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    Patterns of virtues.  What kind of person can be called inquisitive Assignment to the composition of the OGE

    Essay reasoning on the text

    (1) Lukyan was an unusual boy. (2) In the sixth grade, he was diagnosed with progressive myopia, a disease in which active games and sports are prohibited. (Z) It can immediately cross out all the joy of life of a simple schoolboy. (4) But this, fortunately, did not happen. (5) “Failures,” he once heard from his mother, “are sent to us in order to make us better understand ourselves and the meaning of what is happening.” (b) Lukyan understood the task of “understanding the meaning of what is happening” literally. (7) And when, as a sentence, glasses with thick lenses sat tightly on his thin bridge of the nose, he took the encyclopedic dictionary from the shelf of his mother's books and found the article "Myopia" in it. (8) Ten lines of the definition were built on six words unfamiliar to him. (9) Lukyan settled himself comfortably in a chair and plunged into reading. (10) “Curiosity opens new doors,” and here mom was right. (I) Encyclopedia turned out to be a world full of discoveries. (12) The structure of the human eye, the phenomena of optics absorbed the young researcher entirely. (13) Newton, Huygens, Maxwell became his best friends, the world of physics seemed to him more interesting than any fiction. (14) And the most complex and amazing phenomenon in this world turned out to be light for Lukyan.
    (15) - Everything around is filled with him, - he shared his knowledge with his mother, - all the colors that you see are the vibration of light of different frequencies, and our eyes are complex sets of light-sensitive rods and cones ... (16) You said I think that the rainbow is a miracle of nature. (17) A rainbow is just a dispersion of white light. (18) And the northern lights are not a miracle, but the luminescence of the upper atmosphere ...
    (19) - It's time for your eyes to rest, - mom smiled. (20) - My miracle, I turn off the light!
    (21) Lukyan lay down on the pillow and strictly remarked:
    - Mom, there are no miracles in the world at all. (22) We just take for them what we cannot explain.
    (23) The space of a small apartment became for Lukya-on a set of illustrations for the knowledge gained. (24) "Interference," he noted, watching the iridescent play of soap bubbles in the sink. (25) Looking at the intricate intersections of rays playing on the table near a transparent glass of water, he rejoiced: “Caustics”!
    (26) Mom was proud of her son. (27) And she was especially pleased that, while other teenagers were entering an acute period of constant quarrels with their parents, skipping classes and disobedience, Lukyan became more and more complaisant. (28) He began to obediently go to bed at the appointed hour, almost stopped watching TV and even began to help her more around the house, more often leaving textbooks aside.
    (29) But the boy's new behavior was by no means caused by his desire to please his mother.
    (30) For several months now, Lukyan has noticed strange frightening effects, the reasons for which he could not find in books: around all light sources - light bulbs, candles, lights on the streets - he saw a strange rainbow glow, unpleasant "flies" began to circle before his eyes more and more often , and in the evenings the pages of encyclopedias seemed to be covered with a gray, muddy veil. (31) The head ached more and more often, and the pain gave into the eyes, making it difficult to concentrate.
    (32) The worried boy tried to rest more.
    (33) Gradually, the veil before my eyes began to converge into a ring, as if someone was narrowing the diameter of the lenses of the already faulty binoculars through which Lukyan looked at the world. (34) The boy went to bed, but tossed and turned for a long time. (Zb) The thoughts that he unsuccessfully tried to drive away did not let him sleep: “What is wrong with me? ..”
    (Zb) Lukyan remembered that everything unknown is frightening, and in the evenings he covered himself with a blanket with his head and peered into the black space in front of him, as if trying to get to know him better. (37) “But in reality there is no darkness, there is no such concept in physics. (38) You, darkness, are simply the absence of light. (39) You are not! (40) You can’t be afraid of what doesn’t exist! .. "
    (41) But fear took its toll: Lukyan threw off the blanket, groped for glasses, put them on and stared into the strip of light under the bedroom door. (42) Her scattered radiance faintly spread across the floor, as if crushed by the weight of the night. (43) “What if one day,” Lukyan thought with horror, “the darkness swallows up all my light? ..”
    (44) This thought, which at first seemed to him stupid, childish, raised the boy out of bed.
    (45) - Mom, I have to tell you something. (46) I think I'm losing my sight...
    (47) The doctor announced the result of the examination carefully, as if apologizing:
    (48) - You know, with myopia, glaucoma behaves very insidiously, often without giving itself away. (49) Your boy is just a miracle that he himself insisted on an appointment. (50) Need an operation. (51) First we will do it on one eye, then on the other. (52) It takes a little time...
    (53) When the bandage was removed from the left eye, which was operated on first, Lukyan carefully opened it. (54) Blinked, getting rid of the slight pain caused by the light of the lamp. (55) 3 closed his eyes in turn with his palm. (56) The rings of the dark veil, visible to the right eye, were no longer seen by the left. (57) The chamber was filled with pure, even white light, not constrained by darkness.
    (58) The boy looked at his mother, and met her anxious look, frozen in a silent question: “Well, how are you?”
    (59) - This is some kind of miracle, mom, - the boy's lips trembled, and he leaned into her arms. (60) - A real miracle!
    (According to O. Pavlova)

    Option 1
    Curiosity is the desire to comprehend the world, to learn new information on your own or with the help of available sources, such as books.
    I believe that without curiosity, the process of self-education is impossible, because it is this quality that gives rise to the desire to know more.
    In the story “Miracle”, the boy Lukyan is really inquisitive: he himself decided to find out everything about his illness and did not stop there. With the passion of a researcher, he began to study new pages of the encyclopedia, rejoiced when in real life he found illustrations for the acquired knowledge, shared them with his mother (suggestions 15-18).
    Lukyan reminds me of my best friend and classmate Vadim. He knows a lot more than many of the guys in the class, and his horizons are much wider than mine. And all because in his free time Vadim likes to read various books on history, geography, physics, he is interested in everything! And we are always interested in his company: he knows a lot of amazing facts and stories.
    Indeed, curiosity is a very important quality that allows a person to develop, become smarter and not stop there.

    Option 2
    What kind of person can be called inquisitive? Someone who loves knowledge, because the answer lies in the very word "curiosity." The one who wants to understand as many patterns of the surrounding world as possible, who is looking for the cause of phenomena and the essence of things, who is hungry for new information.
    This is how I see Lukyan in the story "Miracle". In the sixth grade, when many of his peers would have been more happy to read adventure novels or science fiction, he gave preference to physics. Few of my friends would have thought to study the encyclopedia on their own! He wanted to know more about his illness, but it was curiosity that helped him get carried away by the nature of light, the discoveries of famous researchers (suggestions 12-13).
    But the result of the curiosity of Tsar Peter I was the reforms in Russia, which significantly accelerated its development.
    I am sure that curiosity is a wonderful quality inherent in true researchers. Curiosity distinguishes people who are smart, addicted, not boring.

    Option 3
    Curiosity is a wonderful quality. It allows a person to develop, does not allow the mind to be lazy. It is curiosity that helps people accumulate knowledge, make discoveries.
    Lukyan, the hero of the story "Miracle", is also inquisitive. He himself opened the encyclopedia, wanting to understand the cause of his illness; the laws of nature and physics fascinated him. He did not stop after reading a couple of definitions, but became a real researcher and plunged deeper and deeper into the new world of knowledge for him (suggestions 14-18).
    There are many examples in the history of mankind when curiosity turned ordinary people into geniuses. It was she who helped Leonardo da Vinci become a great scientist, engineer, artist, sculptor, musician.
    I believe that this is an amazing quality, without which it would be impossible to imagine the development of all mankind.

    Option 4
    Curiosity is the desire to obtain new information about the world around us, the love of knowledge. Curious people want to know as much as possible about a variety of things and understand many areas of life.
    Lukyan from the story "Miracle" is also like that. He wanted to read more about his illness and opened an encyclopedia. However, the boy learned not only the definition of myopia (propositions 6-7, 10-11). Concepts from the world of physics and medicine fascinated him, and the phenomena of light became a real passion. He was happy to find illustrations to the acquired knowledge in the world around him (suggestions 13-16), he strove to learn more and more.
    I can also call my mother inquisitive, who is interested in areas of knowledge that are not related to her profession as a lawyer: she enjoys reading books about the history of Russia and other countries, knows a lot about the architecture of Europe.
    I believe that curiosity is a very useful character trait because it can become a compass in the world of knowledge.

    Option 5
    Curiosity is the desire to know as much as possible about various things and phenomena. An inquisitive person is called a person who constantly asks questions about the essence of what is happening, clarifies the details, independently studies what interests him.
    So, Lukyan preferred to study his unpleasant diagnosis in detail. And curiosity gave him a whole world that swallowed him up (propositions 11-12, 21-23). The hero was interested in learning more about the laws of physics and natural phenomena, and a simple encyclopedia became his main assistant. Would an inquisitive person open it?
    1 Few people know that it was this quality that helped the great scientist M.V. Lomonosov two centuries ago to predict the modern significance of the Northern Sea Route.
    Curiosity is evidence of interest in life, activity, desire to develop. This is one of the most useful properties of the human character.

    Every child actively seeks to accumulate information about the world around him. To achieve this goal, a variety of, sometimes very bizarre methods are used. But why is one such little one called simply curious, and the second is proudly called inquisitive? Is there a difference between the two seemingly close concepts? Let's try to find out the difference between curiosity and curiosity.



    Curiosity- an uncontrollable desire for knowledge, inherent in many living beings. It can also be called an interest devoid of rational grain. Curiosity is generated by environmental factors and largely depends on the experience previously gained by the subject. Ozhegov characterizes him as a petty interest in any, even minor details. However, there is another interpretation of curiosity in his dictionary, which defines this concept as a desire to learn or see something new. Of course, each of the versions has its right to exist.


    Curiosity- an internal incentive to receive new information for the purpose of development, broadening one's horizons. This is a burning interest in what can replenish the treasury of a person's life experience and impressions. That is why the term "curiosity" is associated primarily with children. After all, who, if not a child, constantly needs information to move to a new level of development? However, many adults continue to show an active interest in a variety of things, satisfying it by searching for the right information.


    To begin with, the first quality we consider is considered innate. Curiosity is inherent not only in humans, but also in animals. This is a non-purposeful need for knowledge of the surrounding reality. So, the baby who was born demonstrates an uncontrolled interest in new things. He examines and feels them, tastes them, tries to find the most diverse uses for objects. Whereas a grown up child gravitates towards knowledge and mastering various areas. He begins to visit circles and sections, read books, watch scientific programs, etc. All this is a manifestation of curiosity. Thus, this concept implies a purposeful need for mastering new information. At the same time, a person is aware of why he wants to receive certain information. From all of the above, it follows that the main difference between curiosity and curiosity lies in purposefulness.

    By the way, an idle interest in news and gossip is fraught with a negative meaning. Indeed, curiosity is often understood as the desire to know everything about everyone. Many people unnecessarily get into other people's affairs, subject them to discussion, weave intrigues. These are all destructive aspects of curiosity. Whereas curiosity is only creative. It is fueled not by emotional capture, but by a rational desire to expand one's horizons.

    To conclude what is the difference between curiosity and inquisitiveness, a comparative table will help.

    With what different from each other curiosity and curiosity?

    In fact, these are different personality traits. Moreover, one of them can smoothly pass into another. For example, it may be so - a person, it would seem, from an idle curiosity clarified information about something, then in the future it may turn out to be interesting, useful and necessary for him.

    On the contrary, curiosity imperceptibly for the person himself, he can cross the boundaries, and then curiosity is born. That is, a person begins to seek out the information that he does not need at all. Here you need to be aware and understand your actions, more often controlling yourself and asking questions:

    “Why exactly do I need to know this? And is it necessary at all?

    Let's try to separate these two concepts. Since many confuse them and consider them the same.


    Curiosity -
    it is the love of knowledge. The very word speaks for itself.

    Curiosity, and its properties are most inherent in our children, who learn about the world and they are really interested in everything at the stage of their growth and development. They learn and study the surrounding and mysterious space around, saturated with such different and surprising objects for them.

    An inquisitive person always knows what he wants. His curiosity manifests itself in the desire and actions to obtain new knowledge, new information for those set before him. And knowing a lot that can bring him what he purposefully strives for, showing his natural interest, that is, his curiosity, he achieves everything in his life.

    Open, sincere people have curiosity. They have an active life position, they are optimists by nature. These people trust others, and they can do the same. Curious people never put themselves above others, no matter what achievements they have achieved in life. They are simply ready to consciously receive more and more new knowledge for knowledge, first of all, of themselves, while achieving what they dream of.

    Curiosity is the sincerity of a person. How sincere a child is, showing interest in the world around him, so sincere and inquisitive people. It's nice to talk with them. After all, you can immediately feel whether the interlocutor is sincere, asking, for example, questions of a personal nature, or whether he is trying to “crawl into the soul”, showing pure curiosity. Difference essential, and this can be easily caught if one is observant.

    Curiosity gives us the joy of learning, the delight of new discoveries and accomplishments, deactivates our inactivity, thereby leading us to an active life position. And then we grow wings behind our backs, we are easy-going, and with the new knowledge that we wanted to receive, we begin to set goals for ourselves and achieve them. Indeed, over time, what was interesting before becomes boring and uninteresting, we fall into apathy and begin to wait for someone to entertain us. What is the man himself for? Life does not stand in one place.

    Curiosity manifests itself in all areas of human activity:

    in sincere and sincere communication with each other, in the interest in learning something, in new scientific achievements. Since only inquisitive and active people can create innovations and bring the most ambitious ideas to life. They are very fond of traveling, as travel reveals many secrets of our world. And you can really learn a lot from curious people. You can see about it here.


    Now a little about curiosity. Why a little? He is already not enough among people, so why are we going to attract him into our lives?

    Talking about curiosity, the conversation is involuntarily transferred to a somewhat mundane level, since it is inherent not only in humans, but also in animals. But unlike humans, curious animals are pretty fun to watch, aren't they? I just love curious animals, they lift my mood even when it's great, not to mention sad. But today we are talking about a person.

    By the way, curious parents grow up curious children. But this, this is just a living example of their parents.

    Curiosity the same applies to the knowledge of the unknown, the new. But this, one might say, is interest without a purpose or with the aim of harming someone, or simply obsessively interested in comparing oneself with others - “God forbid that he is better than me.” Curiosity breeds gossip and intrigue.

    After all, extremely curious people are not sincere and closed in communication. There is no need to describe it. Everything is almost exactly the opposite of curiosity. You yourself have probably come across curiosity and curious people more than once ...

    The proverbs speak for themselves:

    ♦ Curious Varvara had her nose torn off at the market.

    Curiosity not a vice, but a great beastliness. The first version is a hobby (instead of "disgusting"). Indeed a hobby. Only people do not realize what it is and why it turns into a hobby for them? Hobbies are chosen wisely, without completely dissolving in it and not replacing your life with it.

    Everything is simple!

    To get rid of curiosity, first of all, you need to work with your strengths, and each of us has them. Find your best qualities and cultivate them in yourself. Note that you do not need to get rid of the negative and weak sides of your personality, concentrating a lot on this. It is important to work with strengths! Then they will grow, crowding out the weak.

    Curiosity must be pursued. How?

    ♦ Learn to observe. Start with the environment around us. There are so many interesting and varied things here! This does not require significant effort, but it provides the basis for many amazing finds and discoveries. Share these observations with your children. This has a huge plus in that less time will remain for the child to spend at the computer, while they will receive answers from their parents to many of their “why?”

    Strive to the knowledge of something new. Choose what interests you the most first. Then new hobbies will appear that you don’t even suspect now. You will grow. And growth requires new “food” in order to grow even more and further.

    ♦ Do something that gives you pleasure. Quit boring and not interesting work, you spend the best years of your life on it. Believe me, your favorite business will bring you more income - both spiritual and material. Curiosity will be of great benefit to you!

    Be inquisitive, first of all, to yourself, to the World, the Universe!

    With best wishes and always with you - Vera, the author of the blog "The Way to Perfection".

    In order to answer this question, which is presented in the assignment, you must first understand what the concept of curiosity includes. And so, in my opinion, curiosity is:

    • desire for new knowledge;
    • search for a new one;
    • knowledge of what is beyond your interest;
    • all-round interest.

    Thus, based on the meaning of this concept, one can characterize a person who is called inquisitive.

    What kind of person can be called inquisitive

    And so, who is such an inquisitive person? It seems to me that any inquisitive person is, first of all, a person who every day, every hour thinks about where to find some new, interesting, informative, previously unknown to this person information. Thus, an inquisitive person is constantly in search of new information or new knowledge.

    It should also be remembered that an inquisitive person should be interested not only in facts, events and knowledge in a field close to him, but also in what goes beyond his interest. For example, a person who is actively involved in teaching should also be interested in politics, art, psychology, sports, history, and other aspects. Only when a person is actively interested in different aspects of the world, looking for something new and unknown to him earlier everywhere, then we can call this person inquisitive. As they say, an inquisitive person should be inquisitive in everything.

    Another aspect that will allow us to call a person inquisitive is the constant improvement of a person in one area or another. This means that an inquisitive person will never say that in one area or another he knows everything. This is due, first of all, to the fact that science, the modern world, sports and art do not stand still. In addition to all this, something new happens in the world every minute or even second. And that is why a person should always develop, be interested in new knowledge and never stop there.

    sentences with the word CURIOSITY

    • But we loved his sharp mind curiosity, his peculiar evil gaiety.
    • What struck me most in this new world was the almost complete absence of curiosity in people.
    • I have a healthy curiosity, passion for mental exercises and sought to acquire technical knowledge.
    • This question in the late Middle Ages was caused not by a simple curiosity.
    • He classified, with the greed of a true scholar, marking out the sacrifices of his curiosity.
    • His life experience tempered frivolity, and curiosity successfully fought laziness.
    • After all, he was also an adventurer, a daring experimenter, the embodiment of a restless curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
    • But he also showed scientific curiosity, primarily to the etymology of words.
    • He prudently gave these little things to those who showed a special curiosity about the workshop and the anvil.
    • He was incited curiosity- the need to learn to live, act and gain experience.
    • Moreover, I did not set any socio-pedagogical or scientific goals for myself, there was a naked journalistic curiosity.
    • The novelty of what is reported should arouse interest and curiosity, but at the same time be accessible for understanding and perception.