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  • Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior budget. Pedagogy and psychology. Training specialty psychology

    Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior budget. Pedagogy and psychology. Training specialty psychology

    To be a psychologist, a little to be able to beautifully and quickly console people.

    Training specialty psychology

    Students seize knowledge from the field of medicine. On the subject of anatomy consider the work of the central nervous system, the foundations clinical psychology and neurophysiology. Depending on the specialty, the set of "disciplines of the specialty Psychology" includes:

    • psychology of Personality,
    • general psychology,
    • zoopsychology,
    • ethnopsychology,
    • social Psychology and so on.

    Traditionally, practice is consulted in counseling centers. Also in universities, retraining is undergoing psychology, for those who wanted to try themselves in a new promising sphere.

    Specialty at the Faculty of Psychology

    Psychology Specialty Code: 37.03.01.

    It is noteworthy that you can choose between several directions of psychology so that in the future to reveal your talent in it.

    Specialty Pedagogy and Psychology (Pedagogical Psychology)

    Psychology and social pedagogy Specialty 19.00.07 is mined by students with the study of the interaction of groups, classes, their units in the development process. There are 11 regions of its research.

    The direction has other subspecies of specialties, for example, pre-school pedagogy and psychology The specialty can be chosen as a direction of preparation.

    Specialty Handbook Psychology

    Future graduates are engaged in courses of managerial, natural-scientific, humanitarian disciplines. Special items are performed by the skills required for vacancies that will open after graduation. Among them:

    • psychology of communication and negotiations,
    • psychology conflict,
    • security Psychology
    • psychology Stress,
    • psychology of personnel management and so on.

    A special subspecies is a specialty management psychology will suit future managers, personal assistants, coaches.

    Specialty Military Psychology

    A military psychologist differs from the civil latitude of the profile - it learns a variety of disciplines from different psychological areas of activity. For example, psychodiagnostics, psychological training, psychoprophylaxis and psychohygien, psychological opposition to the enemy, psychological rehabilitation of military personnel and so on. Specialists are doomed to a permanent living, creative and interesting job.

    Recently, professional retraining In the specialty, psychology is preferably carried out in this area, because it is most relevant with modern defold in the world.

    Social psychology specialty

    Students in the process of mastering the specialty pass different practical classes, trainings, practices on the site of possible future work. Highlights of learning - "master classes" from psychological practitioners, experienced professionals.

    Practical psychology specialty

    Practical psychologist This is essentially a lie detector. In order for them to become, to learn "from crust to crusts" various items. 1st Course - History, Physiology, CNR, Cultorology, Laws, Pedagogy, and so on. From the 3rd course - psychodiagnostics, history of psychology, age, experimental, pedagogical, and so on.

    Specialty Psychology - Universities

    For employment, to effectively implement their duties, it is necessary to complete the magistracy in the specialty psychology. It is best to get it in leading establishments that regularly update your programs, because the psychologist's activities are more practical. In addition, with each year, humanity is getting closer closer to lowering the "curtain" hiding the central nervous system. In this regard, new interaction techniques with the psyche are being developed. Of course, you can do self-education, but why then do you pay university?

    Moscow universities in the field of psychology:

    1. Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov;
    2. NEU "HSE";
    3. RGU;
    4. PMGMU them. THEM. Sechenov;
    5. Rfficking them. N. I. Pirogova;
    6. MPGU;
    7. RSUs;
    8. MGPUPU;
    9. MGPU;
    10. Gaugh.

    Specialty Psychology of the university St. Petersburg:

    1. SPbSU;
    2. IVESEP;
    3. Nout;
    4. Biepp;
    5. RHGA;
    6. SPMU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    7. SPBHIPSR;
    8. LSA named A. S. Pushkin.

    Specialty of SPO Psychology

    Fascinating discipline "Fundamentals of psychology" is studied in each pedagogical CollegeAnd universities with a specialty psychology are more suitable for receiving profession.

    Colleges Specialty Psychology

    Or rather, one college. You can get a degree of bachelor psychology in the College of Psychology Igumo (Moscow). You can also make it at the faculties of various institutions, which were mentioned above.

    Work in the specialty Psychology

    Survived position - psychologist-consultant. It is necessary to know for it and be able to be more than a bachelor. Graduates are engaged in research work in the team.

    Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior are learning university students who are preparing to work with the so-called difficult children. Currently, the profession is quite in demand, since the number of disadvantaged families is growing, the economic situation is not easy, besides, on the behavior of a young generation, the dominant of computer games and other network entertainment is affected.

    Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior is a specialty that will not be done on the shoulder. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that you have to face difficult and even blatant cases when the child behaves asocially, causes the physical or moral harm to others, violates the most elementary social norms.

    It is this behavior is called the deviant, and the task of a teacher and a psychologist in one person - to adjust it as much as possible. To become a good specialist, it is necessary to have high motivation, strong nerves, diplomatic nature and to truly love children.

    While studying at the university, future psychologists and teachers of deviant behavior are mastered by the following skills:

    Identifying the causes of deviations both in the early stages and in extremely launched cases;

    Correction of the mental state of the wards;

    Prevention of deviant behavior among school students and other educational institutions;

    Identifying complex children, as well as persons who have a negative impact on them;

    The organization of the beneficial leisure of the younger generation;

    Formulation of difficult adolescents on accounting;

    Work with parents and persons replace them.

    Specialty "Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior": who to work

    Graduates of relevant universities may occupy such posts:

    Correction teacher;

    Juvenile inspector;

    Psychologist in educational institutions;

    Social worker specializing in juvenile;



    Officer of the guardianship;


    Valeologist, etc.

    To date, many universities prepare specialists in working with difficult children. Only in Moscow such educational institutions about ten. In particular, he is preparing specialists in pedagogy and psychology of the deviant behavior of Moscow State University, where the best teaching staff is collected, and the quality of education is not in doubt. The university provides for training on a paid and free basis, on the day office.

    To date, to enroll at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, you need to have a passing score 277. Graduates of one of the best universities Countries easily find work and have all the chances of receiving leadership positions. The salary of specialists in pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior in Russia ranges from 25 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on experience, qualifications and a particular organization. This is not very big money, but in this sphere there are mainly people who seek, first of all, to self-realization, love children and want to benefit society.

    Pedagogy - not science, pedagogy - machinery and practice of education and human training. Pedagogy in its actions is based on psychological studies. The teacher's profession is divided into the profession of the educator preschool institution, teachers primary classes, teacher-subject in school (teacher of mathematics, teacher history, teacher of physics, teacher of chemistry, teacher drawing, dance teacher, etc.), teacher on average educational institution and the teacher in the higher educational institution. In pedagogy, a specialist in the teaching or education methodology is occupied by a specialist - Methodist. In pedagogy there is a section - didactics - it gives accurate technological schemes for the supply of material. A special pedagogy is worth a special pedagogy - oligophrenopedagogic, typhodium, surm toagogic, phonopedagogy. These types of teachers work in institutions for children with reduced hearing, vision and intelligence and violation. Everyone knows the profession speech therapist. The speech therapist works B. children's garden, at school, he can work even with adults who would like, for example, get rid of an unwanted reprimand. Very close to pedagogy worth children psychology and pedagogical psychology. Psychologists of these areas help pedagogy and educators to train and develop children, as well as understand them and adjust the non-adaptive forms of the behavior of children. Profession speech therapist Complex profession. The speech therapist works not only with violations of speech, but also with impaired thinking, attention and memory of the child. Full member pedagogical process is a school psychologist. School psychologist - a comprehensive specialist, he holds not only the diagnosis, but also the psychological correction of children - on cognitive, emotional and personal level. He advises parents and teachers. Pedagogical professions are interestingly interesting, difficult and demand from human psychological sustainability and health.