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  • Creeping hokage naruto san. Naruto is the way of the hokage. Naruto hurricane chronicles

    Creeping hokage naruto san. Naruto is the way of the hokage. Naruto hurricane chronicles

    Have the heroes of life and hope that one day we'll wake up as a super ninja.

    In the universe "" you can dig for a very, very long time - 15 years of the existence of the original history give a place to roam. This is what we have been doing in recent days, and this is the result.

    should have used magic instead of ninjutsu... But at some stage, the author decided that the topic with magic was too dubious, so he made ninja heroes.

    The Big Jackpot Sanji was originally called Naruto. because of the curled shape of the eyebrows (one of the meanings of the word "naruto" is the Japanese name for the "@" symbol). Both mangas were first published around the same time, and in order to avoid confusion, the author of The Big Jackpot decided to rename the hero.

    Anime almost shut down once... One powerful Japanese organization was not particularly happy with the overwhelming number of deaths in Naruto (warm greetings to RR Martin and Thrones). She literally forced one of the main sponsors to stop investing in the series. But there were others willing to support "Naruto", so it carried over.

    All-powerful trio of Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru - This is a reference to the 19th century novel, "Song of the Hero Jiraiya."

    Naruto's signature move, " Shadow cloning technique"is actually only available to johnins.

    In the 13th ending theme for "Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles", only Hinata appears from the heroes. In the manga, the Kurenai class is not given much attention, but the creators of the anime tried to give her as much screen time as possible, because the vast majority of the animators of the series are Hinata fans.Asuma's cigarette is never lit in the official American version. The smoke was painstakingly removed by the hands of the animators.

    Kankur's appearance is as dramatic and unique as possible, but when he takes off his hood, it turns out that his hairstyle is standard and commonplace... We are all not without sin.

    the anime is no different from the manga version. Except for one thing - the inscriptions on the poster. In the manga, the sign says "Director Date !!" and in the anime it says "Sensei Kishimoto !!" Easter egg for the observant.

    IQ Shikamaru - above 200... By comparison, Bill Gates is rumored to be around 170.

    Naruto's favorite noodle, Ichiraku, exists in the real world.... It is located next to the university where the manga author Masashi Kishimoto studied.

    In the draft manga i had a brand wordwith which he ended each sentence - "gozaru". It is an obsolete verb "to be" that is used today to add drama to speech.

    First Hokage.

    Hashirama Senju.

    Hashirama is the elder brother of the Second Hokage (Tobirama) and the grandfather of the Fifth Hokage (Tsunade). Like all Hokage, Hashirama loved his village very much, all the inhabitants were his family. No matter what happened, the lives of the villagers were always above all else, and Hashirama was always willing to give his life for them.

    The Village of the Hidden Leaf was created by Hashirama together with Madara, who was the leader of another clan, the Uchiha. When the Village was created, the question was decided who would become the First Hokage. It was not possible to come to one solution. Then a great battle took place, in the Valley of the End. Hashirama won that battle, and Madara was considered dead in that battle. In order not to forget about this battle, two huge figures were erected in that valley - Hashirama and Madara.

    Hashirama was one of the ninja who could completely control the Tailed Beasts. And also, it is worth noting that he was the first who could use a unique jutsu called "Mokuton" (with the help of this jutsu you can control the element of Wood).

    Hashirama was undoubtedly one of the most powerful shinobi that lived in the Hidden Leaf Village.

    Second Hokage.

    Tobirama Senju.

    Tobirama is the younger brother of the First Hokage, and also the great uncle of the Fifth Hokage (Tsunade).

    Became Hokage after the death of his brother. It is to him that the merits of the creation of the Ninja Academy, examinations for the rank of Chunin, ANBU and the Konoha Military Police, as a symbol of trust in the Uchiha clan, belong. However, as Toby mentioned, it was the creation of this Police Force that could be said to have separated the Uchiha clan from the management of the Hidden Leaf Village. And also, Tobirama thus kept an eye on the clan and their actions.

    The list of the Second Hokage's students included the Third Hokage, as well as the future elders of the village - Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, Kagami Uchiha and Torifu Akimichi. During World War I, he appointed a beloved student, Sarutobi, as the Third Hokage. And he died worthily in the battle.

    He perfectly mastered the element of Water, it is worth noting that its presence nearby was not necessary (he could create water in the complete absence of moisture, even in fire). He is the creator of Edo Tensei and the first to use this technique. This technique played a role in the Fourth Shinobi World War.

    Third Hokage.

    Hiruzen Sarutobi.

    Sarutobi was a student of both the First and Second Hokage. The surname "Sarutobi" translates as "monkey", which is what the previous Hokage called him. Asuma's father and Konohomaru's grandfather.

    He was the teacher of Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru, who were later referred to as the "Legendary Trinity". When they studied with him, the Third Hokage had high hopes for Orochimaru, hoping that later he would take his place and become the Fourth Hokage. However, after some time, he noticed features in his student that would only ruin the Village. After all, striving to become Hokage just for the sake of power is not the best for the Village. Then, Sarutobi refused to transfer the title of Hokage to his student, but still hoped that he would change and one day take his place. However, Jiraiya's student Minato Namikaze becomes his "successor". But he has to return to his post after the death of the Fourth Hokage.

    He knew a huge number of technicians, for which he received his nickname "Professor". Killed during a fight with Orochimaru when he attacked the village. While dying, he saw Orochimaru as his little apprentice, rather than a dangerous ninja. Sarutobi was an excellent Hokage and ninja of his Village.

    Fourth Hokage.

    Minato Namikaze.

    Minato (otherwise known as "Konoha's Yellow Lightning") is Jiraiya's student, husband of Kushina Uzumaki, father of the Seventh Hokage (Naruto Uzumaki). Being a very talented shinobi, he graduated from the Academy early (10 years old) and became a student of Jiraiya (a famous sannin, a member of the Legendary Trinity). Over time, Minato became Kakashi Hatake Sensei, Obito Uchiha and Rin.

    During the Third Shinobi World War, few of the enemies wanted to meet with Minato, because he was known for his abilities and techniques. He could kill several shinobi at once in a couple of seconds, thanks to the Flying Thunder Technique, with the help of which the Fourth Hokage could teleport (namely, Minato used kunai; he put special "marks / seals" on the kunai, and could move wherever they were ). Also, Minato is the creator of the Rasengan technique. It took him three years to master this technique and achieve a good result. However, in the plans there was also a combination of ordinary chakra and natural chakra in this technique. He did not have time to implement this idea, but his son, the Seventh Hokage, did it.

    Just after Kushina gave birth to Naruto, Tobi was able to extract the Nine-Tails from her and "set" him on Konoha. Minato was able to injure Tobi and he disappeared. However, in order to stop the Nine-Tails - Minato and Kushina had to sacrifice their lives. They sealed the Fox in Naruto.

    Minato is one of the strongest and greatest shinobi in his Village. Sarutobi, appointing him the Fourth Hokage, knew that Minato would never leave the villagers and would always defend them, and would be willing to sacrifice his life for the welfare of the Hidden Leaf Village.

    Fifth Hokage.


    Tsunade (otherwise she is sometimes called the Legendary Loser) is a famous Sannin (a member of the Legendary Trinity), one of the best among ninja doctors, the granddaughter of the First Hokage.

    Tsunade was a student of the Third Hokage, along with Jiraiya and Orochimaru. She was one of the most talented kunoichi in the Village. she possesses incredible power, with the help of which she could destroy whatever she wanted. Such power was subject to her due to the excellent control of her chakra. Such control, as well as knowledge, helped her to become the greatest ninja medic, it was she who could create, one might say, any antidote. It is to her that the merit belongs to almost every team has a ninja medic, in order to avoid losses.

    During the War, she lost people very close to her - her brother (Navaki) and the groom (Dana). After some time, she decided to leave the Village of the Hidden Leaf, taking Dan's niece as a student. While traveling, Tsunade became interested in gambling, however, she was constantly unlucky (that's why she got the nickname "The Legendary Loser"). With the help of the transformation technique, it looks younger than it really is.

    Tsunade is one of the strongest kunoichi in the world, and many kunoichi have strived to achieve the same heights.

    Sixth Hokage.

    Hatake Kakashi.

    Kakashi (otherwise known as "Copy Ninja Kakashi" or "Sharingan Kakashi") is a famous shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village, the son of the legendary shinobi - White Fang (Hatake Sakumo), a student of the Fourth Hokage. Sensei Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.

    From childhood he was a talented shinobi, at the age of 13 he received the title of Jounin. He followed the rules of the shinobi, and therefore, sought to complete the mission, rather than save his comrades. In the Third Shinobi World War, he was faced with the choice to complete the mission or save Rin (a member of his team), he chose to complete the mission. However, having changed his mind, he and Obito went to rescue his partner, and in the battle he loses his left eye. Obito, dying after this battle, gives him his surviving left eye, with a Sharingan.

    After all such events in his life, Kakashi appreciates his partners and tries to save them despite the assignment. He tries to teach these values \u200b\u200bto Team # 7.

    The Sixth Hokage is appointed after the Fourth Shinobi World War. Contributes significantly to Sasuke's amnesty. After some time, he himself transfers the title of Hokage to his student - Naruto, who has always strived for this.

    Kakashi knows a lot of techniques thanks to the sharingan. That is why he got his nicknames - "Copy Ninja Kakashi" or "Sharingan Kakashi". Several elements are subject to him. An experienced and talented Konoha shinobi who played an important role during the Fourth Shinobi World War.

    Seventh Hokage.

    Naruto Uzumaki.

    Naruto is the main character of anime and manga, the son of the Fourth Hokage, student of the Sixth Hokage (Kakashi) and the Legendary Sannin Jiraiya, the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, the hero of the Hidden Leaf Village.

    As a jinchūriki, he was despised as a child and was lonely as his parents sacrificed themselves to protect his life and the Village. Because of this attitude towards himself, he began to strive for universal recognition. As a child, in order to get closer to the desired (namely, recognition), fooling around and doing various "jokes". He repeatedly exclaimed that he would certainly become the best Hokage of Konoha. Over time, friends and more and more loved ones began to appear, and because of this, goals changed. If in childhood he aspired to become Hokage for the sake of recognition, now he wanted to become Hokage in order to protect loved ones, his beloved Village and its inhabitants. His faith in himself and in others - more than once inspired everyone and helped not to give up until the very end.

    Throughout his, so to speak, growing up, he considers Sasuke, in a sense, a brother and tries to return him to the Village, to his friends. He believes in his friend and does not give up.

    Naruto is a person who inspires others. He went through a lot and was able to achieve what he was striving for from the very beginning. He is always loyal to his close people, and no matter what, he will save them. He is the hero of the Hidden Leaf Village. Also one of the main Shinobi during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Considered "Child of Prophecy" and "Savior of the World".

    On September 21, 1999, the first chapter of the Naruto manga was published in Weekly Shonen Jump by Shueisha die-cut publishing house. Then, few could imagine that the path of the naive and a bit stupid shinobi Naruto would last no less than 16.5 years and would give the world 700 manga chapters. 2 anime series with a total of 720 episodes, 8 ova and 10 full-length films.

    What is anime about

    The story follows a teenager Uzumaki Naruto and his pursuit of the dream of becoming Hokage, the most respected shinobi in the village. This dream of young Naruto appeared for a reason, the fact is that immediately after the birth of the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze sacrificed his life to save the village from the attack of the nine-tailed demon fox and before his death sealed his chakra in the newborn Naruto and although Minato wished Naruto considered a hero, the villagers perceived Naruto as a demon in the flesh and hated him. And due to the fact that it is forbidden in the village to divulge the truth about Naruto, our hero found out about his unusualness only by chance, years later. The desire to make friends, recognition and respect in the village is what prompted the next morning to dream of becoming Hokage.

    Naruto is a story about friendship and enmity, rivalry and cooperation, about love and hatred, about war and striving for peace, about dreams and hopes. It is so multifaceted, everyone can find something attractive for themselves in it, but let's not forget that Naruto is an exemplary senen, so the plot is based on a simple principle. An enemy appears, the main character becomes stronger and defeats him and so on ad infinitum.

    Naruto original series

    In early October 2002, the first episode of the Anime adaptation of Masashi Kishimoto's manga, Naruto, was released. As a result, 220 episodes were included in the anime series, which was fully enough to film the first part of the manga and attract even more fans to the series.
    In Russia, the series was shown by Jetix and 2x2 TV channels. By the way, an important fact. Due to the fact that Jetix is \u200b\u200ba channel for children and given our mentality, many scenes were cut, which of course did not affect the plot, but still made many characters a little dry. In the 2x2 version of the anime, the series was released uncut.

    Naruto hurricane chronicles

    A week after the end of the first season (we can assume that immediately), on February 15, 2007, the first episode of the sequel to the original series aired on TV Tokyo. The series was named Naruto - Hurricane Chronicles. The division of the series into two is due to the fact that in the manga the story of Uzumaki Naruto is divided into two parts, and the second of them begins 2.5 years after the first. Hurricane Chronicles have been on the air for a little over 10 years and include 500 episodes and completely end the story of Uzumaki Naruto and his friends.

    Hurricane Fillers

    Due to the fact that anime adaptations very often and quickly whipped up the original, the Urogan Chronicle is full of fillers.

    Filler is a series not related to the main plot.

    The task of fillers in anime is to gain time and more fully reveal the characters and the plot. But in the Chronicles there were so many of them, and some were divided into several episodes, and sometimes they began at the most inopportune moment that they even got their name. Hurricane fillers. Personally, at the time when Naruto came out in Ongong, I read manga, and I watched only fillers from the series, and some of them are really not badly done, but I can't imagine what those who experienced, only watched the series and waited for each episode for a week, the continuation of the battle received a set of fillers for several weeks, or even months.

    New generation

    After the end of the manga, it was announced that a new project called New Generation was starting. At first, it is planned to release several short stories and full-length films about the children of Naruto and his friends. And everything went according to plan, there were several short stories and a full-length film "Boruto". But in the end it grew into a full-fledged manga about Naruto's son, Boruto, and after the end of the Urogan Chronicles, the anime series Boruto: The Next Generation of Naruto began. And everything would be fine, you can endure a year of fillers for the manga to gain content, if not for a terrible spoiler at the very beginning of the manga and series, respectively. From which it is clear that everything will be new, but with a different main character, moreover, it will take many years to wait for the continuation of this spoiler, and given the low rating, you can not wait at all.