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  • Uriel Septim VII. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Uriel Septim VII Crisis in the West and East

    Uriel Septim VII.  The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Uriel Septim VII Crisis in the West and East
    When Pelagius IV died in 3E 368 after his astonishing reign of 29 years, Tamriel was even closer to unification than even in the time of Uriel I. Uriel VII, son of Pelagius IV, had the zeal of his great aunt Morihata, the political talent of his famous uncle Uriel VI, with the military might of his cousin Uriel V. He reigned for 21 years, bringing order and justice to Tamriel.
    Uriel VII was betrayed by his battle mage Jagar Tharn and imprisoned by him in another dimension in 3E 389. Tharn used illusion magic to take on the appearance of the emperor. For the next ten years, Tharn ruled as emperor, but did not intend to continue Uriel VII's initiative to conquer territories. It is not known exactly what goals and achievements Tharn pursued when he took on the guise of his former master. All the time that Uriel VII spent in captivity, he did not age, because Jagar Tharn managed to slow down time, because with the death of Uriel, the Dragon Fires would have gone out and the Council would have realized that there was an impostor on the throne. This may also explain why Uriel VII lived and reigned for such a long period of time.
    Tharn was defeated by a hero whose name is unknown, a protégé of Riya Silmain (a former student of Tharn), who also freed the emperor from captivity, for which he received the title of Eternal Protector.
    After his release from the parallel world, Uriel worked tirelessly to reunite Tamriel. Due to Tharn's intervention, this moment was lost, but Tamriel still experienced great and golden times during the reign of this emperor.
    In 3E405, UrielVII sends an agent to Iliac Bay in High Rock to investigate the death of Uriel's former friend, King Lysandus of Daggerfall. The emperor's assistant managed to find out the truth about the true cause of Lysandus' death. At the same time, the hero manages to recreate the Numidium, an ancient Dwemer construction.
    Later in his reign, the emperor sent another agent to the island of Warfendel, which is located in the dark elf province of Morrowind. His task was to find out the truth about the Nerevarine prophecies and the Sixth House.
    After a grueling struggle with the pestilence, the newly awakened creatures of the Sixth House and the death of the leader of this House, Dagoth Ur, the hero fulfills the prophecies of the Nerevarine.
    Uriel VII was, by and large, a good ruler, but due to the fact that he was always very secretive and withdrawn by nature, he did not gain popularity among the people. When the emperor turned 80 years old, he no longer enjoyed his former health, and named Geldal Septim and his brothers Enman and Evel as his heirs, but this only caused great controversy and even unrest in the Imperial City. There were rumors among the sorcerers that they were nothing more than doubles, and the real heirs were killed by Tharn when he seized power.
    In 3E 433, on the 27th of Harvest Month, all three heirs to the throne were killed by the Daedric cult Mythic Dawn. On the same day, Emperor Uriel himself fell at the hands of a cult assassin. As a result, only one heir of Septim remained - Uriel's illegitimate son Martin Septim, the only one who could rightfully take the throne. 3E346 - 3E433 Predecessor: Pelagius IV Successor: Martin I Death: 3E433
    Imperial City Dynasty: Septimov Father: Pelagius IV Spouse: Kaula Voriya Children: Geldall, Enman, Ebel, Martin I
    First era (1E1-1E2920) ... ...
    First Empire (Cyrodiil) Alessia 1E243-1E266
    Belharza 1E266-?
    ... ...
    Ami-El 1E IV century
    ... ...
    Eartha 1E 11th century
    ... ...
    Second Empire (Cyrodiil)
    Riemann I 1E2703-?
    ... ...
    Riemann III ?-1E2920
    Second era (2E1-2E896) Versidu-Shai 1E2920-2E324
    ... ...
    Savirin-Chorak ?-2E430
    ... ...
    Kahlekein ?-2E854
    Third Empire (United Tamriel)
    Talos (Tiber I) 2E854-2E896
    Third era 2E896-3E38
    Pelagius I 3E38-3E41
    Kintyra I 3E41-3E48
    Uriel I 3E48-3E64
    Uriel II 3E64-3E82
    Pelagius II 3E82-3E98
    Antiochus I 3E98-3E119
    Kintyra II 3E119-3E121
    Uriel III 3E121-3E127
    Cephorus I 3E127-3E140
    Magnus Septim I 3E140-3E145
    Pelagius III 3E145-3E153
    Catariach I] 3E153-3E199
    Cassinder I 3E199-3E201
    Uriel IV 3E201-3E245
    Andorak I 3E245-3E248
    Cephorus II 3E248-3E268
    Uriel V 3E268-3E290
    Uriel VI 3E290-3E313
    Morihata I 3E313-3E339
    Pelagius IV 3E339-3E388
    Uriel Septim VII 3E388-3E433
    Martin Septim I 3E433

    Uriel Septim VII(3E346 - 3E433) - a character from The Elder Scrolls series of games, King of Tamriel since 368, the last ruling emperor of Tamriel. One of the first characters the player encounters in the game TES4: Oblivion.

    Youth and coronation

    Uriel Septim is mostly Imperial by blood. Nothing is known about the king’s youth; we only know that he was with his father, Pelagius Septim IV, all this time. In 368, when Pelagius died of illness, Uriel was crowned king at the age of 22. In his youth, Uriel was a brave man, almost to the point of recklessness, but he had a strong mind.

    Strategist and Peacemaker

    The first decades of Emperor Uriel's reign were marked by a rapid and widespread expansion and consolidation of the Empire's sphere of influence, particularly in the East, Morrowind and Black Marsh, where the Empire's power was limited, Imperial culture weak, and local customs and traditions strong, increasing resistance. the process of assimilation. During this period, Uriel benefited greatly from the magical support and practical advice of his closest aide, the Imperial Battle Mage, Jagar Tharn.

    Uriel's marriage to Princess Caula Vorie turned out to be a failure because, despite her beauty, she had a terrible character. The couple hated each other. But nevertheless, the imperial family was continued by the august spouses; Kaula Vorie brought the Emperor three sons: Geldall, Enman and Ebel.

    Uriel soon surpassed his master, Jagar Tharn, in his mastery of threats and persuasion, which he proved by establishing House Hlaalu as a stronghold of Imperial culture. Tharn, realizing this, decided to commit treason; with the help of magic, he imprisoned Uriel in Oblivion, and he himself took on his appearance.


    Uriel himself remembers nothing from the period of imprisonment in Oblivion, except for a series of nightmares and waking dreams. Meanwhile, the usurper ruled the empire, but his negligence led to economic decline and several wars.

    But, fortunately, Tharn was exposed by Queen Barenziah, and soon Uriel returned - although not as he was before: imprisonment exhausted his body and soul, and, although his mind remained intact, the emperor became pessimistic, cautious and calculating.

    Recovery Period

    During the Restoration Period, Uriel changed his usual policy of political and military pressure and relied more on covert, behind-the-scenes operations carried out by units of the Blades.

    Uriel's two signature political achievements during this period were the "Miracle of the World" [better known as the "Warp of the West"], which transformed the Iliac Bay region, uniting many small warring kingdoms into the well-governed modern peaceful states of Hammerfell, Sentinel, Wayrest and Orsinium, and also the colonization of Vvardenfell, carried out by the capable hands of King Helseth of Morrowind and Lady Barenziah, the Queen Mother, which increased Imperial influence in Morrowind.

    Having considered the ancient Dunmer prophecy of the Nerevarine, Uriel sent an unknown prisoner to Vvardenfell who fell under the conditions of the prophecy, promoting him to the Blades. Caius Cosades, the spymaster of Vvardenfell, speculated that the emperor might decide to use a fake Nerevarine to act in the interests of the empire. But perhaps Uriel foresaw the fulfillment of the prophecy. The Nerevarine turned out to be the true Incarnation, defeated Dagoth Ur and stopped the spread of corprus and the threat from the Sixth House, which proves the correctness of the choice made by the emperor.

    End of life

    I am Uriel Septim the Seventh. For sixty-five years I have ruled a great empire, and all this time I have not been in control of my own dreams ... Today is the 27th of the month of the Last Harvest, year 433. And these are the last hours of my life

    From the emperor's diary.

    The emperor knew that he was doomed - and did not resist fate. Agents of the Mythic Dawn staged an assassination attempt to kill all of Tiber Septim's heirs in order to enable Mehrunes Dagon to infiltrate Tamriel. All three princes were killed, each of whom by this time was over fifty years old. But the sectarians did not know about the illegitimate son of the emperor Martin, a priest in one of the towns of Tamriel - this saved the Empire. In the last hours of his life, the emperor gave the Amulet of Kings to a mortal he saw in a dream, a prisoner in the capital's prison, so that he would help Martin get the throne and save the empire from Mehrunes Dagon.


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    I think it was Turdas, the thirtieth of the Month of the Second Corn. I remember this date, because the shadow so ironically chose to appear on the last day under the auspices of its sign, which marks the end of spring and carries a special symbolism for us, dark brothers. “Lordas. Second Month of the Middle of the Year ”I had two days left to search, in order to then point out to the notifier the culprit. I destroyed part of the note, keeping the small piece of paper marked by his hand. “In order to remember,” I told myself, but in reality I continued to fiddle with it in my hands until it completely crumbled into dust. And then, in the forest house of Telindril, I extracted it, experiencing a gut-wrenching thrill. For about an hour we just sat in silence, tail between our legs, like cowardly animals, and discussed precautions. The Bosmerka poked her head out periodically, making sure how well the two sisters had hidden from someone who didn’t have to look for us. I looked at one point between the walls, past which flashed the frail but knocked down, as if an elegant doll was being repaired with cotton wool, body of a short elf, irritatingly swinging her legs until she pressed my knees with the shoulder of her bow, thereby interrupting the obsessive neurosis. I told Telindril everything I was thinking, keeping silent about my role in this film. “We shouldn’t interfere,” she repeated, not for the first time, or maybe I just knew that the dark sister would be on the side of neutrality, transferring responsibility into the hands of Lucien. – Going further, you may not be able to cope with what awaits you in the depths. -Are you suggesting we sit here? – I was indignant, looking up at the wooden ceiling, darkened by numerous torches, half of the boards of which were askew, showing crooked rusty nails. The wind howled terribly that night, forcing the wreck to sing in an unnatural voice. - ... And hope that the desperate killer will abandon the idea of ​​cutting our throats? -... AND“Think carefully before doing anything further,” she corrected sternly. - I had enough time to think. What if everything is as I assume? Maybe not the traitor himself, but someone helping him from the inside. How much longer will we think? When do you decide you're ready to return to the shelter? – Starting to actively gesticulate, I imagined myself as Adamus Filida - he thereby assumed confidence, rapidly falling down. - Sitting here, you will never be able to understand this. “If everything is as you assume, then under no circumstances should we do anything,” she folded her hands, hanging the bow behind her back. - We need to watch. We have no other choice. - Eat. “I have one last hope left, Tel,” I stood in front of her. - Vincent. It seems that he is the one who loses the most in this story... - Vincent? Ochiva, Teinava, Marie, Gogron, “smacks of paranoia,” she shook her head, lowering her eyes to the floor. “But Vincent... there’s something bad here.” - Please help me! He carries the signet with him in his pocket all the time. I need to track him down and get this ring! As soon as I have it... - As soon as you have it, you will set the “shadow” on yourself again! Why would you want to get involved in this? Besides…Are you out of your mind? Have you ever chased a vampire? It hurt to think of a dear friend in that way, and more than knowing the truth, I wish I could hear him at least sweet lie about not being involved. “He protected me for so long,” my consciousness wanted to justify Vincent. “Gabriel also once protected you,” common sense insisted. I regretfully denied why Telindril put on a pitifully troubled face, explaining. - We won't be able to get close to him. Especially while hunting. I am no longer as agile as in my youth, and would not mind further avoiding such meetings. I won't take you back. I sucked in a breath. Scary. The stomach was tied into a knot, as it was always knitted in the presence of Lucien, only it was something between fear of a man and a monster sleeping inside him. I knew little about vampires, much less could I imagine them during a famine. My grandmother used to tell me tales of the damned whose humanity was crushed by an equivalent entity born of disease, stories that usually began and ended with someone's death. “But I'm not a five-year-old girl anymore.” “Just… get me as close as you can,” I forced myself to squeeze out through my teeth, waiting for a long time for an answer. I heard the sound of a rising beam and the creak of a door. - Went.

    Tel waited until I climbed onto the hill behind the shack - she did not lock the shelter when leaving, so as to instantly get into the house from the outside. We looked around, within the radius of the temporary hut, some kind of material magic began, which was not under my control at that time - an art that only rangers know. I was impressed by how, using her natural talents, Telindril could “read” the forest. The forest giving her signs is no different, for how can I understand why, looking into the stuffy darkness, the Bosmer led us further north, without hesitation, and then I heard a familiar metallic smell and saw around the marks of a day ago, putting dots in the places of the former questions. Anticipating my interest, the elf running ahead paused not far from the border of the county sector inhabited by people and measures in a circle of slightly stripped trunks, stroking one of the trees and peering ahead. - Do you see the scratches? – she asked. - I saw him here yesterday. As I approached, Tel pointed to short, straggly furrows, barely visible under the moons. I ran my nails along the shallow grooves, relieved to realize that they had been left by an ordinary blade. - Vincent did this? “Yes,” the Bosmer nodded, throwing her hand forward towards the impenetrable blackness, where the mixed forest was overgrown with shade-tolerant conifers - where you should have gone, only realizing why you were on the way. – I don’t know why he does this. I was not interested in the peculiarities of vampire hunting. Not exactly for orientation. - Bait? – I turned inquisitively to Telindril, biting my fingers. The bush nearby barely glistened with the coagulated black liquid, and I rubbed a small leaf in the light, revealing a faint purple tint. – Is this human blood? “It may be too late to search in the morning - there are many hunters,” she left me without answers, subtly trying to dissuade me from a stupid idea. - Everything has a validity period. You need to move on if you are sure... And I nodded, prompting Telindril, parting the thick branches of wild berries with her hands, to make her way into the very thick of the unknown thicket, a little trampled either by wild boars, or a lost wolf, and, apparently, by one thirsty damn Breton. For some part of the way, the elf still allowed herself to make remarks about the fact that for the first time she was purposefully climbing into a trap, slightly defusing the thick and viscous air, but then any attempts to perk up were thwarted by bird cries - she fell silent. Behind the bushes, we discovered a rather rare section of the spruce forest, where Secunda was fully overflowing, coloring the dense fog of the cooling soil in a ghostly blue color. I involuntarily tensed from the surrounding haze - it touched the skin with a slightly damp cold breath, and from the slightest breath the veil moved, creating mirages in the distance, reminding travelers of the opportunity to turn back. Telindril slowed down, switching to a creeping step, as if feeling the path with her feet - smoothly lowering her heel, rolling onto her toes, and again for a new step. For many meters ahead there was not a soul visible - however, I did not stop my sister from listening. There were no fallen leaves here at all, so we walked completely silently. In the forest it is difficult to estimate the distance traveled. It seemed like an hour passed before Tel ran forward and crouched down, almost disappearing into the fog. Her head turned around, frowning. “There are almost no traces,” she said as if to herself. - I don’t understand... - Tel? – I called, to which she slowly stood up, still turning around. - Do not be silent. “We either went the wrong way...” Telindril began, continuing without blinking. - ...or we are already there. Fatigue was taking its toll. I suddenly realized that I had not supported the “detection of life” for a long time, hoping for the scent of the Bosmerka. Having used magic, I noticed something in the distance - two figures, one of which flashed and went out. I immediately sharply extended my hand in that direction, grabbing and pushing Tel in the opposite direction, but she nodded and began to resist, bending me down to the level of the bush with a call to follow her. With some strange gestures, Telindril made it clear that “either now or never,” bringing us closer to the desired goal. We climbed through the foliage of the medium vegetation, trying not to touch the thin, trembling branches, getting closer to see what the spruce trees were hiding from us. And in my eyes the energy became agitated. “Fickle” If with Lucien I saw an intense flame, then with Vincent - like a fire in the forest - the wind blows, and the quiet wall flares up, devouring the next tier in a wave. Its incredible rhythm, blurring the eye, pulled forward to see the unclear event. - All! “We can’t go any further,” Telindril stopped me in a whisper, only then remembering why I was heading here, letting go of my hand. She reluctantly moved with me. Our cover ended a hundred meters from the vampire, whom we saw when we looked out: Tel - on top of a bush, I - from behind a wide tree nearby, freed from my dark sister. The vampire wrapped his arms around a young woman with her head thrown back, as if in a tight embrace, but the innocence of the scene was disrupted by sharp fangs digging into her whitish neck, and thin black paths streaked the even canvas of smooth skin, spilling into a solid mess. It became difficult for him to hold the limp body with legs twitching in weakness - she tried in vain to push off the ground, and Vincent sank to his knees, pushing the victim to the ground. Flashes of transient vitality. This vampire meal made me shudderingly unpleasant - I turned away to Telindril, who had been looking at me for a long time, and through force forced myself to look at something where my sister was pointing - a man tied to a tree. “And I was wondering where they wandered into your clutches at night.” “Waiting until they weaken,” Tel explained. – Your chance is when he feeds. - They won't survive, right? “I saw how the life was leaving the hunter, but Vincent’s strength was growing. There was a sharp rustle and a light sigh, the tramp of steps - I turned around, not seeing the elf nearby. “Sithis” When I decided to walk around in order to be next to the captive, the vampire in front of my eyes stood up, resting on his knees, staggering, more from the discomfort of his posture than from the pain in his three-hundred-year-old joints. And the head with disheveled thick shoulder-length hair slowly turned in my direction. And the eyes, bright scarlet, burned in the darkness, attracting mine like a moth. If I immediately ran away from the shadow, now I froze in place, paralyzed, watching the satiated monster. I only perked up when the vampire disappeared from my field of vision, although I was sure that he was right in front of me a second ago. “Too close” A chilling chill ran down my spine. I was cautiously spinning around my axis, inevitably giving myself away sooner or later. A sickening lump had already rolled up, but the flashes disappeared, and the forest was empty, inviting us to look at the results of the dark brother’s successful hunt. “Hidden?” I shuddered, walking backwards on wobbly legs behind the bloodless body and sitting down next to this woman. The picture struck me so much that I did not understand my actions - with a tremor I reached for her throat, feeling the four precise holes that fell into the once pulsating arteries, and with the other hand I touched my still warm neck. At that moment, a man woke up ten meters to the side of me. He screamed when he saw a figure near the freezing body. - ANOTHER ONE! ANOTHER ONE! GET AWAY, CREATURE! – The speech was confused, swam, many letters were swallowed by a lolling tongue from a waking nightmare. Moans, sobs and sobs. - AAAAGH! What did you do... I sank down in front of the hunter in fetters, and it seems that my eyes were as big as his, since the guy immediately burst into hope, stopping shedding tears. There were no words, they were all lost somewhere out there, in the impenetrable thicket. - did he catch you? “I raised his wobbling head, showing the absence of vampire fangs, speaking with a glance in a half-whisper, but he only wriggled from side to side, blinded by the moons. - Where? I need to know. Where? I'm looking for him. - You... are not a bloodsucker? Guys die all the time. Oooh, but I warned them,” the man, chattering, tapped the back of his head on the trunk to which he was tied with a rope. - Ooooh... The rich woman came to the rescue with one dagger! - What's wrong with your eyes? – I peered, forcibly opening his eyelids with pupils as wide as a dish. - Ha... Vincent left you to die, right? You're delusional. Come on, get up! Quickly cutting the bonds, I lifted the Dunmer to his feet, throwing his arm over his shoulders. “How presumptuous.” The hunter’s weapon lay nearby. From the pile of things I only took a small knife, hiding it in my boot under the leggings. At that time he fell near the woman. I assumed that I was in for another scene of mourning the death of my beloved, but instead the man, with drunken movements, ran his hands along her armor, patting her pockets, until he pulled out a wallet and a package that looked like a card, took the jewelry from her chest and waved it away, covering his eyes with his palms, from the sight of a blue head with empty veins. A late deer with a broken antler combed through the foliage on the other side of the clearing. I strained my eyes - nothing. The grass along which I moved was trampled by signs of struggle and gaped with alien drops leading further into the forest. -Where did he go? – I asked myself, to which the hunter, falling from his knees to his fifth point, laughed mockingly. “Let’s follow the vampire,” he spat outrageously on the deceased, rubbing her on a leather doublet. - This is what she said. He leaves them on purpose...” the man pointed his finger at the tiny dots scattered on the ground. “I know,” I turned around, encountering an incredulous look, constantly keeping in mind the background behind our figures. The fog was still rising steadily. The earth has not cooled down. – Where exactly do they lead? “Who knows...,” the hunter squinted slyly. It seems his head cleared, as the man spoke more and more clearly. - There is a lake in the north. There is a cave near the lake. We were caught exactly at the moment when we decided to visit this lair. And the vampire... for some reason... dragged the two of us here. “Show him to me,” I pulled the Dunmer by the collar, flying up, causing him to indignantly knock off his hand. Sometimes I forgot that the power of the organization gave me nothing but deceptive pride. - Show?! I almost said goodbye to my life, lady! Thank you, of course, for this,” he raised his free hands. “But I could handle it myself.” I had everything under control. You should go home. “Hmm... Under control, that means...” I nodded. - Well. I don't think I'll be mistaken.

    Taking a courageous breath, I set off along the crimson path that Vincent had deliberately created. Since the hunter did not want to help me, then this was the only way. The thicket was increasingly immersed in darkness, only now the trees were becoming denser, giving no respite from the mysterious glare flickering in my peripheral vision. There the branches were scattered by an animal, they crunched, no matter how hard I tried to step, passing by. It’s harder to see blood on the needles, and soon it disappeared completely, and I followed my inner voice. I wondered about the dark sister, if she had stumbled upon a monster instead of being careful about the future when I found Vincent. Taking advantage of Telindril’s experience, I crouched, bending to the ground, and it smelled of pleasant dampness, smoothly mixing with the abomination of the rotting massive carcass. “If I find it,” I trembled, shuddering from a rustling somewhere to the right. Ten minutes later, the Dunmer called out to me. “You’re going the wrong way, rich girl,” he hissed, and I almost rushed at him with a dagger, mistaking the characteristic red color of the elf’s eyes for a vampire’s. “Followed me?” - A sudden noble impulse, Mr. Hunter? “I saw you turning west,” I heard from behind, walking and sniffing the growing stench. - Follow me. I'll help. “It’s strange... I was sure... that I was going east,” I thoughtfully revealed the sight of a dead slender animal behind a fallen hollow tree. - You have no bearings at all. You'll perish! I was really ready to follow the man, not believing in myself, frightened by the wild forest, however, almost turning away from the deer, I noticed only one full horn, like the one that appeared at the edge of the forest. “He was killed recently!” The Dunmer sharply pulled the bowstring in my direction, pursing his lips. Behind me, there was a rustle of branches breaking like bones - I turned around at their sound, when a figure rapidly rushing through space with two scarlet eye sockets reflecting fire was already ready to knock me off my feet. I collapsed into the dirty, loose soil from the impulse, rolling on my skinned elbows and lightly hitting my head on the ground. The hunter managed to jump to the side, but the vampire was already holding the man lying next to him by the throat with strong fingers, forcefully strangling him while he fought with his hands like a fish on the shore. I rose with difficulty and crawled a few meters back to the tree, until the world was replenished with another dead man, and the man who killed him turned his attention to me. He approached with a firm gait, finding himself directly above me, and squatted down, throwing away the strands of hair falling on his face with a brief movement of his head. “You could have just asked, “Take me with you hunting, dear Vincent,” the vampire smiled maliciously, clicking his tongue. - I could never refuse such a request of yours. I gasped, looking at the body wheezing in the last dying processes, seeing how pleasant my horror was to Vincent. “Oh, bandits,” he turned around. - Cunning. I knew that I would disdain the blood of a drug addict. Not my favorite seasoning, this skooma. Garlic is better. Vincent seemed to look younger before his eyes in his predatory version. The lazy regularity left the smiling adult Breton, giving way to a frantic boiling, just like the rhythmic flashes of life that I saw.


    This is my forest:

    Oh, I need to find time to draw Vince *_*

    Rufus Hayne

    3E 368-389: Strategist and Peacemaker

    The first decades of Emperor Uriel's reign were marked by a rapid and widespread expansion and consolidation of the Empire's sphere of influence, particularly in the east, in Morrowind and the Black Marsh, where the Empire's power was limited, Imperial culture weak, and local customs and traditions, on the contrary, strong, which increased resistance to the process of merging peoples. During this period, Uriel benefited greatly from the magical support and practical advice of his closest aide, the Imperial battle mage, Jagar Tharn.

    The story of Uriel's marriage to Princess Caula Voria is a very sad one. Despite her beautiful appearance and grace, which aroused the love and admiration of the people, the empress was a very unpleasant, arrogant, ambitious and greedy person. She captivated Uriel Septim with her feminine charms, but he soon regretted his mistake and rejected her. The spouses sincerely hated each other and tried to hurt each other. Their children became victims of this unhappy marriage.

    Thanks to his lively mind and great ambition, Uriel soon surpassed his teacher Tharn in the skill of threats and persuasion. Uriel's success in establishing House Hlaalu as a stronghold of Imperial culture and economic development in Morrowind is proof of this. However, these achievements made the monarch proud and extremely self-confident. Jagar Tharn took advantage of this, donning the mask of a humble retired advisor, he gained the full trust of the Emperor, which ultimately led to Uriel's treacherous capture in Oblivion and Tharn's secret seizure of the throne of the Empire.

    3E 389-399: Betrayed and Imprisoned

    Little is known about what happened to Uriel during his imprisonment in Oblivion. He himself said that he remembers nothing except an endless series of nightmares in his sleep and in reality. He said that he was in some kind of slumber and did not feel the passage of time. For a long time, he publicly assured everyone that he did not remember the horrors of imprisonment, but sometimes, in conversations that became the basis of this biography, he talked about the terrible dreams that haunted him and noted that they reminded him of the nightmares of imprisonment in Oblivion. At such moments it seemed that he was more likely unable, rather than unwilling, to describe what he had experienced.

    But it is obvious that these events changed him. In 389 he was young, full of pride, strength and desires. And after the rescue and return to the throne, he was already an elderly man, gloomy and wary. He also became conservative and sullen, although his earlier policies were bold and energetic, and sometimes even reckless. Uriel attributed these changes to his disgust for the lessons and advice of Jagar Tharn. However, it is clear that his exile in Oblivion has exhausted his body and soul, while his mind has remained as clear and alive as in his youth.

    The story of Tharn's magical reincarnation as emperor and his exposure by Queen Barenziah, and the role played by King Eadwyre, Rya Silmain and her Warmaster in the restoration of the Staff of Chaos and the defeat of the traitor Imperial battlemage Jagar Tharn, and Uriel's return to the throne, are detailed. in Stern Gamboge's magnificent three-volume Biography of Barenziah. There is no point in repeating all this here. To summarize, Tharn's seizure of power and his mismanagement of the country's affairs led the Empire to a steady economic decline, allowed many small lords and kings to challenge the powers of the state, and allowed more powerful rulers in the East and West to start open wars.

    3E 399-415: Restoration, Wonder of the World and Vvardenfell

    During the Restoration, Uriel Septim moved away from his earlier policies of military and diplomatic pressure and began to rely more on conducting covert, behind-the-scenes operations, primarily with the help of small squads of blades. A full analysis of the problems faced during this period and methods of solving them may be carried out after the death of the emperor, if access to the numerous diaries stored in his country estate is opened, and the blades no longer need to keep the identities of their agents secret.

    Uriel's two signature political achievements during this period were the "Miracle of the World" (better known as the "Warp of the West"), which transformed the Iliac Bay region, uniting many small warring kingdoms into the well-governed modern peaceful states of Hammerfell, Sentinel, Wayrest and Orsinium, and also the colonization of Vvardenfell, carried out by the capable hands of King Helseth of Morrowind and Lady Barenziah, the Queen Mother, which increased Imperial influence in this province.

    3E 415-430: The Golden World, the court of King Helseth and the Nine Gods in the East

    Following the "Miracle of the World" (best described in Per Vetersen's book "DAGGERFALL. RECENT HISTORY"), the Empire began a period of prosperity comparable to the early years of Uriel's reign. Thanks to the fact that Middle-earth and the West were firmly part of the Empire, Uriel was able to completely focus on the East - on Morrowind.

    Taking advantage of the conflict situation at the heart of Morrowind's main religion, the Tribunal, and the contradictions in the traditional political system of the Great Houses, as well as the threat that the gods of the Tribunal posed to the growing colonies on Vvardenfell, Uriel, with the help of the Blade agents and the confidants of King Helseth, managed to shift the center of political power from the councils of the Great Houses to the court of Helseth, and also helped establish Ninetheism as the predominant religion in the districts of Hlaalu and Vvardenfell to replace the declining orthodox cults of the Tribunal.

    Hasphat Antabolis's study of the establishment of the religion of the Nine in the East in his four-volume The Life and Times of the Nerevarine is quite extensive, but he was never able to solve the main mystery of this period - to find out what Uriel knew about the prophecies of the Nerevarine and how he was able to recognize their importance. Definitive answers to these and other questions may not be forthcoming until the Emperor's personal archives are opened and the strict secrecy surrounding the activities of the Blades is relaxed.

    Nobody knows how his youth passed. Basically, he was near his father - Pelagius Septim I ruled at that time. When the pope died, the prince was only 22 years old and he was crowned. Young Uriel is brave and courageous, sometimes even reckless, but very smart. He distinguished himself by being able to expand the Empire, as well as strengthen its influence. This happened especially in the east, where local traditions reigned.

    Governing body

    Uriel came to power in 368 and reigned for several decades until his death in 433. Uriel's reign marked a great change in the continent of Tamriel: the Empire became a single state spread across the continent.

    On the map is the continent of Tamriel.

    At the time of Pelagius's death, Tamriel was in the process of uniting the provinces. Uriel sought to continue this integration, pursued an aggressive policy within the Empire and on its outskirts.

    Uriel Septim VII trusted his assistant, and indeed, advice was of great use. The assistant at that time was the magician Jagar Tharn. The emperor strongly trusted him and awarded him great powers, later it turned out that he did it in vain.

    Personal life

    It just so happened that Kaula Voria practically married him to herself. She was a beautiful girl, but her character was completely opposite. After some time, the couple began to dislike each other terribly and could not communicate. Despite this, they perfectly understood their duty, so Kaula gave birth to her husband's children: 3 sons.

    Although Voriya was a beautiful and charming woman, loved and admired by the people, the empress in private was a deeply unpleasant, arrogant, ambitious person. Uriel regretted his mistake, so he fathered an illegitimate son named Martin, who later succeeded him on the throne. Relations between the spouses gradually became more and more unbearable, and their three children had to watch this unhappy marriage.


    Uriel began to engage in threats and various persuasion. He gave House Hlaalu a certain status. When Jagar realized that his student had surpassed him, he committed betrayal. He used magic to send the Emperor of Tamriel to Oblivion.

    Uriel had a flexible mind: economic development in Morrowind is an example of this. However, he also became too proud and overconfident. These qualities became the key for Jagar Tharn, who gained complete trust, which led to betrayal and imprisonment in Oblivion. When Tharn usurped the throne of the Empire, a dark period followed, known as the Imperial Simulacrum.


    Uriel spent ten years in oblivion, going to Obvilion in 389 and returning in 399.

    He claimed that he remembers nothing about the time while he was imprisoned, only various nightmares and waking dreams. He explained that he considered himself a dream and had no concept of reality, that he did not remember dreams or nightmares about imprisonment, but from time to time he described the details of the nightmares that he had.

    Imperial Simulacrum

    Tharn knew nothing about how to rule the Empire. The provinces began to fight, and there was also a decline in the economy. Various riots became more frequent and rebels appeared. As a result, Queen Barenziah decided to talk to the emperor, but realized that the matter was unclean. Since she was a dark elf, it was not difficult for her to find out that in fact it was not Uriel at all, but Jagar. She also learned that the source of the magician's power is the Staff of Chaos.

    This very staff was divided into 8 parts, and each of them was hidden in different provinces. A prisoner was found in prison and sent to look for the staff. He did this, collected the artifact, after which the spell was lifted. Uriel VII was able to return back to the throne and gave a speech, telling the hero that he was giving him the name Eternal Champion. From now on, the Eternal Champion will be the right hand of the emperor and will be able to do various things aimed at the benefit of the Empire.

    Eternal Champion - race and gender determined by the player.


    Two achievements were made by Uriel after his liberation: The Miracle of the World - small kingdoms became comfortable counties; colonization of Vvardenfell, chaired by King Helseth of Morrowind and Barenziah.

    On the map - Vvardenfell, an island in the province of Morrowind. As the Empire entered a period of peace and prosperity, Uriel was able to turn his attention to Morrowind.

    Uriel Septim 7 was able to colonize the site, thus the Empire once again increased its influence. The Emperor learned that there was a certain prophecy about the hero Nerevarine. After reading all the conditions of this prophecy, he found a prisoner who met all these conditions. The emperor's plan was successful because the Nerevarine was able to achieve a lot, in particular he defeated Dagoth Ur. Not everyone understood the emperor’s actions, but in reality he did everything according to his dreams. They were all prophetic, and perhaps this was due to the fact that Uriel Septim spent a lot of time in Oblivion.

    The Last Prophecy

    He knew that he would soon die. He even wrote that he was the ruler of the continent for more than 60 years, saw the Gates of Oblivion with his own eyes, but his time has come. The year was 433, when the Third Era was coming to an end. And also the life of the emperor was nearing its end. He learned that the assassins attacked his sons - the Mythic Dawn did this for a specific purpose: Mehrunes Dagon was supposed to exit through the gates of Oblivion.

    But Septim's heirs interfered. The sectarians did not know that the emperor had become very cunning and took precautions: he had an illegitimate son, about whom no one knew, so the continent was saved. Since the emperor saw one of the prisoners in a dream, he gave this man the Amulet of Kings and asked him to give it to his son so that he can have the right to the throne.

    Uriel appeared in the Elder Scrolls game in the following versions: Arena, II, III, IV parts.

    Briefly about religion

    The Nine Gods are mainly worshiped and represent various virtues and powers. But there are other religions - the faith of the Nords. Another major belief is the worship of the Daedra, the gods of the First Causes who preceded the Nine and are both good and evil.

    They serve as the main driving force in the game, the coming of the Daedra to mortals is the main story and is usually the fulfillment of some kind of prophecy.

    Mehrunes Dagon - Lord of Destruction, one of the Daedre lords. There are 17 such lords in total. The enemy of mortals has repeatedly tried to conquer the physical world. He firmly believes that Tamriel is the physical plane of Obvilion, and therefore belongs to him. Already invaded the capital of Mournhold at the end of the First Era. Conspired with Tharn and helped him seize the throne.

    In the Temple of the One, the Dragon Fires go out to the death of each Emperor. Created by Akatosh from the blood of his heart. Dragon Fires physically protect the clan from all immortal realms. While they burn, the Daedra cannot exist permanently in Tamriel, and portals to Obvilion are impossible. As long as the Septims wear the Amulet of Kings, the Fire of Dragons will burn as a symbol for all men and gods.

    To open the gates of Oblivion and give Dagon the opportunity to reclaim Tamriel, the Mythic Dawn cultists intend to kill all the Septims, since it was their blood that kept the gates closed. They need to open them outside Bruma, destroy the Temple of the Cloud Lord.

    The Elder Scrolls IV

    Uriel Septim VII rules Tamriel. The game takes place in the year 433. The beginning of the game covers the last hours of the reign of Uriel, who bestows the Amulet of Kings on the hero before he is killed with a dagger. The Emperor, hearing of the recent murders of his sons, attempted to escape through a network of passages beneath the imperial prison.

    Uriel was aware of the impending death, the threat looming over Tamriel, and the importance of the prisoner in the chamber containing the secret passage.

    Shortly before his death, the Emperor reveals to a mysterious prisoner (your character) that there is an illegitimate heir, thus maintaining hope that the Septim line can continue. The death of the emperor marked the beginning of the invasion of Tamriel by Mehrune Dagon. It is explained that as long as the Emperor wears the Amulet of Kings and the Fire of Dragons burns, the evil forces cannot come out.

    The death of Emperor Uriel Septim allowed the barrier between Tamriel and Obvilion to be breached, heralding the end of the period of peace that Uriel had so contributed to.

    Uriel's heir Martin serves in the temple in Kwach. You follow there, along the road you get to Ergo. There you will find that the city is nothing but smoking ruins. And refugees settled down near the hill. The guards are camped outside the gates, and the gates of Obvilion are open. The Daedra took advantage of such a kind invitation and come out of the gate. Martin will soon be found. However, the Daedra are not asleep, they stole the Amulet of Kings and you have to return it.

    In the game, Uriel Septim uses quotes from Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar".