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  • Sound design for graduation train childhood youth. Scenario of the last call: departure of the train "School - adult life" methodical development (Grade 9) on the topic. Life will seem brighter

    Sound design for graduation train childhood youth.  Last Call Scenario: Train Departure

    teacher MHC GBOU School No. 2115

    Moscow city

    (Music sounds, fanfare, a BELL runs out onto the stage)

    Bell: Hello dear teachers, parents, guests! I am the school bell. Exactly 11 years together with me, our graduates moved from class to class, and now I see them off on the high road of life. Today the ladder of classes will end for them. And it will end as soon as my farewell song sounds.

    Dear graduates! I invite you to this hall for the Feast of the Last Bell! Dear friends, we meet our graduates!

    (Graduates enter the hall, sit down in their seats).

    Vedas: Good afternoon dear friends!

    Vedas: Hello!

    Vedas: Childhood farewell call

    Gathered everyone in a cozy room.

    Happy this meeting

    We all looked forward to it.

    Vedas: Now we will remember more than once

    That good planet

    Where with rays of eyes

    There are dawns.

    Vedas: Where are the sunny dreams

    Where are the star trails

    Where in the songs are heard

    Laughs and sadness.

    Vedas: Where they believe in magic

    And make friends with miracles

    Where are the fairy tales

    They come to visit.

    Vedas: Where the clouds are not visible

    Where from smiles closely.

    Sailing a dream

    Our childhood is gone.

    Vedas : May plays outside the school door.

    It's very hard to understand right now

    That your bow is already in class

    Before the nose will not flicker.

    Vedas : That we will leave forever from the class,

    What will not be called to the board anymore,

    You don't have to wait for a call

    Chalk squeezing, in a trembling hand.

    Vedas : Lessons flew by like birds.

    Ahead - the most important lesson.

    Let us help our dreams come true

    This May last call.

    Vedas : May it not be silent in our hearts,

    Let it sound and excite again

    Ageless school waltz -

    Prom Evening Newsletter.


    Vedas : Every childhood has its own address.
    Having parted with him, we will become adults.
    And our childhood will wander,
    In the corridors of my school.

    Vedas : The road will take us further.
    School years cannot be returned, not forgotten.
    And we want a little today
    To grieve with you about the past.


    Vedas : So, eleven years ago, very little girls and boys came to the platform of the magical station "Land of Knowledge". It consisted of two halls: No. ____ and No. ____. But three years ago, these halls were reconstructed, and a new name appeared for this wonderful station - “Country of Knowledge _____”.
    Vedas : Together with the teachers, the children boarded a magical express and went on an exciting journey through different subject stations, moving from car to car every year.

    Vedas : Each station, of course, has a chief. He loves his job. He likes to keep the order of platforms and paths. Likes to meet and see off trains.
    Vedas : ANDonce a year, he sends an express with graduates called: "School - Adulthood."

    Vedas : We give the floor to the director of school No. _____, and part-time - to the head of our magical station, ______________________________.

    (Director's speech).

    (First graders rise to the stage to the music.

    They read poetry and exchange gifts with graduates).

    Voice behind the scene: Attention attention! Express No. 2018 will leave in a few minutes. Passengers of 11 cars, please go to the check-in hall. We remind you that you need to be attentive to the baggage of knowledge acquired over the years of study.

    (The graduates rise to the stage to the music).


    1: Very sad for the last time
    To hear overflows of a call ...

    2: He invited us with you
    To lessons under the school roof.

    3 : We can't believe that already
    We don't have to wear a shift.

    4: Run away from class sometimes
    Looking forward to a fun change.

    5 : You don't have to stand at the blackboard
    And drive on the map with a pointer,

    6: You don't have to write cheat sheets
    And with a plea to catch clues.

    7: Everything will be left behind...
    There is a big road ahead.

    8 : We say to the school: "I'm sorry,
    Please don't judge us harshly."

    9: Well, to you, dear, relatives,
    The best in the world, our

    10: amazing teachers,
    We say thank you very much.

    11 : Forgive us for all sins
    What have they done over the years.

    12: We admit our guilt
    We weren't the best.

    13 : How much pain, resentment and tears,
    They accidentally hurt you.

    14: Please forgive us
    Anyway, we loved you very much.

    Vedas : Any station is a big interesting life with its own schedule and schedule. And, of course, there are people at the magical school station who tirelessly monitor all the movements of class cars and their student passengers.

    15: So that the learning process is clear,
    Walked in an educational institution -
    The head teacher has a concern -
    Find a solution to that

    16: So make a schedule
    So that the load is evenly
    Encourage children desire -
    Do everything at school.

    17: Do not discourage children
    Hard to learn the lessons
    Nastya, Valyam, Yulyam, Petyam,

    In knowledge - look at the origins.

    18: The head teacher keeps under control:
    At school, the whole process is educational.
    That is his significant role.
    The head teacher in the position is notable

    19: Without it, it's a mess
    Inconsistencies, vanity.
    Where the head teacher is immediately quiet,
    Where the Head Teacher is Beauty!

    (Congratulations of the head teachers).

    (Music "Where does childhood go").

    Vedas : Our very first car wascar number 1, so small, funny, and at the same time bright and cheerful. Look at him. He comes from childhood. It reminds us of the most beautiful time of life.
    Vedas : The first, most interesting and most exciting lessons in school. When there was free time there was a wagon and a small cart, and it was possible to carelessly play catch-up and ball in the yard.

    Vedas : When fairy tales were the most favorite table book, and the best friend was a teddy bear, comfortably nestled next to the pillow.

    (Dance "School Polka").

    Vedas : Elementary school - how long ago it was!The first call, our first class, the first school friends and the first teacher.

    Vedas: The first teacher forever -
    Stay. All school years
    We looked at the pretty features
    How much goodness and warmth in them!

    Vedas: What love, patience stock
    You need to teach us all
    Understand, help, forgive or scold,
    At the same time, love everyone.

    Vedas : We then tried very hard: we wrote beautifully in copybooks, put numbers in notebooks in a box and expressively recited poems.

    (Song for elementary school teachers).
    "Parent House"

    In the first class we came foolish,

    To learn everything from scratch.

    We are indebted to you unpaid,

    Our first teachers.

    Chorus: Our first call, the beginning has begun,

    He brought new life to us.

    Our first lesson and first answer -

    Our lucky ticket to adulthood.

    (Congratulations to elementary school teachers).

    Vedas : The first thing we learned in elementary school is, of course, to read. And they immediately ran to a separate room at our school station under the charming sign "Library"!

    Vedas : There were so many beautiful and interesting books, and we wanted to know more and more! And the keeper of all this treasure was a beautiful and strict Fairy.

    Vedas : But, in fairness, I must say - over the years we visited this hall less and less ... But this fairy was always glad to see us!

    Vedas : Huge file cabinet
    Stored in the library.
    Irina Grigorievna is an important figure,
    And even somewhat brave!

    Vedas : We can learn a lot in the library,

    Vedas : Let's read newspapers, million magazines

    And let's get a wagon of knowledge!

    Vedas : Bow to you low veterans,
    For your hard, necessary work,
    For all the children that you raised

    And those that will soon grow up.

    Vedas : For your kindness and attention -
    For sincerity and kindness.
    For courage and understanding
    For sensitivity, wisdom, simplicity.

    (Congratulations to the librarian).

    Vedas : Years passed, we moved from class to class, from car to car.

    Vedas : Eleven years, eleven long years our express has flown
    along the well-trodden paths of the school curriculum.
    Vedas : There were ups and downs, accelerations and decelerations.
    Vedas : There were sharp turns and tunnels…
    Vedas : And so sometimes I wanted to jump at full speed!
    Vedas : But! School subjects flashed, the baggage of knowledge grew ...

    Vedas : And we even tried to learn how to write essays in detail, logically, competently and conclusively!

    Vedas : The verse is undereducated, underread "Quiet Flows the Don",
    And in the essay for the "Russian" "unit",
    And at night the same dream:
    Professor I dream of Preobrazhensky
    Both Sharikov and Dr. Bormenthal...
    Well, don't you feel sorry for all of us?

    (Scene "Composition")

    E.Yu. Good afternoon! So, in the last lesson, we got acquainted with the work of Mikhail Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog”, and you were given a task at home: write an essay on this topic. Tell me, please, Maxim, why does your essay, like two drops of water, look like Nastya's essay?

    Maksim: Elena Yuryevna, but Nastya and I live in the same yard, and we have one dog running around there. So Nastya and I have the same view of her as the prototype of the main character of this work.

    E.Yu .: Marvelous! And you have grammatical errors, like a blueprint.

    Maksim : Well, Elena Yuryevna, we must be equal to the best, so I'm trying!


    You see, the lesson begins.
    - Imagine, you're a prefix - I'm a pretext.
    - You think, Russian, like a ray of sunshine,
    He is great and he is powerful!

    I understand that I didn’t sip tea with bast shoes.
    - I imagine you hit it very cool
    - I think, we have to pass exams,
    Let's go write all the exams
    - Understand!

    1: You taught us, but what, tell me right away?
    Beautiful texts and great verses?
    Or lyrics? Or fabulous phrases?
    The most difficult science you taught us?

    2: Not! You taught us dreams
    You taught us to think and suffer,
    You taught us to believe in expectations,
    You taught us wisdom to understand!

    (Congratulations to the teacher of the Russian language).

    Vedas: Our planet is very big

    What a joy it is to be on a journey!

    But we know that without language
    We can hardly explain ourselves anywhere!

    Vedas: And how many wise foreign books,
    Let us now open the pages!
    Thank you for every student
    For pushing the boundaries!


    Ay love you, yes ay love you,

    In general, I love you.

    Oh English love

    I'm worried about blood.

    Honey, cho, yes, honey, cho

    Is it fluffy in English?

    I didn't understand anything

    I learned English badly.

    In the eucalyptus forest

    We caught dragonfly.

    Real, real

    Beautiful, shiny. 9.

    My darling, that's from Tokin,

    Etiquette gave lessons.

    I myself, as there is a culture,

    It's from a very nice figure.

    In the eucalyptus forest

    We caught a dragonfly.

    Bee happy real

    Beautiful, shiny.

    Ai em lenin new words,


    Hu keng help tu mi now?

    I'll probably ask you.

    Trouble without English

    Neither here nor there.

    If yo English from good van -

    You will be fine on your own.

    In the eucalyptus forest

    Oh, May The year that I carry.

    We say thank you.

    Thank you for everything.

    (Congratulations to English teachers)

    Vedas: In every history lesson, our school tribe took part in a time machine journey into the distant past!

    Teacher: Stasik, Stasik!(Wakes up a student). Are you going to answer my question?

    Student: Which?? Excuse me, Svetlana Viktorovna.

    Teacher: Why did Moscow burn down?

    Student: What??? When??? I just went to the mall yesterday.(Student in slight bewilderment. Pushes his neighbor on the desk and asks) What's happening?

    Neighbor: Yes, we lost the Russian-Turkish war again.


    (Catherine 11 comes out from behind the stage) .

    Katia: What does it mean to lose again? We will still knock on these Ottoman heads with our enlightened absolutism.

    Student: I don’t understand anything ... Some kind of vision ... Katya, what are you? ...

    2 student: And I understood!(Takes out a Snickers, runs up to Ekaterina 11) You are not yourself when you're hungry! Eat a Snickers!(Puts a Snickers in her hand.)

    Student: Oh, No! We need to learn history. Dream like this!

    ( Song for a history teacher, to the motive of the song “Sasha + Masha”).

    She was difficult for us.

    We need to remember the dates.

    How Alaska was sold.

    How our country has grown.

    Wars, strikes and uprisings

    Revolutions around.

    Strictly in Sparta education.

    We'll find it all in the textbook.

    Chorus: And there was Macedonian, and there was PeterI,

    More Alexander,

    Then - Nikolai.

    Catherine was right.

    Don't forget these rulers.

    (Congratulations to the history teacher).

    Vedas: What interesting stations we visited on our school trip!

    Vedas: With the biology of grief, we did not know, everyone trained the ciliate shoe.

    Teacher: Today, friends, we repeat the theme "Circulatory system". Valentine, tell us how the heart works.

    Student: (Whispers to a neighbor to tell).

    From two atria.

    from two ventricles. And then the stomach, I immediately wanted to eat.


    What difference does it make of what it consists of, the main thing is that it be as good as that of a biology teacher!

    1: Man as part of nature
    Must know her well:
    How everything goes in nature
    Smooth and harmonious.

    2: And for your story is wonderful -
    About the structure of beings,
    We wish in life different
    You wonderful miracles!

    (to the melody of a song from the movie "The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood")

    If it's a long, long, long time

    For a long time we look at the textbook,

    Also write summaries

    And don't look out the window

    That, perhaps, then, of course,

    That's probably right, right

    It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

    Understand biology!

    Chorus: Ah, now I know all the plants.

    Ah, animals and birds are all my friends.

    Ah, crocodiles, hippos!

    Ah, monkeys, sperm whales!

    Oh, and a green parrot! (2 times).

    (Congratulations to the biology teacher).

    Vedas: And chemistry gave us unforgettable moments of experimental creativity. Exciting and sometimes unexpected experiences.

    Vedas: We were in such a hurry for this lesson that sometimes we even uprooted the door handle at this office. 12.

    Vedas: And sometimes the chemical reaction of falling in love so captured us that from the seventh lesson it took us not to the fifth floor, but straight home.

    Vedas: And we,of course, we ask Olga Nikolaevna for forgiveness for this and thank you that nevertheless our baggage of knowledge was replenished on this subject as well!

    Vedas: And the knowledge of chemical reactions and solutions will still be very useful to us in life!

    (Song for a chemistry teacher To the tune of the song "Neighbor" ).

    We learned how to write reaction equations.
    Salts, alkalis, acids can also be recognized.
    Nuclei, atoms, protons - there are so many of them, there is no number.
    Chemistry, I will say, guys, drove us all crazy!
    Chorus: pap-pap-p-ba-ba-pap-pap...

    (Congratulations to the teacher of chemistry).

    Vedas: What an interesting subject - geography!

    Vedas: On himwe conquered impregnable peaks and ocean depths.Vedas: Jungle and tropics, seaside, mountains, rivers and plains.

    Vedas: We can easily go around the whole globe, but we won’t get into a mess!

    Teacher: So, your homework was given to you on the topic “Different peoples of the world”. You are ready?

    All: Of course!

    (Excerpts from the dances "Boots" and "Lezginka")

    1: We studied cities and countries.
    Wandered through valleys and mountains.
    Now we know where bananas grow
    Where do tea and coffee come from?

    2: And where, what language will we need.
    And where, how to marvel at miracles.
    We are not afraid to get lost in the world,
    Now he is not a stranger to us.


    (Song "Island of Bad Luck").

    We do not need knowledge of geography.

    We can give odds to anyone at the institute.

    We know where the desert, waterfalls, forest are.

    So geography is a miracle of miracles!

    We know about the climate, soils and relief.

    We know what the African lion looks like.

    We know Morocco, Congo and Sudan.

    We had to eat Unripe banana!

    If a foreigner knew Russia like that,

    He would not attack Russia for a century.

    The German would not die

    The Frenchman didn't die

    From the Russian cold,

    From Russian puddles.

    A Pole would not wander through the Russian forest.

    I'd rather learn geography, poor man.

    If he knew about Russian roads,

    He would not visit us under execution.

    Glory of geography - Mother of Sciences.

    You have delivered us all from great torment.

    Tropics with the equator, sorry

    In our native expanses We are used to living

    (Congratulations to the teacher of geography).


    Vedas: And further on the path of our school memories lies the station "Exact Sciences".

    1: You sit, it happened once in a lesson,
    And knowing that I didn't learn my lesson
    You are afraid that suddenly, inadvertently, to the board,
    They didn't call. And immediately - fell ill.

    2: The teacher will not believe, no doubt,
    But he will talk about ions,
    About atoms, about different phenomena,
    About the fact that it is important for us to study physics.

    3: And captivating us with his story,
    And intriguing us with experiences,
    Talks casually about gases
    And the whole class is listening carefully.

    4: Slowly, stubbornly leads us away,
    In the world of physics, where there are many, many secrets,
    And shocked, heard we leave,
    As if a miracle, we crossed the line.

    5: And they definitely checked at home,
    What the teacher said in class
    So we stubbornly and diligently,
    The teacher led me into the world of physics.

    6: And we want to thank you,
    For your hard painstaking work,
    For instilling curiosity in us,
    Because you taught us.

    7: Let us not always teach physics,
    And listened "half-heartedly" sometimes,
    You put something important in our heads in life,
    We will always remember you!


    (Song to the teacher of physics to the motive of the song gr. Demo “Sun”)

    I'm off the ground

    Overpowering the force of gravity

    And I will fall with acceleration back.

    The fall of my corner - proved a long time ago -

    The angle was equal to the reflection, understand?


    sun clear beam

    Just emerging from behind the clouds,

    Pass through a glass prism

    And it will fall apart into a seven-color spectrum

    Everywhere and always

    This world needs physics

    And it matters to everyone

    If all of a sudden I have to go to the Fizvuz.

    (Congratulations to the teacher of physics).

    Vedas: In the computerized, virtual world, real knowledge was given to us. And without exception, we all, like fanatics, appreciated informatics night and day!

    1: Computers are now part of life
    Without them it is impossible to live in our reality,
    Without them it is impossible to have fun decently,
    Without them it is impossible to solve problems.

    2: Of course, we ourselves sometimes studied
    Subtleties of computer craft,
    But only you gave us all the information,
    Which will always save us in the future!

    (Song to the motive of the song “What progress has come to”).

    What progress has been made!

    To unimaginable miracles.

    They gave us a computer to school

    I immediately jumped into it.


    There are some diagrams

    The memory is in it

    There is also a power supply

    There are alsoCD- ROM/


    How much progress has been made

    I got into the Internet yesterday

    Abstracts can be downloaded

    You like it with a picture, you want it without.


    By reading effort

    you don't apply

    You are better in touch

    Download info...

    (Congratulations to the computer science teacher).

    Vedas: School subjects flashed by, the baggage of knowledge grew ... And the science of mathematics taught us to think! The process of thinking - how much romance in it!
    Vedas: We discovered poetry in algebra, after which our potential increased exponentially.

    1: To questions that many can hardly do,
    The arithmetic of life prepares the answer.
    We have multiplied the accumulated experience all year,
    And shared with the teacher the joy of victories.

    2: We stacked the talents with perseverance in the square,
    And, taking out the fuss out of the brackets of problems,
    We received knowledge baggage as a result -
    We cannot imagine life without them.

    3: Two by two? What is a trapezoid?
    And how to find the root of a hundred?
    You are in our minds and even in our hearts,
    You are smarter than everyone and always smarter!

    4: And your fundamentals are important for success,
    We will remember them, no need to cram,
    After all, we will honestly tell you, without any laughter,
    Math is important to learn!


    (Song to the motive "Everything will be fine").

    If we are told to multiply by 2,

    We answer: you need to think first.

    And so as not to pay for the mistake later,

    Maybe it's better to divide by 2 -

    Okay everything will be alright

    If we raise a number to a power -

    We can easily find the square root.

    And so as not to suffer for a long time on the road,

    It is better to find a solution faster -

    And everything will be fine, everything will be fine

    Everything will be fine, we know it, we know it.

    Okay everything will be alright

    And we will not lose our hopes.

    (Congratulations to the teacher of mathematics).

    Vedas: Not a secret - Station "Sportivnaya" for many of us was the most desirable.

    Vedas: In our favorite physical education, we strengthened our muscles.

    1: They came to the gym
    We got up for a warm-up:
    Legs wider, arms higher
    Squats and jumps!

    2: The teacher scolded us that we entered the hall without a uniform,
    That athletes in jeans, skirts, the world did not know before us!

    3: We are a physical education teacher,
    Taught everything for a reason!
    We will sail all the seas.
    And we'll come back and play
    Basketball back then!

    4: This, my friend, is physical education!
    We can't live without it, And we can't be healthy!

    ( The song "If with a friend went on the road").

    There is a spacious office

    It has no tables and chairs.

    And no board either.

    How simple are my words

    There are two of these offices

    The teachers, too.

    Not afraid of snow and heat,

    And torrential rain:

    Sneakers in summer and winter.

    There will be snow, there will be hail,

    We have no way back.

    And our teacher will be happy!

    Where else, you answer me

    You can get sick

    Even healthy people.

    Express joy with a cry

    To support the team

    Admiring the goal.

    Our main judge

    Our permanent helmsman,

    Kamil Anvarovich is with me.

    Every day, as always

    Lilit Gerardovna Bodra

    And let's say to both of them: Hurray! 19.

    (Congratulations to physical education teachers).

    Vedas: But still, let's say without concealment, all objects in the world are needed Protection of the life and health of children!

    Vedas: And everyone, without exception, will become his own rescue service! And we were taught this in the lessons of life safety.

    1: Teacher, before parting
    We will say a couple of kind words.
    Thank you for your edification
    for each lesson completed.

    2: Now there is no reason to get lost
    Fire or flood...
    You taught us how to cope
    With everything life brings.

    3: And thanks for this
    We express to you with all our heart.
    It's good that we got
    Experienced teacher!

    (Congratulations to the teacher of life safety).

    Vedas: Valya, what kind of look do you have? As Galina Anatolyevna says: "Texas ranch"!

    Vedas: You're at the "Last Call" holiday!

    Valya: That's it - the last time! You can, well, at least for the last time come to school not in uniform!

    Vedas: Look, another one! What are you talking about?

    Danya: Yes, and why not! It seems to me that some teachers of our school are now in a state of DEJAVU! After all, they've seen it somewhere before.

    Valya: And since this is the anniversary year for our school, we will try to move them back 17 years!

    (Dance "Cowboys").


    1: Big bow to wonderful people,
    Who are always in the shade.
    We will remember them for a long time
    Because they are kind.

    2: For being politely greeted
    Us in the wardrobe and in the lobby,
    Washed after us, wiped off the dust,
    We thank you doubly.

    3: In school museums and in the first-aid post,
    And in the secretary's room
    benevolent people -
    They didn't work for us in vain.

    4: For the fact that we were fed deliciously,
    So that we do not lose weight,
    We are sad to part with you
    After all, you worked "for five."

    5: Forgive us for offending
    With a harsh word, we sometimes
    All that you have given us in life,
    It will remain in our hearts.

    6: Not enough words to express all the feelings
    Which, overwhelm us now!
    We will say loudly together (All in unison) “Thank you!”
    Because you have worked hard for us.

    (Congratulations to all school staff).

    (Congratulations for the class teacher).

    Voice behind the scene: Attention! Attention! There are 15 minutes left before the departure of express train No. 2017. Departing guests can take their seats in the waiting room for the time being.

    (Graduates sit in their seats in the hall).

    Vedas: Here it is, what is the composition of our train. But in our train there was always another trailer, so homely and warm.
    Vedas: We sincerely believe that this trailer is the foundation for us.


    Vedas: That without which our express train would not have started, without which it would not have been possible to travel through the magical land of Knowledge, and even more so without it it would be impossible to do on a further journey.
    Vedas: Surely you have already guessed. Trailer, wheels, which, when in contact with the rails, become as hot as the hearts of our parents.

    Vedas: And parental boundless love will always help our train bypass the wrong direction and a siding with a dead end at the end.
    Vedas: All these years our parents studied with us.
    Vedas: It was they who raised us to school in the morning and handed us a notebook with problems that they sometimes solved for us at night.
    Vedas: It was they who blushed for us in front of the teachers when we ran away from lessons and got deuces.
    Vedas: It is they who proudly look at us today and rejoice that we have finally grown up.
    Vedas: Dear moms and dads, thank you for your love, help and support.
    Voice behind the scene: Attention! Attention! Dear parents, they are waiting for you at carriages No. 11 on the first platform for voicing instructive words to your children.
    Vedas: The word is given to our parents.

    (Speech by parents).

    Voice behind the scene: Attention! Attention! Be careful, mourners from the 10 cars of train No. 2018 arrive on the platform with their luggage of wishes and parting words.

    (Speech by 10th graders).

    Vedas: Our school has a tradition - at the Last Bell holiday, graduates give the symbolic key of knowledge to 10th graders so that they open our school on September 1 in the next academic year.

    Vedas: Take care of our school, now you are the oldest in it!

    (Graduates pass the symbolic Key of Knowledge).

    Voice behind the scene: Attention! Attention! Fast train No. 2018 will leave on the route "School - Adult Life" in five minutes! Departing passengers are requested to take their seats in the carriages. 22.

    (The graduates go on stage to the music).

    Vedas: Let's check if everyone has taken their seats.

    Vedas: 11 car with the letter "A" you should be - 21.

    Vedas: All! Good! 11 car with the letter "B" you should be - 15.

    Vedas: All! Good! And now we see the number of our main school house, the house where we were so warm and comfortable.

    1: Days flew by and turned into years
    Absenteeism, deuces and bans all -
    Remained in the past, here it is - FREEDOM!
    But why did I feel so sad?

    2: And why can't I sleep at night?
    I remember everything, to the smallest detail,

    I take a closer look at the faces,
    All my classmates, teachers.

    3: Well, how is it? With you at the desk again
    Will I ever sit on a test again?
    Won't you tell me another word?

    You can't hold out the cheat sheet anymore, can you?

    4: Everything is behind: lessons, changes,
    Reports and answers at the blackboard.
    And others occupy the school arena,

    We are now graduates!

    5: What else can I say goodbye?
    After all, the farewell bell will ring soon ...
    Native, school, goodbye, -

    Everything has its time, everything has its time.


    6: We're in no hurry to say goodbye
    And a hundred times more miles now
    We will become images and faces,
    Such native teachers.

    (Song "When we leave the schoolyard").

    When we leave the schoolyard,
    To the sounds of an ageless waltz,
    The teacher takes us to the corner,
    And again - back, and again to him in the morning -
    Meet, teach and part again,
    When we leave the schoolyard.

    A lot has been lived and understood here!
    There was a timid voice, the chalk in his hand trembled,
    But you ran home with a victory!
    And if suddenly luck is gone, -
    Walk through the quiet school floors.

    There is no need to rush to say goodbye to her!
    Well, how to forget the loud ringing of drops
    And the girl carrying the briefcase?
    Let nothing happen again,
    The door is always open for us at school.

    Thank you for the end of the lessons,
    Although you wait with the hope of change.
    But life is a special subject:
    Will ask new questions in response,
    But you must find a solution!
    Thank you for the end of the lessons!


    Vedas: There is no escape from this.
    A hand is raised to say goodbye.
    Pink childhood is leaving
    Under the beep of the last call.

    Vedas: Call over your favorite school
    Call and sonorous, and cheerful!
    Ring the bell! overflow
    And pour into the heart of the song.

    Vedas: Dreams, hopes, expectations,
    Everything is in the future, everything is ahead.
    But, and now, over the school building,
    Ring the bell, ring, ring!

    (Bell rings).


    Scenario of the last call "School train"

    The music “Where does childhood go”, “School waltz” sounds. On the screen is a video clip “From the school life of graduates”. Against the backdrop of all this…

    1VED: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

    2VED: Good afternoon, dear parents and dear teachers!

    1VED: With words of love and recognition to their native school, administration, teachers and parents, as well as service personnel, graduates of grade 9 address today. Let's greet them with thunderous applause. ( Graduates come out, stand in a row)

    2VED: An unusually important and very solemn moment in your life, dear graduates!

    1VED: Today music sounds for you, schoolchildren greet you, strict but beloved teachers meet you.

    2 VED: This May morning, this warm spring

    Everything, as before, as if, everything goes in sequence.

    1VED: Only you at the parade, with smiles, flowers,

    The hall is in a beautiful outfit and the guests are simply awe.

    2VED: We know that today you do not need a lesson

    We gathered for a holiday, for the last call. (video ends)

    1VED: On behalf of those who went with you the entire nine-year school path, who thought about you, strangers yesterday, now relatives, who, in the school ringing silence after the last lesson, pondered your questions and weighed their answers, on behalf of school teachers and on their own Vladimir Grigoryevich, director of the Yersubaykinsk Basic School, is addressing you personally.

    (director's speech)

    2VED: The word for greetings and congratulations is given to the guest of our holiday, the head of the department for children and youth of the Almetyevsk municipal district Karpov ...

    The floor is also given to the guest of the holiday - the Representative of the People's Deputy of the Almetyevsk United Council Yusupov ... ..

    (guests receive bouquets)

    1Vedas: This holiday is a sad holiday sometimes,

    After all, now only "graduate" is applicable to you.

    But for this you need to pass a series of exams,

    Now we will find out if you can be allowed ...

    2VED: The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Education Valentina Nikolaevna.

    (Head teacher's speech)

    Sounds characteristic of the train sound, tapping at the joints. On the screen is a photo of the school, then graduates in the elementary grades.

    Station "Starting"

    Anita :( during slide show) Stop! Stop! It is me! ( runs out to the middle)

    Arina: And I'm there! Look! Oh what a little one! And Gena Petrov, and Antoshka Samarin!

    (The rest go to the middle of the hall with the words "where", "let us see too")

    Frosya: Do you remember this new year? Who were you then Anton?

    Anton: A gnome. My beard was made by my mother all night.

    Frosya: Oh, we went to the museum, to Elhovo. I remember how we wanted to touch everything there. Would love to visit there again.

    Gena: And here is our first teacher, Valentina Nikolaevna. How worried we were when we walked arm in arm with her to class!

    Veronica: I remember the first of September. As I was worried, I didn’t sleep all night, I wanted to touch the uniform. By the way, which of us gave the first call?

    (alumni answers)

    Anita: (to the song " Teach at school»)

    It all started with a school bell

    Desks set off on a long journey.

    Now we will have more abrupt starts,

    And they will be more serious, and then

    It all started with a school bell.

    Days fly by like a fast train

    Do not return, do not keep.

    We were led by the hand to school

    Seems like only a year ago

    So small and important

    Ironed, elegant

    You can't see behind the bouquet.

    We were met by Valentina Nikolaevna

    And how she gathered all the chickens,

    Becoming a second mother to us,

    led the path of knowledge

    did you remember yourself?

    I remember it was around

    A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

    From warm mother's hands

    The teacher took my hand.

    He took me to first grade

    solemnly and decisively.

    my hand and now

    In the hands of my teacher


    It all started with a school bell:

    Poems, science, friendship - whatever you want.

    How much the teacher tried to give us,

    So that we go through life for sure.

    All together: Thank you, Valentina Nikolaevna! ( handing a bouquet)

    The song “Childhood, childhood, where are you running” by Yu Shatunov sounds (two verses).

    Today you remembered what you were 9 years ago. Now look, guys, at the little ones who have come to greet you. Listen to those who will graduate from school in 2021.

    (performance of first graders)

    Alumni response

    Dear smallest residents of our school! First graders! The pages of the calendar flew by so quickly, connecting spring and autumn. And you are no longer helpless jackdaws, whom we saw off on September 1 to school. You already look at the world consciously and confidently. Happy journey, dear boys and girls. Thank you for your kind words addressed to us.
    Today we say goodbye to the school, you remain in it - its present and future. Therefore, we pass on all school traditions to you. May the happiness of knowledge, the joy of communication, the atmosphere of love and creativity always live in our school.

    Graduates give first-graders balls and sets of pencils.

    Oh look! And who is this?...

    Yes, this is the director - he is also a teacher of history and social studies, he is also the father of school experiments. The character is very persistent: vigilant, merciless to violators of cleanliness and order, has a sharp ear and an authoritative voice; sees all, hears all, knows all.

    Special signs - enthusiasm, iron restraint, analytical mind, in the course of light chatter, is able to find out the most terrible secrets of students.

    Teachers, children, mothers,

    Lessons, committee, people...

    Oh, Vladimir Grigorievich!

    How much trouble do you have.

    . (the director is given a letter of thanks and a bouquet).

    Dance to the music "School years"

    And these are the deputy directors Valentina Nikolaevna and Lyubov Alekseevna.

    There is always a pile of magazines in the hands.

    An elusive walk.

    This is our head teacher -

    The school is busy.

    Everyone should be warned

    Tell and explain to everyone

    Invite to the teachers' council -

    At Valentina Nikolaevna

    there is no time for rest.

    Special signs of Lyubov Alekseevna: the ability to open the soul of each with a special key and keep it in the safe of her heart .. She is merciless to truants, hooligans and other diviant personalities. He has a sharp ear, an imperious voice, a paralyzing look. Artistic personality, noticed in organizing and holding interesting events, competitions, concerts. The main weapon of Lyubov Alekseevna is erudition.

    (the song "Wind Outside the Window" sounds)

    We stop at the Knowledge Repository Station. And this is her kind and caring mistress Lyudmila Nikolaevna, who carefully stores books here. We all know that "a good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person."

    But they came to the library

    We respect you very much

    You provided us with books.

    When we wrote essays

    Literature you rescued us.

    We are grateful for your work

    Letting you take care of the years!

    (flowers and gratitude to the librarian)

    And here are our strict but beloved teachers. Guys, do you recognize them all?

    Over the years we have been taught by excellent teachers. We thank each of you for your endurance, patience and kindness and say thank you!

    On our life path

    You were always there.

    They got tired of you sometimes.

    And you, probably, from us.

    We will leave, you will breathe a little,

    Just a little (and that's the catch)

    'Cause you'll soon realize

    That our class wasn't so bad.

    You miss us right,

    We will miss you greatly

    We'll be coming often

    And you are happy to meet us.

    ALL: thank you very much to the class teacher and teacher of Russian language and literature Nadezhda Nikolaevna!

    (response word of the class teacher)

    We will remember every moment

    Our best friend is our mother tongue!

    Impossible to become cultural

    without native literature!

    We express our gratitude to the teachers of the native language and literature Lyudmila Nikolaevna and Lyubov Alekseevna!

    Math and I are best friends now.

    A charming teacher taught us a lesson in life!

    We say a big thank you to the teacher of physics and mathematics!

    We can do Tatar

    And literature

    We are very grateful to you

    Zira Bagazitovna!


    Knowledge is excellent - we say "zer good"

    All the spies in the world are unlikely to understand.

    Thank you, Alevtina Ilyinichna!

    Your subject is terribly important.

    Everyone understands this.

    Studied everything:

    Human and kittens.

    We say thanks to the teacher of chemistry and biology Lyudmila Nikolaevna Andreeva

    Work at a computer

    We can easily now.

    What, where, why, what is there -

    We just have everything now.

    Today, all the countries of the continents are open to us.

    Go and explore all the local highlights.

    Thank you very much to the teacher of geography and computer science Vasily Mitrofanovich.

    Our teacher, our fizruk,

    Our sports best friend

    We welcome you: "Hurrah!",

    And we wish you many years, dear Irina Mikhailovna!

    Many thanks to the primary school teachers Svetlana Nikolaevna and Lyudmila Filimonovna!

    Dear teachers! For nine years you have led us through life. Learned to see, think, understand. Thank you so much for the love, for the severity, for the care. Because the school has become our second home. As a token of gratitude, please accept flowers from us.

    The song "When we leave the school yard" sounds. Graduates give flowers to teachers.

    The train is rushing, the wheels are rattling. Service station appears


    Dear maintenance staff!

    You every day and every hour,

    Dedicated to hard work,

    I think of us with one thought, you live with one concern.

    Elizabeth Yurievna, thank you for the delicious dinners!

    Varvara Viktorovna, Valentina Vasilievna, thank you for the cleanliness and order in the school!

    Ilya Semenovich - for cleanliness and order on the school grounds!

    Sergey Konstantinovich, Vasily Fedorovich, Sergey Anatolyevich, thank you for the fact that our school is always under your reliable supervision.

    And also we want to say special thanks to our irreplaceable medical worker for the fact that you, Anna Prokopyevna, have always stood guard over our health, for your kindness and care for us, thank you!

    (to the song "Our service is both dangerous and difficult" students give flowers to the attendants)

    Dear parents! Today's celebration is a huge event in your life: it is the result of a long and difficult nine years that you have passed together, hand in hand, with your child. The joy of discoveries and the bitterness of mistakes, the happiness of friendship and the anxieties of first love - everything is experienced by your parental hearts, sensitive and responsive to everything that concerns their own child.

    (sketch "In the evening at home", account 7-8 cells)

    All Together (for the song "Parental House")

    Moms and dads, our good ones!

    We want to thank you

    For caring, for being with us

    Everyone is ready to take their exams.

    Passed from class to class

    Gain knowledge and grow

    Everything we were taught in school

    You helped us to master everything.

    And we have no urine to say:

    “Oh mom, I love you!

    Father, I adore you! "(give flowers to parents)

    Parents' response

    To the song “Beautiful Far Away,” the students say the final words.

    Here is the first syllable and the first friend,

    And the first worries.

    So the first round is over.

    And what are the results?

    This is where we sometimes

    In captivity of melancholy and boredom,

    And the wisdom of science seemed like nonsense to us.

    And worried us sometimes

    not the best grades

    A clear look of beautiful eyes

    Pretty neighbor.

    And now we take it to the world

    The baggage of your knowledge.

    And life is not a competition, not a tournament,

    And not even an exam.


    We are escorted on this path and tears and smiles,

    And we'll be forgiven somehow

    Mistakes and errors.

    And we are not once, not twice

    Remember the school yard

    The bell rings, the schoolchildren at this time wave the balls, then, with a shout of “hurray”, throw the balls into the center of the hall. Graduates become a locomotive to the sounds of a locomotive and to the song "Blue Wagon" they make one circle and leave to applause.

    So, the end is the crown of everything

    And the train at the station.

    But it's not the end at all

    That is the beginning of youth.

    This concludes our holiday! Thank you all for your attention.

    Holiday of the last call "Train of childhood".

    class teacher 11th grade

    Shevchenko Elena Nikolaevna

    MBOU secondary school No. 9, Novy Urengoy.

    Railway station sounds + train noises

    Speaker: Attention! Attention! School train No. 2013, following the route "childhood-youth", arrives on the first track of the station "Municipal budgetary general education secondary school." Numbering of wagons from the tail of the train. I repeat ... School train No. 2013 following the route "childhood-youth" arrives on the first track of the station "Municipal budgetary comprehensive secondary school." Numbering of wagons from the tail of the train. The request of the meeting passengers to take their seats. Train stop 60 minutes.

    Phonogram of a locomotive whistle and the sound of a train.

    Leader exit.

    Speaker: Attention! To the conductors of graduation cars No. 11 of school train No. 2013! Get ready to disembark passengers!

    A song sounds, graduates come out

    Presenter 1

    We studied at this school

    11 best years of my life

    But the years have gone by quickly

    And there is no return to the past.

    Lead 2

    Hello dear teachers, parents, students! The solemn line dedicated to a significant event in the life of graduates of our school is declared open!

    The anthem of Russia sounds .

    Presenter 1

    Today is a holiday in our school,

    But this is a sad day for us.

    Dear our classmates

    They came to class for the last time.

    Student 1: Teachers, please rest a little,

    Are you tired of standing at the blackboard for so many years,

    Graduates every year take away from you the road,

    Isn't whiskey whitened from those separations?

    Student 2: We know that it’s not just for you with us, it was sometimes

    But now we are almost adults.

    In this adult life we ​​will take with us

    The warmth and love of your bright soul.

    Student 3: You taught us life at every lesson,
    We were scolded at times and praised at times ...
    Oh, how stupid we were!
    And how much we understand just now!

    Speaker: Dear passengers of exit cars No. 11, please get ready for customs control. If you have any questions, please contact the management of the station: the head of the station and her deputies.

    Lead 2

    First to say a word

    A great honour.

    The word for reading the order on the admission of students in grades 11 to the State exams is given to the director of the school, Svetlana Nikolaevna Demidova.

    The director reads the order for admission to the exams.

    Pupil 4: We were scared by the director,
    Often sent to you
    To not be naughty at school,
    And the teachers were not angry.
    And when we grew up
    We have already gone to you
    To get help,
    Or support in some way!
    We wish you patience
    All problems are your solutions!
    In your personal life, let you, Svetlana Nikolaevna,
    It will also be top notch!

    Congratulations to the principal of the school, we give flowers.

    Student 5: Here's a story about a difficult role

    What is the head teacher at school for?

    To sit over the schedule

    Days and nights through

    Stay in anticipation:

    Who will go on sick leave?

    To resolutely and cheerfully

    In competitions and reviews

    Everyone to take part

    Definitely win

    If someone smiled at you

    And suddenly a radiance spread around -

    Fortune suddenly returned to you,

    That's what makes their charm!

    We thank our head teachers Svetlana Gennadievna Pukhova and Veronika Gennadievna Zhitnikova!

    Congratulations to the head teachers, we give color

    train sound

    Speaker: Attention! Attention! Our train arrives at the first station.

    For those who want to remember the amazing years of childhood, go to the room of the child's matter, here unforgettable moments await you.

    Student 6: We must say at this hour

    About those who gave us life,

    About the closest people in the world,

    About those who helped grow

    And it will help a lot.

    Invisibly our parents follow us,

    And in joy and at the hour when trouble came,

    They seek to protect us from sorrows,

    But, alas, we do not always understand them.

    Forgive us, dear, dear,

    After all, there are no people more valuable than you.

    As they say, children are the joy in life,

    And you are our support in it!

    Song to parents

    Only for you I sing with my soul

    Without lies and selfish reasons,

    I can't love without you

    I don't like this world without you.

    Warm thoughts are always about you

    The best father, because my

    We are with you forever

    Let's forget all unnecessary words

    Hugs tighter and love

    We are with you forever

    We thank you

    I do not ask life for good

    You raised me well

    And it baked on the soul

    It's like living water

    This world is so cruel and vulnerable

    But there is a place for rights and dreams

    And we embarked on the path with him,

    Grateful for everything only to you

    We are with you forever

    Let's forget all unnecessary words

    Only heart and soul, sight and silence

    Hugs tighter and love

    We are with you forever

    Like the sun light, air and water

    Once again, for everything that we have

    We thank you

    Only for you I sing with my soul

    Without lies and selfish reasons

    I can't love without you

    I don't like this world without you

    Presenter 1

    For the paths that opened before you

    And for not going astray

    Bow down to your parents

    For excitement and anxiety.

    Lead 2

    The word is given to our wonderful, best, beloved parents.

    Speaker: Attention attention!!! Our train arrives at the station "World of Wonderful Discoveries"

    Presenter 1

    We invite you to take a virtual journey on our symbolic train, we will remember everyone and everyone who was with us on our journey, and taught us the mind!

    Lead 2

    You made your first discoveries with a person who has the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher. People remember their first teacher all their lives, they remember him with gratitude.

    Student 7: Winters have passed with springs

    And so we became adults

    Let's rush who to the north, who to the south

    But do not forget and remember more often

    My first teacher

    Presenter 1

    This is the beginning of our school journey. Each of us will remember September 1, 2002 - so small and clumsy we crossed the threshold of the school and our first teachers led us by the hand.

    Lead 2

    Today our first teachers came to congratulate us. We welcome and invite:

    We think they have something to say to us, let's give them the floor

    Speech by the first teachers

    Student 8: Thank you, earth bow

    From all graduates, accept

    And just as carefully loving

    Teach your students.

    Presenter 1

    Our dear first teachers: Elena Viktorovna Ignashova, Svetlana Semyonovna Prostova, Olga Alexandrovna Yatsishin, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and give you this song.

    Song to the first teacher (to the tune of "Tender May")

    On the first day of September we went to the 1st grade

    With a smile you looked at us

    And, remembering those days, like time ago

    Dispersed, who is to blame?

    We've grown up

    Learned the big world

    But you remained

    very dear

    Chorus 2 times.

    My sweet, gentle

    I hold your hands

    I can't find words

    My dear, my love

    At the most difficult hour

    We won't forget you

    We thought everything was forever

    You forgave us everything - that was nonsense

    I wanted to return to us the past days

    But they went away

    We've grown up

    Learned the big world

    But you remained very dear

    Chorus 2 times.

    My sweet, gentle

    I hold your hands

    I can't find words

    My dear, my love

    At the most difficult hour

    We won't forget you

    They give flowers.

    Presenter 1

    It seems to me that the next guests of our holiday, all those present in the hall, will evoke a lot of the most pleasant, most joyful memories. Our shift, future graduates of our school, came to our holiday. Meet, here they are!

    Sounds background at the exit of first graders

    Congratulations First Graders.

    1) We came to congratulate you,

    And the teacher is with us

    Together we want to say

    All: We are proud of you!

    2) We wish you health, we wish you success,

    So that tears shine only from laughter,

    So that happiness and joy shine on their faces,

    So that all wishes come true!

    3) Everyone loves to study and listen to mom,

    And they eat porridge without leaving a single gram.

    And there are among them who, imagine, do not smoke,

    Who cleans the class and is often on duty.

    In short, they are not more expensive in the world.

    What good adults!

    4) Pass the exams boldly,

    We guarantee success

    With your knowledge guys

    Outright strike everyone!

    5) We know it will be difficult in the summer,

    After all, the path to science is thorny.

    Talisman for good luck

    Let our gift become!

    6) To remember you for a long time

    Your school days

    We give you from the bottom of our hearts

    Those warm lines!

    Lead 2

    The word is given to graduates

    Akam (go to the center, in front of the audience, grunt, like before a speech, with a serious face, announce loudly, clearly, concisely): SONG!

    Song potpourri about school

    We are brave guys, brave, brave,
    We are not yet left in life and not right,
    But we love to argue passionately
    And we ask: "What is it?"
    so let's spit, brothers, over the left shoulder.

    At school we were our students,
    The school is ours, the school is our dear home.
    The first thing, the first thing is to pass the exam.
    Well, what about the girls?
    And then the girls.
    When later?
    Saturday night, evening, evening
    When "excellent students" in quotation marks have nothing to do,
    To the sounds of black tape recorders
    We'll dance the rock and roll dance
    And sing our favorite song.
    Which one?
    Student, student, don't fall in love
    After all, the exam is ahead of you.
    Student, student, don't fall in love
    At school, you can do without love.
    Girls. But...
    Love comes unexpectedly
    When you don't expect it at all
    And every evening will immediately become
    so amazingly good
    And you eat...
    What do you eat?
    The heart of a beauty is prone to treason
    And to change, like the wind in May.
    And at school?

    Migratory "deuces" are flying
    Blue from the school bench
    They fly into our portfolios,
    And we take them home.
    And at home?
    Candles are burning,
    Father's bass rumbles
    Now you're double
    It will fly as it should.
    But as?
    Oh, one more time
    Many, many more times.
    Oh, one more time
    Many, many more times.
    And now?
    It's time for the road
    We go a long way, a long way, we go a long way,
    Beyond the school door
    We will not let our school down!
    And what is the main thing?
    The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart.
    We can overcome any difficulties.
    Yes, there are many temptations in our complex world,
    The main thing is to be a decent person!
    And you, leaving the school threshold,
    Save it in your heart

    which you will walk.
    Save your school friends along the way
    which you will walk.

    Akam (go to the center, in front of the audience and announce with a serious face, loudly, clearly, concisely): ALL!

    Speaker: Dear passengers, the next stop is the station "Heroes of Our Time"

    Presenter 1 We will remember every moment

    Our best friend is our mother tongue

    Impossible to become cultural

    Without native literature

    Student 9: We have heard Russian since birth,

    Put your thoughts in order.

    But its beauty and strength

    Teachers opened for us.
    Russian literature taught
    Mind and reason me.

    Congratulations dear

    Our relatives' teachers

    Lyudmila Nikolaevna Mukhametchina,

    Nina Vladimirovna Patrakov,

    Galina Rashidovna Baranova!

    They give flowers.

    Speaker: the next stop is "square root".

    Lead 2

    Among the sciences - the queen,

    Special honor to her

    We want to bow

    For those who teach it

    These lines are dedicated to the teacher of mathematics

    Student 10: Dear Olga Alexandrovna!

    Equations, examples, tasks…

    Is it behind now?

    And while we don't know yet

    What will be ahead of us.

    We always, as one, were indignant,

    What empty lessons we have

    Always replaced by algebra,

    And dragged like prisoners to the classroom.

    We'll probably regret it

    That never remained in captivity ...

    Having met the formula, we do not turn pale,

    We do not go, like ignoramuses, to the bottom.

    So thanks for the strict clarity

    Your thoughts, hairstyles and lips ...

    We are not in danger forever

    Forget cubed!

    Speaker: Attention! Attention! our train following the route "Childhood-youth" makes an emergency stop at the station "BioGeoPhysKhim", the train stops for 10 minutes.

    Presenter 1

    Geography teacher, physicist, chemist and biologist

    Boys and girls friends

    They wish us well

    Open, honest soul

    Student 11: This is how you taught us: here is Australia, there is Chile,

    Here, without noise and out of boredom, the natives ate Cook.

    Boring world without travel, adventure, incident

    Not on an all-terrain vehicle, but at a school desk

    We will go around the seas and distant countries with Elena Alexandrovna!

    Student 12: Ever since the very first time
    You conducted chemistry with us,
    We were fascinated by this subject,
    The reason is many, many years.
    We would like to congratulate you on your graduation.
    And put all the "five" to us,
    We want to see you always
    The smile of your face.

    Thank you, Valentina Ivanovna!

    Student 13: Our physicist, congratulations to you,

    We repeat the experience with you,

    Learning the force of attraction

    You are worthy of respect.

    Thank you, Olga Alexandrovna!

    We give flowers

    Speaker: Our train continues its route. Those wishing to relax on the way can visit our Internet cafe.

    Student 14: Spectacular life, technology collapse,

    TV, video boom, mass of information,

    Internet and computer, display, terminal,

    And at the same time, with everything, you are in front of the class.

    And nothing will work without you

    And no one will tell, no one will teach,

    But it is unlikely that the computer will love us ....

    Irina Sergeevna and Olga Alexandrovna - you are the best for us!

    Speaker: Our train is approaching the station "Old Sweet Years"

    Presenter 1 We dedicate these lines to the teachers of history and social studies Elena Nikolaevna and Yulia Alexandrovna.

    Student 15: There is silence in your lessons.

    When you are telling a story.

    What lived, lives today the whole country

    Why is labor always held in high esteem everywhere...

    We always think a lot at the blackboard

    How we live, how we live...

    True, we don’t always know how to surprise everyone with an answer.

    We think what to cite as examples

    To get "excellent" in the lesson.

    P.S. When you conduct discussions and tests with us. Once again we understand:

    Life lessons to be learned!

    Speaker: Our train stopped at the border of "Foreign Languages"

    Student 16: English is the future of the world

    We say all "Cheeez" beautifully,

    And we know without dictionaries

    What does "shop" and "Milky Way" mean.

    We can understand something in German

    We can sing songs in English.

    Life itself will offer to teach us everything,

    Let me thank you for everything.

    We want to say a huge thank you to Svetlana Mikhailovna, Elena Alekseevna and Zarema Yavgaitarovna!

    Speaker: Dear passengers! While the train is moving, we ask you to follow the safety rules, remain calm, be vigilant, do not leave things unattended, if you find a suspicious object, do not approach it, call the head of the train. We are approaching the station "Wind of Change"

    Student 17: Was there a fire, a flood?

    Or heavy bleeding?

    Frostbite, fracture, bruise?

    And a man not to die

    We will provide first aid

    And thanks to Yarash Abdurakhmanovich!

    For everything he taught us

    The whole class thanks him!

    Student 18: You of us sought to raise Olympic hopes.

    Look at the boys, yes, you didn’t work in vain.

    Let them still eagles, but in the long term - eagles!

    It does not matter that their Olympic records are not equal.

    And the girls, look how slim and graceful.

    Aerobics and running are taken seriously.

    Thanks for everything to Eduard Alekseevich,

    Sergei Georgievich and Victoria Viktorovna!

    Speaker: Dear passengers of the "Childhood-Youth" route, we bring to your attention a collection of exclusive printed publications in a special car of our train. You can also visit our dining car. You can contact the service personnel for help.

    Student 19: When your tummy hurts, run immediately to the doctor,

    And if you burr, a speech therapist will help.

    The soul hurts - to the psychologist, and the teeth - to the dentist,

    The social pedagogue will give sensible advice to parents.

    The caretaker repairs everything, everything functions with him,

    The maintenance staff tirelessly cleans up.

    And the laboratory assistants are experienced, they will prepare experiments for us,

    The librarian will give the book, and I will read it.

    We want to thank Svetlana Nikolaevna, Alina Lvovna, Yulia Vitalievna, Valentina Petrovna, Tatyana Fedorovna!

    Speaker: And now we convey holiday greetings to the employees of the dining car, and the attendants of our train.

    Student 20: Congratulations to the canteen workers

    Here they will pour you tea

    And they will give you buns

    No wonder we are shoulder to shoulder

    We grow into the ground here.

    Smoke pancakes and cutlets,

    The bell rings relentlessly

    And we only need five minutes of lunch.

    Everyone needs to eat

    We will not stand up for the price!

    A strict teacher is waiting for us,

    And yet he is powerless.

    Doubts away, otherwise we will stretch our legs

    And we won't live to see the exams.

    Speaker: Dear passengers! There are 5 minutes left before the Express of the Future departs. Asking the mourners to get out of the cars.

    Lead 2

    The years flew by like birds

    School will not be repeated

    Our best years will not be repeated

    And more often we will dream

    School friends of our faces

    We will never forget our school.

    Presenter 1

    We dedicate these lines to our class teacher

    Student 21:"You are like a true mother to us..."

    You are us, like a true mother,
    Ready to hug everyone
    To respond to any pain,
    Now we are ready to confess
    Although they grew up a long time ago
    Wise warmth warmed.

    They were able to open their house for us,
    Cover with a caring wing!

    How much we have discovered with you!
    Yes, it is important to meet the soul in life
    Ready to understand, forgive
    Notice everyone's anxiety
    And to endure someone else's pain!
    Farewell, our teacher and friend,
    We wish you health, happiness,
    Let all bad weather pass you by
    And there will be only the world around!

    Lead 2

    Now it's time to say goodbye

    The bell rings...

    We will say: "School, goodbye, -

    Everything has its time, everything has its time."

    We're in no hurry to say goodbye

    And a hundred times more miles now

    We will become images and faces

    Relatives of their teachers.

    Presenter 1

    It's time for the last call. Let the last call call today

    graduates for the difficult exams that life has prepared for them. The right to give the last call is granted to a student of grade 11 _______________ and a student of grade 1 _____________

    The farewell last bell rings.

    Graduation Song

    White knee socks and bows,
    Our girls are unrecognizable,
    And show off somewhere,
    Those who were with them from the cradle.

    Even hooligans now
    Suddenly quieted down for some reason,
    Here comes our class...
    It seems like a minute...


    We'll get there right on time.

    Our teachers now
    We have become even dearer,
    It's a pity that we leave you
    We could do so much more!

    But let's not be sad today
    Let's try at least.
    All that was, we do not forget!
    This release is the best!!!


    The very, very, very our last lesson,
    We'll get there right on time.
    He will be the most important, of course, for us,
    Our friendly class will soon fly apart.

    Lead 2

    Well, now it's time for the last school waltz.


    Presenter 1

    This concludes our holiday.
    Good luck to you, friends, all the way,
    Ways of searching, plans and accomplishments.
    Bon Voyage!

    Lead 2

    Allow this solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the last

    Music, graduates leave

    Scenario of the prom in 11 classes "Graduation Express"

    GZK: Attention! Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen! Let's consider graduation ball open!

    WALTZ 4 classes

    Vedas 1: Good evening!

    Vedas 2: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! But it’s true, today is really a wonderful evening, an evening of magic and wonderful transformations, an evening when the most cherished and innermost desires come true, an evening when fabulous transformations happen.

    Vedas 1: An evening that both students and parents, who were worried about their child, for his victories and defeats, and teachers who know how these victories were given and how the failures ended, were looking forward with impatience and spiritual awe for a long 11 years!

    Vedas 2: An evening full of joyful excitement, happy moments! Leaves ___ June 20___. And on the threshold - ___ June - the day from which your adult independent life begins!

    Vedas 1: Dear graduates! Exams sounded the final chord of the school symphony. You have completed the complex sentences of your childhood to the end - the time of happy discoveries, good and cheerful undertakings, the time with which the first friends, the first love and the first parting are associated. But much in your life is yet to come, and now ...

    Vedas 2: And now - an amazing and unique, festive and starry night - your graduation party! Your holiday!

    Together: Alumni Celebration 20___!

    Vedas1: To your thunderous applause, we present our heroes - graduates of the municipal educational institution - secondary school No. ______.

    Vedas 2. Everyone is ready, everything is ready:
    Flowers, smiles and words.
    Meet me in this bright hall
    The culprits of a great celebration!

    Music sounds. Alumni exit. Defile. (passage with dance moves)

    Alumni presentation.

    Vedas 1: Everything became as you wanted,

    And now the desired hour has come:

    Prom dresses you put on

    Flowers and music for you!

    Vedas 2: Well, graduate, freeze for a moment!
    That day has come, that hour!
    School escorts you with excitement -
    School childhood is leaving you!

    The train whistle sounds, the noise of the station

    Vedas 1: Ladies and gentlemen! Friends! Today we will go on an exciting journey on a magical, fast train called Graduation Express-20_____!

    Vedas 2: Our graduates will go to adulthood from the school station, leaving behind long and still wonderful years of study,

    Vedas 1: The first successes, the first five in the magazine ..

    Vedas 2: And the first remark in the diary and a broken knee on football ..

    Vedas 1: The first school love, the first appearance on the stage and the first clumsily drawn drawing ..

    Vedas 2: look, on the platform, those leaving impatiently glance at the clock, shifting from foot to foot, politely keep up the conversation, but they are no longer with us in spirit .. The mourners, of course, understand their impatience: they look at future passengers with a wise smile, mentally , for the hundredth time, wishing them good luck and praying for them.

    Vedas 1: So it's time for everyone to take seats on the train from childhood to leave this destination forever. New routes ahead. What each segment of life's distance will prepare for you is unknown.

    Vedas 2: What is there, around the corner, where the rails shining in the rain run away. Will you be there, far away, as comfortable and calm as it was here, on our school platform?

    Vedas 1: Tickets are sold out in each car,

    There is no free place.

    Here is the stage - your usual school platform,

    Your cargo is a package of school knowledge.

    Vedas 2: Let the unusual composition lead

    Those who are dear to you, friends.

    We know that the wagons will not leave the track,

    The team consists of parents and teachers.

    Vedas 1: For several years, the entire staff of specialists, school guides and machinists was preparing for the festive - graduation flight. They worked tirelessly, helping our little passengers, step by step to know the world around them and themselves in it.

    Vedas 2: Today's route is accompanied by the best specialists:

    Head of the Graduation Express - school principal _______,

    Car conductor No. 11 letter B - class teacher 11 "B" ______

    Vedas 1: Our esteemed guests see off our graduates at the school station (introduction of guests)

    Vedas 2: And also on our platform teachers, parents, grandparents, friends and relatives of our graduates

    The whistle of a train, the sound of wheels. MUS screen saver___________

    A moving train on the screen

    Vedas 2: So, dear passengers, our train arrived at the first station, Detskaya station. 1996 This year, a small miracle happened in every family of our esteemed passengers! Such a long-awaited, such a touchingly helpless, such a wonderful baby was born! Let's all look out the window of our car! (children's photos on the screen)

    The male:

    Hello! Is this a maternity hospital?


    Yes... I'm listening to you.

    The male:

    Tell me, did my wife give birth?


    Wait a minute (looks at notes). Comrade ___ (last name of the graduate's father)? Congratulations! You have a boy. 3500, healthy and very fast kicking legs.

    ____ (father's last name)? The girl jumps like on a trampoline. ___________? You have a boy. Already reaching for the microscope!

    You have a daughter. She has already organized everyone into a detachment and is rehearsing.

    You have a son. Currently studying the military regulations. Demands the Constitution and the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

    presenter: And then, after a while, children's everyday life began. Every day at seven in the morning the alarm clock rang, and mothers woke you up to take you to kindergarten. Let's go back to this time...

    Sounds _______________

    Kindergarten exit

    Just like we are now

    You went to kindergarten.

    Did you go to kindergarten?

    On the handles you were often worn.

    They were often in wheelchairs.

    You didn't want to go.

    And if you didn't sleep

    They rocked you on the handles.

    Dimka often roared like that.

    Ilyushka did not want to go to kindergarten

    And looked out the window.

    Artemka walked with a pacifier.

    And someone wore diapers.

    Poorly ate Sasha porridge

    They spoon-fed him.

    The bib saved everyone from curdled milk

    soup, cabbage soup, yes from everything!

    And Rita told everyone fairy tales

    And Mishka made eyes at all the girls!

    The Nagaevs loved to throw sand,

    And Alyosha loved to hug.

    They were such fools

    They fought with their hands and feet.

    Yes, you were all good.

    Yes, what can I take from you - after all, kids!

    You have become quite big:
    Uncles, aunts - that's it!
    And I am glad to congratulate you now
    Our Kindergarten Team.

    We will remember you at school

    After all, the school is right next door!

    Don't forget your favorite garden

    He is the first step of childhood!

    Sounds ______________ Kindergarten Care

    Vedas 1: And our magic train arrives at the station ... FIRST-CLASS. Please look through the window of our express train. Yes, yes, it's you, first graders! Who among you, tell me then, could seriously imagine today's day?

    A first-class photo cutting is projected on the screen.

    Oh, how he was afraid of you!

    They, barely visible from the ground,

    You could have stepped over.

    And now, hiding their excitement,

    Congratulations have been prepared!

    Vedas 2: Musical gift from the graduates of 2024!

    Dance class 1 "Sailor"

    Train whistle, station bell ringing.

    Student photo on screen.

    Vedas 1: And we continue our fascinating journey through the waves of our memory. And now, outside the windows of the school train, they are already flashing: the second and third ... seventh grade ... And here are the senior classes

    Vedas 2: Our train is not listed as fast,

    He is express - 11 years

    He moved stubbornly uphill,

    Crossing hundreds of different rivers

    Valleys of chemical, tricky formulas

    And important dates in the history of the native.

    Vedas 1: And he rammed physics stubbornly,

    Our line-up was running according to the “straight” schedule.

    Sometimes the path curved like a parabola,

    And exact solutions were required.

    And finally, our train was

    At the high aspiration station.

    Vedas 2: Those who are awarded a certificate for a long, stubborn journey through the country of school knowledge land at the High Aspiration station.

    Vedas 1: Attention! Passengers of the school train of graduation cars No. 11 "A" and 11 "B" serving in adulthood, get ready for passport control and receiving a document certifying maturity!

    Vedas 2: Today comes full,
    And the key and joyful moment,
    When you receive your main,
    Your very important document in life!

    Vedas 1: And on the school platform we invite the best helmsman in the world - the director of our school _________________.


    Vedas 2: We are at the Shining Versatility station, the best students of our school will get off at it - winners of school awards - gold and silver medals!

    Vedas 1: Shine of gold and silver giants,
    This is the wedding of minds and talents
    Higher ranks - an honorary honor,
    The best chosen ones are counted!

    Vedas 2: And we are on the first platform - the Golden Placers platform.

    Vedas 1: we invite _____________ and her parents ___________ to receive a certificate and a gold medal. After all, a certificate and a gold medal and their merit.

    Presentation of certificates of medalists.


    Vedas 1: And we ask everyone to take their seats in the hall, and students, owners of a silver medal, are invited to the Silver Shine platform!

    Vedas 2: A musical gift for our medalists! _____________________

    Vedas 1: Dear passengers! We are at the Umnikov and Umnits station! And future scientists, inventors and innovators, participants of Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences and competitions, the smartest and most intelligent are invited to the platform!


    Vedas 1: No one ever has such a trip

    Haven't known since the mighty Atlas.

    Hours, weeks and years pass

    But the most beautiful of all is the Talent Station.

    Vedas 2: On the platform we invite those guys who improvise, compose. They worship art. They participate in theatrical holidays, sing and play musical instruments, read poetry wonderfully, are active participants in all school holidays and repeated winners of many competitions.


    Vedas 1: Congratulations to our intellectual and talented graduates ______________________________________________________

    Vedas 2: And we arrive on the platform of Restless and kind hearts. We invite to the platform active participants in labor school affairs, guys who are ready to help anyone. They are characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, disinterestedness.


    Vedas 2: Attention passengers! Request: to board the express train of the future, the next to adulthood, pass those who are attracted by the world of sports and strength. We are at the station "Sportivnaya!"

    Vedas 1: Repeated winners of tournaments and competitions, our athletes, are invited to the platform. Over the years, they have shone in basketball, volleyball and power sports! And note that they are not deprived of other talents!

    Vedas 2: Graduates have been waiting for this date for so long
    And waiting for a happy moment!
    In honor of all those who received certificates today,
    Once again, the applause is incessant!

    Vedas 1: And in colored lights it will not be forgotten

    Your carefree life

    The fairy tale will come true or it will not come true,

    But today we believe in it!

    ROOM _______________________________

    Vedas 2: Oh, look, we are approaching the station of Congratulations and Wishes. Seeing off our graduates to adulthood, please get ready.

    Vedas 1: There is a good tradition here - gifts are given here, fulfilling the most cherished desires, warm parting words are said.

    Vedas 2: Let's follow this good old tradition.

    Vedas 1: And we invite the head of the municipality __________ to the platform


    Vedas 2: It's good to sit in the car

    Listen to the soft rumble of the wheels.

    Good, sweet little train

    You carried us all in childhood!

    Vedas 1: Graduates! Don't rush to the wagons. Wait, look around.. You still have a little time before you leave your childhood forever.. And we invite your first teachers to our school platform. Congratulations to you ______________________________________________________

    Year after year 11 years flew by.

    Childhood has departed from you forever,

    Leaving a good mark in my memory.

    Vedas 1: We are glad to inform you that the station attendants, your class teachers _______________________, were sensitively following the movement through the stations and the management of the school railway train. And we invite them to our school platform.

    WORD of the class teacher _____________________________


    Vedas 2: Oh, what kind of sobs are on the next platform. Oh yes, parents. Dear parents, they are waiting for you at the train number 20____, car number 11, letter A and B

    I repeat! Dear parents! You are expected on the platform!

    Vedas 1: To those who say goodbye to school,
    To those about whom the rumor is buzzing
    To the daughters and sons who stepped into youth
    Relatives and relatives came to say parting words


    Vedas 1: Our journey on the Graduation Express continues. Ahead is the most touching and sad station - the station of declarations of love.

    Vedas 2: Declarations of love to whom?

    Vedas 1: To everyone who helped our graduates grow up: teachers, class teachers, their own school. So, dear graduates! You have the floor!

    Alumni response

    It sounds _______________________ against the background of the song, first-graders (2 boys and 2 girls) run out onto the stage with satchels, balls, jump ropes.

    4 graduates come out (2 boys and 2 girls).

    Behind them, graduates slowly enter the stage and stand in random order.

    Korobkina: Guys, this group of kids reminds me of something, somewhere I have already seen or read this ...

    Gagin: Let's get closer. (Suitable for first graders).

    Gagin: What's your name?

    First grader: Oleg Gagin, 1st grade student.

    Oleg Gagin: It's me 11 years ago... And who do you want to become?

    First grader: I will study well and become a scientist. (Oleg takes his hand)

    Korobkina: Who are you?

    First grader: And I'm Korobkina Sveta, I'm in 1st grade and I really like to dance and read ...

    Golyakov: What is your name?

    First grader: Golyakov Dima.

    DIMA: What are you dreaming about, Dima Golyakov?

    First grader: I don't know yet. Probably, I will be a pilot or an astronaut!

    GRADUATE: Are you, for sure, Yulia Gordeeva?

    First grader: Yes, do you know me?

    Gordeeva: And you really like flowers and toys?

    First grader: Yes! What are we familiar with?

    Graduates: Yes, it's WE!

    (Graduates with children become in 1 row, all graduates are around them)

    1: I can’t even believe that 11 years ago we were like this…

    2 : Yes, our childhood train rushed by at the speed of light, we didn’t even notice how stations and stops rushed past. And here it is, the long-awaited station - in our hands - a certificate!

    3: And now we are graduates. We had to go through 11 whole years before we understood what it means to finish school, pass exams, get a certificate.

    4 : - To be honest, on September 1, 2003, we did not set ourselves such a goal - a certificate. It's just that we all really liked brand new briefcases, pencils and pens, textbooks that smelled of printing ink. And, of course, we were crazy about our teachers.

    5 : Yes, and it’s absolutely certain that we couldn’t even imagine how in a few years we would forget pens and notebooks at home, paint textbooks, and instead of briefcases wear one - the only notebook for all occasions.

    6 : What was, was, we do not refuse anything. And we will remember both the good, and the joyful, and the sad, that is, everything that we lived for for 11 years. - our school!

    The first graders leave.

    7: How does school start?

    8: From the clean steps of the porch,

    Who cleaned out the janitor

    And may they never end!

    9: Or maybe it starts

    From the one who makes the calls

    10: From the teacher, maybe that

    Leads us to the goal with you.

    11: How does school start?

    12: From the medical card that the doctor started,

    13: Or maybe from the library,

    Where the book leads to knowledge.

    14: Or maybe it begins

    From the secretary's reception

    Where from the personal file of each

    Your destiny is born.

    15: How school starts...

    16: So how did it all start?

    17: For us, it started from the Doroda Dobra station

    18: Sunny festive morning on September 1, 2003. We are small children with large briefcases and knapsacks over our shoulders, with huge bouquets in our hands, excited and joyful, still not understanding anything, crossed the threshold of secondary school No. 3. The school yard is filled with the scent of autumn flowers, the atmosphere of the holiday is in the air,

    19: Do you remember how we first entered the office, and there she stood with a kind smile on her face. She looked at us with such kind eyes. I still remember those radiant eyes - lights ...

    20: As soon as we crossed the threshold of the school, you, our first teachers, met us small and unintelligent little why, you were the first who began to teach us not only the rules of grammar and arithmetic, you led us along the path of Good.

    21. In the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
    God knows what year, in what region -
    We will not forget to remember with a kind word
    Your first teacher!

    22. That, like chickens, she carefully counted us,
    When I took under my "wing",
    When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
    And solemnly led into the walls of the school.

    23. Our dear __________ (name of the first teachers)

    For the hard work of mastered basics,
    For that call that foreshadowed separation,
    For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart! ..

    24: All our lives we will remember how, without melting a smile,
    You returned us a notebook where there was no mistake
    How grieved were you when, though rarely,
    You owe us a bad mark

    25: We were children and sometimes, alas, did not notice
    In the look of your kind eyes of care and sadness
    We thank you for everything, for us
    You are always the FIRST!
    We to you

    All: Thank you!

    26: We cannot but say a word of gratitude to the most important person at the Shkolnaya station - our director.

    27: Dear_______________! You are the heart of school life, pulsing with such a frequency that its impulses are enough for the entire school body. Your refined perception of the world could not leave us indifferent! We bathed in the waves of your talent, tenderness, love and inspiration!

    28. We considered you very strict,

    And during the first years

    We wanted our roads

    They would go around your office.

    29. But one day you are simpler, kinder

    They began to resolve issues with us.

    We just grew up and became

    Responsible for your actions.

    30. We understand, we see for ourselves,

    How dear to you any of our class.

    How difficult it is for you to be with us,

    And even more difficult - without us!

    Thank you for everything!

    31: ____________, you are an extraordinary person in everything! You have as many as 4 hands, and all are right, without which it is impossible to imagine school life. Have you guessed who I'm talking about? Yes, of course, the head teachers are the director's right hand. And we address the words of appreciation and gratitude to you, our dear deputy directors, L.A., E.K., E.M and R.Yu!

    DANCE Break dance (young graduates)__

    Song "Shards of Memory"

    1: They say that everything in the world is bound to change.

    2: Everything changes, of course, but in my memory the schoolyard where you and I grew up will remain unchanged. School corridors, gym...

    3: School cafeteria and assembly hall…

    4: Well yes, locker rooms…. Toilet…

    5: (cuts him off) Yes, in general, the Shkolnaya stop was the most interesting and eventful!

    6: Ah, what a time it was!

    7: Hiking!

    8: Contests!

    9: Competition!

    10: Lessons and changes.

    11: First love!

    12: Unforgettable time! And the train of childhood rushes and rushes ....

    13. Like a moment, eleven years have flown by!

    And here we are at the station

    We already take a train ticket at the box office,

    Leaving for adulthood.

    14. We stand at the school threshold

    And remember everything that happened.

    How carefree childhood floated,

    Everything was simple and easy.

    15. Yes, yes, but something was not very easy for me with mathematics and physics ....

    14: Why?

    15: Yes, as long as I remember all these formulas, integrals, tangents, cotangents ... they act on me like sleeping pills, it doesn’t get to the tasks ...

    16: Do you remember how we solved the control? I still can’t understand how Olga Anatolyevna guessed that we copied it from Katya ?!

    15: How are you?! Katya in the fifth task wrote "I don't know!" And you wrote "Me too!"

    17. Yes, it was easy to get lost in the labyrinths of knowledge! But here at this station we were met by real professionals, our teachers.
    18. We traveled to the end of the world and revealed the secrets of living water. We read thick books and unraveled foreign letters. We looked for pistils and stamens in scarlet flowers and sang magical songs.
    19. And at every lesson, our teachers helped us to get grains of precious knowledge. In ordinary school lessons, they revealed to us the secrets of time, space and matter.
    20. With them we uncovered the mysteries of the universe. And behind the window of the car from childhood, a huge world opened up, full of wonders and discoveries.

    21. Thanks to you, our dear teachers, we can not only distinguish a verbal adjective from a participle, solve economic problems and translate from a foreign language. You gave us more: filled our hearts with Love for people, Faith in yourself, Hope that good always wins in life.

    22. We now not only know hundreds of formulas, we also know the formula for success.

    23. Thank you for the fascinating lessons - travel to the world of the Egyptian pyramids and knightly competitions, palace intrigues and popular revolutions. And not only…

    24. We realized that only you can bring up future Darwins and Mechnikovs.

    25. You taught us to see and feel the beauty of the world. And in the lessons of physical education and life safety, we realized that the beauty of the body is as important as the beauty of the soul.

    26: And we all learned this at a special station - the Shkolnaya station! Each of our teachers is a special and unique person. If today we were entrusted with compiling the class schedule for the graduating class, then we would put in it not the names of the subjects, but the names of our teachers ...

    27. The Earth is spinning like a carousel in childhood.

    And so many years have passed, like ten days.

    It's time for smiles and flowers

    It's time for confessions and parting words.

    The time has come for us to say, friends,

    Thank you teachers!

    Students list the NAMES of teachers and give everyone FLOWERS

    Number ____________________________

    Train whistle. The sound of wheels. Station noise.

    1: Oh! And where are we?

    2: Yes, look, some kind of stop flickers outside the windows ...

    28. Our train slows down,

    Wheels rattle less hard.

    Our driver gives a beep,

    And here we see the station

    With the name "Friendship".

    29. GRADUATE: School life… What is it? Long road in the dunes? Eternal Call? Or irony of fate? Don't know. But I am sure of one thing for sure: our life was filled not only with lessons, fun hikes and holidays, but also with the warmth of school friendship, which we will carry through our whole life.

    30. GRADUATE:

    I want to confess to you today

    Now there is no more need to hide:

    It was flattering to study in such a class,

    Boys are better not to be found at school!

    31. GRADUATE:

    And the whole school envied us.

    Especially her maiden army:

    Beautiful, sporty, funny

    And smart, well, in general, we are a match!

    32. GRADUATE:

    There are no better girls in the world.

    Today looked - simply stunned!

    All those Miss Universes, believe me

    Compared to them, they are simply out of work!

    33. Our boys were the strongest and most athletic ...

    34. And our girls were the most beautiful and smartest ...

    35. Our classes were the most friendly ...

    36. The most responsive ...

    1 The most understanding...

    2. The very best ....

    Yes, in general

    ALL: we are always together! SONG "TOGETHER FOREVER"

    Guys, don't go around this station!

    Where? Yes, this is ours, dear ....

    FAMILY ALBUM slide show


    Dolls thrown, no braids

    Tears of an unfortunate first love

    I brushed off my thick lashes.

    Dad, look how I've grown

    Behind already 11 classes,

    But to you for advice and help

    I'm ready to go as a child.

    Dad, look how I've grown

    In the evenings I rush to a date,

    But still, only you

    For me - the most, most, most.


    Mom, look how I've grown

    I'm less and less with you

    I send the first letters to the girl,

    I sometimes forget about you.


    Mom, look how I've grown

    I am sharp and quick-tempered,

    But in my heart I still

    And we are vulnerable and very touchy.


    Mom, look how I've grown

    But I'm still attached to you

    And all the best that is in my heart,

    Only you, dear, I owe.


    Yes, we have grown, we have become taller

    And stronger, and even wiser.

    But everything is also difficult in moments

    In your help, parents, we believe.


    We are sometimes careless

    Unforgivably indifferent

    We stand for independence

    And we don't want to be obedient.


    But believe me, it's all bravado.

    There is no one more important to us than you.

    We love you, we love you very much

    And without you we can not even a minute.

    1. Dear ours, thank you for us!!! (guys kneel, girls bow)

    Music intro _________________

    The sound of a train, the sound of wheels.

    2 Oh, look, guys, there is another station outside the windows….

    Guys, we are coming to the end ... ..

    HOST 1:

    Let the stars light up

    Let them burn until the morning.

    Let it begin again for you

    All lessons are good.

    HOST 2:

    And let this night

    It will be the most magical for us

    After all, it is our life,

    And in it is your last school waltz!

    LEADER 1: There is only one summer between childhood and youth

    Fate has given you as a keepsake

    Joy swirls in the heart

    Everything is open to you...

    Life begins - an endless waltz ...

    school waltz

    3. The school life page slammed shut,

    And childhood can not be returned,

    It flew away like a blue bird.

    Perhaps today we are a little sad.

    4.More us today under school vaults

    Collected this graduation ball,

    And tomorrow a vague feeling of freedom

    And life choices are great.

    5. More thoughts beyond the school threshold

    About my life and destiny

    We'll have to walk on difficult roads

    Towards a cherished dream.

    6. And school years, like a bright feeling,

    Will always stay with us.

    What a pity that we all have to part,

    My dear friends!

    Song (sad) ____________________


    HOST: Dear graduates! You feel how inexorably the dawn minutes are approaching. You are at the station "Last Confession" And you still have time to say the final word.

    Graduate: As you want, raising your hands high, take off! High, high! Embrace your favorite school yard with your eyes, fly over the streets of your native city, which are very dear to me! Wave your arms - wings and scream so that everyone can hear: THANK YOU to everyone who has been with us these years. It was you who gave me wings so that I could take off, feeling in myself the strength and strength of knowledge, physical perfection and high spiritual impulses.

    So let these hearts become a symbol of our love!

    Graduates (in pairs) take turns leaving, holding heart balloons and saying farewell words.

    1st and 2nd: We give these hearts to our childhood that will never return. My childhood, goodbye!

    3 and 4: we give these hearts to the teachers of our school. Thank you for being there, thank you for your support and understanding! You brought up real people in us: honest, kind. All these years you have invested in us a piece of your heart and soul! We will try our best to meet your expectations!

    5 and 6: We give our hearts to carefree school days. I am only now realizing that these years were the most carefree!

    7 and 8: We give our hearts to our first teachers. Thank you for everything!

    9 and 10: And we give our hearts to our administration. Without it, there would not be such a school, the best school in the world!

    11 & 12: We give our hearts to our home school! School, dear, goodbye!

    13 and 14: And we gratefully give our hearts to our class teacher! Dear Olga Mikhailovna, thank you for your warmth and wisdom!

    15 and 16: Elena Vladimirovna, we give our heart to you! Thank you for always being there!

    17 & 18: We give our hearts to our parents! Our dear ones, we love you very much! You gave to life, put on your feet, your days and nights were filled with care and love. Thank you!

    19 & 20: We give our hearts to our school friends! The best, the most faithful, the most reliable!

    21&22: We give our hearts to all who taught us to love this world! Our grandparents!

    23 & 24: We give our hearts to this school staff. Thank you for your understanding and education!

    25 & 26: We give our hearts to first romantic love!

    27 & 28: We give our hearts to school life: so unforgettable!

    29 and 30: We gratefully give our hearts to those who made our school life bright, festive! Thanks for the school activities!

    31 & 32: We give our hearts to all of you who are standing on this stage right now! Let's make a promise that in a year we will definitely meet at the reunion of alumni!

    33 and 34: We give our hearts to all who will study at this school after us: we envy you!

    35 and 36: We give our hearts to our future, as yet unknown, even mysterious, but certainly interesting! Let it be light! I'm sure we're in for great things! We have everything ahead!



    The sound of wheels. Train braking. The sound of a bell.

    Host 1: So your eleven-year school trip has come to an end. Our graduation express at the Yunost station. Dear passengers! Please everyone get ready!

    Music saver _____________________

    Presenter 2: Sad candles are crying in separation ...

    Drops, flowing, tremble on the eyelashes ...

    And so this evening comes to an end

    sadness blurred familiar faces

    Vedas 1. In the last summer, not a line, not a sigh,
    You can't get away from this.
    The epoch burns out with a farewell fire
    Gone of your school childhood.
    Last summer, last school summer.

    Vedas 2: Carousel of winds, children's fabulous dreams

    A happy summer will swirl you.

    Uncertainty is a sign and a desperate step ...

    We will remember this with you.

    Vedas 2: Now in front of you is the world of infinity.

    We love you! We hope for everyone.

    Bring kindness and humanity to the world.

    May you be successful in life!

    Vedas 1: A new path is calling you, it scares you a little,

    Great things beckon

    But let me remember the short track

    That I took you to school every day.

    Vedas 2: Remember your friends, teachers, your native school, because it is with it that much is connected in your life. Come, come, come back to your second home, whose name is School!

    Graduates (in chorus): Farewell, school!

    (graduates in random order in pairs or threes step forward with movements to the hall - “kiss to the hall”, “heart”, etc. At the end, everyone joined hands and shouted: “School, we love you!” The music is louder.

    Used literature and resources:

    Dick N.F. fascinating extracurricular work in grades 6-11./N.F.Dik, T.I.Dik. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007.

    Scenarios of calendar holidays for senior classes: a manual / ed. Z.U. Gabueva, E.V. Gavrina, U.D. Lukyanova; compiled by N.N. Dymov. - M: Iris-press, 2007.

    Classroom teacher. Magazines of different years.

    Scenario of the theatrical last call

    "Station of childhood"

    Targets and goals:

    Honoring school graduates;

    Preservation of school traditions;

    Education of high morality and spiritual culture of students.

    The music of I. Krutoy "Sad Angel" sounds

    The lights go out in the hall. On the stage, only glare from the mirror ball. A graduate comes out with a slow, smooth step, leading a first-grader by the hand.

    First grader. And what will happen now? Story?
    Graduate. Story.
    First grader. Terrible?
    Graduate. No, sad.
    First grader. But will it have a happy ending?
    Graduate. Undoubtedly! All fairy tales have a happy ending. But this tale had a very happy beginning...
    Many, many years ago, when the trees were big, the paths in the school yard were long, and the school stairs were steep and high, mothers brought funny and naive boys and girls to school. By some miracle they were divided into two classes .... Thus began this bright fairy tale called "Childhood".

    First grader. I know this tale. I myself live in this fairy tale!
    Graduate. But for us today this fairy tale ends. And we go into the big adult world.
    First grader. And you won't go back to your childhood?
    Graduate. No, we won't be back.
    First grader. Never ever?
    Graduate. Never ever!
    First grader. Then goodbye, happy journey to you!
    The light turns on. Rhythmic music plays.


    Phonogram by R. Clauderman "Dolannes melody"

    The stage is framed as a station platform.

    Leading 1. I love railway stations… Unspoken words, unfinished songs cut off in mid-sentence, a silent cry of the eyes: “Farewell!”, tears and smiles, a kind wave of the hand and a promise to return someday. What is there, around the corner, where the rails shining in the rain run away. Will you be there, far away, as comfortable and calm as it was here?

    Lead 2. Look at the platform (video on the screen) - those who are leaving look impatiently at the clock, shifting from foot to foot, politely keep up the conversation, but they are no longer with us in soul .. The mourners, of course, understand their impatience: they look at the future with a wise smile passengers, mentally, for the hundredth time, wishing them good luck and praying for them.

    Presenter 1 (looking around). And this is the Childhood Station. It is from him that our graduates will go into adulthood today, leaving behind long and still wonderful years of study ...

    Leading 2. The first successes, the first five in the magazine.

    Leading 1. And the first remark in the diary and a broken knee on football ...

    Leading 2. First school love, first appearance on stage ...

    Leading 1. And spring is in the yard, the calendar counts down the last days of May. From year to year, on this beautiful sunny day, teachers, honored guests, parents gather together on this beautiful sunny day at the school square to say good parting words to our graduates.

    Leading 2. Soon they will appear here, the culprits of today's holiday.

    Leading 1. Meet the school, graduates of 2012 are coming!

    Song "Last Call"

    Graduates go up to the stage and sit on the benches near the railway station.

    Voice (phonogram)
    -Attention travelers! Boarding on the train 2012 "School - exams - life" is announced on platform No. 1. In a few minutes, this comfortable handsome man will go on another cruise, taking a large group of graduates on an exciting journey.


    Phonogram "Odnoklassniki"

    On stage Stationmaster and Policeman

    Station chief. Another mess on the platform!

    Policeman. BUT, I think it's clean..

    Station chief (sarcastically). I want to note to you, Filimon Filimonovich, that my opinion, as the head of the station, is much more weighty here than yours. You are only responsible for discipline here, and I am responsible for everything in the world.

    Policeman. (scratching his head) What am I .. I'm nothing .. I'm so .. I spoke figuratively ..

    Station chief. You are better figuratively, which means that by using your figure, and especially your legs, go around everyone. I repeat loudly and distinctly - ALL graduates and read them instructions for departing. (gives him instructions). Read if everything is clearly written.

    Policeman (reads instructions) Item 1. Each passenger is obliged to pass tests, exams well and receive a document certifying them. Because without documents you will no longer be a passenger, but a hare!

    Station chief. Come on without your comments!

    Policeman. Clause 2. Everyone departing from the “Station of Childhood” point to the destination “Adult Life” undertakes: to proudly carry the title of “Graduate of School No. 10”; never forget your beloved teachers and faithful classmates; put all your strength, knowledge, skills and experience to continue education; Point 3. Each graduate promises to follow safety precautions in his adult life, easily carrying the baggage of life wisdom received at school.

    Voice (phonogram) Attention! Attention! The head of special train No. 2012 is asked to urgently approach the first carriage. I repeat! The head of special train No. 2012 is asked to urgently approach the first car.

    Station chief. Everyone run, collect signatures from those leaving, and I will meet the head of the train, the director of the school. Oh, she loves her job. He likes to keep the order of platforms and paths. Likes to meet and see off trains. But most of all he loves this train "School - exams - life." It is he who once a year sends graduates to a great life. And the head of the train has no doubt that the train will choose the right direction.

    A word from the school principal (flowers)

    Phonogram "From all train stations ..."


    Graduates appeared on the square with suitcases and things:

    1st. Guys! I got it! 10 years of suffering. Here it is, a ticket for our train! (shows diary)
    2nd. Let me have a look! How much did you take?

    3rd. Come on, come on! Woo! Two triplets. I sweated more for mine.

    4th. Our classmates don't understand. We would have to stay at school for a couple more years, and then we will become more mature and we can go out into a great life.
    5th. Well, they studied, studied, and on you: they didn’t come up with further classes! ..
    6th. I can’t even believe it, 10 years ago we came here small, not exactly stupid, but not as brainy as we are now; not that completely stupid, but not as quick-witted as they are now ...

    7th. Well, I don’t know, I have always been smart, beautiful, creative ... Although, there really is something to remember! Remember our first class... the first of September... the first teachers...

    Phonogram"Is it really me?" (School footage on screen)

    platforms to approach the departing!

    (the first teachers are invited to the stage)

    Graduate. Valentina Alekseevna and Tatyana Vasilievna!

    Believe we wouldn't be like this

    Educated, smart, beautiful, big ...

    Hardworking, funny, diligent,

    If we had not been taught all this.

    To you, our first, wonderful, beloved,

    We say thank you from the bottom of our hearts today!

    You didn't recognize us?

    We are yours, forever your kids!

    Giving flowers to teachers

    Speech by the first teachers

    Graduates sing a song-alteration to the motive "It's great that we're all here..."


    At the last verse of the graduates' song, first-graders come out and look around at the graduates.

    Speech by first-graders (pointing to graduates):

    Well, when will I be
    How long can you wait!
    Ten years will pass until
    I can become a student!

    I want this hairstyle...
    With these heels...
    Be beautiful, smart, catchy,
    For everyone to say: "Ah"!

    Dreaming! I would like to
    Be a graduate soon
    To make the younger ones proud:
    Everyone who knows me!

    Here are the shoes, here are the shoes
    45th - don't joke!
    How soon, at least in half,
    Should I guys grow up?

    Congratulations on the end
    We have come to you today
    support and praise you
    We found time in the morning!

    We wish you good luck -
    It's good to pass the exam!
    No offense, no tears, no crying
    On "4" and on "5".


    A graduate runs. So, while you were singing here, I managed to agree on everything! You and I were given a few minutes to have time to say goodbye to those who are very dear to us.

    Phonogram "We are an echo"

    Graduate. Then let's say good words about our class teachers! After all, this is the most precious thing we have in this school!

    Graduate. Probably, it is very difficult for them to see off and meet trains. The day comes and the children in whom they invested their soul, whom they cared about, with whom they shared knowledge, leave, leave them.

    Graduate. Their students are waiting for a new, interesting life, new worries, friends ... And them? They have to start over...

    (class teachers come on stage)

    The song is an alteration to the motive of "Songs of the Mammoth" ("Let the cool mother come"


    Elena Vasilievna!

    You are our spiritual inspiration

    Taught us how to live.

    To you, our coolest teacher,

    Ready to dedicate an ode.

    You generously shared with us so

    With the warmth of your heart.

    We argued, got angry,

    We tried to run home.

    But wisely you took over

    All power over our class suddenly.

    And hardly anyone will say against

    You are a loyal and reliable friend.

    Defended before the authorities

    For pranks a little scolded,

    We learned to value friendship.

    Well, how can we live without you?

    You are the coolest, coolest,

    Be our mother forever!


    Zhanna Vladimirovna!

    We have known you for so many years

    And you all know about us.

    It's good to be with us

    You are smiling now.

    You are so extraordinarily kind!

    And today it is no coincidence that we

    Over in c e "thank you" let's say amicably.
    Everyone knows if something is needed

    You did not allow refusal -

    You have always helped with everything.

    Let's not talk today

    Banal, on-duty phrases.

    We wish you good health

    We love you very, very much!

    The response of the class teachers:

    Learn, boys, to dream,
    So that the soul is spacious,
    So that the heart does not cool down early.
    After all, you have to take risks.

    Learn, girls, to dream!
    So that life resembles a fairy tale
    To live with the mind, not at the prompt,
    To win your hearts!

    Learn, boys, to dream!
    After all, the distance ahead is almost indistinguishable.
    Years like mountain peaks
    And they are not so easy to take.

    Learn, girls, to dream,
    Then you can soon
    Light the dawn of goodness over the world.
    Don't give up, win!



    Phonogram "My Guardian Angel"


    Guys, now I remember how well we studied!
    -Yes… We tried our best.
    - I loved literature.
    -I'm math.
    And the teachers did their best for us. All efforts were put in.

    Every teacher, believe me, has become dear to us!
    And everyone leaves their mark in the soul.
    Sorry for laziness, for ridiculous quarrels
    We know there is no harder profession.

    school principal

    Decisive, kind and fair,

    Diplomatic, adamant and strict

    We have such a Lyubov Vladimirovna,

    School principal - here she is friends!

    It’s not sweet for her sometimes:

    Doesn't sleep at night thinking about us

    We stand behind the school with a strong mountain.

    We love you very, very much!

    Do not cry, we will definitely return,

    Let's go up the stairs...

    And at this moment, it is the most precious -

    We will bring flowers to you, our dear

    Head teacher for SD

    Valentina Nikolaevna!

    Well, what can I say goodbye to you?

    You are our head teacher, we appreciate you.

    How to make the schedule convenient for everyone?

    How to reduce absenteeism, lateness?

    At what cost is that order given:

    So that each class knows the office,

    So that the schedule was without overlaps,

    When repair or suddenly turned off the light!

    We say thank you very much.

    Sorry if that was wrong!

    Let everything be beautiful in your life -

    And remember, don't forget us!

    Head teacher of VR

    Svetlana Mikhailovna!

    You, who loved us, played with us,

    Entertaining us, scolding us,

    And for bad duty reproached,

    And for painting hair and nails.

    Forgiving a lot, understanding us

    And included in our position,

    And respecting every opinion

    Every opinion of school children.

    Who ignited us, made friends with us,

    Salt pood eaten, rejuvenated -

    We don't represent you in any other way,

    We will remember you, we will meet, we will meet,

    And we will never take offense at you.

    We understand that you are right in many ways.

    Stay like this for a long time!

    Dear physicists and lyricists,

    Mathematics and computer science!

    We can't live without you speech therapists,

    foreign "pagans"

    biologists, athletes,

    Trudoviks, historians,

    Chemists, artists, geographers,

    Musicians and draftsmen

    There is no cuter in the world than you!

    And perhaps we did not become aces,

    We may not be the Mendeleevs,

    But to love you from this

    We won't be less.

    We must often remember!

    How to express in simple words understandable

    All the feelings that overwhelm us?

    After all, before your eyes

    From busy kids

    We have become a young friendly class.

    We have matured, you have turned gray,

    Having invested a piece of heart and soul,

    And your hands - golden hands -

    They were so good for us!

    They know how to touch your hands,

    A friendly, paternal hug.

    Everyone knows how, but still love more

    Stroke kindly, like a mother.

    Not enough words to express all the feelings

    Which overwhelm us now!

    We will say loud ... thank you!

    Because you have worked hard for us.

    The caretaker for repairs and order!

    For delicious lunches - to the chefs!

    For cleanliness - to technical workers!

    For the cleanliness of the yard, we are the janitor

    We would like to say a special thank you

    After all, the school yard has always been swept beautifully.

    Thank you for your patience,

    For your gigantic work.

    How good it is to be with us

    They are still alive!

    Song to the motive "Forest Sun"


    Station chief. (into the microphone) Attention, fellow parents! If you have lost your son or daughter, go to the mother and child room. I repeat: comrade parents, if you have lost... Moms and dads! Finally, take your children! There are no forces!

    Phonogram "In every little child"

    Children who look like graduates run out onto the stage, begin to jump, grimace to the music. The teacher runs after them with a list in his hands.

    Teacher. Quiet, children, calm down! Your parents will be found, they will definitely be found! You are my poor fellows .. now I will draw you up.

    The Policeman appears. He sits on a bench, fanning himself with a tablet.

    Policeman. While there is no one, at least I will rest.

    The stationmaster enters.

    Station chief. Ah, there you are, Filimonovich! Here, you understand, the loss has occurred, and the police are chilling in the shade!

    Policeman. What else is missing?

    Station chief. The parents are gone! In our buffet, one teacher feeds the children found on the platform with buns. At my expense, by the way!

    Policeman. (dreamyly) Buns are good…(coughing) That's what children are missing - heard, but what would parents…How many children eat buns in the buffet?

    Station chief .22. Twenty-two! Catastrophe!

    Policeman. Twenty two? Well, then it's all right. I know where their parents are. I'll call now. (to the hall) Dear parents! If you are confused by the surging feelings, I ask you to gather on the platform of the childhood station! I repeat! Dear parents! You are expected on the platform!

    Parents take the stage

    Parents' speech

    Graduate. Oh guys, did I make it? (in the hands of a huge sandwich .......)
    1. Nearly! What do you have?
    2. Yes, he bought the whole station. Do you have nowhere to put your money?
    3. My parents packed me well for the journey. I have them, you know how good!
    4. Yes, we all have good parents. Only now, you see, crying for some reason.
    5. And why cry - you need to rejoice! Finally grown up.
    6. Let's wave to our parents.

    (take out handkerchiefs and wave)

    Phonogram "Giving warmth to us"


    Voice into microphone. Attention! There are 5 minutes left before the departure of the train "School - exams - life". Asking the mourners to get out of the car.
    Graduate. Like 5 minutes?! And we haven't had much to say yet.

    Graduate. And then he came - the Day of farewell to youth, school .. It suddenly became scary - until today everything was clear: lessons, calls, changes, class duty, wall newspaper issues, parents' signatures in the diary, homework, a desk mate .. .And now?!..

    Graduate. Now adult life, which will strictly ask about everything you have learned in all this time. How did you bring up your mind, soul, whom did you endow with love and warmth, WHO did you become, yesterday's schoolboy? Did he live up to the expectations of his parents and teachers?

    They take things, pretend to leave.

    Soundtrack from the film "The Same Munchausen"

    Leading. Graduates! Do not rush to jump into the wagons. Wait, look around .. You still have a little time before you leave your childhood forever ...

    1 class supervisor. With a frisky bird, the heart trembled,
    Hang on a little dear...

    2 cells supervisor. And in the speaker: the train "Childhood - Youth"
    Filed on the 10th path.

    Station chief. That's all. Departure is known.
    A distant star beckons on the way ...

    Policeman. Remember there is a place
    Where you will always be welcome.

    Leading. All the heights to you, all the well-being.
    All possible life embellishments!
    After all, for us you are the best of the best,
    We love. We wait. We hope for you.

    Parents. There is no escape from this.
    A hand is raised to say goodbye...
    Pink childhood is leaving
    Under the beep of the last call.

    The bell is ringing

    Final song "I'll write with chalk" (graduates, along with teachers and parents, freeze in place)

    Graduate. And the day came on May 24 ... And it was joyful because the first adult summer was ahead, and sad because the last school spring was left behind. And when everyone heard the bell, no one ran anywhere ... and everyone stood and didn’t know what to do ... Because it’s very difficult to do something when everything ends at the same time and everything just begins ... And the bell rang and rang ... (the bell rings)