Omar Khayyam... Reading the rubaiyat of this great man is interesting and useful.

    Pay also attention to - get a lot of intellectual pleasure!

    And, of course, read to get to know the geniuses of humanity better.

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    Quotes and aphorisms:


    © AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

    * * *

    Without hops and smiles - what kind of life?

    Without the sweet sounds of the flute - what kind of life?

    Everything you see in the sun costs little.

    But at the feast, life is bright in the lights!

    * * *

    One refrain from my Wisdom:

    “Life is short, - so give free rein to it!

    It can be clever to trim trees

    But to cut yourself off is much more stupid! "

    * * *

    Live, madman! .. Spend while you are rich!

    After all, you yourself are not a precious treasure.

    And don't dream - thieves won't conspire

    Get you out of the coffin back!

    * * *

    Are you bypassed by the award? Forget it.

    Days rushing by in a row? Forget it.

    Careless Wind: in the Eternal Book of Life

    I could have moved the wrong page ...

    * * *

    What is there, behind the dilapidated curtain of Darkness

    Minds got confused in fortune-telling.

    When the curtain comes crashing down

    We will all see how wrong we were.

    * * *

    I would compare the world to a chessboard:

    That day, then night ... And the pawns? - we are with you.

    Moved, squeezed - and beaten.

    And they put me to rest in a dark box.

    * * *

    The world with a piebald nag could be compared

    And this rider - who could he be?

    "Not in the day, not in the night - he doesn't believe in anything!" -

    And where does he get the strength to live?

    * * *

    Youth ran away - runaway spring -

    To the underworlds in a halo of sleep

    Like a miracle bird, with gentle cunning,

    She twisted, shone here - and is not visible ...

    * * *

    Dreaming dust! There is no place for them in the world.

    And if even a young delirium came true?

    What if it snowed in the sultry desert?

    An hour or two rays - and there is no snow!

    * * *

    “The world piles up such mountains of evil!

    Their eternal oppression over the heart is so heavy! "

    But if only you tore them open! How many wonderful

    You would find shining diamonds!

    * * *

    Life passes - a flying caravan.

    The halt is short ... Is the glass full?

    Beauty, come to me! Lower the canopy

    A dormant fog over sleepy happiness.

    * * *

    In one young temptation - feel everything!

    In one melody with a string - listen all!

    Do not go to the darkening distance:

    Live in a short, bright streak.

    * * *

    Good and evil are at enmity: the world is on fire.

    And what about the sky? The sky is aside.

    Curses and furious hymns

    They don't reach the blue heights.

    * * *

    For the sparkle of days, clutched in my hand,

    You can't buy Mysteries somewhere in the distance.

    And here - and a lie by a hair's breadth from the Truth,

    And your life is in the balance.

    * * *

    In moments He is visible, often hidden.

    He watches our life closely.

    God spends eternity with our drama!

    He composes, stages and looks himself.

    * * *

    Although my body is slimmer than a poplar,

    Although the cheeks are a fiery tulip,

    But why is a wayward artist

    Introduced my shadow into your motley booth?

    * * *

    The ascetics were exhausted from thoughts.

    And the same secrets dry the wise mind.

    We ignoramuses - fresh grape juice,

    And to them, the great ones - dried raisins!

    * * *

    What are the bliss of heaven to me - "then"?

    Please now, in cash, wine ...

    I don’t believe in credit! And what is Glory to me:

    Under the very ear - drum thunder ?!

    * * *

    Wine is not only a friend. Wine is a sage:

    With him, confusion, heresies - the end!

    Wine - alchemist: transforms at once

    Life lead into golden dust.

    * * *

    As in front of a bright, regal leader,

    As before a scarlet, fiery sword -

    Black plague of shadows and fears -

    A horde of enemies, running before the wine!

    * * *

    Wine! “I’m not asking for anything else.




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