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  • Words that you need in Spanish right away. Basic Spanish phrases for tourists (with translation). Themes and meanings of Spanish aphorisms

    Words that you need in Spanish right away.  Basic Spanish phrases for tourists (with translation).  Themes and meanings of Spanish aphorisms

    Currently, Spain is the country most frequently visited by Russian-speaking tourists. However, for some reason the Spaniards are in no hurry to learn Russian, as well as English. In Barcelona, ​​Madrid and major tourist cities, it is quite possible to communicate in English, but if you want to see non-tourist Spain, be prepared for the fact that the locals will only speak Spanish. Apparently, therefore, most tourists either trustingly attach themselves to the hotel's Russian-speaking guides, or constantly engage in pantomime, communicating with the Spaniards :)
    To make your stay more enjoyable and comfortable, try to memorize a few essential words and phrases in Spanish.

    I want to warn you right away that Spanish may sound indecent to Russian speakers, but keep in mind that “h” is almost never read, two “ll” are read like “y”. For example,

    • Huevo in Spanish reads “uebo” (egg)
    • Huesos reads "huesos" (bones)
    • Perdi - "Perdi" (I lost) - from the verb perder (to lose)
    • Dura - "fool" (lasts)
    • Prohibir - "proibir" (prohibit)
    • Debil - "dEbil" (weak) - often found on water bottles, means that the water, for example, is slightly carbonated.
    • Llevar - “yebar” (to wear). Para llevar - “para yebar” (takeaway, for example, takeaway food in a cafe)
    • Fallos - "file" (errors)

    So here we go - the most useful words and phrases in Spanish!

    Greetings, goodbyes in Spanish

    In the photo: the faster you learn a few phrases in Spanish, the more pleasant it will be for you on vacation :)

    In Spain, to greet a person, you just need to call him Olya :)
    It is written - Hola! Pronounced - a cross between "Ol I am"And" OL a

    A more formal greeting: "Good afternoon!" - Buenos dias! - pronounced “b Have enos d AND as "

    Good evening! - Buenas Tardes! - "BuenAs TARdes" - always used in the afternoon.
    Goodnight! - Buenas Noches! - “buenAs noches” (night) - used after 7 pm.

    To say goodbye, Spaniards rarely say the famous, thanks to Arnold Schwarzeneger, phrase “hasta la vista” (see you). Most often they will say: "see you soon!" - Hasta luego! - "Asta LuEgo"
    Well, or they say "goodbye (those)" - Adios - "adyOs"

    Tell the interlocutor your name, for example: "my name is Anton" - Me llamo Anton - "me yAmo Anton"
    You can say where you come from: "I am Russian / Russian" - Soy ruso / rusa - "soy ruso / rusa"

    Daily Spanish words and phrases, courtesy

    Residents of Malgrad de Mar talking in the street

    Yes - Si
    No - No.
    It is more polite, of course, to say "no, thanks!" - No, gracias! - "but grAsias"

    A very important word that always helps in Spain: "please" - por favor- "por favor"
    And also "thank you" - Gracias- "grAsias" (in the middle of the word the letter "c" is indistinct and even lisping)

    In response, you can hear: "not at all!" - De nada - "de nada"

    If we want to apologize, we say “I'm sorry” - Perdon - “fart”
    To this the Spaniards often answer: "everything is all right (no big deal)!" - No pasa nada - "but pasa nada"

    How to ask directions in Spanish

    To practice Spanish, ask the locals for directions

    Sometimes the tourist gets a little lost in the city. Then it's time to ask in Spanish:
    where is…? -? Donde esta ...? - "donde esta?"

    For example, if you are going to go and cannot find the bus station, learn the phrase in Spanish: “dOnde esta la parAda de autobus?” Of course, a detailed answer in Spanish can be discouraging, but a Spaniard will most likely duplicate the direction with his hand :)

    Street signs in Figueiras

    Here are some more useful Spanish words indicating directions:

    To the left - Izquierda - "IskErda"
    To the right - Derecha - "derecha"
    Straight - Recto - "rEkto"

    In Spanish "street" - Calle - "kaye"

    We ask where is the Rambla -? Donde esta la calle Rambla? - "donde esta la caye rambla?"
    We ask where is the beach -? Donde esta la playa? - "Donde esta la playa?"

    You can look for the Russian Embassy - "Where is the Russian Embassy?" -? Donde esta la embajada de Rusia? - "donde esta la embahada de rusia?"
    Another helpful line is, "Where is the toilet?" -? Donde estan los aseos? - "donde estan los aceos?"

    Basic Spanish words for transport

    To navigate along the way, a tourist still has to memorize a dozen Spanish words

    Schedule - Horario - "orArio"
    Sale - Venta - "Venta"
    Ticket (for transport) - Billete - “beyEte” or “bilEte”. You can say "ticketE" - they also understand well.
    If you need a “There and Back” ticket, the cashier needs to say: “Ida i Vuelta” - “Ida and vuelta”
    Card (travel pass, subscription, it is a bank card) - Tarjeta - "TarhEta"
    Next station - Proxima parada - "Proxima paraada"

    Train - Tren - "Tren"
    Way, platform - Via - "bia"
    Taxi / metro / bus - Taxi, metro, autobus - "Taxi, metro, autobus"

    Express your opinion or desire in Spanish

    Advanced tourists very quickly begin to understand and speak Spanish

    I like! - Me gusta - "me gusta!"
    I do not like! - No me gusta - "but me gusta!"

    I would like to - Querria - "qErria"
    It's good! - Esta bien - "Esta bien!")
    Very good! - Muy bien - "muy bien!"
    I do not want! - No quiero - "but kjero!"

    Clarifications about mutual understanding + help

    I do not speak Spanish - No hablo espanol - “but Ablo Espanyol”

    Do you speak Russian? - Habla ruso? - "Abla Ruso?"
    Speak English? - Habla ingles? - "Abla Ingles?"

    At first, this phrase will be the most demanded: “I don’t understand” - No entiendo - “but entiendo”
    The Spaniards very often confirm, they say, "Understood" - "Vale" - "Bale!"

    "Help me please!" -? Ayudeme, por favor! - "AyudEme, then favorite!"

    Shopping, reservations

    In the photo: tourists are interested in the prices of souvenirs in Bilbao

    What it is? -? Que es esto? - "ke es esto?"
    Basic shopping phrase: "how much does it cost?" -? Cuanto cuesta? - "Quanto cuEsta?")
    If you are going to pay for the purchase with a credit card, it will be - Con tarjeta - "contract"
    Cash - Efectivo - Efectivo

    Car - Coche - "Koche"
    Entrance (to any institution) - Entrada - "entrada"
    Exit - Salida - "salIda"

    I made a reservation - Tengo una reserva de la habitacion - "tEngo una rezErva de la abitAcion"

    If you need to spend the night, you can say: “two beds for this night” - Dos kamas por esta noche - “dos kamas por esta noche”

    Phrases in Spanish about food (in a restaurant, shop, in the market)

    Photo: fragment of the menu in a small restaurant, Malgrad de Mar

    Sometimes, when you buy food in a cafeteria or a bar, the Spaniards ask: Do you take food "to go?" - Para llevar? - "Para yebar?" If you want to eat in a cafe, you can answer a short “No” and add: “I will eat here” - Para aquí - - “PARA AKI”

    I will order ... - Voy a tomar ... - "fight a tomar"

    Bon Appetit! - Buen provecho! - “buen provEcho”. Or often just "provEcho!"

    Hot - caliente - "calEnte"
    Warm up - calentar - "calentar"

    The check, please! - La cuenta, por favor! - "la cuEnta, por favOr"

    Meat - Carne - "carne"
    Fish - Pescado - "pescado"
    Chicken - Pollo - "poyo"

    If, when ordering a chicken, you say not “Poyo”, but “Pollo” (if you read “pollo” as you are used to), you will get an indecent word and you will have to say “Perdon” :)

    Seafood - Mariscos - "Mariscos"
    Pasta - Pastas- "pastas"
    Bread - Pan - "pan"

    Spanish words and phrases about drinks

    Drinks - Bebidas - "babydas"
    Coffee with milk - Cafe con leche - "cafe con leche"

    Beer - Cerveza - "sirbesa"

    The most important phrase for the development of Spain: “two beers, please!” - Dos cerveza, por favor!- "dos serbesas, since favor!"

    Gas water - Agua con gaz - "Agua con gaz"
    Still water - Agua sin gaz - "Agua sin gaz"

    Black tea - Té Negro - "te nEgro"
    Green tea - Té Verde - "te verde"
    Sugar - Azúcar - "atsUkar"
    Spoon - Cuchara - "kuchAra"
    Spoon (small) - Cucharilla - "kucharIiya"
    Fork - Tenedor - "tenedor"

    The Spanish sounds “b” and “c” are almost the same. This will be noticeable when you mention, for example, "wine"

    White wine - El vino blanco - "el bino blanco"
    Rose wine - Rosado - "El Bino RosAdo"
    Red wine - Tinto - "El Bino Tinto"

    If you want to order two glasses of red wine: “two glasses of red, please!” - Dos copas de vino tinto, por favor!- "dos kopas de bino tinto, por favor!"

    Juice - Zumo - “ZUMO” (sound z is indistinct, lisping)
    Orange juice please - Zumo de Naranjo, por favor! - "Zumo de naranhO, por favor!"

    7 most important words and phrases in Spanish

    It's hard to remember everything before your first trip, so memorize at least 7 of the most important words and phrases in Spanish that you will definitely need.

    Phrases about love.

    Tú y yo sin… ropa. Piénsalo ...

    You and me without ... clothes. Think about it…

    ​ ***

    Yo nunca sostengo a nadie ... porque si ama - se queda y aquel quién no ama - a pesar de todo se irá!

    I never hold anyone ... Because the one who loves will remain, and the one who does not love will leave anyway.​

    No tienes que prometerme la luna… me bastaría si sólo te sentarás conmigo un rato debajo de ella.

    You don't have to promise me the moon ... it's enough for me to just sit under it for a while with you.


    Eres tan dulce que solo con mirarte engordo.

    You are so sweet that just looking at you makes me fat!

    Nunca trates de ser como no eres, quien te quiera te acepta con tus errores y virtudes.

    Don't try to be what you are not. The one who loves you will accept all your advantages and disadvantages.

    Parting phrases.

    ​ ***

    No vale la pena sufrir por alguien quien es feliz sin ti.

    It is not worth suffering for someone who is happy without you.​

    No llores porque se terminó, sonríe porque sucedió.

    Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

    ​ ***

    Si tu amor se apagó, dímelo a la cara.

    If your love has faded, tell me right to my face.

    ​ ***

    Lo que era entre nosotros - toma contigo, y te pido, no me digas esa frase de los amigos.

    Take what was between us for yourself, and, please, come on without this phrase about friends.

    ​ ***

    Siempre me voy a enamorar de quien de mi no se enamora.

    I always fall in love with someone who doesn't love me.​

    Cuando la persona se va - déjale ir. Su papel en tu vida ya está representado.

    When a person leaves, let go. His role in your life has already been played.

    Phrases about happiness.

    Nunca te arrepientas de lo que hiciste si en aquel momento estabas feliz!

    Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment!​

    No sé que pasará mañana, lo importante es ser feliz hoy!

    I don't know what will happen tomorrow, the main thing is to be happy today!​

    Las mejores cosas de la vida, no son cosas. Son momentos, emociones y recuerdos.

    The best things in life are not things at all. These are moments, emotions and memories.​

    La felizidad no es más que saber disfrutar de las cosas simples de la vida.

    Happiness is nothing more than being able to enjoy the simple things of life.

    Phrases about work.

    Lo importante no es saber, sino tener el teléfono del que sabe.

    It is important not to know, but to have the phone number of someone who knows.​

    Mi única función en el trabajo es buscar la forma de no aburrirme en él.

    My only job at work is finding a way not to get bored.

    ​ ***

    ¡Triunfaré! A pesar de todo.

    I will succeed! No matter what!​

    Tan maravilloso es mi trabajo que paso horas contemplándolo.

    My job is so great that I just admire it for hours.​

    Quien hace lo que le apasiona, nunca tendrá trabajo.

    Someone who does what inspires him will never work.

    El trabajo se hizo para las máquinas y los animales; yo he nacido para descansar.

    Work is made for machines and animals, and I was born to relax.​

    El trabajo nunca ha matado a nadie pero yo no trabajo, por si acaso.

    Work has never killed anyone, but I still don't work, just in case.​

    Si quieres trabajar, siéntate y espera a que se te pase.

    If you want to work, sit down, wait and everything will pass.​

    Trabajar está bien ... siempre y cuando lo hagan otros.

    Work is good. Especially when others do it.​

    La gente que trabaja mucho no tiene tiempo para ganar dinero.

    People who work hard have no time to make money.​

    Сada cuestion tiene dos puntos de vsita: el equivocado y el mio.

    Each question can have 2 points of view: wrong and mine.

    Phrases about dreams.

    *** ​

    Los sueños son la realidad. Lo principal es tener mucha gana y hacer un paso adelante.

    Dreams are reality. The main thing is to want to strongly and take a step forward.​

    El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en sus sueños.

    The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.​

    Phrases about everything in the world.

    Todos me dan consejos cuando yo necesito una copa de wiskey.

    Everyone gives me advice, and I need a glass of whiskey.​

    Hay personas que merecen una palmadita. En la cara. Con una silla.

    There are people who deserve a good slap. In the face. A chair.​

    A veces pierdes lo que quieres, porque no valoras lo que tienes ..

    We often lose what we want because we do not value what we have ...​

    Estamos tan acostumbrados a todo lo que es malo, que cuando sucede algo bueno dudamos si es real.

    We are so accustomed that everything is bad, that when something good happens, we do not believe that it is real!

    Spanish is one of the most popular in the world; it is spoken in Spain and Latin America, although they speak dialects and variations of classical Spanish. Classical Spanish is the basis and is well understood in Peru, Chile, Portugal, Mexico, Cuba and other states of South America. In general, this makes more than half a billion people in the world. So learning 100 phrases in Spanish will be helpful.

    Language of Lorca and Cervantes

    Spanish sounds beautiful, melodic and easy to learn. The spelling and pronunciation are almost identical; learning it yourself at the tourist level is quite simple. In everyday speech, the Spaniards use about 700-1000 words, of which about 150-200 are verbs. And for tourist purposes, in order not to get lost in the cities of Spain or understand the airport staff, about 100 phrases consisting of 300-350 words are enough.

    They are conventionally divided into several groups: words of gratitude and phrases for polite communication, in a restaurant, airport and on the road. You will also need numbers, pronouns and the most popular verbs, designations of directions and names of places, days of the week and times. And also you need to learn the words necessary in difficult and dangerous situations, ask for help or help passers-by.

    Sound and pronunciation in Spanish

    To speak Spanish, start with the basics - phonetics and the alphabet. The language has its own peculiarities and difficulties. The Spanish alphabet is almost identical to the English one, with the exception of 1 detail - the letter “Ñ” is added, it is read “ny”. Otherwise, they are the same. Let's consider the details phonetic features Spanish letters:

    • at the beginning of the word the letter "H" is not pronounced, in the word "Hola!" (hello), it is pronounced "Ola" with the removal of the first vowel;
    • in classical Spanish, the letter "C" is often pronounced with a whistle, somewhat similar to the English combination "th";
    • the letter "E" is read "E", at this moment foreigners are strongly heard;
    • the letter "L" in Spanish is soft;
    • basically, words are read as they are written, there are exceptions, but there are few of them;
    • stress is placed according to the rules, unlike the Russian language - at the end of a word a consonant letter (except for N and S), then the stress on the last syllable, vowel or letters N and S, then on the penultimate;
    • the letter "C" reads "K" in combination with the vowels a, o, u; and "C" - with the letters e, i;
    • the letter "G" is read "Г" in combination with a, o, u; and with the letters e, i - pronounced "X";
    • special combinations "GUE", "GUI" are read as "Ge" and "Ki", ​​and "QUE" and "QUI" - as "Ke" and "Ki";
    • the letter "V" is pronounced as an average between "c" and "b";
    • the letters "S" and "Z" are read like the Russian "C", and in Spain they are pronounced like "ts".

    These features are easy to remember, otherwise the languages ​​are similar and it is easy for Russians to learn Spanish and speak it clearly for the native inhabitants of Spain.

    The difficulty lies in the first 2-3 months of training, when pronunciation is set, at this time it is better to study with a teacher. You can instill the wrong sounding of some words and letter combinations on your own, it is difficult to retrain later.

    How to learn a foreign language?

    Regardless of the country and language, its study must contain certain points and stages, then memorization and understanding will be achieved to the right degree. You cannot learn sentences without knowing how to pronounce individual words, and you also cannot start talking without gaining basic knowledge of the construction of phrases. It is best to do everything gradually, including all stages:

    • setting up pronunciation, learning basic words and sounds - here you can create a dictionary where new phrases and expressions are written with transcription and translation;

    • solving and performing exercises on phonetics and spelling;
    • writing words and expressions to consolidate knowledge with mechanical memory;
    • listening to music and watching films in Spanish with subtitles;
    • reading books by Spanish authors and translating them - start with simple children's stories, familiar to you from childhood, then move on to more complex ones;
    • communication with native speakers in chat, social networks, language centers, trips to a Spanish-speaking country.

    Skipping any of the stages will negatively affect the speed and completeness of language learning, it is better if everything is in a complex. Communication in Spanish will allow you to collect all the knowledge gained and try to reproduce the phrases so that they understand you. This is an opportunity to hear and try to understand real Spanish speech, because it is very different from the book.

    Greetings and phrases of gratitude

    First of all, write down the words of greeting and goodbye in your dictionary, they are the basis for any language and for communication in any country. Spain is no exception, here everyone greets politely in shops, cafes, when acquaintances and friends meet. As in Russian, in Spanish there are several variants of phrases for varying degrees"Kinship" with the interlocutor.

    When meeting with a friend and well-known peer, you can say ¡Hola! (Ola!) - Hello! But to a stranger or an adult interlocutor they say ¡Buenos días! (Buenos diaz!), ¡Buenas tardes! (Buenos tardes!) Or ¡Buenas noches! (Buenos noches!), Which translates accordingly "Good morning / day / night!".

    Usually after greeting I add a polite question "How are you?" or its variations, which do not talk about their problems, they just say “Okay! And how are you?" It sounds like this:

      ¿Qué tal? ke tal How are you?
      ¿Cómo estás? who is estás How are you?

    These two phrases can be used to communicate with an acquaintance or friend, but to a stranger or group of people you should say:

      ¿Cómo está? who is está How are you? (if there is only one person), or
      ¿Cómo están? who is están How are you? (if referring to a group of people).

    The answer options, again, depend on the interlocutor:

      Bien, ¿y tú? [bien, and tu] Okay, how about you? - so you can tell a friend, but in other versions you need the following wording:

      Bien, gracias ¿y Usted? [bien, grasias and ustet] Ok, thanks! And you?

    In addition to standard greetings, you can use or hear the following phrases: ¿Qué tal la vida / el trabajo / la familia / los estudios? (ke tal la vida / el trabáho / la familia / los estudios), which means - How is your life / work / family / study?

    In response to these phrases, you can answer the standard "Bien!", Or you can diversify the communication:

    • ¡Excelente! (ekselante) Excellent!
    • ¡Muy bien! (mui bien) Very good!
    • Más o menos. (mas about menos) More or less.
    • Regular. (regular) Normal.
    • Mal. (mal) Bad.
    • Muy mal. (mui mal) Very bad.
    • Fatal. (fatal) Terrible.

    But after these phrases, polite Spaniards will start asking questions and demanding details, if you are not ready for this, then limit yourself to the standard wording.

    Say goodbye or wish have a good day you can use the famous phrase

    • “¡Chao! (chao) Bye! " or “¡Adiós! (adios) Bye! Goodbye!" if the interlocutors are older than you or are unfamiliar, then it is better to choose one of these:
    • ¡Hasta luego! asta luego Goodbye!
    • ¡Hasta pronto! asta prónto See you soon!
    • ¡Hasta mañana! asta manana Until tomorrow!
    • Nos vemos. vemos nose See you soon! See you.

    If suddenly you are faced with a complete misunderstanding of the interlocutor, then you can tell him about this in the following words:

    • No entiendo But entiendo I don't understand.
    • Mas despacio, por favor. Mas-despasio, port-favor Could you speak more slowly?
    • No comprendo. But-komprendo I don't understand.

    These words are enough to look like a polite person when communicating with residents in the cities of Spain. With difficulties in understanding, you can switch to English, if it is easier for you to choose phrases in this language, besides, you can meet Russian-speaking people, there are a lot of them on the territory of all countries of Europe and Latin America.

    The right words if you don't know the way

    The Spaniards are quite responsive and will gladly give directions to tourists, but you should know how to ask her and what they can answer you. In order not to memorize complex phrases and phrases, 3 options are enough and they will understand you:

      Where is…

      I need…

    For example, you need to ask for directions to a bank or hotel, you can ask a question like this:

    • ¿Dónde está la calle / un banco / un hotel? (Donde esta la saye / un banco / un hotel?) - Where is the street / bank / hotel?
    • Yo necesito la estación de ferrocarril. (yo nesesito la estacien de ferrocarril) - I need a station.

    More options that you can use to find a road:

      ¿Сómo llego a…? - How can I get to…?
      ¿Qué tan lejos es…? - How far is ...?

    In response, you may be offered a map or shown a direction, or they may explain in detail how to get there and where to turn, for this the following expressions are used:

    • Right side, to the right (a la derecha) a la derecha;
    • Left side, left (a la izquierda) a la izquierda;
    • Straight ahead (derecho) derecho;
    • At the corner (en la esquina) en la esquina;
    • Far away (Lejos) Lejos;
    • Near / Close (Serca) Cerca;
    • In one / two / three / four blocks (a una cuadra / a dos / tres / cuatro cuadras) a una cuadra / a dos / tres / cuatro cuadras.

    Even if you do not understand the Spanish answer well, you can ask to repeat it again or say that you do not understand. As a rule, they will gladly draw a map, guide you to the place, or explain in more detail and more understandable.

    In Spain, they treat tourists well and rejoice when you can pronounce the words correctly. They will help you on the street and in the store, and the police officers will also escort you to the right place during execution.

    Emergency Phrases

    Unforeseen situations can happen to anyone, no one is immune from this. You or someone you know, or the person on the street may need help with. You won't pass people in trouble just because you don't know how to call a doctor in Spanish, do you? When traveling with children, a quick reaction to the situation is often required and finding the right phrase in a phrasebook or online translator will make it very difficult to solve the problem. What are the basic phrases you might need to find help:

    • ¡Ayúdame! (Ayudame!) Help me!
    • Help! (Socorro!) Socorro!
    • Stop! (Stop!) (Pare!) Pare!
    • Necesito un doctor / dentista / oficial de policía. - I need a doctor / dentist / police officer.
    • ¿Hay una farmacía cerca? - Is there a pharmacy nearby?
    • ¿Puedo utilizar su teléfono? - Can I use your phone?
    • ¡Llame a la policía / ambulancia / los bomberos! (Yame a-lapolisia / a-unambulansya / a-los-bomberos!) - Call the police / ambulance / firefighters!
    • Fire! (fuego) Fuego!
    • I'm lost. (me e perdido) Me he perdido.

    These phrases will be enough to ask for help from passers-by in an emergency. If you know them by heart, then perhaps it will save someone's life or health and make your trip much safer and safer.

    As a conclusion!

    The Spanish language is beautiful, sonorous and musical, it is pleasant and easy to learn it. Phrases for tourists are just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg, and the real understanding of this music will come after a year or two of its development. When you can understand the interlocutor, and not guess by the gestures, what you were told, when you can watch Spanish films without subtitles and translation, then you can confidently go to a foreign country and enjoy its culture and inner world.

    Where to learn Spanish:

    1. Language schools, courses and individual sessions with a teacher is the most popular and most productive way.
    2. Online programs and smartphone apps for self-study are long and require self-discipline.
    3. Video and audio lessons, exercises and assignments on the network and in books - will require specialist adjustment or assistance at an initial level.
    4. Visiting a country or communicating with native speakers is quick, but it will only give you spoken language, you will not be taught to read and write there.

    If studying Spanish- your dream, then supplement the training by reading the history of the country, books by national authors, searching for information about its culture, features. Then the picture will be more complete. If you need a language to do your job, then deepen your study with technical knowledge, specialized words. To do this, you will need special literature, magazines, newspapers, websites and blogs on the necessary topics, and you should start studying them only after completing the basic part.

    Classes can take from six months to infinity, depending on the intensity and density of the classes, the degree of immersion in learning, the repetition of the knowledge gained and the addition of new words and phrases.

    Spaniards and Hispanics are considered hot and passionate. Such a stereotype has developed. Or is it not fiction at all? The Spaniards are very generous with compliments, therefore, do not be surprised that just walking along the streets, you can easily get a lot of nice words addressed to you. But many compliments can be rude and vulgar. Poor knowledge of Spanish can not only embarrass you, but also lead to misunderstandings.

    Compliments can be given to men and women, regardless of the degree of acquaintance or status. The analogue of this Russian word is "cumplido". There is also the word "piropo" (the corresponding verb "piropear"), but in this case it expresses admiration only in relation to an unknown woman ( echar un piropo a uno - to make, to give a compliment to someone). In addition, very often he wears a vulgar and often rude color. Thus, to make a pleasant compliment, as in Russian, is hacer un cumplido, and to say a compliment is decir un cumplido.

    Neutral compliments

    So, to make a neutral compliment, for example, to an employee or employee, about a new hairstyle or a beautiful suit, or just like that, you can use the following examples:

    1. Me gusta su nuevo traje (o peinado). - I like your new costume (or hairstyle).
    2. Usted tiene un perfecto gusto en elegir ropa. - You have a talent for choosing clothes.
    3. ¡Usted es una mujer encantadora! - You are a wonderful woman!
    4. Usted es una persona muy responsable. - You are a very responsible person.
    5. Usted es muy amable, gracias. - Thank you. You are very polite.
    6. Usted no ha cambiado nada. - You haven't changed at all.
    7. Usted no aparenta su edad. - You don't look your age.

    In most situations, the Spaniards, if they want to say a compliment, turn to you even to work colleagues. The word "you" is more acceptable to older people. But, even if you say so to a young girl, it will not be a gross mistake.

    You can thank for a compliment or just respond politely with the help of phrases:

    1. Gracias por el cumplido. - Thanks for the compliment.
    2. Es muy agradable oírlo. - I am very pleased to hear that.
    3. Está exagerando. - You overstate.

    Or you can limit yourself to one word "thank you": "Gracias".

    A separate group should highlight the words that are used by men in relation to women when constructing compliments.

    1. Bella is beautiful.
    2. Linda is beautiful, sweet, attractive. (In Latin America, beautiful, excellent)
    3. Atractiva is attractive.
    4. Agradable is nice.
    5. Hermosa is beautiful.
    6. Guapa is lovely.

    Popular compliments for girls

    All of the following words have a similar meaning in relation to the Russian word "beauty", "how beautiful, attractive."

    "Ricura" is a variant of the word "beauty", used either in a very close company, or with a slightly vulgar meaning.

    Nice words for guys

    Girls often also want to say a couple of nice words to guys, to make them an unobtrusive compliment. In this case, a few relevant phrases will help you to take note of.

    1. Eres magnífico. - You are wonderful.
    2. Eres muy hermoso. - You are very beautiful.
    3. Eres tan simpático. - You are so pleasant to talk to (dismissive).
    4. Me encanta tu manera de ser. - I like your demeanor.

    Compliments about appearance

    To express my admiration for appearance interlocutor, you can use the following phrases.

    1. Estás muy elegante. - You are very elegant.
    2. Estás guapa (guapo) como siempre. - You are beautiful (beautiful), as always.
    3. ¡Qué bonita figura tienes! - What a good figure you have!
    4. ¡Qué ojos tienes! - What eyes do you have!
    5. Se te ve muy moderno (o moderna). - You look very modern.

    Declarations of love and sympathy

    You can confess your love or sympathy to your chosen one or chosen one, as well as make it clear about your concern in different ways: simply and poetically. The first option involves the use of the phrases below.

    1. Me gustas. - I like you.
    2. Yo pienso en ti. - I think of you.
    3. Te quiero. - I love you.
    4. Estoy enamorado (enamorada) de ti. - I'm in love (in love) with you.
    5. Tú eres mi todo. - You are all for me.
    6. Eres mi locura. - You are my madness.
    7. Fue amor a primera vista. - It was love at first sight.
    8. Pienso en ti cada minuto. - I think about you every minute.
    9. Eres mi destino. - You are my Destiny.
    10. Me haces feliz. - You make me happy (happy).
    11. Te amo. - I love you.
    12. Te adoro. - I adore you.
    13. Me encantas. - I am fascinated by you.
    14. Quiero estar contigo. - Want to be with you.
    15. Estoy loco (a) por ti. - I'm crazy about you.

    The second option is poetic, for true romantics (we give only a few expressions as an example, you yourself will understand what to say if this feeling overwhelms you) ::

    1. Tu amor es serenidad en el tumulto y consuelo en la tristeza. - Your love is calmness in excitement and consolation in sorrow.
    2. Siempre te voy a cuidar y quiero hacerte feliz. - I will always take care of you and I want to make you happy (happy).
    3. Tu voz es la melodía de mi vida. - Your voice is the melody of my life.

    Common words

    In a relationship, couples often use affectionate words.

    1. Mi amor. - My love.
    2. Querido (querida). - Favorite (or favorite).
    3. Mi vida. - My life.
    4. Mi cielo. - My heaven.
    5. Mi alma. - My soul.
    6. Mi corazón. - My heart.
    7. Mi cariño. - My love; my dear (dear).
    8. Eres mi sol. - You are my sun.

    And also warm phrases:

    1. Abrázame. - Give me a hug.
    2. Nunca me sueltes. - Never let me go.
    3. Agárrate a mí. - Snuggle up to me.
    4. Bésame. - Kiss Me.

    As sung in the famous song “Bésame mucho”

    "I love you"

    There are several variants of the phrase "I love you" in Spanish. The most popular are:

    1. te quiero,
    2. te amo,
    3. te adoro.

    Three verbs, "querer", "amar", "adorar", are arranged in a special order that shows the depth of feelings. "" Is typical for colloquial speech, and quite often he and "" are interchangeable. But still, they differ from each other precisely in the strength, depth of the feelings experienced. The verb "adorar" is the most expressive of the group, and it can be translated into Russian as "to adore".


    There are many words and phrases in the lesson, so in order to consolidate the material, you need to complete two simple exercises.

    Exercise # 1. Please translate the sentences from Russian into Spanish.

    1. I love you very much.
    2. I like your smile.
    3. You are all for me. Do not let me go.
    4. Hug me and kiss me.
    5. Thanks for the compliment.


    1. Te quiero mucho.
    2. Me gusta tu sonrisa.
    3. Tú eres mi todo. No me sueltes.
    4. Agárrate a mí y bésame.
    5. Gracias por el cumplido.

    Exercise number 2. Please translate the sentences from Spanish into Russian.

    1. Eres mi destino y mi locura.
    2. No aparenta su edad y lo sabe.
    3. Me gusta tu peinado. Eres muy hermosa.
    4. Me parece que estoy enamorada.
    5. Te quiero, mi amor.


    1. You are my destiny and madness.
    2. You do not look your age, and you know that.
    3. I like your hairstyle. You are very beautiful.
    4. It seems to me that I am in love.
    5. I love you my love.

    And finally, a couple of love songs in Spanish:

    Enrique Iglesias ft. Romeo Santos - "Loco".

    Enrique Iglesias ft. Juan Luis Guerra - "Cuando Me Enamoro".

    When going on a new trip, many of us think over the route in advance and try to answer the questions: "Where to go?", "What to see?", "What restaurant should I dine in?" Knowing the basics of Spanish will help you experience much more than just a delicious meal and beautiful sights.

    Our Spanish expert Natalya Volkova has compiled a selection of essential phrases. Thanks to them, you will be able to deeply feel the atmosphere of this cheerful country and touch its Everyday life... In addition, it has long been known that most Spaniards do not speak English.

    Even knowing basic phrases like “¡Hola!” And “¿Cómo estás?” Will help you feel more comfortable traveling.

    Learning to greet and say goodbye in Spanish

    The simplest universal greeting ¡Hola! - Hey!

    There are also phrases that indicate the time of day, for example: ¡Buenos días! - Good morning! Good day! (can be heard from 6.00 to 12.00 noon), ¡Buenas tardes! - Good day! (from 12.00 to 20.00) and ¡Buenas noches! - Good evening! (from about 20.00) with the same phrase the Spaniards wish "Good night!" These greetings can be answered by repeating these phrases, or only part of them: ¡Buenas tardes! - ¡Buenas!

    Everyday phrases in Spanish

    ¿Cómo está (s)?How are you (are you)?
    ¿Qué tal la vida?What's up? It can be used with words such as: la familia, los estudios, el trabajo.
    Muy bienvery good
    Así asíso-so
    Сomo siempreas always
    ¿Y tú?And you have?
    ¿Y usted?And you?
    ¿Qué tal te va el viaje?How was the trip?
    ¿Qué hay (de nuevo)?What's new?
    ¿Qué pasa?What's happening?
    Está bien, no pasa nadaNothing, everything is fine.
    Lo siento mucho, de verdadI'm really sorry, really.

    How to thank

    In the town

    ¿Hay algún mercadillo al aire libre por aquí?Is there any outdoor flea market nearby?
    de antigüedadesantiques
    de sellos y monedasstamps and coins
    de ropaclothes
    ¿Dónde está .....?Where is....?
    Está a la vuelta de la esquinaaround the corner
    Está a 5 minutos de aquífive minutes away
    Está a 10 minutos a pie / corriendo / en bici / en coche10 minutes on foot / jogging / by bike / by car
    Seguir todo rectogo straight
    Seguir hasta el final de la callewalk to the end of the street
    Girar a la izquierda / a la derechaturn left / right
    Cruzar la callecross, cross the street
    Rodear el parquebypass the park
    ¿A qué hora se abre el museo?When does the museum open?
    ¿A qué hora quedamos?What time will we agree to meet?
    ¿Dónde se puede comprar las entradas?Where can I buy entrance tickets?
    ¿Las entradas se puede comprar en la entrada del museo o por internet?Can you buy tickets at the entrance to the museum or online?
    ¿Cuánto valen las entradas?How much are the tickets?
    ¿Aquí se puede fotografiar?Can I take photos?
    Los lugares de interésAttraction
    El hotelhotel
    El bancobank
    El cajero automáticoATM
    La oficina de cambioexchange office
    La cafeteríaa cafe
    El supermercadosupermarket
    El mercadobazaar
    El quioscokiosk
    El museoMuseum
    El alquiler de cochescar rental



    Quería una habitación.I would like to rent a room.
    Reservar una habitaciónbook a room
    Una habitación doble / individual / de lujodouble / single / luxury room
    Tener una reserva de habitaciónhave a room reservation
    Confirmar la reservaconfirm booking
    La habitación que da a la piscina / con vistas al marroom with pool / sea view
    Completar la ficha con los datos personalesfill out the form with personal data
    ¿A qué hora tengo que dejar la habitación?What time should the room be vacated?
    ¿Está incluido el desayuno?Breakfast included?
    ¿Podría pedir una pizza a mi habitación?Can I order pizza to my room?
    ¿Puedo usar el ascensor?May I take the elevator?


    Ir de comprasgo shopping
    Ir a las rebajasgo to sales
    ¿Tiene la talla S / M / L?is there S / M / L size?
    ¿Dónde puedo probarme este vestido?Where can I try on this dress?
    ¿Podría usted mostrarme estos pantalones negros?Could you show me these black pants?
    Quería probarme estas espadrillas.I would like to try on these espadrilles.
    ¿Tienes el número 38?Is there a 38 size? (about shoes)
    ¿Hay la talla S / M / L?is there S / M / L size?
    ¿Hay estas sandalias en otro color?Are these sandals in a different color?
    ¿Me podría decir el precio, por favor?Can you tell me the price, please?
    Pagar con tarjeta / en efectivopay by card / cash
    Tengo la tarjeta del clubI have a discount card
    El probadordressing room
    La cajacashbox
    ¿Podría ayudarme?Can you help me?

    Restaurant and cafe

    ¿Qué me recomienda?What do you advise?
    ¿Me recomienda algún plato tradicional?Would you recommend a traditional dish for me?
    Quería probar algo típico de esta ciudad / región.I would like to try something typical for this city / region.
    ¿Tiene un menú vegetariano?Do you have a vegetarian menu?
    ¿Cuál es el plato del día?What dish of the day?
    ¿Qué lleva?What is it made of?
    ¿Tiene ajo?Is there any garlic in there?
    Quisiera algo de / sin ....I would like something with / without ...
    ¿Con qué viene?What does it go with? (with what side dish)
    ¿Qué guarnición lleva?What side dish?
    Para mí el salmón con la ensalada mixtaI have salmon with salad mix.
    El gazpachogazpacho
    La tortilla de patatastortilla
    El pescado al vapor con espárragossteamed fish with asparagus
    Las gambas / pollo a la planchafish / shrimp / grilled chicken
    Una ración de mejillones / caballa / patatas fritasone serving of mussels / sea bass / fries
    Me gustaríaI would like...
    De primeroon the first
    De segundofor the second
    De postrefor dessert
    la magdalenacake
    la ensaimadasweet bun sprinkled with powder
    los churroschuross
    el heladoice cream
    Para beberfrom drinks
    una taza de café solo / con lechea cup of black coffee / with milk
    un vaso de zumo de naranja / manzanaa glass of orange / apple juice
    una botella de agua mineral con gas / sin gasbottle of mineral water with / without gas
    Disculpa ... / Perdona ....I'm sorry (I'm sorry)
    Por favor, me traiga ...Can you bring me, please ...
    otra copa de vinoanother glass of wine
    tinto, seco, blancored, dry, white
    Dejar una propinaleave a tip
    La cuenta, por favorThe check, please.

    Grocery store

    Quería un kilo de ... / un kilo y medio / medio kilo de ...I need 1 kilogram .... / one and a half kilos / half a kilo ...
    Póngame / deme tres plátanosPut / give me 3 bananas.
    Una docena de huevosdozen eggs
    Doscientos gramos de queso / jamón200 grams of cheese / ham
    Un paquete de harina / lechea bag of flour / milk.
    Un manojo de espárragosa bunch of asparagus
    Una lata de atúncan of tuna
    ... de piña en conservacanned pineapple
    Una botella de vinoa bottle of wine
    Un cucurucho de heladoone ice cream cone
    Una barra de panloaf of bread
    Deme una bolsa grande / pequeñacan i have a big / small bag
    ¿Algo más?Anything else?
    Nada más, gracias.Nothing more, thanks.
    Eso es todo.It's all.

    Dates and Times

    Days of the week


    ¡Necesito ayuda!I need help!
    ¡Socorro! ¡Auxilio!For help!
    Mi móvil se quedó sin saldoI ran out of money on my mobile.
    ¿Puedo usar su móvil?Can I use your phone?
    He perdido mi pasaporte.I've lost my passport.
    ¡Llame a la policía / ambulancia!Call the police / ambulance!
    Necesito un doctor.I need a doctor.
    Me he cortado / quemado.I cut myself / got burned.
    Me han robado mi móvil.My mobile was stolen.
    Me han atacado.I was attacked.
    Quiero denunciar un robo.I want to report a robbery.

    The basic phrases of the Spanish language will open up many opportunities for you to communicate.

    You can easily order your own coffee, ask how to get to the Sagrada Familia, where to buy tickets, or maybe exchange a few phrases with smiling Spaniards!

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