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  • Success Story: Fanta Company. History of Fanta Fanta composition

    Success Story: Fanta Company.  History of Fanta Fanta composition

    How Fanta appeared February 10th, 2018

    I very rarely drink carbonated drinks, but between Coca-Cola and Fanta, I will most likely choose Fanta. Do you know the origins of this drink?

    Fanta was born in 1940 in Germany during World War II.

    Due to the embargo imposed by the anti-Hitler coalition, the supply of syrup to Germany, necessary for the production of Coca-Cola, was suspended. Then Max Kite, who was responsible for the work of the Coca-Cola division in Germany during the Second World War, decided to create a new product based on the ingredients that were available in Germany at that time. The main components of the new drink were apple pomace (waste of cider production) and whey (a by-product of cheese production).

    The resulting drink was yellow in color and very different in taste from the orange "Fanta", which is now the most common.

    The name of the drink was the result of a collective discussion that began with Kite's call to the participants to "use your imagination" (in German - "Fantasie"), to which one of those present, Joe Knipp, immediately said - "Fanta!".

    The second birth of Fanta took place in Italy in 1955. In this country, fragrant citrus fruits are harvested every year, and people here know a lot about them. However, Fanta, offered by Naples soft drink manufacturers, quickly became popular in Italy. The orange country appreciated the new orange drink, which marked the beginning of the triumphant procession of Fanta around the world.

    The design of the bottle also needed to be changed. Raymond Lowy suggested close to 30 different packaging options. According to the majority, the original “ringed” bottle was chosen, since the corrugated surface gives the impression that the drink was taken out of the refrigerator. This bottle has been used for many years. Products were sold in shops, bars and other establishments.

    The parent division of The Coca-Cola Company acquired the rights to the Fanta trademark in 1960.

    Currently, about 90 different types of drink are produced all over the world, but almost always these are regional brands, such as: pineapple, orange and apricot, watermelon, banana, pinocchio (only in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan), grape, cherry, grapefruit, pear (as duchess in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan), strawberry, strawberry and kiwi (only in the European Union), lime, lemon, lemonade (only in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan), wild berry (sold in the Republic of Belarus), lychee, raspberry, mango, passion fruit, tangerine, milk (Japan only), peach (first appeared in Romania), punch, blueberry, exotic (European Union only), apple, elderberry shoccata (European Union and Thailand).

    In the USSR, two versions of the drink were produced:
    Fanta Orange - appeared in the late 70s, before the XXII Summer Olympic Games - Moscow "80;
    Fanta Grapefruit - sold during the XXII Summer Olympic Games - Moscow "80 (currently not available).

    The year 2004 was marked by a new advertising move by the company - the bottle changed its image again. From the numerous options, we chose an unusual idea from London-based designer Zaki Eliya. The top of the bottle looked like an orange, and this attracted buyers. This design is still used today, emphasizing the company's carefree and cheerful image. Many experts believe that it was the unusual shape of the bottle that brought the brand worldwide recognition. Thanks to the sale of an orange drink in an orange bottle, Fanta was remembered by most buyers.

    I have never seen such a bottle for sale. Well, maybe because I rarely buy soda.

    is an example of how human imagination can change the world. The famous carbonated drink was born in 1940 in Germany at the Coca-Cola plant, at the height of World War II. Due to the embargo imposed by the anti-Hitler coalition, the supply to Germany of the ingredients necessary for the production of Coca-Cola was suspended. It was necessary to completely curtail production or ... invent something new!

    Max Keith, who was in charge of the Coca-Cola division in Germany, decided to create a drink based on ingredients that were available in the country at that difficult time. The main components of the new drink were apple pomace and whey.

    The formula that formed the basis of the drink was jokingly called “fantastic” by the producers: after all, it was born thanks to human imagination and helped save the local business from ruin. This is how the famous name Fanta (short for "fantastic") was born.

    The war is over, but Fanta has remained, becoming one of the most beloved drinks. Everyone knew: where Coca-Cola is sold, there is Fanta! However, at that time, Fanta did not have the taste that we all know so well.

    Orange Fanta was invented in Italy, then to become famous all over the world: first conquering Europe, then Australia and America, and then Russia and Asia. Today, Fanta is sold in more than 200 countries around the world, and is especially loved in Germany, Mexico, Brazil and Thailand. Always bright and invigorating, Fanta changes according to the tastes of the population: in some countries it is sweeter, in others it has a more pronounced fruity aroma.

    Initially, Fanta was conceived as a drink that will make people's lives brighter. She remains true to this concept today. Fanta personifies optimism, fun, cheerfulness, an active lifestyle.

    Constantly improving taste, adopting the latest scientific developments and sensitively listening to the desires of their consumers, Fanta manufacturers have been painting our lives in the most juicy colors for 70 years. Despite its considerable age, Fanta has been and remains one of the main trendsetters in the world of soft drinks.

    Fanta was one of the few foreign drinks that miraculously broke through the Iron Curtain in the USSR. Coca-Cola, and with it Fanta, first appeared in our country in 1979 during the preparations for the Olympic Games in Moscow, becoming the official drinks of the Seventh Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, the largest sports competition in the Soviet Union, held before the Olympic Games. And then - and the official drinks of the Olympics! The management of Coca-Cola managed to conclude a contract with the Soviet government even before the United States began to call on the whole world to boycott the 1980 Moscow Olympics. The Company's products began to be produced at several factories in the capital in the late 1970s, and the bright orange taste of Fanta was recognized by thousands of Soviet people.

    Surely the inventors of the drink, thinking in 1940 about how to save the plant from ruin, could not have imagined that in a few years Fanta would become one of the main export products! In fact, the secret to Fanta's phenomenal success lies in the fact that it was born out of sparkling human imagination. The inspiration that visited the creators of the drink forever determined its fate - to bring joy to people.

    I am a person from such antiquity that I even found a time when imported goods were not just a deficit, but a DEFICIENCY ;-)

    But! Even a mammoth like me remembers that sometimes a magical orange drink called Fanta appeared on sale. Yes Yes. The very taste of the Olympiad - 80.
    But this year one of the most popular soft drinks on the planet turns 70 years old!

    Let me tell you the fascinating story of this drink? So...

    Birth of a legend

    Fanta's story is an example of how human imagination can change the world. The famous carbonated drink was born in 1940 in Germany at the Coca-Cola plant, at the height of World War II. Due to the embargo imposed by the anti-Hitler coalition, the supply to Germany of the ingredients necessary for the production of Coca-Cola was suspended. It was necessary to completely curtail production or ... invent something new!

    Max Keith, who was in charge of the Coca-Cola division in Germany, decided to create a drink based on ingredients that were available in the country at that difficult time. The main components of the new drink were apple pomace whey.
    The formula that formed the basis of the drink was jokingly called “fantastic” by the producers: after all, it was born thanks to human imagination and helped save the local business from ruin. This is how the famous name Fanta (short for "fantastic") was born.

    The war is over, but Fanta has remained, becoming one of the most beloved drinks. Everyone knew: where Coca-Cola is sold, there is Fanta! However, at that time, Fanta did not have the taste that we all know so well.

    Orange Fanta was invented in Italy, then to become famous all over the world: first conquering Europe, then Australia and America, and then Russia and Asia. Today, Fanta is sold in more than 200 countries around the world, and is especially loved in Germany, Mexico, Brazil and Thailand. Always bright and invigorating, Fanta changes according to the tastes of the population: in some countries it is sweeter, in others it has a more pronounced fruity aroma.

    philosophy of joy

    Initially, Fanta was conceived as a drink that will make people's lives brighter. She remains true to this concept today. Fanta personifies optimism, fun, cheerfulness, an active lifestyle.

    Constantly improving taste, adopting the latest scientific developments and sensitively listening to the desires of their consumers, Fanta manufacturers have been painting our lives in the most juicy colors for 70 years. Surely the inventors of the drink, thinking in 1940 about how to save the plant from ruin, could not have imagined that in a few years Fanta would become one of the main export products! In fact, the secret to Fanta's phenomenal success lies in the fact that it was born out of sparkling human imagination. The inspiration that visited the creators of the drink forever determined its fate - to bring joy to people.

    Change for the better

    Despite its considerable age, Fanta has been and remains one of the main trendsetters in the world of soft drinks. The world is changing, and Fanta is changing with it:

    In 1955, it was decided to change the design of the Fanta bottle, giving it a new, memorable and attractive look. Designer Raymond Lovi offered about 30 packaging options. The choice fell on the original "ringed" bottle, its corrugated surface gave the impression that the drink had just been taken out of the refrigerator!

    In 2004, Fanta changed its image again. From a variety of proposed options, an unusual idea was chosen by London-based designer Zaki Eliya: the top of the bottle was very reminiscent of an orange! This design remains with Fanta to this day, emphasizing her cheerful and nonchalant image.

    In 2009, it became even tastier due to natural ingredients - orange juice and purified sparkling water. But its traditional, beloved by millions of people, sparkling, exciting taste has remained the same!

    Breaking the Iron Curtain: Fanta comes to Russia

    Fanta was one of the few foreign drinks that miraculously broke through the Iron Curtain in the USSR. Coca-Cola, and with it Fanta, first appeared in our country in 1979 during the preparations for the Olympic Games in Moscow, becoming the official drinks of the Seventh Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR - the largest sports competition in the Soviet Union, held before the Olympic Games. And then - and the official drinks of the Olympics!

    The management of Coca-Cola managed to conclude a contract with the Soviet government even before the United States began to call on the whole world to boycott the 1980 Moscow Olympics. The Company's products began to be produced at several factories in the capital in the late 1970s, and the bright orange taste of Fanta was recognized by thousands of Soviet people.
    During the Olympics, a refreshing drink was poured into bright disposable cups with Olympic symbols. For most Soviet consumers, disposable tableware was almost exotic: after all, even in soda machines there was a lone faceted glass cup! And special tents in which the drink was sold were brought from Germany - there were simply no such tents in the USSR at that time. After the end of the games, the tents were donated to the Soviet government.

    Today Fanta is still one of the most popular soft drinks in our country. Recently, another one has been added to the orange flavor Fanta, beloved by Russians, - apple. According to legend, Fanta Apple Asia is made from square apples: this is exactly what once grew on a small bonsai tree in distant Asia. A juicy green drink is produced and sold in 0.5 liter, 1 liter packages. and 2 l.

    And did you know that…

    … Fanta and Coca-Cola were the most popular drinks at the 1980 Moscow Olympics?

    And today branded disposable cups with Olympic symbols can still be found, but only from collectors. Rare containers cost a lot of money and are in great demand among connoisseurs.

    … that orange Fanta has Italian roots?

    To the Neapolitan Ermelio Matarazzo di Licosa, director of Naples Bottling
    Company, was the first to come up with the idea of ​​making a carbonated orange drink. After negotiating with the management of the Coca-Cola Company, he ensured that in 1955 a new Fanta, created on the basis of the original formula and Italian oranges, began to be produced at his plant.

    … that today Fanta is painted in almost every color of the rainbow and has a dozen different flavors?

    In March 2003, the presentation of the first blue soft drink Fanta Blueberry Splash took place in Thailand - with blueberry flavor. In August 2003, Fanta Latina was introduced in Romania with peach and grapefruit flavors, in November 2003 Fanta Neo Trio (green apple, kiwi and lime) was launched in Thailand, and in March 2004 Fanta Mango Magenta (mango flavored) was launched. .

    … that Fanta is one of the most expensive brands in the world?

    Fanta is one of the few global brands whose value far exceeds
    1 billion dollars and constantly growing.

    Fanta has been on the world market for 72 years. The CIS countries have already known about it, no less than 32 years.

    The Fanta drink first appeared in 1940 in Germany, and it happened at the Coca-Cola factory. There was a second world war, and the anti-Hitler coalition imposed an embargo, because of which the ingredients for making Coca-Cola were no longer supplied to Germany. There were two ways out: either stop all production, or urgently invent something new.

    By the decision of the head of the German division of Cola-Cola Max Keith, the production of a completely new drink began from the components that were available during these difficult years. What do you think the original ingredients of the popular soda were? Apple pomace and whey.

    They decided to call the drink Fanta due to the fact that the manufacturers called its formula fantastic. Since it appeared thanks to human imagination, which saved the company from ruin. The word "fantastic" was shortened - and Fanta came out.

    The orange Fanta, familiar to all of us, was invented in Italy. And in the war and post-war times, it was a completely different taste.

    The original concept of Fanta is a drink that makes human life brighter. The company still adheres to this idea.

    Several times they changed the type of packaging of the drink. The first time, in 1955, designer Raymond Lovi developed more than 30 variants of a new type of bottle. As a result, the corrugated bottle won, which, by its appearance, created the feeling that it had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

    The design was also changed in 2004. Then they chose the option that is still used in the production of bottles for Fanta. It was created by designer Zaki Eliya from London. His idea was to make the top of the bottle round like an orange. This image emphasizes the cheerfulness and originality of the company.

    How Fanta broke into the USSR market

    Fanta burst into the USSR in a swift manner. Coca-Cola, along with Fanta, first appeared during preparations for the Olympic Games in Moscow, in 1979. They became the official drinks of the Seventh Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR. And after that - the official drinks of the Olympics itself.

    In the late 1970s, factories began producing Fanta for sale. So many people recognized her orange taste.
    During the sale of Fanta at the Olympics, it was poured into disposable glasses, on which the Olympic symbols were depicted. Now only collectors have preserved such cups.

    To date, the Fanta brand is worth over $1 billion.

    The Fanta brand has existed for 70 years in the world and 30 in Russia.

    The famous carbonated drink was born in 1940 in Germany at the Coca-Cola plant, at the height of World War II. Due to the embargo imposed by the anti-Hitler coalition, the supply to Germany of the ingredients necessary for the production of Coca-Cola was suspended. It was necessary to completely curtail production or ... invent something new.

    Max Keith, who was in charge of the Coca-Cola division in Germany, decided to create a drink based on ingredients that were available in the country at that difficult time. The main components of the new drink were apple pomace and whey.

    The formula that formed the basis of the drink was jokingly called “fantastic” by the producers: after all, it was born thanks to human imagination and helped save the local business from ruin. This is how the famous name Fanta (short for "fantastic") was born.

    Before and after the war, Fanta had a very different taste from the taste of modern Fanta. Orange Fanta was invented in Italy.

    philosophy of joy

    Initially, Fanta was conceived as a drink that will make people's lives brighter. She remains true to this concept today.

    Change for the better: packaging

    In 1955, it was decided to change the design of the Fanta bottle, giving it a new look. Designer Raymond Lovi offered about 30 packaging options. The choice fell on the original "ringed" bottle, its corrugated surface gave the impression that the drink had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

    In 2004, Fanta changed its image again. From a variety of proposed options, an unusual idea was chosen by London-based designer Zaki Eliya: the top of the bottle was very reminiscent of an orange. This design remains with Fanta to this day, emphasizing her cheerful and nonchalant image.

    Breakthrough of the Iron Curtain: Fanta comes to the USSR

    Fanta was one of the few foreign drinks that miraculously broke through the Iron Curtain in the USSR. Coca-Cola, and with it Fanta, first appeared in Russia in 1979 during the preparations for the Olympic Games in Moscow, becoming the official drinks of the Seventh Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR - the largest sports competition in the Soviet Union, held before the Olympic Games. And then - and the official drinks of the Olympics.

    The management of Coca-Cola managed to conclude a contract with the Soviet government even before the United States began to call on the whole world to boycott the 1980 Moscow Olympics. The Company's products began to be produced at several factories in the capital in the late 1970s, and the bright orange taste of Fanta was recognized by thousands of Soviet people.

    During the Olympics, a refreshing drink was poured into bright disposable cups with Olympic symbols. For most Soviet consumers, disposable tableware was almost exotic - after all, even soda machines flaunted a lone faceted glass cup. And special tents in which the drink was sold were brought from Germany - there were simply no such tents in the USSR at that time. After the end of the games, the tents were donated to the Soviet government.

    Today branded disposable cups with Olympic symbols can still be found, but only with collectors.

    Fanta is painted in almost every color of the rainbow and has a dozen different flavors.

    In March 2003, the presentation of the first blue soft drink Fanta Blueberry Splash took place in Thailand - with blueberry flavor. In August 2003, Fanta Latina was introduced in Romania with peach and grapefruit flavors, in November 2003 Fanta Neo Trio (green apple, kiwi and lime) was launched in Thailand, and in March 2004 Fanta Mango Magenta (mango flavored) was launched. .

    Today the Fanta brand is one of the world's brands whose value far exceeds