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  • Convening the first general states in France. General States France. Full cessation of activity

    Convening the first general states in France. General States France. Full cessation of activity

    General States were established by the French king Philipp IV in 1302th. This was done in order to get a support in the face of influential classes to fight dad Bonifacim VIII. The general states had three chambers in their composition, in which the townspeople meet the clergy and the nobility. At first, the last two were gained by the king. However, by the end of the XV century, they became elected.

    The principle of decision-making

    The history of France states that each issue was considered by each of the Chambers of the Assembly separately. The decision was made by a majority vote. Finally, it was approved at a joint meeting of the three chambers. And each of them had only one voice. In such conditions, preferred estates (nobility, clergy) have always received the majority. They did not cost anything among themselves.

    Frequency convocation

    The general states in France were not a permanent authority as parliament in Britain. The frequency of their convocation was not established. The king collected the states at his discretion. The convening of general states most often happened during various shocks and political instability. The list of issues discussed and the duration of the meetings determined the king.

    The main causes of convocation

    The general states convened in order to express the opinion of classes on issues as declaration of war, the conclusion of peace and other important topics. The king sometimes consulted, learned the position of the meeting about various bills. However, the decisions of general states were not mandatory for execution and carried out a recommendatory. The most common reason for the convening of meetings was the sharp need of the crown in the money. French kings often referred to estates for financial assistance. The meetings discussed the next taxes, which at the time were introduced only for one year. Only in the 1439th King got good for charging a permanent collection - the Royal Talia. However, if it came to some additional taxes, we needed to collect general states again.

    Relationship between the Crown and Assembly

    The general states often appealed to the kings with complaints, protests and requests. They have been made to make various suggestions, criticize the actions of the royal officials and administration. But since there was a direct connection between the requests of general states and the results of their votes about the funding requested by the king, the latter often inferior to them.

    The meeting in general was not an ordinary tool of royal power, although it helped her strengthen positions in the country and intensify. States often opposed the crown, not wanting to endure the solutions you need. When the estate assembly showed a character, the monarchs have ceased to convene it for a long time. For example, for the period 1468-1560. States were collected only once in 1484th.

    Conflict between royal power and general staff

    Royal authorities almost always achieved the necessary solutions from general states. But this does not mean that the meeting always unconditionally obeyed the kings. The most serious conflict between royal authorities and states dates back to 1357. He occurred during the urban uprising in Paris, when King Johann was captive by the British.

    In the work of general states, mostly representatives of citizens took part. They developed a reform program, which was called the "Great Martov Ordonance". In exchange for the authorities provided by the authorities, they demanded that the control of tax collecting and expending funds to carry out a meeting, which should have been discussed by these issues three times a year without the permission of the king. Reformers were elected from the participants who ended with emergency powers: the right to control the activities of royal officials, dismissal and punish them (up to the death penalty). But the attempt of general states subordinate finances of success did not have. After suppressing the uprising in Paris and the peasant performances of Jacceria Crown rejected all the reform requirements.

    Powers of deputies

    Elementary deputies had their position on all issues was clearly regulated by the instructions of the voters. After the deputy returned from one or another meeting, he had to report in front of his electorate.

    Local assemblies

    In certain regions of the country (Flanders, Provence) at the end of the XIII century. Local estate assemblies begin to form. At first they were called conciliums, parliaments or simply representatives of three classes. However, in the XV century, the term "states" was firmly consolidated. By this time, they already had almost all provinces. And in the XVI century to the term "states" began to add the word "provincial". The peasant estate in the meeting was not allowed. The kings often opposed some regional states when they were under the excessive influence of the local feudal nobility. For example, in Languedoc, Normandy, etc.

    Causes of loss by the General States of their meaning

    The general states were created in conditions when the powers of large feudalists were not much less than the power of the king himself. The meeting was a convenient counterweight to local lords. At that time, they had their armies, minted their own coins and did not make little from the crown. However, the royal power has strengthened over time. French monarchs gradually increased their influence, building a centralized vertical.

    In the XV century, a great advice was created on the basis of the Royal Curia, which the legists entered, as well as 24 senior representatives of the spiritual and secular nobility. He was going every month, but the decisions were recommendatory. In the same century, a lieutenant is a position. They were appointed by the king from representatives of the highest nobility for the management of provinces or groups of balianes. Centralization touched the cities. The kings have the opportunity to limit citizens in various rights, change previously published Charters.

    The crown also conducted a unification of the judicial system. This made it possible to reduce the influence of the clergy. The royal power has further strengthened the right to collect a constant tax. Karl VII organized a regular army with a clear hierarchy of subordination and centralized leadership. And this led to the fact that medieval France has become less dependent on large feudalists.

    All regions have constant garrisons and military formations. They had to stop any disobedience and performances of local feudal. Significantly increased influence on the state affairs of the Paris Parliament. The crown also established the Council of Notables, which met only the highest representatives of the estates (except the peasantry). With his consent, new taxes could be introduced. As a result of the strengthening of royal power, the general states in France gradually lost their meaning.

    Medieval France has strengthened its position among the European powers due to active participation in the crusades. Trade and craft developed, city grew. Such a rapid development of urban life and a separation from agricultural culture aggravated social contradictions and led to strengthening the confrontation of the classes of citizens and the nobility. In such conditions, there was a danger to the existence of the entire feudal lifestyle.

    In the XIV century, France was part of the King Philip IV King Board, the grandson of Louis IX Saint.

    Collected since the times of Louis of the Holy Assembly of the provincial estates and the Royal Council could not give legitimacy of royal politics against the Papal See during the pontificate Bonifation VIII. The conflict is abandoned due to the unwillingness of the king to obey the papal authorities in the field of appointment of bishops. The King of Philip foresees resistance from Rome in his plan to dissolve the order of the Templars and arrest all his property.

    To give weight to its decisions, the king published an Edict, according to which in 1302 the general states gathered as a deliberative body, designed to help the government in solving complex and delicate issues.

    Usually, general states gathered on the issue of quoting taxes. The general states, structurally, consisted of three free estates, the lower of which were the estate of wealthy citizens. It fell separately from the influential senors and their vassals.

    The general states were often convened during the century of war (1337-1453), after the bustling of the dynasty of capeting. At this time, the kings of the Valua dynasty especially needed money.

    In the twentieth year of the century of war, an uprising in Paris and Jacqueria 1358 broke out. The general states achieved active participation in the management of the kingdom, by analogy with the parliament of England. The "Great Martov Ordonance" 1357 failed. The role of general states remained nominal due to hostility between delegates from the estates.

    From 1484 to 1560. Not a single meeting of general states was recorded. This was caused by the development of absolutism and inexpediency, since the king was content with the Council of Notables. The situation has changed with the beginning of religious wars, which demanded the legalization of new taxes for the war. General States gathered 4 times in 1560, 1576, 1588 and 1593.

    The next convocation of general states took place in 1614 after the completion of their work, a long break began again, which lasted 175 years. The reason for the convening of new general states was the situation in France on the eve of the Great French Revolution. Louis XV convened general states on May 5, 1789. Before completing the work, the third estate announced himself with a new structure - the National Assembly on June 17, and on July 9, the Constituent Assembly was proclaimed, which he headed the revolution in France. It was the last meeting of general states in the format that was adopted in the times of Philip IV beautiful.

    In the twentieth century, attempts were made to revive the institute of general states. Some meetings of the fourth and fifth republics took this name when important issues of France's policies were solved when the public was required. The last meeting called general states met in May 1963. The issue of disarming the Armed Forces of France was discussed.

    Until the XIV century, the Royal Power in France was sufficiently weakened, and in fact the king of the rules only in his domain. Initially, the head of state was chosen among the strongest representatives of the feudalists, only in the XII century the throne became transfer in inheritance. Almost the king did not possess the full power. He was recognized by the right to command the army, the publication of laws and the verification of the court. But all this was only in theory. In fact, the country was divided into separate areas where the rules of one or another feudal.

    In contact with


    The state had many problems:

    • centralized power was in decline;
    • there was no internal unity;
    • territorial fragmentation;
    • weak position in foreign policy.

    However, the very development of society created prerequisites for the centralization of royal power. In the XII - XIII centuries, increased growth of cities begins. Commodity and cash relations were also not stood on the spot. All this required the strengthening of royal power. With the coming to the power of Louis XI and after the reforms held by him, the king gradually became a true suzerane for his vassals.

    Basic estates of France

    Novudovika XI innovation Created conditions for the formation in France the estate and representative monarchy. If until this time, the leading position among the estates occupied feudalists, the power of which was not limited to anything, now the position of the urban population and peasants has been strengthened. This happened after the ban by the king of feudal wars, during which a huge number of civilians were destroyed.

    Three main estates formed in France by the time:

    Subsequently, these three categories were included in the general states.

    The formation of general states and their first convocation

    By the beginning of the XIV century in France there was a pretty difficult situation:

    • failure in the war with Flanders;
    • conflict King Philip IV with Roman dad;
    • difficulties in the economy.

    All this demanded that the head of the kingdom of making any actions for its permission. And the emergence of general states in France was the emergence of general states in France and their first convocation in 1302 - a political advisory structure, which included representatives of all three major estates and consisting, respectively, from the same number of chambers. A specific date, when the states were to be collected, did not exist. This was happening at the request of the king in the most difficult situations (military actions, uprisings among the population). But the main goal of their creation is the replenishment of the royal treasury and permission to introduce another tax.

    Composition and principle of work

    When solving the issues raised, all the chambers were not going to discuss together, and saying each separate. Initially, representatives of the first and second estate (the highest clergy and the most noble nobles) invited the king personally.

    Further, the practice of elections for those who will represent the estate - 2-3 deputies from leading churches, abbey, monasteries, middle and small nobility. The third estate was the wealthy citizens. The peasants at least formally belonged to him, but did not take any participation in meetings. It was the most dependent part of the population and nothing depended on their opinion - that's why the peasants were not invited to general states. It was believed that their opinion was represented by the feudalles, which belonged to the peasants. That is, it was a meeting of only the preferred layers of the population.

    1468 and 1484 were an exception in the meeting - the discussion took place simultaneously by all the estates.

    Selected deputies expressed the will of their voters, and after returning from the meeting, they had to give a report before them.

    The need to convocate and the duration of the meetings was determined by the king. He applied to the states when she needed the support of classes on some question. So, in 1308, they convened to fight the Order of the Templars, in 1359 to discuss the peace treaty with England. But most often the king needed permission to introduce and collect additional annual tax. And only in 1439 Karl VII achieved permission to calculation of constant royal tax.

    The States had the right to apply to a king with complaints, make claims to the administration appointed by the highest authority, to make sentences. Basically, the king satisfied all state requirements in order not to lose the support of the estates. But if the deputies opposed the king and did not vote for the proposal made them, they simply did not convene a long time.

    Full cessation of activity

    After the end of the century war, the importance of this body has decreased significantly. From 1484 to 1560, there were practically no meetings. Further, religious wars began, and general states again became in demand. The convening of the general states in France is 1789 - the last meeting of the Council on the eve of the Great French Revolution, on which the third estate announced himself with the National Assembly.

    General States in France General States in France

    General States (Franz. Etats Generaux) in France, the Higher Cosal and Executive Institution in 1302-1789, which had the nature of the deliberative body. The general states convened a king into the critical moments of French history and had to provide royal free support of society. In his classic form, French general states consisted of three chambers: representatives of the nobility, clergy and the third, applied class. Each class fell in general states separately and endowed a special opinion on the issue under discussion. Most often, general states approved decisions on tax collection.
    Period of century war
    The predecessors of the French general states were extended meetings of the Royal Council with the involvement of urban supports, as well as the Assembly of Representatives from various estates in the provinces, which posted the beginning of the provincial states. The emergence of the Institute of General State was due to the situation prevailing after the creation of a French centralized state. The state in addition to the royal domain included extensive lands of secular and spiritual feudalities, as well as cities that have numerous and traditional liberties and rights. With all its power, the king has not yet had enough rights and authority for the sole decisions affecting these traditional liberties. In addition, even rapid royal power on a variety of issues, including foreign policy, needed visible support for the entire French society.
    The first general states of nationwide scale were convened in April 1302, during the conflict of Philip IV beautiful (cm. Philip IV beautiful) With dad Bonifacim VIII (cm. Bonifami VIII). This meeting rejected the claims of the Roman Pope to the role of the Supreme Arbitrator, saying that the king in secular affairs depends only from God. In 1308, preparing a massacre over the Templars (cm. Templars)The king again found it necessary to rely on the support of general states. August 1, 1314 Philip IV beautiful convened general states to approve the decision to collect tax evaluations to finance the military campaign to Flanders. Then the nobility made an attempt to unite with citizens to unsubsion excessive monetary requests of the king.
    During the years of capeting dynasty (cm. Capeting) The value of general states increases. It was they who decided to eliminate the King of Louis X in 1317 from the throne of the daughter of the King of Louis X in 1317, and after the death of Karl IV of the beautiful and preventation of the dynasty of the capeting, Corona Philip Vi Valua.
    At the first Valua (cm. Valua) And, especially, in the years of century war (cm. Centenary War) 1337-1453, when royal power needed extreme financial support and consolidation of all France's forces, the general states achieved the greatest influence. Using the right of tax approval, they tried to initiate the adoption of new laws. In 1355, at King John II Herbrom (cm. John II brave)The general states agreed to the allocation of funds to the king, only when performing a number of conditions. In an effort to avoid abuse, the general states themselves began to allocate trusted persons to collect taxes.
    After the battle in Poit (cm. Battle for Poitiers) (1356) The king of John II brave was captured by the British. Taking advantage of the situation, general states led by Preview (cm. Preview (official)) Paris Etienne Marselev (cm. Etienne Marcel) And Lansky Bishop, Robert Lekkoy, made a reform program. They demanded that the Administration of Dauphine Carl Valua (Future Carl V Wise (cm. Karl V Wise)), replaced its advisers by representatives from three classes and did not dare to take independent decisions. These requirements were supported by provincial states. Claims for power General States expressed in the Great Martov Ordonance 1357. According to its provisions, only those taxes and fees that were approved by the General States were legitimately recognized. The Ordonance proclaimed the stability of the principle of class vessels (according to feudal standards everyone could only be convicted of equally equal to himself), which was prerogative of royal power in the forensic sphere.
    Dauphin Karl was forced to accept the conditions of the Great Martov Ordonance, but immediately began to fight for its abolition. Sly and dodgy politician, he managed to stick to his side most of the nobles and clergy. Already in 1358, Dofin announced the abolition of the Ordonance, which caused the perturbation of the Parisian citizens led by Etienne Marseille (see Paris Uprising 1357-1358 (cm. Paris Uprising 1357-58)). Parisians supported some other cities and detachments of peasants (Jacceria participants (cm. Jaccery)). But the new composition of the general states was collected in the compient supported Dofina, and the Paris uprising was suppressed.
    Having achieved submissions of the class, Dauphin Karl, who from 1364 became king of France, preferred financial problems to solve with meetings of notables (cm. Notable)Leaving the general states only the problems of consolidating the forces of France in the fight against the British. Such policies adhered to his successors. However, during the rivalry between the Burguignons and Armagniki, the general states supported Karl VII Valua (cm. Karl VII) In strengthening royal power. In the 1420-1430s, they once again played an active political role. Of particular importance were the states of 1439, gathered in Orleans. They banned senitors to have their own army, recognizing such a right only for the king; Installed Talut tax (cm. Talah) on the content of the permanent army of the king.
    At the same time, the hosts are citizens with nobles, the separation of cities did not allow the general states to gain expansion of their rights, like the British parliament. Moreover, by the middle of the 15th century, most French society agrees that the king has the right to introduce new taxes and fees without asking for the permits of general states. The widespread introduction of Talia (constant direct tax) provided a treasury with a solid source of income and delivered kings from the need to coordinate financial policies with representatives of estates. Karl VII did not fail to use it. Hold up on the throne, he, from 1439 to the very end of his reign in 1461, never collected general states.
    In the years of Huguenot wars
    Having lost the right to spend taxes, general states lose real political importance, and enter the decline. Over the years of its board, King Louis XI Valua (cm. Louis XI) Collected general states once in 1467 and then only to obtain formal powers to accept any solutions for the benefit of France without convening general states. In 1484, the states were convened due to the youngsters of King Charles Viii Valua. They are interested in the fact that for the first time as part of the deputies of the third class, not only urban, but also the rural feed population was presented. These general states adopted a number of decisions on the control of royal power, but they all remained good wishes. In the future, Karl VIII to the end of his reign never once convened general states.
    Since the end of the 15th century, the absolute monarchy is finalized in France (cm. ABSOLUTISM)And the very thought of restriction prerogatives of royal power becomes blasphemy. Accordingly, the institution of general states came in full decline. Louis XII Valua (cm. Louis XII Valua) collected their only time in 1506, Francis I Valua (cm. Francis I Valua) - In general, never, Heinrich II Valua (cm. Heinrich II Valua) - Also once in 1548, and then many deputies appointed his will.
    The value of general states increases again during the Hugueno Wars (cm. Huguenot Wars). And weakened royal power, and both hostile religious camps, and the estates themselves were interested to use the authority of states in their own interests. But the split in the country was so deep that it did not allow to collect the composition of deputies whose solutions would be legitimate for the warring parties. However, the Lopital Chancellor in 1560 collects general states in Orleans. Next year, they continued their work in Pontoise, but without deputies from the clergy, which was met separately in Pouassy on the Religious Dispatch of Catholics with Huguenots. As a result of the work of deputies, the "Orleans Ordonance" was developed, relying on which Lopic was trying to start reforms in France. In general, the deputies spoke in favor of turning the general states into the permanent authority of state power, which oversees the activities of the king.
    It is not surprising that the royal power avoided the convening of new states. But, nevertheless, in 1576 King Heinrich III Valua (cm. Heinrich III Valua) It was forced to gather general states again in Blois. Most deputies supported the Catholic league formed in May 1574 (cm. Catholic league in France)which sought to restrict royal power. In the legislative sector, general states demanded to put the laws of the kingdom above the decrees of the king; Decisions of general states could be canceled only by the General States themselves, and if the law has received unanimous support for all classes, he came into force without royal approval. Considered deputies and participation in the appointment of ministers. Representatives of the third estate demanded the restoration of traditional municipalities and liberties cramped by the Royal Administration for the previous decades. The Bloua Ordonance Heinrich III expressed solidarity with the requirements of general states, but the real value did not have this step due to the common chaos in France the era of the Gugotian Wars.
    In 1588, the Catholic League again gained strength and achieved the convening of new general states in Blois. And this time most deputies belonged to a Catholic camp. Under the slogans for the restrictions on the royal power and recognition of the supreme sovereignty of general states, they sought to take away power from Heinrich III and transfer it to the leader of Catholics Henry Gizu (cm. Giza). This rivalry ended with the tragic death of both Henrikhov, and the king was the former leader of the Huggenic camp Heinrich IV Bourbon (cm. Heinrich IV Bourbon). In 1593 in Paris, the opponents of the new king were convened by general states, but his deputies did not represent the political forces of all of France and could not prevent Henry IV to pick up all the power in their hands.
    The domination of absolutism
    The coming to the power of Heinrich IV was largely the result of a compromise between the warring layers of the French society. In the years of Huggen's wars, a frankly dollarsal position, general states in the new political situation were not deeds. Heinrich IV rules as an absolute monarch. Only at the beginning of his reign, he convened a collection of notables, whose deputies appointed himself. Not boring taxes for three years ahead and later asked the king to edit themselves.
    In the period of youngsters, the King Louis XIII of Bourbon, in 1614 the general states in the history of France took place. They revealed serious contradictions between the interests of the third estate and high-grade. Representatives of the clergy and the nobility insisted on exemption from taxes, the provision of new and consolidation of old privileges, that is, they defended not nationwide, but narrowly slot interests. They refused to see in deputies of the third estate partners, belonging to them as servants. The humiliated position of the third estate was supported by the yard. If the noblemen and the clergy could sit in hats in the presence of the king, then representatives of the third class were obliged to stand in front of the monarch on her knees and with a uncoated head. Complaints of the third estate for the severity of the filings, legal insecurity did not find understanding. As a result, the states did not take a single significant solution. The only thing we could agree - the wish of the king to collect general states every ten years. In early 1615, the States were dissolved.
    In 1617 and in 1626, the meetings of notables convened, and in the future, until the Great French Revolution, the state did without a nationwide representative institution. Nevertheless, representative institutions continued to operate on the ground - provincial states and parliaments, although not in all provinces. Yes, and the idea of \u200b\u200bgeneral states itself was not forgotten and was reanimated in the conditions of the deep crisis of royal power at the end of the 18th century.
    Only the most acute political crisis forced the King of Louis XVI Bourbon to go to the convening of new general states. They started their work on May 5, 1789. And already on June 17, the deputies of the third class declared themselves as a national meeting responsible for the formation of legislative power in the country. At the request of King Louis XVI Bourbon, the National Assembly joined the deputies from the nobility and clergy. July 9, 1789 The National Assembly proclaimed itself to the Constituent Assembly in order to develop new legislative foundations of the French state. The activities of the first stage of the Great French Revolution are closely related to the activities of the General States of 1789.
    In the subsequent history of France, the name of general states accepted some of the representative meetings that viewed actual problems and expressed broad public opinion (for example, the Assembly of general states for universal disarmament in May 1963).

    encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

    • Wikipedia - (States General Or Estates General), usually a meeting of representatives of three kingdom classes: clergy, nobles and commoners (the third estate of representatives of the city, corporations). They convened a sovereign for political consultations. G.Sh. ... ... The World History
    • Legal vocabulary

      1) In France, the highest is the representative institution in 1302,1789, which consisted of deputies of the clergy, nobility and 3rd estates. Convened kings mainly to obtain consent to collect taxes. Deputies of 3rd estimates ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      1) In France, the highest is a representative institution in 1302,1789, which consisted of deputies of the clergy, nobility and the third class. Convened kings mainly to obtain consent to collect taxes. Deputies of the third ... ... Historical Dictionary

      General States - 1) In France, the highest is a representative institution in 1302,1789, which consisted of deputies of the clergy, nobility and the third estate. Convened kings mainly to obtain consent to collect taxes. Deputies of the third ... ... Legal encyclopedia

    General States (Franz. États Généraux, Gall. Staten-General) - the highest body of the Clarification (clergy, nobility and cities) in feudal France and the Netherlands. The emergence of general states was associated with the growth of cities and the domestic market, with the complication of social contradictions and the exacerbation of the class struggle, which demanded the strengthening of the feudal state - the creation of the so-called thesis monarchy. For the organization of additional entries on the expanded meetings of the Royal (Duccian) Council, the representatives of urban supports were invited along with the feudalities. Thus, the general states gradually took shape - the deliberative body convened under emergency circumstances to strengthen the Royal (Ducal) authority and to solve financial issues.

    In France, the first to be considered the first to consider the General States of 1302 (referred to in the chronicles in connection with the conflict of Philip IV with Pope Bonifacim VIII), although they differed a little from the same assemblies of the 13th century. The term "general states" appeared later, and their status was never defined. Until the middle of the 15th century, general states convened often (at the initiative of the king), separately for Langedoyl (North) and Languedoca (South). Prelates, knights, and sometimes urban magistrates received personal invitations, but elections were practiced in the cities (from among the members of the patrician). Cities, the allies of royal power in its struggle with major feudalities, played a prominent role in general states, which during this period were a reliable support of the king and contributed to the strengthening of the feudal monarchy and the centralization of the country. The importance of general states during the century of war 1337-1453 was especially increased, when they turned into real strength and sometimes claimed an active part in the country's management. In the years 1355-1358, in conditions of state weakness, defeat in Poitiers (1356) and folk uprisings (Paris uprising 1357-1358, Jacqueria, 1358), Langedoyl's general states, on which representatives of citizens were prevailed headed by Paris, was almost continuous . Apoghem The power of the French general states was the period of the Paris uprising headed by E. Marsela, when the general states made the approval of the Great Martov Ordonance, collected taxes, spent finances and controlled the entire state apparatus. However, in general, the lack of unity between cities and their irreconcilable enjoyment with the nobility made fruitless attempts by the French general states to conquer their rights like the rights of the English Parliament. After 1359, general states convened less often and were often replaced by assembly of notables. The last time on the initiative of the king, they were convened in 1468. In the 16th and early 17th centuries, the initiative of the convening of general states belonged to the feudal nobility, which was in opposition to the absolute power of the King. The period of decline in general states predetermined by the transition from the estate monarchy to absolutely, when the general states only prevented the progressive development of the country. 76 years old (1484-1560) they did not convene at all. Revived in peculiar conditions of religious wars (gathered in 1560, 1576, 1588, 1593), they did not play a significant role. The general states of this period differed from the preceding general states and form. The deputies were elected from all classes. Thanks to the system of multiplodge elections among the deputies of the third estate, urban tops still prevailed. Not only the bulk of the population was not represented, but also an emerging bourgeoisie almost did not have access to general states, since the majority of the third estate deputies were ultimately officials. Deputies received punishes (Cahiers) from voters. During the work of the general states, each class had one voice (regardless of the number of deputies), and due to the settlement of the estates, general states turned out to be powerless. From 1614, the convening of general states ceased for 175 years. The general states gathered on May 5, 1789, on the eve of the bourgeois revolution, were convened by the king as a deliberative class body and mainly in the old procedure. But on June 17, 1789, deputies of the third estate (to which he later joined the deputies of privileged classes) proclaimed themselves to the National Assembly (since July 9, the Constituent Assembly), which turned into a senior representative and legislative body of revolutionary France (before convocation in October 1791 of the Legislative Assembly ).

    In the subsequent name, general states accept some representative meetings, meeting on topical issues of modern times and expressing broad public opinion (the general states of the French Renaissance, June 1945, Assembly of general states for disarmament, May 1963).

    A. A. Lozinsky. Lviv.

    Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia.1973-1982. Tom 4. Hague. - Dvin.. 1963.


    MAYER CH. J., Des États Généraux et autres Assemblées Nationales, P., 1788-89.


    Picot G., Histoire des États Généraux, 2 éd., T. 1-5, P., 1888; Verlaque R .. Les États Généraux et le Droit D "Imposer, Thése, 1943; Thierry O., Experience of the history of origin and the success of the third class, in his book: Evim. Op., M., 1937; Alzon K., French General states 1614-1615 and their meaning, in Sat.: Middle Ages, 1961, century. 19.