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  • What invented Robert Cape. That Muslim inventors presented the world. Food additive E905B.

    What invented Robert Cape. That Muslim inventors presented the world. Food additive E905B.

    On May 14, 1878, as a trademark and a trademark in the United States was patented a new product called - Vaseline. A man who managed to invent the famous today, both therapeutic and cosmetic, tool, was not anyone else, like Robert Cezzbro, an English chemist emigrated to America. The scientist was able to make such a discovery, thanks to the "help" of oil workers.

    It all happened in 1859. Just at that time in the country was an oil riot. The Cezbro had to communicate much with oil workers, and then he saw a sticky petroleum product. His interested paraffin-shaped mass that adhered to the drilling plants with oil production and clogged pumps. Robert drew attention to the fact that the workers impose this mass on the wounds formed during cuts and burns. And, interestingly, this tool contributed to the rapid healing of Absadin.

    After conducting a number of experiments with a mass, the scientist managed to highlight the ingredients from it that have a useful effect. Lubricating the resulting substance his burns and scars (and he had a lot of them), obtained during the experiments, the scientist watched the striking result - healing of wounds accelerated. Continuing and continuing to improve the wound healing property of the substance, he tried it on himself, observing the result.

    A slightly degraded substance that contributed to the regeneration of skin cover, Robert in 1870 launched him into production, giving him the name "oil jelly". At first, the ointment exhibited by the Castle for sale in the pharmacy, no one bought. The popularity of the new medicine affected his name. Thille thinking, the scientist renames its drug in Vaseline. Vaseline is a derivative of words: "Wasser" - from German - water and "ELAION" - from Greek - olive oil.

    Vaseline was treated with inflammation, burns and abrasions. Soon this therapeutic agent has become almost indispensable. Over the years, Vaseline has found more wider use. Vaseline tears painted actresses, the body was smeared the swimmers body, they applied basketball players on gloves. In order not to stain the floor of the paint, the artists were pre-treated with a vaseline.

    It was not known whether Vaseline was influenced by the inventor, but Czezbro lived up to 96 years. The owner of the brand "Vaseline" is currently Unilever. Under the famous brand, this company continues to produce cosmetics, caring for the skin.

    Nowadays, Vaseline is still mined from oil. This is a leaving substance having a light yellow color (or completely colorless), which contains mineral oil and heavy carbohydrates. Vaseline is obtained by melting carbohydrates in oil, then the mixture is purified by sulfuric acid and clay (whitening). Vaseline does not have taste, odor and not even dissolve in water.

    His takes on North Pole. In his honor they wrote not one song. He makes your lips sparkle. It is used for lubricating machine guns and to protect against agricultural pests. He can subordinate naughty hair. It protects the skin from frostbite. He protects children's ass and is invaluable for girls. One billionaire argued that every day I eaten on a whole spoon of this substance, which helped him to live to 96 years, and it is likely that in your house he also has ... it is Vaseline.

    Vaseline name comes from the German Word means "water" and the Greek word "butter" - I never thought that Germany and Greece were ever so close to use Vaseline. Chemist-inventor, Robert Cezzbro, was a fuel supplier for street lamps and other substances in England, and saw that fuel brings more money than the whale oil with which he was dealing with. In 1859, at the age of 22, he spent all his savings on a ticket to Titusville, Pennsylvania, USA to meet there with oil barons. During the visit to oil fields, he noticed how the rigger scraped a thick dark mucus from the pump. He asked what she was doing this worker, to which he received the answer that the pump had a filter that cleans oil from dirt and that in order for the pump to do not break the workers had to regularly disassemble and clean. After this substance, simply discarded. But Robert thought that this could be done on this and asked a bucket with what he called "wax."

    The substance had a black color, an unpleasant smell and very dirty, but his structure itself was ideal and as nothing else was like lubricant. But the Cezbro took the whole 10 years to remove the unpleasant odor from the substance and make it colorless, actually giving a grade substance and the appearance that we used to see opening a jar with vaseline. But do not forget that late XIX. century, there were already lubricants, but people received it from more affordable materials such as fat, whale fat, goose fat, olive oil, garlic oil. The main task of Robert was to convince the Company that the new grease is a real miracle ointment.

    To study the properties of Vaseline, the chemist used himself as a experimental rabbit. He cut himself, collage himself, caused his burns, watered the sections of her body with acid, and after the wounds turned on his wonderful ointment. But a new ointment little wanted to buy. The first invention was interested in pharmacists and in 1870, the Czezbro opened the first plant for the production of Vaseline, and in 1872 he received a patent for his invention.

    Robert surprised people with the properties of the new drug by arranging extremal ideas, causing injury and curable wounds with their substance. The first major success came the Vaseline as a medicine, which is ironic, because later it was proven, he has no healing properties, the only thing that Vaseline was very well - he was well removed from Rounds dirt and bacteria.

    And even after that no one dared to say Chebro, that this is not a miracle ointment. One day, when the inventor was running with the attack of pleuritis, he had himself off his head to the feet of Vazelin, and what was surprising, he soon recovered. Shortly before death, he said that he eaten on a spoonful of Vaseline a day for several years and that is why he believed, he lived to 96 years.

    Amazing substance, amazing story ...

    Especially for readers of my blog site

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    On November 17, 1859, the first in history, oil fever changed the production of drugs, when the entrepreneur Robert Cezzbro made the observation, which allowed him to invent Vaseline.

    At that time, there was no electric lamps in risen, and kerosene was sold only the third year. Chemist Robert Cezbro at his small branch removed fuel for lamps from shale coal. As soon as August 27, 1859, the first oil well was drilled in Pennsylvania, the Cessbro business burned.

    Robert removed all his money from the account and rushed to the "city of black fountains" Titusville. He did not have time to buy an oil tower. He remained buying oil and distilcing it to Kerosene in New York. Observing how more raft delints produce oil, the Cezbro noticed that the drilling instrument is often covered with paraffin, and it is also cleaned. At the same time, some workers smeared the paraffin of abrasions and bruises, because it seemed to them that the "drilling wax" heals the wounds.

    For the oil trader, it was no more than an advanced observation. Castbro for five years earned the production of kerosene, while in 1865 he did not fall on the eyes of the article about Pastere. Doctors have incredulously reacted to the idea of \u200b\u200bPasteur, which infection causes microorganisms: some chemist, not even a doctor, teaches them, why there are cholera and plague! But the Cembro Pasteer immediately believed as a chemist, and remembered those abrasions on the drill. Looking at the lightweight paraffin in a microscope, he made sure that there are no bacteria. Apparently, they cannot live in paraffin, and in this secret of wound healing.

    True, the black paste of the fuel oil was terrible. Five years old created the Castbro fluid paraffin filtration technology through coal. Finally, in 1870, the "oil jelly" acquired a commodity appearance. Castbro drove throughout the state of New York with a spectacular demonstration of the properties of the new product. He drifted his breath with an acid, then smeared the burn with white jelly, and reddening took place. The same effect was observed if you hold the hand over a burning candle. (To repeat these experiments, it is necessary to have a qualification of the Castle, which after numerous experiments picked up the correct concentration of acid, as well as the place and time of finding the hand above the candle).

    Oil jelly looked seductive - snow-white, pleasant to the touch and without smell - but he was not taken. The public did not attract the "stone oil". And only after the Cezbitro in 1872 was invented by the Vaseline brand, the matter went. Where does this word come from? Whether the inventor seized a vase from his wife to package his goods, whether the German word was connected to Wasser - "Water" with some other word. It is important that the brand caused confidence in people. Vaseline seemed like a panacea, medicine from all skin diseases. When the British Queen Victoria publicly mentioned that he smears with a dry skin on her face and very satisfied, the passion was worldwide.

    I was glad at first and the pharmacist. Creams and therapeutic ointments on a vaseline basis did not bar, kept long without a glacier. Vaseline is still indispensable as the basis for eye and antifungal ointments. And yet oil jelly irritates the skin, it cannot be used without softening additives. I did not take Vaseline only the very careless. He was convinced that the substance that made him rich would not harm him. Every day he eaten a spoonful of Vaseline "for health". And although Vaselines belong to substances toxic when used inward, the Cezbro was fed by 53 years in a row and survived almost 97 years. Such is the power of self-sufficiency.

    Despite the prejudice and often hostile attitude towards Muslims, they gave a lot to the world. In the fact that today we drink coffee, and the fact that in the restaurant we serve dinner of three dishes and then bring a check, we are obliged to Muslims. What did the inventive Islamic world presented us?

    1. Coffee
    According to one legend, Arab Khalid (Khalid) pass his sheep in Caffe, the region of South Ethiopia, and noticed that animals become energetic when certain berries eat. Having gathered them, Khalid boiled the first coffee.
    The first information about the export of grains concerned the export of coffee from Ethiopia to Yemen. Already in the 15th century he was brought to Mecca and Turkey, from where the coffee got into Venice in 1645. In England, the Grain brought Pasqua Rosee in 1650, and opened the first coffee shop on London Lombard Street. The path of the word "coffee" is very long: Arabic "QAHWA" turned into a Turkish "Kahve". The Italians adopted it as "caff?" The British had the word "coffee", and the Russians - "Coffee".

    2. Camera
    The ancient Greeks believed that the eyes would be empty and see people thanks to this. The fact that in fact the light penetrates his eyes, Ibn Al-Hightham guessed (Ibn Al-Haitham), Muslim mathematician, astronomer and a physicist who lived in the 10th century. Watching the light penetrates through the cracks of the shutter, he noticed that the smaller the gap was, the better the picture was visible, and invented the first chamber-obscura ("Qamara" in translation from Arabic means "dark or separate room"). It is also believed that al-Hights first translated physics from the discharge of philosophical science in experimental.

    3. Chess
    Ancient Indians played chess, but the game was significantly different from the one we know today. The modern version appeared in Persia, from where it spread to the West to Europe: in the 10th century in Spain, the game was introduced by Moors.

    4. Parachute
    For a thousand years before the Right brothers, the idea to create aircraft ABBAS IBN FIRNAS (Abbas Ibn Firnas) came to mind to Muslim poet, Astronoma and Engineer Abbas Ibn Firnas. In 852, he jumped from the roof of the mosque in a free fluttering raincoat with wooden planks attached to it. Firnas hoped that would soar as a bird, but he did not succeed. The raincoat slowed down, and became something like the first parachute, and the scientist got off with a slight fright and minor bruises. At the age of 70, improving his device, firns repeated his attempt by jumping from the mountain. He managed to hold out 10 minutes in the air, but in the end he crashed when landing: the fact is that he did not attack his tail to his apparatus.

    5. Soap and shampoo
    Daily bathing is one of the requirements of Islam. Perhaps that is why Muslims were engaged in improved soap recipe. It is known that the semblance of soap was also in the ancient Egyptians, and in the Romans, but it was the Arabs that guess to mix vegetable oils with sodium hydroxide and aromatic compounds. In England, the shampoo appeared in 1759, when a kind of Muslim opened a bath in Brighton.

    6. Modern chemistry
    Jabir Ibn Haayyan is a scientist who has turned alchemy in chemistry. In the 9th century, he opened the processes that are still used in modern science: distillation, crystallization, melting, refining, oxidation, evaporation and filtering. Hayang opened sulfur and nitric acid, and invented the distillation apparatus, thanks to which alcoholic beverages and aromas used in the production of perfume appeared in the world.

    7. Crankshaft
    The crankshaft, the device that turns the rotational movement into linear, invented the Muslim engineer Al-Jazari (Al-Jazari). One of the most important inventions of mechanics, still being one of the main components of the parts of modern machines, was originally used in irrigation. From the engineer's book it is clear that he invented either improved the valves and valves, developed the first mechanical clock. Al-Jazari can be considered the father of robotics. Code lock is also its invention.

    8. Strelished Arch
    The stroke arch is a characteristic feature of European gothic cathedrals, but the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch arches was borrowed from Muslim architecture. It was stronger than the semicircular arches used by the Romans and Normans, and, accordingly, made it possible to build higher and complex buildings. Also, the Europeans adopted the ideas of the design of ribbed archs and round window sockets from Muslims. European castles have become a copy of Muslims with their braces, parapets, barbachanas and square towers. For example, the architect of the Castle of Heinrich V was a Muslim.

    9. Surgical instruments
    Many modern surgical instruments, including scalpels, medical saws, nippers, thin scissors, remained as they came up with the Muslim surgeon al-Zahavi (Al-Zahrawi). It was he discovered that Ketgut used to impose internal seams is absorbed in the body natural way and can be applied in the production of medical capsules. In the 13th century, 300 years before William Harvey, the Muslim doctor Ibn Nafis (IBN Nafis) described the process of blood circulation. Muslim doctors invented anesthetics and a hollow needle for cataract extraction.

    10. Windmill
    Arabs windmill invented in 634 and was used to grind corn and water supply. In the Arab deserts, the only source of energy was the wind, monthly blowing in one direction, and this source was used for complete power. The mills had 6 or 12 wings covered with cloth and palm leaves. In Europe, the first windmills appeared only in 500 years.

    11. Grafical
    The first idea of \u200b\u200bvaccination was offered not Jenner and Pasteur, but Muslims. In Europe, this technique came from Turkey in 1724, where the wife of the English ambassador paid attention to this procedure. In Turkey, children were vaccinated from Phase 50 years before the vaccination was opened by Europeans.

    13. Numbering system
    The numbering system that is used throughout the world is derived from India, but the form of the number is Arabic, and for the first time appeared in the print form in the work of Muslim mathematicians al-Khwarizmi and Al-Kindi in 825 year. The prototype of the word "algebra" was the name of the book al-puzzi "Al-JaBra Wa-Al-Muqabilah", and the principles described in it are still used. The results of the work of Muslim mathematicians, including algorithms and some theories of trigonometry, fell into Europe only after 300 years. Open al-Kindi Frequency analysis served as the basis for the development of modern cryptography.

    14. Lunch of three dishes
    The concept of dinner of three dishes - soup, after which the meat or fish is eating, followed by fruits and nuts - brought in the 9th century with him from Iraq to Cordova Ali Ibn Nafi (Ali Ibn Nafi). He also introduced the crystal glasses in everyday life (invented, by the way, already aforementioned Abbas Ibn by Farnas).

    15. Carpets
    Carpets from medieval Muslims were considered an integral part of Paradise. The technique of weaving was quite developed, new paints constantly appeared, and the art's art itself was not in the last place. In Europe, the floors were covered with woven rugs, under which, due to bad cleaning, there was a bunch of garbage, bones, and not only. It is not surprising that the Arab and Persian carpets quickly arrived.

    16. Check
    If it were not for Muslims, we would not have checks. The word "check" itself occurred from the Arab "SAQQ", which means a written obligation to pay the goods for delivery. The need for checks arose due to the fact that it was very dangerous to carry money for long distances. Already in the 9th century, Muslim businessmen could cash the checks issued to Baghdad banks in China.

    17. Earth - Ball
    In the 9th century, many Muslim scientists have considered that the Earth has a shape of a ball. According to Astronoma, Ibn Khazma (IBN Hazm), the proof was the fact that "the Sun is always vertically to a certain point on Earth." It was 500 years before Galile guessed about it. The calculations of Muslim astronomers were so accurate that they were mistaken less than 200 kilometers in determining the length of the equator, suggesting that it is 40253.4 kilometers.

    18. Torpedoes and rockets
    Although the Chinese invented the powder from Selitra and used it in fireworks, it was the Arabs that would guessed it to be cleaned by his Kaliivny Selitra and apply for military purposes. Muslims managed to scare and crusaders their weapons. Already by the 15th century, they invented the rocket, the "self-deviating and burning egg", as they called him, and a torpedo, a self-breathing pear-like bomb with an arrow at the end, which exploded in enemy ships.

    19. Gardens
    In medieval Europe there were gardens, but it was the Arabs who considered the garden as a place to relax and meditate. The first royal gardens of this kind appeared in the 11th century in Muslim Spain. The birthplace of carnations and tulips are also Muslim countries.

    Vaseline oil is a unique product that has been widely used in many areas. He plays a huge role in our everyday life. Vaseline oil (purified, bleached) is widely used in pharmacology, in the food industry, in the production of cosmetics.

    Vaseline oil (Oleum Vaselini Seu Parafinum Liquidum) is often referred to as "liquid paraffin" (a mixture of hydrocarbons), which is a purified fraction obtained by artificially. It is an oily colorless liquid without taste and smell. It has a property not dissolve in alcohol and water. Very well mixed with various oils of plant origin. Despite the fact that vaseline oil is not natural origin, it has a broader application:

    • in pharmacology - is part of many ointments, linimis, balms, as well as used as a laxative;
    • in cosmetology - in the production of cosmetics;
    • in the food industry like a preservative for the preservation of fruits, vegetables;
    • in the production of packaging forms for food, used as a plasticizer.

    It is worth noting the wide use of vaseline oil in dermatology. It very well preserves moisture in the skin, therefore it is included in many moisturizing funds. When applying vaseline-containing ointments, we seek our shell a protective barrier.

    The history of the origin of Vazelina

    In 1872, Robert Cezzbro patented Vaseline's production technology, making a name from two words: "Wasser" - water (German) and "Elaion" - olive oil (Greek), and in 1878 he registered it as a trading stamp. For this invention, the Cezbro was awarded the knightly rank in 1883. Queen Victoria, dedicating Robert in Knights, highly appreciated the usefulness of this product and proudly stated that she herself "enjoys a vaseline every day." Robert Augustus Cezzbro lived a long life and argued that she lived to advanced years (died 96 years old), thanks to the fact that every day I eaten a spoonful of Vaseline.

    The use of vaseline oil

    Vaseline oil is a high purification oil. Vaseline in its composition does not contain oxygen-containing compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen, sulfur. Due to the lack of all these harmful impurities, vaseline oil is used as protection for the skin. It is also capable of carrying biologically active components through the fat barrier of the skin. Since artificial oil, then, unlike oils of animal and vegetable origin, it does not lose its qualities from time to time: it does not fit, it does not oxidize, does not change the color, smell, consistency.

    The beneficial property of vaseline oil is not only in the holding of moisture in the skin. It still has excellent compatibility with almost all types of skin, prevents the formation of acne, does not cause irritation. Possessing all these wonderful qualities, vaseline oil began to be widely used in the production of children's cosmetics. In children's cosmetics, he is simply indispensable. After all, the skin of the kid is very sensitive, exposed to the action of various factors. And cosmetics, whose composition includes vaseline, can easily help mommie to cope with unpleasant phenomena on the skin of a child, such as allergic rashes, burns, diallos, peeling. Possessing wound-healing properties, creams and balsams with vaseline oil will easily cope with wounds and cuts, which, no matter how facing his mother's mother, often happen from the kids. And soaps and shampoos with this miracle with oil do not drown the skin, but on the contrary, moisturizing, make it even healthier.

    Given all the beneficial properties, its widespread use of vaseline oil in cosmetology, manufacturers of children's cosmetics of many firms and companies have recently developed a lot of new species, balms, shampoos, soap.

    One of these is LLC ECOBIFARM, which offers a new series of cosmetics for children ", which includes vaseline oil. Love your kids, let's only the best. Use only the best cosmetics in everyday life.

    Buy extracts and creams containing vaseline oil you can always in our online store!