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  • The court decided that General Gamow was burned “by negligence. The murder of General Gamov was an act of intimidation What Yakut refused

    The court decided that General Gamow was burned “by negligence.  The murder of General Gamov was an act of intimidation What Yakut refused

    After an investigation that lasted more than three years, the names of the murderers of the border guard Vitaly Gamov were named. According to Tatyana Kutuzova, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Sakhalin Region, it has now been established that the perpetrators of this crime are Sergey Malyutin, Alexei Britov and Alexei Anikin, all born in 1979.

    During the preliminary investigation, the picture of the crime was also restored.

    Gasoline and oil mixture

    “All law enforcement agencies of Russia were focused on the search for persons involved in the commission of the crime”

    “It has been established that Malyutin, Britov and Anikin acted by prior agreement, with the aim of committing a crime against Gamow as an official and members of his family. Using a ladder and specially prepared four 1.5-liter plastic bottles with a mixture of gasoline and oil with flares tied to them, the criminals set fire to their apartment at night, when the Gamov family was sleeping,” Tatyana Kutuzova noted.

    Kutuzova added that all law enforcement agencies of Russia were focused on the search for persons involved in the crime. According to her, during October-November of this year, all three suspects were detained and taken into custody.

    On the first of October 6, at the Moscow airport, officers of the Organized Crime Control Department under the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sakhalin Region detained Anikin, who was on the international wanted list.

    He had a fake passport of a citizen of Ukraine with him. On October 7, he was transferred to the pre-trial detention center of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, RIA Novosti reports. Thanks to Anikin's testimony, the investigators managed to find Malyutin, who was detained on October 15 in Kaliningrad. On October 24 he was charged. Britov was detained on November 12 in Moscow and will soon be charged.

    Recall that the murder took place on the night of May 21, 2002, when the apartment of General Gamow, located on the first floor of the house number 11 on the street. Chekhov, several Molotov cocktails were thrown through the window by unknown persons. As a result of the fire, Gamow received burns over 90% of the body surface, and his wife - over 80%. At the time of the incident, the 14-year-old son of the Gamovs, Ivan, was also in the apartment, who, fortunately, was not injured - the mother managed to push the teenager onto the landing. The couple were first hospitalized in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and then taken to Japan for treatment.

    Revenge of the "marine" mafia

    The victims were delivered to the burn center in Sapporo (Japan) by plane of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation. However, medical assistance did not bring a positive result, and on May 28, 2002, Gamov, having suffered a clinical death (heart stopped, normal breathing stopped), died from his injuries. His wife regained consciousness only on June 14 of the same year and was later transferred to a clinic in Moscow, where she continued her treatment. Vitaly Gamov was buried on June 1, 2002 at the Dagomys cemetery in Sochi.

    On May 21, 2002, the Prosecutor's Office of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk opened a criminal case on the grounds of crimes under Art. 277, part 3 of Art. 30, paragraph "b" part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    “The investigation of the case, which has significant public outcry, was entrusted to Oleg Danilchenko, the investigator for the investigation of especially important cases of the Sakhalin Region Prosecutor's Office. The course of the investigation was taken under special control by the prosecutor of the Sakhalin region,” said the senior assistant to the prosecutor.

    One of the main versions of the investigation called the revenge of the "marine" mafia. Law enforcement agencies focused on the professional activities of General Gamow, his fight against maritime poaching and smuggling. This version is supported by the fact that earlier the criminals threatened the general by phone and in letters.

    Gamov Vitaly Ivanovich (curriculum vitae)

    Born on June 2, 1962 in the village of Gorny Giant (Alma-Ata region of the Kazakh SSR) in the family of a driver of one of the local collective farms. He graduated from the Alma-Ata Higher Border Command School of the State Security Committee of the USSR. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. He served, in particular, in the Far Eastern, North-Eastern and Pacific regional departments of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation, held positions from deputy head of the border outpost to head of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk territorial department - deputy head of the Pacific regional department of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation, according to RIA Novosti .

    Yesterday the prosecutor's office of the Sakhalin region announced the disclosure of the murder of border guard general Vitaly Gamov. According to investigators, on May 21, 2002, Alexei Anikin, Sergei Malyutin and Alexei Britov threw bottles of combustible mixture at the general's apartment. Gamow died from his burns. However, the prosecutor's office did not give an answer to the question of what motivated the detainees in the commission of the crime and who ordered the murder of the head of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk territorial department of the Pacific Regional Directorate of the FPS.

    Yesterday, Tatyana Kutuzova, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Sakhalin Region, announced the discovery of the murder of the head of the territorial department "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk" of the Pacific Regional Directorate of the FPS, Major General Vitaly Gamov. In October-November 2005, three alleged perpetrators of the crime were arrested: Alexei Anikin, Sergei Malyutin and Alexei Britov (all born in 1979).
    According to the prosecutor's office, Anikin, Malyutin and Britov planned the crime by preparing four one and a half liter plastic bottles with a mixture of gasoline and oil with flares tied to them. The family of Vitaly Gamov lived on the third floor of a nine-story building, so young people used the stairs to set fire to his apartment. On May 21, 2002, at half past four in the morning, they climbed the concrete canopy of the entrance. With the help of a ladder supported by Britov, Anikin and Malyutin got to the balcony of the general's apartment. Having exposed the glass, Anikin began to throw bottles with lit flares out of the window, which Malyutin gave him.
    The general, his wife Larisa Gamova and son Ivan woke up from the noise, but the apartment was already on fire. Vitaly Gamov began to fight the fire, he even managed to throw out one of the torches. Larisa Gamova, hastening to take her son to the entrance area, opened the front door. The fire in the apartment intensified. As the experts explained, the woman made a tragic mistake, "providing an additional air flow to the fire."
    The border guard was burned 90% of the skin, his wife - more than 60%. Their son was not hurt. The couple was hospitalized in the burn center of Sapporo (Japan). A week later, Vitaly Gamov died without regaining consciousness. Japanese doctors managed to save Larisa Gamova's life, but she is still undergoing treatment in a Moscow clinic.
    The Prosecutor's Office of the Sakhalin Region opened a criminal case under Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Encroachment on the life of a statesman and public figure”) and Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”). According to Larisa Gamova, their apartment was set on fire by poachers, whose business suffered from the actions of the general. Investigators began to develop a version related to the professional activities of the border guard. The investigation immediately went to the perpetrators of the crime.
    Soon several suspects were detained who worked in the fishing company "Region": Alexei Igrunov, Alexei Kuznetsov and Alexei Anikin. The latter was considered the developer of the murder, according to some reports, he was a member of the group of "authority" Vasily Naumov (Yakut). Two more alleged criminals - Sergey Malyutin and Alexey Britov - left the region in an unknown direction.
    However, the prosecutor's office failed to collect enough evidence of the involvement of the detainees in the murder in 2002. All those arrested had to be released on bail. Alexei Anikin took advantage of this by fleeing abroad. All this time until the last arrest, according to Kommersant's information, he lived in Ukraine and Moldova. The prosecutor's office put the fugitive on the federal and international wanted list, charging him in absentia.
    “All law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation were focused on the search for persons involved in the commission of the crime. An interdepartmental investigative-operational group was created and constantly operated. Along with the activities carried out on the territory of Russia, international investigative instructions were prepared and sent to several countries of the world,” Tatyana Kutuzova told Kommersant yesterday. Details of the special operation to arrest the suspects in the murder were not reported. “The coordinated actions of the law enforcement agencies of the Sakhalin region made it possible to solve the “high-profile” crime of three years ago,” the regional prosecutor's office emphasized. Meanwhile, nothing is reported about the customers of the crime, as well as about the motive that moved the arrested. In the Far Eastern department of the Prosecutor General's Office, they evaded answering Kommersant's question whether the search for those who ordered the murder would continue, referring to the Sakhalin prosecutor Yuri Denisov on this matter. The latter, through his secretary, refused to talk to Kommersant about the Gamow case, citing being busy.
    The Sakhalin Border Guard Department of the FSB Coast Guard also did not comment on the disclosure of the murder of their colleague. As one of the employees of the department said, “all the versions of the crime that the border guards had are purely subjective, please contact the prosecutor’s office.” “We have not discussed the murder of Gamow for a long time. The territorial department no longer exists, there was a reorganization. New people came who did not know General Gamow, ”said the interlocutor of Kommersant.
    How they searched for the customer of the assassination of General Gamow
    Immediately after the assassination attempt on Vitaly Gamov, the press service of the Pacific Directorate of the FPS accused poachers of the attack: “The criminals set themselves the goal of intimidating border guards, who prevent them from illegally enriching themselves and stealing marine biological resources. But their plans will not come true! Nothing will force the border guards to follow the lead of the criminal world. It's a matter of honor!"
    In the first days of the investigation, the UBOP officers dispersed a gathering in the Yuzhno-Sakhalin restaurant "Seoul", which was attended by more than 200 criminal leaders from all over the Far East. "Authorities" and "thieves in law" stated that none of the members of their teams were involved in the tragedy. According to the detainees, the general, most likely, was burned by some "stray scumbags" - "ours are not capable of this."
    On April 21, 2003, upon arrival in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the then head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Boris Gryzlov, stated that the assassination of General Gamow was ordered by the "authority" Vasily Naumov (Yakut), who controlled many fishing enterprises in Sakhalin. On April 17, Yakut was shot dead by unknown people at the entrance of his house in the South Korean city of Busan.
    On May 5, 2003, Deputy Prosecutor General in the Far Eastern Federal District Konstantin Chaika refuted Boris Gryzlov's statement. “Direct evidence of Naumov's involvement in the murder has not yet been obtained, but we do not discard this version,” Mr. Chaika said. According to him, much will become clear after the Prosecutor General's Office receives materials on Yakut from Japan and South Korea.
    In early 2005, thief in law Chiro Shonia (Chira) was arrested in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. He was wanted for a long time for hooliganism and violation of his travel ban. The investigation suggested that Chira could have ordered the elimination of the border guard Gamow. But they could not prove his involvement in the murder, the thief was sentenced to three years in prison for hooliganism.
    How the perpetrators of the murder of General Gamow were found
    On October 6, 2005, officers of the Organized Crime Control Department under the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sakhalin Region detained Aleksey Anikin at the capital's airport. He had a fake passport of a citizen of Ukraine with him. The next day, the detainee was transferred to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, he is still being held in the local pre-trial detention center.
    On October 15, 2005, Sergei Malyutin was arrested in Kaliningrad. Soon he was charged under Art. 30 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Preparation for a crime and attempted crime”) and Article 105 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”).
    On November 12, 2005, the last suspect in the assassination attempt on the general, Alexei Britov, was detained in Moscow.

    Russian General Vitaly Gamov died today in a hospital in the Japanese city of Sapporo. This was reported from the local prefectural government.

    According to the hospital, at about 2:30 am (21:30 Moscow time) his heart stopped, normal breathing stopped. Meanwhile, a team of doctors was able to bring the general back to life by giving him direct ventilation, ITAR-TASS reports. However, a few hours later, the general died.

    Now the issue of transporting the body of General Vitaly Gamov to Sakhalin is being decided.

    Most likely, his funeral will take place in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, since the general's small homeland is the city of Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan. But the decisive word remains with the relatives.

    Recall that on the night of May 21, unknown criminals threw Molotov cocktails at the Gamovs' apartment in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Vitaly Gamov and his wife Larisa received severe burns. Fortunately, their 14-year-old son Ivan was not hurt.

    Vitaly and Larisa Gamova were sent to a clinic in the Japanese city of Sapporo on the island of Hokkaido. Doctors assess Larisa Gamova's condition as stable. She has already had her first skin graft. Let's hope that further operations will go well.

    Colleagues of General Gamow are sure that the assassination attempt was connected with his professional activities. The general created an effective system to combat poachers. Illegal fishing causes damage to the state, which is estimated at tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars. Therefore, it is not surprising that Gamov's activities as head of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk territorial department of the Pacific Regional Directorate of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia caused open hatred of poachers and heads of fishing companies, who also often trade in illegal fishing.

    According to the investigation, the attack on the Gamovs' apartment was carried out by three drug addicts who were hired by unknown organizers of the crime for $300. Perhaps the leadership of the relevant authorities should think about how to ensure the safety of their employees. And then the bandits will continue to demonstrate their strength and impunity ...

    Vitaly Gamov was one of the youngest generals in the Federal Border Service. He received this title at the age of 39, six months before he was appointed head of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk territorial department.

    Vitaly Gamov is from Alma-Ata. He and Larisa knew each other since childhood, went to school together. After graduating from the Military Academy in 1994, Vitaly Gamov voluntarily went to serve in the Far East - first to Kamchatka, then to the Kuriles. Sakhalin became the last place of service of the general ...

    Colleagues of the deceased general promise to make every effort to find the organizers of the crime as soon as possible. According to some reports, the direct perpetrators of the assassination attempt on the general and his wife are no longer alive. But the investigation is sure that the main customers will suffer the deserved punishment. I want to believe it...

    We can only pay tribute to the memory of the general, who fulfilled his duty to the end.

    Pictured: General Vitaly Gamov. Photo from the archive of "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

    Vasily Bubnov

    06/05/2002, "General Gamow - a lone hero or a cog in the system?"

    Memo from the special correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda Galina Mironova about a business trip to the Sakhalin Region

    From May 29 to June 1, she was in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on the instructions of the editors. Everything didn't turn out the way it was supposed to. Everyone writes how he breathes, but I don't seem to have any breath at all right now. I will only state what I saw with my own eyes, the impressions that I managed to realize, and what lends itself to the logic of life.

    How Gamow's friend lowered the general

    First of all, I got in touch with a person who, on two tips, passed as the first friend of Vitaly Gamow. Signs by which he was to be recognized: a white jeep, a tall brunette in a dark suit.

    We are all corrupt here, some more, some less, - he issued immediately after the words of greeting. Simple and calm.

    I immediately remembered the fleeting conversation of neighbors heard on the plane: Gamow was transferred to the capital of the island from the Southern Kuriles, where he was God and king, king and God over the fishermen. But if such an honest and such a fighter, who would allow him to grow up to a general so young? Isn't it clear where the principled are pushed in our time?

    He was not on his own, but in a team, - the friend explained.

    His version: the team of South Kurils, which has influential connections in Moscow, determined Vitaly Gamov by service. Not so and not so friends should tell. Maybe the investigation team has already sat on the tail of the interlocutor and he is trying to deflect the blow? I made inquiries: this is a large fisherman, close to the administration of the Sakhalin region; the administration, in turn, lobbied a team of wealthy South Kurilians. The businessman did not forbid me to give his last name (the only one, as it turns out later!), But I will not do just that: his motives are not clear to me.

    Features of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

    On average, as I calculated out of interest, 17 jeeps drive along the main street in five minutes. “Cellular communications - to the people for 0.6 USD per day!" - a huge poster. I constantly ran into casinos, there were 12 of them per 150 (?) thousand of the population. The prices are outrageous. But the demand for expensive goods, services and food seems to be so stable that the poor can be left out. Even at the memorial service for Gamow, there were somehow few funeral faces. In the crowd, respectable civilians talked rather loudly about banks and money.

    However, the Gamovs had no relatives in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, they didn’t bring their son here to protect them from unnecessary injuries, who should cry? I thought it was good that people weren't destined to see their own funeral...

    At the climax, when the closed coffin was carried out, they began to throw red flowers on the road like splashes of blood, the orchestra entered, the old women began to cry. But an hour later, nothing reminded of the sad ceremony. They removed the mourning ribbons, the flowers crushed by the crowd, people went to the House of Officers for completely different things - there is a furniture and computer showroom. The clean city seemed to have closed the duckweed and took on its former appearance.

    Imitation fight costs money

    My friend, Izvestia correspondent for the Far East, and now State Duma deputy Boris Reznik, briefly told me the plots and conclusions of a series of his articles written about five years ago: no one wants to fight poaching in the Pacific Ocean - neither customs officers, nor FSB officers, nor border guards. I went to the territorial department of the border service to confirm or deny a colleague.

    So, the border guards have complete clarity of what is happening at sea. Each fishing vessel is equipped with technical means of control, and at any time it is possible to determine from the tracking stations where the fishermen are and where they should be. In addition, all ships are required to pass control points - to register at certain coordinates where the patrol ship is stationed. Moreover, there are border inspectors on board who personally control the fishing. The mouse won't slip! But what is it really?

    Everyone poachers,” one of the fishermen said calmly.

    Each captain carries at least 50 thousand dollars in the ship's safe to pay off. With each inspector entering the ship, negotiations are immediately arranged: 3-5 percent of the proceeds are offered - this is crazy money. On a swinging deck it is not easy to be principled - after all, you can slip and fall overboard. But no one falls.

    The question is, why did they come up with such a sinecure - to produce millionaires in the Border Troops?

    Fishing is a very expensive business, - said the middle-aged firm. - Everyone takes loans illegally in Japan, through their partners. Take it from our banks or hold everything officially - you will go bankrupt. Without poaching - also bankruptcy. Everyone feeds on fishing money, so we rent seafood to the Japanese or South Koreans. Entering your port is a catastrophe, SES, port supervision, quarantine workers, etc. are running in - let's bashly, otherwise everything will rot. Therefore, there is no fish in Russian stores.

    Hello fish mafia! they laugh among themselves now. - Did you set the general on fire?

    Black joke, sorry. But it is very stupid to blame the fish mafia in general for the death of Gamow, as bosses with big shoulder straps do. "Honest" poachers have already been taught to buy off without blood, and the general in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk decided little for them. The mafia could only include super-large shadow sharks and outright criminals. The first, perhaps, would have solved this problem in a different way, through power. But the atypical method of the attack - bottles with a combustible mixture - immediately reminded of the recent emergency in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, where the criminal community also threw "Molotov grenades" in a cafe owned by an intractable entrepreneur. They wanted, as it turned out later, just to scare, but innocent people died ...

    Whom did he dislike?

    Sakhalin attracted criminals back in the early 90s, at the height of extortion and racketeering. Then organized crime focused on the automotive business - the import of used Japanese cars began. Two large criminal groups (OCG) were present on the island - the Far East, from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and Moscow. After several years of contradictions, the disassembly between them resulted in an open war. A lot of people died on both sides. But the Komsomol thieves, led by Jem (he was the main suspect in the case of a fire in a cafe) held their positions.

    After the death of Jem, Moscow authorities again began to appear on Sakhalin with claims for a fat piece. They endure each other. But there is also a local derivative - the grouping of Yakut, who, after the assassination attempt on Gamow, went to Japan, but his "octopus" remained on the island.

    Each group is trying to get into the fishing industry. They don't bother with formalities. They go to sea like free rogers, hiring experienced captains and teams to match the tasks. The criminals also prefer to pay for everything, but they have wolf attitudes and concepts, they will not write complaints, and they will not forgive mistakes.

    General Gamow had certain problems at the end of April. As a rather closed person, he was going to discuss them with his closest associates, read - the team. And, most likely, a way out would be found. But the long May holidays came, business partners were away. In the end, a meeting with the team was scheduled. In sauna. But the explosion in the general's apartment sounded earlier. Opponents are tired of waiting?..

    They don't talk badly about the dead, God forgive me, but, to be absolutely honest, the Gamows got burned trying to save the apartment, which was recently renovated. You could safely leave, leaving this matter to the firefighters. But people always put out a fire in their house, and the fire did not start on that tragic day.

    General Gamow, it can no longer be denied, has become a folk hero. Circumstances have developed in such a way that sympathy has hammered logic. To take away such faith from people is almost immoral. I myself had a hard time working on this note, but life is not a soap opera. Probably, the general is about to be given the Hero of Russia posthumously. But here, on Sakhalin, he is not considered a hero.


    Komsomolskaya Pravda is closely following the situation around the assassination of General Vitaly Gamov. In the already published materials, we have given different points of view on the tragedy in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. And yet, they strongly doubted whether to make public the memo of Galina Mironova, the most experienced special correspondent who has been working at Komsomolskaya Pravda for more than 15 years. In the end, they decided: it is necessary to print. Why?

    Many of the conclusions of our correspondent may seem too subjective for people who are far from the fishing regions and problems. But for those who are familiar with poaching firsthand, we are unlikely to discover something new with today's material. Perhaps the true tragedy of General Gamow is worse than we can even imagine...

    The final conclusions about the causes of the murder, about the perpetrators and customers will be given by the investigation. We are still ready to give space in the newspaper to the most diverse points of view - only in their clash can truth be born.

    In Sakhalin, the apartment of the border guard general was bombarded with Molotov cocktails

    On Tuesday, at about 4 am local time, unknown persons threw Molotov cocktails at the apartment of the head of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk territorial department of the Pacific Regional Directorate of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, Major General Vitaly Gamov.

    According to the Interfax news agency, as a result of the fire, the general and his wife received multiple burns and were hospitalized in a serious condition in the city hospital. The 13-year-old son of the Gamovs, who was in the apartment, was not injured.

    On the fact of the attempt on the Gamow family, a criminal case has been initiated, and a search is underway for the perpetrators and customers of the crime.

    General Vitaly Gamov died in a hospital in Sapporo

    Russian border guard general Vitaly Gamov died in a hospital in Sapporo on Tuesday, RIA Novosti reports.
    Consul General of the Russian Federation in Sapporo Nail Latypov confirmed that "death was due to pulmonary insufficiency and cardiac arrest."

    Earlier it was reported about the clinical death that Vitaly Gamov suffered the day before. However, Japanese doctors managed to temporarily bring the general back to life.

    General Gamov and his wife were taken to Sapporo on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk after three Molotov cocktails were thrown into their apartment on the night of May 21 by unknown criminals.

    Vitaly and Larisa Gamova received extensive skin lesions, upper respiratory tract burns, and third-degree shock.

    Izvestia.Ru: General Gamow could have been burned by his own people. The poachers had no special motives to kill General Gamow

    This was stated by officials, one way or another connected with the fishing business in the Far East, Izvestia.Ru reports.

    The fact is that the forces of border guards in the region are extremely small, and they simply do not pose a serious threat to the fish mafia. In addition, it seems that the version that General Gamov, being an allegedly corrupt official, became a victim of criminal showdowns, is also refuted.

    However, now a new, at first glance, incredible version has appeared: Gamow could have been burned by the Sakhalin border guards themselves. For all the odiousness, the "border version" is not without foundation. It has long been known that among the Far Eastern border guards there are people who themselves are engaged in poaching. Perhaps it was their victim that General Gamow became, who decided to put an end to the criminal business of his subordinates.

    Meanwhile, Izvestia managed to find out the name of the third person suspected of setting fire to Gamow's apartment. The prosecutor's office hopes that this particular defendant in the criminal case will be able to lead the investigators to the customers of the crime. Alexey Anikin, born in 1979, was put on the federal wanted list about a week ago. A native of the city of Noginsk, Moscow Region, he is registered in the Kaliningrad Region in the city of Chernyakhovsk. It was there that the first two suspects in the murder of the general were detained two weeks ago. According to operational information, it was Anikin who received the order to eliminate Gamow and connected his acquaintances to the execution.