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  • Gaseous state of a substance. Examples of liquid substances Gaseous substances examples 3

    Gaseous state of a substance.  Examples of liquid substances Gaseous substances examples 3

    substances liquid, solid, gaseous. examples and got the best answer

    Answer from Mikha Bely[guru]
    Liquid substance: mercury, liquid nitrogen, water, molten metal. Solid substance: iron, gold, platinum, titanium. Gaseous substance: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon.

    Answer from 2 answers[guru]

    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: substances liquid, solid, gaseous. examples

    Answer from Ban[guru]
    vodka, snack, burp.)

    Answer from Airat Ravilevich[newbie]
    Should I classify Cobalt and Nitric Oxide (CO and NO2) as gaseous substances? I need to determine the coefficient!
    . Definition F:
    1) for gaseous harmful substances, dusts – 1
    2) for fine aerosols with a purification coefficient of at least 90% - 2; from 75 to 90% - 2.5; less than 75% - 3.

    Answer from Krav[active]
    Water, iron, CO2

    Answer from Valera Pipik[newbie]
    You have to have extremely low intelligence not to know examples.

    Answer from Domovoy[newbie]
    liquid water juice molten metal and then do it yourself

    Answer from Albert Saniev[newbie]
    Liquid mixtures: sea water (salt solution), oil (liquid hydrocarbons).
    Solid mixtures: cast iron (iron 4-carbon), alloys of non-ferrous metals (brass: copper 4-zinc, bronze: copper 4-tin).
    Gaseous mixtures: air (nitrogen 4 - oxygen 4 - carbon dioxide), natural gas (mainly methane).

    Answer from Olga Prokofieva[newbie]
    liquid is water
    solid is iron, sugar
    gaseous is air gas

    Answer from Mohammad Sabitov[guru]
    Well, look around. There are quite a lot of examples.

    Answer from Andrey Serednikov[active]
    liquid - water, mercury
    solid - iron carbon magnesium
    gaseous oxygen hydrogen helium

    Water and gas. They all differ in their properties. Liquids occupy a special place in this list. Unlike solids, liquids do not have molecules arranged in an orderly manner. Liquid is a special state of matter, intermediate between gas and solid. Substances in this form can only exist if certain temperature ranges are strictly observed. Below this interval, the liquid body will turn into a solid, and above - into a gaseous one. In this case, the boundaries of the interval directly depend on pressure.


    One of the main examples of a liquid body is water. Despite belonging to this category, water can take the form of a solid or a gas, depending on the ambient temperature. During the transition from a liquid to a solid state, the molecules of an ordinary substance are compressed. But water behaves completely differently. When it freezes, its density decreases, and instead of sinking, the ice floats to the surface. Water in its ordinary, fluid state has all the properties of a liquid - it always has a specific volume, however, there is no specific shape.

    Therefore, water always retains heat under the surface of ice. Even if the ambient temperature is -50°C, under the ice it will still be around zero. However, in elementary school you don’t have to delve into the details of the properties of water or other substances. In grade 3, the simplest examples of liquid bodies can be given - and it is advisable to include water in this list. After all, a primary school student should have a general understanding of the properties of the world around him. At this stage it is enough to know that water in its normal state is a liquid.

    Surface tension is a property of water

    Water has a higher surface tension than other liquids. Thanks to this property, raindrops are formed, and, consequently, the water cycle in nature is maintained. Otherwise, water vapor could not so easily turn into drops and spill onto the surface of the earth in the form of rain. Water, indeed, is an example of a liquid body, on which the possibility of the existence of living organisms on our planet directly depends.

    Surface tension is caused by the molecules of a liquid being attracted to each other. Each particle tends to surround itself with others and leave the surface of the liquid body. That is why soap bubbles and bubbles formed during boiling water tend to take a liquid form - with this volume, only a ball can have a minimum surface thickness.

    Liquid metals

    However, not only the substances familiar to humans, with which he deals in everyday life, belong to the class of liquid bodies. Among this category there are many different elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table. An example of a liquid body is also mercury. This substance is widely used in the manufacture of electrical devices, metallurgy, and the chemical industry.

    Mercury is a liquid, shiny metal that evaporates at room temperature. It is capable of dissolving silver, gold and zinc, thereby forming amalgams. Mercury is an example of what kinds of liquid bodies are classified as dangerous to human life. Its vapors are toxic and hazardous to health. The damaging effect of mercury usually appears some time after exposure to poisoning.

    A metal called cesium is also a liquid. Already at room temperature it is in semi-liquid form. Cesium appears to be a golden-white substance. This metal is slightly similar in color to gold, however, it is lighter.

    Sulfuric acid

    Almost all inorganic acids are also an example of what kind of liquid bodies there are. For example, sulfuric acid, which looks like a heavy oily liquid. It has neither color nor smell. When heated, it becomes a very strong oxidizing agent. In the cold, it does not interact with metals - for example, iron and aluminum. This substance exhibits its characteristics only in its pure form. Dilute sulfuric acid does not exhibit oxidizing properties.


    What liquid bodies exist besides those listed? This is blood, oil, milk, mineral oil, alcohol. Their properties allow these substances to easily take the form of containers. Like other liquids, these substances do not lose their volume if they are poured from one vessel to another. What other properties are inherent in each of the substances in this state? Liquid bodies and their properties are well studied by physicists. Let's look at their main characteristics.


    One of the most important characteristics of any body in this category is fluidity. This term refers to the ability of the body to take on different shapes, even if it is subject to relatively weak external influence. It is thanks to this property that each liquid can flow in streams, splash onto the surrounding surface in drops. If bodies of this category did not have fluidity, it would be impossible to pour water from a bottle into a glass.

    Moreover, this property is expressed in different substances to varying degrees. For example, honey changes shape very slowly compared to water. This characteristic is called viscosity. This property depends on the internal structure of the liquid body. For example, honey molecules are more like tree branches, while water molecules are more like balls with small bulges. When the liquid moves, honey particles seem to “cling to each other” - it is this process that gives it greater viscosity than other types of liquids.

    Saving the form

    We must also remember that no matter what example of liquid bodies we are talking about, they only change their shape, but do not change their volume. If you pour water into a beaker and pour it into another container, this characteristic will not change, although the body itself will take the shape of the new vessel into which it was just poured. The property of volume conservation is explained by the fact that both mutually attractive and repulsive forces act between molecules. It should be noted that liquids are almost impossible to compress through external influence due to the fact that they always take the shape of the container.

    Liquid and solid bodies differ in that the latter do not obey. Let us recall that this rule describes the behavior of all liquids and gases, and lies in their property of transmitting the pressure exerted on them in all directions. However, it should be noted that those liquids that have lower viscosity do this faster than more viscous liquid bodies. For example, if you put pressure on water or alcohol, it will spread quite quickly.

    Unlike these substances, pressure on honey or liquid oil will spread more slowly, however, just as evenly. In grade 3, examples of liquid bodies can be given without indicating their properties. Students will need more detailed knowledge in high school. However, if a student prepares additional material, this may contribute to a higher grade in class.

    The attraction and repulsion of particles determine their relative position in matter. And the properties of substances significantly depend on the arrangement of particles. So, looking at a transparent, very hard diamond (diamond) and soft black graphite (pencil leads are made from it), we do not realize that both substances consist of exactly the same carbon atoms. It's just that these atoms are arranged differently in graphite than in diamond.

    The interaction of particles of a substance leads to the fact that it can be in three states: hard, liquid And gaseous. For example, ice, water, steam. Any substance can be in three states, but this requires certain conditions: pressure, temperature. For example, oxygen in air is a gas, but when cooled below -193 °C it turns into a liquid, and at -219 °C oxygen is a solid. Iron at normal pressure and room temperature is in a solid state. At temperatures above 1539 °C, iron becomes liquid, and at temperatures above 3050 °C it becomes gaseous. Liquid mercury, used in medical thermometers, becomes solid when cooled below -39 °C. At temperatures above 357 °C, mercury turns into vapor (gas).

    By turning metallic silver into a gas, it is sprayed onto glass to create “mirror” glasses.

    What properties do substances have in different states?

    Let's start with gases, in which the behavior of molecules resembles the movement of bees in a swarm. However, bees in a swarm independently change the direction of movement and practically do not collide with each other. At the same time, for molecules in a gas such collisions are not only inevitable, but occur almost continuously. As a result of collisions, the directions and speeds of the molecules change.

    The result of such movement and the lack of interaction between particles during movement is that gas retains neither volume nor shape, but occupies the entire volume provided to it. Each of you will consider the following statements to be sheer absurdity: “Air occupies half the volume of the room” and “I pumped air into two-thirds of the volume of a rubber ball.” Air, like any gas, occupies the entire volume of the room and the entire volume of the ball.

    What properties do liquids have? Let's conduct an experiment.

    Pour water from one beaker into a beaker of another shape. The shape of the liquid has changed, But volume remained the same. The molecules did not scatter throughout the entire volume, as would be the case with a gas. This means that the mutual attraction of liquid molecules exists, but it does not rigidly hold neighboring molecules. They vibrate and jump from one place to another, which explains the fluidity of liquids.

    The strongest interaction is between particles in a solid. It does not allow the particles to disperse. Particles only perform chaotic oscillatory movements around certain positions. That's why solids retain both volume and shape. A rubber ball will retain its ball shape and volume no matter where it is placed: in a jar, on a table, etc.

    Class: 3

    Presentations for the lesson

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    Age: 3rd grade.

    Subject: Bodies, substances, particles.

    Lesson type: learning new material.

    Lesson duration: 45 minutes.

    Lesson objectives: form the concept of body, substance, particle, teach to distinguish substances according to their characteristics and properties.


    • Introduce children to the concepts of body, matter, particle.
    • Teach to distinguish substances in different states of aggregation.
    • Develop memory and thinking.
    • Improve self-esteem and self-control skills.
    • Increase the psychological comfort of the lesson, relieve muscle tension (dynamic pauses, change of activities).
    • Form friendly relationships in the team.
    • Cultivate interest in the world around you.


    1. Multimedia interactive presentation (Annex 1). Presentation Control Appendix 2.

    2. Drawings (solid, liquid, gaseous substances).

    3. Metal ruler, rubber ball, wooden cube (from the teacher).

    4. For the experiment: glass, teaspoon, piece of sugar; boiled water (on children's tables).

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    The teacher welcomes the children, checks their readiness for the lesson, addressing the students: “Today you will complete all tasks in groups. Let’s repeat the rules of working in a group” (slide No. 2).

    1. Treatment of comrades – “politeness”;
    2. Opinion of others - “learn to listen, prove your point of view”;
    3. Working with sources of information (dictionary, book) - highlight the main thing.

    II. Learning new material.

    Setting a learning goal: today we are starting to study the topic “This Amazing Nature” - we will take a virtual excursion (slide No. 3). On the slide: a drop of water, a sugar bowl (storage container), a hammer, a wave (water), clay, metal.

    The teacher asks the question “Did all the words allow you to accurately represent the subject?”

    Those words that accurately help to represent an object, namely, have an outline, a shape, are called bodies. What these objects are made of are called substances.

    Working with a source of information (dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov):

    Write down the definition in your notebook: “Those objects that surround us are called bodies”(slide number 4).

    Slide number 5. The teacher invites students to compare the pictures located on the slide: a rubber ball, an envelope, a wooden cube.

    Task 1: find the commonality. All bodies have size, shape, etc.

    Task 2: identify the main characteristics of bodies. Answer on slide number 6: control button “answer 2”.

    Slide number 6. Pictures are triggers. The ball is round, rubber, bright. Envelope – rectangular, paper, white. The cube is wooden, large, beige.

    Together with the guys we conclude: “Every body has a size, shape, color.” We write it down in a notebook.

    Slide number 7. What is nature? Choose the correct answer from three answer options:

    Slide number 8 – working with cards. Students have cards with pictures of bodies (objects) on their desks. We invite students to divide the cards into two groups: table, sun, tree, pencil, cloud, stone, books, chair. Let's write down the answers in our notebooks. We ask students to read the names of the bodies, this will be 1 group. On what basis did they place the words in this group? We do the same with the second group.

    Correct answer:

    We draw a conclusion. How we divided the words (by what principle?): There are bodies that are created by nature, and there are those that are created by human hands.

    We draw up the block in a notebook (Figure 1).

    Slide number 9. “Interactive feed” technique. The slide shows natural and artificial bodies. Using the scroll button, which is also a trigger, we look through natural and artificial bodies (each time you press the button, the grouped pictures change).

    We consolidate the acquired knowledge with the help of the game “Traffic Light” (slides 10-12). The game is about finding the correct answer.

    Slide 10. Task: find natural bodies. From the proposed bodies on the slide, you must select only natural bodies. The picture is a trigger - when pressed, a traffic light signal (red or green) appears. Sound files help students ensure they have chosen the correct answer.

    Teacher. Let us remember what we talked about at the beginning. We found it difficult to accurately determine whether metal, water, and clay are bodies and came to the conclusion that they do not have exact outlines or shapes, and therefore are not bodies. We call these words substances. All bodies are made of substances. Write down the definition in your notebook.

    Slide 13. On this slide we will look at two examples.

    Example 1: scissors - body, what they are made of - substance (iron).

    Example 2: drops of water are bodies, the substance of which the drops are made is water.

    Slide number 14. Let's consider bodies that consist of several substances. For example, a pencil and a magnifying glass. On the slide we look separately at the substances that make up a pencil. To demonstrate, click on the control buttons: “graphite”, “rubber”, “wood”. In order to remove unnecessary information, press the cross.

    Let's consider what substances the magnifying glass consists of. Press the triggers “glass”, “wood”, “metal”.

    Slide No. 15. To reinforce this, let’s look at two more examples. What is a hammer made of? The hammer consists of iron and wood (handle). What are knives made of? Knives are composed of iron and wood substances.

    Slide number 16. Consider two objects that consist of several substances. Meat grinder: made of iron and wood. Sled: made of iron and wood.

    Slide 17. We conclude: bodies can consist of one substance, or they can consist of several.

    Slides 18, 19, 20. “Interactive feed” technique. We show it to the students. One substance can be part of several bodies.

    Slide 18. Substances consist entirely or partially of glass.

    Slide 19. Substances consist entirely or partially of metal.

    Slide 20. Substances consist entirely or partially of plastic.

    Slide 21. The teacher asks the question “Are all substances the same?”

    On the slide, click the “Start” control button. Notebook entry: all substances consist of tiny invisible particles. We introduce a classification of substances according to their state of aggregation: liquid, solid, gaseous. The slide uses triggers (arrows). When you click on the arrow, you can see a picture of particles in a given state of aggregation. Click on the arrow again and the objects will disappear.

    Slide 22. Experimental part. It is necessary to prove that the particles are tiny, invisible to the eye, but retaining the properties of the substance.

    Let's do an experiment. On the students' tables are trays with a set of simple laboratory equipment: a glass, a spoon for stirring, a napkin, a piece of sugar.

    Place a piece of sugar in a glass and stir until completely dissolved. What are we seeing? The solution has become homogeneous, we no longer see a piece of sugar in a glass of water. Prove that there is still sugar in the glass. How? To taste. Sugar: a white substance that tastes sweet. Conclusion: after dissolution, sugar did not cease to be sugar, because it remained sweet. This means that sugar consists of tiny particles invisible to the eye (molecules).

    Slide 23. Let's consider the arrangement of particles in substances with a solid state of aggregation. We demonstrate the location of particles and matter (examples) using the “interactive tape” technique - the scroll button allows you to show the pictures the required number of times. We write down the conclusion in our notebook: in solids, particles are located close to each other.

    Slide 24. Arrangement of particles in liquid substances. In liquid substances, particles are located at some distance from each other.

    Slide No. 25. The arrangement of particles in gaseous substances: the particles are located far from each other, the distance between them significantly exceeds the particle size itself.

    Slide 31. It's time to summarize. Together with the teacher, they remember what they learned new in the lesson. The teacher asks questions:

    1. Everything that surrounds us is called... bodies
    2. There are bodies natural And artificial.
    3. Write down the diagram in your notebook. Teacher: Let's look at the diagram. Bodies can be natural and artificial, substances can be solid, liquid, gaseous. Substances are made up of particles. The particle retains the properties of the substance (remember that sugar remained sweet when dissolved). The slide uses triggers. Click on the “Body” shape, arrows appear, then shapes labeled “Artificial” and “Natural”. When you click on the “substance” figure, three arrows appear (liquid, solid, gaseous).

    Slide number 30. Fill out the table. Read the instructions carefully.

    (Mark with “ + ” in the corresponding column, which of the listed substances are solid, liquid, gaseous).

    Substance Solid Liquid Gaseous
    Natural gas
    Carbon dioxide

    Checking the progress of the work (slide 30). Children take turns naming the substance and explaining which group it belongs to.

    Lesson summary

    1) Summing up

    You worked together.

    Let's find out which group was the most attentive in the lesson. The teacher asks the question: “What are called bodies, what characterizes a body, give an example.” Students answer. Everything that surrounds us is called bodies. What are the types of substances based on their state of aggregation: liquid, solid, gaseous. What do substances consist of? Give examples of how particles retain the properties of substances. For example, if we add salt to soup, how do we know that the properties of the substance have been preserved? To taste. Fill out the diagram (Figure 2)

    Discussion: what we agree with, what we disagree with.

    What new did you learn? Children report. ( All objects surrounding us are called bodies. Bodies are made up of substances. Substances are made from particles).


    The teacher tells the children their homework (optional):

    • solve a small test (Appendix 5).
    • interactive test (Appendix 3).
    • view presentation about water (Appendix 7). In the presentation you can get acquainted with six well-known facts about water. Think, guys, why do you need to get to know this substance better? Answer: the most common substance on Earth. What other substance would you like to invite to your place (creating virtual excursions).
    • study the electronic textbook (Appendix 4).

    Note: the teacher can additionally use slides No. 32, 33, 36.

    Slide number 32. Task: test yourself. Find products (interactive test).

    Slide number 33. Task: test yourself. Find living and inanimate bodies (interactive test).

    Slide number 36. Task: divide bodies into bodies of animate and inanimate nature (interactive test).


    1. Gribov P.D. how a person explores, studies, uses nature. 2-3 grades. Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.-64 p.
    2. Maksimova T.N. Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”: 2nd grade. - M.: VAKO, 2012.-336 p. - (To help the school teacher).
    3. Reshetnikova G.N., Strelnikov N.I. The world. Grade 3: entertaining materials. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 264 pp.: ill.
    4. Tikhomirova E.M. Tests on the subject “The world around us”: 2nd grade: for the educational set A.A. Pleshakova “The world around us. 2nd grade.” - M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2011. - 22 p.

    Class 2 dangerous goods include pure gases, mixtures of gases, mixtures of one or more gases with one or more other substances, as well as products containing such substances. Substances and products of class 2 are divided into compressed gas; liquefied gas; refrigerated liquefied gas; dissolved gas; aerosol sprays and small containers containing gas (gas cartridges); other products containing gas under pressure; non-pressurized gases subject to special requirements (gas samples). Transporting Class 2 dangerous goods involves the risk of explosion, fire, suffocation, frostbite or poisoning.

    Air- a natural mixture of gases consisting by volume of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.3% carbon dioxide and very small amounts of noble gases, hydrogen, ozone, carbon monoxide, ammonia, methane, sulfur dioxide and others. Density of liquid air 0.96 g/cubic. cm (at -192°C and normal pressure). Air is necessary for many processes to occur: combustion of fuel, smelting of metals from ores, industrial production of various chemical compounds. Air is also used to produce oxygen, nitrogen and noble gases; as a refrigerant, heat and sound insulating material, working fluid in electrical insulating devices, pneumatic tires, jet and spray devices, pneumatic machines, etc.

    Oxygen- a chemical element with pronounced oxidizing properties. Oxygen is mainly used in medicine. In addition to medicine, oxygen is used in metallurgy and other industries, and liquid oxygen serves as an oxidizer for rocket fuel.

    Propane– a colorless, flammable, odorless, explosive gas contained in natural and associated petroleum gases, in gases obtained from CO and H2, as well as during oil refining. Propane has a negative effect on the central nervous system; if liquid propane comes into contact with the skin, frostbite can occur.

    Nitrogen- colorless gas, tasteless and odorless. Nitrogen is used in many industries: as an inert medium in various chemical and metallurgical processes, for filling free space in mercury thermometers, when pumping flammable liquids, etc. Liquid nitrogen is used in various refrigeration units. Nitrogen is used for the industrial production of ammonia, which is then processed into nitric acid, fertilizers, explosives, etc.

    Chlorine- poisonous gas of yellow-green color. The main quantities of chlorine are processed at the site of its production into chlorine-containing compounds. Chlorine is also used for bleaching cellulose and fabrics, for sanitary needs and chlorinating water, as well as for chlorinating some ores to extract titanium, niobium, zirconium, etc. Chlorine poisoning is possible in the chemical, pulp and paper, textile, pharmaceutical industries, etc. d. Chlorine irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract; often, a secondary infection joins the primary inflammatory changes. The concentration of chlorine in the air is 500 mg/m3. m. with fifteen minutes of exposure is fatal. In order to prevent poisoning, it is necessary: ​​sealing production equipment, effective ventilation, and, if necessary, using a gas mask.

    Ammonia- colorless gas with a sharp characteristic odor. Ammonia is used to produce nitrogen fertilizers, explosives and polymers, nitric acid, soda and other chemical products. Liquid ammonia is used as a solvent. In refrigeration technology, ammonia is used as a refrigerant (717). Also, a 10% ammonia solution (ammonia) is widely used in medicine. According to its physiological effect on the body, it belongs to the group of substances with asphyxiating and neurotropic effects, which, if inhaled, can cause toxic pulmonary edema and severe damage to the nervous system. Ammonia has both local and resorptive effects. Ammonia vapors strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs, as well as the skin, causing excessive lacrimation, eye pain, chemical burns of the conjunctiva and cornea, loss of vision, coughing attacks, redness and itching of the skin. When liquefied ammonia and its solutions come into contact with the skin, a burning sensation occurs, and a chemical burn with blisters and ulcerations is possible. In addition, liquefied ammonia absorbs heat when it evaporates, and when it comes into contact with the skin, frostbite of varying degrees occurs.