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  • Trendy words and expressions. Buzzwords to show off in conversation. It can include

    Trendy words and expressions. Buzzwords to show off in conversation. It can include

    I was very offended by the article,. There, of course, everything is clear, so that to write less, everyone comes up with a beautiful short word for himself, and if others like it, with the light hand of the author, this word gets a start in life.

    But in our language there is still many beautiful and capacious words, with the help of which it is easy to convey to the interlocutor not only your thought, but also the state of your soul at a certain moment.

    - You do not have enough words to convey the smells that blow in the air, after the rain say with admiration, stretching your palms to the sky - Petrikor.

    Petrikor - smells that blow in the air after rain.

    - But what you meet every day, the crescent at the base of the nail is called Lunula.

    Lunula - a crescent moon at the base of the nail.

    - Natural formations on trees, rocks and stones that resemble female forms are called a capacious word - Natiform.

    Natiforma are natural formations on trees, rocks and stones.

    Mondegrin these are incomprehensible or misheard words in the songs.
    - The students just need to know what Ferul is, otherwise classmates can simply laugh at you. Ferul this is the metal part on the end of the pencil with an eraser.


    Disis - This is a state of lack of sleep, fatigue or just laziness, in which it is difficult to get out of bed in the morning.
    Mamihlapinatapai - (mamihlapinatapai) is a look between two people, which expresses the desire of each of them, but each wants the other to initiate what they both want, and neither wants to be the first.

    Mamihlapinatapai is a look between two people.

    Paresthesia - the well-known feeling of tingling, numbness and goosebumps in the limbs.
    - There are often times when you need to use question and exclamation marks at the same time. This sign is called Interrobang.
    - The vertical depression between the septum of the nose and the upper lip is called Filtrum.
    Phloem it's just long fibers on banana peel.

    Obelus, even simpler than you thought, is the division sign.
    - A chill that grips you while listening to music is called Frisson.
    Glabel -the area on the face of a person located between the eyebrows.
    - In the word " Chunking"Is called a conscious or unconscious spitting of food.
    - Columella is the space between the nostrils.
    Zhamesvue (jamais vu) - a state opposite to déja vu, a sudden feeling that a well-known place or person seems completely unknown to you.
    Narcolepsy... The state or habit of a person to fall asleep in a vehicle as soon as it starts to move. It is considered a protective reaction of the body to motion sickness.
    Baader - Meinhof phenomenon... A very interesting thing. Take a closer look. Sometimes you see or hear something for the first time, and suddenly you start noticing it everywhere.
    - The leather loop on the belt that holds the free end of the fastened belt is called - " Trench».
    1. The one who is bolder in SMS than in a personal conversation.
    2. Anyone who can only share their real feelings in SMS.
    Nonsense - now we call these words, completely unnecessary, empty words, words or stupid jokes without any meaning. But did you know that at the end of the 17th century, the French physician Gali Mathieu treated his patients with jokes.
    At the same time, he was so popular that he did not have time to visit all his patients personally and sent his healing puns by mail.
    From his name the word "nonsense" arose, which at that time meant - a healing joke, a pun.

    Now you are familiar with the buzzwords that you can show off in a conversation. Of course, these are not all buzzwords, if you know something new, write to me in the comments or email, I will publish all buzzwords on the site in a new article with your name.

    And now, I hope, those who could not pass the "" test will pass it easily. Good luck.

    The vocabulary of any language is updated and enriched gradually. Plays a significant role in this borrowing foreign words. Increasingly, English words are used in Russian speech in relation to:

    • science (astronaut, monitoring, master);
    • technology (display, scanner, file);
    • politics (speaker, inauguration, consensus);
    • Media (prime time, talk shows, online);
    • Finance (business, auditor, investment);
    • culture (hit, bestseller, remake);
    • other areas.

    Youth slang is full of foreign words.

    Language performs the function of communication, therefore it is forced to respond quickly, record and reflect all the changes taking place in people's lives. Modern Russian speech is full of foreign words, which are actively used by young people. Slang in Russian culture has its own characteristics and origins.

    • is formed according to any characteristic (among people who are united by interests, locality, age);
    • subject to periodic changes (it is a linguistic sign of different generations);
    • affects only vocabulary (words are used in a different meaning, but the structure (cases, tenses) does not change);
    • always has a casual, somewhat familiar connotation (although often the true meaning of the conversation is hidden behind the slang).

    The lexicon of youth is different:

    • the use of expressions in the "superlative degree": super, great, zero cool, well, there you go, gee;
    • the presence of fashionable words: kumpel, fashion, sargnagel, strick, karre, freestyle; (cm. )
    • the introduction of new expressions and words related to hobbies, popular clothing and music: Twist, Rock'n Roll, Slop, Madison, Blues, Shake, Hully Gully, Wiggle.

    Anglicisms in Russian speech

    More and more words borrowed from English slang are used in the everyday vocabulary of Russian-speaking youth. It is easier for young people to express their point of view in this way. On the contrary, it is more difficult for the older generation to understand what a teenager is trying to convey. Each generation has its own unspoken language, different from the literary one.

    It can include:

    • school jargon;
    • teenage slang;
    • the language of the subculture (rockers, break dancers, graffiti artists).

    The most popular youth expressions of English slang:

    • Zod - villain, fool, trash
    • Sit on someone's butt - sit on your pants
    • High, junked up - stoned
    • Job hunting - job search
    • Jazz up - turn up the heat
    • It's gonna be a bang! - It will be just cool!
    • In tune - get along well
    • In touch - contact
    • To be in the soup - to be in trouble
    • To be in someone’s shoes - not in your own skin
    • In a hole - at an impasse
    • Idiot box, boob tube - zomboy
    • Hit the road - move, sail away
    • Have got it - drink your fill
    • Hang around - stagger around
    • Get a screw loose
    • Green buck - bucks (greens)
    • Go bananas - go crazy
    • Go ape - go crazy
    • Go ahead - something to start
    • Gaga - dumb
    • Eyes pop out - eyes 5 kopecks
    • Fast talker - talker
    • Fall from grace - to break off the chain
    • Fair sex - fair sex
    • Face the music - get what you deserve
    • Every dog \u200b\u200bhas his day - there will be a holiday on our street
    • Ease off / ease up - relax
    • Drop dead - shut up (subside)
    • Do a job on - screw up
    • Deadbeat - rogue
    • Chicken is a coward
    • Dead duck - dead number
    • Brush up - improve
    • Bitching - swearing
    • Bingo is done!
    • B.S. \u003d bullshit - bullshit
    • Awash - get drunk, fill your eyes
    • At loggerheads - don't get along
    • All wet - erroneous
    • Hot red - cool
    • Booze - fuel (booze)
    • All ears - ears on the crown
    • Makeup - makeup

    The origin of youth slang:

    There are plenty of ways that teenage slang is formed. However, they are all based on a general principle - to adapt a foreign word (more convenient, but often carrying a different meaning) for use in Russian reality.

    The main reasons for borrowing:

    • perception of a foreign word as bearing increased importance (exclusive, image maker, summit);
    • filling the language with specific or expressive expressions (businesswoman, face control, promotion);
    • the need to give a name to new concepts or phenomena (printer, copywriter, gadget);
    • lack of analogues or conformity (chips, hot dog);
    • the need to express ambiguous actions (PR, make-up, pilling).
    • Often pop culture brings to the masses the popularization of English slang. Phrases from songs and films (“Never-ever let you go” - D. Bilan, “I’ll be back” - A. Schwarzenegger) stay in the everyday speech of teenagers for a long time.

    The younger generation is actively developing modern Russian vocabulary with the help of words and expressions borrowed in another language. There is a contradiction here: on the one hand, the vocabulary of native speech increases, on the other, its beauty, uniqueness and originality are lost. Therefore, we should remember the golden rule of our ancestors - everything is good in moderation!