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  • International Analytical Center. International Analytical Center Russian Think Tanks

    International Analytical Center.  International Analytical Center Russian Think Tanks

    Team leader- Candidate of Chemical Sciences Vladimir Nikolaevich Belyaev
    [email protected]

    International Analytical Center, created by the Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS in cooperation with Interlab LLC and Analytik Jena AG , Germany, is equipped with modern equipment that allows elemental and molecular analysis of various substances and materials.

    In the center, the analytical equipment of the company is constantly in working order LLC "Interlab" and Analytik Jena AG instruments:

    LLC "Interlab"

    Gas chromatography-mass spectrometer "Maestro GC-2".

    Liquid chromatograph "Maestro HPLC" equipped with five detection systems.

    The world's first commercial atomic absorption spectrometer with a continuous spectrum source "contrAA-700" with electrothermal and flame atomization of samples and an automatic dispenser for solid samples.

    allows with one light source to define practically all elements of the D.I. Mendeleev

    Microwave sample preparation system "TopWave".

    designed for fast and efficient decomposition of samples of various nature under the influence of microwave radiation at controlled pressure and temperature.

    Elemental analyzer "multiEA 5000".

    designed to determine the elemental content of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine in solid, liquid and gaseous samples.

    Elemental analyzer "multi N / C 3100".

    designed to determine the elemental content of carbon and nitrogen in liquid samples.

    Desktop scanning electron microscope "Hitachi TM3030".

    for surface analysis of any material with magnification up to 30,000 and resolution up to 25 nm. The microscope allows you to study non-conductive samples without a conductive material coating (gold film, etc.) using a special mode. It is possible to measure the dimensions of the characteristic elements of the sample. The backscattered electron detector makes it possible to observe volumetric samples with shadow and volumetric contrast.

    Conferences held by the Institute:

    All conferences "

    Important events:

    The award was established by the German Chemical Society in 1999. The prize is awarded annually to a young scientist mainly from European countries for achievements in the field of organic chemistry.

    To put it bluntly, an unprecedented event took place in our science. The leading international chemical journal European Journal of Organic Chemistry devoted the entire issue to the Russian Institute of Organic Chemistry. Zelinsky RAS. How did you manage to make such a breakthrough? The "RG" correspondent talks about this with the director of the institute, academician Mikhail Egorov and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Nifantiev, who was the guest editor of this issue of the journal.

    The European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea) was founded in 1988 and brings together about four thousand recognized specialists in the field of mathematics, medicine, natural sciences, as well as the humanities, law, economic, social and political sciences from most European countries. It also includes European scientists living in other regions of the world. The academy currently has seventy-two Nobel laureates, many of whom were elected to the academy prior to receiving the prize.

    The book examines a wide range of issues related to the methodology, organization and technology of information and analytical work. The possibilities of using analytical tools for the study of socio-political and economic processes, forecasting and organizing the effective functioning and development of management systems of enterprises and institutions, improving the processes of making management decisions are shown. At the level of "living knowledge" in a wide cultural and historical context, the essence of intelligent technologies, methods of applied analytical work is revealed. The characteristics of foreign and domestic analytical centers are presented.

    The book is intended for specialists in the field of management, employees of information and analytical centers and departments, media and PR centers, researchers, graduate students and students.


    Sections on this page:

    7. Leading think tanks in the world

    International think tanks

    Bilderberg Club (English ... Bilderberg group), Bern, Switzerland

    International supra-political organization: closed informal annual conference (about 130 participants). It unites influential people from all over the world, the asset is 383 people. The main topics of the last meetings: nuclear security, cyber terrorism, relations between the United States and the European Union among themselves, as well as with Russia, the Islamic world, and African countries.

    Trilateral Commission (English ... Trilateral Commission)

    An open non-governmental political international organization of representatives of North America, Western Europe and Asia (Japan and South Korea). It was created in 1973 on the initiative of D. Rockefeller to discuss and search for solutions to interethnic problems in Europe, the USA and Southeast Asia.

    There are 376 members. Annually publishes open reports on climate change, energy security, relations with the Islamic world.

    Club of Rome (English ... Club of Rome)

    An international public organization that unites representatives of the world political, financial, cultural and scientific elite in order to attract the attention of mankind to global problems of ecology and economics. Constant number of members: 100 people. Publishes research results in the form of reports on socio-economic topics. Put forward ideas about the prospects for the development of mankind, such as, for example, the concept zero growth other.

    US Think Tanks

    Council on Foreign Relations (English ... Council on Foreign Relations CFR)

    American independent organization specializing in US foreign policy. One of the leading US foreign policy think tanks. Founded Center for preventive action (English... Center for Preventive Action, CPA). Publishes a monthly magazine. Three-step access to information depending on the type of membership.

    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA (English Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA)

    Areas of activity: creation of complex technical systems (primarily in the field of defense), research of control systems, development of a methodology for effective impact on society, technologies for assembling and destroying social subjects, technologies for managing history, managing the future. The staff is 240 people, including 140 specialists with technical education. Annual budget $ 3.2 billion.

    RAND Corporation, (English RAND Corporation, Researches and Development Corp.) Santa Monica, California, USA

    Founded in 1946. After revising its structure and functions in 1948, it acquired the status of an independent non-profit research organization (nonprofit organization).

    It is the strategic research and design center for the United States in the field of international relations and national security. Deals with scientific, technical, economic and military issues. Conducts research on contracts with government departments and private corporations. It has branches in the USA (Washington, Pittsburgh, New York) and in Europe (Leiden, the Netherlands; Cambridge, Great Britain; Berlin, Germany).

    R&D President: James Thomson. The corporation is funded by the US government as well as private foundations. She is looking for solutions to interdisciplinary issues by translating economic laws and processes from a formal language into practical implementation projects. Forms US military strategy, example: nuclear deterrent strategy... Has made a significant contribution to space, demographic and other scientific research programs.

    Heritage Foundation (English Heritage Foundation)

    Conservative Strategic Research Institute for the United States. She considers her mission to be the creation and promotion of innovations in socio-economic and military policies based on three principles: limiting state interference, private freedoms and traditional American values.

    For many years, the leading analyst of the Fund was R. Strauss-Hüpe, who substantiated Reagan doctrine on support of resistance to communism in Afghanistan, Angola, Kampuchea, in addition, he was the initiator of the reduction of nuclear weapons. He was especially supported by the administration of George W. Bush.

    Brookings Institution

    It was first established (1916) as the Institute for Government Research in Washington, DC, and in 1927 it was transformed into the Brookings Institute. One of the most important think tanks, "thought factories" ( English think tanks) countries, specializing in social sciences, municipal government, foreign policy and the world economy.

    It takes 1st place in the global ranking of the world's think tanks, compiled by the University of Pennsylvania. Solves the problem of reducing the US budget deficit, reforming existing and creating new socio-economic institutions. He made a significant contribution to the creation of the UN, the development and implementation of the Marshall Plan, a number of reforms that are important for the United States and the whole world. Launched the Defense Initiative for the 21st Century (21CDI) plan.

    Carnegie International Peace Endowment (English ... Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, CEIP)

    A private, non-profit organization established in 1910 with the primary mission of promoting cooperation between countries seeking world peace. It has headquarters in Moscow, Beijing, Beirut, Brussels, Washington. Creates subsidiary funds to support the peaceful settlement of conflicts, develops the wording of regulations related to world security.

    Carnegie Mellon University (English ... Carnegie Mellon University, CMU)

    A private university and research center located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is engaged in the development of multiprocessor systems, financial analytics, information management systems, social design, behavioral economics, the study of human-computer interaction, entertainment technologies. In 2008, research spending was $ 320 million. 22nd place in the ranking of US national universities.

    The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at William Marsh Rice University, Baker Institute at Rice University, Houston, Texas

    One of the leading inter-party think tanks in the United States. Founded in 1993.

    Areas of activity: conflict resolution, drug policy, energy forum, global issues, national security and terrorism, international economy, Latin American initiative, public diplomacy, religion and public policy, science and technology, space policy, tax policy, technological and public policy , transnational Chinese projects, women and human rights in the Middle East.

    Institute for Foreign Policy Studies (English ... Institute For International Research)

    Founded in 1955 by the University of Pennsylvania and Smith Richardson Foundation... Engages leading experts to work on a new American foreign policy strategy, where long-term objectives would be linked to current policy. Developed strategies for winning the Cold War.

    In the first after its creation, it was financed The A.U. Mellon... Publishing a magazine since 1957 Orbis.

    A.U. Mellon (English ... Andrew W. Mellon Foundation), Pittsburgh, PA

    Provides grants for five main programs: secondary and higher education; communication and information technology; art history, restoration, museum business; performing arts (cinema, theater, music, ballet, etc.); environmental protection.

    MacArthur Foundation (English ... John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)

    Funded areas of activity: Society and law(development of legal culture, awareness by citizens of the role of legal mechanisms in protecting their rights, social security, law from the point of view of public benefit, public access to information); human rights(protection of civil liberties, economic and social rights, the rights of women and minorities, the impact of economic changes on women and minorities, support for the equal participation of women and minorities in public life, reproductive rights of women, monitoring of human rights violations).

    In the subject of the fund also environment and society(promoting sustainable development, maintaining biodiversity on the planet, public participation in the conservation of ecosystems, legal, economic and social aspects of environmental protection and resource management, creative approaches to ensure efficient production and consumption of energy, economic and environmental impact of energy production and consumption).

    The Foundation also pays attention to the problems peace and security(developing broad security concepts that address the root causes and consequences of conflicts, including environmental degradation and natural resource use, religion, ethnicity, migration and uneven economic development, arms control and disarmament, arms proliferation and regional conflicts).

    Rockefeller Foundation (English ... The Rockefeller Foundation, RF), New York

    Funded programs: agricultural sciences, culture and humanities, medicine, environmental protection, demographic sciences, international initiatives, special programs and projects in the field of international security and the development of democracy.

    Hoover Institution for War, Revolution and Peace (English ... Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace)

    Political Research Center of the United States, part of the Stanford University system (in the heart Silicon Valley), California.

    Founded in 1919 by Herbert Hoover as a World War I library. Nowadays one of the leading research centers. Engaged in long-term analytical programs in politics and economics. Major research areas: national security and law, private property rights and civil liberties, economic development, federal tax policy, health care reform, ideology and terrorism, energy policy.

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (English ... Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT),

    Cambridge, Massachusetts

    University and research center. Areas of research: development of time-sharing systems and interactive graphics, a wide range of scientific developments in the field of artificial intelligence, robotics. She also conducts research in management, economics, linguistics, political science and philosophy. According to the newspaper The Times in 2005 it was in the final second place among the top 200 universities): first in technology, engineering and second in science. Annual budget $ 8 billion.

    American Enterprise Institute (English American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research), Washington

    Metropolitan independent (non-governmental) research institute and the largest think tank in the United States. It was originally established in 1943 by the business community as American Enterprise Association... The institute is funded by companies such as Microsoft, Motorola, American Express, ExxonMobil, Chevron, AT&T, and others. Conducts public policy research to preserve and strengthen the fundamental elements of freedom: limiting government power, private enterprise, critical cultural and political institutions, and strong foreign policy and national defense. Also conducts open debates, publishes relevant materials. According to the charter, the institute operates on a strictly non-partisan basis.

    Center for National Policy (English ... Center for National Policy, CNP), Washington

    A non-governmental, inter-party organization dedicated to developing practical solutions aimed at ensuring the country's security.

    The main areas of research: development of foreign policy, ensuring national security, reforming infrastructure. The Center also focuses the attention of politicians on national security, is a platform for debates on various international issues.

    Systems Development Corporation (English ... System Development Corp., SDC), Santa Monica, California

    The world's first software company. It started in 1955 as a joint engineering group of the US Air Force and RAND Corporation, and in 1966 became a commercial organization. Developed time-sharing systems for the first defense computer network ARPA and other programs, which made it possible to create the Internet.

    Hudson Institute (English ... Hudson Institute), Washington

    A non-partisan research and forecasting organization dedicated to promoting security, prosperity and civil liberties around the world. It is characterized by an innovative approach to finding ways of guided entry into the future through interdisciplinary research and collaborative work in the fields of defense, international relations, economics, culture, science, technology and law. Provides assistance to government and business circles around the world through conferences, publications, policy recommendations.

    Institute of Urban Studies (English ... Urban Institute)

    Created in 1968 as a non-profit organization for political research. Scientists are working on a wide range of social issues, mainly internal to the United States, such as living conditions in megacities, the problems of the homeless, but in recent years the Institute has analyzed similar problems in developing countries, Eastern Europe and Russia. The Institute identifies social problems, evaluates government programs, identifies new trends, analyzes the effects of legislation being adopted, and sometimes even proposes alternatives to policy decisions. Average annual budget $ 55 million, permanent employees over 300 people.

    Allegheny Institute (English ... Allegheny Institute for Public Policy), Pittsburgh, PA

    A non-profit research and educational organization with the main task of protecting the interests of taxpayers, citizens, small and medium-sized businesses from excessive encroachments by government bodies. In each case, she is ready to formulate and put forward a policy that will rebuff local authorities with a bloated state, as well as help shape more economical local government. The organization's activities are based on the principles of free enterprise, respect for private property rights, the development of civil society and personal freedom.

    Manhattan Institute for Policy Studies (English ... The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, MIPR) New York

    “Created in 1978 as the International Center for Economic Policy Studies, in 1981 it was renamed MIPR. It is a conservative American, market-oriented "thought factory". Committed to developing and disseminating new ideas that provide more opportunities for economic choice and require personal responsibility. The Institute promotes solutions to problems based on free market relations, supports research on economics, education, health, social security, law, crime reduction, urbanized living conditions, etc. Communicates the results of this research to the public through books, articles, interviews , oral presentations, newspaper notes, and serious articles in the quarterly City magazine (City Journal) An institute dedicated to policymakers, politicians, academics and journalists. "

    Santa Fe Institute (English ... Santa Fe Institute, SFI), Santa Fe, New Mexico

    An independent non-profit institute for theoretical research dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the fundamental principles of the functioning of complex self-adaptive systems, including physical, computer, biological and social systems.

    School of Naval Postgraduate Studies (English ... Naval Postgraduate School), Monterey, California

    The Naval Academy has one of the largest libraries among American universities, the richest collection of microfilms, an extensive computer base with access to the Pentagon, the CIA, and the country's main scientific centers. The main programs of the academy are designed not only for the future top commanders of the Navy, but also for the leaders of important branches of military science. To obtain the academic title "Master" or "Doctor", students must submit a dissertation on a pre-agreed topic. Technical developments that bring new ideas or discoveries may receive subsidies from large military-industrial firms. Their authors are guaranteed a very prestigious work.

    The academy's budget is made up of receipts from the Pentagon and the branches of the armed forces, which sent officers for training. Scientific research carried out at the request of the relevant departments and private firms is funded separately. The annual budget of the School-Academy is $ 40 million and more.

    Central Intelligence Agency, CIA (English ... Central Intelligence Agency, CIA), Langley, Virginia

    Includes Scientific and Technical Directorate, he conducts research and development in the field of technical means of collecting information. exchanges information with the largest scientific centers in the United States.

    Also available Department of Research and Development of Technical Systems, it is engaged in fundamental and applied scientific and technical research and development of communication systems, sensors, semiconductor devices and devices, research on artificial intelligence, process modeling, etc.

    V Information and Analytical Directorate there are five regional departments for the analysis of information: for the CIS, Europe, the Middle East and South Asia, for East Asia, for the countries of Africa and Latin America. There is a CIA operations center that analyzes information around the clock in order to identify signs of imminent crisis situations.

    Arms Research Directorate deals with the analysis of technical aspects of weapons and space systems of other countries, analysis of information on nuclear weapons and energy, tactical and general weapons systems, air defense systems, as well as on policy in the field of scientific and technological progress.

    Office of Global Issues deals with the analysis of economic, geographic and technological problems on an international scale. Information Resources Department carries out information and reference functions; Department of Analysis of Information on Foreign Leaders provides the country's leadership with characteristics of foreign political leaders and organizations.

    European think tanks

    Stockholm Peace Research Institute, SIPRI (English ... Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI), Solo,

    Sweden (150 km from Stockholm)

    An independent international institute created to study the problems of peace and conflicts, first of all, the issues of arms control, non-proliferation of arms and disarmament. Funded through Swedish grants from the government and approved by parliament. There is also a subsidy from the United States. The composition of the Board and staff is international. Annual report in English. The main areas of activity: Euro-Atlantic security, armed conflicts and their resolution, probable chemical and biological wars, expenditures on armaments and weapons production, movement of weapons across countries and continents, development of early detection systems for ballistic threats. Examples of the most important projects: fixing foam, non-lethal weapons, temporarily paralyzing gases, wave action on a person, and more.

    International Institute for Strategic Studies, IISS (English ... International Institute for Strategic Studies, IISS), London, UK

    British think tank for the study of international relations. Founded in 1958, it initially focused on nuclear proliferation prevention and arms control. It has 2500 members from all over the world. It is considered the world's leading "thought factory" on military and political conflicts. Publishes book series Edelphi(Adelphy Series) In-Depth Analysis of Key Strategic and Defense Issues, Annual Catalog Military balance(The Military Balance) Short Report Journal Strategic comments(Strategic Comments) on the most pressing strategic issues, publications catalog Strategic dossier(Strategic Dossiers) Annual Review Strategic review(Strategic Survey) with an overview of international relations, quarterly magazine Survival(Survival: Global Politics and Strategy).

    International Institute for Environment and Development (English ... International Institute for Environment and Development, IIED), London, UK

    Political research "think tank" (since 1971). Areas of Action: Exploring the distribution of natural resources to reduce global poverty and fight hunger. The Institute has made a significant contribution to the calculations of "green GDP", as well as to the development of environmental taxation. Explores issues of climate change, natural resource allocation, demography and legislation.

    Royal Institute for International Studies (English ... The Royal Institute of International Affairs, RIIA), London, UK

    Informal name: Chatham House(Chatham House) at its location in the palace of that name in St James's Square in London.

    Non-governmental non-profit organization created to analyze the most important foreign policy issues, publish opinions, conclusions and recommendations on them. According to the magazine Foreign affairs, the best think tank outside the US. Funded by large corporations, government agencies and other institutions. Recent research topics: terrorism, the Iranian problem, piracy off the coast of Somalia.

    German Institute for International Politics and Security (English ... German Institute for International and Security Affairs), Germany

    Leading German think tank for international politics and security. Founded in 1962. An independent scientific society analyzing international and security issues. Provides the government with up-to-date information on the following topics: the preservation of European integration, the common security policy, the Western Balkan region, relations with Russia, the United States, countries of Africa and the Middle East.

    East Asia Institute, Hamburg, Germany

    Field of activity: strengthening business partnerships between Germany, China and Japan.

    Asian think tanks

    National Institute for the Development of Scientific Research (English ... National Institute for Research Advancement, NIRA), Tokyo, Japan

    Japanese independent think tank, founded in 1974 with the aim of conducting independent research to address complex social processes, political, economic, international problems, and technology. Research topics: economic integration in the region (Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia), the development of China and India, Political forces and legislation in Southeast Asia; opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. Research covers all three levels: national, regional, international.

    Center for International Public Policy Research (CIPPS)

    Japan's leading think tank.

    Tokyo University of Foreign Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan

    Institute for Eurasian Studies, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan

    Institute of Contemporary International Relations (English ... The Institute of Contemporary Observation, ICO), Beijing, China

    The Chinese civic "think tank" actively cooperates with the divisions of the World Bank, the World Labor Organization. Mainly specializes in labor migration, workers' rights, and corporate social responsibility. Conducts 3 conferences a year, publishes journals and other scientific publications.

    Shanghai University of International Studies (English ... Shanghai International Studies University, SISU), Shanghai, China

    Interdisciplinary Research Center. She specializes in training specialists in international relations, top-class linguists.

    Institute for Defense Research and Analysis (English ... Institute for Defense Studies and Analyzes, IDSA), Delhi, India

    The main think tank in India. Founded in 1965 to conduct advanced research in international relations, strategic and security issues. He also trains civilian and military specialists. It is governed by an executive board that includes distinguished people from various fields. Areas of research: military affairs, weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and international security.

    Institute for Political and International Studies under the Iranian Foreign Ministry (English ... The Institute for Political and International Studies, IPIS), Tehran, Iran

    Founded in 1983 under the Iranian Foreign Ministry, it is one of the first think tanks in the field of external relations. Designed to conduct and expand independent research in the field of international relations. The main areas of activity: conducting and encouraging analytical work, research and dissemination of knowledge in the political, economic, legal fields, as well as in the field of strategic security and culture. The Institute collects and publishes reliable information on international affairs, making it easier for all stakeholders and organizations to gain an analytical understanding of issues related to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Advises employees of the departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    Center for Regional Studies (Institute of Regional Studies, IRS), Peshawar, Pakistan

    Founded in 1980 as an independent, non-profit organization specializing in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region (Northwest Frontier Province, Afghanistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas). Provides information to government and non-government organizations.

    Center for Eurasian Strategic Studies (ACAM), Istanbul, Turkey

    Analytical centers operating in the CIS

    Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (KISS) under the President of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan

    Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    International Institute for Strategic Studies, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

    CIS Center, Moscow, Russia

    The CIS Center of the Institute of Contemporary International Problems of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry was established in April 1994 to study the processes taking place in the Commonwealth of Independent States as a whole and in each of its member countries. At the same time, attention is focused on the ways and methods of strengthening and developing trends leading to the rapprochement of the countries and peoples of the CIS, to the development of integration processes in the territory of the Commonwealth countries.

    The results of the research in the form of analytical notes, reference materials are communicated to the departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; submitted in the form of messages, co-reports to scientific and scientific-practical conferences, round tables organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Diplomatic Academy; are published in central newspapers and magazines, conference proceedings, monographic publications, textbooks, "Diplomatic Yearbook", "Yearbook of the CIS", "Scientific Notes", presented in educational lectures. Special attention in the work of the Center is paid to the tasks of combining fundamental scientific research on the problems of integration with the operational analysis of integration processes, the search for ways and methods of reforming the CIS. The CIS Center has established cooperation with the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, with the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, national universities of Moldova, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan; carries out business contacts with the embassies of the CIS countries, accredited in Moscow.

    Institute for Independent Strategic Studies (network project), Kiev, Ukraine

    French Institute for Central Asian Studies (franz ... l'Institut francais d'etudes sur l'Asie centrale, IFEAC), Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    Russian think tanks

    Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR), Moscow

    INSOR is a Russian organization created with the aim of uniting the best experts to prepare proposals and develop documents on the most important areas of state policy. INSOR is based on the former Center for the Development of the Information Society (RIO-Center). The Institute attracts leading Russian and foreign scientists, as well as heads of companies and government agencies in an open and direct dialogue, the purpose of which is to determine the practical ways of developing Russian society and the state.

    The Institute organizes expert discussions and conferences, carries out independent research activities, and also provides a platform for the open exchange of ideas and opinions. The Institute's task is not to follow narrow ideological principles, but to establish a comprehensive, equal and honest dialogue about the future of Russia.

    As part of the research activities of the Institute and based on the results of expert discussions, practical recommendations are formulated to be submitted to the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, analytical and informational materials are prepared for the entire Russian public.

    Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), Moscow

    Created in 2011, the founder is the Government of Russia. The agency will work in three areas: projects of a practical nature, qualifications assessment (the assessment system is being developed by the RUIE) and social projects in the field of health, culture, education, as well as the activities of independent, non-governmental organizations.

    State Institute for System Analysis of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Moscow

    Created in 2002, the founder is the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Designed for scientific research of topical problems of state financial control, coordination and implementation of research and development work related to the development and implementation of new methods and technologies for control and audit and expert-analytical activities of the RF JV, including research on such issues as an analysis of the corruption-generating nature of Russian legislation; analysis of the legality and economic efficiency of privatization for the period 1993-2003; audit of the efficiency of spending public funds and the use of public property; analysis of the effectiveness of budgetary policy in the country; state financial control of corporate structures; state financial control of the financial and economic activities of natural monopolies; problems and features of state financial control in the implementation of state rights in the field of intellectual property; analysis of the efficiency of the use of state assets in joint-stock companies, the blocks of shares of which are owned by the state; assessment of the effectiveness of state management of foreign property of the Russian Federation; research of foreign experience of state financial control, problems of compatibility of domestic and foreign standards and methodologies; interaction with international organizations of supreme audit institutions within INTOSAI, EUROSAI and AZOSAI.

    Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (AST), Moscow

    The leading Russian non-profit research organization dedicated to the study of the defense industry and military-technical cooperation was founded in 1997. The AST Center publishes the main results of its activities in the journal Arms export(since 1997). Since 2002 also publishes a daily thematic media digest Periscope, since 2004 the magazine in English. language Moscow Defense Brief (Moscow defense notes), and since 2008 has been publishing his own books, for example: Tanks of August. - M .: TSAST, 2009, a collection of articles about the events in South Ossetia in August 2008. Another area of ​​activity of the AST Center is the provision of consulting services and provision of information and analytical support to Russian profile ministries and departments, defense enterprises, banks and investment companies. The ACT Center is not funded by any government, commercial or other organization.

    The company provides its activities through the sale of research and media products, consulting services, and other projects. The Center employs 10 people on a permanent basis. The AST Center regularly engages leading Russian scientists, journalists and government officials in its research.

    International Foundation for Social, Economic and Political Research (Gorbachev Foundation), Moscow

    Founded by the President of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev in December 1991.

    The Gorbachev Foundation is an international non-governmental, non-profit organization. Legal entities and citizens of any state can take part in the activities of the Fund on a voluntary basis. The Foundation constantly cooperates with leading universities, foundations, international organizations, government agencies and non-governmental organizations in many countries of the world. The Gorbachev Foundation is one of the first independent think tanks in modern Russia. Conducts research on social, economic and political problems relevant to the current stage of Russian and world history. The Foundation seeks to promote the establishment of democratic values, moral, humanistic principles in the life of society. The Fund's concept is based on the conviction that in the context of globalization, the country and the world need new thinking, a new reading of the ideas of progress and humanism, and the development of the principles of a more just world order. The Foundation promotes an open dialogue between experts and the public, seeking to use the results of scientific research in the interests of the development of civil society, the formation of scientists and politicians of a new generation.

    Club of Comrades of the Red Army Military Institute of Foreign Languages

    Currently, the search for the optimal organizational form and sources of funding is in progress, for example, by performing translation work on military-political topics.

    The political expert network “Kremlin. Org "(

    Project Effective Policy Fund(since 2002). Provides the expert community with a mechanism for interacting with the authorities. Publishes expert opinions, the results of expert surveys and all-Russian expert studies on the Web. Expert and analytical array accumulated in the network Kremlin. Org, is constantly open for use in the preparation of state and government decisions, political and socio-economic programs. Kremlin. Org, as an expert portal, where the assessments and positions of the leaders of the expert community of Russia and the CIS countries on topical issues and global development trends of the Euro-East are concentrated, it is a form of self-organization of the expert community to ensure working interaction with state centers for the development, adoption and implementation of decisions.

    Political commentary site POLITKOM.RU (

    Created (2001) and supported by one of the leading analytical centers in Russia - the independent foundation "Center for Political Technologies". It is aimed at a wide audience: politicians, political consultants, journalists, experts, as well as anyone interested in politics. Covers all relevant political and social topics. One of the few online publications that offer free access to unique analytical and informational and publicistic materials, first of all, a detailed commentary of one of the leading experts in Russia or analysts of the TSPT ( Political view), operational comments of the site's journalists on current events of the current day ( Political nail) updated daily. Reviews of financial and economic trends and expert analysis of options for the development of the Russian economy are updated several times a week. POLITKOM.RU is an independent site, not included in any of the media holdings, pursues an independent editorial policy. This is an open platform for the opinions of politicians, experts and journalists.

    Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (TsMAKP), Moscow

    The main tasks of the CMASF: conducting research to identify trends in the development of the Russian economy, developing macrostructural scenario forecasts; development of recommendations in the field of economic policy, provision of consulting services for the authorities of the Russian Federation, large companies, public organizations; development of methodological and instrumental support for analytical and forecast economic calculations. The main directions of CMASF activity: analysis of the most important trends and forecasting of public finances, monetary sphere, banking system, foreign economic sphere, social sphere; analysis of the most important trends in the real sector of the economy. The materials of the CMASF are sent to the RF Government Office, the RF President Administration, the RF State Council, the RF State Duma, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Bank of Russia, as well as a wide range of companies and non-governmental organizations (Vneshtorgbank, Vnesheconombank, Bank of Moscow, AHML, Association of Russian Banks, Association of Regional Banks, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Delovaya Rossiya public organization and others.

    Center for Strategic Research, Moscow

    A non-profit organization created in 1999 to promote the successful development of the country through expert and regulatory support for ongoing reforms in the economy and social sphere. The first attempts at comprehensive reforms and many policy decisions during this period were based on the desire to engage in public dialogue and make members of the public in the broadest sense of the word, from business to trade unions, from experts to nonprofit workers, stakeholders in the policy development process. (Here, stakeholders are people, organizations that depend on the state, on which, in turn, it depends). In the area of ​​pension reform, the authorities have already recognized the lack of public dialogue, and an active dialogue between federal agencies, experts, market participants and social partners has already begun. This work resulted in proposals for the development of the funded component of the pension system, thanks to which the issue of the possible elimination of the mandatory funded component was removed from the agenda and concrete steps were taken to improve its reliability and efficiency. Another important task of the CSR is the timely notification of society about the risks associated with large-scale economic and political crises. The CSR was the first expert organization to initiate stress testing of the Russian economy, large companies in the real sector and banks in the event of a deep global financial and economic crisis. The events of 2008-2009 demonstrated the high reliability of the CSR forecasts, including such indicators as the rate of GDP decline, the level of ruble devaluation, net capital outflows, the size of the budget deficit, the scale of liquidity shortages and the level of bad loans in the banking sector.

    Center for Current Politics in Russia (CPKR)

    Founded in 1992, CPKR is one of the leaders in the Russian market for political analysis, expertise, and monitoring services. Among the clients of the CPKR are government agencies, large and medium-sized businesses, political parties, governments and embassies of foreign countries. The Center's product is the weekly political agenda analytical series. The credo of the organization: Inform, Analyze, Forecast, Popularize, Design.

    Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank of Russia (TsMI SB RF)

    Established in 2008, the CMI carries out an independent assessment of the state of the Russian and global economy and the impact of the macroeconomic situation on the development of the Bank. The Center publishes weekly and monthly analytical reviews of the current economic situation in the world and in Russia, containing forecasts of the main macroeconomic indicators ( Global Economy News), monitors the financial mood in society ( Sberbank Financial Sentiment Index), and also publishes special thematic economic reviews ( Macroeconomic overviews) and conducts joint research with leading scientific institutions. An example of such research is the sociological survey “Innovative and Entrepreneurial Potential of Society” carried out by the Levada Center at the request of the Center for Contemporary Arts. The Center also advises the Bank's divisions on macroeconomic issues, prepares materials and participates in presentations and conferences on the Center's profile.

    Moscow Libertarium

    The library site is an archive (since 1992) and current receipts - materials outlining libertarian ideas (from the English liberty "[personal] freedom") about what should be the relationship between a person and the state in a civilized free society.

    Institute for Economic Policy named after E.T. Gaidar (Gaidar Institute)

    The Institute of Economic Policy of the Academy of National Economy and the USSR Academy of Sciences, founded in 1990, was renamed in 1992 into the Institute for the Economy in Transition (IET). Its founder and permanent Director until December 2009 was E.T. Gaidar. In 2010, in accordance with the initiative of the IET staff and pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2010 No. 601, the Institute was renamed - the Ye.T. Gaidar (Gaidar Institute).

    About 140 scientific workers work at the Institute on a permanent basis, including 1 full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 doctors and 39 candidates of sciences. The Institute is widely recognized by the international scientific community, actively cooperates with various research and political-analytical centers, both Russian and foreign. The Gaidar Institute conducts theoretical and applied research in the field of economics, provides government bodies of the Russian Federation of various levels with advice in the field of public finance, monetary and exchange rate policy, privatization policy, corporate finance, institutional reforms and economic growth problems. The Institute's political and economic research is highly regarded in government structures. In all these areas, the Institute has and is developing its own position. The Institute implements various projects for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), provides consulting services to the largest Russian companies. The Institute conducts scientific activities in the following areas: macroeconomics and finance (macroeconomic trends; budgetary policy; monetary policy; tax policy; problems of the financial sector; budgetary federalism); problems of the real sector of the economy (problems of economic development; structural problems of the economy; sectoral markets and infrastructure; economics of the mineral sector; foreign economic activity; market surveys); institutional development, property and corporate governance (problems of property and corporate governance; problems of development of the social sphere; development of the military organization of the Russian Federation; short-term forecasts of socio-economic indicators of the Russian Federation); political economy and regional development (institutional problems; problems of municipal development; problems of constitutional economics and judicial and legal reform; issues of integration of the CIS and Europe); agrarian policy (agrarian and food policy of Russia; formation of the agrarian market infrastructure); legal research (expertise and development of regulatory legal acts). The main results of research carried out by the Institute are presented in the annual reviews “ Russian economy. Trends and Prospects", Series" Economy in transition ", monthly reviews" Economic and political situation in Russia», Collections of scientific papers of the Institute, as well as in publications of the Institute staff. Based on the results of business surveys of heads of industrial enterprises, a monthly “ Russian Business Survey Bulletin", In addition, a monthly bulletin is published" Market polls", Published quarterly" Monitoring of financial stability in the Russian Federation, countries with economies in transition and developing countries", And is also regularly calculated Industrial Optimism Index... Reviews, other publications of the Institute, reports and the most significant results of the research performed are sent to the office of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Federation Council, sent to ministries and departments, regional authorities, scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, international organizations, and the media ... The Institute annually prepares more than 200 analytical notes, scientific reports, proposals, draft documents, certificates, reviews, comments.

    International Public Foundation "Experimental Creative Center" (Kurginyan Center MOF-ETC)

    It was formed as an independent public organization in 1990. The founders are a group of political scientists, sociologists, and culturologists. Among the main research programs of the Foundation: political philosophy of transitional social processes; resource security of Russia; religious and cultural challenges to Russian statehood; macro-regional and local-regional processes; political, economic and scientific-cultural elites; principles and technologies of management in unstable distributed systems. Information and analytical developments of the Foundation's specialists are used by political structures of a fairly wide range, as well as by state bodies of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. Since 1998, the Foundation has been publishing an almanac School of Holistic Analysis.

    Economic Research Foundation "Development Center", Moscow

    The foundation was founded in 1999 with the functions of a research and analytical center. The objectives of the Fund: analysis of the economic situation and economic policy in Russia with an emphasis on macroeconomic analysis and analysis of the banking system. The activities of the Foundation (Center) are financed from sponsorship receipts from Russian and foreign companies, from the performance of work on orders from international organizations. The Foundation publishes on a periodic basis a monthly Review of the Russian Economy, and Consolidated leading index of economic conditions and other cyclical indicators(monthly), Consensus forecast for the development of the Russian economy(quarterly), reviews of the state of the banking system and the real sector (quarterly), thematic reports on economic issues. Analytical materials Development Center are distributed among government agencies, Russian commercial organizations, the media, news agencies, and are posted on the Internet. The center prepares analytical products for the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Industry and Energy, the Bank of Russia, the Accounts Chamber, the largest domestic enterprises and banks. Fund works Development center are published in English as part of the Euro Source program.

    Analytical laboratory "Vedi"

    Vedi Analytical Laboratory LLC was registered in 1993. The activities of the Laboratory were initially focused on establishing interaction with other news agencies, the main Moscow and regional platforms that trade in various financial instruments, as well as with government bodies (Goskomstat of the Russian Federation, the Center for Economic Conditions under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia and others). Unlike most similar organizations, the main emphasis in the work of AL "Vedi" was made not only on the collection and ordering of the incoming information flow, but also on its verification and deep system processing. This gave the Laboratory the opportunity to present a new product for the Russian market of that time - periodical analytical journals that track the development of the Russian economy and the national financial sphere based on the principles of space-time analysis of economic and financial objects. First issue of the review Financial markets was released in August 1993, in 1994 another monthly edition appeared - Economic development of Russia... Over the years of the Laboratory's existence, its experts, both independently and in cooperation with other analytical centers, have taken part in more than 100 research projects for government and commercial, Russian, foreign and international organizations. Statistical databases that track all aspects of the development of the Russian economy and financial sector since 1993 serve as a solid basis for the publications and research of AL "Vedi".

    Economist M.L. Khazina tags / Mikhail Khazin. html

    The page highlights all the problems associated with the upcoming global economic crisis: the ratio of exchange rates, including USD, ruble and euro, the problem of interest rates and the cost of loans and mortgages, world demand for Russian energy resources, macro- and microeconomic consequences of foreign exchange policies. A significant part is devoted to the fundamental analysis of financial markets (Forex, world stock exchanges), economic relations between China, the USA, Europe and Russia, past (Yugoslavia, Iraq) and future (DPRK, Iran, Syria and many others) wars. The site widely discusses situations with global projects: "Islamic", "Western", "Red", virtual "Russian" and "Chinese". So, according to the analyst, only China will emerge from the crisis stronger, capable of seizing part of our eastern "ownerless" territories. Deep and accurate analysis is combined with an intelligible presentation of the material, as indicated by the titles of the headings: Briefly about the crisis. Causes of the crisis Glossary of terms for the crisis Are you ready for the crisis? Crisis news About the crisis in blogs Devaluation How to survive in a crisis Inflation Mortgage Dismissals Crisis humor. In a word, it is better for the faint of heart not to go to Khazin's page. The issues of possible options for the development of the Russian economy and the refraction of these options in the country's leadership - complex intrigues in the Kremlin and their real background - are considered separately.

    Regional Public Foundation "Informatics for Democracy" (INDEM Foundation), Moscow

    Established in 1997 on the initiative of G.A. Satarov, former assistant to the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. One of the most important tasks of the INDEM Foundation is to ensure the expansion and development of the activities of the Center for Applied Political Research "INDEM", one of the oldest independent non-profit organizations, successfully working in the field of practical policy since 1990. The main goal of the Center is to promote the formation and development of democratic institutions in Russia using the latest achievements of political sociology, political science, psychology, information technology, as well as to disseminate knowledge about the functioning of these institutions and the latest methods of studying them.

    Institute for Political and Military Analysis (IPVA), Moscow

    The Institute, founded in 1996, is an independent, non-governmental organization. The main areas of activity of the Institute: scientific and applied research in the field of geopolitics, history, political science, sociology and psychology; monitoring and forecasting the socio-economic and political situation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the CIS and regions of the world; development of proposals on foreign policy issues, recommendations on the military reform; system expertise and organizational consulting (OD-consulting) of electoral companies; PR support for political, social and economic projects. Scientific, analytical and expert subdivisions of the Institute conduct research in the field of history, political science, sociology and psychology; study the problems of interethnic relations; carry out information monitoring, analyze the internal and foreign policy situation and develop appropriate forecasts; explore the issues of military conflicts and national security; are engaged in organizational consulting (OD-consulting); carry out work related to PR technologies, situational analysis; develop projects to create the functioning of the media. The Institute has a library, an online store of scientific and reference publications, information and reference databases on the Russian Diaspora and the socio-political situation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carries out publishing, scientific and educational activities: monographs, collections and brochures are published annually, IPVA employees regularly perform in print and electronic media.

    International Center for Social and Economic Research (Leontief Center), St. Petersburg

    Founded in 1991 on the initiative of the Russian economist, US citizen, Nobel Prize winner V.V. Leontiev and the mayor of St. Petersburg A.A. Sobchak. Leontief Center is an independent research institution operating on the basis of complete financial independence. For 10 years, the Center has completed more than 500 projects, including 400 research and consulting projects, held 150 conferences and seminars, prepared 60 publications, 1200 publications in the media. The partner network of the Center includes 34 countries and 150 cities of Russia, 80 foreign and more than 300 Russian organizations. The staff of the Center completed 40 internships in Russia and in foreign countries. Every year more than 15 students undergo practical training and internship at the Leontief Center. The Internet Center has opened and maintained 15 sites (more than 1000 daily visits by users of more than 70 countries. The Leontief Center has about 60 automated workstations, 10 databases are maintained with the ability to view and fill from any workplace. In the Leontief Center information department 2500 books, including 1500 books in Russian, 1000 in foreign languages, the Center's annual subscription to newspapers and magazines is 50. The permanent staff of the Center (including part-time workers) is 70 people, their average age is 35. The Center employs 2 doctors sciences, 12 candidates of sciences, 65 people with higher education, 2 graduate students, 5 students. Five employees of the Center teach at universities of St. Petersburg. The partner network of the Leontief Center includes more than 150 best experts. The Center offers 9 main specialties: economists, historians, sociologists , geographers, mathematicians, engineers, programmers, telecom specialists nikatsiyu, specialists in PR-technologies.

    Portal of analytical centers of the CIS and Baltic countries

    A joint project of the New Eurasia Foundation and the Russian Association for International Studies (RAMI) to develop a network of interaction between analytical centers of the CIS and Baltic countries was launched in 2006. At the first stage of the project, a selection was made among the analytical centers that expressed their readiness to take part in the project. 7 centers were selected, including the Center for the Analysis of Public Problems (Kazakhstan), LLC Center for Peace, Conversion and Foreign Policy of Ukraine (Ukraine), Regional Research Center at Namangan State University (Uzbekistan), Institute of Civil Society and Regional Development (IGORR) (Armenia), International Information and Analytical Portal “WIDER EUROPE” (Belarus) and the Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Georgia). Further, an expert-methodological seminar was held within the framework of the project to jointly explore the Russian and foreign experience of creating networks of think tanks, consider the methodology for studying political transformations and regime changes in the post-Soviet space and discuss the possibilities of joint work and the formation of a unified market for analytical products.

    Performs chemical analyzes for IOC laboratories
    participates in research and development work, including developing a new medical technology for analyzing infection by mass spectrometry of microbial markers
    is a platform for laboratory testing of its own developments of analytical equipment of the company "Interlab" in the field of gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry
    develops methods for performing measurements with their subsequent certification and entry into the State Register.
    conducts courses for equipment operators
    conducts applied seminars and conferences.

    In the center, analytical equipment of Interlab LLC, Analytik Jena AG and Hitachi HT instruments are constantly in working order:

    equipped with five detection systems, including unique LED optical detectors using fiber optics.
    The world's most sensitive commercial inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer.
    for fast and efficient decomposition of samples of different nature
    Desktop scanning electron microscope "" for surface analysis of any materials with magnification up to 30,000 and resolution up to 25 nm. The microscope allows you to study non-conductive samples without a conductive material coating (gold film, etc.) using a special mode. It is possible to measure the dimensions of the characteristic elements of the sample. The backscattered electron detector makes it possible to observe volumetric samples with shadow and volumetric contrast.

    In 2014-2016, IAC employees took part in 17 scientific conferences in Russia and abroad. Published 14 scientific papers.

    Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 47, Institute of Organic Chemistry. N. D. Zelinsky RAS, room 331